How long to charge an electronic cigarette. How to properly charge electronic cigarettes

Every day we come across various electronic devices and do not think at all about the rules for charging them. If you have or are planning to purchase one in the near future, then you simply must know the rules of not only the first, but also subsequent charges. You will learn how to charge an electronic cigarette for the first time in this article. Follow the charging time exactly as recommended by the manufacturer! This will increase the service life of the product and will not harm the battery.

A signal that your electronic cigarette is running low!

  • Firstly, steam output, it will decrease significantly.
  • Secondly, the main sign of discharge is flashing LED at the tip of the device. .

The main stages of the charging process - charging time!

Before the very first use, you must charge the battery (on average about 8 hours). The exact amount of time will be indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions. Subsequently, the charging time for the electronic cigarette will be shorter (on average 2-3 hours).

The kit may come with several special cables for the power supply. Most often, the manufacturer includes a network adapter and a USB connector for the computer. More expensive kits also include a USB connector for the car. Connecting the charger to the battery is quite simple, either screw it in or just insert it (depending specifically on your model). If the charger is inserted correctly, then the tip of the cigarette should light up. If the light on the e-cigarette battery goes out or the color of the diode changes while charging, this is a signal that the device is charged.

What determines the charging time?

Charging time depends on battery capacity. The larger it is, the more time it takes to recharge. If you have, then it is quite possible that the charging time will be 1-2 hours, for - more than 2 hours. One battery lasts for 300-500 full charge cycles. After this, manufacturers advise purchasing a new one.

Only use the battery and e-cigarette from the same manufacturer. Otherwise, failure to comply with this rule may result in product failure. Also, do not forget about proper care, on time. For convenience, we recommend having two on hand; if one “sits down” at the wrong moment, then you can insert the second one. Now you know how to properly charge an electronic cigarette and how to care for it.

In this article, we will analyze all the questions regarding how to properly charge an electronic cigarette. Without charging, your vape device will work offline for a maximum of a day with regular use. But the batteries in an e-cigarette are somewhat different from the power sources of other devices. What is the difference? Let's figure it out.

About charging methods


The only advantage of such a charging system is the absence of additional holes and joints on the power supply case and its compact size.


  • The first disadvantage is the need to disassemble the device every time it is charged.
  • Another disadvantage is the mandatory presence of a special charger.
  • And the last drawback is the inability to use the device while charging.

Micro-USB connector

The micro-USB connector charges most of today's electronic cigarette power sources. The convenience and versatility of this scheme is so great that it is used on both pen-style cigarettes and box mods. USB connector for charging is installed in such devices as: Eleaf iJust 3, Ehpro Evok 80, Kanger Kbox 200W.


  • Versatility and accessibility. Almost everyone has a cable with a micro-USB connector.
  • There is no need to disassemble the device to charge it.
  • On a number of devices with a micro-USB connector, there is a function of vaping while charging.


The objective disadvantage of charging via USB is that not all devices powered by more than one 18650 battery cannot be adequately recharged in this way.

Charging batteries in a separate device

Most of the electronic boards installed in 150W or more e-cigarette mods are not capable of handling battery charging inside the device, as charging two or three 18650 batteries can overheat and burn the board. Therefore, even if such an electronic mod has a micro-USB connector, you need to charge its batteries in an external charger. Some manufacturers specifically include an item in the instructions that says "The micro-USB connector is for software updates only"

External devices for recharging batteries usually work “from the outlet”, since they require more voltage to charge several 18650 batteries at once. Special electronics are installed in such charging stations that fully control the process and make it as high quality as possible.

Some of the most well-known manufacturers producing reliable and high-quality chargers are NItecore and Efest. The chargers they produce meet all the necessary standards and do their job perfectly. Today the most popular among them is:

– a universal station for powering batteries of different sizes. You can install different types of batteries at the same time. The gadget is equipped with all kinds of protections that prevent unpleasant situations when charging the battery. The charger is compact in size, so it will not take up much space in your bag or on your desktop.


  • An external charger, equipped with the necessary electronics, recharges as correctly as possible, increasing the service life of the batteries.
  • Externally charged batteries have the same voltage, which ensures better performance.
  • If you have more than one set of batteries for your device, you can charge the batteries “in reserve.”


  • This charging method requires an outlet, which is not always convenient.
  • The devices are relatively large in size and are really inconvenient to carry around.

How to charge my e-cigarette?

We have already found out that the charging method depends on the specific model of the Vape device. Modern battery mods and electronic cigarettes with built-in batteries can only be charged via a micro-USB connector. Examples of such devices are Ijust 3, Eleaf Ipower 80W, Tesla Nano 100W TC Steampunk.

Charging the batteries of electronic mods without a micro-USB connector (or if the connector is not intended for charging) is carried out only in an external charger. Devices of this type: Smoktech Koopor Mini 60W TC, Tesla Invader 3, SMOK GX2/4 KIT. When purchasing such devices for the first time, do not forget to purchase a charger for them from the manufacturers Efest or Nitecore.

The most important question concerns battery mods for two or more batteries that have a USB connector for charging. As mentioned above, it is possible to charge batteries inside such devices, but it is not safe, both for the devices themselves and for you.

Important! Before charging the device, study all the information about your device, which is in the instructions and on the manufacturer’s official website.

Typically, if a vape has a charging port and a power rating of 100 watts or higher, the manufacturer itself recommends charging the batteries separately, despite the built-in charging system. The clearest example of such a mod is Wismec RX200. There are exceptions to this rule, for example, iStick TC 100W from Eleaf, which, due to the parallel connection of batteries, can be charged via USB without any problems.

Important! Do not attempt to charge a disposable e-cigarette. As practice has shown, this can cause damage to your health and property! Disposable e-cigarettes must be disposed of after use!

Mod for one battery: USB or external charging?

Devices powered by a single 18650 battery with a quick-swap battery can confuse a vaping newbie, leaving them with the question, “How exactly should the mod be charged?” In fact, there is no difficulty here. The control electronics of small vape devices with one battery are quite capable of recharging it from almost any USB and there is no need to buy an external charger.

However, if you want to vape non-stop, then to extend the life of the battery, it would certainly be better to purchase another battery and charge it externally. This is due to the fact that using the device while charging (the so-called passthrough function), although extremely convenient, somewhat reduces the life of your battery.

What if I don't have a charger?

It also happens that your device suddenly runs out of charge, but you don’t have a charger with you. In this case, there are several options:

– Carry a microUSB cable with you if your vape device has a corresponding connector. The modern world is filled with various gadgets with a USB socket, and if you have a cable with you, you can connect to any device that has a voltage release function. Remember that the charging current should not exceed 1 Ampere! - If you use a mechanical mod, then in such a situation, one way out is to carry an additional battery with you, it is better to have several at once, since mechanical mods consume a large amount of energy.

We strongly DO NOT recommend that you use “makeshift” methods of charging the battery (different terminals, wires connected to other power sources). Without special knowledge, you risk damaging your battery or, worse, causing great harm to your health. It is always better to use safe ways to replenish battery energy - special chargers.


Charging via the 510 connector is an outdated scheme that will inevitably leave the vaping world in the very near future. The most universal way is to charge the batteries inside the mod via a USB connector. This system is used on almost all “pen-style” electronics and box mods with one 18650 battery. External charging provides longer service life, faster charging speed, and safety. It is better to charge batteries of all mods with a power of 150-200 Watts in special chargers.

Always refer to the manufacturer's official instructions before charging your e-cigarette. This is the key to your safety and long service life of the vape device.

Many vapers are faced with the problematic issue of the rules for charging an electronic smoking device and the methods that exist for this. Everyone wants to extend the life of their battery.

When does your e-cigarette need recharging?

When the battery in a device runs out, it cannot be ignored, because:

  • the volume of steam decreases or its production stops completely;
  • great efforts are made to tighten;
  • the cigarette begins to leak because the smoking mixture does not evaporate completely, due to insufficient energy on the coil element.

First charge rules

It should be taken into account that in a new cigarette the battery is in a recharged state, so that it is possible to check the functionality of the smoking device. To charge a new battery, it must be completely discharged by using a cigarette until the amount of vapor produced decreases and the indicator lights up confirming the need for charging.

Now the battery needs to be charged and the cycle repeated three times. Such a measure will make it possible to "rock" the smoking device, which will subsequently affect the battery capacity.

Experienced vapers advise putting a new battery on charge for eight hours, then using a cigarette in normal mode, recharging the battery for three to four hours.

Monitoring the charge level during operation

In most cases, when the battery charge of the device drops to 13%, the electronic smoking device alerts the user of this condition by blinking the LED element. Methods for such information will depend on the device model. For example, in a number of models the indicator will give a tenfold light signal.

In cigarettes with a display, such information is displayed on the screen. In this case, the remaining charge is shown as a percentage.

Charging methods

The electronic smoking device is charged in three ways, if you do not take into account the options developed independently:

  • there is no need to separate the evaporator part by connecting the unit to an energy source;
  • it is allowed to use a cord from other smoking devices;
  • There is a special PASS-through functionality that allows the vaper to smoke while recharging the battery.

How long does the charging process take

The time required to charge the battery depends entirely on the battery capacity and the current output from the charger.

If you want to use a charging unit from another cigarette, then determining the recharging time is quite easy if you know the special formula T = 1.4 C/I, where:

  • T – time interval in hours during which the battery is fully charged;
  • 1.4 – the established coefficient, determined from the average values ​​of the charging efficiency, is used to correct the data;
  • C – battery capacity, information about which can be clarified in the operating instructions;
  • I is the value of the current supplied by the element for charging.

These data are specified on the label.

Can it be charged without a power supply

Sometimes circumstances arise when the charging unit for a smoking device breaks down or was not included in the delivery kit at all.

Using a USB cable

The wire is connected to the computer, having previously performed a small revision:

  • The tip is cut off, the insulation is cleaned. After this, red and black wires are identified - “plus” and “minus”.
  • A cork is prepared from a piece of paper, a red wire is stuck into its center so that it peeks out about three millimeters from below. The plug can be reinforced with electrical tape.
  • The clearomizer part is disconnected from the battery, the main contact is found, to which the “plus” is connected, and the “minus” is connected to the body part.
  • The plug is inserted into the battery block so that the red wire reaches the main contact. The black wire is attached to the body with a clamp or clothespin.
  • The cable connects to a USB port on the computer.

Using an adapter from your phone

The mouthpiece is taken out of the cigarette, the battery, atomizer, and wick material are carefully removed. Now take the phone charging plug, cut it off and solder the clamps. All this is connected according to the polarity of the wiring, a constant voltage is set on the tester for measurement.

If the arrow reacts, then the connection is made correctly. The clamps are connected to the contacts of the battery device according to the appropriate polarity. After turning on such charging, the battery is charged within three hours. As a rule, such charging itself stops supplying current.

Homemade charger

Some vapers try to create homemade chargers using the elements that are at hand. But you should take into account the indicators of voltage, resistance and current strength so that the battery does not lose its capacity during recharging.


Not every beginner can understand the intricacies of an electronic device. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately purchase a spare battery, which can be used at any time if the main battery is discharged at the wrong time or loses its ability to work.

It should be remembered that the battery is a delicate element of the smoking device. To extend its service life, it is recommended to take careful care and follow the operating requirements set out in the manual.

What are the ways to charge an e-cigarette? Most vapers (both beginners and pros) encounter this problem. After all, everyone wants to extend the battery life of their e-cigarette. This article will help you with such a sensitive issue and will reveal the secrets of charging ES batteries.

Any device has an instruction manual - first you should study it. You also need to determine what signals your e-cigarette battery provides. Usually, in case of low battery, the indicator in the form of a diode light bulb blinks constantly.

How to charge an electronic cigarette - two simple ways:

  • from the network;
  • via USB connection.

In order to charge, you need to remove the top part of the electronic device and screw the charging cord into its bottom part. If there is an indicator on the charger as well as on the battery, both should light up. This means everything is connected and charging is correct.

The indicators of most batteries tend to signal the end of the charging process - they either change color or go out. How long does it take to charge an electronic cigarette? The time for recharging can range from 1 to 3 hours - it all depends on the battery capacity. The larger it is, the longer it takes.

If the battery fails, its service life has expired - it should be disposed of immediately and under no circumstances be used in the future. On average, one battery can withstand up to 1000 full charges.

When you purchase a new electronic cigarette, remember that the first charge is extremely important and affects the further operation of the device - the power and duration of the battery charge. Below you can familiarize yourself with this nuance.

An important aspect is the first charge

Here is a list of steps required when charging the battery for the first time.

Let's take a closer look:

  1. Always charge your e-cigarette only when the battery is completely discharged - this can be determined by the charge indicator going out (it no longer blinks);
  2. If you see that the battery indicator is indicating low voltage, wait another couple of hours;
  3. The above points need to be repeated about 3 times.

These simple steps will help you significantly increase your battery life.

Second and subsequent battery charges

The subsequent battery charge is no less important.

The process is carried out as follows:

  • Unscrew the battery from the clearomizer;
  • Connect the battery to the charger;
  • Plug in the charger and check if it is charging. As mentioned above, the indicator may change color or start flashing.

How to understand that an electronic cigarette is charged - when the color on the battery indicator changes, it means the battery is fully charged. And don’t forget about the instructions, because each device has its own.

What else to consider

There are important points that will tell you how to properly charge an electronic cigarette so that it serves you for a long time:

  • Do not leave the battery on charge all night - this will not improve the quality of its operation, but on the contrary, it will shorten its service life;
  • Try to fully charge the battery whenever possible until the corresponding indicator signal appears;
  • If you charge the battery very often, it will also quickly fail and stop holding a charge;
  • The lower the ambient temperature and the higher the humidity, the lower the battery productivity and its shelf life;
  • During periods when you do not plan to use your e-cigarette for a long time, disconnect the battery from it. This way you will protect yourself from premature repair of the entire device.

How should I charge a disposable e-cigarette?

Someone will ask: is it possible to charge a disposable ES? It turns out yes. Although it is only enough for a few times, you should not immediately write it off as scrap after use. Moreover, in this way you can save a considerable amount of money. How is this done?

To do this, you will need ordinary tweezers, a syringe, a mobile phone charger, wire clamps, a tester or diode light bulb with symbols, a soldering iron and smoking liquid.

  1. Remove the mouthpiece, then carefully remove the remaining parts of the cigarette with tweezers: battery, atomizer (clearomizer) and padding polyester with wick.
  2. Take the charging plug from under your mobile phone, cut it and solder the clamps to the wires.
  3. Next, you need to indicate the polarity of the wires from the charger. Connect the plus and minus to the wires and set the tester to measure DC voltage.
  4. Now look at the tester readings - if the device shows the presence of voltage, then the wires are connected correctly - to the “pluses” and “minuses”, respectively. If, on the contrary, the indicator is negative, then the wires are connected incorrectly.
  5. The same can be done with the LED - connect it to the charger, and plug the charger into a power outlet. If the light bulb lights up, then the poles match.
  6. Connect the charging clamps to the poles of the e-cigarette battery in accordance with the polarity. Turn on the charger, as a rule, the battery charges in about 3 hours. This is how long you need to charge your e-cigarette - in any case, the mains charging will automatically stop supplying the current.
  7. In order to pour liquid into the ES, you just need to pour it in using a syringe.
  8. Carefully put all the parts of the cigarette back together. It is ready for use again.

Of course, this method is a little problematic and requires time and sleight of hand, but the alternative to saving on cigarettes is much more attractive. And you also need to take into account how long an electronic cigarette should be charged - each device model has an individual charging time.

Today, the culture of smoking electronic cigarettes is gaining more and more popularity. As a result, problems arise with choosing a device. There are many different brands that differ in appearance, battery capacity and ease of use. In order to answer the question of how to charge an electronic cigarette correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with their main types.

In order to charge the ES for the first time, you should completely discharge the device

Electronic cigarettes are classified by smokers primarily by their external shape. There are currently three main types:

  • classic;
  • box mod;
  • exclusive.


This device has the shape of a stick, which is why it got the name “STICK”. This device is small in size and cone-shaped. It is convenient to store such a cigarette in your trouser or shirt pocket. Sticks are divided into disposable and reusable types.

Box mod

The name of the device comes from its shape. “Boxing” in English means box. Indeed, the battery compartment of this type of “vape” resembles a small box. The relatively small size allows the device to fit comfortably in your hand.


A category of electronic devices with a bright, expressive design. In most cases, brands produce a limited batch of such devices. They can be made in the form of cigars, smoking pipes and even musical instruments. Despite their small distribution, exclusive models of electronic cigarettes are extremely popular.

Classification by functionality

Many of those who are “in the know” can say that the main difference between e-cigarettes is not in form, but in functionality. There are four main classifications.

  • set for beginners;
  • battery mod;
  • mod with thermal control function;
  • mechanical mod.

Beginner's set

This set includes most devices that have a classic shape. Their main purpose is to help you get rid of a bad habit. In such models there are no various additional functions, and all control is carried out using one button. Charging for an electronic cigarette of this type takes about several hours, and the battery capacity lasts almost a day.

Battery mod

One of the most popular types of electronic cigarettes. Their appearance is completely identical to box mods. Such models can be equipped with various additional functions, including several vaping modes (thrust force changes) and the ability to set the required power of the device. The device is equipped with a display that displays all the necessary functions. Instead of a battery, such devices use removable batteries.

Mods with temperature control function

Roughly speaking, this is the same device as the battery mod, only with one additional function. In addition to various functionality for adjusting power, this device has the ability to change the steam temperature. Thanks to this, the user can set the most suitable steam temperature, and the system selects the remaining settings automatically. Using this function means reducing the consumption of refueling fluid and battery energy.

Mechanical mod

Recommended for purchase by people with extensive experience using electronic cigarettes. Such devices do not have any protective functions. Incorrect use, defective additional elements, or too much power can lead to the device exploding.

For the first time, the ES battery should be charged for at least eight hours in a row to reach the required capacity.

Classification by battery capacity

Each of the devices listed above has its own unique battery with a certain capacity. When choosing a device, this factor plays an important role.

If you smoke more than one pack of cigarettes per day, then the minimum volume of an electronic cigarette will only last you half a day of use. Battery capacity plays a significant role in the charging time of a cigarette. The minimum battery capacity can be fully charged within two hours. When the battery has more power, this time can take up to eight hours. For beginners, there is a special table, by referring to which you can determine the required power of the device:

  • 220 mAh equal to twelve medium-strength cigarettes;
  • 350 mAh equates to twenty medium-strength cigarettes;
  • 650 mAh equates to thirty-five medium-strength cigarettes;
  • 900 mAh equates to fifty medium-strength cigarettes;
  • 1100 mAh equates to sixty medium-strength cigarettes.

When purchasing your first electronic cigarette, you must take into account the fact that the larger the battery capacity, the longer its charging time. In addition, each battery has a certain resource, which decreases with each use. Few people know, but the average e-cigarette battery is designed for five hundred charging cycles. After the device has exhausted its service life, it must be replaced. Every vape connoisseur is recommended to have several extra batteries to avoid completely discharging the cigarette.

If the ES capacity is small, the charging process takes about an hour, and with a more powerful battery it can take up to 5 hours

Charge level monitoring

How long does it take to charge an electronic cigarette? This question interests every owner of an electronic device. In most cases, this information can be found in the instructions for use that come with the cigarette. But, as a rule, beginners buy low-cost devices, which only include the cigarette itself and a charger.

Each of the electronic cigarette models has a special indicator. This indicator is an indicator of the battery level. In devices of the lower price category, the indicator is built into the power button of the device. When it starts flashing, it gives a signal that the charge level is approaching zero. In more advanced models, information about the amount of charge is displayed on the screen.

How long you need to charge your e-cigarette can be determined using a charger. When it is connected to the network, the LED starts blinking. This blinking indicates that the device is charging. Once the battery is fully charged, the LED will glow steadily. Another sign that the device needs charging is a low amount of steam produced.

How to charge correctly

Before considering the correct process for charging an electronic device, it is necessary to talk about the types of chargers. Such devices can be round in shape and screw onto the battery pack of an e-cigarette. Budget models produced on the Chinese market are equipped with such charging. Devices in the middle market segment have a special Micro-USB input, which allows you to use the device during the charging process.

New electronic devices are only half charged at the factory. Before you charge the purchased kit, you must use up all the remaining charge. The time period for the first battery charge should exceed the recommended time by several hours. By implementing this simple action, you can achieve a significant increase in the time of use in the future.

For full battery life, it is recommended to carry out full battery charging and discharging cycles.

How can you tell if your e-cigarette is charged? Many devices have a special display where information about the amount of charge is displayed on the display. If it is not there, then you can find out only by the indicator on the charger.

The first charging of an electronic cigarette is quite an important aspect. Before you start, you need to familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  1. During the first charge, you must wait until the battery is fully charged. Information about this is available on the device screen or an indicator on the charger itself.
  2. After the first complete discharge of the battery occurs, you need to wait a few more hours.
  3. The battery level can be determined by the indicator located on the device. When the device’s charge level drops to a certain minimum, the indicator begins to blink; when completely discharged, the device turns off.

Correctly performing the first charge of the battery is the key to its stable operation.

Each battery in an electronic cigarette is designed for 300-500 charging cycles. After that it requires replacement

What else to consider

Many users of various electronic devices make a common mistake: leaving the device on charge throughout the night. Experts recommend refraining from these actions, as they lead to the device breaking down much faster.

The device must be charged exactly until the warning signal appears. Constantly charging the battery leads to the fact that the batteries no longer hold a charge level. The environment also has a negative impact. Using an e-cigarette in cold temperatures or rain may affect the performance of the device.

There is an interesting point in the instructions included with the device. During long breaks in using the device, it is best to disconnect the battery pack from the atomizer.

How to charge an electronic cigarette without a charger

Almost every owner of an electronic cigarette is interested in the question, is it possible to charge an electronic cigarette from an outlet? Of course, using this method is possible, but it should only be used with the "original" charger. Using phone or tablet chargers can damage your device. This is due to the fact that each charger of electronic devices has its own characteristics. They can differ in characteristics such as voltage and voltage.

Owners of advanced electronic cigarettes can charge their device from a powerbank. Using such a charger can save you from such situations when the battery charge indicator approaches zero, and the owner of the cigarette is far from the outlet.

You can charge your electronics without charging if you have a special charger for removable batteries. To do this, just remove them and insert them into the device. Electronic cigarettes with removable batteries are ideal for long trips and flights.

There is another "artisanal" method of answering the question of how to charge an electronic cigarette without charging. To carry out this process, a homemade charger is made from available materials. To create such a block you will need: three ordinary batteries and a resistor with a resistance of up to five ohms. It is necessary to connect all the elements in series and then connect the device. The use of this design is usually caused by the fact that the “original” adapter is broken, but it must be remembered that prolonged use of homemade chargers significantly reduces the service life of the battery.

An electronic cigarette is a complex technical device, which should be handled in accordance with the instructions for use. Failure to comply with the recommendations contained therein may cause premature failure of the device.

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