Annual function of a bed in a day hospital. Average number of days of bed use (occupancy) per year

Determine the quality indicators of the activity of polyclinic No. 2 in city B, serving 50 thousand people. In the 1995 report It is indicated that residents made 130,000 visits to therapists per year, of which 90,000 to their local doctors. Medical assistance was provided to 8,000 residents of rural suburbs (attached to the hospital). Targeted screening to detect tuberculosis was carried out on 2,500 people. Of the 300 registered patients, 150 patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers were taken for clinical observation.

Compliance with the principle of locality in the work of local doctors in the clinic:


Conclusion. The district staff in the clinic is not sufficiently organized (the higher the percentage of district staff, the more correctly the work of the clinic is organized. 80-85% or more should be considered a good indicator).

Share of visits made by rural residents:


This figure should not be lower than 7%; it indicates the volume of medical care received by rural residents in city hospitals.

Coverage of the population with targeted examinations to detect tuberculosis:


The resulting figure is quite low.

Dispensary observation coverage (peptic ulcer):


Volume of hospital work is usually defined in the so-called bed days.

The number of bed days spent by patients per year is calculated by summing the number of patients registered at 8 a.m. each day.

For example, on January 1 there were 150 patients in the hospital, on January 2 - 160 patients, and on January 3 -128. During these 3 days, bed days were spent: 150 + 160 + 128 = 438.

Based on the actually spent bed days, determine average annual bed occupancy or bed utilization rate, or the average number of days a bed is occupied per year.

For example, 4088 patients (of which 143 died) spent 65,410 bed days, the number of average annual beds deployed was 190:

Average annual bed occupancy:

= day

Bed availability in urban hospitals for less than 340 days a year indicates poor, insufficiently efficient hospital performance. For rural district hospitals and maternity wards, a lower standard has been adopted: 310-320 days.

This indicator is calculated for the hospital as a whole and for departments. If the average annual bed occupancy is within the standard, then it is close to 30%; if the hospital is overloaded or underloaded, the indicator will be higher or lower than 100%, respectively.

Hospital bed turnover:

number of patients discharged (discharged + deaths) / average annual number of beds.

This indicator indicates how many patients were “served” by one bed during the year. The rate of bed turnover depends on the duration of hospitalization, which, in turn, is determined by the nature and course of the disease. At the same time, reducing the length of a patient’s stay in a bed and, consequently, increasing bed turnover largely depends on the quality of diagnosis, timely hospitalization, care and treatment in the hospital. The calculation of the indicator and its analysis should be carried out both for the hospital as a whole and for departments, bed profiles, and nosological forms. In accordance with planning standards for general urban hospitals, bed turnover is considered optimal within the range of 25 - 30, and for dispensaries - 8 - 10 patients per year.

Average length of stay for a patient in hospital (average bed day):

number of hospital stays spent by patients per year / number of people leaving (discharged + dead).

Like previous indicators, it is calculated both for the hospital as a whole and for departments, bed profiles, and individual diseases. The approximate standard for general hospitals is 14–17 days, taking into account the profile of beds, it is much higher (up to 180 days) (Table 14).

Table 14

Average number of days a patient stays in bed

The average bed day characterizes the organization and quality of the treatment and diagnostic process and indicates reserves for increasing the use of bed capacity. According to statistics, reducing the average length of stay in a bed by just one day would allow over 3 million additional patients to be hospitalized.

The value of this indicator largely depends on the type and profile of the hospital, the organization of its work, the quality of treatment, etc. One of the reasons for the long stay of patients in the hospital is insufficient examination and treatment in the clinic. Reducing the length of hospitalization, which frees up additional beds, should be carried out primarily taking into account the condition of the patients, since premature discharge can lead to re-hospitalization, which will ultimately result in an increase rather than a decrease in the indicator.

A significant decrease in the average hospital stay compared to the standard may indicate insufficient justification for reducing the length of hospitalization.

Proportion of rural residents among hospitalized patients (Section 3, subsection 1):

the number of rural residents hospitalized in a hospital per year x 100 / the number of all admitted to the hospital.

This indicator characterizes the use of city hospital beds by rural residents and affects the provision of inpatient medical care to the rural population of a given territory. In city hospitals it is 15–30%.

Quality of treatment and diagnostic work of the hospital

To assess the quality of diagnosis and treatment in a hospital, the following indicators are used:

1) composition of patients in the hospital;

2) the average duration of treatment of a patient in a hospital;

3) hospital mortality;

4) quality of medical diagnosis.

Composition of patients in hospital by individual diseases (%):

the number of patients who left the hospital with a certain diagnosis x 100 / the number of all patients who left the hospital.

This indicator is not a direct characteristic of the quality of treatment, but it is the indicators of this quality that are associated with it. Calculated separately by department.

Average duration of treatment for a patient in hospital (for individual diseases):

number of bed days spent by discharged patients with a certain diagnosis / number of discharged patients with a given diagnosis.

To calculate this indicator, in contrast to the indicator of the average length of stay of a patient in a hospital, not discharged (discharged + deceased) patients are used, but only discharged ones, and it is calculated by disease separately for discharged and deceased patients.

There are no standards for the average duration of treatment, and when assessing this indicator for a given hospital, it is compared with the average duration of treatment for various diseases that have developed in a given city or region.

When analyzing this indicator, we consider separately the average duration of treatment of patients transferred from department to department, as well as those re-admitted to the hospital for examination or follow-up treatment; For surgical patients, the duration of treatment before and after surgery is calculated separately.

When assessing this indicator, it is necessary to take into account various factors that influence its value: the timing of the examination of the patient, the timeliness of diagnosis, the prescription of effective treatment, the presence of complications, the correctness of the examination of work ability. A number of organizational issues are also of great importance, in particular the provision of the population with inpatient care and the level of outpatient services (selection and examination of patients for hospitalization, the ability to continue treatment after discharge from the hospital in the clinic).

Estimating this indicator presents significant difficulties, since its value is influenced by many factors that do not directly depend on the quality of treatment (cases started at the prehospital stage, irreversible processes, etc.). The level of this indicator also largely depends on the age, gender composition of patients, severity of the disease, length of hospitalization, and level of inpatient treatment.

This information, necessary for a more detailed analysis of the average duration of treatment for a patient in a hospital, is not contained in the annual report; they can be obtained from primary medical documents: “Medical card of an inpatient” (f. 003/u) and “Statistical card of a person leaving the hospital” (f. 066/u).

Hospital mortality (per 100 patients, %):

number of deceased patients x 100 / number of discharged patients (discharged + deceased).

This indicator is one of the most important and often used to assess the quality and effectiveness of treatment. It is calculated both for the hospital as a whole and separately for departments and nosological forms.

Daily mortality (per 100 patients, intensive rate):

number of deaths before 24 hours of hospital stay x 100 / number of people admitted to the hospital.

The formula can be calculated as follows: share of all deaths on the first day in the total number of deaths (extensive indicator):

the number of deaths before 24 hours of hospital stay x 100 / the number of all deaths in the hospital.

Death on the first day indicates the severity of the disease and, therefore, the special responsibility of medical personnel regarding the proper organization of emergency care. Both indicators complement the characteristics of the organization and quality of patient treatment.

In a consolidated hospital, hospital mortality rates cannot be considered in isolation from home mortality, since selection for hospitalization and prehospital mortality can have a large impact on the level of mortality in the hospital, reducing or increasing it. In particular, low hospital mortality with a large proportion of deaths at home may indicate defects in referral to hospital, when seriously ill patients were denied hospitalization due to a lack of beds or for some other reason.

In addition to the indicators listed above, indicators characterizing the activities of a surgical hospital are also calculated separately. These include the following: Structure of surgical interventions (%):

number of patients operated on for a given disease x 100 / total number of patients operated on for all diseases.

Postoperative mortality (per 100 patients):

number of patients who died after surgery x 100 / number of operated patients.

It is calculated for the entire hospital and for individual diseases requiring emergency surgical care.

Frequency of complications during operations (per 100 patients):

number of operations during which complications were observed x 100 / number of operated patients.

When assessing this indicator, it is necessary to take into account not only the level of frequency of complications during various operations, but also the types of complications, information about which can be obtained when developing “Statistical cards of those leaving the hospital” (f. 066/u). This indicator should be analyzed together with the duration of hospital treatment and mortality (both general and postoperative).

The quality of emergency surgical care is determined by the speed of admission of patients to the hospital after the onset of the disease and the timing of operations after admission, measured in hours. The higher the percentage of patients delivered to the hospital in the first hours (up to 6 hours from the onset of the disease), the better the ambulance and emergency care is provided and the higher the quality of diagnosis by local doctors. Cases of delivery of patients later than 24 hours from the onset of the disease should be considered as a major drawback in the organization of the work of the clinic, since the timeliness of hospitalization and surgical intervention is crucial for the successful outcome and recovery of patients in need of emergency care.

This group of indicators characterizes the efficiency of hospital beds.

1. Average annual bed occupancy (average number of days a bed is occupied per year, or the function of a hospital bed):

Number of bed days spent by patients in hospital during the year: Average annual number of beds

The indicator characterizes the volume of hospital activity and the efficiency of using beds.

The use of beds in various hospitals and for various profiles is influenced by numerous factors: hospitalization of non-core patients, admission of planned patients on Saturday and Sunday, discharge of patients on pre-holidays and public holidays, pre-hospital outpatient examination of patients in a hospital, untimely appointment of diagnostic tests and complex treatment, untimely discharge from hospital, etc.

Reserves for more efficient use of bed capacity are:
improving the quality of preparation of patients from the outpatient clinic for inpatient treatment and better continuity between the clinic and the hospital;
improving the hospitalization system, uniform admission of patients to the hospital on all days of the week;
hospitalization of patients as intended, i.e. in hospitals and departments of the profile that corresponds to the diagnosis, nature and complexity of the disease;
wider and more timely use of specialist advice in clinics and hospitals;
timely examination and treatment of not only the underlying disease, but also concomitant diseases.

Rational ways to reduce the shortage of 24-hour inpatient beds are:
introduction of hospital-substituting forms of inpatient care;
continuous improvement of the quality and efficiency of out-of-hospital and hospital care, advanced training of medical personnel;
carrying out comprehensive measures for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of diseases of the population;
improving continuity in the work of hospitals and clinics.

2. Average length of stay of patients in hospital:
Number of bed days spent by patients in the hospital during the year: Number of patients leaving the hospital (discharged and deceased)

The average length of hospital stay for patients is calculated for each department and for the hospital as a whole.

The average length of stay of patients in a hospital depends on a number of parameters, in particular, on the specialization of the bed capacity, gender, age, the nature of the pathology and the severity of the patient’s condition, continuity with outpatient institutions, the level of qualifications of medical personnel, the organization of the diagnostic and treatment process, and the equipment of the hospital with medical treatment. diagnostic equipment, the degree of implementation of modern technologies, the organization of admission and discharge of patients, the degree of patient satisfaction with the organization and quality of treatment and conditions of stay in the hospital, the organization of departmental and non-departmental quality control of the diagnostic and treatment process, the degree of development of hospital-substituting types of medical care.

table 2 Average estimated time of bed occupancy per year and length of stay of the patient on the bed

3. Average duration of treatment for patients in a hospital (in days):
Number of bed days spent in hospital by discharged patients with this diagnosis: Number of discharged patients

This indicator is calculated for individual classes of diseases and nosological forms only in relation to patients discharged from the hospital. The average duration of treatment for patients in a hospital is influenced by gender, age, severity of the patients’ illnesses, as well as the correct organization of the hospital’s work (examination time, timeliness of diagnosis, treatment effectiveness, quality of work ability examination, etc.).

Reducing the duration of treatment of patients in a hospital due to pre-hospital examination, the introduction of new medical technologies, etc. makes it possible to treat an additional number of patients on existing beds, reduce or repurpose an unclaimed number of beds, and allocate beds to fulfill volumes in excess of the territorial program of state guarantees on a paid basis.

4. Bed turnover The indicator is calculated in two ways:

a) ____ Average annual bed occupancy ___;
Average length of stay for a patient in hospital

B) Number of patients leaving the hospital: Average annual number of beds

For greater accuracy of calculation, in the second method, half of the sum of admitted, discharged and deceased patients is taken as the numerator, and the denominator is the average annual number of beds, taking into account those actually deployed and closed for repairs.

The bed turnover rate gives an idea of ​​the average number of patients treated per year in one bed. Bed turnover is calculated both for the hospital as a whole and for each department; it is assessed, as a rule, over time and characterizes the intensity of bed use. The lower the average length of stay, the higher the bed turnover. For example, bed turnover in the maternity ward is much higher than in the tuberculosis ward.

5. Average bed downtime:
Number of days in a year – average annual bed occupancy: Bed turnover

The indicator allows us to determine the average number of days of unoccupied beds from the moment the previous patient is discharged until the next patient is admitted. The average bed downtime ranges from 0.5 to 3 days, while this figure can be higher, for example, for maternity beds – up to 13–14 days. The amount of bed idleness is considered in conjunction with other indicators of bed use.

6. Dynamics of bed capacity, in percentage:

Number of beds at the end of the reporting year × 100: Number of beds at the beginning of the reporting year

This indicator can be calculated not only for the reporting year, but also for a larger (smaller) time interval.

Indicators of quality and efficiency of inpatient medical care

1. Mortality in hospital (hospital mortality), percentage:

Number of deaths in hospital × 100: Number of patients leaving the hospital

This indicator characterizes: the quality of inpatient and outpatient care for patients treated in a hospital; level of qualifications of medical personnel; quality of the diagnostic and treatment process. The indicator is influenced by factors related to the composition of patients (gender, age, nosological form, severity of condition, etc.), as well as factors in managing the quality of medical care (timeliness of hospitalization, adequacy of treatment, etc.).

For a more in-depth analysis, a number of hospital mortality indicators are used.
a) Mortality in hospital for certain diseases, in percentage:
Number of deaths from a given disease × 100: Number of people who suffered from a given disease during the year.

In-hospital mortality, both overall and for individual diseases, is analyzed over time over the years in comparison with indicators for similar hospitals and departments. Over the past years, the hospital mortality rate in the Russian Federation has been 1.3–1.4%.

b) Annual mortality rate, percentage:
Number of patients who died within a year after diagnosis of this disease × 100: Number of patients with this disease

This indicator is especially relevant for cancer diseases. Despite the fact that one-year mortality is not directly related to inpatient care, it can be considered in this section given the significant use of inpatient care in oncology practice. For an in-depth analysis of the quality of inpatient medical care at individual stages of its provision, special mortality indicators are calculated:

c) Daily mortality rate, percentage:

Number of deaths in the first 24 hours of hospital stay × 100: Total number of patients admitted to the hospital

d) Postoperative mortality rate, percentage:

Number of deaths after surgical interventions × 100. Total number of operated patients
The analysis of hospital mortality should be accompanied by a calculation of the proportion of deaths at home for certain diseases:

e) Proportion of deaths at home (with certain diseases), in percentage:

Number of deaths at home with a specific disease × 100: Number of all deaths with a specific disease (in hospital and at home) from among those living in the service area
Comparison of hospital mortality with the proportion of deaths at home is important for long-term diseases (hypertension, neoplasms, rheumatism, tuberculosis, etc.). A parallel decrease in hospital mortality and the proportion of deaths at home should be considered as a positive phenomenon. Otherwise (with a decrease in hospital mortality and a simultaneous increase in the proportion of deaths at home), patients with relatively mild cases of illness are selected to the hospital and, accordingly, more severely ill patients are left at home.

2. The share of pathological autopsies in the hospital, in percentage:

Number of post-mortem autopsies in the hospital × 100: Number of deaths in the hospital (total)

3. Structure of causes of death, according to autopsy data, in percentage:

Number of autopsies performed on people who died from a given disease × 100: Total number of postmortem autopsies

4. Frequency of discrepancies between clinical and pathological diagnoses, in percentage:

Number of clinical diagnoses not confirmed by pathological autopsies × 100: Total number of pathological autopsies

The indicator characterizes the quality of diagnostic and treatment work in a hospital, the level of qualifications of hospital doctors. On average for the Russian Federation, the value of the indicator ranges from 0.5 to 1.5%.

5. Quality indicators of surgical care

To analyze surgical care, along with the listed indicators, the following are used:

a) Number of operations per 100 operated patients:
Total operations performed in the hospital × 100; Number of operated patients in hospital

b) Surgical activity, in percentage:
Number of operated patients × 100. Total number of patients discharged (discharged and deceased) from the surgical hospital

The value of the surgical activity indicator depends on the qualifications of the surgical personnel, the technical equipment of the operating units, anesthesiology and intensive care departments, compliance with the standards of treatment of surgical patients, as well as on the contingent of hospitalized patients. The average value of this indicator is 60–70%.
The surgical activity of surgical doctors is also assessed by the number of operations performed per doctor position:

c) Number of operations per 1 post of surgical doctor:

Total operations performed in the hospital (department); Number of occupied positions of surgical doctors in the hospital (department)

d) Structure of surgical interventions, in percentage:

Number of patients operated on for this disease × 100; Total number of operated patients

e) Frequency of postoperative complications, percentage:

Number of operations after which complications were registered × 100; Total number of operations (The value of the indicator ranges from 3–5%.)

f) Proportion of patients with postoperative complications, in percentage:

Number of patients with postoperative complications × 100; Total number of operated patients

g) Mortality of operated patients, in percentage:
Number of deaths after operations × 100; Total patients operated on in the hospital

h) The share of endoscopic (minimally invasive) operations, in percentage:
Number of operations performed using endoscopic (laparoscopic) technology × 100. Total number of operations performed in hospital

The indicator reflects the activity of introducing a promising direction in the development of surgery. The value of this indicator has recently increased and reached 7–10% in certain areas of the country.



    Purpose of studying the module: emphasize the importance of statistical indicators for assessing and analyzing the performance of hospital institutions.

    After studying the topic, the student must know:

    Basic statistical indicators of the performance of hospital institutions;

    Basic accounting and reporting statistical forms used to analyze the activities of hospital institutions;

    Methodology for calculating and analyzing statistical indicators of hospital institutions.

    The student must be able to:

    Calculate, evaluate and interpret statistical indicators of hospital performance;

    Use the information obtained in hospital management and clinical practice.

    3.2.1. Information block

    Based on data presented in statistical reporting forms approved by the Ministry of Health and Social

    development of the Russian Federation, statistical indicators are calculated to analyze the activities of hospital institutions.

    The main reporting forms characterizing the activities of hospital institutions are:

    Information about the medical institution (form 30);

    Information about the activities of the hospital (form 14);

    Information on medical care for children and adolescent schoolchildren (f. 31);

    Information on medical care for pregnant women, women in labor and postpartum women (f. 32);

    Information on termination of pregnancy up to 28 weeks (form 13). Based on these and other forms of medical documentation, statistical indicators are developed that are used to analyze the medical activities of the hospital and hospital care in general. These statistical indicators, calculation methods, recommended or average values ​​are presented in Section 7 of Chapter 13 of the textbook.

    3.2.2. Tasks for independent work

    1. Study the materials of the corresponding chapter of the textbook, module, recommended literature.

    2.Answer security questions.

    3. Analyze the standard problem.

    4.Answer the module test questions.

    5. Solve problems.

    3.2.3. Control questions

    1.Name the main statistical reporting forms used to analyze the activities of hospital institutions.

    2.What statistical indicators are used to analyze the activities of hospital institutions? Name the methods for calculating them, recommended or average values.

    3.List statistical indicators for analyzing continuity in the work of outpatient clinics and hospital institutions. Name the methods for calculating them, recommended or average values.

    4.Name the main statistical reporting forms used to analyze the activities of a maternity hospital hospital.

    5. What statistical indicators are used to analyze the activities of a maternity hospital hospital? Name the methods for calculating them, recommended or average values.

    3.2.4. Reference task

    The state of inpatient care for the population of a certain constituent entity of the Russian Federation is analyzed. The table presents the initial data for calculating statistical indicators of the provision of inpatient care to the population, as well as the activities of the city hospital and maternity hospital.


    End of table.

    * Data from the therapeutic department were used as an example to calculate staff workload indicators.


    1.1) indicators of satisfaction of the population of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation with inpatient care;

    City Hospital;

    Maternity hospital.


    To analyze the state of inpatient care for the population of a certain constituent entity of the Russian Federation, we calculate the following indicators.

    1. Calculation of statistical indicators of inpatient care for the population of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

    1.1. Indicators of satisfaction of the population of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation with inpatient care

    1.1.1. Provision of population with hospital beds =

    1.1.2. Bed structure =

    We calculate similarly: surgical profile - 18.8%; gynecological - 4.5%; pediatric - 6.1%; other profiles - 48.6%.

    1.1.3. Frequency (level) of hospitalization =

    1.1.4. Provision of population with inpatient care per person per year =

    1.2. Indicators of bed capacity utilization in a city hospital

    1.2.1. Average number of days a bed is occupied per year (hospital bed function) =

    1.2.2. Average length of stay of a patient in bed =

    1.2.3. Bed turnover =

    1.3. Indicators of the workload of staff in the inpatient department of a city hospital

    1.3.1. Average number of beds per doctor position (nursing staff) =

    We calculate similarly: the average number of beds per position of nursing staff is 6.6.

    1.3.2. Average number of bed days per doctor position (nursing staff) =

    We calculate similarly: the average number of bed days per position of nursing staff is 1934.

    1.4. Indicators of the quality of inpatient care at a city hospital

    1.4.1. Frequency of discrepancy between clinical and pathological diagnoses =

    1.4.2. Hospital mortality =

    1.4.3. Daily mortality =

    1.4.4. Postoperative mortality =

    1.5. Indicators of continuity in the work of a city hospital and clinic

    1.5.1. Hospitalization refusal rate =

    1.5.2. Timeliness of hospitalization =

    2. Performance indicators of the maternity hospital hospital 2.1. Share of physiological births =

    2.2. Frequency of use of cesarean section during childbirth =

    2.3. Frequency of surgical aids during childbirth =

    2.4. Frequency of complications during childbirth 1 =

    2.5. Frequency of complications in the postpartum period 1 =

    We enter the results of calculating statistical indicators into a table and compare them with the recommended values ​​or the existing average statistical indicators given in Section 7 of Chapter 13 of the textbook and recommended literature, after which we draw appropriate conclusions.

    Table. Comparative characteristics of statistical indicators of inpatient care for the population of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

    1 The indicator can be calculated for certain types of complications.

    Continuation of the table.

    End of table.

    ** As an example, the indicators are calculated for the therapeutic department.


    The analysis showed that the provision of the population of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation with hospital beds - 98.5 0 / 000, the level of hospitalization - 24.3% and the provision of the population with inpatient care - 2.9 bed days exceed the recommended values, which is the basis for restructuring (optimization) network of healthcare institutions of a given subject of the Russian Federation.

    Indicators of bed capacity utilization in a city hospital (average number of days a bed is occupied per year - 319.7, average

    The average length of stay of a patient in a bed is 11.8, bed turnover is 27) also does not correspond to the recommended values. The average number of beds per position of medical personnel, calculated using the example of a therapeutic department, significantly exceeds the number of beds per position of nursing personnel compared to the recommended workload standards. Accordingly, the average number of bed days per position of nursing staff - 1934 bed days - is also significantly higher than the recommended standard. An analysis of the quality indicators of inpatient care in this city hospital indicates serious shortcomings in the organization of the treatment and diagnostic process: in-hospital (2.6%), daily (0.5%) and postoperative (1.9%) mortality rates exceed the recommended values. Indicators of the frequency of refusals in hospitalization (10.0%) and timeliness of hospitalization (87.6%) indicate shortcomings in the organization of continuity of work of this city hospital and outpatient clinics located in the medical service area of ​​the population. Thus, an analysis of the activities of a city hospital inpatient unit revealed significant shortcomings in the organization of diagnostic and treatment care and the use of bed capacity, which, in turn, negatively affects the quality indicators of inpatient care.

    An analysis of the results of the activities of the maternity hospital hospital showed that the statistical indicators calculated on the basis of the initial data given in the table correspond to the recommended and average statistical values, which is evidence of a good level of organization of preventive and diagnostic and treatment work.

    3.2.5. Test tasks

    Choose only one correct answer.1. Name the indicators characterizing the activities of hospital institutions:

    1) the average number of days a bed is occupied per year;

    2) the average length of stay of the patient in bed;

    3)bed turnover;

    4) hospital mortality;

    5) all of the above.

    2. What statistical reporting form is used to analyze inpatient care?

    1) medical card of an inpatient (f. 003/u);

    2) information about the activities of the hospital (form 14);

    3) a sheet of daily accounting of the movement of patients and hospital beds (f. 007/u-02);

    4) information about injuries, poisoning and some other consequences of external causes (form 57);

    5) information on medical care for children and adolescent schoolchildren (form 31).

    3. Indicate the data necessary to calculate the frequency (level) of hospitalization:

    1) number of emergency hospitalizations, total number of hospitalizations;

    2) the number of people admitted to hospitals, the average annual population;

    3) the number of retired patients, the average annual population;

    4) number of planned hospitalizations, average annual population;

    5) average number of hospitalized, number of registered patients per year.

    4. Provide the data required to calculate the average number of days a bed is occupied per year:

    1) the number of bed days spent by patients in the hospital; number of days in a year;

    2) the number of bed days spent by patients in the hospital; number of patients leaving the hospital;

    3) the number of bed days spent by patients in the hospital, the average annual number of beds;

    4) the number of patients transferred from the department, the average annual number of beds;

    5) average annual number of beds, 1/2 (admitted + discharged + deceased) patients.

    5. What data is used to calculate the average length of stay of a patient in bed?

    1) the number of bed days actually spent by patients; average annual number of beds;

    2) the number of bed days spent by patients in the hospital; number of patients treated;

    3) the number of patients who left, the average annual number of beds;

    4) the number of actual bed days spent by patients, the number of days in a year;

    5) the number of days in a year; average bed occupancy, bed turnover.

    6. What formula is used to calculate the hospital mortality rate?

    1) (Number of patients who died in the hospital / Number of patients discharged) x 100;

    2)(Number of patients who died in the hospital / Number of admitted patients x 100;

    3) (Number of patients who died in the hospital / Number of patients who left the hospital) x 100;

    4)(Number of deceased patients in the hospital / Number of admitted patients) x 100;

    5) (Number of patients who died in the hospital / Number of post-mortem autopsies) x 100.

    7. What data is used to calculate the postoperative mortality rate?

    1) the number of deaths in a surgical hospital; number of hospital admissions;

    2) number of deaths; number of people operated on;

    3) the number of deaths among those operated on; number of people discharged from hospital;

    4) the number of deaths among those operated on; number of people operated on;

    5) number of deaths; number of people discharged from hospital.

    8. What data is needed to calculate the specific gravity of physiological labor?

    1) number of physiological births; total number of births;

    2) number of physiological births; number of live and stillbirths;

    3) number of physiological births; number of births with complications;

    4) number of physiological births; number of live births;

    5) number of physiological births; number of women of fertile age.

    3.2.6. Problems to solve independently

    Problem 1

    Table. Initial data for calculating statistical indicators of inpatient care for the population of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

    End of table.

    * Data from the trauma department were used as an example to calculate personnel load indicators.


    1. Based on the initial data given in the table, calculate:

    1.1) indicators of satisfaction of the population of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation with inpatient care;

    1.2) statistical indicators of hospital performance:

    City Hospital;

    City maternity hospital.

    2.Analyze the data obtained, comparing them with the recommended or average values ​​given in the textbook and recommended literature.

    Problem 2

    Table. Initial data for calculating statistical indicators of inpatient care for the population of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

    End of table.

    Bed function)

    bed utilization indicator: the average number of patients per one actually deployed bed per year.

    1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

    See what “Bed Turnover” is in other dictionaries:

      - (syn. bed function) indicator of bed capacity utilization: the average number of patients per one actually deployed bed per year... Large medical dictionary

      BED TURNOVER (FUNCTION) Glossary of terms on social statistics

      BED TURNOVER (FUNCTION)- characterizes the activity of a hospital and is calculated as the ratio of the number of patients used to the average annual number of beds or as the ratio of the average number of days a bed is open to the average length of stay of a patient in a bed... Social statistics. Dictionary

      See Bunk Turnover... Large medical dictionary

      MENTAL PATIENTS- MENTAL PATIENTS. With pronounced, fully developed mental illnesses, there are a number of features that distinguish P. b. from all other patients and leading to a special attitude towards them in a legal sense, to special care for them, peculiar... ...

      See Bunk Turnover... Medical encyclopedia

      STATISTICS- STATISTICS. 1. Brief history, subject and basic concepts of general statistics. The subject of S. is the study of sets of internally related, although externally isolated, elements. The internal regularity of the latter finds its manifestation... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

      - (USA) (United States of America, USA). I. General information The USA is a state in North America. Area 9.4 million km2. Population 216 million people. (1976, assessment). The capital is Washington. Administratively, the territory of the United States...

      - (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) GDR (DDR). Table 1. Administrative division (1971)* | Counties | Area, | Population, | Adm. center |… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

      - (Dahomey) Republic of Dahomey (Republique du Dahomey), a state in West Africa. In the south it is washed by the Gulf of Guinea. It borders on the north with Niger, on the north west with Upper Volta, on the west with Togo and on the east with Nigeria. Area 112.6 thousand km2.… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

      Cuba (Cuba), Republic of Cuba (República de Cuba). ═ I. General information ═ The Republic of Cuba is located on the islands of Cuba (104 thousand km2), Pinos (2.2 thousand km2) and more than 1,600 small islands in the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia



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