Hyperhidrosis (sweating). Causes of increased sweating, diagnosis and treatment of the causes of pathology

Excessive underarm sweating is thought to be a problem resulting from overactive apocrine glands. This pathological condition is commonly called hyperhidrosis, which brings a considerable amount of discomfort to a person's life. Attacks of sweating can disturb not only as a result of exercise and in stressful situations, but also at rest and during coolness.

A considerable number of people are interested in what can be done so that the armpits do not sweat and what remedies for hyperhidrosis from folk sources are really effective. It is with these questions that we will now try to deal with.

Causes of hyperhidrosis

Sweating is considered a physiological process that helps to avoid overheating of the body and helps to carry out thermoregulation. In addition, toxic substances are removed from the body with the help of sweat - this helps to unload the organs of the excretory system.

Excessive sweating causes not only excess moisture, but also an unpleasant odor that appears as a result of the multiplication of bacteria, because sweat is a breeding ground for them. When we sweat, irritation can occur that provokes the formation of skin diseases.

With the appearance of excessive sweating under the armpits, the thought of a violation of the functioning of the body should appear. In the presence of excessive sweating of the armpits, it is necessary to be treated.

A person may sweat due to:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • emotional and psychological overload;
  • overweight;
  • diseases of infectious genesis;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • violations of the functioning of the urinary system;
  • the use of certain medications;
  • consumption of large amounts of junk food, alcohol-containing drinks and coffee;
  • wearing clothes made of synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass through.

In order for the treatment of hyperhidrosis with folk or traditional remedies to be effective, it is necessary to determine the cause of its formation and eliminate it. A qualified doctor who will conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient will be able to help with this.

If the presence of armpit hyperhidrosis is an independent disease, for the elimination of which various methods are used, starting with the simplest and most affordable. At the initial stages of the formation of the disease, traditional medicine has proven itself well. However, due attention must also be paid to personal hygiene and diet.

A very important point in the fight against sweat is hygiene procedures. Taking a shower every day allows not only to cleanse the skin of sweat and dirt, but also to improve it. A contrast shower is considered especially useful.

It must be remembered that after taking a shower, you need to carefully wipe the skin under the armpits dry and treat with boron lotion. You can use regular baby powder for the same purpose.

Suppresses the production of sweat and proper nutrition. You should try to reduce the amount of spicy and salty foods in your diet, exclude the use of hot dishes, alcohol-containing drinks, seasonings and spices. It is recommended to consume as many foods with vitamin C as possible, because it is endowed with the ability to normalize the functional ability of the sweat glands.

A large amount of this vitamin is found in the following foods:

  • horseradish;
  • pomegranate;
  • rose hip;
  • kiwi;
  • currant;
  • orange;
  • sauerkraut.

Recipes from folk sources to combat armpit hyperhidrosis

A lot of positive feedback was received by the fight against sweating armpits with the help of medications, but therapy with traditional medicine is considered no less effective. The positive side of this choice is considered to be safety, therefore, folk recipes are used to combat sweating, even for women during childbearing and breastfeeding.

The use of medicinal plants

It's no secret that medicinal plants have a lot of positive properties. On a decoction, compresses are prepared from them, which are endowed with the ability to suppress the process of sweat production under the armpits. If a person sweats a lot, then the following herbs can be used:

  • sage;
  • mint;
  • St. John's wort.

All components must be taken equally, pour boiling water and boil for a quarter of an hour.

No less effective means are:

  1. Oak bark. Used to make a decoction. Recommended 2 tbsp. l. raw materials pour half a liter of boiling water and boil for half an hour. Insist for 12 hours and dilute with water. The tool is used for compresses on the armpit or therapeutic baths. No less useful is a mask made from oak bark. To do this, mix 3 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. bark. Apply this remedy to the skin of the inguinal cavities twice a day for 15 minutes. The course of such therapy should last two weeks.
  2. Lemon or lime juice. It is recommended to wipe the armpit areas with a piece of fruit.
  3. Chamomile. 2 tbsp. l. plants pour 250 ml of boiling water and add 1 tsp. soda. Apply this folk remedy on the skin of the armpits.
  4. Horsetail tincture. It is necessary to fill the plant with vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Before use, the product must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  5. Black radish juice. This product is great for getting rid of bad breath. Juice should be stored in a dark, cool place.
  6. Rosemary flower oil. Helps eliminate the unpleasant odor of sweat and destroy the pathogenic microorganisms that provoke it. Before use, the armpit sweat remedy must be diluted equally with water.
  7. Infusion of nettle and sage. Recommended 1 tsp. herbs pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for a while. From this infusion, compresses are prepared for places of intense sweat production.
  8. Walnut tincture. It is necessary to grind young fruits and pour vodka in a ratio of 1: 5, leave in a dark, cool place for several weeks. Before use, the product is diluted with water, a cotton swab is moistened in it and the skin of the armpits is lubricated twice a day.
  9. A decoction of the bark from viburnum. 10 g of raw materials are poured into 300 ml of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 7 minutes. Insist, filter and rub the skin under the armpits with the product.
  10. Pine branches. The use of infusion from this raw material perfectly suppresses the production of sweat. To prepare it, you need to fill a large saucepan 1/3 with water, boil it and place a smaller saucepan filled with water and pine branches into it. The product should boil in a water bath for about 25 minutes. The liquid is cooled and used for compresses or therapeutic baths.

Some decoctions and infusions can be taken by people who sweat, and inside - the funds are endowed with a sedative effect and suppress the process of sweat production.

  1. Infusion or tincture of hyssop. Choice option for hyperhidrosis provoked by emotional overstrain or hormonal imbalance. For cooking, 2 tbsp is recommended. l. crushed plant pour a glass of alcohol, then leave for 14 days. Strain and drink 1 tsp. before going to bed.
  2. Infusions from such herbs as: mint, St. John's wort, valerian, lemon balm and motherwort. Herbs are poured with boiling water and left for 60 minutes. After that, filter, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and drink 1/3 cup 30 minutes before meals.
  3. Sage infusion. To prepare the product, you need 1 tbsp. l. crushed leaves of the plant pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. The liquid is divided into three equal parts and drunk during the day. The course of treatment with this remedy should last at least a month.
  4. Sage juice. It is recommended to take 30 ml three times a day.
  5. Infusion of valerian root, horsetail and sage leaves. For cooking, you need to take the components in a ratio of 3: 2: 9, mix and pour 4 tbsp. l. mixture with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours and take 100 ml twice a day. An extremely high level of effectiveness is observed if this folk method is used during the menopause.

Use of other means

To eliminate the sweaty condition of the armpits, improvised components can also be used:

  1. Salt. Compresses are made from it. 2 tbsp. l. salts are poured into 200 ml of water, moistened with tissue and applied to the affected area for 10 minutes.
  2. Potassium permanganate. To prepare a weak solution, several potassium permanganate crystals are dissolved in water. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that all crystals dissolve, because if it comes into contact with the skin in a concentrated form, chemical burns can form.
  3. Baking soda or vinegar. Dissolve 2 tbsp. l. substances in 250 ml of water, soda can also be used as a powder. The amount of sweat released will decrease after seven days.
  4. Milk and lemon juice. They are recommended to lubricate the skin of the armpits in turn. Additionally, every day you need to lubricate the skin of the armpits with an infusion of strong black tea.
  5. Wine or apple cider vinegar. It is recommended to wipe the armpit areas with it four times a day, after diluting it with water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  6. Tea mushroom. Areas of excessive sweat production are smeared with an infusion of this fungus.
  7. Boric acid. It is recommended to sprinkle clean, dry skin with acid before going to bed for thirty days. After this period of time, the intensity of sweat production will noticeably decrease.

Excellent results are also observed when using a contrast shower for ten days. Another option is to apply contrast compresses. For this purpose, a napkin soaked in hot and cold water is alternately applied to the skin under the arms.

That's almost all the information about how the treatment of underarm sweating with folk remedies is carried out. We hope the article will be useful and help you find answers to your questions.

Summing up, I would like to note that if symptoms of excessive sweat production appear, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor. This need is explained by the fact that only a doctor can find out the cause of the formation of hyperhidrosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Self-medication can not only not bring relief, but also worsen the condition.

Hello, dear guests of the blog "I am a villager." It brings us discomfort, even the slightest failure in the systems of our body. Today I want to talk about excessive sweating and how to reduce sweating. After all, sweat makes us constrained, its traces are visible on clothes, and the smell can be very unpleasant.

Everyone is happy to get rid of this problem. In the article, we will learn where this problem comes from and how to deal with it.

What means can be used to combat excessive sweating, and maybe we will find homemade recipes. But most often the cause is internal, and simple ointments and creams will not help. We need to look deep into the problem.

Everyone sweats, and this is the norm. Sweat is released to cool the body and this is an indispensable process. There are many factors that affect sweating.

This process occurs at any temperature increase. But just what is the norm, and when should you sound the alarm?

A person excretes from 1 liter of sweat to several liters per day. And of course, the norm is individual.

If a person works physically, the amount of sweat allocated per day will be greater than that of an office worker. It also depends on climatic conditions, time of year, physical and emotional state of a person.

Excessive sweating is a medical condition called hyperhidrosis. In our country, according to statistics, 4,000,000 people suffer from it. Hyperhidrosis can be general, when the whole body sweats, and local, small areas sweat for years. Basically, these are the palms, legs, armpits.

Main reasons

How to get rid of sweating

In addition to visible marks on clothing. Sweat still has an unpleasant odor, even though it is 90% water. It contains salts and trace elements, which are excellent soil for the development of bacteria and. It is they who give the well-known unpleasant odor.

Apocrine glands take part in the process of sweat secretion, they are located in those places where there are more hair follicles - this is the intimate zone and the armpit zone. During puberty, these glands begin to work with greater force, hence the unpleasant odor. The smell depends not only on bacteria, but also on our diet, so you need to be more careful in choosing food.

Medical treatment

  • Use antiperspirants, because deodorants only block the smell. Recommend Odaban, Drydry, Maxim.
  • Apply preparations based on alkaloids. They do not cause addiction and help to cope with the problem.
  • Take drugs that soothe (valerian, motherwort) or do yoga, meditation.
  • Physical therapy will help. Electrophoresis, iontophoresis, electrosleep, relaxing baths with oils and herbs.
  • You can contact the clinic and sign up for a laser procedure for removing the sebaceous glands.
  • Hyperhidrosis can be temporarily treated with Botox injections. Botox blocks the nerve endings of the sweat glands.

Grandma's recipes or how to get rid of hyperhidrosis at home

Take sedatives. To do this, you need to make an infusion of mint, lemon balm, valerian, St. John's wort, motherwort. You can brew all the herbs together, or you can alternate them. Half an hour before meals, dilute the infusion one to one with water and drink one-third of a glass.

You can make an infusion on oak bark and sage. Brew 2 tbsp. liter of water and leave for an hour. Wipe problem areas with the resulting infusion. The decoction is perfect for the face.

  • A quick effect will give a lemon. It is enough to wipe the problem area with a slice of lemon. The site of the procedure must be washed beforehand.
  • When you go to the bath, you can add a decoction of oats to the water. Helps well. You can also add a decoction of pine needles to the bath. It is enough to brew 250 grams of needles in a thermos, and then pour it into the bath. Only here the temperature of the water should not be higher and not lower than your body, and you can lie in such water for no more than 20 minutes.
  • Make an alcohol tincture of horsetail in a ratio of 1:10. And wipe your body daily. A contrast shower 2 times a day will also help you.
  • Another alcohol tincture from walnut leaves, it is prepared in the same proportion as with horsetail. She needs to wipe the body 2 times a day, after diluting it with water 1: 1.

A great recipe for sweaty feet is chamomile with soda. Take 6 tbsp. chamomile and 2 liters of boiling water. After the broth is infused (at least 2 hours), add 2 tbsp. soda. Wipe the problem areas on the legs with this infusion.

In the modern world, there are many ways to help get rid of sweating. But first, try folk proven methods.

And only in extreme cases, use a laser or Botox, because they have a number of contraindications. Sweating is an important and necessary process for the body, so treat it wisely so as not to bring yourself even more harm.

Sweating is a natural process that protects the body from overheating, especially in hot weather or when exercising. Evaporation of sweat particles from the surface of the skin removes excess heat and helps to cool the body. But sometimes there is a failure, and this natural function turns into profuse sweating. Excessive sweating can also be caused by an outburst of emotions or a responsible situation, for example, during a presentation or other public speaking, the armpits become wet.

The human body is littered with sweat glands, but the most common concern is excessive sweating in the armpits, because the most active sweat glands are located there. The sweat secreted by these glands contains proteins and fatty acids, which give it a milky or yellowish tint, stains on clothes have a corresponding color.

Sweat is odorless, but bacteria develop in its environment, the metabolic products of which create an unpleasant odor.

To get rid of sweating and bacteria, daily body hygiene, comfortable temperature and humidity, comfortable clothing and the absence of violent emotions are necessary.

There are a number of ways to minimize sweat, moisture and odor.

Getting rid of sweating

Although profuse sweating can be caused by a disease, treatment should begin with cosmetic and hygiene procedures, if these are not enough, seek medical help.

  1. 1. Use deodorant or antiperspirant daily. Don't leave home without applying these products. The difference between deodorant and antiperspirant is that deodorant only masks the smell antiperspirant contains additives that block the release of sweat. If you sweat excessively, you will need an antiperspirant; if you sweat normally, a deodorant will suffice.

Deodorants have been known in history since ancient times, when they used aromatic oils to suppress the smell of sweat, then they learned how to make perfume, and today there are many different types of deodorants and antiperspirants for women, men and teenagers.

  1. 2. Use correctly deodorant or antiperspirant. The effectiveness of these products is determined by the content of aluminum compounds, so sometimes they cause irritation, tingling or itching of the skin. Therefore, do not apply sweat blockers for 1-2 days after shaving or after a hot shower that opens the pores.

Use an antiperspirant on dry skin before bed. At night, the body rests, and the person sweats less at this time of day, so the applied product has time to be absorbed. Add another layer in the morning and leave for a few hours, the effect will intensify.

But even the strongest deodorant or antiperspirant will not help if sweating is caused by clothing made from fabrics that do not allow moisture and air to pass through.

  1. 3. Wear hygienic clothing. Natural fabrics absorb moisture and allow air to pass through, they are more comfortable and do not create an environment for the growth of bacteria. Synthetic fibers trap moisture and heat and promote the spread of bacteria and sweat odor.

Modern fabrics made of bamboo or microfibers also absorb moisture, which evaporates much faster from the surface of the clothing.

  1. 4. Get rid of unnecessary fears. When heading out to a new job, public speaking, or first date, most people experience unconscious anxiety caused by the unknown, their heart rate increases, and their armpits get wet. The release of sweat leads to an increase in anxiety and the process is greatly enhanced.

To deal with anxiety, you need to find out their cause and recognize that if you cannot change the situation, you should not worry. Get good sleep and try to think positively.

  1. 5. Healthy lifestyle, aerobics, yoga help to relax and control stressful situations that arise in life and with strong positive emotions. Deep breathing, meditation, and just having fun can help you avoid excessive sweating.
  2. 6. Alcohol, garlic, coffee, onion are the most common foods that cause body odor. Morning coffee increases sweating due to the temperature of the drink and the effect of caffeine on the body. To reduce sweating, coffee can be drunk chilled and decaffeinated coffee drinks can be consumed. Stimulate sweating spicy foods, such as peppers.
  3. 7. Use folk remedies drink enough water. If you have to stay in a stuffy room for a long time, increase the effect of the antiperspirant with talcum powder or baking soda. An acidic environment will help delay sweating, for example, wipe your armpits with a slice of lime, lemon or orange. Citrus fruits are a very effective natural deodorant.
  4. 8. If excessive sweating does not disappear for a long time, should see a doctor and find out if this is a disease caused by disorders in the body, stress or taking inappropriate medications. Signs of excessive sweating appear on the palms, feet, and underarms.
  5. 9. In severe cases the doctor may suggest surgery, which consists of either removing the sweat glands or excising the nerve endings that carry information to the sweat glands. However, these surgeries may cause sweating to be compensated by the increased activity of the remaining sweat glands.

Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating is a serious problem that worries a huge number of people. Heavy sweating can be caused by various factors.

To cope with this problem, you need to determine what causes served as the starting point for the development of hyperhidrosis. This may be some serious disease, overweight or hereditary predisposition. But in any case, you can defeat hyperhidrosis by understanding the causes of such excessive sweating.

Hyperhidrosis is a local or general increased sweating. Approximately 1% of the population suffers from this pathology. In the general form of hyperhidrosis, a person sweats all over the body. More often this happens when exposed to high ambient temperatures, with nervous stress or physical exertion. But there are times when sweating occurs for no apparent reason.

Localized excessive sweating is most often observed in the armpits, head, feet or palms. But in some cases, there may be other parts of the body to localize the pathology.

Hyperhidrosis not only makes people uncomfortable, but also creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria. They provoke an extremely unpleasant odor, itching and skin rashes.

Possible causes of pathology

Hyperhidrosis can be associated with diseases or individual characteristics of a person. Identifying the root cause of excessive sweating in the armpits, legs, palms, or the entire body is of great importance in successfully combating this problem.

The most likely prerequisites for the development of hyperhidrosis in humans are:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hormonal changes (adolescence, pregnancy or breastfeeding in women, menopause);
  • diseases of the endocrine system and hormonal disruptions (thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus);
  • infections (tuberculosis, malaria) - the body is forced to fight high body temperature by increased sweating;
  • stress - with an excitable nervous system;
  • obesity - overweight people are more prone to excessive sweating;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia - violations of the nervous regulation provoke increased sweating;
  • taking medications that cause sweating;
  • some cardiovascular diseases;
  • malignant tumors.

Also, the causes of excessive sweating may remain undetected. In this case, dealing with hyperhidrosis is somewhat more difficult.

What to do?

Severe sweating can be defeated if you put maximum effort into it. Not the least role in this struggle is played by the causes of hyperhidrosis. But even if it was not possible to identify them, you should not give up. Many techniques have been developed to combat sweat and odor.

Any person suffering from hyperhidrosis should start with regular water procedures. Excessive sweating of the feet, for example, can sometimes be eliminated by daily washing (preferably 2 times a day). The same principle works with sweating in other parts of the body. Excessive sweating in the armpits, chest or back requires frequent showering (at least twice a day). This is especially important during the hot season.

In the event that hygiene procedures do not save from hyperhidrosis, the patient should use special antiperspirants. If they are not effective, then you need to see a doctor to find out the reasons for excessive sweating.

If a person is sick, then no antiperspirants will help him. You can suspect the development of a disease in yourself if excessive sweating was not previously observed, and then unexpectedly developed.

With a high probability, the doctor will be able to identify any disease during the examination. If the causes of excessive sweating still could not be clarified, then a person suffering from hyperhidrosis may consider iontophoresis, Botox, or surgery as a means of combating increased sweating.

Examination by a doctor

A lot of diseases provokes increased sweating. It is better to start the examination with a therapist. But often the patient needs to be checked by the following doctors:

  • at the dermatologist - for the absence of inflammation of the sweat glands and dermatoses;
  • at the endocrinologist - on the level of hormones and the absence of pathologies (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland and diabetes mellitus);
  • at the neuropathologist - on the subject of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • at a traumatologist or orthopedist - on flat feet (the cause of sweating of the legs);
  • at the cardiologist - for the absence of angina pectoris and other pathologies.

Severe sweating can also be a manifestation of other diseases. Only a specialist can identify them. If no pathologies are detected, then it is necessary to start the fight against increased sweating in standard ways.

Application of antiperspirants

Antiperspirants are products that prevent sweating in the area where they were applied. These can be purchased products (preferably from a pharmacy) or traditional medicine. You can use them in turn. But there are certain rules for their use.

An antiperspirant is applied to the skin before bed. In this case, he will begin to act in the morning. The ducts of the sweat glands that block antiperspirants do not function at night, so it is in the evening or at night that they should be applied to the skin. At the same time, it should be completely dry (you can dry it with a hairdryer).

The composition of the antiperspirant may include various components, for example, aluminum chloride hexahydrate. In this case, the drug is considered medicinal, it is used every few days before bedtime (about once every 5 days). With prolonged application to the armpit area, with a high probability, the level of perspiration returns to normal. After that, a person can switch to conventional care products.

There are folk ways to reduce armpit sweating. Folk antiperspirants are alum (alunite stone, has an antibacterial effect), kaolin powder (perfectly absorbs sweat), oils (tea tree, coconut oil, jojoba oil), which reduce sweating and eliminate unpleasant odors. But ordinary baking soda will also eliminate it perfectly.


Iontophoresis is used for hyperhidrosis of the feet, hands and armpits. This is a special bath with water, in which it is necessary to immerse problem areas of the body. The greatest difficulties arise with axillary hyperhidrosis. Weak discharges of direct current pass through the water. After completing the course of therapy, the patient normalizes sweating in problem areas. Soda or special preparations can be added to the baths.

Botox injections

Botox, which is actively used in cosmetology as a means of rejuvenation, has also found its application in the fight against hyperhidrosis. Another way to reduce sweating is to inject botulinum toxin.

The patient is injected with botulinum toxin in the armpits, palms or feet, in those parts of the body where the maximum number of problematic sweat glands is localized. The drug blocks the sympathetic nerves, resulting in hyperhidrosis is eliminated. The action is stored for up to 10 months.


The most radical option to reduce sweating is surgery (sympathectomy). It is performed under general anesthesia.

A puncture is made in the armpit area in the chest, through which the camera is inserted. With its help, the intersection of the high frequency current of the sympathetic trunk is carried out. This allows you to stop excessive sweating in the armpits.

A person with hyperhidrosis, if it is impossible to identify the factors of its development, must follow the general recommendations for its prevention. Regular hygiene procedures are the basis for combating excessive sweating. But there are other ways to reduce underarm sweating.

You also need proper nutrition. You should give up spicy, junk food and drinks, avoid excessive alcohol consumption. The intake of any medications, especially hormonal ones, should be strictly controlled by a doctor. If a person is overweight, then it is necessary to reduce it.

In general, these measures should contribute to the improvement of the patient's condition. But if the causes of the pathology are established, then it is necessary to direct all efforts to eliminate them.

Sweat secret is an aqueous solution of salts, organic substances and urea. Sweat is released to maintain a constant body temperature and thus carry out normal human life. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for this. The signal enters the brain and reaches the nerve fibers - they stimulate the secretion of sweat in the glands, which helps prevent the body from overheating. If such a protective function were absent, the body temperature would rise by ten degrees every 5-6 minutes and in half an hour would reach a critical number - 420. Further - death from overheating, or hyperthermia.

Sweat is secreted through eccrine glands evenly distributed throughout the body. Most of them are concentrated in the armpits, palms, feet and chest. There are also apocrine, "smelling" sweat glands. They are located in the armpits, nipples, navel, genitals and react only to stress, joy, pain, sexual arousal, that is, to various emotional stimuli.

Why there is an unpleasant odor

Photo: shutterstock.com Approximately 600-800 ml of water is released per day. Freshly excreted sweat is almost odorless. Even smelling apocrine glands have a pleasant aroma, individual for each person. As a result of the vital activity of opportunistic bacteria that live on the surface of the skin in the ducts of the glands, sweat quickly decomposes. After that, bad-smelling fatty acids and protein degradation products remain. Isovaleric acid makes sweat smell more persistent. The smell of men's sweat is different from women's. Various types of microorganisms live on the skin of women and men.

To neutralize an unpleasant smell - in addition to deodorants and a shower - natural remedies can also help. I recommend using essential oils that have a good antibacterial effect: bergamot, lime, lavender, rosemary, ylang-ylang, peppermint, or lemongrass. Eliminate the smell will help infusion of chamomile or aloe. Apply to clean, dry underarm skin. But to use such methods, you must first consult a dermatologist.

Why is there more sweat during exercise?

Photo: shutterstock.com Sweating during sports is a physiological norm. During loads, the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is activated - the latter reacts to various extreme situations. Sports activities increase body temperature, warm it up. In response, the body turns on the mechanism of thermoregulation, the most important element of which is the release of sweat. It helps to control body temperature and promotes the elimination of toxins. The appearance of sweat during training is an unpleasant but inevitable factor.

Strong sweating is one of the main indicators of the effectiveness of a workout. If you leave the gym in a wet uniform, rest assured that your workout was a success.

Profuse sweating as a symptom

Photo: shutterstock.com Causes of excessive sweating can be:

a side effect of taking certain medications;

menopause, menopause, old age in women;

low blood sugar;

hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;

neurological disorder;

respiratory tract infections (tuberculosis, SARS).

If excessive sweating causes discomfort, you should consult a doctor.

How to reduce sweating

Photo: shutterstock.com There are several ways to reduce sweating. There are pharmacy products and professional methods that are carried out in the office of a dermatologist (beautician). General recommendations are as follows: try to shower twice a day, drink less coffee and eat spicy, spicy foods; choose clothes made from natural fabrics; watch your weight - extra pounds and obesity contribute to increased sweating. To reduce the activity of bacteria, it is necessary to timely depilate areas with excessive sweating.

In the pharmacy there are funds - blockers of intense sweating:

"Formagel" based on formaldehyde. The drug inhibits the work of sweat glands for up to ten days;

Malavit contains more than 30 biologically active components. The tool is used to treat the affected areas with a swab.

Drydry is a versatile product for all areas. The drug is applied in the evening on clean, dry skin, and washed off in the morning.

Photo: shutterstock.com In clinics, specialists use microinjections based on botulinum toxin (Dysport, Botox, Xeamin). This substance acts on the nerve impulses associated with the sweat glands and blocks the release of sweat for up to six months.

Pharmaceutical products have certain rules for use, indications and contraindications. If they are not followed, redness or irritation will appear in the treated area. Therefore, it is not recommended to apply drugs that block the production of sweat to the skin of the armpits immediately after shaving. Injection methods require the advice of a qualified specialist. Related Articles Why Some People Sweat More Than Others Why People With Tattoos Sweat Less

The entry Why do people sweat and how to reduce sweating first appeared The-Challenger.ru.



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