An additional chord in the heart of a child causes. Additional chord of the left ventricle: is it dangerous? Causes of the appearance of a chord in the heart of a child

According to studies, an additional chord occurs in 22% of cases among the child population. But this is only in persons examined by echocardioscopy.

Such an additional chord is laid even in the intrauterine heart of the baby at the 5th week of pregnancy.

A minor anomaly of the development of the heart, or, as doctors like to write, MARS, is a group of anomalies in the development of cardiac structures with deviations from the normal structure that do not lead to disruption in work. Therefore, there are no health complaints.

Our article will tell about the features of cardiac structures, why an additional chord appears in the heart of a child and how to continue to live with it.

Anatomy of cardiac structures

The heart consists of chambers - atria and ventricles, between which there are valves. Valves are needed to keep blood from flowing in the opposite direction. The opening and closing of the valves is regulated by special threads, or chords.

The normal chord is attached to the valve from both edges and participates in its operation. The additional chord differs in thickness and structure from other chords and, as a rule, is not completely attached to the valve, and may not participate in its operation.

How dangerous can such a chord be? It may contain additional pathways and cause heart rhythm disturbances such as atrial fibrillation, extrasystole. May change the rate of blood flow to the heart.

The uzist doctor must indicate in the conclusion which chord is hemodynamically significant and how it affects the contraction of cardiac structures.

If you do not conduct an ultrasound screening for a child, then you may not know about such a diagnosis.

By location:

By structure:

  • fibrous;
  • fibromuscular;
  • muscular.

By location in the heart:

  • diagonal;
  • longitudinal;
  • transverse.

In count:

  • single (in 70% of cases);
  • multiple (in 30% of cases).

By participation in blood circulation in the chambers of the heart:

  • hemodynamically significant. They affect the blood flow, can disrupt the work of the heart;
  • hemodynamically insignificant. Usually considered as a variant of the norm, do not harm the work of the heart.

At the reception was a child, 7 years old, a boy. Ultrasound of the heart revealed a chord in the left ventricle. Mom said that she was also diagnosed with this, while her grandmother also has this heart anomaly.

Also, the appearance of an additional chord contributes to:

  • mom smoking during pregnancy;
  • poor environmental situation;
  • malnutrition of the mother;
  • stress.

Usually, in the presence of an abnormal chord in the left ventricle, children do not make any complaints.

In the presence of a chord in the right ventricle, several signs are possible:

It should also be borne in mind that these symptoms in most cases appear during physical exertion.

Personal experience. As a rule, one full-fledged visit to a cardiologist accounts for 1 child with an additional chord. At the same time, no special complaints are made, and the extra chord is an accidental finding. There was even a boy-hockey player with daily physical activity for 3-4 hours with LVHL (additional chord of the left ventricle) and who tolerated such loads perfectly. But it should be borne in mind that this is a chord in the left ventricle. An abnormal chord in the right ventricle has not been encountered in my practice.

Komarovsky E. O. about “famous chords in the heart”: “In my practice, there were such children who randomly revealed chords in the heart on ultrasound. If not for ultrasound, then clinically these are absolutely healthy children. No need to treat them like sick children and limit their physical activity. They can become athletes of the Olympic reserve on an equal basis with everyone else. The only thing that is not recommended for them is skydiving and working as divers.”


An additional chord is detected on ultrasound screening at 1 month of a child's life.

Also, additional chords create a specific heart murmur, which, as a rule, is well heard lying down and disappears when the body position changes. In any case, if a heart murmur is detected, the doctor will refer the child to an ultrasound of this organ.

Also, at the risk of developing arrhythmia, it is necessary to conduct ECG monitoring annually. If changes are detected on the ECG, it is worth conducting a detailed examination - daily monitoring of the ECG.

There is no specific treatment.

No surgical intervention with an additional chord is required.

1. If the child complains, then the treatment is symptomatic. Magnesium preparations; nootropics; drugs to improve blood circulation, which reduce myocardial oxygen demand and normalize metabolic processes in heart cells.

2. For the normal functioning of the heart, daily physical activity is necessary:

3. Nutrition should be to saturate the diet with foods rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium:

  • dried apricots;
  • dairy products;
  • baked potato;
  • cheeses;
  • raisins, dried fruits;
  • bananas;
  • nuts.

4. It is necessary to exclude prolonged contact with computers, telephones.

5. Healthy sleep of the child for 8 hours at night is important.

Such a child should undergo an annual echocardioscopy, ECG and visit a pediatric cardiologist.

The accessory chord of the left ventricle belongs to the normal variant and does not require medical correction without any clinical manifestations. There is no need to panic if such a conclusion is written on the ultrasound, but it is better to contact a pediatric cardiologist who will tell you in detail what to do with the extra chord.

In this article, we will talk about such a structural anomaly, which is so common in recent times, as additional chords in the heart cavity. Recently, due to the improved quality of examination of newborns, including the echographic method (ultrasound of the heart), the frequency of cases of registration of this anomaly has also increased. Many doctors, especially doctors of ultrasound diagnostics, interpret the concepts of trabecula and chord as equivalent, which is not entirely true from the standpoint of anatomy and physiology, but the fact remains and in the doctor's conclusion you can see the diagnosis "additional trabecula" instead of "additional chord".

But, before highlighting all aspects of this pathology, I would like to briefly dwell on the anatomical features of the heart.

The heart consists of four chambers - the left and right atria and the left and right ventricles. In a normally functioning heart, blood moves from the atria to the ventricles. Unidirectional blood flow is provided by heart valves between them, which close and open according to the cycle of heartbeats. In order for the valves to retain their mobility and flexibility, from the side of the ventricles they are supported by "springs" - tendon threads, or chords. These threads alternately contract, pulling the valve towards themselves and letting blood into the ventricle, and relax, then the valve flaps close, and the blood is not thrown back into the atrium.

Sometimes it happens that when the baby's heart is still developing during pregnancy, one more, or several (in about 35% of cases) additional threads are laid in the ventricle. An additional chord in the heart is nothing more than an additional connective tissue formation that occurs in the cavity more often than the left ventricle, and in most cases does not carry a significant hemodynamic load (that is, does not impair heart function). Refers to small anomalies in the development of the heart.

Depending on the location in the ventricle, longitudinal, diagonal and transverse chords are distinguished (the latter are less common). Longitudinal and diagonal do not interfere with the movement of blood through the chambers of the heart (these are hemodynamically insignificant chords), while transverse ones can be hemodynamically significant - they create an obstacle to blood flow, which affects the work of the heart muscle as a whole. Also, transverse chords, in very rare cases, can be attributed to provoking arrhythmogenic factors, that is, they can cause heart rhythm disturbances in older age (SVC syndrome, shortened PQ syndrome).

Causes of the disease

The main reason for the appearance of an additional chord in the heart is considered to be heredity. If the mother has any diseases of the cardiovascular system, there is a high percentage that the child will be diagnosed with one or more of the anomalies in the development of the heart (open oval window, additional chord, mitral valve prolapse). At the same time, it is impossible to exclude as a cause the adverse effects of the environment, the influence of mutagenic factors (smoking, the use of alcohol and drugs in a pregnant woman), mainly during the laying of the connective tissue (up to 5-6 weeks of intrauterine development) and throughout pregnancy.

Symptoms of an additional chord

On what basis can a disease be suspected? If an additional chord in the heart is represented by a single thread, as is often the case, then it does not manifest itself in any way, the course of the disease throughout life is asymptomatic. This developmental anomaly can be suspected immediately after birth on the basis of a systolic heart murmur when listening to a child (in the vast majority of cases, the diagnosis is established during the neonatal period and early childhood, up to 3 years). The increase in the frequency of registration, as mentioned above, is due to the fact that, according to recently adopted medical and diagnostic standards, each child at the age of 1 month is assigned an ECHO-KG (ultrasound of the heart) to exclude congenital pathology of the cardiovascular system.

In some cases, with the intensive growth of a child with an additional chord, especially when the growth of the musculoskeletal system outstrips the growth of internal organs, including the heart, and therefore the load on it increases, cardialgia (pain in the heart area), palpitations , general fatigue, unmotivated weakness, psycho-emotional lability and dizziness, as manifestations of neurocirculatory (vegetative-vascular) dystonia. Heart rhythm disturbances may also occur. This symptomatology is more often manifested in adolescence and may accompany the patient into adulthood.

If there are several additional chords in the heart, the doctor must remember that the connective tissue is located not only in the heart, but also in all internal organs and the musculoskeletal system, respectively, and clinical manifestations can be from many organs and body systems. In such cases, we speak of connective tissue dysplasia, which is characterized by changes in the skeleton (scoliosis of the lower thoracic spine, deformity of the limbs, dysfunction of the skeletal muscles), a change in the framework of the tracheobronchial tree, the digestive system (bend or deformity of the gallbladder, hiatal hernia diaphragm, gastroesophageal reflux - reflux of gastric contents back into the esophagus), organs of the urinary system (nephroptosis - prolapse of the kidney, megaureter - expansion of the ureter, pyelectasis - expansion of the renal pelvis), etc. That is, with multiple chords in the heart, detected by ultrasound, and the above deviations in the structure of other organs, one should think that the connective tissue is poorly developed not only in the heart, but throughout the body.

Thus, only a cardiologist and a pediatrician with the involvement of other specialists can decide whether in each case we are talking about additional chords as an independent, separate disease; or an anomaly arose as a result of damage to the connective tissue. In the first case, as a rule, no symptoms are observed, while in the second case, symptoms also appear from other organs, which requires a comprehensive examination and monitoring of the patient.

Examination for suspected additional chord

Diagnosis of this anomaly is as follows:

  • clinical examination with mandatory auscultation (listening) of the patient, during which the doctor will hear a systolic heart murmur;
  • ECHO-KG (ultrasound of the heart) is the "gold standard" in the diagnosis of an additional chord of the heart.

Human heart during echocardiographic examination (ultrasound of the heart). The accessory chord is represented by an echo-dense linear formation, which can be viewed in two sectional planes, located in the cavity of the left ventricle (LV), closer to the mitral valve.

In addition to ultrasound of the heart. the patient may be prescribed an ECG (with and without exercise) to exclude heart rhythm disturbances; daily ECG monitoring; stress tests (veloergometry). What exactly of the listed methods of examination is necessary for the patient, the doctor decides on an internal examination.


If the patient has no clinical manifestations of additional chord He does not need medical treatment. It is quite enough to observe a cardiologist and have regular echographic examinations in addition to an ECG at least once a year.

In situations where the patient worrisome symptoms of the cardiovascular system justified prescription of medications.

  • To improve trophism (nutrition) in the myocardium (heart muscle), vitamins are prescribed: vitamin B1 (thiamine) with lipoic acid; vitamin B2 (riboflavin); vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). All vitamins are taken in courses lasting at least a month and at least twice a year.
  • Magnesium and potassium preparations will help normalize the processes of repolarization (conducting an electrical impulse through the myocardial fibers), the violation of which underlies cardiac arrhythmias: magne B6 (magnesium citrate with vitamin B6) - a course of one month (contraindicated in children under six years old); magnerot (magnesium orotate) for a course of three to four weeks (contraindicated in persons under 18 years of age); potassium orotate in a course of three to five weeks (allowed for use in children according to age dosage); panangin (potassium and magnesium asparaginate) for one month (safety in children has not been proven).
  • In order to improve metabolism (metabolic processes), antioxidants are prescribed in myocardial cells: ubiquinone, L-carnitine preparations, cytochrome C.
  • When signs of neurocirculatory dystonia appear, nootropic drugs (piracetam, nootropil) are prescribed.

And in any case, with an additional chord, general health measures are necessary:
- hardening of the body;
- a balanced diet enriched with vitamins;
- prolonged exposure to fresh air;
- observance of the regime of work and rest;
- sports activities adequate to the physical condition of the body - gymnastics, dancing (in any case, the decision on the possibility of doing this or that sport should be made by the attending physician).

If a patient with transverse chord or if multiple chords, cardiac arrhythmias develop (atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia, extrasystole, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, Morgagni-Edems-Stokes syndrome), up to the development of life-threatening conditions, immediate hospitalization in a specialized cardiological hospital is required, followed by a more detailed examination and treatment.

Sometimes, due to the fact that the false chord includes bundles of the myocardial conduction system, it is necessary to resort to surgical methods of treatment - cryodestruction (destruction with the help of cold exposure) or excision of the chord.

Can complications develop if left untreated?

It is sometimes impossible to predict in advance how a particular disease in a patient will proceed. Regarding the additional chord of the left ventricle in particular, and small anomalies in the development of the heart in general, we can say that doctors have encouraging data - as a rule, these structural changes do not require special treatment if they do not disrupt the functions of the cardiovascular system. Complications are rare and can be minimized if medications are taken.


The prognosis for life is favorable in the absence of significant hemodynamic and arrhythmogenic disorders.

Therapist Sazykina O.Yu.

An additional chord in the heart of a child or adult found during diagnosis is not a severe deviation. It is perceived as a minor anomaly, rarely leading to complications. To understand the features of the pathology will help the causative factors and probable symptoms that manifest themselves in case of failures in hemodynamics (blood flow). Treatment is prescribed only in the presence of clinical manifestations and an increased risk of complications.

Chords are tendon threads of the same thickness and size, consisting of muscle and connective tissues and connecting the valvular apparatus and the ventricle. When they contract, they pull the valve leaflets towards themselves, which contributes to the formation of a gap and the release of blood from the atria. During relaxation, the passage is closed. The additional (false) chord does not perform its intended functions. It has an atypical structure and can be connected to the ventricle or valve with only one end.

The abnormal chord has an ICD code (International Classification of Diseases) 10 revision Q20.9. It stands for "Congenital Anomalies of the Heart Chambers". In the role of an independent pathological process, the "falsh chord" is not considered. It is divided according to its location in the heart cavities as follows:

  • Towards:
    • transverse;
    • diagonal;
    • longitudinal.
  • By location in departments:
    • right ventricular;
    • left ventricular.
  • Depending on quantity:
    • single;
    • multiple.
  • Location in the stomach:
    • basal;
    • apical;
    • median.

An extra chord in the heart usually does not pose a particular danger, but whether this is so depends on the hemodynamic significance. Transverse tendon filaments can disrupt the flow of blood, leading to various consequences (stroke, arrhythmias, heart block). Multiple chords are no less dangerous, as they are perceived as a sign of genetic pathologies.

In most cases, a left ventricular single filament is detected in newborns during an ultrasound examination of the heart. Sometimes it is noticed in the fetus in the womb during routine diagnostics. In adults, its detection is associated with a medical examination or the occurrence of cardiac symptoms.

False tendon threads in infants are often combined with other small anomalies in the structure of the heart:

  • extra trabecula;
  • open oval window;
  • valvular insufficiency.

Unlike other anomalies, the open foramen ovale closes with age. Only in rare cases does it stay forever.

A well-known pediatrician, Komarovsky E. O., commented on the presence of "falshhord" in babies. According to the expert, the baby will not experience any discomfort. This anomaly is rather an individual feature than a serious defect. Only in exceptional cases, in the presence of many tendon filaments, manifestations of hemodynamic failures are possible. Treatment will be aimed at stabilizing the work of the heart. Single chords do not require any therapy regimen or restrictions regarding the type of activity, sports or diet.


An additional chord in the heart of a child occurs even in the womb due to certain factors:

hereditary predispositionThe presence of false tendon threads or other heart ailments in one of the parents is the main cause of anomalies in their baby.
bad habitsA woman who uses alcohol, drugs and smokes cigarettes during pregnancy significantly increases the likelihood of malformations in the unborn child, affecting not only the heart.
Bad environmental situationPolluted air and water contribute to the formation of anomalies in the baby during fetal development.

Clinical picture

One extra chord in the left ventricle rarely manifests itself. The situation is different with the transverse arrangement of the thread in the right ventricle, or if there are quite a few of them. The patient begins to experience discomfort associated with impaired hemodynamics and the work of the heart in general:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • disruptions in the heartbeat;
  • stitching pain in the chest;
  • mood swings;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness.

Symptoms most often appear during adolescence. The child begins the stage of intensive growth of muscles and bones, which gives an additional load on the heart. If they are detected, it is necessary to register with a cardiologist so that he monitors the development of the situation and takes timely measures to stabilize the condition.

Diagnostic methods

A cardiologist should be engaged in identifying extra chords and drawing up a treatment regimen. They are detected using instrumental diagnostic methods and by auscultation (listening to noises):

  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) allows you to visualize the structure of the heart and consider the features of hemodynamics.
  • Auscultation helps to hear diastolic murmurs arising from an additional chord.
  • Electrocardiography (ECG) displays the electrical activity of the heart and allows you to see possible violations of the conduction of the impulse.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe daily ECG monitoring and bicycle ergometry. The first examination helps to obtain accurate data on the work of the heart muscle throughout the day. The second test is conducted to evaluate her response to physical activity.

The identified extra chord in the child's heart may gradually "disappear". The baby is actively growing, which leads to a displacement of the anomaly. Instrumental diagnostic methods will confirm its absence. There will be no treatment plan. In conclusion, the doctor will indicate that the heart is without pathologies.

Course of therapy

In the absence of symptoms of disruptions in the blood flow, the anomaly does not make sense to treat. A person will have to undergo an ultrasound and ECG every year and, with the results, sign up for a visit to a cardiologist in order to monitor the condition of the heart muscle.

If the clinical picture of a violation in hemodynamics is still present, then drug therapy is prescribed:

  • Preparations rich in B vitamins (Neurovitan, Superum) are involved in nervous regulation, increase cellular metabolism and stop the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Tablets containing magnesium and potassium ("Asparkam", "Orokamag") help to stabilize pressure, vascular tone and neuromuscular transmission.
  • Antioxidants ("q-Protect", "Resveratrol") prevent the development of atherosclerosis, normalize the work of the heart and stimulate metabolic processes in the myocardium.
  • Medications with nootropic action ("Aniracetam", "Semax") are used to improve cognitive abilities and increase tolerance to stress (physical, mental). They are also used to relieve signs of VVD against the background of severe disruptions in hemodynamics.

Antiarrhythmic and other cardiac medications are prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the patient's condition. As an addition to the treatment regimen, you should follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle:

With the development of various life-threatening conditions, the patient must be hospitalized. Usually they are the result of multiple or transverse additional chords. In a hospital setting, a detailed examination will be carried out and treatment will be prescribed.

Surgical intervention is required if the accessory tendon filament impairs impulse conduction and results in severe interruptions in blood flow. Doctors will perform the procedure of cryodestruction (destruction of tissues by exposure to cold) or excision of the notochord.

The likelihood of complications

It is impossible to predict in advance whether an additional chord will lead to the development of malfunctions in the heart, or not.

The most favorable prognosis is in the presence of an anomaly in the left ventricle.

In most cases, it does not lead to pathological changes and does not require treatment. The use of medications to improve the functioning of the heart muscle significantly reduces the likelihood of complications. It is worth fearing only transverse and multiple tendon filaments. They have the worst prognosis.

Military service

In the presence of a single false chord, young people who have reached the age of 18 are still drafted into the army to serve. Representatives of the medical commission believe that it will not have any effect on well-being during the next year of life. The conscript is not required to undergo treatment in a hospital. He will be quite able to follow orders and engage in physical training on a par with other military personnel. A contraindication to service in the armed forces is a failure in the heart rhythm and other severe complications caused by the anomaly.

Extra chords in the ventricles of the heart muscle are perceived by specialists as a minor anomaly that does not require treatment and does not limit human life. It is enough to do an ultrasound every year to monitor its development. If there are signs of failures in hemodynamics and arrhythmia, drug therapy is prescribed. If with its help it is not possible to achieve an endowment of the state, then surgical intervention will be required.

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An additional chord in the heart of a child is a pathology that manifests itself during the intrauterine formation of the heart muscle at a gestational age of 5-6 weeks. Genetic predisposition is the main factor provoking the development of an accessory tendon thread in the heart.

What is the interpretation of the concept of LVTD? What is the left trabecula in the heart? Can this problem be prevented?

The concept of a chord in the heart

The heart is the main organ that maintains the vitality of the human body. It consists of four chambers, in which there are 2 ventricles and atria. Between them are valves that prevent blood from flowing in the opposite direction. Otherwise, mixing of venous and arterial blood would occur. The opening and closing of the valves is controlled by special "springs" called chords. Thus, the chords perform two important functions - they ensure the normal functioning of the valves and protect them from sagging.

There are several chords in the heart. They consist of muscle tissue and are strong threads. If the patient has an additional chord, it is easy to notice on ultrasound - it will stand out with its thickness. In most cases, an additional chord is formed in the left ventricle.

What is an additional chord in the heart, what are the causes of its occurrence in children?

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An additional chord is laid in utero during the formation of the heart muscle. A left ventricular single chord (LVCH) is often detected by doctors on a routine ultrasound. At birth, the child is diagnosed with a congenital anomaly of the heart chambers. In infants, a false chord in the heart is often combined with other pathologies - the presence of an extra trabecula or the opening of the oval window.

Is an extra chord dangerous for life? It depends on hemodynamics. If the thread has no hemodynamic significance, then it can be argued that it will not affect the normal activity of the heart in any way, and therefore does not require treatment. The effect on hemodynamics indicates the need for regular monitoring by a specialist. The table outlines the main types of additional chord, as well as their effect on hemodynamics.

Classification signVarietyHemodynamic significance
DirectiontransverseHemodynamically significant notochord that disrupts the functioning of the heart
LongitudinalDoes not affect hemodynamics
Location in departmentsRight ventricularHas a hemodynamic significance, expressed by an accelerated heartbeat, tingling in the heart
Left ventricularDoes not affect hemodynamics
QuantitySingleHas no hemodynamic significance
MultipleHemodynamically significant chord, which is manifested by cardiac arrhythmias, deterioration in the general well-being of the child
Location in the ventriclesBasalDoes not affect hemodynamics
apicalHemodynamically insignificant chord
MiddleHas no hemodynamic significance

LVDH develops while still in the womb. Why do children have this problem? Among the causes of pathology include:

  • genetic predisposition. False notochord can be passed on to the child from the parents. Most often, the anomaly is inherited through the female line, if the mother has extra tendon threads in the heart.
  • Abuse of bad habits. Smoking tobacco products, taking alcohol and drugs from 4-5 weeks of pregnancy can affect the intrauterine formation of the heart muscle in the baby.
  • Bad environmental conditions. Polluted air and water are factors that can provoke the development of pathology.
  • Nervous or physical strain. The formation of a false chord can occur against the background of severe stress or excessive physical exertion.

Symptoms of an anomaly in a child

The chord of the left ventricle (AHLV) may not manifest itself in any way. It is often diagnosed absolutely by chance at school or adolescence, and some patients learn about an additional chord only in old age. Pathology with a single chord also has no signs.

Manifestations of cardiac dysfunction occur in patients with an enlarged chord in the right ventricle in multiple quantities. Symptoms:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • tingling in the region of the heart.

All these signs begin to appear during the period of active growth of muscles and bones, i.e. in adolescence. Intensive development of the musculoskeletal system gives an additional load on the heart. At the first alarming symptoms, parents should immediately show the child to a cardiologist.

Diagnostic methods

To study the false chord in the heart of a child, the following diagnostic methods are used:

Peculiarities of treatment of children in the presence of clinical signs of pathology

The diagnosis of "AHLZH" does not require treatment. Parents need to monitor the health of their child, as well as regularly see a cardiologist and undergo an annual ultrasound and ECG. If the patient's health worsens, he should be booked for an unscheduled appointment with a doctor. After carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures, the following medications can be prescribed to the child:

  • preparations with magnesium and potassium - Asparkam, Magne B6, Magnerot, Panangin, which help to normalize pressure and vascular tone;
  • antioxidants - Resveratrol, Cytochrome C, which allow to stabilize the work of the heart, as well as activate metabolic processes in the myocardium;
  • nootropic drugs - Nootropil, Piracetam, Aniracetam and Semax, which improve cognitive performance;
  • products enriched with vitamin B - Neurovitan, vitamin complexes with lipoic and nicotinic acids, which allow you to stabilize the nervous regulation.

Consequences of an additional chord in a child

No doctor can predict whether this pathology will cause any complications or not. Specialists give a good prognosis to patients who have an additional thread in the left ventricle. In most cases (in 90% of patients), the left trabecula does not require treatment. A less comforting prognosis is given when diagnosing transverse and multiple chords.

The lifestyle of the child in the presence of an anomaly

Normalization of the heart function in children diagnosed with AHLH requires daily physical activity, adherence to dietary nutrition and daily routine. Among the feasible physical activities for such patients include:

  • daily walks in the air;
  • gymnastics;
  • dancing;
  • riding is not a bike.

All types of physical activity must be coordinated with a cardiologist. The doctor should also emphasize the need for proper nutrition. The patient's diet should include:

  • dried apricots, raisins and other dried fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • hard and soft cheeses;
  • nuts;
  • bananas.

For a child with a false chord, the daily routine is especially important. Parents should rationally allocate time for rest and activity. A full night's sleep is required. It is advisable to limit computer activities and the use of other gadgets - all this can be compensated for by walking in the fresh air.

Strengthening immunity is an important aspect for babies with an additional chord. Any infectious disease puts a huge strain on the heart. In order to prevent the development of the disease, parents should temper the child.

Is it possible to prevent the appearance of pathology?

An additional chord is a pathology that in 90-95% of cases develops due to a genetic predisposition, therefore it is impossible to prevent it, because scientists have not yet learned how to change the genetic code of people. Despite this, the probability of an anomaly occurring under the influence of some adverse factors is 5-10%, so doctors strongly recommend expectant mothers from the very first weeks of pregnancy to give up alcohol, tobacco and drugs, spend more time outdoors, avoid stress and physical exertion.

If we talk about such an anomaly of the body as an additional chord, then it should be clarified that such a phenomenon is most often characteristic of the heart. Also, this pathology is also called “false or abnormal chord”, and it can be detected only with detailed computer diagnostics (here we mean ultrasound). So, what is known about such a heart disease as an additional chord in the heart?

First of all, it is important to clarify that such a pathological element is genetic and is inherited mainly from the mother, who does not always know that she has such an abnormal process. in the heart - this is an unplanned neoplasm in the ventricle of the heart, which is outwardly similar to a muscle, that is, an extra one that has a filamentous structure and a predominant tendon structure. If you believe the experts, then we can assume that such a violation of the structure of the heart is not associated with the capillary muscles.

Will try to track the dynamics of this phenomenon. By itself, an additional chord in the heart is a conditional "tourniquet", which is attached at one end to the valve leaflet, and at the other - directly to the heart wall. There are several such chords in a person, and their main purpose is to help the valve not to deform, and to firmly hold the blood at the time when the planned contraction of the heart occurs. If one of these chords visually has an excellent structure, that is, it is slightly compacted or thickened, a similar phenomenon is clearly visible on ultrasound. When it is detected, it is possible that the following characteristic of such a chord will be recorded in the outpatient card: “hemodynamically insignificant”, which means no harm on her part regarding the work of the heart. Such a harmless notochord does not need immediate treatment and is generally not worth much attention. However, if an unrecorded chord positions itself as “hemodynamically significant”, then you should contact a knowledgeable specialist for detailed advice, but this does not mean that there is a serious cardiac pathology and a significant cause for concern.

According to all the same doctors, we can assume that such a cardiac structure does not affect the functionality of the heart and the work of other organs, and therefore does not require medical intervention. However, it is still recommended to undergo an examination in the form of echocardiography once a year in order to timely prevent the progression of possible pathological processes. However, it must be understood that with such a diagnosis, there will always be audible which will further interfere with the identification of other cardiac pathologies.

What threatens an additional chord in the heart? A potential patient with such a diagnosis should be vigilant about his health, since an extra chord with age entails a violation of the heart rhythm.

The patient must learn to live in his condition. What does it mean? Doctors give many productive recommendations when an abnormal chord is detected. Some advise doing only gymnastics and physiotherapy exercises, while others assure that there are no obstacles on the way to the “great sport”, but scuba diving and parachuting should be excluded. But be that as it may, professional sports require constant monitoring.

An additional chord in the heart is a good reason why “they won’t take them into the army”, but for some it’s even happiness, otherwise such an anomaly has no significant restrictions and allows its owner to lead a familiar lifestyle that is no different from people’s lives with normal heart structure.



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