Good for kidney function. Bad foods for the kidneys - what to avoid when compiling a diet

The human body contains paired organs, which include the lungs, ovaries, testicles (in men) and kidneys, that's what what is bad for the kidneys, we will discuss. The health of the kidneys is of great importance - like the liver, it is the organ responsible for filtering harmful substances that enter or form in the body.

what is bad for the kidneys

In addition to filtering blood from toxins, the kidneys are responsible for normalizing water-salt metabolism, the hormone erythropoietin is synthesized in the kidneys, which is responsible for normalizing blood composition, and blood pressure also depends on the health of the kidneys. Much has been written about the importance of healthy kidneys for humans, but we will discuss what prevents the kidneys from being healthy. In what ways some of us try to lime our kidneys, this important topic, I think, will be of interest to many readers of the blog. Your health and your loved ones must be constantly monitored, only a doctor can help with this, and best of all, a family doctor. You can read in detail about the competence, tasks of a family doctor, as well as the advantages of family medicine at the European Medical Center (EMC) by clicking on the link.

Everyone knows about the dangers of alcoholic beverages and smoking for health, but this harmful addiction is especially reflected in the work of the kidneys. Imagine how many toxins and harmful substances are excreted by the kidneys of alcohol and tobacco lovers! It looks beautiful only on the screens of a man, or a lady, with a cigarette in his hand, drinking cognac, in reality, they are just suicidal! It is worth thinking before you smoke, and even with a glass of beer, or a glass of alcohol ... Kidney health is not infinite. It is also necessary to take care of a full healthy sleep, because at night, during rest, the kidney tissue is updated. Constant lack of sleep, or poor sleep, can lead to the fact that the kidneys will work intermittently, which of course will affect the overall well-being. Do not even listen to those people who advocate a short sleep - those who indulge in this absurdity harm themselves - what is bad for the kidneys.

Uncontrolled consumption of coffee, or drinks, even non-alcoholic ones, containing a significant amount of caffeine will also negatively affect the stable functioning of the kidneys. Not only will excess caffeine not benefit the body in general, it also has a strong diuretic effect, which leads to dehydration and burdens the kidneys. In addition to all of the above, due to the large amount of caffeine, sleep disturbance occurs, which can easily lead to impaired kidney health. Is it really more expensive than such an insignificant pleasure as drinking a tonic in the company of friends, the health of one of the important organs?!

Sedentary work also negatively affects the health of the kidneys, contributing to the occurrence of congestion in the kidneys. Therefore, doctors recommend that every one and a half to two hours get up and take a walk, or do exercises. By the way, this approach is an excellent prevention of kidney stones. The kidneys need a daily intake of pyridoxine, or B6-vitamin, up to one and a half milligrams. Food - potatoes, fish, poultry and many fruits can be its suppliers. But it is also impossible to exclude dietary supplements containing pyridoxine - what is bad for the kidneys.

It is very harmful and constant restraint of urination, both for the entire urinary system, and for the kidneys, in particular. If you do not want to know the "charms" of kidney failure and the appearance of urinary incontinence, you should forget about this habit! The same applies to rash diets, especially fat-free ones. Such diets lead to a decrease in the fat layer not only in the “right” places, but also near the kidneys, depriving them of a protective layer. The kidneys need minerals and vitamins, which are not enough when diets are abused, besides, the blood balance is disturbed and the kidneys only have to filter it ... Excess salt in food is also “not to our liking” for our kidneys, because they are entrusted with the function of regulating water-salt metabolism, which, due to malfunctioning of the kidneys,

No wonder the folk proverb says: "It's too late to drink Borjomi when the kidneys have fallen off." It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

In our time, the unfortunate kidneys work with a huge overload. For the neutralization of harmful substances that have entered the human body, who is responsible in the body? - First of all, two organs - the liver and kidneys. The liver breaks down the poisons, and the kidneys excrete them. Either already modified or unchanged. And the ecology of large cities and the quality of most food and water are now such that it creates unusual, too large loads on these two organs.

People living along major highways are 15 times more likely to be diagnosed with kidney disease. It is assumed that the reason for this is the lead contained in the exhaust gases. What to do? Do not urgently move to the wilderness, to the village?

In such conditions, it is not necessary to create unnecessary stress on the kidneys. Let's sum it up very schematically: what do the kidneys “like” and what do they “dislike”? Let's start with what they love, writes

What do kidneys love?

1. Kidneys love dry, warm air. Heat dilates the blood vessels in the kidneys. Their blood supply improves. But dry heat is especially useful. The fact is that in such conditions a person begins to sweat intensely. With sweat, some harmful substances are excreted, which are usually excreted by the kidneys. For example, the end products of nitrogen metabolism in the body. And the load on the kidneys is reduced. Kidney climatological resorts are areas with a hot and dry climate, where a person sweats a lot. Steaming is very beneficial for the kidneys. Especially useful dry steam room - sauna.

2. Healthy kidneys like a person to drink plenty of water. If there are no edema (hidden or obvious), there is no renal or heart failure, you should drink at least 2 liters per day. Excess water is excreted by the kidneys in the urine. Moreover, they can easily remove, along with excess water, all the harmful substances that need to be removed. And if there is little water consumed, then the kidneys have to retain it in the body, save it. Less urine is produced. And to remove a large amount of harmful substances, urine has to be highly concentrated. It's harder on the kidneys.

3. Kidneys love, of course, clean water. If the water is polluted, then the kidneys have to remove with urine not only toxic substances that have entered with food and are formed in the body itself, but also harmful substances contained in the water itself. Again, this is overkill. So you need to use clean water or clean it. In the summer, it is desirable to give the "kidneys a vacation." Drink, at least for a while, clean well or spring water.

4. The kidneys love foods and medicinal plants that have a mild diuretic and disinfectant effect on the urinary tract. These are watermelon, cucumbers, parsley, dill, celery, wild rose, birch sap, strawberries, strawberry leaves and others.

5. The kidneys love the horizontal position of the body. At the same time, their blood supply improves. This may not be of particular importance for healthy kidneys, but it must be taken into account if the kidneys are not all right. With not quite healthy kidneys, you need to lie more. Desirable daily rest in a horizontal position.

What don't the kidneys like?

1. Kidneys don't like cold. It is dangerous to sit on something cold and damp, on a stone, on damp earth. By the way, for this reason, kidney disease often occurs in tourists, climbers, fishermen, and those who spend the night in cold conditions. It is dangerous to stay in cold water for a long time. Before and after staying in cold water, you need to warm up so that the kidneys do not have time to get supercooled. Pyelonephritis is the main danger for inexperienced walruses.

It is dangerous in general, and especially in old age, in the cold season to wear fashionable short jackets, for women to walk in light skirts with thin tights. Better warm trousers.

2. The kidneys do not like a lot of salt in the diet. After all, the kidneys have to remove excess salt. It's better to skip the food. Salty is not regularly, but as holiday dishes.

3. Kidneys do not like excessive amounts of protein animal food. After all, proteins are not stored and broken down into carbon dioxide and water, like carbohydrates and fats. Excess proteins are broken down with the formation of end products of nitrogenous decay: creatinine, urea, uric acid, which are not harmless and must be excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, now fashionable protein diets for weight loss are just a blow to the kidneys. And this is one of the reasons why, at the age of over ... you should not abuse meat products.

4. Kidneys do not like alcohol abuse. If the kidneys are not all right, be careful. By the way, people who abuse alcohol are much more likely to get bladder cancer.

5. There are drugs that have a nephrotoxic effect. You need to know them: these are kanomycin, gentomycin, streptomycin and some others (be sure to read the annotations). If you have not had kidney disease, such drugs can be used, but still not two nephrotoxic drugs at the same time.

6. Chronic foci of infection have a bad effect on the kidneys. Because they give a constant, albeit slight, intoxication, and the kidneys must remove toxic substances. In addition, microbes from these foci can enter the bloodstream. And then to the kidneys. And cause inflammatory kidney disease. Streptococcal infections - tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, caries - can cause severe kidney disease - glomerulonephritis. Therefore, caries, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis should be treated.

Thus, knowing what is good for the kidneys and what is bad, you can keep these organs in good condition, despite the not the best conditions of our modern life.

It is no secret that with a healthy lifestyle, it is not difficult for the body to perform its functions. When all systems are normal, it works like a clock. The health of the kidneys, like other organs, largely depends on what a person eats. Plus, physical activity and the rejection of bad habits - all this contributes to good health.

What foods and drinks are good for the kidneys?

1. First of all, of course, watermelons and melons. These foods are diuretic and flush the kidneys well, and a course of watermelon diet can even help clear oxalate stones. However, one should not expect a miracle from melons and watermelons if stones larger than 3 mm have formed in the kidneys.

2. Grapes, blueberries, cranberries, rose hips are also good for the kidneys, and indeed for the whole body.

3. Pumpkin, carrots, spinach, dill - these vegetables contain a lot of vitamin A, which is especially good for the kidneys.

4. Bread is useful from wholemeal flour. It has a lot of fiber, which has a positive effect on digestion and removes salt from the body. In this sense, bran is also beneficial for kidney health.

Healthy drinks

1. The most valuable and healthy drink for the kidneys is pure water. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water a day. When boiled, water loses a lot of useful components, and tap water - you understand ... So, it is recommended to drink the required amount of clean drinking water.

2. From teas, green tea and tea from the leaves of orthosiphon stamens (kidney tea) are useful.

3. Nutrient-enriched mineral water is also good for maintaining kidney health.

4. Only natural juices are useful. Shop options with preservatives for recovery will not work. It is better to make your own juices from fresh fruits and vegetables.

5. Fruit drinks from cranberries, blueberries and other berries, decoctions from wild rose, sage, mint, currant and birch leaves, chamomile flowers - all this also occupies an important place for healing the kidneys.

Foods and drinks that are bad for the kidneys

1. Products with artificial food additives, such as ketchup and mayonnaise. All kinds of enhancers, baking powder, sweeteners and preservatives - this is a real stress for the kidneys.

2. Salt and an excessive amount of spices weigh heavily on the kidneys. The entire digestive system is working hard. It is impossible to completely exclude salt, it has certain benefits, but the restriction does not hurt. Better not to salt. Better yet, use .

4. Colossal damage to the kidneys is caused by carbonated drinks. It's better to avoid them altogether.

5. Any feast with alcoholic beverages is a difficult test for both the kidneys and the liver. Of alcohol, beer is the most harmful drink for the kidneys.

6. Coffee lovers with their addiction also create a huge burden on the work of the kidneys. The same applies not only to "fans" of coffee, but also to those who are fond of strong tea and cocoa. If it is impossible to refuse, then you need to brew all these drinks at least weaker.

How are the adrenal glands doing?

If we are talking about the kidneys, you need to touch on the work of the adrenal glands. After all, they are very closely connected. The kidneys are the excretory system of our body. And the adrenal glands are responsible for the proper functioning of sexual function and performance. If constant fatigue begins to oppress, it is better to go to a specialist. An endless decline in energy may indicate that you have problems with the adrenal glands.

What is good for the adrenal glands?

Foods to support adrenal health are the same as those for the kidneys. And vegetables, and fruits, and enough water. But there are differences - for the best work of the adrenal glands, you need more vitamins B, C and D.

Vegetarians should eat more legumes as they contain essential plant protein. These are peas, beans, lentils.

And for those who have no restrictions in the choice of products, you need to eat meat, eggs, butter and cheese, as well as sour-milk products.

What is bad for the adrenal glands?

Basically, two foods that negatively affect the work of the adrenal glands are coffee and sugar. And of course, it is undesirable to consume fast food, carbonated drinks and other unnatural foods.

Frequent consumption of non-natural foods contributes to premature aging of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Causes of inflammatory processes in the kidneys

Kidney diseases are congenital and acquired. The sad thing is that they are all difficult to treat. If you do not think about the prevention of these diseases, that is, for example, do not change your diet in favor of natural products or do not stop drinking alcohol regularly, then the consequences will not be long in coming.

Unfortunately, heredity and an unhealthy lifestyle are not all the causes of kidney disease. Problems can also arise due to the spread of inflammation that has arisen in neighboring organs. Or when immunity is reduced. In all cases, it is necessary to quickly normalize the work of the kidneys, because if the body is not cleansed to the fullest, serious complications will appear. After all, the kidneys are the filter of the body. When they work poorly, toxic substances accumulate in the body.

The kidneys are involved in blood purification, regulate blood pressure. Violations lead to poisoning of the body. And if the treatment necessary in this or that case is not carried out in time, atrophy may begin. Then it is already much more difficult to treat, the course of the disease takes an unpredictable form.

Any inflammation of the kidneys is called nephritis. They are treated with diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents.

How to treat inflammation of the kidneys?

For example, you can prepare an infusion of goose cinquefoil in milk. Pour a tablespoon of chopped herbs with freshly boiled milk. Strain after 20 minutes. Drink half a glass three times a day. This remedy has an excellent diuretic effect, due to which, the load on the heart is relieved, pressure decreases and swelling subsides.

Of the pharmaceutical products, many praise the Fitolizin gel. Only now, not everyone can swallow an aqueous solution of this gel - it gives a very Vietnamese "asterisk" ...

Among the dietary supplements, green pills from Indonesia are very popular, which use extracts of silkworm leaves, kidney tea leaves, ginseng roots, extracts of sea horse, imperial rhizomes and licorice roots.


What is nephrolithiasis? If there are small stones and oxalate sand in the kidneys, they may not bother a person at all for a long time, and they will be found out when examining other organs on ultrasound. But when the stones are already of a decent size, and even move, or go out, they cause severe pain, and can cause injury to the tissues.

Large kidney stones are removed surgically. And small stones can be crushed. Folk remedies can help loosen small stones into sand and get it all out. At the same time and reduce pain. Well, if there is no trust in folk methods, and there is no time to go to the doctors, but there are funds to buy effective dietary supplements, then this treatment option is also not bad.

Folk remedy for small kidney stones

To dissolve small kidney stones, you can regularly cook bean broth. Cut a kilogram of washed green beans and put in an enamel pan. Pour one liter of water and put on fire. After it boils, cook for fifteen minutes. Insist until it cools down. Take at least one glass, three times a day.

Pharmaceutical remedies for renal edema and inflammation of the urinary tract

1. To relieve edema resulting from impaired renal function, kidney tea (renal collection) is used, and for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and nephrourolithiasis, the above-mentioned Fitolizin is used.

2. For loosening small stones and removing oxalate sand, as well as an antiseptic kidney agent, many experts advise the same Indonesian dark green capsules, which were also mentioned above.

The kidneys are a very important organ. This natural filter removes excess fluid and toxins from the blood, stimulates the production of red blood cells and controls blood pressure. Unfortunately, most of us take this vital organ for granted. Millions of people around the world suffer from various diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.

Kidney treatment is not the cheapest, and the pain that the body experiences with various diseases and malfunctions of the genitourinary system is unbearable. So start appreciating and caring for your excretory system right now. Here is a list of the foods you need to include in your diet to maintain human kidney health.

1. Water

Calories - 0 Proteins - 0 g Fats - 0 g Carbohydrates - 0 g

Water is a miraculous potion that can restore health to anyone. The main thing is not to overdo it. The recommended amount of fluid per day is 8 glasses for women and 13 glasses for men. It is better, of course, to talk with your doctor about the allowable amount of fluid per day, because it will depend on the condition of the kidneys and lifestyle.

2. Cabbage

Calories - 22 Proteins - 1 g Fats - 0 g Carbohydrates - 5 g

Cabbage is a leafy vegetable that is filled to the brim with various phytochemicals. The antioxidants present in it help remove harmful free radicals from the body, while reducing the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and kidney failure. Cabbage is a generous source of vitamins and minerals, and none of them negatively affect kidney function.

3. Red paprika

Calories - 46.2 Protein - 1 g Fat - 0 g Carbs - 9 g

Red pepper is good for kidney health as it contains a small amount of potassium. They will add brightness and taste to any dish and provide the body with vitamin C, B6, A, folic acid and fiber. They contain an antioxidant called lycopene, which has been shown to protect against certain types of cancer. Red pepper can be added to salads with tuna or chicken, it can be eaten simply raw.

4. Bow

Calories - 64 Proteins - 2 g Fats - 0 g Carbohydrates - 15 g

The smell of onion from the mouth will turn off anyone, but it helps the kidneys to work properly. It contains flavonoids and quercetin, which prevent the deposition of fat in the blood vessels. Quercetin is an antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. The amount of potassium in onions is low, making them a great vegetable for promoting kidney health. It also contains chromium, which in turn helps to process and absorb fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

5. Asparagus

Calories - 27 Proteins - 3 g Fats - 0 g Carbohydrates - 5 g

Asparagus is a low-calorie vegetable rich in vitamins A, K, and C. In hypertensive mice, a diet of mostly fresh asparagus helped support kidney function. However, it has an increased amount of potassium, calcium and phosphorus, so it's best to talk to your doctor before including asparagus in your diet. It can be grilled or blanched with other kidney-healthy vegetables for dinner or lunch.

6. Garlic

Calories - 203 Proteins - 9 g Fats - 1 g Carbohydrates - 45 g

Like onions, garlic has a rather pungent odor, but it is one of the most powerful medicinal plants. It gives an extraordinary taste and aroma to dishes. Scientists have found that garlic juice with metformin (a drug prescribed for type 2 diabetes) has a protective effect on the kidneys.

7. Cauliflower

Calories - 25 Protein - 2 g Fat - 0 g Carbs - 5 g

Cauliflower is a cruciferous superfood rich in vitamin C, folic acid, and fiber. It also contains substances that are important for the kidneys and liver and neutralize poisonous substances in the body. It can be eaten boiled, blanched, raw, added to salads, sauces and casseroles. It should be an essential ingredient in any diet.

8. Apples

Calories - 65 Proteins - 0 g Fats - 0 g Carbohydrates - 17 g

Apples are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are endowed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that reduce bad cholesterol levels, the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Since diabetes is directly linked to the complication of kidney failure, apples can help protect you from kidney problems. Apples can be eaten raw or added to various pies, salads, baked. From them you can prepare various delicious drinks.

9. Cranberry

Calories - 51 Proteins - 0 g Fats - 0 g Carbohydrates - 13 g

Cranberry juice is a popular home remedy for urinary tract infections. Due to its antioxidant properties, cranberries are a good natural antibiotic that inhibits the growth of bacteria in the digestive tract and kidneys. A study has shown that cranberries help remove calcium oxalate deposits from the kidneys. Always eat fresh berries in reasonable amounts or make cranberry juice.

10. Fatty fish

Calories - 175 Proteins - 19 g Fats - 10 g Carbohydrates - 0 g

Fish is a source of high quality protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids. One of the most important components of polyunsaturated fatty acids is omega-3 acid, which helps reduce inflammation and LDL cholesterol levels, cleanses the body of free oxygen radicals, and prevents heart and kidney disease. Scientists have found that polyunsaturated acids can slow the progression of kidney disease. At the same time, they compiled a list of recommended and prohibited varieties of fish. It is better to refuse the following types of fish: any varieties of fish grown on farms, shrimp, shark meat, eel, telapia, pangasius caught in the Atlantic Ocean. Pay your attention better to these types of fish: squid, varieties of fish caught in the Pacific Ocean, wild salmon, herring, beluga, salmon.

11. Pumpkin seeds

Calories - 285 Proteins - 12 g Fats - 12 g Carbohydrates - 34 g

These bright green seeds are much more than just beautiful. Rich in fiber, vitamin E, zinc, protein, copper and iron, pumpkin seeds have been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of bladder stones. Since they are high in phosphorus and can increase potassium levels in the body, talk to your doctor if you have kidney problems.

12. Lemon juice

Calories - 61 Proteins - 1 g Fats - 0 g Carbohydrates - 21 g

Lemon juice helps in the treatment of kidney diseases. The vitamin C and citric acid in it help maintain internal pH, promote a healthy and strong immune system. Drink lemon juice in the morning and before dinner. Be sure to dilute it with water and try not to add refined sugar to the juice.

13. Raspberry

Calories - 140 Proteins - 1 g Fats - 1 g Carbohydrates - 15 g

Raspberries contain ellagic acid, which neutralizes harmful free radicals in the human body. Doctors recommend raspberries to dialysis and kidney transplant patients. The red color of the berries indicates that they contain anthocyanins, fiber, vitamin C, manganese and folic acid. Raspberries inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

14. Purple Sweet Potato

Calories - 180 Proteins - 2 g Fats - 1 g Carbohydrates - 32 g

As mentioned earlier, kidney failure or other kidney diseases are closely related to diabetes. And diabetes is a consequence of malnutrition and obesity. So if you are obese, then your kidneys will have a hard time. In this context, scientists conducted an experiment in which obese lab mice were fed purple potatoes and found that it reduced inflammation and body weight. This, in turn, helps prevent kidney failure. Talk to your doctor before including this variety of potato in your diet as it is high in potassium.

15. Blueberry

Calories - 84 Proteins - 1 g Fats - 0 g Carbohydrates - 21 g

Blueberries are full of antioxidants that help detoxify the body. They are rich in nutrients that reduce inflammation. Researchers have found that blueberries suppress the signaling pathways leading to kidney failure in animals with metabolic syndrome. Therefore, add blueberries to your breakfasts to lose weight and protect your kidneys.

16. Strawberry

Calories - 49 Proteins - 1 g Fats - 0 g Carbohydrates - 12 g

Strawberries are a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin C, manganese, and fiber. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects and is an excellent option for promoting heart and kidney health. Many dispute the benefits of these berries specifically for the kidneys, so it's best to talk to your doctor about this first.

17. Cherry (cherry)

Calories - 51 Proteins - 1 g Fats - 0.3 g Carbohydrates - 13 g

Cherries are a storehouse of antioxidants and phytochemicals that protect the heart and kidneys. If you eat them daily, it will reduce the number and intensity of inflammatory processes in the body, especially in the kidneys.

18. Red grapes

Calories - 104 Proteins - 1.1 g Fats - 0.2 g Carbohydrates - 27 g

Red grapes contain the natural polyphenolic compound resveratrol, which provides a host of health benefits, including improved heart health and kidney protection. It accelerates recovery in patients with kidney injury such as ischemia-reperfusion complication after transplantation, diabetic nephropathy, etc. Therefore, eat red grapes in reasonable amounts for kidney health.

Foods that are bad for the kidneys

  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Peanut butter;
  • Lentils;
  • dried beans;
  • Bananas;
  • Spinach;
  • red meat;
  • Foods high in sodium;
  • Milk;
  • artificial sweeteners;
  • Caffeine;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Chicken with skin;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Dry ready-made breakfasts;
  • Wild and brown rice;
  • Iced tea in bottles;
  • Whole wheat bread and pasta;
  • oranges;
  • Potato;
  • Alcohol.

To keep your kidneys always healthy, you need to think about how to adjust your lifestyle. Try not to eat a lot of protein and junk food. You need to walk or run more often in order for the body to work properly. If you have kidney disease, be sure to tell your healthcare provider about your eating habits openly. I hope this food list has given you a better idea of ​​where to start. Remember, it's not too late - start now! Good luck!

The kidneys work continuously to purify the blood, processing about 200 liters of it daily. If it were not for this complex chemical exchange, the accumulation of waste products in the blood would lead to the failure of all systems and organs. In addition, the kidneys selectively approach the ingredients contained in the blood, removing toxins and returning useful substances back.

Toxins enter the body in different ways - from the atmosphere, water, food, drugs, cigarette smoke, alcohol. Constant fatigue, swelling, headaches, stomach discomfort, skin problems may indicate that it is time to expel the accumulated toxic debris from the body.

The kidneys are also endangered due to the formation of stones. If there is little liquid in the urine, the crystals present in its composition (uric acid, calcium, oxalates) become stones. Their presence is evidenced by a strong pulling pain, which has a wave-like character (attacks of varying intensity are given to the groin and lower abdomen). Urine becomes cloudy, acquires a sharp unpleasant odor, its amount decreases, pain occurs when urinating, and may feel sick and feverish.

Urolithiasis is provoked by such reasons:

Abuse of antibiotics and diuretics;

Tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse;

High pressure;

High cholesterol and sugar;

Excess weight;

Insufficient water intake;

Genetics, gender (men are more likely to suffer from this disease).

One of the easiest ways to prevent kidney disease is to drink enough fluids. Water does not allow substances in the urine to combine into crystals, it washes out sand.

A balanced diet is also important. Mandatory components of a diet aimed at maintaining kidney health, reducing the likelihood of stones, should be the following products:

1. Berries.

They heal the kidneys, relieve inflammation. You need to choose berries that have a lot of antioxidants (as a rule, this is indicated by a deep dark color). These are, first of all, blueberries and blackberries, but raspberries are also suitable.

Cranberry activates the cleansing process of the organ - the berry destroys infections, prevents the fixation of pathogenic bacteria on the walls of the bladder and urethra, thereby ridding the kidneys of calcium oxalate.

2. Watermelon.

It is useful due to the presence of a large amount of water in the composition and its diuretic properties, which contributes to the removal of toxins.

The presence of lycopene with vitamin C in watermelon is also important - these substances support the work of the heart, and the quality of blood supply to the kidneys, in turn, depends on the health of this organ.

3. Apples.

They have anti-inflammatory properties (antioxidants, which are rich in fruits, are responsible for them).

Eating apples lowers cholesterol, which means that one of the risk factors for urolithiasis is removed.

4. Beets.

The rich-colored vegetable is also rich in antioxidants, the main one being betaine, which increases acidity and helps to remove phosphates.

5. Onions, garlic.

Spices boast inflammation-fighting and antioxidant properties.

They support the work of the heart, reduce blood pressure, and in addition, improve the taste of food, helping to give up salt.

6. Cruciferous vegetables.

Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, colrabi, kohlrabi and other vegetables of this family detoxify the kidneys and remove toxins from the liver.

7. Leafy vegetables.

First of all, with dark green leaves. It is these vegetables (spinach, chard, sorrel, nettle, quinoa, mustard greens) that are high in magnesium and calcium, which helps keep oxalate levels low.

8. Nuts and seeds.

The need for their use is caused by the presence of magnesium - this is one of the key elements that prevent the formation of stones.

Most magnesium in cashews, almonds, pine nuts and walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, flax seeds and sesame seeds.

9. Ginger and turmeric.

Ginger root contains antioxidants that improve kidney function and protect the body from free radical damage.

Turmeric, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, can be used to treat kidney inflammation and fight infections that affect the urinary tract.

10. Apple cider vinegar.

Reduces the negative impact of oxidative stress, increases the level of antioxidant enzymes in the kidneys and liver.

It is not used in its pure form, but is good in salads (for example, in combination with lemon juice, leafy greens and avocados).

However, a number of products should be excluded from the diet or minimize their number:

Salt - its immoderate consumption disrupts the balance of sodium and calcium in the body and increases the load on the kidneys;

Sugar - oversaturation of the diet with sweets does not allow calcium and magnesium to be absorbed normally, which causes the formation of stones (carbonated drinks are of particular danger);

Caffeine - has a diuretic effect, in large doses provokes dehydration;

Unfermented soy - it contains a lot of oxalates, it is dangerous for those who have already been diagnosed with urolithiasis, the use of this product can aggravate the condition;

The abuse of meat, especially red meat, provokes the accumulation of uric acid.

Don't try to cleanse your kidneys with popular detox diets (especially drinking ones). To remove toxins, it is enough to fill the diet with the useful products listed above and the self-purification process will turn on involuntarily.

The correct start of the day will also help in this - a glass of warm water, acidified with lemon juice, taken on an empty stomach, starts digestion and promotes the detoxification process.

At the same time, food supplements, drugs that aim to cleanse the kidneys should not be taken before consulting a doctor. Even a change in diet requires the approval of a specialist.

Take care of delicate filters, do not overload them with junk food, consume enough water, because not only the work of all body systems, but also life depends on the health of the kidneys.



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