What is mammography? What is mammography: how is the study Painless mammography.

Mammography (from lat. mother- mammary gland)- X-ray examination of the breast. It is performed as a preventive measure in order to detect breast cancer as early as possible. In addition, mammography is performed in cases where a woman’s breasts are found to have any formation during examination by a doctor or self-examination, when pain, discharge from the nipples occur, etc.

What other studies of the mammary glands are there?

X-ray mammography can be film and digital.

Digital mammography is more modern technology. Its difference from film mammography lies in the fact that instead of X-ray film, the rays fall on sensors that convert them into electrical signals, with the help of which the image is displayed on the monitor (the principle of operation is similar to that used in digital photography). From the patient's point of view, digital mammography is no different from conventional film mammography. But for a doctor, this technology opens up more opportunities: you can examine the state of dense tissues of the gland, reduce the number of images, and analyze them faster.

X-ray mammography is the most informative study, its accuracy is 92%.

Magnetic resonance mammography The good thing is that it does not use x-rays. Disadvantages - high cost, less informative, even when using a contrast agent.

Ultrasound of the mammary glands also does not use X-rays, which means it is absolutely safe for a woman. Many people ask what is better and whether ultrasound can replace mammography. The fact is that there is no opposition between these studies. They complement each other and have their own indications.

Who should do an ultrasound?

Mammography is the best way to prevent breast cancer. If the mammogram shows any change, the doctor may order an ultrasound to collect additional information.

As the first examination, ultrasound of the mammary glands is recommended for women under 40 years of age (including pregnant women) with changes in the mammary gland. Firstly, in young women, changes in the mammary gland are most often associated with fibrocystic mastopathy or fibroadenoma, and these formations are clearly visible on ultrasound. And, secondly, in them (especially in pregnant women), breast tissue can be very dense and mammography will not be able to detect formations, even if they are present.

How is a mammogram performed?

The study is performed using a mammograph - a special x-ray machine that allows you to get an image of the breast in two projections. The woman stands in front of the apparatus, the iron is placed on the stand and slightly pressed down by the plate. At the time of taking the picture, you need to remain still. A picture of each gland is taken separately. The entire examination takes about 20-30 minutes. If necessary, you can take targeted pictures of the suspicious area of ​​the gland from other angles.

Mammography can also be performed using radiopaque agents that are injected into the milk ducts (ductography). As a rule, such a test is prescribed if there is discharge from the nipples.

Some mammographs provide the possibility of a biopsy - taking cells for histological analysis.

Does it hurt to have a mammogram?

Most women do not experience any pain during the procedure, but some may experience discomfort and pain when the gland is fixed and squeezed in the apparatus.

Is mammography harmful?

Indeed, this study uses X-ray radiation, but its dose is small and does not pose a danger to the body.

Do you need to prepare for the study?

Mammography does not require any special preparation. On the day of the procedure, you should not use antiperspirants and deodorants so that they do not leave “traces” on the picture. Mammography is recommended in the first 2 weeks after the end of menstruation, as during and before menstruation, the breasts swell and become sensitive. Women in menopause can have a mammogram at any time.

Who needs a mammogram?

Mammography, as a rule, is prescribed by a mammologist in case of suspected diseases of the mammary glands: fibroadenoma, mastopathy, malignant tumor. But after 40 years, this study is recommended for all women every 2 years, and after 50 - annually - for the timely detection of breast cancer.

Contraindications for mammography:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • age less than 35 years (relative contraindication).

Where is the best place to get a mammogram?

This diagnostic service is offered in many medical centers, both specialized and multidisciplinary. What should be remembered when choosing a clinic? The result of the study will depend, firstly, on the quality and novelty of the equipment, and, secondly, on the qualifications and professionalism of the radiologist and laboratory assistant.

Women's breasts are a symbol of beauty and motherhood. It can be a source of pride and a kind of guarantee of female happiness, or it can cause serious problems, the most dangerous of which is. High-quality qualified diagnostics can help to detect pathology in a timely manner.

In "MedicCity", the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the mammary glands is under the supervision of highly qualified doctors -. Reception in our clinic is conducted by such prominent specialists as M.M.Sonova, professor, MD, holder of the title of the best obstetrician-gynecologist in the country in 2017. The diagnostic equipment used by our doctors allows us to detect pathological processes at the earliest stages of development.

Mammography This is an examination of the mammary glands using x-rays. Currently, this is one of the most accessible, harmless and accurate diagnostic methods, which gives the specialist the opportunity to study breast tissue in two projections. The main advantage of the method is the high detail of the data obtained, which allows the doctor to detect the slightest changes in the tissues of the mammary glands. The information content of mammography is approximately 90%. Being a screening examination, mammography helps to detect breast cancer in the early stages of development.

Who needs a mammogram?

All women, without exception, who have reached the age of 35, are recommended to do an annual mammogram for the purpose of exclusion.

The reasons for immediate mammography of the mammary glands are the following signs:

  • chest pain;
  • deformation of the appearance of the breast or nipples;
  • discharge from the nipples.

If a woman's close relatives had breast or ovarian cancer, then mammography should be done from the age of 30.

Women over 50 need to be especially attentive to their health and be examined annually.

What can a mammogram show?

Early diagnosis of breast cancer with the help of mammography is a woman's chance to defeat the disease while preserving her breasts!

Diagnosis of changes in the tissues of the mammary glands helps to detect nodes, seals, changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, benign and malignant tumors, analyze their structure, shape, size, location.

Mammography can detect cyst which is a cavity with available fluid. But since he cannot distinguish between a cyst and a similar tumor, additional examinations are needed to make an accurate diagnosis.

X-ray of the mammary glands can also detect fibroadenoma , which looks like a tumor, although it is a benign formation.

Mammography reveals calcifications in the mammary gland. The appearance of even small foci may indicate the onset of the oncological process. To clarify the diagnosis, additional and puncture with cytological or histological examination .

If you have done mammography before, then the result of the study must be shown to the doctor - so he can track their dynamics if there are changes.

Preparing for a mammogram

The duration of the procedure is from 10 minutes to half an hour. In planned cases, it is better to conduct an examination from the 5th to the 10th day of the menstrual cycle.

Jewelry should be removed during the examination. In the presence of breast implants, it is necessary to warn the doctor in advance about this.

Before mammography, you should not use deodorants or talc for the axillary zone (the substances contained in them can distort the picture of the picture). It is enough to take a shower on the day of the examination and dry yourself with a towel.

If you want to do a mammogram quickly, efficiently and without pain, we advise you to contact the MedikCity clinic. The study will take place on a modern high-precision apparatus with gentle compression.

Conducting research

If ultrasound helps to see the condition and structure of soft tissues, then mammography shows dense tissues with high reliability. X-rays, passing through the human body, leave his image on a special film.

During the procedure, the patient is in a standing position. places the woman's mammary gland on a special platform, then fixes it and takes several pictures. During the procedure, the woman changes the position of the body at the request of the doctor in order to obtain images of the mammary glands in two projections.

To obtain clearer images, just as during the examination, when examining the mammary glands, it is necessary to hold your breath and not move for a while. Each mammary gland is examined separately during mammography.

Why is breast compression performed during a mammogram?

  • to obtain a clearer image by smoothing the irregularities of the chest;
  • to reduce radiation exposure, because the thinner the tissue, the smaller the x-ray dose will be needed for a full-fledged image;
  • for the same distribution of soft tissues, which allows better visualization of tumors and various seals;
  • to exclude "blurring" of the image during involuntary movements of the patient.

After the study, he makes a description of it for the doctor who referred the patient. An attempt by the patient to “decipher” the picture on her own is inappropriate: even a specialist may need additional studies to confirm the diagnosis.

After deciding not to have a mammogram and making an appointment with the appropriate specialist, many begin to fear the pain of the procedure. Indeed, on thematic forums it is not difficult to find many vivid stories of “victims” about how painful it is to do a mammogram and who had to restore their psychological and physical condition after this “torture” for a single day. Is it worth giving in to panic, listening to the opinion of the experienced, or everything is not so scary - we'll talk about this.

What happens during the examination?

In order to get an idea of ​​how painful this examination is, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of the equipment with which it will be carried out. Without going into the technical and ergonomic features of mammographs, all the work of each of them can be divided into two stages: the uniform distribution of the patient's mammary gland between the X-ray panels of the apparatus and the direct transmission of rays through it for further imaging. It is not difficult to guess that the second stage is completely painless - you can compare it with conventional fluorography or with the procedure of a picture in an X-ray room, for example, if a fracture is suspected. But the preparatory stage can bring some discomfort. To obtain a high-quality image, it is necessary to distribute the breast between the panels of the device in such a way that its thickness becomes minimal, which may not always be pleasant for the patient. Note that this is to be done not once, but four times - two projections for each breast.

Among the most common complaints, one can single out the occurrence of pain directly at the stage of breast compression, and pain that persists for some time after the completion of the images. It is extremely rare for women who have completed the diagnosis to have local phenomena in the form of hematomas.

What affects the pain of the procedure?

There are several factors that affect how comfortable the examination will be:

  • individual sensitivity and pain defect of the patient: according to statistics, pain occurs only in 15% of women;
  • bust size: owners of large breasts, as a rule, endure mammography less painfully;
  • elasticity of the mammary gland: the higher it is, the more likely it is that this procedure will be accompanied by discomfort or pain;
  • the skills of the examiner;
  • ergonomics of the device on which the x-ray will be performed: modern equipment allows you to conduct an examination with minimal discomfort;
  • stage of the menstrual cycle - it is better to conduct examinations on the 10th day after the end of menstruation, when the mammary glands are not in an increased tone.

We choose from two evils.

Unfortunately, stories about the agony during a mammogram not only intimidate those who are just about to undergo an examination, but are also an additional reason not to abandon it altogether or reschedule it for better times. As we have already noted, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the examination takes place without pain, and exceptions are caused by the physiological characteristics of a particular patient. Those who still doubt the need for it should understand that it is better to endure pain for a few seconds than to go under the surgeon's knife as a result of a late diagnosed disease.

Mammography- a section of medical diagnostics that deals with the study of the mammary (breast in men) gland. X-ray mammography allows you to detect pathological changes in the gland and determine their nature. Currently, mammography is one of the main methods for diagnosing fibrocystic disease, fibroadenomas, malignant neoplasms and is the only way to detect intraductal pathology.

X-ray mammography, digital mammography in Moscow, mammography in PATERO CLINICS.

The PATERO CLINICS Treatment and Diagnostic Center uses a unique, custom-made, full-size digital mammography system SELENIA the latest generation with the possibility 3D tomosynthesis, with a Secure ViewDX imaging station, and a horizontal stereotaxic system for breast biopsy with targeted digital mammography Lorad Multicare Platinum manufactured by HOLOGIC Inc. (USA). This equipment allows you to conduct research that is unique in its effectiveness and has an excellent safety profile for the patient.

According to experts, the mammography diagnostic complex used in the Medical Diagnostic Center PATERO CLINICS is by far the best in Moscow.

Mammography system SELENIA Dimensions is mammography without pain!

Where to get a mammogram in Moscow? You can undergo mammography at PATERO CLINIC. Medical and Diagnostic Center PATERO CLINICS provides the possibility of carrying out all methods of diagnosing breast diseases within the same clinic.

Digital mammography with tomosynthesis

The most informative method of modern X-ray examination is digital mammography of the breast with the "tomosynthesis" function.

The main advantages of digital mammography with tomosynthesis:

  • tomosynthesis represents a series of images that are processed into a series of slices one millimeter thick . This makes it possible to visualize the structure of the breast tissue in three dimensions, which reduces the number of unnecessary biopsies. Also, you can assess the condition of the breast after implant placement. rises informativeresearch when performing ductography. Mammography of the mammary glands is performed for women with any breast size, and most importantly passes absolutely painlessly and at reasonable prices!
  • use as a screening method is possible;
  • high sensitivity and information content;
  • the possibility of using telecommunication networks to transmit images for the purpose of remote consultation;
  • reduction of examination time.

When to do a mammogram?On what day of the cycle to do a mammogram?

When to do a mammogram? What day is the mammogram? It is recommended to undergo mammography at the beginning of the menstrual cycle from 5 to 12 days from its beginning. During this period of the cycle, the mammary glands are not tense, softer, and the study is not only less sensitive, but also more informative for the doctor.

How much does a mammogram cost?

You can do mammography in Moscow at PATERO CLINICS! The cost of the examination - see - mammography prices.

What are the indications and contraindications for mammography?

Breast mammography is advisable for all women after 35 - 40 years old once every 1-2 years, it is recommended to do it even if a woman has no complaints about the condition of her mammary glands. Women over 45-50 should have a mammogram annually. The doctor may prescribe a more frequent study. If there are complaints, it is necessary to consult a doctor (gynecologist, mammologist, surgeon or oncologist), who will determine the need for mammography and prescribe an examination.

The only contraindication is pregnancy and lactation.

How is the examination carried out?

You will be asked to stand in front of the mammogram. The specialist will place the mammary gland between two plastic plates. In this case, the woman experiences for several seconds lung touch. The picture is taken for each mammary gland in two projections: direct and oblique.

The resulting mammograms are described radiologist.

What is ductography?

This is a contrast x-ray mammographic examination of the ducts of the breast. Ductography must be done if pathological(most often bloody) secretion from the nipple for the diagnosis of intraductal formations. Before ductography, under local anesthesia of the areola, a contrast agent is injected into the milk ducts, after which images are taken in the upper-lower (direct) and oblique projections. On the received pictures the contrasted duct is clearly visualized along with branches, in the presence of a tumor, its location and size are determined.



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