What to do with menstrual pain. How to deal with period pain

Human life is full of injustice: men have to shave every day, and women suffer from menstruation every month. This natural process of feminine nature usually takes place without much trouble. But not all girls are so lucky. Studies have shown that every tenth woman experiences severe pain during menstruation, which practically paralyzes ordinary life and interferes with work and study. Tolerating pain is strictly prohibited. Try to eliminate menstrual cramps with the following methods.

Taking painkillers for period pain

These include analgesics and antispasmodics. They reduce the level of prostaglandin in the uterine cavity and relax the uterine muscles. Nurofen, Naproxen, Solpadeine or Medol are available without a prescription. Before use, be sure to read the instructions for the drug. Taking regular valerian or another sedative helps if you are easily excitable and very nervous during menstruation.

Relaxation, massage and heat relieve menstrual pain

Try to take some time for yourself. Take a comfortable position on the sofa, apply a heating pad with warm water to your lower back or lower abdomen. An interesting book or favorite movie will help you relax. Light scented candles. Gently massage your belly in a clockwise direction. In the evening, take a bath with medicinal salt or fir oil. Sometimes banal hypothermia causes severe pain.

Gymnastics during menstruation for pain

It has always been believed that it is impossible to engage in sports and physical activity on the “red days of the calendar”. Walking in the fresh air and some exercises are recommended:

  • Lie on the floor with your back, bend your legs and place your feet on the floor. In this position, smoothly raise and lower your stomach 4-5 times.
  • Stand in a knee-elbow position, lower your head between your hands. Stay in this position for 2-3 minutes.
  • From a lying position on your stomach, stretching, lift your upper body 5 times. Place your hands on the floor.

Natural Remedies for Period Pain

If you don’t want to overload your body with chemical pills, try herbal infusions and teas. They have a diuretic and analgesic effect. Infusions of oregano, raspberry bark and leaves, and chamomile flowers help well. As soon as premenstrual syndrome begins, brew tea from mint, lemon balm, chamomile or raspberry.

If no methods help you, your cycle is disrupted, your body weight has decreased, your body temperature has increased, nausea and headaches have appeared, this is a reason to immediately go to a gynecologist to rule out serious diseases.

Is it normal to feel pain during your period (menstruation)? Official and traditional medicine give a clear answer: NO. Pain during menstruation is called dysmenorrhea, and this unpleasant process should not be left to chance, especially since it is often accompanied by menstrual irregularities!

Pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea) can be observed a day before the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina and last with varying degrees of intensity in the next 3-4 days. Moreover, the list of symptoms for most women is usually the same: strong pulling, bursting pain in the lower abdomen, heaviness in the lumbar region, dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, increased body temperature, weakness, irritability.

According to medical research, pain during menstruation (menstruation) - dysmenorrhea is typical for more than half of women of childbearing age.

Pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea) is usually divided into two types: primary and secondary.

  • Primary dysmenorrhea. The causes of primary dysmenorrhea are not fully understood, but it is known that it is not associated with pathological changes in the woman’s reproductive organs. This type of dysmenorrhea is called functional and is associated with the excessive production of hormone-like substances - prostaglandins, characteristic of this period of the menstrual cycle, which increase uterine contractions. This type of dysmenorrhea is typical for women under 30-34 years of age.

Traditional treatment of primary dysmenorrhea consists of therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac, etc.), oral contraceptives, paracetamol-containing drugs, as well as folk remedies.

  • Secondary dysmenorrhea. The causes of secondary dysmenorrhea are changes in the pelvic organs caused by mechanical damage, inflammatory processes, neoplasms, as well as disturbances in the pelvic circulation. This type of dysmenorrhea is typical for women after 30 years of age.

Traditional treatment of secondary dysmenorrhea depends on what pathological changes are identified in the pelvic organs. Doctors often recommend supplementing prescribed therapy with folk remedies.

Attention!!! What NOT to do to relieve period pain:

1. Apply a heating pad to the lower abdomen (warming up can, at a minimum, increase bleeding!);
2. Apply ice to the lower abdomen (you can get cold!);
3. Drink alcohol, especially strong alcohol;
4. Abuse strong antispasmodics (painkillers);
5. Ignore symptoms of dysmenorrhea.

Be sure to consult a doctor to determine the causes of pain during menstruation!

How to effectively relieve pain during menstruation: folk remedies

pain (pain) during menstruation, missing menstruation, delayed menstruation causes, uterine bleeding, menstruation, menstruation, female, dysmenorrhea

1. A remedy for relieving pain during menstruation and cycle disorders

Ingredients: linden blossom (crushed flowers) - 1/2 tsp. spoons, St. John's wort herb (crushed) - a pinch, chamomile flowers - 1 tsp. spoon, 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Mix the herbs, place in a glass or ceramic bowl, pour boiling water, wrap, let cool and drink as tea throughout the day.

2. A remedy to relieve pain during menstruation (especially if the bleeding is heavy)

Ingredients: horsetail grass (chopped) - 1 tbsp. spoon, St. John's wort herb (chopped) - 1 tbsp. spoon, tincture of valerian or motherwort, oak bark (crushed) - 1 tbsp. spoon, 0.8 liters of boiling water.

Mix the herbs, place in a glass or ceramic bowl, pour boiling water, wrap, let cool and drink 3-4 times a day as tea, adding 5-6 drops of motherwort tincture or 3-4 drops of valerian tincture to 1 glass of tea.
The course of treatment is 1-2 days before the start of the expected menstruation (menstruation) and the next 4 days.

Get on all fours, lower your head and shoulders as low as possible, and make slow circular movements with your pelvis, 2-3 in each direction. Perform for 5 minutes.

3. A remedy for relieving pain during menstruation (also effective for women who are entering menopause)

Ingredients: daisy flowers (crushed) - 1 tbsp. spoon, St. John's wort herb (chopped) - 1 tbsp. spoon, calendula flowers (chopped) - 1 tbsp. spoon, motherwort tincture, 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Mix the herbs, place in a glass or ceramic bowl, pour boiling water, wrap, let cool and drink 3-4 times a day as tea, adding 10 drops of motherwort tincture to 1 glass of tea.

A course of treatment:
For women before menopause (menopause)- 1-2 days before the start of the expected menstruation (period) and the next 4 days.
For women at the beginning of menopause (menopause)- from the first day of the onset of bleeding and the next 4 days or during the period when menstruation should occur.

Exercise to relieve period pain:
Sit cross-legged on the floor, bring your feet together, holding them with your hands and quickly raise and lower your knees (flapping them like wings). Perform for 5-10 minutes.

4. A remedy to relieve pain during menstruation (especially if the bleeding is heavy)

Ingredients: elecampane root (chopped) - 1 tsp. spoon, St. John's wort herb (chopped) - 1 tbsp. spoon, chamomile flowers - 1 tsp. spoon, oak bark (crushed) - 1 tbsp. spoon, 0.8 liters of boiling water.

Mix the herbs, place in a glass or ceramic bowl, pour boiling water, wrap, let cool and drink 3-4 times a day as tea.
The course of treatment is 1-2 days before the start of the expected menstruation (menstruation) and the next 4 days.

5. A remedy against severe uterine bleeding (including during menstruation)

Ingredients: stalk of water pepper (pepper knotweed), chopped - 1 tbsp. spoon, yarrow - 2 shoots, 8-10 cm long (chopped preferably not with a metal knife), 0.8 liters of cold water.

Place the herbs in an enamel bowl, add water and put on fire. After boiling, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Remove the dishes from the heat, wrap and leave until cooled significantly (about 40 minutes). After this, mix, strain, and pour into a glass container.
Take 1/4 tbsp. up to 4 times a day with an interval of at least 3 hours! If the amount of discharge decreases, stop taking it!

Exercise to relieve period pain:
Sit on the floor with your legs under your buttocks and, holding your hands on the floor, tilt your body in all directions except back. Do not strain the press! Perform 5-7 minutes.

6. A remedy to reduce bleeding during menstruation (menstruation)

Ingredients: wild strawberry leaves (crushed) - half a glass, 1 liter of water.

Place strawberry leaves in an enamel bowl, add water and put on fire. After boiling, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for about 1.5-2 hours.
Remove the dishes from the heat, wrap and leave until cool. After this, stir, strain, bring the volume of liquid to 2 liters and drink half a glass 1-2 times a day. If the amount of discharge decreases, stop taking it!

Health to you, women!

Menstruation is a monthly physiological process that indicates the health of the organs of the reproductive system and a woman’s ability to procreate. Based on statistics published by the International Health Association, more than 65% of the fairer sex experience pain, cramps and colic of varying intensity during their menstrual periods. But are they physiological? Is it necessary to use analgesics to combat pain during PMS? What painkillers are most effective for menstruation? Is it possible that analgesics have a negative effect on the body during systematic use from cycle to cycle? Is there an alternative to the usual painkillers? When should you use painkillers? Let's figure this out together.

Causes of pain during menstruation

In order to choose the right analgesic, it is necessary to understand the “etymology” of pain. Discomfortable sensations shortly before menstruation and in the first days of menstruation are a physiological phenomenon. Most girls of reproductive age note that the lower abdomen not only hurts, but also “grabs” with a spasm, after which “aching” discomfort appears in the lumbar region.

About 20% of women surveyed experienced changes in stool, severe dizziness and nausea in anticipation of their menstrual periods. Experts say that mild discomfort is quite acceptable and is an individual reaction of the body to “cleansing” the uterus, but a severe pain attack, aggravated by additional symptoms, is evidence of pathology. This deviation is called dysmenorrhea.

Gynecologists say that the pathology can be both primary and secondary. Let's consider the most common reasons that can provoke the development of dysmenorrhea.

Primary dysmenorrhea

Hormonal disbalance

Pathological disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands negatively affect the functioning of the organs of the female reproductive system. Doctors are convinced that these disorders can provoke pain, cramps and colic that affect the lower abdomen and lower back during PMS. The cause of pain is a sharp change in a woman’s hormonal levels. In such a case, antispasmodics used during menstruation will give a short-term, barely noticeable effect. To eliminate painful symptoms, it is better to resort to complex treatment, including hormone therapy.

Intrauterine device

Contraception makes its own adjustments to the functioning of the reproductive system. Painful sensations in the first few months after the start of use lie within the physiological norm and are associated with the body’s adaptation to new “conditions”. If a woman notices uncharacteristic menstrual cycles during three or more menstrual cycles, she should immediately consult a specialist. Pain syndrome may indicate the onset of pathological processes in the uterus associated with incompatibility of the woman’s body and the intrauterine device. Women who experienced pain and cramps that arose while using this method of contraception claim that the use of antispasmodics was ineffective.

Abortions and purges

Among the consequences of surgical interventions, there are often painful sensations that appear several days before the onset of menstruation. This phenomenon is not a symptom of pathology and can be treated with broad-spectrum analgesics: No-shpa, Analgin, Nise, Nurofen and Aspirin. But you should not abuse painkillers. Constant use of such painkillers during menstruation, especially in adolescence, is fraught with malfunctions of the liver and kidneys.

Juvenile symptoms

The phenomenon is common among teenage girls and is not a manifestation of pathological processes. Pain and cramps in the abdomen and lower back are caused by the formation of the menstrual cycle and, in most cases, disappear during the process of growing up. Experts recommend that in case of severe pain, resort to antispasmodic medications no more than once a day. Frequency is due not only to the possibility of side effects, but also to the weakening of the effects of analgesic components on the body. Gynecologists recommend using tablets such as Novigan, Spazgan or Ketanol as pain relievers. These painkillers are designed to help during periods of severe cramps without harm to the stomach, liver and kidneys.

Postpartum period

The postpartum period is characterized by the re-establishment of the menstrual cycle. Many of the women noted the appearance of pain several days before the critical days and, directly, during menstruation. Doctors do not recommend using painkillers for women who are breastfeeding. It is worth noting that representatives of the fair sex who “met” the return of menstruation during breastfeeding noted that lactation is a natural pain reliever.

Pathologies in the location of the organs of the reproductive system

Congenital abnormalities in the location of the uterus can cause severe pain before or during menstruation. Tablets for painful periods should be selected by the gynecologist observing the woman, but, in most cases, this problem is solved surgically.

Sexually transmitted diseases

One of the main signs of many sexually transmitted diseases is the appearance of severe, uncharacteristic pain during PMS. The problem can be eliminated exclusively with the help of complex therapy aimed at eliminating the disease. Many specialists, in combination with narrow-spectrum drugs, prescribe Ibuprofen in such cases to help patients. This analgesic drug is not the main one and eliminates not the cause of pain, but its antispasmodic manifestation. But it is not recommended to carry out treatment on your own!


Many of those who experienced pain in the abdomen and back before menstruation claimed that similar symptoms were present in many relatives. In this case, pills for pain during menstruation are one of the optimal ways to solve the problem. It is worth noting that experts do not recommend exceeding the daily dosage specified in the instructions for the drug.

Lack of vitamins or minerals

A lack of calcium or magnesium in a woman’s body can cause discomfort that accompanies menstruation. Painkillers with such a history will only serve as a good addition in combination with taking vitamins.

Secondary dysmenorrhea

The disorder is a symptom of pathological processes affecting the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. Experts say that secondary dysmenorrhea is characterized by the intensity and strength of the pain syndrome. The pain appears against the background of a change in color, smell and consistency of discharge during menstruation. It is worth noting that the characteristic signs of secondary dysmenorrhea are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, spontaneous increasing pain and a change in the nature of the stool during menstruation.

Gynecologists are sure that in this case, exclusively analgesic during menstruation will bring little effect. Secondary dysmenorrhea requires complex treatment. Pathology is observed against the background of gynecological diseases or dysfunction of the genital organs. Accordingly, you can get rid of pain only as a result of a comprehensive fight against the disease.

Having studied the causes of pain, it is worth paying attention to effective means of getting rid of it.

Types of pills for pain during menstruation

Painkillers used during menstruation and before them differ not only in price, but also in the strength of the impact, and therefore in direction. The most common analgesics are of moderate effect. Such pills are recommended even in adolescence, because the negative impact on the body of anesthetic capsules is minimal. But even these drugs are strictly forbidden to be taken more than 3 times in 24 hours. For adolescents, the daily dose is limited to one tablet. Let's look at the most common moderate-impact analgesics:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Analgin;
  • Tamipul;
  • Nise;
  • No-Shpa;
  • Nurofen.

It is worth noting that you should not expect instant relief from these tablets. The active components begin to act no earlier than 15 minutes after taking the drug, and some tablets for abdominal pain during menstruation even have a cumulative effect.

Many experts are confident that the effect of regular Paracetamol is similar to many painkillers that eliminate discomfort during PMS.

The best result is achieved as a result of a course of taking tablets, which, in turn, should not exceed 5 days.

If pain occurs during menstruation, Paracetamol tablets can only be taken 3 times, one tablet per day.

The strength of the effects of pills for pain during menstruation directly depends on the chemical composition of the drugs. Painkillers in capsule form are divided into groups.


The principle of action of painkillers in the form of tablets is based on the elimination of spasm and pain. The speed of exposure directly depends on the “generation” to which the chemical composition of the capsules belongs. The best painkillers for menstruation in this category are recognized:


The regimen for taking the painkiller is described in detail in the instructions. In most cases, it is recommended to take 1 tablet 3 times a day. The active components of this powerful drug contribute to the elimination of tone in muscle tissue. The pain does not go away completely after taking the pill, but becomes barely noticeable, strong cramps disappear.


The scheme of taking tablets: in most cases, the therapist prescribes to drink one or two tablets 5 times a day. The complex of components of the analgesic drug was created specifically to relieve tone and eliminate colic and cramps that appear in the lower abdomen. Buscopan is recognized as one of the safest antispasmodic drugs for menstruation, because the tablets are absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract in a minimal amount, which means that the harmful effect on the digestive system is minimal.


The dosage regimen is identical to Buscopan. Due to the expanding effect on blood vessels, the tablets are recommended for relieving not only menstrual pain, but also for eliminating discomfort in the postpartum period and during pregnancy. The drug has the longest effect and is able to anesthetize in the shortest possible time.


One of the most loved pills by women for pain during menstruation. According to the chemical composition, the drug is an analogue of Drotaverine, but there are no side effects during administration. Experts say that Noshpa can be taken up to 6 tablets per day.


They are distinguished by their ability to instantly relieve pain. Let's look at the list of the most popular painkillers for menstruation from a number of analgesics. These include:

  • Spazmalgin;
  • Novalgin;
  • Baralgin;
  • Analgin;
  • Minalgin;
  • Peretin.

Due to the complex effect on all body systems, doctors do not recommend taking analgesic drugs more than once a day.

Analgesics can also help in the fight against aching and nagging premenstrual pain, as well as eliminate inflammatory processes in the muscles.

Nonsteroidal tablets for pain during PMS

These painkillers not only relieve pain, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Most often, experts prescribe non-steroidal tablets in combination with antispasmodics. These pills for menstrual pain are not only effective, but also affordable and low in price. Let's consider the most common non-steroidal drugs:


The tablets have a cumulative property and smoothly relieve pain. Therapists prescribe 2 tablets 4 times a day. On average, the price category of a medicine varies from 80 rubles.



The frequency of taking tablets should not exceed 6 times a day. The cost of the drug is 15 rubles. for 20 tablets.


Based on the reviews and comments of women who have resorted to using these remedies, the medications, although inexpensive, do an excellent job with both pain and cramps during menstruation.

In addition to pills, women use pain-relieving injections, menstrual pain patches, and rectal suppositories to relieve pain and cramps. Let's look at some of them.

Pain-relieving suppositories during menstruation

The effect of pain-relieving suppositories during menstruation is aimed at instantly relieving pain. Unlike tablets, the active substances of this dosage form immediately enter the bloodstream, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

Experts note that the use of pain-relieving suppositories rectally or vaginally reduces the risk of allergic reactions and completely eliminates the negative effects of analgesics on the liver and kidneys.

Many women prefer candles due to the absence of the unpleasant, bitter taste inherent in tablets. One of the advantages of this form is the ability to carry out the procedure independently.

Anesthetic injections are similar in terms of the rate at which active ingredients enter the bloodstream and the safety of use, but, unlike suppositories, they require outside help, and therefore are not so common.

The most popular among analgesic candles for rectal or vaginal exposure are:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Papaverine;
  • Naproxen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Tylenol.

It is worth noting that anesthetic suppositories used during critical days have a number of contraindications. Before use, you must consult your doctor!

Pain relief patches during menstruation

Patches for menstrual pain belong to the category of homeopathic remedies with an external spectrum of effects. The principle of operation is based on a warming effect that reduces the strength of pain and spasm. Thanks to the plant extracts included in the composition, these products have a relaxing effect on the muscle muscles, enveloping the problem area with a “warm trail”. In fact, the product is an improved analogue of a heating pad that can be used anytime and anywhere. In most cases, women use pain patches in conjunction with taking analgesics.
It is worth noting that doctors do not recommend exceeding the norms of continuous exposure to a warming patch. Based on the instructions for use, this time interval should not exceed 8 hours.

The most popular among the fair sex is Frauplast thermal plaster. The price of a homeopathic remedy will be about 120 rubles. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Pain-relieving injections during menstruation

The advantage of using analgesics in the form of injections is the rapid impact of the active components on pain and the absence of a negative effect on internal organs. As practice shows, this “ambulance” requires outside help, which means it cannot be used at any time and in any place.

In most cases, an injection is given as a last resort if the pain cannot be relieved either with tablets, suppositories, or decoctions or patches. Experts say that in case of strong, repeated cramps during menstruation, it is necessary to administer injections:

  • Analgin;
  • Baralgina;
  • Lidocaine;
  • Novocaine;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Mydocalma;
  • Ketonala;
  • Ibuprofen.

Self-prescription of this dosage form or arbitrary dose adjustment is not allowed! Painkilling injections, regardless of the “power” of the active ingredients, must be given under the strict supervision of the attending physician!

Traditional medicine against menstrual pain

Many women resort to traditional medicine to combat pain during menstruation. The most effective ways to relieve pain and improve general condition are:

  • nettle decoction;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • decoction of boron uterus;
  • warming and soothing herbal infusions.

You should not overuse herbal preparations if a woman has an individual intolerance to herbal components.

List of the most popular pills for menstrual pain

Studying ways to combat menstrual pain, one can come to the conclusion that the most popular means of combating the disease are capsules with antispasmodic and analgesic effects. You can buy medicines at any pharmacy. A prescription for these products is not required.

List of popular pills for menstrual pain:

  • Papaverine;
  • Nurofen;
  • Ketonal;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Ketanov;
  • Solpadeine;
  • Spasmalgon;
  • Buscopan;
  • Combispasm;
  • Novalgin;
  • Menalgin;
  • Nise;
  • No-Shpa.

Remember that combining painkillers in the form of tablets, injections, suppositories or patches with alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited!

Many women and girls complain of severe pain during menstruation. The intensity varies: from minor discomfort to unbearable burning pain accompanied by fainting, vomiting, dizziness, etc.

It is important to promptly identify the provoking factors of such a disorder and help alleviate the condition. It is worth understanding that regulation is a natural process in the female body. But if it is dysmenorrhea, then the outcome of pain during menstruation may be extremely unfavorable.

Types of pain

Severe pain during menstruation can be:

  1. Primary, not associated with pathologies and diseases. They appear in girls during puberty and continue until the menstrual cycle is completely normalized.
  2. Secondary, acquired as a result of pathological changes in the genital organs and certain diseases. The pathology is observed more often in women after 30 years of age, accompanied by excessive sweating, headache, vegetative-vascular dysfunction, arrhythmia, and tachycardia. With age, they can become a constant phenomenon, but they are different.

Other types of menstrual pain with the onset of menstruation include:

  • colic in the abdominal cavity due to increased production of female sex hormones, an increase in glandular tissue in volume;
  • pain, burning in the chest;
  • pain in the lower back is a common phenomenon, although it can be caused by inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • a feeling of overstrain in the pelvic area due to a violation of the water-salt balance;
  • increased uterine contractions as a result of hormonal imbalance;
  • compaction, engorgement, enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • the appearance of swelling due to impaired blood flow.

On a note! To get rid of back and lower back pain, just take an antispasmodic, a comfortable position and apply heat (a heating pad). You can get rid of menstruation when your period arrives by taking a contrast shower and performing a relaxing massage with circular movements of your palms.

Causes of pain during menstruation

Most often, pain during menstruation is caused by increased production of the hormone progesterone. This is a harmless phenomenon when the glandular tissue additionally increases in volume. The main thing is to take timely measures to make you feel better.

The main cause of pain during periods in teenage girls is primary algomenorrhea or a condition that can last up to 3 years until the menstrual cycle returns to normal. Girls additionally note:

  • emotional instability;
  • asthenia;
  • increased levels of adrenaline, dopamine, norepinephrine in the blood;
  • failure in the system responsible for the production of hormones;
  • constipation;
  • increased heart rate;
  • spasms of small vessels of the upper and lower extremities;
  • cyanosis on the skin;
  • paleness of the face and body;
  • insomnia;
  • migraine.

Other causes of pain during menstruation in girls:

  • underdevelopment of the uterus;
  • cavity bend back and forth;
  • abnormal development of the uterine cavity, leading to difficulty in the outflow of blood with the arrival of regulation.

With congenital pathologies in the structure of the uterus and fallopian tubes, an increased level of serotonin is observed in the cerebrospinal fluid. Girls suffer from low body temperature, gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, swelling on the face, and allergies.

REFERENCE! Primary severe pain during menstruation is not an independent illness, but rather a symptom of an internal malfunction caused by connective tissue dysplasia. Primary algomenorrhea may well be congenital with abnormal development of connective tissue, scoliosis, myopia, flat feet, varicose veins, and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. If pain during regulation has become an obsessive phenomenon, then girls are recommended to undergo a full examination.

The cause of pain during regulation in women after 30 years is secondary algomenorrhea. It occurs with moderate (severe) severity, often leading to aggravating symptoms:

  • profuse menstruation;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • bloating;
  • hiccups;
  • dizziness;
  • numbness of hands;
  • fainting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • joint pain;
  • itching on the skin;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • distortion of taste;
  • unmotivated weakness;
  • anorexia.

Women suffering from diabetes experience disorders of the endocrine system, and with the approach of menopause, a depressive state, an unstable psycho-emotional background, and pain in the uterus during sexual intercourse appear.

IMPORTANT! Such signs cannot be ignored, regardless of the root cause that led to painful periods. It is necessary to immediately visit a gynecologist and undergo the proposed examination.

The causes of secondary algomenorrhea can be severely pathological. Can call:

  • infectious and inflammatory course in the genitals, appendages;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • polypous neoplasm;
  • malignant, benign tumor in the uterine cavity;
  • varicose veins in the peritoneal cavity;
  • fibroma;
  • adenoids;
  • lack of progesterone, calcium in the blood;
  • pelvic endometriosis;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • bend of the uterus;
  • polyposis;
  • pelvic neuritis.

Painful menstruation can result from:

  • medical abortion;
  • long-term use of intrauterine contraception;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • introduction of infection;
  • complicated childbirth;
  • caesarean section;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • hormonal imbalance leading to cycle disruption;
  • decreased libido;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • performing laparoscopy, abdominal surgery on the uterine appendages;
  • scarring of the cervix, formation of adhesions;
  • poor nutrition;
  • frequent stress;
  • mental fatigue.

On a note! Minor pain with the arrival of menstruation is considered normal. So, the uterus is activated and begins to contract vigorously, pushing out exfoliated particles of the mucous membrane. A hormone-like prostaglandin also acts, leading to pain, the degree of manifestation of which directly depends on the concentration of this hormone in the blood.

When should you take the pills?

Carrying out drug treatment with the onset of painful periods is a last resort. You should not take pills thoughtlessly. This may cause addiction and additional side effects.

If pain during menstruation does not bother you much, then it is enough to take an antispasmodic, 1 tablet of No-shpa, Spazmalgon, Analgin to relieve spasms. It is better to avoid strong drugs (Ketanov, Aspirin). Dosages should not be neglected when taking painkillers. It is recommended to take 1 pill first and wait a little time. If relief does not follow, you can take 1 more tablet.

On a note! It is not enough to take medications for menstrual pain with 1-2 sips of water. To make you feel better and quickly dissolve the tablet form of the drug, you need to drink at least 1 glass of liquid.

If medications become unsuccessful in relieving pain during menstrual periods, then you can take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic (Dicycloverine, Drotaverine, Spazmalgon). In severe cases, it is permissible to take Nimesulide or Ibuprofen. Hormonal contraceptives help quite well with manifestations of dysmenorrhea. However, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of specialists, since even minor interference with hormonal levels can result in serious disorders of the reproductive system.

IMPORTANT! If the pain during menstruation only intensifies, what should you do when it does not stop for 3-4 days in a row? It is better to consult a doctor immediately. You should also be wary of the passage of large blood clots with an unpleasant odor, increased discharge on the 2nd day of menstruation with the appearance of severe pain in the lower abdomen, increased temperature, burning, and itching when urinating.

Read also 🗓 What to do if your stomach hurts during menstruation

As an alternative, if there is no effect from taking painkillers, you can use:

  • low-dose hormonal medications that can reduce prostaglandin production;
  • plant phytoestrogens to normalize hormonal levels;
  • non-hormonal homeopathic medicines (Analgin), leading to the regulation of the menstrual cycle, minimizing painful symptoms, improving general well-being and the state of the nervous system;
  • testosterone (progesterone) derivatives to reduce uterine contractility and suppress prostaglandin production;
  • gestagens to influence the secretory function of the endometrium, eliminate the excitability of nerve fibers localized in the muscular layers of the uterus;
  • non-steroids used when women are unwilling to use oral contraceptives;
  • NVPS (Mig, Nimesil, Diclofenaek, Ketoprofen) as painkillers to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • oral contraceptives to reduce blood loss with the onset of menstruation, suppress the ovulation process, contractile activity of the uterus and nervous overexcitation.

On a note! If the pain is severe, and pills and home treatment do not lead to relief, then it is recommended to consult a gynecologist. You should not abuse medications or swallow pills in large doses. It is important to understand that increasing dosages of antispasmodics can lead to reverse side effects.

Exercises for painful periods

Physical exercise is recommended for women with painful periods to maintain the muscles of the uterus in tone. Of course, there is no need to exercise intensely. It is enough to choose an easy sport acceptable for yourself and pay attention to it for 15-20 minutes daily.

It is appropriate to simply walk briskly more often to normalize general well-being with the onset of menstruation, yoga can be useful, taking comfortable statistical positions with the body at rest, without sudden movements. This does not involve the necessary muscles, but it increases endurance and the level of physical fitness, puts in order the muscles of the press, peritoneum, and pelvic floor.

It is useful to master the technique of breathing exercises, which helps to relax the muscles of the pelvis, relieve spasms in the uterus, and alleviate painful contractions. It is recommended to combine breathing exercises with regular physical exercises in order to direct actions to relax the muscles of the uterus and minimize menstrual pain.

Herbal medicine for painful periods

To relieve pain during menstruation, herbal teas, infusions of valerian, motherwort, chamomile, cloves, cinnamon, raspberries, oregano, hogweed, lemon balm containing phytoestrogens will help. Here are some good recipes:

  • raspberry leaves (2 tsp) pour boiling water (1 glass), leave for 0.5 hours, take in small sips throughout the day;
  • ordinary oregano, prepare an infusion: 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water, leave for 0.5 hours, strain, take in sips throughout the day;
  • chamomile flowers + lemon balm (leaves), prepare the mixture: 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, strain, take warm throughout the day.

Herbal infusions are quite effective, have no side effects and are pleasant to the taste. It is useful to brew dry raspberry leaves, mint, chamomile, lemon balm and drink as tea.

REFERENCE! Painful periods should not be confused with PMS, which may coincide with the onset of menorrhagia. Also, abnormal uterine bleeding can be caused by fibroids in the uterus.

Other ways to deal with pain

It is not true when they say that heat applied to the abdomen during painful periods increases bleeding. Of course, using a very hot heating pad is not recommended. But heat for 10-15 minutes is quite appropriate to eliminate pain.

Abdominal pain during menstruation can lead some women to complete incapacity in just a couple of hours. However, a comprehensive look at the problem can help most of them today.

How to get rid of pain during menstruation? This issue worries more than 40% of all women of childbearing age. For one, drinking a few glasses of delicious juice is enough. Others have to undergo long and difficult treatment. But what should we really do?

Menstrual pain symptoms

Unpleasant sensations in the peritoneum can begin as early as 5-8 days before the lining of the uterus begins to emerge. Initially, an infrequent, weak “tugging” is felt in the area of ​​the ovaries, to which, over time, sharp tugging pains are added along the entire height of the uterus.

Directly menstrual pain symptoms:

  • cramping and twisting uterine spasms
  • sensation of a foreign body in the abdomen
  • pulling, squeezing pain in the uterus, spreading to the intestines and lower back, intestinal spasms
  • shooting pains in the ovaries, kidneys, along the entire length of the spine, in the head

Cause of pain during menstruation

The main “culprit” of pain during menstruation is hormone-like substances prostaglandins. They irritate the nerve endings of the tissues in which they are produced, which causes uterine contractions and the release of the endometrium with secretions and blood.

Another common cause of pain during menstruation- endometriosis. The same endometrial cells of the uterus that should come out during menstruation grow into the surrounding tissue of the peritoneum or rise into the ovaries. Active synthesis of prostaglandins causes them to flake off, swell and collapse at the same time as everyone else.

Some teenage girls do not have time to fully develop physiologically before the onset of their first menstruation. This applies both to the structure of the body itself and to the balance of the hormones responsible for the cycle.

Why do teenagers experience severe pain during menstruation?

It’s just that an underdeveloped or incorrectly positioned uterus does not allow free flow of menstrual blood. As it contracts, it literally puts pressure on surrounding organs and irritates trillions of highly sensitive pain receptors. The teenage estrogen-progesterone background “adds fuel to the fire.”

Most often, discomfort in the lumbar region during menstruation is caused by swelling and excessive strain, as well as radiating pain.

The processes of the vertebrae dig into the swollen back muscles and injure them. And the reflex mechanisms of the spread of nerve impulses make you feel menstrual pain literally throughout the body.

Why does my lower back hurt so much during menstruation?

Existing ailments can also contribute to this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • fibroma
  • cervical dysplasia
  • endometriosis
  • polycystic ovary syndrome

Why does the back hurt a lot during menstruation in women who have given birth?

Although the uterus of a woman carrying a child returns to normal, it still acquires slightly different dimensions. During menstruation, this “extra” volume is enough to infringe on the nerve endings of the small pelvis, compress blood vessels and worsen blood microcirculation in the lower back.

Why does the back hurt a lot during menstruation in women who have given birth?
The female uterus can increase in size not only during pregnancy, but also under the influence of the progression of nonspecific postpartum diseases:

  • fibroids
  • endometrial hyperplasia
  • pelvic organ prolapse

IMPORTANT: All such gynecological defects affect the back with irradiating (reflected) pain sensations.

How to relieve pain during menstruation?

Significantly reduce painful manifestations before or during menstruation help:

  1. Nutrition enriched with potassium and calcium. The lack of these elements significantly increase the frequency and strength of uterine contractions.
  2. Surgical intervention or special gynecological treatment of functional problems of the uterus
  3. Complex hormonal treatment to restore the required balance of biologically active substances acting on the uterus
  4. Medicines and supporting pharmaceutical drugs
  5. Traditional medicine and exercise

How to relieve pain during menstruation?

You should definitely take care of your health and eat right. Pharmacies and simple gestures will help you cope with the remaining problems.

Tablets and drugs for pain during menstruation

To get rid of unpleasant sensations, doctors recommend antispasmodics, complex analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Among others, the most popular are:

  • no-shpa
  • papaverine
  • tempalgin
  • spasmalgon
  • baralgin
  • ibuprofen

If the above pills and drugs for pain during menstruation are not suitable (give unacceptable side effects), then paracetamol can be used. To achieve high-quality pain relief, it should be taken in a dose of 3-4 tablets every 6-8 hours. However, the official instructions for the medicine indicate the possible danger of such self-medication.

What helps with severe pain during menstruation?

For some women, menstruation is extremely painful: the sensations during uterine contractions are comparable in strength to labor contractions. In this case, the spasm also “moves” to the intestines, which causes painful three-day diarrhea.

In such situations, ketanov and tamipul (2 tablets every 12 hours) save. The first one, however, is sold by prescription. Both drugs have a very gentle effect on organ systems and cause virtually no side effects.

What else helps with severe pain during menstruation? In extreme cases, you can use analgin and solpadeine.
However, it is quite difficult to predict the strength and scale of the side effects of these drugs on the nervous system. Even with the third and subsequent appointments.

Folk remedies for menstrual pain

In addition to herbal decoctions of horsetail, tansy, meadowsweet and oregano, sweet pepper is considered an extremely effective remedy for pain during menstruation. At the same time, it is used as a salad base or freshly squeezed juice.

Other folk remedies for menstrual pain:

  • asparkam tablets (usually used for other purposes)
  • dried and fresh apricots, grapes, bananas
  • pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds
  • wheat bran and wheat germ

Treatment of severe pain during menstruation

Not many exercises can relieve abdominal pain during menstruation, but they do exist! For example:

  • you need to sit on a fitball / spread your legs wide apart and crouch, make circular movements with your pelvis in both directions alternately
  • It is necessary for the maximum possible time to take the position “mom is washing the floor” from a standing position; when bending over, it is advisable to touch the feet with your hands
  • required to sit or lie curled up in different turning positions alternately

Treatment of severe pain during menstruation with physical activity other types are contraindicated due to the possibility of heavy bleeding. By the way, a ready-made tincture of water pepper will help to regulate them.

REVIEW: I suffer terribly in the first three days after the start of my period. I save myself with sedalgin or ibuprofen. It seems to me that nothing other than pills or injections can relieve this terrible pain!!!

REVIEW: God forbid you be treated with analgin! Now I know how drug addicts feel when they're high. Maybe. The gynecologist said that it has this effect on many people. Girls! Be careful!

REVIEW: I was once brought a whole bucket of sweet peppers from the dacha. I used it in salads for a week and killed it. My period started within a week. And I didn’t feel the moment of their onset at all. Since then I’ve been eating peppers every chance I get. Which is what I recommend to you.

REVIEW: Naproxen relieves my severe period pain. A friend recommended it. And the gynecologist insists on taking hormonal contraceptives. I refuse for now. I'm afraid of various side effects.

REVIEW: And they advised me to use indomethacin suppositories. They helped a lot. But now my stomach hurts, and nothing can cure it. I'm planning to go to the doctor one of these days.

REVIEW: The first day of my period begins with an injection of a mixture of analgin, papaverine and diphenhydramine. Otherwise I climb the wall or lose consciousness.

I've been doing yoga for two years. After just four months of training, I began to notice that the intensity of monthly pain was gradually decreasing. Today I hardly use medications. This is despite the fact that previously Ketanova could not do without injections.

How to relieve menstrual pain:tips and reviews show that drug self-medication is held in high esteem. First we take medications, and then we consult with specialists. After all, you need to start from the other end!

Video: Painful periods (desmenorrhea)

Video: Everything you need to know about menstruation

Video: Painful menstruation. Women's diseases



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