What to do if a constantly wet head causes discomfort? Manifestations and methods of treatment of hyperhidrosis of the face and head.

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excessive sweating of the head called hyperhidrosis. Sweat literally floods not only the scalp, but the entire face. The condition is extremely unpleasant both for the sufferer himself and for those around him.

As a result - poor health, problems at work and in the family, psychological problems. Why does the face and head sweat and what to do with the pathology? We understand the problem.

Why the face and head sweat: physiological reasons

Doctors divide hyperhidrosis into two types:

  1. primary, when excessive sweating is an individual feature of the human body and has been inherent in it since childhood;
  2. secondary, developing as one of the symptoms of a disease.

With primary hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating gradually increases, and by the age of 14 or 21 it manifests itself to the maximum.

The reasons why the face sweats are so different that only a doctor can understand them. In the vast majority of cases, excessive sweating is associated with physiology and is not a manifestation of a disease that is dangerous to health.

Here are the most common causes of excessive sweating:

Very high temperature and humidity of the environment;
. great physical activity;
. the use of alcoholic beverages;
. spicy food and drinks;
. hats and clothing made of synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass through.

Any of these causes is not directly related to the person, it can be excluded, while getting rid of sweating.

However, there are other physiological causes of hyperhidrosis associated with the characteristics of the autonomic nervous system of a particular person. As a rule, violations in its work are associated with hormonal changes and are manifested:

1. in adolescence;
2. during pregnancy;
3. at the onset of menopause.

Hormones in the human body play the role of regulators of many physiological processes. Including they affect the thermoregulation of the body. Therefore, any failures are manifested by increased sweating in the head, face, torso. In any case, with the physiological manifestations of hyperhidrosis, you should not worry: the symptoms are unpleasant, but nothing terrible happens to a person. However, there are other, pathological reasons. Why the face and head are sweating can only be determined by a narrow specialist.

Pathological causes of sweating of the face and head

How to understand that excessive sweating is clearly pathological and it is time to see a doctor? Analyze your condition. If it does not depend on the weather, or on clothes, or on food, is not associated with special hormonally significant periods of life, it arose suddenly, then there is a reason to see a doctor. And the sooner you get a qualified answer to the question of why your face and head sweat a lot, the better.

Which doctor should I contact? First of all, see a therapist. By comparing hyperhidrosis with other symptoms, he will determine the possible cause and refer you to a specialist: a neurologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, etc. Diagnostic measures will be prescribed to confirm or exclude the initial diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Here are the possible reasons why the face sweats:

  • failure of the endocrine system;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • thyroid disease (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism);
  • obesity;
  • disease of the central nervous system;
  • pathology of the salivary glands;
  • oncological disease;
  • acute bacterial or viral infections, including brucellosis, tuberculosis;

Heavy sweating of the head is not at all harmless. And the sooner treatment is started, the faster it will be possible to fight against hyperhidrosis.
What to do if your face and head sweat a lot

To exclude dangerous diseases, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Diagnostic measures

If the causes of excessive sweating are associated with the disease, the doctor, after a visual examination, will prescribe a comprehensive examination:

. (total, for sugar, for thyroid hormones);
. ;
. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
. chest x-ray;
. MRI, CT - as needed.

A full examination may not be necessary. It all depends on the state of the person. The tests may turn out to be good, in which case the doctor will not prescribe treatment. He will definitely explain why your face and head sweat a lot, and give recommendations on how to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

In case of primary hyperhidrosis, when there is no danger to health, he will advise physiological methods to normalize the condition. As a rule, a person himself can determine why his face is sweating. What to do in these cases:

  • normalize the daily routine, do not go to bed later than 11.00, sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • give up junk food and strict diets, switch to a proper balanced diet;
  • move more, increase physical activity;
  • take care of the scalp, rinsing it with decoctions of healing drying herbs;
  • wash with cold water;
  • wash your hair more often;
  • to wipe the face, use cooled green tea, water with a solution of lemon, natural apple cider vinegar.

If the doctor prescribes medications, take them strictly. These can be sedatives, that is, sedatives, hormonal pills, antidepressants.

Medical treatment

There are special pills that relieve sweating very quickly. For example, sweat gland blocker glycopyrrolate, oxybutynin, etc. However, you cannot take these drugs on your own, without a doctor's prescription. They have side effects associated with a direct risk to health and even life. It is important to choose the right single dose, and only a doctor can do this.

In some cases, vitamin complexes with a combination of B vitamins are indicated. They improve metabolic processes in the body, which positively affects sweating, among other things. Only a doctor can decide on the advisability of taking vitamins.

Additionally, foods rich in vitamin B can be included in the diet. These are nuts, wheat germ, liver, bran, buckwheat, egg yolk, herbs, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, legumes, meat, etc.

Other Treatments for Sweating

Medicine can answer the question of why a person's face and head sweat. If hyperhidrosis is a concomitant symptom, then treatment will be directed precisely at the identified underlying disease. If the problem is caused by individual characteristics and is not associated with a serious illness, there are ways to influence a person’s condition, to relieve the severity of the manifestation of hyperhidrosis.


The most effective in relation to excessive sweating of the head is iontophoresis. The essence of the procedure is to act with a weak galvanic current on the problem area of ​​the body. As a result of exposure, the functions of the sweat glands are disturbed, their secretion decreases. In addition, there is a blockage of the sweat ducts due to the death of skin cells. The method is quite effective, but may not work due to individual characteristics.

Botulinum toxin injections

Botox or Diasport to combat hyperhidrosis is used if no other methods have worked. The drug is injected subcutaneously into the scalp, blocking nerve impulses for the secretion of sweat glands. It is very important that the procedure is carried out by an experienced doctor.

After the introduction of drugs, pathological sweating stops or significantly decreases. However, not forever. Botulinum toxin will have to be injected periodically, as the effect of the injection weakens over time. As a rule, you need to repeat the procedure every 6-8 months.

Psychotherapeutic sessions

A psychotherapist will help to cope with the state of anxiety, fear that have arisen against the background of excessive secretion of sweat glands. Various techniques are used, including hypnosis, auto-training.

In some cases, psychotherapy helps to reduce symptoms, in others it is useless. The doctor may include medications for sedation, tranquilizers in the treatment plan. The task is to stabilize the patient's emotional state and restore the normal functioning of his nervous system.


The doctor and the patient decide on surgical methods of treatment in extreme cases, when there is simply no other way to organize a normal life for a person. Sympectomy is a surgical intersection of the nerves responsible for the regulation of perspiration in a particular area of ​​the body. The effectiveness of this method is high, since the nerve is either completely cut or pinched and ceases to perform its function. Accordingly, the release of fluid from the pores stops.

However, with hyperhidrosis of the head and face, such an effect is undesirable. The fact is that the facial muscles can be damaged, and this is a completely different problem. On the other hand, with a successful operation, the quality of a person's life changes completely. Here you have to make a choice between possible complications and actually a complete cure.

Folk remedies for sweating

Traditional medicine also has answers to the question of why the face sweats and what to do to get rid of this serious problem. Medicinal herbs - that's what healers recommend to reduce the secretion of sweat glands.

The easiest way to remove primary hyperhidrosis is to wash your hair with a strong decoction of black or green tea. A tablespoon of dried leaves or 2 tea bags per liter of water is the basis for a tea rinse. Tea should be boiled for 15 minutes. at a slow boil, then cool and rinse clean hair.

You can prepare rinses for the head and face based on sage, calendula, birch leaves, lingonberries, mountain ash. Excellent drying effect gives oak bark. The skin of the face can be wiped with infusion several times a day.

Remember that it is better not to self-medicate if excessive sweating appeared suddenly and is accompanied by other symptoms. Consult a doctor, make sure that there is no direct threat to life and, together with the doctor, choose an adequate treatment regimen.

Although men are genetically more prone to overproduction of sweat glands due to greater body weight and increased physical activity, women make up more than half of the number of patients with hyperhidrosis due to a tendency to emotional manifestations and hormonal fluctuations at different periods of life. Severe sweating of the head and face in women not only brings them discomfort and discomfort, but can and is a symptom of the disease.

Causes of pathology

According to etiology, primary hyperhidrosis (essential, physiological) and secondary, which is a symptom of diseases of the skin, nervous system or internal organs, are distinguished.

Physiological sweating

Sweating is a normal reaction of the body, with the help of which the regulation of water-salt balance occurs, the removal of toxic metabolic products, and the maintenance of optimal body temperature.

Sweat is generated constantly. At rest, even in cool conditions, 500-700 ml of fluid is secreted per day through the sweat glands. Thermoreceptors located on the skin, in internal organs and muscles, are quickly excited when:

  • high air temperature;
  • physical activity;
  • taking spicy and hot food;
  • fever
  • emotional experiences.

Nutritional sweating occurs due to neural connections between salivary nuclei and sympathetic pathways. Sweat glands are located on the entire surface of the skin. There are especially many of them on the face, palms, soles, in the axillary and inguinal folds.

Primary hyperhidrosis manifests itself during the day, and at night sweating does not go beyond the norm.

Not being a pathology, essential hyperhidrosis is observed:

  • in pregnant women;
  • with obesity;
  • before and during menstruation;
  • with menopause;
  • in adolescence.

Primary hyperhidrosis is often hereditary.

Pathological sweating

Sweating is a reflex process that is realized with the participation of the autonomic and central nervous systems.

In order for sweating to be adequate and consistent with physiological norms, it is important to maintain a healthy state of the skin, blood vessels and endocrine organs.

Severe sweating as a symptom appears when:

  • diseases occurring with high temperature;
  • lesions of the nervous system;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • dermatoses.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Hyperhidrosis, localized in the head and face (craniofacial), often manifests itself:

  • on the forehead;
  • on the scalp;
  • in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

Increased sweating is accompanied by a number of disorders of the nervous system:

  • CNS disease - parkinsonism;
  • traumatic damage to brain structures;
  • damage to the sympathetic nuclei of the peripheral nervous system causes hyperhidrosis of half of the face.

Among diseases of the endocrine organs, accompanied by the same symptoms, note:

  • pathology of the thyroid gland: thyrotoxicosis and nodular toxic goiter;
  • elevated levels of thyroid hormones during drug replacement therapy (L-thyroxine, Euthyrox).

In case of pituitary tumors, along with hyperhidrosis, the following are observed:

  • tachycardia;
  • dyspnea;
  • dyspepsia;
  • weight drop.

Psychopathic syndrome often joins: nervousness, tearfulness, unstable mood.

The defeat of the anterior pituitary gland (acromegaly) is accompanied by increased sweating in combination with the growth of the bones of the facial part of the skull due to an increase in the synthesis of somatotropic hormone.

In diabetes mellitus, increased sweating is associated with damage to the processes of nerve cells - this disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system. In addition, sweat appears with a sharp drop in blood sugar.

The occurrence of profuse sweat at night may indicate infection of the body with tuberculosis.

With oncopathology of the intestine, one of the first symptoms is excessive sweating of the face and palms.

Disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, along with the formation of excess sweat, are evidenced by a change in the color of the skin of the face - it acquires a bluish tint, especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

In adults, constant stressful situations provoke hyperhidrosis as a reaction of the autonomic nervous system. The patient is in a state of constant tension, with the slightest excitement, the face is covered with drops of sweat. Contributes to the disease and the development of various phobias.

To find out the cause of heavy sweating, you have to turn to a number of specialists:

  • endocrinologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • dermatologist;
  • therapist.

Women are required to consult a gynecologist.

Depending on the alleged disease, instrumental (ultrasound, X-ray, MRI, computed tomography) and laboratory tests are carried out:

  • blood test for hormones;
  • blood biochemistry on the functional activity of the kidneys and liver;
  • Analysis of urine.

Sweating in different parts of the body is determined by an electrometric method based on changes in skin resistance depending on the intensity of the process.


If increased sweating is a disease syndrome, then therapy is aimed both at combating the identified pathology and at reducing sweat production.

Medical therapy

Means of general action are prescribed for a generalized form of primary hyperhidrosis:

  • tranquilizers Nozepam, Seduxen - with increased nervousness and panic attacks;
  • for the treatment of autonomic reactions, such as jumps in blood pressure, they combine antidepressants and drugs that lower blood pressure: Anaprilin, Amitriptyline;
  • ganglionic blockers and anticholinergics (Atropine, Belloid) are now rarely used because of their side effects: dry mouth, impaired visual acuity, urination disorders.

With localized hyperhidrosis, in order to get rid of excessive sweating, local remedies are used: antiperspirants and deodorants:

Modern methods of treatment of hyperhidrosis

Correction of excessive sweating is carried out with the help of drugs that cause nerve paralysis. These include Botox, which contains botulinum toxin produced by the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum, and its analogue Dysport.

Botulinum toxin blocks the skin nerve endings that control the activity of the sweat glands, as a result of which the conduction of the nerve impulse is disrupted and sweating stops. The effect lasts 6-8 months. Injections are most often used for hyperhidrosis of the face and armpits.

The method of endoscopic sympathectomy is based on the termination of the transmission of nerve impulses along the sympathetic fiber, and the corresponding part of the body ceases to sweat. In clinics, surgery is performed in two ways:

Mode Correction

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis can be reduced by observing the following conditions:

  • proper organization of the regime of work and rest, healthy sleep;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • normalization of weight;
  • avoidance of traumatic situations;
  • exclusion from the applied cosmetics tonal and oily face creams;
  • regular shampooing with hypoallergenic shampoos;
  • restriction of visits to baths, saunas;
  • refusal to travel to countries with a hot climate.


People suffering from excessive sweating are advised to completely eliminate the following foods from their diet:

Too hot food should be avoided.

In limited quantities, it is allowed to include in the nutrition program:

  • red meat;
  • strawberries;
  • whole milk.

Folk remedies

In folk medicine, to get rid of sweating, decoctions and infusions of plants with a tannic effect are used for external use:

  • oak bark;
  • bay leaf;
  • turns.

The mechanism of their action is based on the fact that they narrow the excretory duct of the sweat glands, while their secretion decreases.

Scalp Recipes:

  1. 10 g of green tea (can be in bags) pour 1 liter of boiling water. Rinse your head with cooled infusion after washing.
  2. Mix a large spoonful of crushed oak bark, rowan fruits, sage herbs. Pour ½ liter of boiling water. After settling, strain the solution, use to rinse the head.

Recipes for the face:

  1. Pour a spoonful of starch into the beaten protein of one egg, add 10 drops of lemon juice. Stir, lubricate the face with the resulting mixture for 10 minutes. Wash off the mask with cool water.
  2. Combine a large spoonful of oak bark, sage, chamomile. Boil 2 cups of boiling water. After settling, strain, pour in 100 ml of vodka. Wash your face twice a day.

For oral administration, decoctions of lemon balm, motherwort, mint, valerian roots are used - a teaspoon per glass of boiling water.

Hyperhidrosis on the face and head, especially in women, leads to the development of neurotic conditions, dissatisfaction in personal life, and limited choice in the field of professional activity. Therefore, if there is a problem of excessive sweating, it is necessary to consult a doctor, and with the help of modern means to get rid of this unpleasant disease.

Sweating is a normal physiological process that helps control thermoregulation in the body. However, when sweating of the head in women is manifested constantly or at night, it is worth thinking about possible violations. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since sweating can be a harbinger of a serious disorder.

Causes of excessive sweating on the head in women

Pathological influence on the development of hyperhidrosis

The secondary form of hyperhidrosis develops due to pathological processes occurring in the body. Such deviations often pose a serious threat to human health, so excessive sweating in this case, from the point of view of doctors, is more dangerous. A striking sign of such hyperhidrosis is sweating at night. The reasons for increased sweating are as follows:

What are the symptoms of hyperhidrosis of the head?

With secondary hyperhidrosis, the head and face sweat heavily, which is the main alarming sign. However, there are various situations, and you need to be able to navigate when to see a doctor, and when to get by with folk methods. The main symptoms include:

  • Generalized sweating. It manifests itself in various parts of the body, and not just the head.
  • Profuse perspiration at night. Increased perspiration at night does not occur by itself.
  • Asymmetric sweating. Unilateral sweating may indicate a nervous imbalance.
  • The intensity of perspiration. When sweating is replaced by dryness and vice versa, it is recommended to urgently consult with a treating specialist.
  • Sweating while taking pills. In this case, you need to consult a doctor about a possible side effect.

How to diagnose pathology?

With the development of alarming signs, an immediate consultation with a doctor is required, who will conduct a comprehensive examination, consisting of the following measures:

  • a detailed history;
  • careful examination of the patient;
  • general examination of blood and urine;
  • thyroid examination;
  • analysis of blood sugar levels;
  • chest x-ray;
  • CT, MRI and other examinations depending on the situation.

Basic Treatments for Head Sweating

How effective is surgery?

It is necessary, together with the doctor, to choose a method of treatment so as not to aggravate the problem.

The main operational methods include:

  • Manipulations in the cervical and thoracic region. They act on the symptomatic nerve with the help of chemicals, electricity. Nerve blockage occurs permanently or with possible recovery, the decision is made by the doctor during the operation.
  • Endoscopic surgery. They have the highest percentage of success in the treatment of hyperhidrosis of the head. Subsequently, the patient does not have postoperative scars, the person is discharged the next day. Small holes are pierced in the skin of the head, into which the endoscope and mini-camera penetrate.
  • Operations through the skin. The intervention occurs only under the scalp.

The course of treatment is prescribed only by a doctor based on the results of the diagnosis.

Excessive head sweating always causes a lot of irritation in women with long hair (although it is no less common in men). Because of it, the hair quickly becomes dirty, the hairstyle deteriorates, itching and an unpleasant odor appear.

What to do? First find out why this is happening. Both banal heat or wearing too warm hats, as well as heredity and even such serious diseases as tuberculosis and HIV can lead to excessive sweating of the scalp.

Reasons not related to diseases

Stay in a bathhouse or any other hot room

Sweating is a natural reaction of the body to heat, due to the release of sweat, thermoregulation occurs. Under normal conditions, sweat is usually only released under the armpits, but when a person gets into very hot conditions, the head and face, as well as other areas of the body, such as the back, stomach and legs, may begin to sweat.

Thus, the body tries to quickly "reset" body temperature and avoid overheating.

Hot climate

If a hot climate is unusual for a person, the body will react to it in the same way as in the previous case. The combination of a hot climate with high humidity can aggravate the situation, because of which sweating will only intensify.

Physical exercise

The human body can heat up not only under the influence of the external environment, but also as a result of active physical actions. To cool down, the body acts in the usual way - it releases sweat around the entire perimeter of the skin, including on the head.

In addition, intense sweating on the scalp in an adult man and woman can occur during sex, since this process is accompanied by the release of the hormones endorphin and testosterone.

Thick hair

Strong sweating of the head can be provoked by thick and long hair, which interferes with the natural circulation of air near the roots. In this case, a person will sweat a lot even in cool weather and in a calm state.


The hereditary feature of some people is an increased number of merocrine glands, through which sweating occurs. But since there are many such glands, sweating will be more intense. The situation can be aggravated by congenital hypersensitivity to external factors that provoke sweating - food, stress, physical activity.

Abuse of hair styling products

Styling residues can remain on the head even after washing, thereby clogging the sweat glands and preventing the skin from thermoregulating. Especially often this problem occurs in men with short hair, who use styling gels and apply them almost to the scalp.

Improper scalp and hair care

Shampooing very infrequently can also increase sweat production, as dirt and oil accumulated on the surface of the skin can clog the sweat glands. But keep in mind that washing your hair too often is also harmful: there is a risk of overdrying the scalp and making it painful.

Wearing warm and/or too tight hats

A warm hat that is not suitable for the weather can create the same effect as thick hair. By obstructing air circulation and cooling, a hat can cause the skin to sweat profusely. Often such a problem can be observed in infants, whose own body has not yet learned to regulate the temperature (and the mother, due to inexperience, may not guess which cap to wear to the baby).

Avoiding hats in winter

When a person constantly walks without a hat in the cold, his scalp gradually adapts to the effects of cold. If, after a walk in the cold, a person enters a warm room, he will become hot and his head may sweat.

Pillow with synthetic filling

If sweating occurs at night while sleeping, the problem may be in the pillow. Sleeping on a synthetic product that does not allow air to pass through can provoke increased sweating of the scalp and face, as a result of which a person will notice every morning that his hair and pillow are wet.

Taking large amounts of alcohol

Alcohol has a stimulating effect, under the influence of which the work of the cardiovascular system is activated. As a result, the body experiences the same state as after an intense workout, so after drinking alcohol, not only the head and neck, but also other parts of the body can.

Drinking hot tea, food and hot spices

Once in the body, hot drinks and food can raise its temperature. The response of the body is sweating. Most often, food causes sweating in children, since their body temperature is directly dependent on external factors.

If the head sweats a lot, a person should reduce the amount of spices and seasonings used. Spicy and spicy foods can additionally raise body temperature and cause intense sweating, including on the face, scalp and neck.

drug use

There are 2 reasons why drug addicts sweat:

  • some types of drugs make a person move a lot, thereby warming up the body and provoking intense sweating;
  • under the long-term influence of taking drugs, the vessels narrow, which causes problems with perspiration, and in order to ensure thermoregulation, the body even has to activate the skin on the head.


Excessive sweating is a common condition for obese people, because the presence of a large amount of fatty deposits causes the sweat glands to cool the body more intensively.

Hormonal changes (menopause, menopause)

A decrease in the level of progesterone disrupts the body's thermoregulation processes in women, as a result of which a woman will periodically either freeze or sweat excessively, even in a cool room. In men, this condition occurs when testosterone levels decrease.


Some medications that are not fully absorbed by the body or are among the hormonal ones can also provoke hyperhidrosis of the head.

Diseases, injuries and pathologies


Increased sweating is one of the symptoms of colds and viral diseases, provoked by an increase in body temperature.

Other symptoms may include:

  • runny nose,
  • cough,
  • weakness,
  • soreness of the muscles and eyes (especially under the influence of bright light).

Hormonal disorders

Most often, such failures occur when there are violations in the endocrine system, especially the thyroid gland. For example, sweating often occurs with hyperthyroidism, when the amount of hormones and iodine in the blood increases.

Diabetes also leads to similar consequences, when the sympathetic part of the nervous system responsible for sweating is affected due to high blood sugar levels.


One of the main symptoms of tuberculosis is a constant fever, which causes sweating of the whole body.

In addition, tuberculosis is often observed:

  • severe cough with gray-green sputum (sometimes it can be bloody),
  • pain in the chest area.

Changes in intracranial pressure and hypertension

Pressure surges make the organs and systems of the body work either faster or slower, thereby causing a feeling of heat and sweating. In the presence of such a problem, patients usually experience: headaches, dizziness, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.

Traumatic brain injury

With head injuries, a person's blood pressure may rise or fall, and if there is an increase, the head and neck may sweat profusely.

Disorders of the nervous system, mental disorders

The nervous system is a regulator of the sweating process, therefore, if it is physically damaged or there are disturbances in work, a person begins to sweat intensely. This can occur due to injuries, pinching of nerve fibers between the vertebrae of the cervical region or their inflammation.

Stressful situations and nervous tension can also cause a jump in pressure and temperature, provoking intense sweating. If a person has persistent mental disorders (manic-depressive psychosis, neurosis), he will also undergo changes at the physiological level and one of the consequences may be hypertension and sweating.

Hyperhidrosis of the scalp

Excessive sweating can be not only a consequence or symptom of a disease, but also a separate diagnosis. It is associated exclusively with the increased activity that the sweat glands of the head have.


The immunodeficiency virus does not manifest itself immediately, but during periods of exacerbation it causes fever and excessive sweating (especially at night, during sleep). Therefore, if a person has not observed hyperhidrosis before, when its signs appear, it is worth not only taking tests, but also visiting an immunologist.

Oncological diseases

Sweating is not always a symptom of cancer. This occurs only in cases where tumors affect vital organs, affecting their functioning (for example, with cancer of the lymphatic system, lungs, heart, pancreas or thyroid gland, reproductive organs).

What should I do if my head is constantly sweating?

First of all, visit a general practitioner (or pediatrician, if a symptom is observed in a child). The specialist will schedule an examination for you and help determine if your problem has a physiological cause. If any are identified, the doctor will prescribe a treatment that you will have to follow.

If health problems are not found, to solve the problem, try:

  1. Change habits. To make your head sweat less, try to rest more and get enough sleep - this will help relieve tension and prevent hypertension. Avoid spicy foods that encourage sweating. If the child is sweating at the back of his head, try to lay him on his side, and not on his back.
  2. Take control of the microclimate in the bedroom (especially if your head gets wet during sleep). The temperature for sleeping should not exceed 20 ° C, otherwise you will sweat. The same should be done when there is a child in the house. If he's cold, put more clothes on him.
  3. Change bedding. If you notice that your pillow is wet every morning, try sleeping without it or using a natural-filled pillow. Do the same with the blanket, especially if you like to climb under it with your head.
  4. Change your hair and skin care. If you have intensely oily hair, try washing your hair more often using a special shampoo for oily hair. If there is such a problem in children, completely refuse to use shampoos (especially when it comes to sweating in babies).
  5. Temper. Take a contrast shower daily.
  6. Choose clothes according to the weather. Also try to buy yourself and children clothes made from natural fabrics that allow the body to breathe. This also applies to hats and pajamas that you wear while you sleep.

But hyperhidrosis should not be treated with folk remedies, especially if you do not know its true cause.

In the heat, streams of sweat flow down your face, your head suddenly becomes wet. This is a common occurrence in every person. However, if excessive sweating is associated not only with heat, then this is evidence of a pathology in the functions of internal organs. ​

Thermoregulation in the human body depends on various reasons, because all kinds of violations provoke excess sweat, and in women the head and face sweat a lot, as a result of the development of hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating of the face and head is a serious problem for women, both in appearance and in the psycho-emotional state. Quickly soiled hair, streaks of decorative cosmetics, this causes a deep psychological disorder in a woman's condition.

Hyperhidrosis is a violation of the functions of the sweat excretion system. This is common among people of all ages. Under normal conditions, the production of sweat comes from high temperature, high humidity, stuffy air in the room. People also sweat during high physical activity.

Sweating of the head alone is a local hyperhidrosis, it indicates the presence of pathological processes in the body.

What causes excessive sweating

In some women, excessive sweating began in early childhood, and accompanies them all their lives, demonstrating the excessive work of the glands responsible for sweating on the head. Sometimes increased sweating is the norm, but how much trouble does the constant flow of sweat over the face and neck cause. Girls often wash their hair, choose special cosmetics that are resistant to moisture.

However, if women have had severe sweating of the head and face since childhood, then this can be taken as a variant of the norm. If high sweating appears unexpectedly and for no apparent reason, then you should seriously think about it, up to contacting a local therapist.

Hyperhidrosis is a consequence of a metabolic disorder. The causes of sweating are different.

The most common reasons:

  • emotional overstrain. What to do in order not to be nervous when speaking in public,
  • communicating with management, this is decided by the woman herself. Conducted trainings, sessions of suggestion. If, in the usual ways, a woman cannot cope with the tension of emotions, then hyperhidrosis becomes the result of a depressive state, frequent stress;
  • overweight, diabetes. Women with excess weight, diabetes mellitus sweat the most;
  • infections in the body. The acute course of an infectious disease is accompanied by excessive sweating due to high temperature. Here, sweat is a natural temperature regulator;
  • oncological pathologies. Increased sweating is one of the symptoms of a neoplasm.

What to do if you want to use cosmetics, but sweating of the face does not allow it. The pursuit of beauty brings women to the risk of health. Why put foundation and powder on your face if all this drains off the skin along with sweat with unpleasant streaks.

Many women go all winter, in any frost, in any weather, without a headdress. For the head it is always stress, hypothermia. The increased work of the sweat glands on the hairline is a reaction to stress.

    Do you sweat often?

    And yes, it's not normal...

Diagnosis of local hyperhidrosis

It is not difficult for the therapist to diagnose hyperhidrosis - severe sweating of the head and face observed in a woman. For this purpose, laboratory and instrumental examinations are carried out.

Types of diagnostics:

  • collecting anamnesis;
  • a physical examination is performed;
  • obligatory passage of a gynecologist;
  • blood tests, urine tests;
  • ultrasound of the thyroid gland and pelvic organs is performed;
  • You need to do a chest x-ray.

If serious pathologies are detected, the doctor prescribes a CT scan or MRI, if it is appropriate to clarify the diagnosis. As a rule, it is enough to check the composition of the blood and control blood pressure. According to the results of the examination, treatment is prescribed.

Therapeutic measures

Usually, hyperhidrosis responds to conservative treatments - taking vitamins, changing diet and lifestyle.

Treatment according to the causes found:

  • with nervous disorders, sedative sedatives are prescribed;
  • in case of endocrine disorders, hormone therapy is prescribed with constant monitoring of the level of T3, T4;
  • in infectious diseases, treatment with immunostimulants is carried out.

A conservative method is modern treatment with botulinum toxin. It is carried out on the recommendation of a cosmetologist, it consists in subcutaneous local administration of Botox or Dysport. Injections are given once a month. Treatment by a beautician of women with symptoms of excessive sweating of the head and face usually has positive results.

Surgical treatment is used when the question is "What to do", there is no effect from conservative treatment.

Manipulations applied:

  • thorascopic sympathectomy. It is an abdominal operation, during which the surgeon compresses the nerve nodes. This operation has contraindications due to high invasiveness, long rehabilitation;
  • endoscopic sympathectomy. The essence of the operation is the same: the surgeon clamps the nerve endings, which inhibits the work of the sweat glands.

These methods are used in cases of genetic orientation of the pathology, they stop sweating forever, and the question "What to do with this sweating" is closed forever. But there is an aesthetic drawback - there are scars, scars.



2022 "kingad.ru" - ultrasound examination of human organs