Healing properties of blue iodine. Blue iodine use, preparation, contraindications

Blue iodine is famous for its healing abilities. Iodine is generally necessary for the normal functioning of many internal organs, especially the thyroid gland, and in case of its deficiency, one should somehow replenish the deficiency of this element.

However, the alcohol-containing brown tincture, which is used to treat wounds, is unsuitable for internal use due to its toxicity. Therefore, specially prepared blue iodine is used, which is made even at home. The starch contained in it helps to neutralize all the toxic manifestations of this substance.

It is claimed that the only reason that is a contraindication of blue iodine for use is the partial or complete absence of the thyroid gland, which happens after surgery.

However, this is not quite true.

There are many conditions that are best left untreated with blue iodine.

When should blue iodine not be used?

Firstly, since this is practically a folk remedy, there is a lot of confusion with dosages, and we are not talking about an individual approach at all. Meanwhile, in the body it can lead to a blockage of the thyroid gland, after which it is not so easy for a healthy person to recover.

There is no cure for everything for everyone. It cannot exist in principle. Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, hypertension and hypotension, even judging by the names, they should be treated with drugs that have the opposite effect.

At the same time, uncontrolled and thoughtless treatment of children can be attributed to criminal actions. With all the criticism of official medicine, let the children still be treated there, or at least some kind of medical control should still be present. All this applies to blue iodine.

It is often said that blue iodine saves from migraines and frequent headaches. Indeed, blue iodine can overcome them, as it dilates blood vessels. However, to quickly stop the attack, you need too much blue iodine. And in order to cure headaches forever, it should be taken for a very long time. And increased doses of blue iodine taken for a long time will definitely end in a more serious pathology associated with thyroid problems.

In other words, the treatment of relatively serious diseases with blue iodine, which requires the use of significant amounts of it with minimal benefit, will leave behind serious side effects in the form of problems with the same thyroid gland.

For example, there is an opinion that blue iodine should be used to treat strokes and heart attacks. These are the most difficult conditions, and some increase in vascular elasticity will not replace those specific intensive care drugs that can definitely bring a person back to normal. Here, in addition to side effects, deviations from the treatment plan planned by the specialist may also occur. If necessary, doctors themselves will remember about blue iodine.

After all, any medicine can be harmful not only by itself, but also by the fact that with the start of its use, drugs are canceled that can really help the body, especially if you start taking them on time.

It is also doubtful that blue iodine can normalize blood sugar levels, or even cure diabetes completely. does not contain anything that could confirm such an action. You can, of course, use prophylactic doses of blue iodine, however, it is preferable to simply follow the prescribed iodine-containing diet.

It is better not to use blue iodine for diabetics, since it is not known how their unbalanced endocrine system will react to very powerful doses of iodine, they will have to be injected into the body.

If you are firmly convinced that you really need blue iodine for healing, consult your doctor just in case.

Blue iodine was first tested in medical practice in 1942 during the Great Patriotic War. The drug was given to patients with a severe form of bacterial dysentery, which was a deadly disease at that time. With the help of blue iodine, dysentery passed in just three days! Then they began to treat colitis and enterocolitis with blue iodine, again the results exceeded all expectations: the patients recovered literally before our eyes. The test results showed that the intestinal mucosa was cleared of bacteria already on the fifth day of blue iodine treatment. However, the daily dose of this drug was huge and amounted to 500 g. In the treatment of other acute and chronic intestinal infections, large doses of blue iodine were also used - up to 1500-2000 g per day.

With the discovery of antibiotics and the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry, this simple remedy, accessible to everyone for a while, was forgotten. Although the side effects of chemical drugs on the human body created more and more problems, which means that all new drugs. After taking large doses of antibiotics, allergic reactions often develop, dysbacteriosis almost always occurs, metabolism is disturbed, and all internal organs suffer. Therefore, in the treatment of antibiotics for the patient came a vicious circle. No wonder so many people suffer from chronic diseases, taking handfuls of pills to somehow maintain their health. So we answered the question of why blue iodine has regained popularity. However, like any medicine, this drug must be properly prepared, stored, used and, of course, be aware of its medicinal properties. This will be discussed further.

Blue iodine has all the same properties as elemental iodine, so its main task is to stimulate the activity of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for all the basic functions of the body, protecting it from viruses and microbes, participating in metabolism and relieving nervous tension. Since the dysfunction of the thyroid gland leads to a disorder of the central nervous system, hematopoietic processes, a decrease in the body's resistance to infections, then with all these pathologies caused by iodine deficiency, blue iodine is indispensable. It is the most powerful medicine that can quickly return the body to normal.

. An effective remedy for solving problems with conception.

The antiviral and antibacterial properties of blue iodine allow it to be successfully used in any acute and chronic infectious diseases. These include colitis and enterocolitis, stomach ulcers, dysentery, bloody diarrhea, poisoning, tonsillitis, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, long non-healing wounds and burns.

The ability to influence the composition of the blood makes blue iodine an excellent tool for combating atherosclerosis. Blue iodine lowers the level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood, cleanses blood vessels, increases the activity of leukocytes and the content of red blood cells in the blood. With the help of blue iodine, the elasticity of blood vessels improves, so it is used to treat the consequences of a stroke, as well as hypo- and hypertension: blue iodine helps to normalize both high and low blood pressure.

Another property of blue iodine is the ability to increase immunity. Therefore, the drug is used in the treatment of various diseases: cardiovascular, oncological, gastrointestinal, diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs. It is especially important to regularly carry out preventive courses of treatment so as not to start the disease.

Due to the sedative properties of blue iodine, it can be taken as a sedative.

Disinfecting, disinfecting and enveloping properties make blue iodine an excellent remedy for burns, especially in cases where it is impossible to find urgent medical assistance (in the country, in the forest, etc.).

There are two ways to prepare blue iodine. The first one is most often mentioned in recipes; in fact, it was invented by V. O. Mokhnach. According to this recipe, we recommend preparing blue iodine. However, the second recipe has its advantages, although it is used much less frequently. It allows you to prepare blue iodine with greater solubility, which eliminates even the slightest possibility of irritation, and even more burns of the mucous membrane of the throat and esophagus when it is used. Obviously, the second blue iodine recipe is suitable for people with hypersensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes.

Recipe No. 1 (V. O. Mokhnacha)
Take a quarter cup (50 ml) of warm water and dissolve 1 heaping teaspoon (10 g) of potato starch in it. Mix thoroughly and add 1 heaping teaspoon (10 g) of granulated sugar and a few crystals (0.4 g) of citric acid. Stir again.
Then cook "jelly". To do this, boil 3/4 cup (150 ml) of water and carefully and slowly pour the resulting starch solution into the boiling water. Cool the "kissel" at room temperature and pour 1 teaspoon of a 5% pharmacy alcohol solution of iodine into the cooled liquid. Mix everything thoroughly. "Kissel" will immediately turn blue.
Sugar and citric acid present in the solution are necessary not only to improve its taste. The acid contributes to the long-term storage of blue iodine, preventing its decomposition. Therefore, blue iodine prepared according to this recipe can be stored for several months without losing its properties, but it must be kept in a sealed container. Blue iodine retains its healing properties as long as it has an intense blue color.

Recipe number 2
Take a 250 ml container and fill it with 1/4 cup (50 ml) of cold water. In water, dilute 1 teaspoon with a slide (10 g) of potato starch, and then immediately 1 teaspoon of a 5% alcohol solution of iodine. Then boil 200 ml (1 glass of water) and, after cooling for 5 minutes, slowly pour into the iodine starch, stirring constantly with a spoon. You will get a dark blue viscous solution. This is blue iodine. It can be stored in the refrigerator for about 20 days until it loses its blue color. This is the indicator of its suitability. Before use, blue iodine should be shaken.

You can not combine the intake of blue iodine with drugs of a chemical nature, especially those that lower blood pressure. If you take blue iodine during intensive treatment with drugs, it can cause a negative reaction from the vegetative-vascular system - shortness of breath, palpitations, weakness and other symptoms.
. Do not combine blue iodine with thyroxine, which is a thyroid hormone.
. Blue iodine is incompatible with potassium permanganate solution and silver water.
. Women should not take blue iodine during menstruation.
. Blue iodine cannot be used indefinitely, as, for example, hydrogen peroxide: an overdose may occur, so periodic monitoring is necessary.
. In case of thrombophlebitis, blue iodine can be taken in very small doses, only under medical supervision.
. Do not take blue iodine when removing or destroying the thyroid gland.
. Blue iodine is compatible with traditional medicine.

Up to 25 years - 1 time per year in autumn.
From 25 to 40 years - 2 times a year in spring and autumn.
From 40 to 50 years - 3 times a year.
After 50 - 4 times a year.

Blue iodine should not be taken if the thyroid gland is destroyed, but it can be taken in limited doses if its work is disrupted. In diseases that affect the functioning of the thyroid gland (thrombophlebitis, cardiovascular, oncological, AIDS), it is necessary to start taking blue iodine with minimal doses.
To take blue iodine in order to prevent iodine deficiency, it is necessary to moderate, but not too small doses. The fact is that small doses of blue iodine can be not only useless, but even harmful. This was proved by V. O. Mokhnach when he tested the drug on his patients. His research showed that at a low concentration of blue iodine (1 teaspoon per day), pathogenic microbes in the human body can develop strains that are resistant to its action. Therefore, the optimal dose is 5 teaspoons of blue iodine per day, and the course of treatment is five days. Take blue iodine always after meals, after about 20-30 minutes.

There are other approaches to blue iodine treatment. Firstly, it all depends on the condition of the person, and secondly, on the disease. General approaches for an undestroyed full-fledged thyroid gland are as follows: take 8 teaspoons 1 time per day 30 minutes after eating, drinking it with simple jelly. The course of treatment is 5 days, then another 5 days - a break. You can take 8 teaspoons every other day. The total duration of treatment is selected individually. If a person is very weak, and the disease is severe, the dose of blue iodine is reduced to 2-3 teaspoons. The duration of the reception is regulated by well-being. In this case, the attending physician should know about your method of treatment, because it is impossible to combine therapy with chemical preparations with the intake of blue iodine.
The duration of treatment with blue iodine depends on the presence or absence of iodine deficiency. If iodine deficiency is still observed, feel free to continue taking it. If the body is already saturated with iodine, treatment can be suspended. Each person has their own need for this element.

"Blue iodine" is used to prevent and eliminate iodine deficiency, in a sharp set or weight loss. "Blue iodine" reduces blood cholesterol, cleanses blood vessels, increases the activity of leukocytes and red blood cells, strengthens immunity, and has a positive effect on the hormonal system as a whole.

Internal: 1-4 tsp. for one glass of cool drinking water 1-2 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. with iodine deficiency, intoxication (alcoholic and food), stomatitis, alveolitis, periodontal disease, toothache, tonsillitis, influenza, tonsillitis, tuberculosis, sinusitis, rhinitis.
Dyspepsia, colitis of various etiologies, peptic ulcer, diarrhea, flatulence, chemical burns of the esophagus, chlamydia, liver and pancreas dysfunction.

External: with trichomoniasis, fungal infections of the vagina, urethra, cervical canal, thrush, fungal skin lesions, conjunctivitis, burns of the eyeball, herpetic keratitis, dendritic and disc keratitis.

As an additional remedy for burns in severe cases, with hemorrhoids, prostatitis, nipple cracks in nursing mothers, it is also used to prevent mastitis in mothers and pustular diseases of the skin, subcutaneous tissue in newborns.

Blue Iodine is a dietary supplement obtained by incorporating iodine into a high polymer molecule. At the same time, iodine loses its toxic and irritating properties, but completely retains its activity as a microelement and antiseptic.

In this preparation, iodine is in the valence state 1+, which is more bioavailable, unlike traditional preparations in which iodine is in the valence state 1-.

Due to this, "Blue Iodine" is maximally bioactive and has a high bactericidal, fungicidal and helminthicidal activity, has regenerative capabilities, which allows it to be used in large doses.

With the help of "blue iodine" the elasticity of blood vessels improves, which makes it possible to recommend it for the treatment of not only the consequences of a stroke. Blue iodine helps normalize both high and low blood pressure. In addition, due to its sedative properties, it can be taken as a sedative. It also treats thermal and chemical burns. headache.

Recipe for "blue iodine" (Source "Vestnik HLS"): dilute 50 ml of warm water with 10 g of potato starch (1 teaspoon with top), stir and add 10 g of granulated sugar (also a teaspoon). Boil 150 ml of water and pour the resulting starch solution into boiling water. After cooling the mixture obtained, pour in 1 teaspoon of a 5% alcohol solution of iodine. The solution will take on an intense blue color. The drug is stored for 2-3 days. For longer storage, a few crystals (0.4 g) of citric acid are added to it. In this case, the drug does not lose its medicinal properties.

"Blue iodine" is taken to prevent iodine deficiency (There is a test that allows you to identify the body's need for s.i. Apply an iodine mesh to any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (except for the thyroid gland), if it disappears in a day, then the body needs iodine if remains - it means that at this moment the body is provided with iodine) and the treatment of a number of diseases. For prevention, it is taken 2 times a week, 1 teaspoon once a day. With a weight over 65 kg, the dose can be increased to 2 teaspoons. Preventive course no more than 1 month, preferably in autumn and spring. During an influenza epidemic, "blue" iodine is taken three times a week.

Other options for using "blue iodine":

The first day - take 1-2 teaspoons of "blue iodine" 1 time per day, washed down with milk or jelly, 20-35 minutes after eating. If there are no negative reactions of the body - the next day, increase the dose to 4 teaspoons, continuing to drink milk. For allergies, take two charcoal tablets on an empty stomach.

If you have previously suffered a heart attack, suffer from Graves' disease, you may have a partially impaired thyroid gland - an iodine receiver in the body, then you need to determine the maximum allowable dose of "blue iodine" for you. Apparently, it should not be more than 4 teaspoons. The maximum daily dose for an adult is 7-8 teaspoons of "blue" iodine. This dose should be approached gradually, increasing the dose by 1-2 teaspoons a day, and be sure to drink blue iodine with milk or jelly.

Take "blue iodine" or 5 days in a row followed by a five-day break, or every other day. If a layer of water appears on top, stir blue iodine, or drain the water. In the latter case, it is necessary to drink blue iodine with milk.

How long should I take "blue iodine"? Your intuition should tell you this. The experience of taking "blue iodine" for more than 30 years in a row is known. The need for iodine can be determined by applying a strip of iodine to your hand. If it disappears in a day - the body needs iodine, if it has not disappeared - you can take a break.

"Blue iodine" retains its medicinal properties as long as its dark color is preserved. "Blue iodine" can even wash the eyes, make compresses, for example, on sore gums, rinse the nasopharynx. While killing viruses and bacteria, blue iodine at the same time has a gentle effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful is iodine alcohol tincture alone or mixed with other components. An iodine mesh applied to the chest or back is considered effective for colds, helps relieve pain in osteochondrosis (lines are drawn along the spine to the lumbar region).

The only restriction - "blue iodine" should not be taken by people suffering from thrombophlebitis.

Numerous observations and experimental data indicate the importance of iodine not only for humans, but also for animals and plants.
Insufficient intake of iodine through food and water in the body of domestic and wild animals also causes thyroid dysfunction and the development of goiter. The addition of iodine compounds to feed and drinking water enhances productivity and increases the growth of livestock and poultry - weight increases, milk yield, egg production, etc. Seed treatment with iodine increases the yield of individual crops.

Of great interest is the article by G.A. Shakaryan and his collaborators (1970), which summarizes the data on the concentration of the residence time of tetracycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, streptomycin, pasomycin, monomycin and neomycin in the body of bees, their larvae and in honey after feeding bees with antibiotics dissolved in 1 liter of sugar syrup from calculation of 250 thousand units. streptomycin and 500 thousand units. other antibiotics in the treatment

In viral diseases, drugs such as Lugol's solution, iodinol and others are often used. They are mainly used for external use (for lubrication and gargling), because they contain toxic and highly irritating substances. The main active element in these preparations is iodine. Reviews of doctors over time began to converge that iodine can be effective in the treatment of many diseases and inflammations of internal organs.

Discovery of blue iodine

Scientist and doctor V.O. Mokhnach from St. Petersburg first thought about the unique properties of iodine and how it can be used internally. This is how the drug "Amiliodin" appeared, in which the toxic effect of iodine was neutralized by starch. The scientist tested a new drug on sick people, and the results exceeded expectations. Patients with dysentery, stomatitis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract quickly recovered. "Amiliodin" had a strong antimicrobial and antiviral effect without any negative effects.

As a result of numerous clinical trials, scientists have proven that iodine-based preparations have beneficial properties for the body (antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial). They help to get rid of such diseases where chemical agents are powerless.

But even before Mokhnach, during the Patriotic War, blue iodine was tested in medical practice. Its properties were used to treat bacterial dysentery. Seeing the amazing results, experts began to use the remedy for the treatment of colitis and enterocolitis. Acute and chronic intestinal infections were treated with large doses (up to 2000 g per day) of blue iodine.

The rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry and the discovery of antibiotics contributed to the fact that blue iodine went to second place, and soon it was completely forgotten. But due to the fact that antibiotic treatment cannot do without side effects, and handfuls of pills and potions did not help in every case, blue iodine again took a prominent place among medicinal preparations.

The difference between blue iodine and simple

Neutralization of the aggressive properties of iodine adapted it for the treatment of various diseases. The scientist Mokhnach mixed iodine with ordinary iodine, resulting in a blue iodized potato jelly. Numerous studies of the scientist have shown that colored iodine compounds have low toxicity and at the same time have antiseptic properties. Blue iodine, the recipe of which is very simple, has enhanced antimicrobial properties compared to ordinary iodine. This is due to high-polymer starch, the molecule of which includes ordinary iodine. Starch in its own way contributes to a quick cure, enveloping the affected areas and creating a protective layer.

Blue iodine: properties

The main task of blue iodine, like regular iodine, is to stimulate the activity of the thyroid gland. Violation of the normal functioning of this organ leads to a decrease in immunity, a disorder in the processes of hematopoiesis and the central nervous system, therefore, pathologies caused by iodine deficiency require immediate treatment, and blue iodine will be an excellent helper. Reviews of doctors agree that the drug helps to quickly restore the normal state of the body and overcome various infectious diseases (non-healing wounds and burns, conjunctivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, poisoning, diarrhea with blood) due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties.

The tool is used in the fight against atherosclerosis because of its ability to influence the composition of the blood. Blue iodine, the treatment of which has been successfully justified by medical practice, cleanses blood vessels, increases the content of erythrocytes and the activity of leukocytes in the blood, and lowers sugar and cholesterol levels. Another drug helps to increase and strengthen the immune system, which allows it to be used in the treatment of gastrointestinal, oncological, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the genitourinary organs and kidneys. The sedative properties of blue iodine make it an excellent sedative. You can prepare blue iodine at home and use it for severe burns or wounds as a disinfectant, disinfectant and enveloping agent. Blue iodine is also effective in stroke. It helps to return the patient to the usual way of life.

Preparation of blue iodine

Blue iodine can be prepared in two ways. Iodine, prepared according to the first recipe, is mentioned in Mokhnach's research. The second recipe is used much less frequently, but it has its own advantages, as it is suitable for people with hypersensitivity of the mucous membranes and skin.

Blue iodine: recipe number 1. Dilute a teaspoon of potato starch in a quarter cup of warm water, stir thoroughly. Add a little citric acid and 10 grams of granulated sugar, mix again. Pour a starch solution into boiled water (150 ml), you should get a “jelly”. When it cools down at room temperature, add a teaspoon (5%). When everything is thoroughly mixed, you get a "jelly" of blue color. Citric acid and sugar not only improve the taste, but also prevent the decomposition of iodine, contributing to its long storage. Prepared blue iodine at home can be stored in a closed jar for several months. Its properties will be expressed until the intense blue color fades.

Blue iodine: recipe number 2. According to the second recipe, you need to bring 50 ml of cold water to a boil and dilute a teaspoon of potato starch in it and immediately add the same amount of iodine solution (5%). Then slowly pour 200 ml of boiling water into the mixture and stir until a homogeneous consistency. You should get a viscous solution of a dark blue color. An indicator of the suitability of iodine is its pronounced blue color. It should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 20 days.


Despite all the benefits that blue iodine brings, there are still contraindications, you need to know the rules for using this drug. You can not combine drugs of a chemical nature with the intake of blue iodine. This combination can adversely affect the state of the vegetative-vascular system (weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations will appear). The thyroid hormone, thyroxine, also cannot be combined with blue iodine. You can not take the drug for a long period of time, with the destruction or removal of the thyroid gland, with menstruation in women. It is also not recommended to combine blue iodine with traditional medicine. Contraindications also apply to cases where patients do not comply with the norm. Overdose can cause poisoning and side effects.

Varieties of blue iodine

Blue iodine can be found in a regular pharmacy under various names. They all differ from each other in terms of raw materials and the method of preparation.

Pharmacy iodinol is prepared at home in the same way as regular blue iodine, the instruction only suggests replacing starch. This should be taken into account. The drug is a high molecular weight compound, more aggressive than regular blue iodine. Reviews of doctors about iodinol are very positive. It is used for purulent burns and wounds, trophic ulcers, purulent edema, conjunctivitis, chronic tonsillitis, as a disinfectant in gynecology and surgery. You can store the drug for a long time in a dark place.

Lugol's solution contains alcohol, which, when used internally, can have an irritating effect on internal organs. Doctors recommend taking the drug orally in very small doses (1 drop per day) to prevent the development of iodine deficiency and support immunity. In other cases, Lugol's solution is applied externally.

Another type of blue iodine is the preparation "Iodine-active +", which is a biologically active additive that does not have antiseptic properties. The tool improves the elasticity of blood vessels, enhances the supply of the brain with nutrients and oxygen. "Amiliodin" is prepared on the basis of starch and is the same blue iodine. Application (instruction attached to the preparation) means does not cause any allergic reactions due to its organic form.

Colitis. Blue iodine treatment

Colitis is a disease of the digestive system, which is accompanied by inflammation of the colon mucosa. The acute form of the disease causes inflammation in the small intestine and stomach. The most common cause of colitis are pathogenic microbes (streptococci, staphylococci, salmonella). The disease is characterized by symptoms (fever, diarrhea, pain and bloating) that are caused by a malfunction of the intestine.

Development takes place against the background of inflammation of the pancreas, gallbladder. The cause of the development of the chronic form may be malnutrition and alcohol abuse. For effective treatment of colitis, you must first apply fasting, and then switch to a diet with the use of drugs, the action of which is aimed at normalizing bowel function.

Blue iodine will help to quickly cure colitis. The preparation of the mixture is quite simple: just add a little fruit or berry syrup to the preparation. In order to cure the acute form of colitis, you need half a liter of the mixture. It should be taken in small doses (1 teaspoon each) from the first day of the disease. Vomiting may occur, but this should not be a reason to stop taking blue iodine. Treatment should be continued until the symptoms disappear completely.

blue iodine

There are many causes of diarrhea, not all of them can be associated with a malfunction of the digestive system. Although the most common causes are diseases of the pancreas, liver and stomach, or food poisoning, diarrhea can occur as a result of severe stress or excitement. As with nervous overexcitation, and with real poisoning, blue iodine is useful. The doctors' comments on this matter are very positive, because, in addition to other medicinal properties, the drug is mild. If the first signs of poisoning are observed, something must be done immediately, because severe poisoning can cause the development of gastritis, enterocolitis and even pancreatitis.

Diarrhea can be treated with blue iodine in two ways. According to the first, you need to drink 20 teaspoons of the drug in equal doses throughout the day. The dosage can be increased if the patient feels better. The second way is that blue iodine must be taken by combining it with blue healing clay. Iodine kills harmful microbes, and clay draws out toxins and toxins from the body. In order to prepare the medicine, you need to dilute 1.5 tablespoons of clay in warm water and drink it in one gulp. An hour later, you need to take half a glass of blue iodine. The procedure is recommended to be repeated until all signs of poisoning are gone.

Treatment of gastritis with blue iodine

The causes that lead to the development of gastritis are most often the intake of potent drugs and antibiotics or malnutrition. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach. Acute gastritis is characterized by the ability to affect not only the mucous membrane, but also the muscle layer. Symptoms of the acute form of gastritis - dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, white coating on the tongue, pale skin, diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, pain and heaviness in the stomach. In chronic gastritis, the symptoms are the same, but they can either subside or intensify.

With gastritis, doctors recommend taking blue iodine as the main or additional drug. In order to slightly improve the taste of the product, it is added to freshly prepared juices. You need to take the medicine 2 times a day, one glass before meals. Noticeable relief should be felt within 5 days. To completely overcome gastritis, you need to continue to drink it for another 10 days, 8 teaspoons each.

Getting rid of worms

Worms are often found not only in children, who tend to taste everything, exploring the world around them, but also in adults. The medical name of the disease is enterobiasis, it lies in the fact that thin white small helminths live in the intestines. The disease is transmitted by female pinworms, which lay their eggs on the folds of the skin of the perineum, crawling out of the anus while the child is sleeping. Worms are a danger to human health and life, so at the first sign you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment. A patient with worms is disturbed by excruciating itching, which is accompanied by a decrease in mental activity, fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea and headache.

More often, however, enterobiasis torments children of childhood. It is very difficult to diagnose the problem, because laboratory diagnostics can see the presence of the disease only at an advanced stage. Therefore, if in the behavior of a child there is unusual fatigue, anxiety, then perhaps he develops enterobiasis.

Blue iodine is used to treat and prevent worms. Due to its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, the drug effectively fights pinworms, therefore, people who have encountered this unpleasant problem should know how to take blue iodine for worms. There are no secrets here, everything is quite simple. You need to take half a glass of blue iodine on an empty stomach for a week. For a weaker organism, only a third of a glass will be enough.

Blue iodine for peptic ulcer

People who have increased acidity of gastric juice are especially prone to peptic ulcer. In addition, the causes of the disease include a special bacterium. An ulcer is one of the most common diseases of the duodenum and stomach. The disease is a defect in the wall of the duodenum and stomach of different thickness and diameter. It is manifested by pain in the abdomen, heaviness in the stomach, severe heartburn. Peptic ulcer can develop into a chronic form and cause complications. In order not to provoke their occurrence, you need to consult a doctor in time, adhere to a special diet, exclude sweets, fatty foods, and alcohol from the daily diet. During treatment, you need to take additional sedatives.

The regenerative, antibacterial and soothing effects of blue iodine help strengthen the mucosal wall and destroy scars on it, while simultaneously normalizing the composition of the microflora. Blue iodine, reviews of which leave no doubt about its effectiveness, are taken in large quantities for peptic ulcer. For taste, you can mix it with fruit syrups. Take the drug before meals, a glass several times a day. The drink heals ulcers and rejuvenates the body.

Blue iodine for dysentery and other diseases

In the last century, dysentery was considered an incurable disease and claimed the lives of thousands of people. Along with the rapid development of pharmaceuticals, there were also means to combat this disease. Among the reasons for the development of dysentery are contaminated drinking water, crowded living quarters, and poor sanitary conditions. Carriers and flies carry the disease. Treatment of dysentery with blue iodine is that it is able to kill a dysentery bacillus in three days. Blue jelly must be taken in its pure form in large doses - and the disease will go away in a few days.

A huge number of people have tried this wonderful and affordable drug - blue iodine. Reviews of doctors about him are more than positive. Patients also respond positively. It is very useful for everyone to know the list of diseases for which blue iodine is effective, how to prepare it and how to use it. Excellent antibacterial, antimicrobial, soothing, antiseptic properties make it indispensable for diseases of the digestive system, iodine deficiency, and throat diseases. It's hard to believe, but blue iodine is even effective in stroke. Do not spend money on expensive medicines that are of little benefit, antibiotics, prepare blue iodine and say goodbye to health problems.

As a trace element, iodine is of great importance for the human body. Scientists set out to expand the possibilities of using a 5% solution of the substance and take it not only externally, but also internally. The presence of alcohol and a number of toxic substances in the composition of medical iodine made it impossible to use it inside in its pure form. As a result of numerous experiments, the St. Petersburg doctor Mokhnach V.O. found a solution by adding starch to the recipe for the production of a chemical element. The compound acquired a pronounced blue color and neutralized the effect of alcohols. This is how a broad-spectrum medical preparation, blue iodine, was developed, later it began to be produced on a large scale. The substance included in the starch molecule completely retains its antimicrobial properties, has a mild effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, and helps against many diseases.

Medicinal properties and effectiveness

The drug has the same properties as iodine of the standard chemical formula, its main function is to stimulate the productivity of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for regulating the main processes in the body, increasing its protective functions involved in metabolism.

Violation of the thyroid gland leads to disruption of hematopoietic processes and a decrease in immunity, therefore, it is vital for a person to take iodine.

With colitis, dysentery, stomatitis, non-healing burn wounds, tonsillitis, all ENT diseases, conjunctivitis and other eye diseases, you can take the medicine throughout the entire period of treatment.

An effective fight against atherosclerosis is manifested due to the ability of blue iodine to make qualitative changes in the composition of the blood. To begin with, the drug can be taken to reduce sugar and cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels, and increase the level of red blood cells.

Due to its pronounced sedative properties, the blue solution has become an effective antidepressant without side effects.

It is advisable to take the drug before the start of the autumn-winter period of cold weather. This is a great way to avoid colds.

The tool can not only be drunk, due to the pronounced disinfectant, enveloping and disinfecting properties, it can be used externally for burns.

Blue iodine recipe

You can make the drug at home, to start in 1/2 cup of water at room temperature (100 grams), you should dissolve 2 teaspoons of starch (20 grams), the same amount of granulated sugar, pour a teaspoon (10 grams) of 5% alcohol solution of iodine , add citric acid to the tip of a knife. In a separate metal container, boil a glass of water (200 grams), remove from heat, pour in the previously prepared mixture. Stir until the solution turns blue (most often 1-2 minutes is enough). Cool down. The medicine is ready, you can already take it.

Blue iodine prepared according to this recipe can be stored for 3 to 5 months. After cooling, it must be poured into a glass tightly closed container, the best way to store it is in the refrigerator.

So that when in contact with an alkaline environment, iodine starch does not decompose and lose its qualitative properties, it is advisable to acidify it first with citric acid, and then add sugar to improve taste. Any fruit syrup can serve as an alternative.

A solution prepared according to this recipe has a wide range of medicinal characteristics. Its use is safe for the body, you can take it without a doctor's prescription.

Dosage and administration

As part of the effective prevention of iodine deficiency, the drug should be taken every other day, 10 grams (teaspoon) once a day. With a weight of more than 70 kilograms, the dosage can be doubled and drink 20 grams with a frequency of 1 time in 2 days.

In case of food or alcohol intoxication, it is necessary to drink blue iodine in an amount of up to 5 teaspoons 2-3 times for 5 hours.

To alleviate the course of cystitis and other inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract will help 10 teaspoons of iodine, taken with an interval of 40-60 minutes.

In diseases of the eye - conjunctivitis, eyelid wounds, discoid and arborescent keratitis, it is necessary to instill 2-3 drops into the conjunctivitis cavity up to 4 times a day.

Irrigation of the sinuses and pharynx 3 times a day is a sure way to get rid of diseases of the nasopharynx, the therapeutic course is 10-15 days.

Significant relief will be felt by nursing mothers with problems of nipple cracks. It is enough to lubricate the affected area 3-4 times a day. Leave until completely dry.

In heart failure, it is enough to use blue iodine in small doses. This rule applies to patients of all ages. To begin with, you should drink 1 teaspoon 30 minutes after eating. After 3-4 days of admission, the dose is increased to 3 teaspoons. After 5 days, a week break is shown after which the course of treatment can be repeated.

With a chemical burn of the esophagus, it is necessary to drink 10-20 ml of the solution every half hour. The maximum daily dose is 600 ml. To increase the effectiveness of the action, it is recommended to exclude the intake of all other liquids.

Blue iodine for children

The drug has successfully established itself in the treatment of children of different ages. A few drops of a home-made solution contribute to the speedy healing of the umbilical cord of a newborn. Also, the use of iodine is a great way to prevent diaper rash and get rid of pustules on the skin. For respiratory viral infections, blue iodine treatment is carried out in the form of chest compresses and rinses.

Food poisoning or an intestinal infection is a reason to take a blue iodine-containing remedy that will take care of a child's sensitive stomach. Treatment with blue iodine with the addition of starch will create a reliable protective layer in the stomach, which will block the entry of pathogens into the gastrointestinal tract and will contribute to a speedy recovery.

Blue iodine during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, the problem of iodine deficiency in the body becomes more relevant, because it provides two at once. A microelement is also necessary for a growing organism, moreover, from the very beginning of intrauterine life. The mother should not ignore her needs, during the gestation period, its consumption increases significantly.

So that the lack of thyroid hormones in the early stages does not cause fetal rejection and miscarriage, a pregnant woman needs to drink Iodomarin and other drugs containing iodine.

For a baby, its lack can become critical: it is fraught with a lag in physical and mental development, excessive eye strain, and hypothyroidism.

You can take blue iodine from the very beginning of pregnancy until childbirth, it is enough to dilute a few drops of the solution in a glass of clean water and drink it once a day.


The main active agent is molecular iodine, the auxiliary component is polyvinyl alcohol. The drug has only one method of application - external. When applied to large areas of the skin, Iodinol exhibits a resorptive effect - it enhances dissimilation processes, has a proteolytic effect, and promotes the production of T3 and T4.

Iodomarin. Unlike Iodinol, the drug is indicated for oral administration. Designed for the treatment of iodine deficiency diseases. As the instructions say, it is especially useful during pregnancy, lactation, under the age of 12 years.

The release form is tablets, the main active ingredient is potassium iodide. Due to its quality properties and affordable price, Iodomarin has become one of the most common analogues of the blue iodine-containing agent.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of pathological conditions associated with iodine deficiency, in particular endemic goiter.

Blue iodine: contraindications for use

Drinking blue iodine is not recommended along with silver water, manganese solution. Before you start taking Iodinol or Iodomarin together with chemical compounds, you should consult with a specialist to find out the least destructive way to combine them.

Women during menstruation and 2-3 days before it should stop taking the solution.

Prolonged use of the drug is addictive and dramatically reduces its beneficial effect on the body. In order for Iodinol not to cause harm, a clear control of its intake is necessary.

The benefits of drinking blue iodine are clear. The described drug must definitely find its place in the home first aid kit.

It turns out that ancient healers isolated this element from sea sponges and algae and applied a cloth ...

IODINE, which will help prevent many diseases

In fact, iodine has a purple color. Lodes, ioeides from Greek means - similar in color to violet, dark blue, purple.

This is how the famous French chemist Gay-Lussac named this unusual element.

But why did he “turn blue” and why exactly blue iodine is good for our body, says the general practitioner, traditional medicine doctor Vladimir Gurtovoy.

Iodine was discovered to Europeans by French and English chemists Bernard Courtois and Humphry Davy in the 19th century.

But what is new to Western scientists was known to the Chinese sometime before 3000 BC.

It turns out that ancient healers isolated this element from sea sponges and algae and applied a cloth soaked in iodine to wounds so that they would not fester and heal faster.

For external use iodine has become widely used as an antiseptic (antimicrobial) agent.

But for internal use iodine is poisonous. Its lethal dose (LD50) is 3 g. Once inside, it leads to general weakness, headache, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the heart and increased heart rate. A day later, blood appears in the urine, and after 2 days - renal failure and myocarditis. Without treatment, death occurs.


Nevertheless, our body needs iodine. But so that it can be safely consumed internally and can help us heal, we had to change its color.

This was done by a scientist from St. Petersburg, Doctor of Biological Sciences V. Mokhnach. He combined it with starch (1937) and tested it on himself during the war years, when he fell ill with a severe form of bacterial dysentery.

However, according to his prescription, the remedy does not come out completely homogeneous: chemical particles (atoms, molecules, ions) are not evenly distributed over the volume, and therefore sometimes blue iodine caused burns to the mucous membrane of the throat and esophagus.

This shortcoming was corrected by another naturalist - B. Storozhuk (in the late 80s).


  • Pour a quarter cup (50 ml) of cold water into an enameled or faience mug with a capacity of 250 ml and dilute 1 tsp in it first. with a slide of potato starch, and then 1 tsp. 5% alcohol solution of iodine.
  • Pour water to the top, boiled 2-3 minutes ago, continuously stirring with a spoon.
  • The resulting dark blue jelly is blue iodine, which can be consumed.

It should be stored in the refrigerator for 15-20 days. So it will be good until it fades. Shake well before use.

Preventive and health-improving daily dose for an adult- 7 - 8 tsp. But it must be approached gradually, increasing the dose by 1-2 tsp. per day, while be sure to drink blue iodine with milk or jelly. Expired iodine should not be used.

The duration of admission is individual. Some people need blue iodine for a lifetime, while others need it for one month. Blue iodine retains its medicinal properties as long as its dark color persists.

Blue iodine should be taken either 5 days in a row followed by a 5-day break, or every other day. If a layer of water appears on top, you need to either stir it or drain the water. In the latter case, you need to drink blue iodine with milk.


In my practice, I often prescribe blue iodine. It is especially good for prevention.

  • To do this, it must be taken daily at least 5 tsp. within 5 days per month.

The duration of the prophylactic course is 1 month.

Any disease is better to prevent than to treat it.

With Graves' disease, previously transferred infarction, the allowable dose of blue iodine is 4 tsp.

For colds, flu, sore throats: gargle and lubricate the tonsils, take orally 1 tsp. every day.

For conjunctivitis: instill 2-3 drops into the eyes for a week of a specially prepared solution (1 tsp of blue iodine is diluted in 10 tsp of warm distilled water) in the morning and evening. You can wash your eyes with blue iodine.

With ulcerative lesions of the large intestine blue iodine is administered in the form of enemas, 50 ml daily for 1 week.

In the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract before meals, you can take 1 glass 2-3 times a day, adding freshly prepared juices to it for taste.

In case of food poisoning (stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea): take 1 tbsp. l. every hour until the condition returns to normal.

For dysentery: take tablespoons of 0.5-0.7 liters per day for several days.

For stomach ulcers: make 1 liter of blue iodine (increase all components 5 times). Add fruit syrup for flavor, put on the table and eat it with spoons whenever you want, but always before eating. By the evening, take the entire portion. The course is a month.

Ulcers cicatrize, and after another month they go away.

Blue iodine is not only iodine, but also starch. When taking the drug, it envelops the sores, protecting the mucosa from injury, and it heals faster.

With stomatitis the drug is diluted with warm water and this solution is used to rinse the mouth 2-3 times a day.

Small children - irrigate the oral cavity with blue iodine, older people need to apply applications - a bandage soaked in blue iodine. Complete recovery occurs on the 2-3rd day.

For inflammation of the gums: dilute blue iodine with boiled water in half and rinse your mouth 2 times a day. The inflammation subsides on the 2nd day.

For candidiasis: take blue iodine 50 ml 3 times a day and 30 ml for irrigation of the oral cavity. The growth of fungi stops, fungal growths are rejected, the surface of the mucosa is completely restored, and swallowing becomes painless.

For osteomyelitis: drink a liter jar of the mixture per day, 100 ml at a time. Prepare the mixture fresh every day. Treatment - monthly courses with weekly breaks.

Blue iodine has a detrimental effect on Trichomonas, which, according to some scientists, contribute not only to venereal diseases, but also to heart attack, cancer.

Blue iodine normalizes blood pressure. And the sooner you start taking it for a stroke and its consequences, the more effective the result of treatment is.

With the help of blue iodine, the elasticity of blood vessels improves. And thanks to its sedative properties it is a good sedative.

  • Cook jelly from 1 teaspoon of potato starch, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a few crystals of citric acid and 200 ml of water,
  • after cooling, add 1 teaspoon of pharmacy 5% iodine to it,
  • Take 2-8 teaspoons per day half an hour after meals.

Start with 2 teaspoons a day and gradually increase the dose. The course is 5 days followed by a five-day break. You can do several of these courses.

For burns (applications): do not change the lower gauze, folded in 3-5 layers, but irrigate with “blue iodine” until the burn heals and the bandage itself falls off.

Women's diseases: douching solution and tampons.

Animals in case of poisoning: it is enough to add milk to iodide starch and sweeten it a little. Doses are small - 10-50 ml per suckling, 250-560 ml, for example, 3-6 month old piglets. In a few days, the diarrhea in the animals goes away, and they gain weight.

Contraindications: in the absence of a person for any reason (removal, destruction as a result of the disease) of the thyroid gland, as well as in the case of taking hormonal drugs.

Women should not take blue iodine during menstruation, as well as simultaneously with other medicines, for example, lowering blood pressure.

It is also contraindicated in thrombosis with inflammation of the veins. published .

If you have any questions, ask them

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatments.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet



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