aspartic amino acid. Functions of aspartic acid and asparagine

D-aspartic acid (DAA) is an important regulator of nerve impulses, representing a neurotransmitter. In all vertebrates and almost all invertebrate living creatures, this endogenous amino acid is involved in the formation of the nervous system and its functioning.

The human body can independently restore the necessary content of DAA, synthesizing it in sufficient quantities throughout the entire life cycle.

The action of D-aspartic acid

The main task of DAA in the human life system is to provide a synapse of neurons, which allows organizing a stable transmission of nerve impulses that carry information about various pathogens.

Also, D-aspartic acid is involved in the regulation of the processes of the endocrine system, where it promotes the release of a certain group of hormones and their more thorough subsequent synthesis. By promoting its action to increase the level of cyclic adenosine monophosphate, DAA transmits information from the hormone to the receptor, thereby activating endocrine and nervous mechanisms.

D-aspartic acid in bodybuilding is used to increase testosterone levels, this is not only its main task, but also a strategically important necessity for increased physical exertion. Synthesis of testosterone through DAA occurs as a result of a complex process of stimulation of mechanisms taking place in the hypothalamus.

As a result of such stimulation, a hormone is produced, which becomes possible due to the secretion of GnRH. A fully completed synthesis process leads to the production of testosterone and further hypertrophy of muscle tissue through physical or mechanical action.

One of the controversial but formally proven actions of DAA is an increase in the production of progesterone by the testicles, which synthesizes a number of important hormones, including testosterone and neurosteroids.

How to take DAA

According to medical research, the most effective course of taking DAA, designed for a five-week time period, is the most effective. The daily dose of d-aspartic acid should be calculated based on three grams of the substance for two meals. The first dose is combined with a protein shake in the first half of the day, preferably immediately after sleep, the second in the afternoon meal, immediately before it.

The use of an amino acid for less than three weeks is recognized as ineffective and useless.

Contraindications and side effects

D-aspartic acid in bodybuilding in rare cases can also have a negative effect. Thus, the production of progesterone contributes to the synthesis of cortisol, which is actively involved in the formation of adipose tissue and the destruction of muscle.

Also, an undesirable effect is the regulation of the secretion of prolactin, a hormone that is unacceptable in excessive amounts for athletes. DAA has an extremely negative effect on blood androgens, which causes uncontrolled aggression and increased arousal.

The formula is distinguished by the location of the amine head relative to the acid tail.

While the difference is small, they are different compounds doing different jobs in the body. L - aspartic acid - is part of proteins, while D - aspartic acid - is free-living, it has its own destiny and its own role.

In chemical synthesis, both amino acids are formed in equal proportions. In the body, part of L-aspartic acid is converted into D-aspartate under the influence of special enzymes. In the human body, it is found in cartilage, tooth enamel, the brain, and also in the membranes of red blood cells.


D-asparginate is a neurotransmitter, i.e. a substance that promotes the conduction of signals through nerve cells. It accumulates in high concentration in the brain and retina of the fetus, with age its concentration decreases. In the elderly, as well as patients with Alzheimer's disease, the concentration of D-aspartate in the white matter of the brain is lower than in healthy people. D-asparaginate is involved in the processes of information processing and memory formation.

It is a precursor for the production of the substance N-methyl-D-aspartate, i.e. a methyl group is attached to D-aspartate, and thus a substance is synthesized, which is abbreviated as NMDA. This substance is an activator of NMDA receptors, which trigger the release of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, which conducts an impulse from one neuron to another. D-aspartic acid can also trigger the activation of NMDA receptors.

NMDA receptors are a complex system in which, in addition to N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) itself, the amino acid takes part glycine, as well as trace elements calcium and magnesium. The largest number of NMDA receptors is found in the nervous tissue of the hippocampus, the cerebral cortex, the amygdala and the striatum. It is these structures that are responsible for the accumulation and storage of information, i.e. for learning and memory, and in these structures there is the greatest accumulation of D-asparginate and its derivative NMDA. Studies done on rats have shown that D-aspartate improves their memory.

Influence on hormonal metabolism

In the pineal gland, it regulates the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Being an excitatory neurotransmitter, D-aspartate inhibits its secretion, so D-aspartate preparations are not recommended for taking at night. It is better to do this immediately after waking up or during the day.

D-aspartic acid, through hormonal balance, activates both the male and female reproductive organs. In the brain, it affects the pituitary gland, causing it to produce more growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor, prolactin, as well as gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which increases the production of female sex hormones (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing), and testosterone.

In addition, D-aspartate accumulates in the testicles in Leiding and Sertolli cells, where it directly stimulates the production of the male sex hormone - testosterone. In addition, it increases the production of nitric oxide (NO) by 30%, which, in turn, dilates blood vessels, which improves erection. Taking D-asparginate enhances potency, improves the quality and quantity of sperm. An increase in testosterone production is not only and not so much a sexual joy, but a strengthening of the bone skeleton and an increase in muscle mass, which is why D-aspartic acid preparations are loved by bodybuilders.

In women, D-aspartate can cause an increase in sexuality and fertility, which is not surprising, since testosterone is responsible for attraction, prolactin is responsible for attachment, and follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones are responsible for cycle regulation.

In the thyroid gland, D-aspartate increases the production of thyroid hormones, especially T3 and T4.

Studies have not proven any effect of D-asparaginate on adipose tissue.

Application in sports

D-aspartic acid has an anabolic effect, and this effect is obtained naturally, due to the activation of its own hormonal mechanisms, and not due to hormones introduced from the outside.

The use of D-aspartic acid preparations allows you to increase the level of your own testosterone, somatotropin and insulin-like growth factor, which increases muscle mass and strength, and also improves libido.

A safe level of D-asparaginate is 3 g per day. Maximum - 20 g / day. American bodybuilders recommend 5-10 grams per day.

The dose of the drug should be taken 3 times a day for 1 g: the first dose - immediately after waking up, the second and third - before meals.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is recommended to be taken by men over 21 years old with testosterone levels at the lower limit of normal. It makes sense in the drug with a low level of libido, as well as in order to raise the natural level of anabolic hormones.

The drug is contraindicated:

  • Women - due to lack of information about the effect on the female body
  • Men under 21
  • With high testosterone levels
  • With an increased content of dihydrotestosterone and / or estrogen in the body
  • With thyrotoxicosis

    Side effects

    When taking the drug in a dosage - no more than 3 g per day - no side effects were noted. In the study of electrolytes, liver enzymes, glucose, urea, creatinine - all indicators were within the physiological norm.

    Meanwhile, adverse reactions are possible, and they are associated with the main effect of the drug: an increase in the synthesis of sex hormones and their associated imbalance.

    An increase in dihydrotestosterone can lead to hair loss and acne.

    An increase in general excitability up to uncontrolled aggression is possible.

    Hormonal imbalance can lead to an increase in the production of progesterone, which increases cortisol, which leads to the active formation of adipose tissue at the expense of muscle tissue.

    An increase in estrogen levels can lead to such phenomena as prostate disease, gynecomastia (breast enlargement in men according to the female type) and a decrease in libido.

    It is possible to increase the level of prolactin, which is highly undesirable for men, because libido decreases and gynecomastia occurs.


    It should be noted that the effectiveness of the drug remains controversial. American bodybuilders estimate it no more than 20% of the declared. In a controlled human experiment in which subjects took 3 g of D-aspartate per day (or a placebo dummy) for 4 workouts per week, there was no difference. The authors indicate that they did not find any effect of D-asparginate on body composition, muscle strength and blood hormone levels.

    Another study showed that the levels of total and free testosterone in the D-aspartate group decreased, both compared to the control group and compared to the initial level of hormones.

    All this suggests that the effect of the drug D-aspartate remains unexplored, scientific data are contradictory. Someone considers it possible to experiment on themselves, others refrain from doing so. How justified is the intervention in the hormonal background of the body in order to achieve sports goals, everyone decides for himself.

The biological role of amino acids


It is the third branched amino acid, one of the main components in growth and

synthesis of body tissues. Used to treat depression, as it acts in

as a mild stimulant compound. Helps prevent

neurological diseases and treat multiple sclerosis, as it protects

myelin sheath that surrounds nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord

brain. Together with leucine and isoleucine, it serves as a source of energy in muscle

cells, and also prevents a decrease in serotonin levels. Lowers

sensitivity of the body to pain, cold and heat. Deficiency can be caused

deficiency of B vitamins, or complete (rich in all essential

amino acid) of proteins.

The main source is animal products:

- Milk

- Hazelnuts.


Histidine, in contrast to other amino acids, is almost 60 percent

absorbed through the intestines.

It plays an important role in protein metabolism, in the synthesis of hemoglobin, red and

white blood cells, is one of the most important coagulation regulators

blood. It is found in large quantities in hemoglobin; used when

treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, ulcers and anemia; promotes growth and

tissue restoration. A lack of histidine can cause hearing loss.

Histidine is more easily excreted in the urine than other amino acids. Because it binds

zinc, large doses of it can lead to a deficiency of this metal.

Natural sources of histidine:

– Bananas

- Beef


One of the three so-called branched chain amino acids

Amino Acids, BCAA "s). These amino acids play an important role in the formation

muscle tissue. Isoleucine deficiency is expressed in the loss of muscle mass.

Since it plays a significant role in obtaining energy through

muscle glycogen breakdown, lack of isoleucine also leads to the manifestation

hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels), which is expressed in lethargy and

drowsiness. Low levels of isoleucine are observed in patients with no

nervous appetite (anorexia).

Supplied with all complete protein products:

- Milk

- Hazelnut


Leucine is also a branched chain amino acid necessary for building

and development of muscle tissue, protein synthesis by the body, to strengthen

immune system. Lowers blood sugar and promotes

faster healing of wounds and bones. It has been established that alcoholics do not have it and

drug addicts. Leucine, like isoleucine, can serve as an energy source for

cellular level. It also prevents the overproduction of serotonin and

the onset of fatigue associated with this process. The disadvantage of this

amino acids may be due to either inadequate nutrition or

lack of vitamin B6.

Natural sources of leucine:

- Corn

- Milk

- Hazelnut.


Ensures proper absorption of calcium; involved in the formation of collagen

which cartilage and connective tissues are then formed); is actively involved in

production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes. Lysine serves as the source in the body

substance for the synthesis of carnitine. American scientists report that

a single dose of 5000 mg of lysine increases the level of carnitine by 6 times.

An additional beneficial effect when it is taken is the accumulation

calcium. Recent studies have shown that lysine, by improving the overall balance

nutrients, may be useful in the fight against herpes. deficit

lysine adversely affects protein synthesis, which leads to

fatigue, inability to concentrate, irritability, damage

eye vessels, hair loss, anemia and reproductive problems.

Natural sources of lysine:

- Potato

- Milk

– Wheat

- Lentils.


It is the main supplier of sulfur, which prevents disorders in

the formation of hair, skin and nails; helps to lower cholesterol levels,

enhancing the production of lecithin by the liver; lowers the level of fats in the liver,

protects the kidneys; participates in the removal of heavy metals from the body; governs

the formation of ammonia and clears it from the urine, which reduces the load on the urinary

bubble; acts on the hair follicles and supports hair growth. Same way

an important food compound that acts against aging, as it is involved in

in the formation of nucleic acid - a regenerating component of proteins

collagen. Cystine and taurine (an amino acid found in large quantities

in the musculature of the heart and skeletal muscles, as well as in the central nervous

system) are synthesized from methionine. Excessive intake of methionine

leads to an accelerated loss of calcium.

Natural sources of methionine:

– Fish – Brazil nuts

– Liver – Corn

synthesis of immunoglobulins and antibodies. An important component of collagen, elastin and

enamel protein; participates in the fight against the deposition of fat in the liver; supports

more even work of the digestive and intestinal tracts; accepts the general

participation in the processes of metabolism and assimilation. An important component in the synthesis

purines, which in turn break down urea, a by-product of synthesis

Regulates the transmission of nerve impulses by neurotransmitters in the brain and helps

fight depression. Studies have shown that it can reduce

wheat gluten intolerance.

It is known that glycine and serine are synthesized in the body from threonine In plasma

blood of babies is in large quantities to protect the immune

Natural sources of threonine:

- Milk

– Wheat

- Beef.


It is primary in relation to niacin (vitamin B) and serotonin, which,

participating in brain processes controls appetite, sleep, mood and

pain threshold. Natural relaxant, helps fight insomnia,

inducing normal sleep; helps fight anxiety and

depression; helps in the treatment of migraine headaches; strengthens

immune system; reduces the risk of spasms of arteries and heart muscle; together with

Lysine fights to lower cholesterol levels. Tryptophan breaks down to

serotonin, a neurotransmitter that puts us to sleep.

Drugs with tryptophan should be forgotten due to the discrediting of the drug,

due to an error in the technology of its production by a Japanese corporation

Natural sources of tryptophan:

– cashew nuts

- Milk


Used by the body to produce tyrosine and three important hormones -

epinerfin, norepinerfin and thyroxine. Used by the brain to

produced by norepinerfin, a substance that transmits signals from nerve

cells to the brain keeps us awake and

susceptibility; reduces the feeling of hunger; works as an antidepressant and

helps improve memory performance. Suppresses appetite and relieves pain.

Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland and contributes to the regulation of natural color

skin by producing the pigment melanin.

This amino acid plays an important role in the synthesis of proteins such as insulin,

papain and melanin, and also promotes the excretion of products by the kidneys and liver

metabolism. Increased consumption of phenylalanine contributes to increased

synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin. In addition, phenylalanine plays an important

role in the synthesis of thyroxine - this thyroid hormone regulates the rate

metabolism. Some people are severely allergic to

phenylalanine, so this amino acid should be named on the label.

Pregnant and nursing mothers should not take phenylalanine.

Natural sources of phenylalanine:

- Milk

- Hazelnut

– Peanut



Tyrosine is essential for normal functioning of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland and

pituitary gland, producing red and white blood cells. Synthesis of melanin, pigment

skin and hair, also requires the presence of tyrosine. Tyrosine has powerful

stimulating properties. In chronic depression, for which there is no

there are generally accepted treatments, consumption of 100 mg of this amino acid

per day leads to significant improvement. In the body, tyrosine is converted to

DOPA, and then into dopamine, which regulates blood pressure and urination, and

also involved in the first step in the synthesis of norepinephrine and epinephrine

(adrenaline). Tyrosine interferes with the conversion of phenylalanine to epinephrine, and therefore

is an essential amino acid for adult men. He is necessary

men with phenylketonuria (a genetic disorder in which

the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine is difficult). Tyrosine also causes

increased secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. When determining food

the value of proteins should take into account the sum of the contents of tyrosine and phenylalanine,

because the first is derived from the second. In kidney disease, synthesis

tyrosine in the body can be sharply weakened, so in this case it

must be taken as a supplement.

Natural sources of tyrosine:

- Milk

– Peanut

- Beans

The cystine molecule consists of two cysteine ​​molecules connected by a disulfide

connection. Cysteine ​​can replace methionine in dietary proteins. It is necessary for

hair and nail growth. Cysteine ​​also plays an important role in the formation of secondary

structure of proteins due to the formation of disulfide bridges, for example, when

formation of insulin and enzymes of the digestive system. It contains sulfur and

therefore it can bind heavy metals such as copper, cadmium and mercury. At

heavy metal poisoning is useful to take this substance. Flaw

cystine for a long time leads to the excretion of important

trace elements. In addition, cystine is an important antioxidant. Combination

cystine with vitamin E leads to increased antioxidant action

both substances (synergistic effect). Increased consumption of cystine accelerates

recovery after operations, burns, strengthens connective tissues,

whereby an increased intake of cysteine ​​may be recommended in

Cystine can be synthesized by the body from methionine; joint reception of both

amino acids enhances the lipotropic properties of the latter. It is also important for

obtaining a tripeptide called glutathione (contains cystine, glutamine

acid and glycine). Cystine in combination with vitamin C (approximately 1:3)

promotes the destruction of kidney stones. Cysteine ​​is very poorly soluble in water.

and therefore hardly applicable to the preparation of liquid forms.

Natural sources of cysteine ​​​​and cystine:

- Corn


It is an important source of energy for the brain and central nervous system.

systems; strengthens the immune system by producing antibodies; actively

participates in the metabolism of sugars and organic acids. Synthesized from

branched amino acids. Drop in sugar levels and lack of carbohydrates in

food leads to the fact that muscle protein is destroyed, and the liver turns

the resulting alanine into glucose (the process of gluconeogenesis) to equalize the level

blood glucose. Intensive work for more than one hour

the need for alanine increases as the depletion of glycogen stores in

body leads to the consumption of this amino acid for their replenishment. At

catabolism, alanine serves as a nitrogen carrier from the muscles to the liver (for the synthesis

urea). Alanine supplementation makes sense for workouts lasting more than an hour.

Its deficiency leads to an increase in the need for branched

amino acids.

Natural sources of alanine:

– Gelatin

- Corn

- Beef

- Pork

- Milk


L-Arginine causes a slowdown in the development of tumors and cancers.

Cleanses the liver. Helps release growth hormone, strengthens the immune system,

contributes to the production of sperm and is useful in the treatment of disorders and injuries of the kidneys.

Essential for protein synthesis and optimal growth. The presence of L-Arginine in

contributes to the growth of muscle mass and the reduction of fat reserves in the body

organism. Also useful in liver disorders such as cirrhosis of the liver,

for example. It is known that arginine is involved in the binding of ammonia, accelerating

recovery after heavy loads. The presence of arginine is due to

high biological value of milk protein. In the body from arginine quickly

ornithine is obtained, and vice versa. It speeds up fat metabolism and reduces

concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Large doses of arginine can cause loss

water, so it is better to take it in small doses throughout the day. . Not

Natural Sources of Arginine:

– Wheat

Asparagine/aspartic acid

Asparagine plays an extremely important role in the body, it serves as a raw material for

production of aspartic acid, which is involved in the work of the immune

systems and synthesis of DNA and RNA (the main carriers of genetic information).

In addition, aspartic acid promotes the conversion of carbohydrates into

glucose and subsequent storage of glycogen. Aspartic acid serves

donor of ammonia in the urea cycle in the liver. Increased

the consumption of this substance in the recovery phase normalizes the content

ammonia in the body. Aspartic acid and asparagine can occur in

fruit juices and vegetables: for example, in apple juice it is about 1 g / l, in juices

tropical fruits - up to 1.6 g / l. The reference literature provides

total values ​​for both amino acids.

Good sources of asparagine and aspartic acid:

- Potato

– Alfalfa

– Peanut

Glutamine and glutamic acid

There is more glutamine in the body than other amino acids. He

formed from glutamic acid by the addition of ammonia. Glutamine

very important as an energy carrier for the functioning of the mucosal cells of the small intestine and

cells of the immune system, as well as for the synthesis of glycogen and energy metabolism in

muscle cells. Glutamine becomes an essential amino acid during catabolism.

because it supports protein synthesis and stabilizes the fluid level inside

cells. Glutamine improves short-term and long-term memory and the ability to


With intense physical exertion, the body loses a lot of glutamine.

Consumption of it contributes to the rapid recovery and improvement of anabolism.

Glutamic acid is an important source of the amino group in metabolic

processes. It is an intermediate step in splitting such

amino acids like proline, histidine, arginine and ornithine. Glutamic acid

able to attach ammonia, turning into glutamine, and transfer it to

liver, where urea and glucose are then formed. Monosodium glutamate became the most

popular flavor additive in the world. Excessive consumption can cause

nausea in sensitive people (the so-called "Chinese

restaurants"). Perhaps this is not so much caused by glutamic acid as

vitamin B6 deficiency.

It is important for the normalization of sugar levels, increasing the efficiency of the brain, with

treatment of impotence, in the treatment of alcoholism, helps fight fatigue,

brain disorders - epilepsy, schizophrenia and just lethargy,

needed in the treatment of stomach ulcers, and the formation of a healthy digestive

Natural sources of glutamine and glutamic acid:

– Wheat

- Milk

- Potato

- Walnut

- Pork

- Beef


Actively involved in providing oxygen to the process of formation of new cells.

It is an important participant in the production of hormones responsible for strengthening

immune system.

This amino acid is the starting material for the synthesis of other amino acids,

as well as a donor of the amino group in the synthesis of hemoglobin and other substances.

Glycine is very important for building connective tissues; in the anabolic phase

the need for this amino acid increases. Its deficiency causes a violation

connective tissue structures. Increased consumption of glycine reduces

breakdown of proteins. It promotes the mobilization of glycogen from the liver and is

raw material in the synthesis of creatine, the most important energy carrier, without which

muscle work is not possible.

Glycine is necessary for the synthesis of immunoglobulins and antibodies, and therefore,

is of particular importance for the functioning of the immune system. The disadvantage of this

amino acids leads to a decrease in energy levels in the body. Glycine also

promotes accelerated synthesis of growth hormone by the pituitary gland.

Natural sources of glycine:

– Gelatin

- Beef

- Liver

– Peanut


Carnitine helps bind and remove long chain fatty acids from the body.

acids. The liver and kidneys produce carnitine from two other amino acids -

glutamine and methionine. In large quantities, it is supplied to the body by meat and

dairy products. There are several types of carnitine. D-carnitine is dangerous

that reduces the body's own production of carnitine. Preparations L-

carnitine in this regard are considered less dangerous. Preventing Gain

fat stores this amino acid is important for weight loss and risk reduction

heart disease. The body produces carnitine only in the presence of

enough lysine, iron and enzymes B19 and B69 .. Carnitine is also

increases the effectiveness of antioxidants - vitamins C and E. It is believed that for

for the best utilization of fat, the daily norm of carnitine should be 1500



Stabilizes membrane excitability, which is very important for control

epileptic seizures. Taurine and sulfur are considered essential factors

while monitoring the many biochemical changes that take place in the process

aging; participates in the release of the body from clogging free


Threonine, like methionine, has lipotrophic properties. It is necessary for

synthesis of immunoglobulins and antibodies. It is known that glycine and serine

synthesized in the body from threonine.

Natural sources of threonine:

– Milk – Wheat

– Eggs – Beef


Participates in the storage of glycogen by the liver and muscles; is actively involved in

strengthening the immune system, providing it with antibodies; forms fatty "sheaths"

around the nerve fibers.

Serine can be synthesized in the body from threonine. It is also formed from

glycine in the kidneys. Serine plays an important role in the energy supply of the body. Except

In addition, it is a component of acetylcholine. Serine supplementation between

increases blood sugar levels with meals (see also alanine).

Natural Sources of Serine:

- Milk

- Corn

Proline is extremely important for the joints and for the heart. This is an important component

collagens are proteins found in high concentrations in bones and

connective tissues. Proline can, with prolonged deficiency or

overvoltage during sports be used as a source of energy

for muscles. A deficiency of this amino acid can markedly increase fatigue.

Free proline is found in significant quantities in fruit juices,

for example, up to 2.5 grams per liter of orange juice.

Natural sources of proline:

- Milk

– Wheat


Ornithine promotes the production of growth hormone, which, in combination with L-

Arginine and L-Carnitine promotes secondary use in metabolism

excess fat substances. Necessary for the functioning of the liver and the immune system.

This acid will reveal the properties and applications of aspartic acid, dosages, side effects and contraindications. All data are confirmed by scientific research.

What is d-aspartic acid?

D-aspartic acid for male potency enhancement is one of two forms of aspartic amino acid, the other form of this acid is called l-aspartic acid. The benefits of d-aspartic acid are unique and in no way related to l-aspartic acid, so don't get confused. For us, only d-aspartic acid is important. This acid is present in organisms of both vertebrates and invertebrates, which indicates its importance and safety.
D-Aspartic Acid is predominantly a neurotransmitter and stimulant and is a precursor (i.e. precursor) for another NMDA stimulant. It has its effect in the central part of the brain, causing the body to produce more growth hormone, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, acting on the receptors directly. D-aspartic acid can also be produced in the testicles, where it slightly increases testosterone levels.

As it is called, it is found on the Internet and periodicals.
D-AA, D-Aspartate, DAA, D-aspartic acid, d-aspartic acid, d-aspartic acid.
Not to be confused with: DL-Aspartate, Aspartate. These are different chemicals, with different properties.

Natural sources of D-aspartic acid

soy protein
Low fat cream
Corn protein
So it’s not in vain that testosterone increases and strength grows from ordinary protein; it contains a certain amount of D-aspartic acid, which provides these effects.

The biological importance of D-aspartic acid

L-aspartic acid is a conditionally replaceable amino acid that can be included in protein structures (i.e., it can be found in other proteins, for example, in the same milk, only the content of this amino acid is negligible there), however, D-aspartic acid is usually not found in proteins in this form, but appears in products from the L-form by heating, i.e. cooking. D-aspartic acid has been found in human cartilage, enamel and brain, and is also part of the membranes of red blood cells.
The distribution of D-aspartic acid in the human brain is about 20-40nmol/g of soft tissue with a high content in the brain of the embryo - about 320-380nmol/g. In one study, normal brain tissue and the brain tissue of Alzheimer's patients were studied, and so there was no difference in the gray matter, and in the white matter in healthy people the concentration was 2 times higher. The concentrations of D-aspartic acid in the hippocampus are much lower in old people than in young people, which may prove a role for D-aspartic acid in the formation of human memory.
D-aspartic acid can be produced endogenously by humans from L-aspartic acid with the participation of the enzyme Asparate Racemase.
D-aspartic acid can also become, with the help of certain enzymes, the neurotransmitter NMDA, as we noted above. NMDA is a glutamate receptor agonist in the brain with a wide spectrum of neuromodulatory effects.

D-aspartic acid in tests on wild boars and lizards showed a significant release of testosterone and prolactin, which gave both an increase in our beloved testosterone, but also an increase in prolactin levels. Therefore, many scientists believe that the intake of d-aspartic acid should be carried out simultaneously with inhibitors of prolactin secretion, such as, for example, bergolac.

Neurology. The role of D-aspartic acid as a neurotransmitter
D-aspartic acid is converted in the body to the well-known neurotransmitter NMDA through the addition of a methyl group from a donor, and both of them (NMDA and d-aspartic acid) can equally successfully bind to NMDA receptors, causing excitation in the brain.
Neurology. The role of D-aspartic acid in the mechanism of memory
Studies conducted on rats have shown that d-aspartic acid can improve memory in rats (mice after 16 days of daily intake of 60 mg passed the maze faster)

The role of D-aspartic acid in weight loss
Human studies have shown that d-aspartic acid does not have any noticeable effect on adipose tissue (humans were fed 3g of the amino acid for 28 days)

The effect of D-aspartic acid on the male genital organs
D-aspartic acid is detected in tests in the testes in Leydig and Sertoli cells. Once d-aspartic acid has entered the testicles, it increases the production of testosterone, although apparently it works in tandem with chorionic gonadotropin, increasing its production, and gonadotropin in in turn increases testosterone production. Which is not particularly important for us, since the end result is important to us - an increase in testosterone production. And he is! (studies have shown that the increase in testosterone production begins 16 hours after ingestion of d-aspartic acid)
Also, studies have shown an increase in nitric oxide in the body by 30%, which is a very serious positive indicator. (the more nitric oxide, the better the blood vessels expand, erection improvement, testosterone increase, potency improvement)
Studies have also shown an increase in the quality and quantity of sperm (an improvement of 50-100% from baseline) in patients taking d-aspartic acid, which relates it to sperm-forming drugs such as citrulline and arginine. In this study, an increase in the amount of d-aspartic acid in semen was also noted (96-100% above baseline)
The effect of D-aspartic acid on the female genital organs
D-aspartic acid can also have a positive effect on female sexuality and fertility, since it is the main component of the follicular fluid and its level decreases over the years, while taking additional amounts of d-aspartic acid can positively affect a woman's fertility.
Interactions of D-aspartic acid with hormones
With pituitary hormones:
Accumulation of d-aspartic acid in the pituitary gland causes an increase in the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), and prolactin-releasing hormone (PRFs), which in turn increases the secretion of: luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, growth hormone and prolactin.
With pineal hormones:
In the pineal gland, where d-aspartic acid also accumulates in very high concentrations, d-aspartic acid acts as a regulatory factor in the secretion of melatonin (sleep hormone). Studies have shown that d-aspartic acid can bind to receptors that inhibit melatonin secretion. At the moment, it is not known how strong the suppression of melatonin secretion is, but doctors still do not recommend taking d-aspartic acid in the evening and at night as a preventive measure. The ideal time to take it is immediately after waking up and during the daytime (when melatonin is not produced)
With testosterone:
It has been proven that D-aspartic acid increases testosterone secretion in Leydig and Sertoli cells. In a human study, testosterone secretion was found to increase by 15% on day 6 of 3g d-aspartic acid and by 42% on day 12 from baseline, which dropped to 22% 3 days after the amino acid was discontinued. In another In a similar study, the increase in testosterone was 30%-60% in various patients after 90 days of daily intake of 2.66g of d-aspartic acid.
With estrogen:
Daily intake of 3g of d-aspartic acid for 28 days did not cause any significant fluctuations in estrogen secretion.
Safety and toxicity
Taking 3g of d-aspartic acid per day is considered safe and recommended by experts, the maximum daily dose is 7g. A dose of 14g can cause excessive excitation of glutamate receptors


Experts recommend using d-aspartic acid as a means of increasing testosterone levels at 3g per day in the morning, in cycles of 4 weeks.
4 weeks of intake - the next 4 weeks of rest (this is due to the fact that long-term use of d-aspartic acid does not lead to a subsequent increase in testosterone levels)
Prolactin secretion inhibitors are also recommended for maximum results.


So, to summarize, d-aspartic acid or d-aspartic acid can be successfully used by people with erectile dysfunction, healthy people and bodybuilders. The main thing is to use the supplement wisely and of course, as before taking any supplement, you must first consult with your doctor.

Aspartic acid is a non-essential acidic amino acid. This endogenous substance plays an important role for the proper functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, and also contributes to the production of certain hormones (growth hormone, testosterone, progesterone). Contained in proteins, it acts on the body as an excitatory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system. In addition, it is used as a dietary supplement, antibacterial agent, and is part of detergents. Derived in 1868 from asparagus.

general characteristics

Natural aspartic acid with the formula C4H7NO4 is a colorless crystal with a high melting point. Another name for the substance is amino succinic acid.

All amino acids used by humans for protein synthesis (except) have 2 forms. And only the L-form is used for protein synthesis and muscle growth. The D-shape can also be used by a person, but it performs slightly different functions.

The aspartic amino acid also exists in 2 configurations. L-aspartic acid is more common and takes part in many biochemical processes. The biological role of the D-form is not as varied as its mirror isomer. The organism, as a result of enzymatic activity, is able to produce both forms of the substance, which then form the so-called racemic mixture of DL-aspartic acid.

The highest concentration of the substance was found in brain cells. By acting on the central nervous system, it increases concentration and learning abilities. At the same time, the researchers say that an increased concentration of the amino acid is found in the brain of people with epilepsy, but in people with depression, on the contrary, it is much less.

Aspartic acid reacts with another amino acid to form aspartame. This artificial sweetener is actively used in the food industry, and acts as an irritant on the cells of the nervous system. For this reason, doctors do not recommend frequent use of aspartic acid supplements, especially in children whose nervous systems are more sensitive. They may develop autism against the background of asparaginates. Also, the amino acid can affect women's health and regulate the chemical composition of the follicular fluid, which affects the reproductive potential. And frequent consumption of asparaginates by pregnant women can adversely affect the health of the fetus.

Role in the body:

  1. Aspartic acid is important in the formation of other amino acids such as asparagine, and.
  2. Relieves chronic fatigue.
  3. Important for the transport of minerals necessary for the formation and functioning of DNA and RNA.
  4. Strengthens the immune system by promoting the production of antibodies and immunoglobulins.
  5. It has a positive effect on the work of the central nervous system, supports concentration, and sharpens the work of the brain.
  6. They contribute to the removal of toxins from the body, including ammonia, which has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the brain, nervous system and liver.
  7. Under conditions of stress, the body needs additional doses of amino acids.
  8. It is an effective remedy for depression.
  9. Helps convert carbohydrates into energy.

Differences between forms

On the labels of dietary supplements, the L and D forms of amino acids are often referred to by the common name - aspartic acid. But still structurally both substances differ from each other, and each of them plays its own role in the body.

The L-form is present in our body more abundantly, it helps to synthesize proteins and cleanse the body of excess ammonia. The D-form of aspartic acid is found in small amounts in the adult body and is responsible for hormone production and brain function.

Despite the fact that both amino acid variants are made from identical components, the atoms within the molecule are connected in such a way that the L and D forms are mirror images of each other. Both have a central core and a group of atoms attached to the side. The L-form has a group of atoms attached to the left, while its mirror image has a group of atoms attached to the right. It is these differences that are responsible for the polarity of the molecule and determine the functions of the amino acid isomers. True, the L-form, getting into the body, is often transformed into the D-isomer. Meanwhile, as experiments have shown, the "transformed" amino acid does not affect the level of testosterone.

The role of the L-isomer

Almost all amino acids have two isomers, L and D. L-amino acids are primarily used for protein production. The same function is performed by the L-isomer of aspartic acid. In addition, this substance promotes the process of urine formation and helps to remove ammonia and toxins from the body. In addition, like other amino acids, this substance is important for glucose synthesis and energy production. Also, L-form aspartic acid is known to be involved in the creation of molecules for DNA.

Benefits of the D-Isomer

The D-form of aspartic acid is primarily important for the functioning of the nervous and reproductive systems. It is concentrated mainly in the brain and genital organs. Responsible for the production of growth hormone, and also regulates the synthesis of testosterone. And against the background of increased testosterone, endurance increases (this property of the acid is actively used by bodybuilders), and libido also increases. Meanwhile, this form of aspartic acid in no way affects the structure and volume of muscles.

Studies have shown that testosterone levels rise significantly in people who take the D-amino acid isomer for 12 days. Scientists argue whether the D-form of this substance is needed in the form of a dietary supplement for people younger than 21 years old, but there is no consensus yet.

In addition, studies have shown that the level of D-aspartic acid in brain tissues steadily increases up to 35 years, then the reverse process begins - a decrease in the concentration of the substance.

Although D-aspartic acid is rarely associated with protein structures, it has been found that this substance is found in cartilage and enamel, can accumulate in brain tissue, and is also present in erythrocyte membranes. At the same time, the amount of this amino acid in the brain of an embryo is 10 times greater than in the brain of an adult. The scientists also compared the composition of the brain of a healthy person and those with Alzheimer's disease. It turned out that in patients the concentration of aspartic acid is higher, but deviations from the norm were recorded only in the white matter of the brain. It is also interesting that in older people, the concentration of the D-isomer in the hippocampus (dentate gyrus of the brain) is significantly lower than in younger people.

Daily rates

Scientists continue to study the effects of aspartic acid on humans.

So far, 312 mg of a substance per day is called a safe norm, divided into 2-3 doses.

It is recommended to use an amino acid supplement for approximately 4-12 weeks.

The D-form is used to increase testosterone levels. The study showed that in men who consumed 3 g of D-aspartic acid for 12 days, testosterone levels increased by almost 40 percent. But after 3 days without a bioadditive, the indicators decreased by about 10 percent.

Who needs higher doses

Undoubtedly, this substance is extremely necessary for people of all age categories, but in some cases the need for aspartic acid increases dramatically. First of all, this applies to people with depression, poor memory, brain diseases, and mental disorders. It is important to regularly take people with reduced performance, cardiac diseases and vision problems.

In addition, it is important to know that high blood pressure, elevated testosterone levels, the presence of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels of the brain are the reason for reducing the intensity of substance intake.

amino acid deficiency

Persons whose diet contains insufficient protein foods are at risk of developing a deficiency not only of aspartic acid, but also of other useful substances. The lack of amino acids is manifested by severe fatigue, depression, frequent infectious diseases.

food sources

The issue of the consumption of aspartic acid in the form of food is not so acute, since a healthy body can independently provide itself with the necessary portions of the substance (in two forms). But, nevertheless, you can also get an amino acid from food, mainly high-protein ones.

Animal sources: all meat products, including smoked meats, dairy products, fish, eggs.

Plant Sources: Asparagus, Sprouted Seeds, Alfalfa, Hercules, Avocado, Asparagus, Molasses, Beans, Lentils, Soybeans, Brown Rice, Nuts, Brewer's Yeast, Tropical Fruit Juices, Apple Juices (Semerenko), Potatoes .

Aspartic acid is an important component for maintaining health. Meanwhile, when taking it, it is important to remember the recommendations of doctors so as not to harm your body.



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