Agri: instructions for use of tablets and granules. Antigrippin homeopathic (Antigrippin gomeopathicheskii): instructions for use of homeopathic medicine Antigrippin agri for children instructions for use

With the onset of cold weather, many parents simply clutch their heads. And the reason for this is frequent colds in children. Nowadays, the children's audience, regardless of age, is very prone to frequent manifestations of colds due to weak immunity.

During acute respiratory diseases or colds, many mothers resort to independent treatment of children, without consulting a pediatrician, which subsequently results in many negative manifestations: either the child is over-treated or not treated, and this affects his future health.

So, what drugs do our mothers give to their children during epidemiological outbreaks of cold infections? Of course, the entire pharmacy list. And at the same time, few people think about the fact that many medications are not allowed to be given to children at a certain age, or the moment has not come when the child needs to be stuffed with all the existing pills in the world.

The first condition of treatment is a mandatory visit to the doctor or his visit to your home. Only a competent specialist can professionally assess the child’s condition and prescribe appropriate medications.

Many mothers speak positively about such a medicine as “Agri for Children”; reviews from doctors in favor of it are also positive. In the practice of many, this medicine was found under the name “Homeopathic Antigrippin”.

If you have not yet come across this drug, let's take a closer look at its purpose and what it actually is.

Pharmacological properties

About the drug "Agri for children" the instructions say that it is an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, detoxifying, sedative drug intended for the symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory (colds, viral) diseases. This drug is also used in the preventive fight against influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.

So, when using the medicine “Agri for Children”, the instructions should be before the eyes of the parents, since many mothers often treat their children with antiviral drugs for bacterial diseases or vice versa, ultimately not observing positive changes and bringing the situation to a critical level, explaining to doctors that everything We tried the drugs, but there was no effect. This is why it is so important to call a pediatrician in the first stages of the development of colds; it is a specialist who can symptomatically determine the cause of the development of the disease - viruses or bacteria are rampant in the child’s body.

Composition of the drug

According to the instructions for the drug "Agri for children", its composition includes the following medicinal components: bryonia (has an anti-inflammatory effect), belladonna (reduces salivation, contraction of the bronchial and gastric glands, has a calming effect on the peripheral nervous system, reduces spasms of smooth muscles), lumbago , hepar sulfur (has an expectorant, warming, anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membranes, due to which there is an easier discharge of sputum) with the addition of auxiliary elements - arsenic, iodide, aconite, iron, phosphate, lactose, cellulose, magnesium stearate.

Minuscule doses of poisonous plants included in the drug help improve the condition of patients within a few days.

When taking Agri for Children, the instructions must be studied in order to prevent an overdose of the drug.

Type of drug production

Two forms of the drug “Agri for children” are available; the instructions tell about the tablet drug and its granular form. In essence and impact they are identical. Each parent can choose a convenient form of admission for their child.

Since this medicine is a homeopathic remedy that does not contain chemical elements that cause side effects, many parents effectively switch to treating their children with this medicine without any hesitation or hesitation, relying on the positive reviews of homeopathic doctors about the drug "Agri for Children".

Receive Properties

Not all children, of course, like to dissolve the drug “Agri for Children” in tablets. The instructions require only this method of administration. But this is much better than the serious side effects of overdosing on modern “magic” drugs.

As for the second form of the medicine “Agri for Children” - the instructions also recommend keeping the granules in the mouth until completely dissolved.

Before taking it, you need to explain to the child that the medicine is taken orally, it is not chewed or swallowed whole, but rather dissolved in the mouth, like a candy.

The homeopathic remedy “Agri for Children” is recommended for use by children from the age of three to alleviate the occurrence of influenza and acute respiratory viral infectious diseases. It is at this age that a child can already understand what it is like to dissolve pills and not just swallow them.

The instructions for use describe the drug “Agri for children” as an adjuvant. Its effectiveness is strongly expressed in the first stages of the development of colds and flu, when the body is not very weakened by the disease. If the drug is taken during moments of complications, there will be no noticeable effect.

Contraindications to taking the drug

Despite the positive properties of the drug, not all children can take it. Thus, the drug “Agri for Children” contains lactose, which is not recommended for oral use in cases of congenital lactose deficiency or glucose malabsorption syndrome.

You need to be especially careful with this medicine if you are found to be intolerant to any of the components of the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Many doctors prescribe Agri for Children to young patients simultaneously with several types of medications. The incompatibility of drugs with each other is not described in the instructions for the medication.

Drug analogues

The clear instructions included with the drug “Agri for Children” and reviews of many homeopathic doctors characterize the medicine as an effective remedy in the fight against viruses.

Having discovered the effectiveness of a homeopathic medicine for their child, many use its analogues, which are similar in their effects on the body: the medicine “Vic Medinite”, the drug “Bronchomed”, the medicine “Gripout”, the tablets “Fitoflox”.

Side effects and overdose

Cases of side effects and overdoses are not indicated in the instructions for the drug. But this does not mean that it can be taken on its own. Treatment with homeopathic medicines should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.

As mentioned above, many patients feel better if they manage to take the drug in the early stages of the development of viral infectious diseases, while taking it in later periods may not give the expected result.

Nowadays, the effectiveness of medical care of a particular drug can only be judged by testing it in practice after proper prescription. Many parents today are looking for the simplest ways to cure many childhood ailments, among which ARVI is always in first place. If you are looking for the optimal treatment option, homeopathy is suitable in cases without complications. If there is a deterioration in the condition of a small patient, then treatment is carried out in combination with other potent drugs.

Dosage form:  homeopathic tablets Compound:

Blister packaging No. 1

Active components: Aconitum napellus, Aconitum C30, Arsenum iodatum C30, Atropa belladonna C30, Ferrum phosphoricum C30.

Excipients: lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

Blister packaging No. 2

Active components: Bryonia dioica (Bryonia dioica) C30, Pulsatilla pratensis, Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla pratensis (Pulsatilla)) C30, Hepar sulfuris, Hepar sulfuris calcareum(Hepar sulfuris (Hepar sulfuris calcareum)) C30.

Excipients: lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.


Tablets are flat-cylindrical, chamfered, white or almost white.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:Homeopathic remedy ATX:  
  • Others
  • Pharmacodynamics:

    Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory.


    As a symptomatic remedy in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, as well as for the prevention of influenza and ARVI in children over 1 year of age.


    Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, children under 1 year of age.

    Pregnancy and lactation:The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since the effectiveness and safety during this period have not been studied. Directions for use and dosage:

    Inside. 1 tablet per dose, at least 15 minutes before meals (the tablet should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved).

    Taking the drug for medicinal purposes It is advisable to start when the first signs of the disease appear.

    The drug is prescribed to children over 1 year old in the same dose, regardless of age, according to the following scheme: in the acute period of the disease (the first two days), the drug is taken 1 tablet every 30 minutes, alternating blister packs No. 1 and No. 2, excluding sleep breaks. During this period of the disease, the drug can be taken without taking into account the time of meals.

    In the following days (from the 3rd day of administration until complete recovery), the drug is taken every 2 hours (excluding sleep breaks), alternating blister packs No. 1 and No. 2. As the condition improves, it is possible to take the drug more rarely (2-3 times a day). For young children, it is recommended to dissolve the tablet in a small amount (1 tablespoon) of boiled water at room temperature.

    For preventive purposes The drug is used during an epidemic of influenza and ARVI, 1 tablet in the morning on an empty stomach (daily alternating contour strip packs No. 1 and No. 2).

    Side effects:

    When using the drug for the indicated indications and in the indicated dosages, no side effects have been identified to date.

    Individual hypersensitivity reactions to the components of the drug are possible.


    In case of accidental overdose, dyspepsia may occur due to the excipients included in the drug.


    No cases of incompatibility with other drugs have been reported to date.

    Impact on the ability to drive vehicles. Wed and fur.:No negative effect of the drug Agri for children on the ability to drive vehicles and other potentially dangerous mechanisms has been identified. Release form/dosage:Homeopathic tablets. Package:

    20 tablets in a blister pack No. 1 (composition No. 1) and 20 tablets in a blister pack No. 2 (composition No. 2).

    The contour blister pack No. 1 and the contour blister pack No. 2, together with instructions for use, are placed in a cardboard pack.

    Storage conditions:

    At a temperature not higher than 25 °C.

    Keep out of the reach of children.

    During the period of use of the drug, store the blister pack in a cardboard box provided by the manufacturer.

    Best before date:

    Do not use the drug after the expiration date indicated on the package.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: Over the counter Registration number: P N000419/02 Registration date: 29.08.2008/30.03.2012 Expiration date: Indefinite Owner of the Registration Certificate:NPF Materia Medica Holding, LLC

    During the period of colds, parents really want to protect their children from infections. “AGRI for children” is a homeopathic alternative to potent drugs that are not recommended for preschool and primary school children to take unless absolutely necessary.

    These are tablets (40 g) and lozenges (20 g) sold in sealed double bags or blisters.

    Pharmacological actions: anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and sedative. As a rule, it is used in complex therapy, since AGRI alleviates the symptoms of colds, but does not fight viruses and bacteria. When taken prophylactically during an influenza epidemic, it reduces the risk of disease, as well as the severity and duration of the disease.

    The first package contains such active components as turnip borer, arsenic iodide, belladonna belladonna, a chemical complex (a compound of iron and phosphorus). There are also excipients: lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

    The second package contains white steppe, meadow lumbago, a chemical compound of sulfur and calcium. The excipients are the same as in the first package: lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

    Parents don't have to worry about the composition. You may have seen poisons in the composition, but poison is more of a quantitative concept than a qualitative one. Extensive experience in homeopathy shows that it is these components that most effectively cope with the ailments of colds. They are used in homeopathy in the smallest doses.

    The composition is virtually identical to AGRI for adults. Only the doses have been changed for a positive perception by the child’s body.

    Indications for use

    “AGRI for children” is used during an epidemic of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in children over 3 years of age. It is also used for preventive purposes to avoid colds.

    Contraindications and side effects

    This homeopathic medicine should not be given to children under 3 years of age. There is also a risk of individual intolerance not only to the active components, but also to the auxiliary ones (sugar granules, lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate).

    Should not be taken in severe cases of illness, as the drug may not be effective.

    Cases of overdose are currently not registered.

    Directions for use and dosage

    As soon as you see that your child is starting to get sick, you can safely let the drug dissolve until completely dissolved, at least 15 minutes before meals. Children will definitely like the sweetish taste of “AGRI”. If it is difficult for a child to dissolve, it is possible to dissolve the product in one tablespoon of warm water and give it to drink.

    "AGRI for children" in granules:

    • Take 5 granules, alternating bags No. 1 and No. 2;
    • Reception in the first 3 days - every half hour, excluding time for sleep, then every 2 hours;
    • After recovery, you need to drink it for two more days, 2-3 times a day.
    • One tablet at a time, alternating blisters No. 1 and No. 2;
    • For the first 3 days, 1 tablet every half hour, then 1 tablet every 2 hours until complete recovery.

    As practice has shown, “AGRI” is best taken at the beginning of the disease, in this case it gives an amazing effect - the child quickly “gets to his feet,” so it is important not to be late with treatment.

    In order to prevent colds and acute respiratory diseases, it is necessary to take 1 tablet or 5 granules on an empty stomach in the morning, alternating blisters or bags. It must be taken until the end of the package or until the end of the epidemic period. This drug intensively strengthens the immune system.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    “AGRI for children” should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Has a shelf life of 3 years.


    Prices for medicines are constantly rising, treatment becomes more and more expensive every year, but AGRI for children always remains in the niche of budget medicines, which cannot but please parents. The price for “AGRI” in the form of granules and tablets does not exceed 100 rubles.


    Like many medications, AGRI has its own analogues. These include, which in the same way fights the symptoms of colds and contains herbal components. Non-homeopathic analogues include Antiflu Kids.
    For preventive purposes, you can take “Immunal”, where the main component is echinacea extract, which has long established itself as a drug that strongly strengthens the immune system. During illness, it helps shorten the duration of the disease.

    Complex therapy

    "AGRI" copes well with symptoms, but only at the beginning of the disease, and it does not fight viruses. To better treat the disease, other drugs must be added. For example, “Aflubin” and “Anaferon” are homeopathic preparations containing plant extracts. They perfectly fight viruses, and also help “AGRI” relieve the symptoms of the disease.

    "Ergoferon" is also popular with parents, since its significant advantage is that it helps the body with delayed treatment. It also has a strong antihistamine effect, which relieves coughing and sneezing. In addition, Ergoferon minimizes the risk of developing bacterial complications and prevents the development of swelling of the respiratory tract.

    Bottom line

    • Inexpensive price - no more than 100 rubles per package;
    • One of the best alternatives to potent drugs, which are not recommended unless absolutely necessary for children of preschool and primary school age;
    • The best assistant at the beginning of the disease;
    • It has minimal side effects in the form of allergies to components, which is very individual;
    • Children like the sweetish taste;
    • Different forms - tablets and granules;
    • Powerful prevention.
    • It's easy to get confused in tablets, granules, sachets and blisters. Especially if there are a lot of children;
    • Doesn't help everyone;
    • Does not fight viruses;
    • Not all pharmacies sell it, so you’ll have to search or buy it in advance;
    • Does not help with delayed treatment.

    Agri is a combined homeopathic medicine for the symptomatic treatment of influenza and colds.

    Composition and release form

    Antigrippin Agri is available in the form of tablets and granules separately for adults and children:

    • Tablets (20 or 30 pcs.) in blister packs (2 pcs.);
    • Granules (20 g each) in a multilayer duplex package.

    It has 2 compositions that must be taken in combination.

    Agri for adults (breeding C200):

    • Composition No. 1 – aconite (Aconitum), arsenic (III) iodide (Arsenicum iodatum), oakleaf toxicodendron (Rhus toxicodendron);
    • Composition No. 2 – Bryonia, Phytolacca, Hahnemann’s calcareous liver of sulfur (Hepar sulfur).

    Agri for children (breeding C30):

    • Composition No. 1 – aconite (Aconitum), arsenic (III) iodide (Arsenicum iodatum), belladonna (Atropa belladonna), iron (III) phosphate (Ferrum phosphoricum);
    • Composition No. 2 – Bryonia, Pulsatilla, meadow lumbago, Hahnemann’s calcareous sulfur liver (Hepar sulfur).

    Dilution C30 and C200 means that the active ingredients in the drug are diluted 10030 and 100200 times, respectively.

    The composition of tablets and granules is identical, but the tablets contain excipients:

    • Cellulose;
    • Lactose;
    • Magnesium stearate.

    Agri's analogs

    Currently, there are no structural analogues of Agri antigrippin with the same active substances. To select a replacement medicine with similar properties, but with different active ingredients, you should contact your doctor.

    Pharmacological action of Agri

    Agri has sedative, detoxifying, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Improves resistance to the effects of microbial flora and viruses on the body. Prevents the development of complications from ENT organs.

    The herbs that make up Agri, according to doctors, relieve inflammation, warm and soothe. This effect is exerted by oakleaf toxicodendron, Hahnemann's calcareous sulfur liver, and bryonia.

    Aconite, or fighter, is a plant of the Ranunculaceae family. Contains toxic alkaloids. Aconitine obtained from borax is used in preparations for the treatment of rheumatism and neuralgic diseases.

    Belladonna, or belladonna, is a plant of the nightshade family. Known as a source of atropine group alkaloids. It has the properties of anticholinergics: it reduces the secretion of the gastric, bronchial and salivary glands, inhibits the peripheral nervous system, and reduces spasms of smooth muscles.

    Antigrippin Agri is not only an antipyretic and sedative drug. It reduces the duration and severity of intoxication symptoms - headaches, body aches, and a feeling of weakness. Agri also significantly reduces the intensity of catarrhal symptoms - runny nose, cough and sore throat.

    Indications for use of Agri

    The drug Agri, according to the instructions, is indicated for use by adults and children. Children's Agri is prescribed from 3 to 14 years of age in the prodromal period, as well as at the stage of severe clinical manifestations of influenza and other acute infections of the upper respiratory tract of multiple and unspecified localization. Agri can be used as part of complex therapy.

    Preventive use during an influenza epidemic can reduce the risk of illness and the risk of complications.


    High individual sensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug or intolerance to them. Children can only take children's Agri due to the fact that the composition of the medicine and the dosage of active substances differ for adults and children.

    If you are predisposed to cardiovascular diseases, Agri should be used with caution.

    In severe forms of ARVI, complications of influenza and any deterioration of the patient's condition, consultation with the attending physician and complex treatment with other drugs is required.

    Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    During pregnancy and lactation, the safety level of the drug has not been specifically studied. The description of the action of Agri components does not contain data on negative effects.

    Method of application and dosage of Agri

    Antigrippin Agri is taken orally, 5 granules or 1 tablet at a time, regardless of meals. Keep under your tongue until completely dissolved.

    In case of acute intoxication, elevated body temperature, severe headache, the drug is taken every half hour to an hour, alternately alternating composition No. 1 and composition No. 2. After 2 days, the interval between doses of the medicine increases to 2 hours. As you recover, Agri can be consumed 2-3 times a day. The total duration of treatment should not exceed 10 consecutive days.

    For preventive purposes, the drug is taken once a day, 1 tablet or 5 granules, preferably in the morning 15 minutes before meals. Packages or blisters with the compositions alternate by day: one day from the first, the other from the second.

    Children's Agri is taken according to the same scheme.

    special instructions

    In cases where the patient is seen by a homeopath, he must be informed about the use of this homeopathic remedy.

    If within 12 hours after the onset of acute symptoms there is no effect of the medicine, then you should consult your doctor.

    If, after taking Agri according to the instructions (without overdose), the patient becomes worse during the first 12 hours, then urgent medical attention is needed.

    Side effects of antigrippin Agri

    Tolerability of Agri, according to reviews, is good. In rare cases, allergic reactions to the active substances of the drug are possible.

    Agri drug interactions

    There is no information about cases of incompatibility of Agri with other drugs.

    Storage conditions for Agri

    The drug should not be exposed to moisture or sunlight. Store out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

    • Composition No. 1 of the drug Agri (Homeopathic Antigrippin) contains the following active substances: iodatum Arsenicum (arsenic iodide) C200, aconitum (monkshood) C200, toxicodendron rhus (oakleaf toxicodendron) C200. Additional components: magnesium stearate, lactose, microcrystalline cellulose.
    • Composition No. 2 of the drug Agri (Homeopathic Antigrippin) contains the following active substances: bryonia () C200, phytolacca (American lacquoise) C200, sulfur Hepar (lime sulfur liver according to Hahnemann ) S200 . Additional components: magnesium stearate, lactose, microcrystalline cellulose.

    Release form

    Flat-cylindrical tablets are white.

    20 tablets of composition No. 1 or composition No. 2 in contour packaging; one package of each composition in a paper pack.

    pharmachologic effect

    Anti-inflammatory, sedative, antipyretic action.

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

    The drug is used both during the first harbingers of the disease and at the stage of full-blown manifestations. Has moderate sedative And antipyretic action; shortens duration, reduces severity (ache in the joints, , a feeling of “brokenness”) and inflammatory phenomena (sore throat, cough, runny nose). Reduces the risk of complications and can be used as a component of polytherapy.

    When taken for preventive purposes during an epidemic, it reduces the likelihood of the disease, the duration and severity of its course, and the possibility of complications.

    Indications for use

    • Means for symptomatic treatment acute respiratory diseases.
    • Means for prevention flu And ARVI .


    • to the components of the product.
    • Age less than 18 years.

    Side effects

    When prescribing the drug Agri (Homeopathic Antigrippin) according to the above indications and in the recommended dosages, no side effects have been identified to date.

    The possibility of hypersensitivity reactions to the components of the drug is expected.

    Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

    Instructions for use of Agri (homeopathic Antigrippin) recommend taking it at least a quarter of an hour before meals and keeping the tablet in your mouth until it dissolves completely. Take only one tablet at a time.

    Treatment for therapeutic purposes begins when the first weak signs of the disease appear.

    In the acute period (1-2 days), the drug is prescribed one tablet every half hour, alternating packages with composition No. 1 and composition No. 2. In this case, the drug is taken without taking into account food intake.

    After 2 days of illness and until recovery, the drug is prescribed one tablet every two hours, also alternating packages with composition No. 1 and composition No. 2. If the patient's condition improves, it is possible to switch to taking only two to three times a day.

    Admission for preventive purposes is carried out during epidemics flu and others ARVI one tablet per day on an empty stomach in the morning (alternating every day tablets from packages with composition No. 1 and composition No. 2).


    To date, there have been no reports of overdose.


    Studies of the pharmacological interaction of the components of the drug Antigrippin homeopathic with other active substances have not been conducted.

    Terms of sale

    Over the counter.

    Storage conditions

    Store in original packaging at temperatures up to 25 degrees. Keep away from children.

    Best before date

    Three years.

    special instructions

    This medicinal product contains lactose , therefore its use is not recommended for patients with Galactosemia, glucose malabsorption or lactase deficiency .

    If there is no effect of treatment and symptoms of the disease persist during the first day of treatment, it is recommended to consult your doctor.


    Agri for children (Homeopathic Antigrippin for children), Sagrippin homeopathic .

    For children

    This drug is not allowed to be prescribed to persons under 18 years of age.

    During pregnancy and lactation

    These periods are a contraindication for taking the drug.


    Based on reviews of homeopathic Antigrippin Agri, we can say that most patients confirm the activity of the drug. There are almost no reports of side effects.

    Price, where to buy

    The price of the homeopathic drug Antigrippin No. 40 ranges from 62-85 rubles.

    • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia


      Agri for children (Homeopathic Antigrippin) tablets 40 pcs.Materia Medica LLC

      Agri (Homeopathic Antigrippin) tablets 40 pcs.Materia Medica LLC

      DERMAGRIP gloves (Dermagrip) High Risk examination non-sterile heavy-duty size L 50 pcs. blue WRP Asia Pacific Sdn.Bhd



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