Vitamins for cats from hair loss: reviews. Why does a cat get fur and what to do about it How to feed a cat so that the hair does not fall out

The fact that the cat's hairline can thin out from time to time, sometimes there is nothing to worry about. There are various reasons why a cat gets fur. Some of the reasons do not cause anxiety and unrest. Others are a reason to take preventive measures. And the third reason will make you see a doctor. Let's talk about each of these points.

When You Shouldn't Worry About Your Cat's Fur

The most common cause in a cat may be shedding. Seasonal molting is when the animal prepares for a change in air temperature 2 times a year. In spring and autumn, our pet's hair begins to shed. And a new coat grows. This allows the shag to not freeze in winter, and not to die from heat stroke in summer.

Of course, this natural process brings a lot of inconvenience. But mainly because when the cat sheds, the owner has to remove the hair and allocate time for additional care for the pet. What to do when a cat sheds?

Here are some possible human actions:

  • Comb out.
  • Bathe.
  • Switch to natural foods.
  • Give vitamins.

Combing. It is important to do this with special brushes, with non-sharp teeth, so as not to injure the cat's skin. Even if the coat falls out a lot, combing the pet 2 times a day for just a few minutes, you can help the cat and reduce the number of cleanings.

Bathing. Not everyone agrees with this procedure. Proponents of the idea say that in this way, not only the top layer of wool is removed, but also the undercoat, which has a positive effect on the health of the cat. Opponents argue that bathing is harmful, as water and alkaline products wash out subcutaneous fat. Thus, the skin is deprived of protection, which is why the cat's hair falls out much more.

Feed. Natural feeds are able to saturate the body, including the cat's skin and fur, with the right amount of fats and trace elements. It is believed that a healthy cat suffers less from molting: the period itself is shorter, and the coat does not fall out so intensely. Therefore, the owner should monitor the health of his ward, choosing high-quality food.

vitamins. A specially selected vitamin complex will strengthen the coat and prevent shedding from dragging on for six months. And it will improve the quality of the new growing coat of the cat.

What can you do yourself

But what if the cause of hair loss in a cat is not molting? Why might this question arise? For example, if not during the change of season and preparation for heat or cold, but in summer or winter, does the cat's coat thin? If bald patches are noticeable on the pet's skin, or does the cat's hair fall out in shreds? What to do? And how to get started:

  • The first thing to do is look at the cat.
  • Run your hand through the fur.
  • Explore the issues of feeding and caring for the cat.
  • Analyze whether the behavior of a pet has changed recently? And think about the possible reasons for this.

Inspection. Are there wounds, scratches, bald spots or traces of various types of skin diseases on the baby's body? Perhaps this is the reason for hair loss in a cat? And by healing the wounds, the problem can be solved.

Wool quality. The simplest test is to run a wet hand over the cat's fur. If there are no hairs left in the hand, or there are very few of them, 1-3 hairs, then the problem is not so serious. But, if there is a whole shred in the hand, then urgent measures are needed.

Checking the condition of the coat should be based on the breed of the pet. There are breeds that rarely or never shed. Other breeds plentifully "irrigate" the house with wool. For example, in a Scottish cat, the coat has an undercoat, which is often replaced by a new one.

Feeding and care. Changing the shampoo or food additives will cause the cat's coat to improve or deteriorate. But even if food and shampoos remain the same for a long time, it is worth considering the fact that the needs of a cat may change with age or after suffering illnesses, or with changes in hormonal levels, for example, after sterilization. Therefore, it is better to select food and care products for a kitten, taking into account all the characteristics of the animal.

Behavior. Sometimes it is striking not only that your cat's hair is constantly falling out, but also a change in the pet's behavior. From frisky and cheerful, he turns into a real evil. There can be many reasons for this:

  • Allergy;
  • Stress;
  • prolonged illness;
  • Hormonal failures;
  • Avitominosis;
  • Discomfort causes trichobezoar (accumulation in the cat's stomach of a ball of wool);
  • Wrong care.

To help your pet, you should find out the specific reasons that the cat's hair climbs. In some cases, the diagnosis is obvious. For example, cats are curious, they need to know what and where in their house is. Do not pass by and cleaning products. And if the composition of household chemicals contains ingredients that excite allergies, then this threatens the cat with illness. They don't like change either. A “rival” started up in your house, guests arrived, or the cat was taken to the grandmother in the village. These and other cases can cause stress for the baby.

You can influence many of the causes of your pet's hair loss. It is easy to remove chemicals away, or give soothing drops, be with a cat, etc. it is easy to think over the consequences of the disease and add vitamins to the diet. And some things, like combing the cat's fur to the sound of his purr, are also pleasant. It is within your power to do so.

But sometimes the problems are very serious and you can’t solve them on your own. Do not make an accurate diagnosis, and therefore do not save the pet from the eternal "molting". What to do? You should immediately contact the veterinary clinic.

When help is needed

Unfortunately, our smaller brothers get sick too. They just do it, most often, quietly. Only a few signs are a reason to contact a veterinarian. One of the obvious signs is that the cat's hair climbs strongly.

It is unpleasant. It’s unpleasant that there is no order at home, that your things are always in the pet’s fur, it’s also unpleasant that the animal is all “moth-beaten”, with many bald patches. Therefore, all owners want to understand the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon.

Only by conducting the necessary checks will the cause of your cat's disease be identified. What is included in this check:

  • tests,
  • histological samples (taking a piece of skin for more detailed testing),
  • the cat's hair itself will pass the test,
  • and, of course, the doctor will study all the materials for the care of your pet, he will talk with you and find out all the details.

Based on the survey and detailed examination, the cause of the animal's malaise and hair loss will be revealed. After all, treatment will be prescribed.

What serious diseases can cause partial or complete baldness of a cat:

  • Impaired liver function or poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Fungi or bacteria.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Bad immunity.
  • Post-traumatic stress.

These are the most basic and frequently recurring problems. There are also less serious ones, but which the pet owner will find difficult, for example, the cat's lifestyle leads to frequent shedding of hair.

An experienced specialist is able to understand what the problem is with your cat and influence his health. Following his appointments, you can take care not only of the animal's coat, but also save him from more serious diseases.

Category: Tips

Autumn, winter, spring, summer ... and again autumn. So, again, a huge amount of cat hair throughout the apartment, including carpets and upholstered furniture. Seasonal molting in pets is a normal phenomenon, however, look at the discomfort it brings to the owners, wherever you look everywhere, you just removed the wool in the apartment and again you can start cleaning ... some kind of endless cycle.

Experts recommend to put up with it. After all, when you took the animal into the house, you knew that this could be, since molting occurs in all pets without exception: cats, dogs, and even hamsters. However, it is possible to reduce the abundance and duration of seasonal molting with the help of proper nutrition and special vitamin complexes for cats, cats and kittens.

So what are the tips?

1. Feed your cat the right way
The cat should receive a properly balanced diet all year round. Don't skimp on food. Premium dry food is best for shedding. If you feed your mustachioed friend with natural food, then make sure that the cat receives all the necessary components all year round, so you can’t feed your pet only meat or fish.

2. Change food only in case of emergency
A cat can be fed the same dry food throughout her life, but on condition that it fully complies with all the norms of proper nutrition. However, many cat owners, in order to diversify their pet's diet as much as possible, buy food from a variety of manufacturers, of varying quality.
Veterinarians categorically forbid this. The fact is that a sharp change in diet leads to metabolic disorders and intestinal microflora, which affects the coat and the general health of the animal. Any transition, for example, from dry food to natural food and vice versa, should occur gradually, within 1.5 months. When changing food, the same is true.

3. Brush your cat regularly
Brush your furry friend regularly. In this case, use special brushes for cats. When bathing, use only specialized cosmetics for cats.

4. Pamper your cat with healthy grass
If you don't walk your cat outside, treat her with weed from time to time, such as bringing her home from the street or buying her from pet stores.

5. Add Vitamins to Your Diet
If you feed your pet with a properly balanced diet, then problems should not arise. Another thing is when you feed a cat with economy class food or only meat (because the animal refuses to eat the rest), then in this case, it is necessary to add vitamins to the diet to improve the cat's coat. The composition of these vitamins is based entirely on herbal basis.
If you are afraid to give your cat vitamins or are just not sure that your cat is not eating properly, then it is worth contacting a veterinarian for help.

Pets bring a lot of joy to their owners. At the same time, you have to carefully care for and take care of the health of the pet. You should pay attention to any alarming symptoms and changes in well-being in order to help your pet in time. Our article tells what to do if the cat's hair climbs, and what causes such conditions.

If you notice that your pet's hair climbs more than usual, you should definitely find out the reasons for this condition. Optionally, this may be due to ailments, most of the negative factors can be eliminated on their own.

Why does a cat's hair fall out?

  1. Seasonal molt. In the wild, this occurs in the spring, but domestic cats may shed several times a year, regardless of weather conditions.
  2. Nutrient deficiencies. Nutritional errors and seasonal beriberi also affect the condition of the coat. With a lack of vitamins and valuable organic compounds, the pet's cover thins noticeably.
  3. stressful situations. Cardinal changes in life: moving, the birth of a child, the appearance of a new pet and other changes can negatively affect the health of a pet.
  4. Hormonal problems. The period of estrus, pregnancy and the birth of kittens can also be a factor influencing the condition and thickness of the coat. In addition, hormonal contraceptives that you give to the animal can also contribute to this.
  5. Age changes. If the hair has become sparse on the face and near the ears, your pet may just be getting old. Hair loss in this case is associated with insufficient supply of nutrients to the hair follicle.
  6. Allergic reaction. Determining a possible allergen is extremely difficult, because you will have to literally deductively determine a possible enemy. If such symptoms occur after hygiene procedures, it is worth changing the care product. It is much more difficult to determine the source of food or household allergies.

An examination by a veterinarian will help determine the exact cause. You should definitely visit a doctor, even if we are talking about a strong molt. The specialist can prescribe special vitamin supplements, as well as additional hair care measures.

It should be noted that in cats and cats, hair loss is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a signal of internal problems.

How to help a pet?

The best option would be to contact the veterinarian. In other cases, you can help the pet yourself.

How to eliminate hair loss:

  1. Provide your pet with the most healthy and varied diet.
  2. Give vitamin supplements regularly.
  3. Distract and calm if the animal is under nervous stress.
  4. Periodically bathe and comb out the coat with a special brush.
  5. Get all vaccinations up to date.
  6. Let your pet out into the fresh air.
  7. Undergo periodic preventive examinations by a specialist.

How to determine hair loss?

Coat problems are hard to miss. If the number of hairs has become much larger than usually possible, we are talking about a normal molt. It is worth raising the alarm and running to the doctor with other symptoms.

What to look for:

  1. General health of the pet. If he is too aggressive or passive, sleeps a lot or, conversely, stays awake for too long. In some cases, the animal itself can pull out tufts of wool, or comb into blood.
  2. The nature of hair loss. Uniform loss is considered normal when bald spots and empty areas on the body of the animal are invisible.
  3. The appearance of wounds on the skin. Hair loss and the appearance of bleeding or rotting wounds are a signal for immediate medical attention.
  4. Dandruff appeared at the roots of the hair. This can be a sign of allergies, fungal diseases, as well as improper care or the use of aggressive cosmetics.

What diseases cause hair loss?

The disease can be "brought" on clothes or shoes, as well as accidentally infect a pet along with food.

A doctor will help prescribe adequate treatment, and if necessary, additional sanitization of household items is carried out and, if necessary, treatment of family members or other pets. Usually, after the negative factor is eliminated, the hair grows back quickly, and for the best result, it is worth stocking up on special preparations and care products for it.

Pet hair care is an important condition for proper maintenance. In addition, the condition of the villi can help identify possible health problems, as well as negative external factors. The main causes of hair loss in domestic cats, as well as ways to solve this problem, are discussed in the information provided.

Fluffy and affectionate cats are a real decoration of any home. A beautiful coat is not only a sign of grooming, but also a reflection of the state of health. However, often households begin to notice wool not only on the animal, but also on the floor, upholstered furniture. The reasons why a cat's hair falls out are very diverse - from physiological molting to serious infectious diseases. Most often, this phenomenon is caused by frivolous reasons and is quickly corrected by rational nutrition, vitamins, and hygiene procedures.

Read in this article

Main reasons

The thick and fluffy coat of a pet is not only an indicator of its physical health, but also a source of pride for a caring owner. And if the animal begins to lose its beautiful fur coat, then you should find out the reason why the cat's hair is climbing. As a rule, the causes leading to hair loss in a pet can be divided into the following groups:

Physiological factors

This category includes primarily seasonal molting. Spring and autumn coat changes are associated with the preparation of the animal for the summer and winter seasons. The duration of the phenomenon can be delayed for several months. It should also be borne in mind that in conditions of apartment maintenance with a constant air temperature, the boundaries of the off-season molt can be erased.

Physiological reasons also include the loss of coat during pregnancy and feeding offspring. During this critical period, the mother's body gives the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals, which adversely affects the condition of the coat. After giving birth and feeding the kittens, the condition returns to normal, and the fluffy coat takes on its original appearance.

Hair loss is often seen in older cats. As a rule, it thins on the muzzle and around the ears.

allergic reactions

Often the reason why a cat's hair climbs all year round is an allergy. Such a reaction occurs to drugs, dust, household chemicals, detergents. Food allergies are common in animals. It is not uncommon for hair to fall out as a result of contact dermatitis, such as an allergy to chemicals or plants. One of the causes of hair loss is also considered flea, which develops as a result of a pathological reaction to flea bites.

In case of allergic hair loss, the owner will also observe itching, redness of the skin, and anxiety of the animal.

For information on what it looks like, what symptoms are characterized by flea dermatitis in a cat, see this video:

Alimentary reasons

Often, hair loss is caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet. An unbalanced content of vitamin A, D, E, group B in the feed is the cause of thinning of the cat's coat. Taurine plays an important role in maintaining a healthy coat. When choosing a diet for your pet, you need to monitor the optimal content of not only complete protein, but also taurine, vitamins and minerals.

Cat treats with taurine

In addition to the lack of elements, poor nutrition leads to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of dysbacteriosis, which often leads to an unhealthy appearance of the coat, prolonged molting.

Such contagious diseases, as often are the reason why a cat's hair falls out in tufts. In addition to baldness, which can be both focal and general, with such pathologies, itching, dandruff, purulent processes on the skin, anxiety, and weight loss are also observed. also worsen the condition of the coat and lead to its loss.

Bacterial and viral diseases

As a rule, in addition to hair loss in this case, the owner observes other more serious symptoms:

  • lethargy,
  • poor appetite,
  • indigestion,
  • feverish state,
  • other.

Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands

The development of seborrhea in a cat due to the pathological work of the sebaceous glands often leads not only to the loss of a beautiful and healthy coat, but also to its total loss.

There are many reasons why a cat's hair falls out. The owner needs to correctly identify when the loss of a coat is reversible, which can be corrected without medical treatment, and when it is a symptom of a serious illness that requires treatment by a specialist.

Nutrition rules for those who do not require treatment

Good nutrition plays an important role in maintaining the health of a cat's coat. The diet of the animal should contain not only protein, taurine, but also other useful substances: vitamins, minerals, omega-3 acids.

If a cat eats natural food, how to feed a cat so that the hair does not climb in this case? The diet should be primarily varied, mono-diets lead to the fact that the pet does not receive the necessary vitamins and microelements that are part of wool. Veterinarians recommend the following:

  • The cat menu should contain lean meat. Preference should be given to beef and chicken. The protein contained in the products is used by the body to build tissues, including the coat.
  • The diet should include lean fish (cod, halibut, salmon). Fish products contain natural omega-3 fatty acids, which have antioxidant properties and are responsible for a thick coat. It is useful to give your cat seafood rich in zinc.
  • Raw and boiled vegetables (carrots, turnips, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower), greens are excellent sources of not only useful vitamins and minerals, but also substances that help normalize digestion.
  • A positive effect on the condition of the coat has the introduction of fermented milk products into the diet - low-fat cottage cheese and kefir. These products prevent the development of dysbacteriosis and improve the absorption of vitamins.

And for those who choose dry food, the question of how to feed the cat so that the hair does not climb is no less relevant. First of all, it is necessary to exclude mass-market food from the pet's diet. Cheap ready-made diets do not meet physiological needs, contain many preservatives, dyes and other undesirable components.

Preference should be given to high-quality industrial feeds from manufacturers producing premium and super-premium products. In the line of well-known companies, there are options designed specifically to maintain the health of the coat. As a rule, such foods contain omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, biotin and zinc. These substances provide not only a healthy shine, but also prevent hair loss.

For information on what and how to properly feed a pet in order to avoid various diseases, see this video:

General rules for avoiding problems

  • Regular hair brushing. For this procedure, it is best to use a special comb -. Combing wool not only allows you to remove tangles, stray hair, but also significantly reduce shedding. The use of a special comb massages the pet's skin, improves blood circulation and thereby reduces hair loss.
  • Bathing a cat with medicated shampoos and special conditioners allows you to eliminate the consequence of excessive hair loss. Caring shampoos normalize the acid-base balance of the skin, improve the condition of the coat and promote the growth of a new healthy coat.
  • Regular outdoor walks will help not only strengthen the immune system, but also significantly reduce the periods of off-season molting.
  • Avoidance of stressful situations. When moving, changing homes, having a new pet or family member, to prevent hair loss from stress, the animal should be given sedatives after prior consultation with a veterinarian.
  • Help some to decide what to do if the cat has help decrease in temperature in the room where the cat lives, as well as preventing him from staying near radiators.
  • Vaccinate the animal from bacterial and viral diseases, including ringworm.
  • R regular preventive examination in a veterinary clinic. A biochemical analysis of blood, urine will show the state of health of the pet, help to identify a disease or lack of vitamins in the early stages of development and adjust the diet.
  • Use of vitamin and mineral supplements to improve the condition of the coat and reduce its loss. A veterinarian should recommend this or that complex, taking into account the health status of the pet, the characteristics of the diet and lifestyle. As a rule, such additives should be used if the animal is fed a natural diet. When feeding a cat with high-quality industrial feeds, as a rule, it does not need additional vitamins and minerals.

Hair loss in a pet has many diverse causes, some of which the owner can handle on their own. Rational feeding, the introduction of vitamin and mineral supplements into the diet, and hygiene procedures will help maintain and maintain the health of the pet's coat. It should be remembered that the beauty of a cat's coat is not only an aesthetic pleasure, but also an indicator of the pet's health.

All domestic cats shed some hair every day - this is a natural process. But if the cat's hair climbs in tufts, the owner begins to worry. Why is this happening and how to help a furry pet? Veterinarians name quite a few reasons for excessive shedding. Fortunately, most of these factors can be prevented.

The cat's fur is shed

Why does a cat have fur

Long-haired cat breeds shed all year round. Intensive molting of shorthairs occurs in spring and autumn. This is a physiological phenomenon - new hairs grow, and old ones fall out. Cats swallow some of the wool while they lick themselves. The rest is scattered around the apartment. But if the hair falls out in clumps, and bald spots form on the skin of the animal, this may be a sign of a disease.

The main causes of excessive shedding are:

  • Dermatitis. Dry skin, sores, itching and hair loss can be caused by fleas, ticks, and worms.
  • Allergy. Skin irritation causes the cat to itch a lot. This destroys fragile follicles and leads to hair loss. Allergies in cats are caused by certain types of food, plant pollen, basement mold, and household chemicals.
  • Lichen. This is a serious fungal disease that is contagious to humans. The skin infected with the fungus becomes thinner and cannot hold the hair.
  • Hormonal disorders. If your pet is shedding a lot and not eating well, is very thirsty, or has an upset stomach, he probably has diabetes or thyroid dysfunction.
  • Stressful situation.
  • Metabolic disorders due to pregnancy or lactation.

All of these problems should be diagnosed by a zookeeper.

What to do when a cat's fur is shedding heavily

Proper care eliminates most of the factors that are dangerous for wool. If the cat sheds heavily, you should:

  • Examine the skin and coat. Redness, swelling, cuts are signs of disease, they should be treated by a doctor. You can get rid of fleas and ticks on your own.
  • Balance the animal's diet. Give preference to natural products, enrich the diet with vitamins.
  • Regularly brush your pet, especially if it belongs to the long-haired breed.
  • Monitor the temperature in the apartment, avoid overheating.
  • Bathe the cat every 1.5 months.

If the animal continues to lose a lot of hair, it must be taken to the veterinarian.



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