Modern drugs enterosorbents. Which enterosorbent is better

Modern medicine is looking for effective ways to improve a person and prolong his life. The answer to such questions was sought in ancient Egypt and Greece. Then they used a primitive powder based on coal. It was used both internally and for the treatment of open wounds. The Slavs also possessed knowledge about the action of such a powder. An interesting historical fact is that when Alexander Nevsky was poisoned, a healer saved his life, who gave him a powder based on bran, minerals and herbs steamed with boiling water, which have similar properties, were also widely used. Subsequently, a theoretical substantiation of the sorption qualities of coal and silicon compounds was carried out. These substances act directly in the gastrointestinal tract, absorbing harmful substances and neutralizing toxins. Next, consider everything in order.


Enterosorbents are active substances that bind and retain all toxic and poisonous elements. They also absorb harmful microflora and its metabolic products, which are subsequently excreted naturally from the body. Enterosorbents are drugs that reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions in the body, are effective against dysbacteriosis, improve metabolism and act positively on the immune system as a whole. The advantage of taking them is to minimize contraindications and side effects. It also includes ease of use and fast action. Activated charcoal is a well-known and popular indicated substance.

How to apply?

Enterosorbents are drugs that are taken individually. That is, depending on the situation. Of course, the attending physician should ideally recommend the drug and dosage. This is important to remember.

For one or another product or poisoning, you need to take enterosorbents (drugs will be named below) in the first hours after the onset of the corresponding symptoms. You can eat only after a certain time. Namely, after 1.5-2 hours after taking enterosorbents. The dosage of drugs is determined by the weight of the person. Do not take other medicines along with sorbents. Since this significantly weakens their action.

Enterosorbents (preparations for children must be prescribed by a doctor) can be used for people of all ages.

The composition of these drugs

In the 70-80s of the last century, only activated carbon was known from enterosorbents. To date, their list has expanded significantly. All drugs of this type are divided into three specific groups according to their composition and origin. Namely:

  • Carbon. This category is characterized by various chemical modifications of coal.
  • Silicon. This group includes sorbents that cleanse the body. They are characterized by the presence of organosilicon components. These are drugs "Enterosgel", "Smecta", "Polysorb" and alumina.
  • Organic. This includes the tool "Multisorb" and other similar drugs. This group is obtained using an activated food-type natural fiber concentrate. Or more precisely, from lignin, cellulose, chitin, pectin, or seaweed. They are absolutely safe and have a pleasant taste.

Since the Soviet times, sorbents based on coal and silicon have been very popular in Russia. These are inexpensive effective drugs. The niche of organic sorbents is underestimated. Such substances are quickly excreted from the body. By increasing their volume in the intestines, they improve its motility.

Enterosorbents (preparations): list of properties

In this case, the following is taken into account:

  1. Such drugs are not toxic to the human body. In the process of decomposition in the gastrointestinal tract, they are not harmful.
  2. These drugs ideally absorb only harmful substances. Not vitamins and minerals.
  3. Enterosorbents are completely removed from the intestine.
  4. Convenient shape and neutral taste of the drug.
  5. Wide spectrum of action.

How to choose?

Currently, enterosorbents are drugs presented in a rather large assortment. Their manufacturers are competing with each other. There are various enterosorbents. How to choose them, we will consider in this paragraph.

In each specific case, the sorption capacity of the drug should be taken into account. This parameter is quite significant. They imply exactly what amount of a harmful substance the sorbent is able to absorb per unit area of ​​contact and body weight (indirectly). Modern enterosorbents, reviews of which are positive, are widely used to treat a number of diseases.

In therapy, they are used in certain cases. Namely, with diseases such as:

Chronic and acute renal failure.

Burn toxicity.

Acute poisoning.

Diseases of the biliary tract and liver.


Chronic and acute pancreatitis.

Sepsis and wound infections.

Acute radiation sickness

Alcoholism and drug addiction.

Bronchial asthma.

As well as oncological, skin, cardiovascular and some autoimmune diseases.

The course of application of enterosorbents in these cases is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. This is important to remember.

In clinical conditions, sorbents are used, the basis of which is activated carbon. These are drugs such as Gastrosorb, Carbactin, Karbolen.

Enterosorbents based on lignin have quite wide indications. These are the means "Filtrum", "Lignosorb", "Polifepan".

Polymethylsiloxane type polymers stand out as a separate group. These are such means as "Smekta", "Smektit", "Enterosgel".

It should also be noted that enterosorbents (drugs) for allergies are prescribed quite often. They make it easier to flow.

Superfine silicon dioxides are widely used. Namely, aluminum hydroxides also have similar properties. These are the preparations "Sukralfat", "Gastal", "Almagel".

There are practically no contraindications for natural dietary fibers contained in cereals, bran, pectins.

At home, enterosorbents are excellent for poisoning, and they can also help normalize well-being when symptoms of weakness, diarrhea, nausea, general malaise, and fever appear.

Brief description of the main drugs

In this case it is:

Food enterosorbents

Let's consider this point in more detail. In general, enterosorbents are part of many food products. Namely:

If you are planning to cleanse the body with these drugs, then it is better to agree on such a procedure and carry it out under the supervision of a specialist. Also, don't get too carried away with them. Thoughtless absorption of these drugs can not be called beneficial to the body.

Lose weight with enterosorbents

This is a true fact. You can adjust with the help of enterosorbents. This is especially true when losing weight. When adipose tissue is broken down, all lipids and toxins enter the bloodstream. Then they are excreted using the same kidneys and liver. But the body can not always cope with such a load. It is during this period that it is important to lower the level of lipids in the blood and normalize protein synthesis. It helps to repair damaged cell walls in almost all types of tissues. This process can also be called rejuvenation of the body.

There is another reason why enterosorbents (the drugs listed above) help with weight loss. It lies in the fact that they cover the deficiency in the body. This is an important property. Due to this, the volume of the food bolus increases. This contributes to a longer feeling of fullness, and also activates the activity of the intestines. Enterosorbents also bind and remove excess fluid from the body. This helps to get rid of puffiness and quickly acquire the desired shape.

Long-term intake of enterosorbents prolongs youth

To date, a certain method is very common. It is called hemosorption. This procedure looks something like this: human blood is passed through a sorbent, and this, in turn, allows you to extract many harmful substances from it. However, this method can also be harmful. Still quite effectively use enterosorption. In the team of Academician Frolkis, this method was thoroughly studied. The fact is that a person secretes up to about 10-12 liters of gastric juice per day. This means that when its sorption is carried out, it is possible without harm to the blood, lymph and intercellular and cellular fluids. Also, this method is extremely effective in absorbing cholesterol. This cleaning method is a good prevention of atherosclerosis.

Initially, the above facts were tested on rats. For experiments, 28-month-old (old) individuals were taken. These rats were fed with sorbents (synthetic coals) for 10 days, alternating with 30-day breaks. Such an experiment showed that the life expectancy of rodents increased by 35%. This had such a strong effect that it led to a high rate of protein synthesis.

It can also be said that this experiment showed the effects of enterosorbent on lipid metabolism in the body. Their content, which is of great importance for the development of atherosclerosis, decreased in the liver by 30%. As you can see, the influence of enterosorption had such a great impact on the functioning of fat cells that the restoration of cell walls in the body as a whole began. With prolonged use of this method, cell damage occurs much later, the growth of connective tissue in organs and nerve centers is inhibited, and the tendency to vascular disease decreases.

Enterosorption is one of the best ways to prolong life and rejuvenate the body as a whole. Analogues of such a process have not yet been invented. This procedure is primarily safe and very effective. Take enterosorption to your arsenal. This will come in handy in the future.


Modern sorbents have significant advantages over activated carbon. Therefore, they are more expensive. The cost of enterosorbents depends entirely on the type of drug and its quantity, as well as the manufacturer. It fluctuates around 80 - 2000 rubles.


After reviewing the information provided in this article, everyone can learn about the beneficial effects of drugs such as enterosorbents. How to choose them? This is also mentioned in this text. But still, it is better, if the need arises, to seek the advice of a doctor who will recommend the necessary enterosorbent. The instructions must be read without fail!

All drugs from the group of enterosorbents "work" in approximately the same way. When taken, such drugs begin to interact with the contents of the stomach, and then the intestines.

Enterosorbents like a scanner find and then absorb substances that have entered the gastrointestinal tract. Selective enterosorbents are of therapeutic value. Preparations should have a selective effect, that is, not come into contact with useful elements, including the microflora that inhabits the organs of the digestive tract. These agents include Enterosgel, the leader among all other agents capable of detoxification.

Enterosorbents: a list of drugs

To cleanse the body, enterosorbents are needed. The list of drugs, prices, composition, principle of action, indications, efficacy, safety and side effects of enterosorbents are of great importance when choosing the right remedy. The range of these drugs is presented widely. To understand which of them is the most optimal and convenient to use, it is necessary to take into account all these points.

  • Polyphepan - is an enterosorbent produced on the basis of lignin dietary fiber, which is obtained from coniferous wood. The drug has a large-pore structure, it can be indicated during breastfeeding and during the period of bearing a child. However, doctors recommend using it in extreme cases, for example, when Enterosgel was not at hand. The fact is that Polifenap, along with harmful substances, removes beneficial ones from the body. Thus, depriving him of vitamins, trace elements, intestinal bacteria involved in digestion. Long-term use of the drug is also not possible. Otherwise, disorders such as increased gas formation and constipation occur. And in the case of a hangover, it will be difficult for the body to return to normal due to the fact that the necessary substances will be removed.

Average cost: 119 rubles.

  • Enterosgel is a modern enterosorbent, which is produced on the basis of methylsilicic acid, and is a finely dispersed suspension, the particles of which are evenly distributed throughout the preparation. This drug is available in a pasty form in the form of a hydrogel. Enterosgel has the largest sorption capacity compared to all existing enterosorbents, which determines its high efficiency in terms of absorption of harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract. Enterosgel binds exclusively toxic substances (decay products, endotoxins, allergens, immune complexes, etc.) that are formed directly in the intestine or enter the intestinal lumen from the blood, and thus prevents their reabsorption. The safety of the drug has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies. Enterosgel has a homogeneous consistency, can be mixed with any liquids without losing its properties, without changing the quality of drinks and without forming sediment. The drug can be used for a long time.

Average cost: 300 rubles.

  • Polysorb - a preparation with cleansing properties, which is based on silica, is available in gray-black powder. Polysorb is taken orally only in the form of an aqueous suspension. To obtain a suspension, the required amount of the drug is thoroughly mixed in 1/4 -1/2 cup of water. When shaken with water, it forms a suspension, which is very difficult to drink, as it almost instantly settles to the bottom. Unlike it, Enterosgel does not need to be diluted, it is ready for use already in the tube, and what is important, the drug has no taste. According to consumer reviews, Polysorb has a pronounced taste of sand. Polysorb does not have a selective effect, therefore they are not popular with either doctors or patients. According to experts, Polysorb has not passed proper clinical trials for efficacy and safety, has a dubious composition, age-inappropriate dosages and methods of administration. Therefore, the drug should be administered with great care, especially to children and expectant mothers, as well as to people with chronic diseases.

Average cost: 350 rubles.

  • Smecta is an enterosorbent based on purified medical clay - aluminosilicate of natural origin. The drug is produced in powder, when diluted, it forms a suspension that resembles chalk in appearance. Before drinking, the resulting solution should be well mixed. This process reduces the absorption capacity of the drug. Smekta does not start working immediately, but after a while. Once in the stomach, the particles of the drug are embedded in the proteins of the mucus, dissolve in them. In the pores of the enterosorbent, substances with a lower weight and volume are retained. But Smecta, like Polysorb, does not have a selective effect, therefore it is used much less frequently and is less popular than Enterosgel.

Average cost: 170 rubles.

High quality, efficiency and safety of the enterosorbent, including long-term use, are essential when choosing both for prevention and treatment. Therefore, it is better to purchase Enterosgel in advance, which will help to avoid many adverse events and recover faster.

We recommend that you study the materials of the All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists of Educational Institutions of Secondary and Higher Pharmaceutical Education.

Enterosorbents are drugs whose pharmacological action is aimed at binding and retaining toxic, allergenic and toxic substances in the cavity of the human body, absorbing pathogenic microflora and its waste products and removing them to the outside through natural defecation processes. By removing toxic compounds from the cavity of the human body, these drugs not only contribute to the fastest recovery from diarrhea, intoxication and various allergic reactions, but also strengthen the immune defense system.

In the materials of the presented review, we will take a closer look at the main types of enterosorbents and the list of drugs for children and adults with the greatest efficiency, their properties, as well as indications for use.

Until recently, only activated charcoal was one of the most well-known enterosorbents, but the latest developments of pharmaceutical companies have begun to amaze with the abundance of drugs with a similar effect. On the shelves of modern pharmacies, enterosorbents are now presented in the form of not only tablets, but also powders, capsules, gels, suspensions, colloids, pastes, food additives and granules.

All enterosorbent preparations are divided into the following groups:

  1. Carbon-type drugs, which include various compounds and derivatives of activated carbon.
  2. Preparations of an organic nature, like Multisorb, the production of which consists in the use of only natural components in the form of brown seaweed polysaccharides, lignin, chitin, cellulose, etc.
  3. Silicon-containing products, which are mainly prescribed for course cleaning of the human body from toxic and poisonous compounds.

The most popular silicon-containing preparations are Smecta, Enterosgel and Polysorb.

Properties of enterosorbents

In the territories of the Russian Federation, silicon-containing drugs and activated carbon derivatives are considered the most accessible and popular. These dosage forms have a wide spectrum of action, low market value, intensively absorb allergens, poisonous and toxic compounds, are neutral in taste, well tolerated and completely eliminated from the body naturally. It is also worth noting that they are completely harmless and, when completely disintegrated in the intestinal cavity, do no harm.

Indications for use

Each enterosorbent has its own sorption index, in other words, this is the level or volume of toxic compounds, poisonous and allergenic substances that one unit of this or that enterosorbent preparation can bind and absorb, which should be taken into account when prescribing such drugs. In general, enterosorbent preparations are prescribed for the development of the following pathologies:

It is important to remember that only a qualified doctor should prescribe enterosorbents after a complete diagnosis of the patient, which is especially true for children.

Enterosorbent preparations for children

Among the huge variety of drugs with a similar effect to activated charcoal, there is a special group of enterosorbents that can be used for children of different age groups. They are absolutely safe and activate their pharmacological action only after penetration into the intestinal cavity of the baby. Having collected all the toxic compounds in the intestines of the child, enterosorbents contribute to their natural excretion by defecation, while they never penetrate the bloodstream and do not cause any harm to health.

It is important to remember that only a qualified specialist will be able to help choose a more suitable drug for treating a baby from among modern sorbents that are allowed to be taken from an early age.

Children may be prescribed the following drugs:

  • Enterosgel;
  • Polysorb;
  • Smecta;
  • Polyphepan.

Before purchasing any enterosorbent, it is worth considering the location of toxic compounds in the baby's gastrointestinal tract. If a large concentration of toxins is localized in the stomach cavity, then preference should be given to powdered preparations, and if in the intestinal cavity, then encapsulated enterosorbents will have a greater effect.

List of popular enterosorbents

Let us consider in more detail enterosorbents for children and adults, their description and methods of application.

Tableted product containing activated charcoal as an active ingredient. Activated charcoal is prescribed for various poisoning and intoxication, accompanied by the development of diarrhea, flatulence and dyspeptic disorders.

It is recommended to take orally only for adults, 2-3 tablets at a time. To increase the effectiveness, several tablets should be crushed to a powder, dissolved in a glass of drinking water and taken.

It is important to remember that long-term use of high dosages of the drug can lead to constipation and depletion of the body of useful proteins, fat, carbohydrates and hormones, as well as beriberi.

Tableted enterosorbent containing microcrystalline cellulose and silicon dioxide. It can be prescribed for the treatment of adults and children from 3 years of age in order to normalize the working capacity of the digestive tract, prevent intoxication after consuming low-quality food and alcoholic beverages, as well as to remove toxins and toxins.

  • children under 3 years of age;
  • development of ulcerative lesions of the stomach cavity and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • the presence of erosions and ulcers on the walls of the intestine;
  • hemorrhages in the cavity of the stomach or intestines;
  • obstruction in the intestines;
  • individual intolerance to the body of the active substances of the drug.

This is a powder preparation developed on the basis of apple pectin, as well as taurine, succinic acid and insulin. Instructions for use of this drug states that it is recommended to take it in the following situations:

  • in case of food poisoning;
  • development of diarrhea;
  • with dysbacteriosis;
  • as well as detoxifying the body.

Liquid coal has an enveloping effect in the cavity of the stomach and intestines, due to which the level of irritability of the intestinal walls decreases and the urge to defecate stops (especially important with intense diarrhea). Moreover, it helps to eliminate toxins and other harmful substances.

It has no side effects, and contraindications include: individual intolerance to the body, pregnancy and breastfeeding.


This enterosorbent has a pasty form of release and includes methyl silicic acid in its composition. It can be used to treat developing diarrhea in adults and children. It is recommended to take orally a couple of hours before meals or after eating food and other medicines.

It is strictly forbidden to use Enterosgel for acute constipation and increased sensitivity of the body to the action of silicic acids. Among the side effects, if used incorrectly, dyspeptic disorders may occur.


This is also a powdered preparation intended for self-preparation of a suspended drug. Contains diosmectite as an active ingredient. It is recommended to use in the development of an acute stage or chronic diarrhea in infants from a month old, older children and the adult contingent of the population.

Before use, the powder should be poured into a small container and, in accordance with the instructions for use, the dosage prescribed by the doctor, mixed with a small amount of water and mixed thoroughly to obtain a uniform liquid consistency. For the treatment of infants, instead of water, you can use:

  • sweet fruit drinks;
  • compote;
  • fruit or vegetable puree;
  • milk mixture;
  • natural juices.

Contraindications include:

  • children up to 1 month of life;
  • constipation;
  • the period of bearing a baby;
  • hypersensitivity to the active ingredient of the drug.

If Smekta is used incorrectly and the prescribed dosages are exceeded, side effects may occur in the form of constipation, discharge of vomit, bloating and intense formation of gases in the intestinal cavity, as well as small rashes on the skin and the appearance of itching.


Powdered preparation containing the active ingredient in the form of povidone. Indications for use:

  • acute intoxication of the body, accompanied by acute diarrhea;
  • recurrence of enterocolitis;
  • exacerbation of enteritis;
  • getting food poisoning.

Before use, the drug should be dissolved in water, you can add a little sugar to improve the taste of the drug.


A tablet preparation containing in its composition components of hydrolytic lignin. It is very effective in developing diarrhea, dysbacteriosis and food poisoning. It is recommended to take it orally 1-1.5 before eating.

It should not be taken in the presence of individual intolerance to hydrolytic lignin, exacerbated gastritis and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, as well as constipation and atony of the walls in the intestinal cavity.

Side effects may include constipation or allergic skin rashes.


This drug has a powder form of release and is intended for self-preparation of suspensions. Includes food lignins and lactulose. Recommended for diarrhea in adults and children over 3 years of age.

Before use, the powder should be thoroughly mixed with boiled cold water until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Take orally one hour before eating or 120 minutes after a meal.

Contraindications include:

  • children under 3 years of age;
  • acute stage of intestinal obstruction;
  • individual intolerance to the active substances of the drug.

No side effects have been identified.


The enterosorbent preparation is produced in powder form, intended for self-preparation of a suspension for oral administration. It is prescribed for the treatment of acute pathological disorders of the intestines, accompanied by diarrhea. It can be used to treat the adult contingent of the population and children older than a year.

Before use, mix thoroughly with water until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. A single dose of the drug for an adult should not exceed 1.2 grams of dry matter, and for children no more than 0.6 grams.

There are the following contraindications:

  • children under the age of one;
  • the period of bearing a baby and GV;
  • increased level of sensitivity to the active components of the drug;
  • erosion and ulcers of the stomach, intestines and duodenum;
  • constipation.

Of the side effects, only intestinal obstruction (constipation) may occur.


A powdered preparation containing in its composition components of hydrolytic lignin, acting as an active substance. It is prescribed for the therapeutic treatment of chronic and acute pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by developing diarrhea.

It is recommended to take orally with plenty of water 1-1.5 before meals. Do not use the drug for gastritis, constipation and increased sensitivity of the body to hydrolytic lignin. Side effects may include constipation, hypocalcemia, beriberi, and small pinpoint rashes on the surface of the skin of an allergic type.

Other drugs

To combat diarrhea, you can also use enterosorbents such as Fishant-S in the form of a paste and Atoxil in the form of a powder, which is especially effective for intoxication and diarrhea and can be used for children over 12 years old and adults.

In the article below, we will consider instructions for use for Polyphepan, as well as numerous reviews. So let's get started.

We live in an unhealthy environment. A person breathes air polluted by industries and cars, eats unbalanced, and sometimes food is simply not healthy. All this eventually leads to health problems. To avoid intoxication and bring your condition back to normal, you can use sorbents for the intestines. There are quite a few of them, and one of them is Polyphepan. Instructions are provided below.

The action of the drug

It is an effective drug with an absorbent effect, which is able to bind, neutralize and remove various types of toxins from the human body.

The therapeutic properties of the drug increase the effectiveness of the treatment of various diseases: from ordinary poisoning to purulent-inflammatory infections. The drug enters into active interaction with harmful microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria and fungi. In addition, "Polifepan" has the ability to bind and remove the following substances:

  1. Poisons of various origins.
  2. Heavy metal salts and ammonia.
  3. Alcohol components.
  4. radioactive isotopes.
  5. Bilirubin.
  6. Cholesterol.
  7. Urea.
  8. medicinal substances.
  9. allergens and metabolites.

With its detoxifying action, "Polifepan" is not toxic. Its active components do not enter the lymph or blood, being completely excreted from the body along with the absorbed substances. This happens a day after taking.

Often used "Polifepan" for weight loss. The instruction does not contain information about the benefits or harms of such self-appointment.


The drug is made from hydrolytic lignin - a substance of natural origin, released during the wood processing of coniferous species. Such a substance is safe for humans.

Taking the drug in the form of a powder or tablets has a detoxifying, antioxidant, antidiarrheal, enterosorbent, hypolipidemic effect. In addition, the drug has a healing effect on the intestinal microflora and local immunity.


According to the instructions, "Polifepan" is produced in the form of powder and tablets. Since the concentration of the active substance in these two forms of the drug is different, then they will be used in different situations. The tablet form of the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. Typhoid fever.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Colitis.
  4. Cholera.
  5. Viral hepatitis.
  6. Allergic reactions.
  7. Gynecological diseases.
  8. Recovery period after chemotherapy.

The powder is prescribed as part of complex therapy for the following pathologies:

  1. Poisoning with poisons of various origins and drugs.
  2. Poisoning with heavy metals and alkaloids.
  3. Treatment of chronic hepatitis.
  4. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  5. Allergic reactions.
  6. Purulent inflammatory diseases.

In addition, according to the instructions, Polyphepan powder and tablets are prescribed for kidney and liver failure, intestinal dysbacteriosis, dispersion, salmonellosis, etc.


The drug in the form of a powder must be diluted before use in 100-150 ml of water. You can also take the powder undiluted with water. The maximum daily dosage should be calculated taking into account the weight of the patient. Depending on the severity of the disease, from 0.5 to 1 gram of the drug per kilogram of weight is prescribed.

According to the instructions for the Polyphepan tablets, it is taken three times a day one hour before meals and other medicines.

For kids

In childhood, the dosage is selected based on the average values. Newborn children are given half a teaspoon per day, and at the age of one to seven years, it is permissible to increase the dose to a dessert spoon 3-4 times a day.

In the acute course of the disease, the drug is taken up to five days. If we are talking about allergies or chronic pathology, the duration of treatment can be up to two weeks.

What else does the instructions for use say to the tablets "Polifepan"?

The tablet form of the drug should also be taken one hour before meals and other medicines. The daily dosage for an adult is up to 16 tablets, the children's dose reaches 10 pieces.

In the acute form of the disease, the drug is taken up to a week. Chronic forms of pathologies require courses of 10 days with a week break. Long-term use of the drug must be accompanied by vitamin support, since the sorbent binds, in addition to toxins, useful substances.

Is it safe to use "Polifepan" for weight loss? Instructions for use describe possible adverse reactions of the body.

Application for weight loss

Polyphepan has a wide scope for the treatment of pathologies not directly related to gastrointestinal diseases. It is also used for weight loss and body cleansing. Consider the most common options for its use, which lead to certain results. The drug will help reduce weight, but you should not expect quick visible results. Against the background of its use, harmful substances are removed from the intestines and accumulated toxic substances are excreted. It is due to this that the body weight decreases.

People who are on a diet and at the same time taking a sorbent have the opportunity to lose weight without worsening their well-being. "Polifepan" effectively binds and quickly removes the decay products of fat cells and toxins that enter the intestinal lumen.

Also, the drug normalizes the metabolism of fats, which significantly affects extra pounds. But the process of losing weight will be very moderate. For this purpose, you need to drink 12-16 tablets per day, while dividing this amount into 4 doses. The powder is taken 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l., stirred in a glass of clean water. Contraindications - diabetes mellitus or constipation.

Side effects

Adverse reactions due to taking the drug are quite rare. The most common of these is an allergic reaction, as well as constipation. In this case, it is better to stop taking the drug and choose another sorbent based on a different active ingredient. Prolonged intake of the sorbent can cause demineralization of the body due to the withdrawal of vitamins and microelements.

"Polifepan" in any form of release is absolutely harmless to the body. There were no signs of overdose with this drug. As for the interaction with other drugs, when taken simultaneously with a sorbent, their effectiveness is significantly reduced. For this reason, it is necessary to take a break between taking the sorbent and other drugs.

During pregnancy

The drug is not contraindicated in women during pregnancy. It is safe both for a woman during gestation and for intrauterine development of the fetus. This is due to the fact that the active substance does not penetrate into the bloodstream, and therefore does not affect the body systemically. This confirms the instructions for "Polifepan".

Therefore, with intestinal infections, poisoning and gestosis, experts often prescribe it to pregnant women. In addition, the drug is prescribed to relieve nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis.

To the powder "Polifepan" instructions for use are also available.

Taking powder or tablets does not affect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. "Polifepan" has a number of useful properties:

  1. Replenishment of the required amount of dietary fiber.
  2. Normalization of intestinal microflora.
  3. Elimination of constipation, dysbacteriosis and other digestive disorders.

Treatment is carried out until the signs of intoxication are completely eliminated. With symptoms of poisoning, you should take a tablespoon of the powder three times a day half an hour before meals. This is stated in the instructions for use.

Analogues of "Polifepan"

There are drugs on the pharmaceutical market that are similar in their therapeutic effect. These are medicines such as Diosmectite in powder form, Neosmectin suspension, Laktofiltrum in tablets, Enterosgel in the form of a paste, Enterosorbent granules, etc. Most often, such preparations are recommended to be diluted with water. Sorbents are selected according to the doctor's prescription or based on the individual preferences of the patient.

The question often arises as to which is better, Enterosgel or Polyphepan. The effectiveness of these drugs is about the same. Many are guided by the recommendations of friends and reviews on the Internet. "Enterosgel" is sweetened, which makes its taste more pleasant. However, many refuse it for the same reason, since the presence of sugar reduces its usefulness.

In fact, taking both sorbents is unpleasant. However, this does not affect the effectiveness of drugs. A significant difference between the drugs is the cost. Enterosgel costs an order of magnitude more than Polyphepan. To make a choice on your own, you can try to drink different sorbents one day at a time as a prophylaxis and bowel cleansing. Focusing on your own feelings from taking different drugs, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about which one is suitable for a particular person.

In order to quickly achieve recovery, it is necessary to remove harmful compounds, toxins or allergens from organic structures and tissues that caused the development of the pathological process as soon as possible.

Enterosorbents are used not only for poisoning and gastrointestinal problems, they are prescribed for various allergies, as well as atopic and allergic dermatitis. List of indications below.

The duration of treatment in case of allergy is until the symptoms disappear.

It is important to remember that self-medication is not an option. Only a doctor can say for sure whether enterosorbents are needed in your case, and possibly advise the best option.

Description and purpose of enterosorbents

Enterosorbents are drugs that can bind and retain various toxins, allergens or toxic substances.

In addition, enterosorbents are able to absorb various pathogenic microflora and waste products released by it, after which the drugs naturally come out.

Many pathologies are accompanied by endotoxicosis or endogenous intoxication. We are often endotoxinated - with digestive disorders, colds, dermatitis and allergic reactions, high fever or flu, and many other conditions.

Therefore, enterosorbents are widely used. In addition, drugs of similar action help reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions, dermatitis, dysbacteriosis, and more. etc. Enterosorbents help to improve the course of material exchange processes and have a positive effect on the immune system and the state of the patient's body as a whole.

A positive aspect in taking enterosorbent preparations is the fact that they have a minimal list of adverse reactions and contraindications, and they begin to act as soon as possible.

So, in case of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to take some enterosorbent within the first hours from the moment the manifestations occur. It will be possible to eat only a couple of hours after taking the drug, but it is better not to combine the intake of enterosorbent drugs with other oral drugs, because the effect of the latter will be significantly weakened by the former.

Varieties of enterosorbents

If earlier from such means we were only familiar with activated charcoal, today pharmacists amaze with an abundance of drugs of similar action. All enterosorbents are divided into several specific groups:

  1. Carbon - they are various compounds of activated carbon;
  2. Organic - these preparations are made on the basis of natural dietary fibers such as seaweed, pectin, chitin, cellulose or lignin. A popular representative of this group is Multisorb;
  3. Silicon - these enterosorbent agents are produced on the basis of silicon-containing components and are used to cleanse the body. Popular representatives of this group are alumina, Polysorb, Smecta, Enterosgel, etc.

The most widespread and popular among Russians are silicon and carbon preparations, which are affordable due to their low cost. All types of preparations of this action have the ability to absorb toxins and allergens, they have a wide scope and neutral taste, are not toxic and are completely excreted from the body.

Indications for use

Each individual drug has an individual sorption index, i.e., how much toxins or allergens can be absorbed by a unit of the drug. This must be taken into account when assigning such funds. In general, enterosorbents are actively used in a variety of pathological conditions such as:

  • food allergic reactions;
  • Dermatitis and other skin lesions;
  • kidney failure;
  • Hepatic or biliary pathologies;
  • Drug or alcohol addiction;
  • poisoning;
  • Intoxication against the background of influenza or viral processes;
  • Toxicosis of burn origin;
  • peritonitis;
  • Helminthiasis;
  • Wound infectious processes or sepsis and many others. others

But the appointment must be qualified and professional, so it is better to entrust this issue to the doctor.

Overview of popular drugs

The modern pharmaceutical market is replete with types of enterosorbent preparations, so it is worth considering them in more detail.


This drug is produced on a silicon basis in powder form. For reception, it is necessary to prepare a medicinal mixture from powdered raw materials and water and take it between meals. The dosage is calculated in accordance with the weight data of the patient - for each kilogram of weight there are 0.2 g of medicinal powder. The daily rate should not exceed 3-4 such doses.

Polysorb is contraindicated in intestinal bleeding, gastric ulcer, atony (lack of muscle tone) and intestinal obstruction.

Activated carbon

This enterosorbent is considered the most famous and versatile. It is taken 203 tablets up to four times a day, and if the reason for the appointment is acute intoxication, then the dosage suggests taking 1 tablet per 10 kg of the patient's weight. If coal is taken for a long time, then the patient may be disturbed by hypovitaminosis, problems with the absorption of trace elements, constipation, irritation of the intestinal walls, up to ulceration.

The drug causes specific adverse reactions with prolonged and uncontrolled use, such as:

  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • Dyspeptic disorders;
  • Hemorrhagic;
  • Hypothermia;
  • thromboembolism, etc.


The drug is produced in a gel form based on polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate. It is contraindicated to take with atonic processes or intestinal obstruction. The drug quickly binds and removes food allergens, drugs, toxic substances, alcohol and metals, poisons, etc.

In addition, Enterosgel is able to absorb material exchange products such as excess lipid compounds, cholesterol and uric acid deposits, bilirubin, etc. In case of allergic reactions, Enterosgel is taken for 14-21 days.


The drug is produced in tablet form based on hydrolytic lignin. The drug after administration is not metabolized and not absorbed, it only collects on its surface a variety of toxins and medicinal components, pathogenic microorganisms and other components that provoke the development of toxicosis.

Filtrum-STI tablets are contraindicated in intestinal atony, ulcerative processes in the duodenum and stomach, lignin intolerance. Among the adverse reactions, the occurrence of allergic reactions on the skin surface and constipation is more often noted. It is not recommended to take long courses, because the drug begins to remove calcium and vitamins.


The drug belongs to the universal enterosorbents, is available in tablet and powder form. The basis of Polyphepan is hydrolytic lignin. The drug, when it enters the gastrointestinal tract, actively binds to toxins of various origins, drugs, alcohol, allergens, bilirubin and other components.

If you take the drug for allergies, then it will significantly reduce the manifestations and increase the therapeutic effect of taking medications.


This drug is a natural aluminosilicate with enterosorbent action. The drug is indicated for diarrhea of ​​any origin, heartburn, gastrointestinal disorders and flatulence, dyspepsia, etc.

Smecta is contraindicated:

  1. With intestinal obstruction;
  2. Deficiency of sucrose;
  3. fructose intolerance;
  4. Hypersensitivity to individual elements of the drug.


The drug is made on the basis of lactulose and lignin, is indicated for patients with disorders of the intestinal microflora, irritable bowel syndrome, cirrhosis and hepatitis, allergic processes such as urticaria, atopic dermatitis, etc.

It is contraindicated to take Laktofiltrum with galactosemia, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal obstruction.


Enterosorbent is also produced in powder form. It is especially recommended for allergic reactions, acute poisoning, salmonellosis, dysentery, food infections of toxic origin, etc.

Remember that any drug, even as harmless as enterosorbents, must be taken only in consultation with the doctor so as not to provoke the occurrence of adverse reactions and overdose.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.



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