Symptoms and treatment of a cyst in the head. Brain cyst symptoms and treatment methods

In medical practice, cases of neoplasms in the human brain, including cysts in the head, are not uncommon. The word "cyst" in society is considered a benign disease that does not represent anything dangerous. But a head cyst is not a harmless formation. A thorough diagnosis and periodic examination by specialists is necessary.

What is a head cyst? This is a formation that contains a liquid located in a capsule in the form of a bubble. Anatomically, there is a fluid-filled cavity between the temporal and parietal lobes. When for some reason, which we will consider later, dead tissues are formed, the fluid from this part tries to take the place of the dead tissues, due to which a capsule is formed, which forms a cyst. Most often, the cyst appears in the so-called cobweb covering of the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres. This is due to the fact that this part of the brain is easily subject to bruises, injuries and inflammatory processes that accompany them. According to statistics, children, adolescents and men are more likely to get sick than women.

But not only injuries can cause a cyst in the head. Let's consider these reasons.

Causes of a cyst in the head

There are congenital and acquired forms of head cysts.

The reason for the appearance of congenital types of cysts:

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The reason for the appearance of acquired types of cysts, more often in adults and adolescents:

Education is most often not malignant. But this does not give reason to think that there is no need to be examined and treated, since cysts tend to grow. The rapid growth of the cyst can lead to compression of vital areas of the brain. And, as we know, the brain is a very thin structure and the slightest intervention can lead to irreversible processes.

Symptoms of the disease

Very often, the cyst does not manifest itself in any way and a person accidentally finds out about his illness, undergoing an examination for the presence of another disease or simply undergoing a preventive examination. The disease can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the location, size, age, concomitant diseases. The following symptoms may occur simultaneously or one after the other:

  • Nausea and vomiting, after which it usually does not get better;
  • Insomnia;
  • Headaches and dizziness;
  • Noise in the ears without hearing impairment;
  • Ripples before the eyes;
  • The coordination of movements worsens;
  • Tremor of hands and feet.

Symptoms may also depend on the location of the cyst. For example, a person may constantly suffer from nasal congestion. This may indicate that the cyst is located in the frontal part of the brain closer to the sinuses.

According to statistics, 40% of newborns have a cyst of the head. Most often they are diagnosed in utero. The comforting fact is that in most cases, such formations disappear without a trace in the process of the child's growth. But a child born with this pathology should be under the constant supervision of specialists in order to avoid serious complications. Therefore, it is very important for a pregnant woman to monitor her health. If during pregnancy a woman suffers infectious diseases, such as herpes, or, even worse, a woman consumes drugs, alcohol, then pathologies are most often inevitable. The blood circulation in the brain of the fetus is inadequate, as a result of which some of the brain cells die and formations such as a cyst appear. But there are varieties of cysts in babies that are life-threatening. For example, subependymal cyst.


The most common and reliable diagnostic method is magnetic resonance imaging. An adult is referred for an MRI if there are no contraindications for this. This type of diagnosis gives a complete picture of the cyst of the head, the size of the formation, the number, location and degree of danger are determined. For children under one year old, it will be enough to undergo an ultrasound examination (ultrasound), since the spring that has not yet been overgrown allows this to be done. In addition to MRI, other additional diagnostic methods may also be shown to compile a complete picture of the disease.

  1. Doppler: reveals violations in the blood supply, in areas where the cyst is localized.
  2. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is necessary to detect pathologies in the heart.
  3. A blood test is needed to determine the quality of blood clotting and cholesterol levels;
  4. Control of blood pressure to avoid new cerebral hemorrhages;
  5. A biochemical blood test that can establish the presence of infectious diseases, including autoimmune ones.

Despite the good quality of the cyst of the head, its consequences can be deplorable. It is necessary to establish the disease in time and start timely therapy in order to avoid further growth and progression of the disease.

Types of head cysts

Experts share three types of cysts. Consider them:


There are conservative (drug) and radical (by surgery) methods of treatment. Which one is chosen to eliminate the cyst or at least improve the patient's condition, only specialists decide. Sometimes there are cases when no type of treatment is required and the cyst resolves on its own. In any case, one must rely on the doctors and their decision.

Most often, in the treatment they resort to drug treatment, the purpose of which is to improve blood circulation and eliminate adhesions. Antiviral drugs and antibiotics are prescribed if an inflammatory process is detected.

It is very important to keep your blood pressure normal to avoid new hemorrhages. Cholesterol-lowering drugs are also prescribed, the so-called statins, which prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, and medications that can keep blood clotting normal. It is advisable to take drugs that supply the brain with glucose and also antioxidants. Drug treatment lasts an average of 10-12 weeks with a frequency of up to six months.

Surgical intervention is resorted to in extreme cases, when other methods of treatment are ineffective and there is a great threat to the life of the patient or a deterioration in the quality of life. Doctors weigh all the pros and cons before deciding on an operation, since any intervention in the brain is extremely dangerous. In any case, you need to trust the experts.

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*Only subject to obtaining data on the patient's disease, a clinic representative will be able to calculate an accurate estimate for treatment.

There are three types of brain surgery to remove the cyst:

  1. - is considered the most traumatic and difficult method. But this type of operation is the most effective for cystic formation, especially when the tumor is located in a hard-to-reach area of ​​the brain.
  2. . Doctors install a special drainage tube. Fluid inside the cyst flows out through this tube, after. But with this method of treatment, the likelihood of infection is high due to the open access of bacteria and viruses to the wound.
  3. Endoscopy. This type of surgical intervention is resorted to with easy accessibility of the cyst. A cyst is punctured and fluid is pumped out, after which the cyst resolves. The patient recovers quickly after surgery, which is the main advantage of endoscopy.

Regardless of which method will be chosen for the treatment of head cysts, the main thing is its timely detection. If you do not turn to specialists in time, such a terrible type of complication as hydrocephalus is possible, often leading to the death of the patient.

Often, on the advice of relatives or other "well-wishers", people with such a diagnosis neglect the advice of doctors and seek treatment from traditional healers who convince that aloe infusion can completely get rid of the disease. Well, if the cyst is not dangerous and will resolve itself. But healers will convince that only thanks to their magic elixirs, the cyst has disappeared. In the worst case, you will miss the time, and even the most advanced treatments will not help you.

brain cyst is a benign tumor located in the brain. A cyst in the form of a small ball filled with fluid can be located in any of the parts of the brain. The size and nature is determined by its location, the period of occurrence and its causes.

Causes of a cyst

A cyst in the brain and its development may be due to various factors. Congenital cysts occur due to various abnormalities in the development of the fetus during pregnancy, trauma to the infant during childbirth or infection in utero, and are often diagnosed in premature babies.

The appearance of a cyst can be caused by injuries, blows and concussions. Diseases such as vascular atherosclerosis, which causes deterioration of blood flow and the development of coronary disease, or tissue necrosis contributes to the formation of cysts. Hemorrhages caused by various causes, diseases that cause inflammation in the brain tissues, degeneration of brain cells, often accompanied by mental disorders or their dystrophy: all this leads to the appearance of tumors of various localization.

The tumor may appear as a side effect after surgical operations on the cranial cavity; in the postoperative period, it is important to monitor such patients and conduct regular MRI examinations for them.

Classification of brain cysts and their symptoms

Different types of brain cysts have their own characteristics and symptoms.

The archonoid cyst of the brain is formed due to inflammation, it looks like a small bubble with fluid inside. It is located, as a rule, between the layers of the meninges of the brain, and can go unnoticed for a long time, it begins to cause unpleasant symptoms only when the pressure of the fluid in the bladder exceeds the total pressure inside the skull.

Symptoms of an archaoid cyst include severe pain, localized in one area of ​​the head, vomiting, and nausea. Possible attacks of hallucinations and manifestations of epilepsy. When the tumor reaches a dangerous size, it causes the patient to paralyze one of the parts of the body, the so-called hemiparesis. Such neoplasms affect not only the physical health of the patient, but also provoke mental disorders, accompanied by memory loss, depression or inappropriate behavior.

A cyst formed inside the brain is called retrocerebellar. It is formed inside the brain, replacing the destroyed brain cells of the gray matter. This type of tumor is divided into several subspecies.

Colloidal, called a tumor with slow development, contains inside a liquid similar to gelatin interspersed with tissue cells. When it appears, it blocks the flow of fluids, and contributes to the development of hydrocephalus. Most often localized in the left hemisphere.

Dermoid- a tumor that is formed during abnormalities in intrauterine development or due to infections transferred by the fetus. Consists of cells of the epidermis, dermis, sebaceous glands. Most often it has a multi-chamber cavity. Inside which is a mass resembling fat. Usually located on the site of an overgrown embryonic cavity, the so-called fontanel;

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Epidermoid- These are congenital tumors, they usually develop at 5-7 weeks of gestation, often its presence in the fetus is not detected until birth. Most often localized in the cerebellum. Since the tumor develops very slowly and can be dormant for years, it is diagnosed in the adult population aged 30 to 40 years. With its growth, the tumor produces pressure on the brainstem and nerves inside the skull, often captures blood vessels and tissues.

A pineal neoplasm is the most difficult to diagnose, since it is localized in the depths of the brain and affects the pineal gland - the pineal gland. Such neoplasms often lead to disruption of puberty and slow growth.

Symptoms of cysts are quite wide. The patient may be disturbed by various symptoms, ranging from pain with severe pulsation, and ending with disorders of the psycho-emotional state. A tumor located deep in the brain can affect the functioning of the sense organs and cause hearing impairment, noise, hearing loss; visual disturbances, usually not permanent, occurring in the form of seizures, temporary darkening and clouding in the eyes, "flies", attacks of myopia, bifurcation. In addition, it is able to block the work of receptors and nerves, causing paralysis of a part of the body or limbs, which can be complete or partial, or lead to violations of the tactile functions of the skin.

Symptoms of this type also include dizziness, sudden loss of consciousness, numbness of the arms or legs, nosebleeds, and hallucinations. This is an incomplete list of symptoms caused by intracerebral neoplasms. In addition, tumors often do not manifest themselves for a long time, and their symptoms can appear sporadically and are attributed by patients to fatigue and stress. The brain, in which there is a cyst, sooner or later shows malfunctions in its work. It is important not to miss the symptoms and not to write them off for other diseases.

Diagnosis of a brain cyst

The main methods for diagnosing cysts are MRI and CT. Magnetic resonance imaging is performed using intravenous contrast. This method of research allows you to paint over neoplasms in the pictures, if the tumor is malignant, it will necessarily be painted over with contrast, a benign one does not respond to contrast.

Computer research makes it possible to determine the size and location of the neoplasm in a 3D model, which greatly simplifies the further process of its operation.

In addition to the above methods for diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a number of laboratory studies, they help to detect the root cause of the neoplasm and classify it. Such studies include:

  • ultrasound examination of blood vessels. It is carried out in order to identify lesions in the vessels that provide the hemispheres of the brain and its other departments with normal blood flow. Affected vessels cause disturbances in blood circulation, which leads to the destruction of gray matter and the formation of a tumor;
  • Ultrasound and cardiograms of the heart. Violations in the work of the heart muscles contribute to poor-quality blood flow in all organs, including the brain;
  • extensive blood tests. Such tests allow you to identify the level of cholesterol and blood clotting, these indicators affect the formation of cholesterol plaques and various blood clots in the vessels, which leads to blood retention in the vessels and, as a result, the formation of a tumor;
  • control sections of blood pressure indicators. The patient's blood pressure is measured during the day, if an increase in its level is detected during the study, it often indicates that there is a risk of strokes and subsequently a cyst;
  • tests to detect infectious diseases. Blood and urine are used for these tests. The purpose of this study is to identify infectious diseases in a patient that cause cell damage in various areas of the brain and the further formation of atheroma.

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All these studies are able to determine a congenital cyst, or acquired. A brain cyst is detected in adults 3 times more often than in children, the reason for this is often its asymptomatic course for several decades.

Treatment of a brain cyst

In cases where the detected cyst does not manifest itself for a long time: it does not cause unpleasant symptoms, does not increase in size, the patient is prescribed therapeutic treatment. Such treatment of a brain cyst involves observation by a neurologist, periodic MRI examinations, and drug therapy.

Therapy with medications, first of all, is aimed at getting rid of the root cause of tumor formation. If atheroma was the result of an infectious disease, it is treated for infection, if atherosclerosis of the vessels became the cause, therapy will be aimed at reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood.

If the MRI shows that the tumor is growing in size and causes unpleasant symptoms, a decision is made on surgical intervention. Currently, several methods of operations aimed at removing a brain cyst have been developed and tested, each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The safest and least traumatic way to remove a cyst in the head is endoscopy. The essence of the operation is the introduction of an endoscope under the skull, which collects fluid from the tumor ball. Such an operation is possible only for archaic cysts, the introduction of an endoscopic apparatus into deep cavities is prohibited. The effectiveness of endoscopy is confirmed by many years of research and the results of postoperative observation of patients. The reappearance of tumors within 5 years occurs only in 2% of those operated on, after 6-10 years the tumors return only to 1%.

For operations in the deep cavities of the brain, shunting is used. This method allows you to open the neoplasm and distribute the fluid contained in it to other brain regions and tissues. The distribution of fluid does not harm tissues and reduces intracranial pressure. The effectiveness of shunting has been proven in 98% of cases, the rehabilitation period after such surgery is no more than 2 weeks.

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The most dangerous and traumatic method of removal is excision. To carry out such an operation, a trepanation of the skull is performed, followed by excision of the neoplasm and adjacent cells. Excision is necessary if the bladder contains fluid that can harm other cells, for example, it may contain blotches of epithelial cells or fat.

In addition, rehabilitation after such an operation takes at least 1 month and includes taking a number of drugs that prevent the development of infections and inflammations, as well as promote rapid cell regeneration. For patients, the consequences of such an operation are very painful.

The return of the tumor after excision within 5 years from the moment of surgery is observed in 2% of patients, while mortality during surgery is 4%, and in the postoperative period 2.5%.

The choice of method for removing a cyst depends on its size, location, and the nature of the fluid it contains.

Operations are performed in neurosurgical departments of clinics in Russia and abroad. The patient has the right to choose a clinic for treatment. It is important to remember that most domestic doctors perform such operations for free, while foreign clinics charge quite large bills for treatment.
The best representatives of domestic neurosurgery performing such operations are doctors working in leading clinics of the capital, such as Krylov V.V., Grin. A.A and Grigoryan Yu.A.
The founder and creator of domestic microneurosurgery is the director of the Research Institute. Burdenko Konovalov A.N. It was he who created a new direction in neurosurgery, the most gentle and able to save almost any type of brain damage, localized in any part of it. Microneurosurgery has become a breakthrough in operations of this type. Alexander Nikolayevich personally performed more than 10,000 operations to remove various pathologies. Dr. Konovalov's students work in clinics throughout Russia, performing the most complex neurosurgical operations on a daily basis.

A brain cyst is a small, fluid-filled bladder located inside the skull. This is a dangerous pathology that has serious, sometimes irreversible, consequences, if timely and adequate treatment is not started. The disease is also dangerous because sometimes it does not have pronounced symptoms and can only be confirmed with the help of an MRI.

A similar anomaly is found in almost 40% of infants, but is not always considered a serious pathology. It all depends on the type of education: some of them disappear on their own and do not bother the newborn child, in other cases it is necessary to treat the disease. Sometimes surgery and removal of the formation is required.

A brain cyst can have different causes. Among the main factors that influenced the formation of a bubble inside the brain, the following are most often noted:

The first group of reasons is often directly related to the health of the mother carrying the child:

  • chronic diseases of a woman (for example, diabetes mellitus or an enlarged thyroid gland);
  • cardiovascular problems, due to which the fetus does not receive enough oxygen from the blood;
  • infections and viruses (even herpes in its active stage can affect);
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • abuse of alcohol, nicotine and other toxic substances;
  • malnutrition.

But there are other factors that do not depend on the pregnant woman, but affect the development of the fetus:

  • squeezing the baby's neck with the umbilical cord;
  • Rh factor conflict;
  • congenital genetic predisposition;
  • trauma during childbirth.

A brain cyst in a fetus can be found even in the womb, but then it is not found in a newborn child even after a thorough examination. This phenomenon is explained by the still unformed brain during uterine development. In these cases, no treatment is required, but a follow-up MTP after a few months is recommended.

Adults are more likely to develop a cyst after a head injury, minor stroke, or previous infections (especially such as encephalitis or meningitis). Symptoms to look out for: acute throbbing headache, nausea, partial numbness of the upper face. If you do not begin to treat the disease, the consequences will be catastrophic.

Why is a brain cyst dangerous?

Small cysts are completely curable with medication. The situation is more complicated with cases when MRI detected large formations. Then an operation is needed. Removal of the cyst will prevent the development of pathological processes provoked by the bladder in the brain and prevent death.

In the case of the presence of both small and large formations, the main problem is timely diagnosis. If treatment started late, the following consequences for a person are possible:

  • significant problems with the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements in adults;
  • lag in mental and mental development in children;
  • impaired or complete loss of hearing or vision;
  • development of hydrocephalus (accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricle of the brain, encephalitis and other inflammatory processes);
  • sudden death.

Therefore, it is important to take suspicious signs or general deterioration very seriously.

anxiety symptoms

A brain cyst may not have external symptoms and may not disturb a person for years. It is almost impossible to detect the disease without the help of an MRI. But there are signs of a deterioration in the general condition of the patient, which should alert:

  • , especially of a "pulsating" nature;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • insomnia;
  • increased sweating and shortness of breath;
  • running "flies" in the eyes;
  • sudden loss of vision or hearing;
  • tremor of the hands or chin;
  • fainting and convulsions.

Having several of the above signs at once, you should immediately contact a specialist and be examined using an MRI. It is better to play it safe several times than to face the consequences of this disease once.

When diagnosing a disease in a newborn child, doctors note several additional symptoms that may indicate a pathology of the brain:

  • lethargy of the limbs;
  • regurgitation with a fountain after almost every feeding;
  • disoriented look of the child;
  • pulsating fontanel.

Older children who can already describe their condition have the following complaints:

  • noise in ears;
  • pain in the back of the head;
  • bright flashes in the eyes;
  • frequent darkening in the eyes;
  • drowsiness;
  • permanent nausea.

Some parents worry that a child has a cyst but no specific treatment has been given after the MRI. If the formation is small and does not show active growth, it may not be necessary to treat it. In children, a small cyst may disappear on its own over time. It all depends on the type of cyst. But the child must be registered and periodically examined in order to stop the consequences in time.

Varieties of formations

The treatment of pathology largely depends on the type that the brain cyst has. The classification of this anomalous formation is quite extensive. The most common types are:

  1. colloidal formation. May appear during uterine development and remain throughout life. It is dangerous because it can block the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, although it has practically no symptoms that bother a person. It is discovered when a patient who came in complaining of minor but persistent headaches was ordered an MRI.
  2. Pineal cyst of the brain. This small formation in the epiphysis provokes visual impairment and destabilizes the coordination of movement. If this ailment is not treated, the consequences will be as follows: hydrocephalus develops, partial or complete loss of vision, encephalitis is possible.
  3. Dermoid bladder. Appears during the formation of the intrauterine fetus and does not resolve over time. Education worries a newborn baby. In many cases, this epidermoid anomaly grows rapidly, compressing brain structures. Therefore, usually its treatment is possible only by removal.
  4. Arachnoid formation. A bladder filled with CSF appears after an infectious disease that causes inflammation of the meninges, or a traumatic brain injury. As a rule, it is promptly detected in the initial stages, since patients with these diseases are prescribed MRI.
  5. Anomaly of the vascular plexus. This brain cyst is common in newborns and is usually not even considered a pathology. A small formation appears during the development of the fetus and, as a rule, disappears either before birth or in the first year of a child's life. An anomaly is a threat only in cases where the pregnancy is complicated by infectious diseases.

Traditional and radical methods of treatment

The treatment of such a formation as a brain cyst is selected in accordance with the type of anomaly and the reasons for its occurrence. To do this, conduct a series of studies, including the following procedures:

  • blood test (for cholesterol levels, coagulation parameters and the presence of viruses);
  • blood pressure measurements;
  • heart examination;
  • study of the patient's history;
  • visual inspection.

Examination of a newborn child with symptoms of a cyst can be carried out without MRI, using neurosonography.

  • drug treatment;
  • surgical removal of the tumor.

Traditional drug treatment may include drugs that eliminate the root cause of the anomaly:

  • reducing the concentration of cholesterol;
  • normalizing blood pressure;
  • eliminating infection, etc.

For resorption of adhesions, treatment with capripain or longidase is prescribed, and for providing brain cells with a sufficient amount of oxygen - with picamilon or instenon.

Treatment by a radical method involves the removal of a cyst:

  • shunting - removing the contents of the bladder through a special drainage tube;
  • endoscopy - puncture of the formation (not suitable for all types of formations);
  • by craniotomy.

The third method is one of the most effective, but also the most difficult. When it comes to a cyst in a child, neurosurgeons undertake to treat an anomaly only if the formation is large and grows rapidly, threatening to result in irreversible consequences.

However, practice shows that the need for radical treatment of a newborn is extremely rare. Most often, the baby is simply observed by a neurologist, and after a while the MRI confirms the disappearance of the formation.

A cyst in the brain is a rather dangerous diagnosis. When establishing it, you must follow all the prescriptions of the doctor. Only in this case can the dangerous consequences of this disease be avoided. What is a brain cyst? In general terms, it is a bubble that is filled with liquid. It can be located anywhere in the skull. Why is a brain cyst dangerous? What are the ways to treat it? The answers to these questions are given below.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of a brain cyst do not always appear. In some cases, this disease is completely asymptomatic. This happens when the cysts are small. Large neoplasms compress the membranes of the brain. The consequence of this exposure are the following cyst symptoms:

  • severe headaches;
  • deterioration of vision and hearing;
  • movements and sleep;
  • hypo- or hypertonicity of muscles;
  • noise and ;
  • loss of consciousness, epileptic convulsions, trembling (tremor) of the limbs;
  • children have regurgitation, vomiting;
  • there is swelling and a noticeable pulsation in the area of ​​​​the fontanel.

The clinical picture of the disease depends on where the cyst is located. The appearance of certain symptoms is influenced by the pressure of the cyst on certain parts of the brain.

Causes of a cyst in the brain

This disease can occur due to a number of different reasons. These include:

There are several types of brain cysts. The most common are the following:

1. Cyst of the pineal gland of the brain. Most often, it is discovered by chance when passing for an MRI for other reasons. A pineal cyst of the brain in this gland can be provoked by a violation of the outflow of melatonin, the presence of echinococcus. After blockage of the excretory duct, a secret, gland cells, accumulates in the cyst. In this case, a lining tissue is formed, which, with further intake of the hormone, contributes to its growth. Penetration into the pineal gland of echinococcus also contributes to the formation of cysts. This disease is accompanied by such symptoms: headache, double vision, inability to roll your eyes up, difficulty walking.

An asymptomatic pineal cyst of the brain, which does not accompany and when discovered by chance, does not bring trouble. Despite this, doctors recommend undergoing an annual examination by a neurosurgeon who will monitor the dynamics of its development. The pineal cyst, in respect of which drug treatment was applied, will not disappear anywhere, but the causes of its occurrence will be eliminated. With frequent pain and suspicion of the growth of this neoplasm, it must be removed with the help of surgery.

2. The arachnoid cyst of the brain develops on the arachnoid membrane of the brain. It is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Arachnoid cystana is most common in boys and adolescents. Injuries most often lead to its formation. If the pressure in the arachnoid cyst exceeds the intracranial pressure, it will compress and cause pain. Doctors also isolated a retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst of the brain. It looks like a bubble filled with liquid. This formation is benign, but if the cyst is formed by cerebrospinal fluid, then it is formed on dead areas of gray matter. This cyst is often a consequence of encephalitis or, as well as insufficient cerebral circulation. Most often, this disease is asymptomatic. A retrocerebellar cyst often leads to destruction of the brain, so it always requires treatment.

Treatment of an arachnoid cyst of the brain - operational (surgical). Remove ruptured cysts, accompanied by accumulation of fluid. Most often, such neoplasms cause seizures of epilepsy. To date, surgery is performed in 3 ways:

  • performing endoscopic surgery;
  • use of microsurgery;
  • shunting.

3. The pineal cyst of the brain is formed in the epiphysis. Most often it has a small size. It causes disruption of metabolic processes. With it, the functions of vision and coordination are impaired. It can also cause encephalitis.

4. Dermoid cyst appears during fetal development. Hair and fat can be found in its cavity. It grows rapidly in childhood, often squeezing various structures. Most often, it is removed surgically.

Other types of brain cysts

The following types of cysts are also common:

  • A cyst of the epiphysis of the brain, the symptoms of which are severe, drowsiness, disorientation, double vision. It also makes walking difficult. At the initial stage of the disease, drug treatment is used. A neglected cyst, increasing in size, is removed surgically.
  • A vascular plexus cyst is a benign neoplasm that manifests itself at certain stages of fetal development in the womb. Such a brain cyst in a child most often resolves on its own. In some cases, a brain cyst in a newborn occurs as a result of complications during pregnancy and during childbirth. It can also lead to infection of the fetus. In rare cases, this formation leads to pathological changes in other body systems. A congenital brain cyst is identified using a procedure called neurosography. It is absolutely harmless to the health of the child. Diagnosis of such a cyst in adults is carried out using ultrasound.
  • Pseudocyst of the brain in newborns occurs in 1% of premature babies. It is detected during an ultrasound scan in the first 24 hours of a child's life. This cyst of the brain in the fetus occurs as a result of hemorrhage of the germinal matrix. It can be one-sided or two-sided. Pseudocysts are the safest consequence of childbirth for health. They do not require special treatment. As a rule, by the first year of a child's life, they completely resolve.
  • A cerebrospinal fluid cyst is a neoplasm that occurs between the meninges. Its formation is facilitated by inflammatory processes (, stroke), trauma and surgery. It is diagnosed in adulthood, since in the early stages its symptoms are practically not expressed. Symptoms of a liquor cyst: nausea, vomiting, mental disorders, impaired coordination, convulsions, paralysis of the limbs.
  • A subependymal cyst occurs in newborns after a violation of the blood circulation of the brain or during hypoxia (insufficient supply of the brain). This disease requires medical supervision.
  • A porencephalic cyst of the brain is a formation that occurs in its tissues due to the melting of the affected area. It leads to very serious consequences such as hydrocephalus and.
  • A lacunar cyst is formed in the region of the pons, in the cerebellum, subcortical nodes, visual tubercles. Most often it occurs as a result of age-related changes and atherosclerosis.
  • The colloidal cyst is of congenital origin. It appears as a result of embiogenesis. It can be with a person all his life, but it does not cause him any problems. It is believed that it is hereditary. This cyst is blocking the flow of fluid. It is often accompanied by headache, epileptic seizures, weakness in the legs and high. The most pronounced symptoms of this disease appear in adulthood. Sometimes this disease is the cause of hydrocephalus, cerebral hernia. In rare cases, it leads to death.

Cysts of different parts of the brain

In some cases, doctors diagnose the following diseases:

  • A brain cyst is a benign formation. It appears mainly in people aged 30-40 years. There are practically no pituitary cysts in children and adolescents. This disease is dangerous because the neoplasm affects the central nervous system. Most often, such a cyst is removed surgically.
  • A brain cyst can occur for a number of reasons. Most often, its treatment is aimed at resorption of adhesions. If the cyst was formed as a result of autoimmune processes or infection, anti-inflammatory therapy will be needed. Surgical intervention is performed in the presence of signs of hemorrhage, convulsions, impaired coordination of movement. In most cases, this disease is completely curable.

Diagnosis and treatment

Brain cysts are diagnosed using ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. During the study, the location and size of this neoplasm are determined. In this case, the doctor can make, for example, such a diagnosis: "liquor cyst of the temporal lobe of the brain" or "arachnoid cyst of the left hemisphere of the brain." In order not to confuse this formation with a tumor, a contrast agent is injected into it. Tumors accumulate it, but cysts do not.

Since the consequences of a brain cyst are very different, it is necessary not only to detect in time, but also to prevent the appearance of new formations. With the help of various examinations, the causes that led to the formation of a cyst are established.

Neurosurgery in Israel

All types of open minimally invasive brain surgeries are performed in Israel. These are craniotomy (cranial trepanation), as well as endoscopic operations for pituitary adenomas and brain tumors performed through the nostril (transnasal approach), shunting, etc.

If earlier brain aneurysms were treated with craniotomy, now in Israel 98% of operations for this disease are performed by minimally invasive endovascular methods - using catheterization. Israeli neurosurgeons also perform operations on the spinal cord and spine (for example, in case of herniated disc, stenosis of the spinal canal, etc.). Israel performs innovative minimally invasive surgeries for the treatment of epilepsy and Parkinson's disease. It also provides treatment for traumatic brain injuries and postoperative rehabilitation.

For a long time, the disease can not manifest severe symptoms or be completely asymptomatic

A brain cyst is called a benign tumor, like. It has a spherical cavity, inside of which there is a liquid (Liquor). Despite the benign nature, this is a dangerous formation, it must be identified in a timely manner and the necessary measures taken.

The cyst can be located in all regions of the brain. This tumor is statistically often located in the reticular sheath covering the cortex of the hemispheres, because its layers are a very delicate and changeable structure. The cerebral cortex is most affected by inflammation and head trauma. Therefore, after receiving a severe brain injury, it is advisable to check for the presence of a formation or hematoma. This formation is called and such a cyst can resolve itself, without surgery.


The size of the cyst is varied, their increase affects the patient's well-being. Usually the tumor is small, does not provoke the onset of symptoms and does not distort the normal functioning of the body. Those that are larger in size put pressure on the walls and membranes of the brain and can become the basis for a change in the state and the manifestation of some symptoms.


The manifestation of symptoms depends on the localization of its size:

  • Paralysis of the limbs, complete or partial;
  • Change in muscle tone to hypertrophied or hypoportrophic;
  • Changes in mental status and mental health disorders;
  • change in coordination;
  • Headache that cannot be controlled with medication;
  • sleep disorders;
  • The appearance in the ears of a non-existent squeak or noise;
  • Change of consciousness, its loss or the appearance of uncontrolled actions;
  • convulsions;
  • Sensation of pulsation or pressure inside the head;
  • Constant nausea and manifestations of vomiting, which do not even bring temporary relief and are not stopped by medications;
  • Loss of skin sensitivity;
  • Uncontrolled limb movements.

Important! The manifestation of one or more signs does not mean that there is a tumor. The signs that appear can indicate the location of the formation, because any part of the brain is responsible for local skills or parts of the body. The symptoms manifest themselves in accordance with which part of the brain the tumor presses on.

If the formation is located in the region of the zone responsible for motor functions, then problems may begin with movements, coordination may be impaired, or gait may change. The area responsible for the swallowing function will provoke a violation of this ability, and the presence of a cyst in the area cerebellum provoke visual impairment, balance or speech disorders, change handwriting or habitual gestures.


For the reasons for the occurrence of a brain cyst, it happens - primary and secondary:

Primary (congenital)

There are many reasons for the disease. It is formed in the fetus even before birth as a result of: - the mother taking medications, toxic substances, or receiving radiation. A congenital cyst can form as a result of any negative effect on the mother's body during pregnancy.

  • Antibacterial therapy of a pregnant woman can lead to the appearance of education in the fetus;
  • As well as taking narcotic or alcoholic substances;
  • Anomalies of development can also be with nicotine addiction in the mother;
  • Fetal hypoxia, especially prolonged;
  • And Rh-conflict with the mother are also the causes of the development of the disease.

Symptoms in newborns may include vomiting and loud crying of the baby.

Secondary (purchased)

Appears as a result of illness or injury. And it can also be a complication after surgery. An acquired brain cyst may appear in a newborn due to an error in childbirth and a traumatic brain injury, birth injury or asphyxia. In any age category, a benign tumor can appear if a person has had an inflammatory disease - meningitis, encephalitis, brain abscess or arachnoiditis. Acute circulatory disorders are the cause for post-stroke or post-ischemic tumor.

Attention! If the tumor does not change its size for a long time, does not manifest itself in any way and does not interfere with the normal functioning of the human body, it is not removed, the patient is limited only to observation. Any enlargement of the tumor, especially a sharp one, causes serious concern and often requires urgent medical intervention.

Classification of cysts of the brain.

A brain cyst is distinguished depending on the location:

  • - which is formed in the cavity between the shells that protect the brain from external factors. In most cases, the disease proceeds without symptoms until it grows to a critical size.
  • - intracerebral developing inside the tissues of the brain. A cyst appears at the site of the death of brain cells. Colloidal - is formed in the 3rd cerebral ventricle, is not considered a cancer, but can progress and grow. The main danger of having such a tumor in the head is that a growing cyst can block access to the cerebrospinal fluid pathways and provoke hydrocephalic syndrome.
  • - a tumor that forms between the hemispheres in the cavity of their connection. This disease usually appears in cases where there is a blockage of the duct through which melatonin must leave. Such an intracerebral cyst disrupts the endocrine system of the body. At the first stage of this disease, medical methods of treating cysts are used.
  • An intrasellar cyst in rare cases degenerates into a malignant tumor or causes a patient to become disabled. Therefore, it must be monitored with special attention. If there are changes in the condition, then you need to contact a therapist. He will tell you which doctor to go to for an updated diagnosis, where to carry out diagnostics and what tests are best to start with. If a diagnosis is made, then the behavior of the cyst is observed for some time. At this time, a diet and preventive measures are observed - you can not perform complex or hard physical work, be in stressful situations or engage in any sports.

Surgical treatment of the cyst

The best way out is to resort to observation and, if necessary, surgical intervention. In the vast majority of cases, the operation performed does not have any negative consequences, and on the fourth day after the operation, the patient can go home. Timely and modern treatment of such diseases prevents their recurrence.

In cases where the cyst interferes with normal life, increases in size or causes uncontrolled conditions of the body, it is prescribed removal operation:

  • Endoscopy. It is not carried out for all types of cysts, with the help of a puncture, the formation is removed, injuries are usually small.
  • Brain shunting. It is carried out with the help of a drainage tube, with its help the liquid or cerebrospinal fluid is removed from the cyst, and it gradually overgrows.
  • Trepanation. The most effective operation, which allows you to completely remove the formation, threatens with brain injury. Epidural anesthesia is performed.

About cyst treatment

Some cystic formations in the brain do not require treatment, only observation once every 6 months. Pronounced neurology develops only in 20% of cases. But it is impossible to ignore this prescription of doctors, you should regularly monitor the cyst and control it so that there are no changes. It is important to find the possible causes of cyst formation and stop them by eliminating or reducing the influence of the cause. Most often, it is not the cyst that needs to be treated, but the disease that provoked its appearance. Treatment of an infectious cause, an autoimmune process, and cerebrovascular accident is different. How to deal with each of them - the attending physician will tell.

A cyst in a pregnant woman

If a pregnant woman has a benign tumor, then the process of close monitoring of it begins. Often pregnancy aggravates and nourishes the cyst, changes in the woman's body cause it to grow in size. Despite this, the operation to surgically remove it is carried out only if there is a risk of death of the mother and child. In other cases, they try to delay the operation until the moment of delivery. A pregnant woman must be observed by a doctor and strictly pass all the necessary examinations. If the cyst affects any functions of the body or greatly impairs health, then the operation can be performed urgently.

Probability of Disability

Do they give disability with a cyst - they do, but subject to certain conditions. The mere fact of having such an education does not entail a disability. As a basis for obtaining a disability, it should not be a disease, but the acquisition by a patient of persistent and pronounced violations of body functions. However, they should not be amenable to surgical or other types of treatment.


The consequences of refusing to treat a cyst in the head can be unpredictable, just as treatment with folk remedies is guaranteed not to bring a positive effect. So you can only waste time and aggravate the situation. In case of refusal of treatment, consequences such as persistent headache, speech, hearing or vision disorders will gradually begin to appear. Mental disorders may manifest themselves, which will only worsen over time.

Sensitivity will decrease and over time the patient will not be able to lift the spoon or feel the boiling water. The motor system will work worse, convulsions and seizures will appear. All signs of a cyst can manifest themselves over time. The most negative consequence of refusing treatment is death as a result of rupture of the cyst or complete blockage of the vessels supplying the brain.

The appearance of a cyst in the brain is not a fatal disease if it is treated and monitored. You should not turn to folk remedies or homeopaths, the treatment should be medical and prescribed by a doctor. It is necessary to fulfill all the prescriptions, analyzes and studies, and then the operation. Almost all treatments with such a disease are successfully cured if they are not run to an inoperable state and the operation is not abandoned.



2023 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs