Symptoms and treatment of erosive gastritis of the stomach in adults. Erosive gastritis: symptoms characteristic of this disease Exacerbation of erosive gastritis symptoms and treatment

- this is a kind of inflammatory processes of the gastric mucosa of acute and chronic origin, a distinctive feature of which is the formation of small defects (erosions) on its surface.

This means that erosive gastritis:

    It differs from simple gastritis in the presence of multiple eroded areas of the mucous membrane against the background of its hyperemia (redness) and inflammation. Sometimes they can spread over the entire surface of the stomach;

    It can occur both acutely when poor-quality food and toxic compounds enter the stomach cavity, or wear a chronic course in violation of the normal secretory-motor mechanisms of the digestive system;

    May be caused by Helicobacter pylori infection;

    Prone to protracted flow;

    It is treated longer and more difficult compared to other types of gastritis;

    May cause stomach bleeding of any severity. This feature can be a real problem if bleeding occurs simultaneously from the entire eroded surface of the stomach.

Pathogenetic mechanisms for the development of erosive gastritis can be:

    In acute erosive gastritis, mucosal damage occurs as a result of its direct contact with aggressive media (poor quality food, acids, alkalis, chemicals, drugs, etc.). In this case, a kind of burn occurs, which is accompanied by inflammation during its healing;

    At the heart of chronic erosive gastritis are disturbed secretory processes. They can be associated with both a violation of the nature of nutrition, and with internal failures of the body. In this case, there is a violation of microcirculatory processes, blood circulation in the stomach and an increased release of aggressive components of gastric juice. Naturally, the ischemic mucosa is not able to resist them, which leads to its inflammation with further ulceration and erosion.

Symptoms of erosive gastritis

It is extremely difficult to suspect an erosive form of gastritis only by clinical signs and complaints of the patient. The exception is those cases when, against the background of confirmed gastritis, gastric bleeding occurs. In such situations, the fact of erosion formation becomes obvious. All other symptoms are typical for any type of gastritis and can only indirectly indicate its erosive appearance with its strong severity and persistence.

Symptoms of erosive gastritis include:

    Pain in the projection of the stomach (epigastric region of the upper abdomen). With erosive gastritis, it may not be intense, but with a common process, even strong analgesics may be required to stop it;

Erosive gastritis (an alternative name is “stress”) is a disease of the gastric mucosa, characterized by inflammatory processes, sometimes erasing the inner membrane and the formation of erosive defects on the walls of the organ as a result of bleeding. This is one of the most common types of gastritis with high acidity. In rare cases, it is possible to develop erosive gastritis with low acidity.

Features of erosive gastritis:

  • it is usually difficult for the patient to independently determine that he is already ill, since the symptoms are mild;
  • due to the slow and latent course, the disease manages to affect most of the inner lining of the stomach;
  • in case of illness, several or many erosive lesions form on the mucosa;
  • poorly amenable to therapy, there are no universal remedies for it, only an integrated approach to treatment gives a result;
  • often the disease is accompanied by hemorrhagic imbibition (blood soaking of the affected areas of the mucosa), since bleeding of varying severity is a common feature in this type of gastritis;
  • if the mucosal lesions are multiple, then bleeding can occur from the entire eroded area of ​​the stomach, in which case it will be impossible to do without surgical intervention;
  • most often this disease is diagnosed in middle-aged women and older men.

Etiological factors

There are many causes of external and internal nature that can provoke the disease. Often the disorder is treated for a long time because many factors act simultaneously. In order to effectively and without complications cure gastritis when it occurs, you need to know about the factors provoking the disease and try to avoid them:

  • frequent use of too spicy and / or hot food;
  • constant stress, depression or nervous breakdown;
  • extensive body burns, head injuries of varying severity, large blood loss for a variety of reasons;
  • long-term use of any medication that can neutralize the protective function of the mucosa;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • intoxication with toxic substances, drugs;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • unbalanced regime of work and rest;
  • harmful and dangerous living and/or working conditions;
  • uncontrolled reproduction of microbes (for example, streptococci, herpes viruses, helicobacteria);
  • reflux;
  • various septic conditions;
  • malignant neoplasms in the stomach.

The specificity of the types of erosive gastritis and their symptoms

The symptoms of erosive gastritis and the treatment of this disease are directly related, since each subspecies of erosive gastritis has its own specifics, causes of development and therapy.

Depending on the provoking factors, erosive gastritis is divided into 2 types:

  1. Primary, which can be cured in a fairly short time. It occurs, as a rule, due to the stressful state of a person and an unfavorable environmental situation. Common among quite healthy middle-aged people.
  2. Secondary, which is difficult to cure quickly, since it arises and develops against the background of any chronic disorders of the patient.

Types of erosive gastritis according to the nature of the course:

  • acute erosive gastritis;
  • chronic erosive gastritis.

The most common types of erosive gastritis according to the mechanism of development:

  • atrophic erosive gastritis;
  • focal erosive gastritis.

Specificity of erosive disorder of acute and chronic nature

Direct contact of the gastric mucosa with aggressive factors (for example, spicy food, medicine and other irritants) causes a burn. It is the inflammation during the healing of this burn that causes all the symptoms of the disorder.

Signs of acute erosive gastritis:

  • dull or sharp pain in the stomach, radiating to the chest area and occurring after eating;
  • spasms of the stomach muscles;
  • frequent vomiting with a lot of mucus and blood;
  • blood in the stool;
  • loose stool.

The basis of chronic gastritis is the erosion of the mucous membrane of the inner lining of the stomach, which occurs as a result of circulatory disorders and the release of high concentration of gastric juice. Aggressive substances contained in the gastric fluid disrupt microcirculatory processes and ulcerate the walls of the stomach.

With erosive gastritis of the stomach of a chronic nature, the symptoms are mild, but some are worth paying attention to:

  • severe flatulence;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • loss of appetite.

Important! You can not ignore the combination of these symptoms. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination at the slightest suspicion. If this is not done, then erosion of the mucosa can asymptomatically affect large areas of the stomach, which is much more difficult to treat.

Erosive antral and focal gastritis

Erosive gastritis that develops in the lower part of the stomach (antrum), the symptoms of which are caused by Helicobacter pylori, is called antral.

Symptoms of erosive antral gastritis:

  • pain in the epigastric region that occurs regardless of food intake;
  • in the chronic stage causes severe pain on an empty stomach;
  • severe heartburn;
  • nausea and vomiting - usually after eating;
  • periodic sensations of dryness and bitterness in the mouth.

What is erosive gastritis of focal nature? Bulbitis (an alternative name for the disease) is characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of mucosal lesions in several places of the stomach. Wounds (defects, erosions) can affect both the distal (upper) part of the organ (actually the lower part of the esophagus), and any other part of it.

There are no deep ulcers with this type of gastritis, only the upper layers of the mucosa are damaged, erosive gastropathy is characteristic.

The symptoms of erosive focal gastritis are similar to those already described above.

Erosive gastritis of atrophic nature

Atrophic gastritis with the formation of erosion has the following features:

  • the development of the disease is possible in the presence of an autoimmune factor: the body itself produces cells that destroy healthy stomach tissues;
  • the mucous membrane is very deeply affected;
  • The course of the disease is aggravated by vitamin B deficiency.

Consequences of erosive atrophic gastritis:

  • thinning of the mucous membrane of the stomach;
  • the number of cells capable of fully performing the function of the mucosa decreases;
  • insufficient amount of gastric juice is produced;
  • food consumed is not handled properly;
  • B-deficiency anemia develops.

Complications of erosive disorder

If erosive gastritis is not diagnosed in time and treated carelessly, then the following consequences are possible:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcer;
  • internal bleeding;
  • deformation of the stomach;
  • infection with pathogenic microorganisms;
  • stomach cancer;
  • anorexia.

With frequent gastric bleeding from the mucosa affected by erosion, another significant complication may develop - erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis.

Risk groups for the occurrence and development of erosive hemorrhagic gastritis:

  • suffering from arterial hypertension;
  • patients with;
  • patients taking anticoagulants and any anti-inflammatory agent.

Symptoms of erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis:

  1. The pain is reduced. This is due to the fact that erosive defects destroy the receptors responsible for sensitivity.
  2. . It is a mandatory symptom.
  3. The manifestation of all the symptoms of anemia: pallor of the skin, weakness, low blood pressure, increased heart rate, dizziness.
  4. Dark stools are a must.

Diagnostic measures to identify an erosive disorder

No specialist will make a diagnosis based only on the symptoms. It is necessary to carry out a number of diagnostic measures in order to draw serious conclusions.

The attending physician (gastroenterologist) should:

  • collect detailed information about the development, symptoms of the disease and possible causes of its occurrence so that the patient's medical history is complete;
  • refer the patient to a general and biochemical blood test, a study of feces for the presence of blood;
  • appoint a bacteriological study of feces and vomit;
  • make an endoscopy to the patient to determine if the patient has erosive gastropathy (the formation of defective erosions);
  • take x-rays (gastrography) of the patient.

After a complete examination and diagnosis, a specialist can treat erosive gastritis of the stomach.

Treatment of the disease with medicines and folk remedies

The key to success in the treatment of gastritis with the formation of erosions is an integrated approach, consisting of:

  • the use of drugs;
  • use of traditional medicine recipes;
  • adherence to a special diet.

Although symptoms and treatment are related, and different forms are treated with different drugs, but in medicine there is a principled approach to the treatment of gastritis, regardless of its type.

So, drug treatment of erosive gastritis includes:

  • means to eliminate excess production of gastric juice (for example, the drug Pariet - the active substance rabeprazole);
  • neutralization of aggressive hydrochloric acid with the help of antacids;
  • preparations for the treatment, restoration and normalization of the motility of the stomach and duodenum 12;
  • enzymes to facilitate digestion;
  • medicines to stop the blood;
  • painkillers;
  • agents for the fight against Helicobacter pylori.

Important! The treatment regimen for erosive gastritis can only be prescribed by a specialist (gastroenterologist or therapist). Self-medication is dangerous to health!

There will be more chances to cure erosive gastritis if folk recipes are used along with medicines. Suitable for this:

  • propolis tincture;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • egg whites;
  • decoction of mint, chamomile;
  • rosehip and fennel tea.

How to treat at home erosive gastritis of the stomach in the acute stage? Reviews of the following traditional medicine recipes claim that it is calendula-based products, as well as fresh potato juice, that are indispensable help in the fight against gastritis in the acute phase:

  1. Drink raw potato juice 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day, 150-200 ml. The course of admission is 30 days, but every 10 days it is necessary to take a break for 10 days too.
  2. A decoction of calendula. Pour 3-4 tsp. dry flowers of calendula 300 ml of boiling water. After 12 hours, strain the broth and drink 80-100 ml on an empty stomach. The remaining broth to drink during the day in small portions.

Important! Even knowing how to cure the acute phase of erosive gastritis at home with the help of folk remedies cannot guarantee complete relief from the disease.

How to eat with erosive gastritis

How to treat erosive gastritis with a diet? There are several fundamentally important points regarding nutrition that must be observed:

  1. Refuse food that increases the production of gastric juice: sausages and meat products, smoked meats, fried, fatty, spicy, rich, chocolate.
  2. Eat only boiled and/or steamed foods.
  3. Pay attention to how much you eat. Portions should be small, and food should be consumed at least 7 times a day.
  4. Do not overeat, but do not starve, so as not to cause an upset stomach and / or intestines.
  5. Everything consumed should be in the form of a puree or heavily crushed.
  6. The temperature of food should be medium - cold and hot are best avoided.
  7. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.
  • wheat "yesterday's" bread;
  • soups on vegetable broths;
  • chicken and rabbit meat;
  • boiled fish;
  • dairy products;
  • porridge (except barley and millet);
  • vegetables and soft fruits.

Important! Proper nutrition without treatment with medications and folk recipes will not give any result.

Forecast and preventive measures

Can gastritis be cured permanently? It is possible under several conditions:

  1. The mucosa has not yet undergone irreversible changes;
  2. If the patient has a “favorable” age: in adults, the disease is more difficult. The younger the person, the greater the chance of a full recovery.
  3. The patient is a responsible person who is ready to fully follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.
  4. There are no associated chronic diseases.
  5. The patient follows a healthy lifestyle.

Preventive measures include several important recommendations:

  • keep track of how much, what and how you eat;
  • consume the required amount of vitamins and other nutrients;
  • observe the regime of work and rest;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • do not injure the digestive tract;
  • treat any chronic pathologies in a timely manner;
  • avoid stress;
  • undergo periodic preventive examinations.

It is possible to cure gastritis forever, but it is a difficult and long way. And remember that it is always better to prevent a disease than to fight it.

Erosive gastritis is a disease of the digestive tract. It occurs when the digestive acids that are produced by the cells of the mucous membrane stomach destroy its inner surface. Normally, own mucous secretion on the surface of the epithelium stomach enough to protect the inner surface of this organ from the effects of acids; however, under certain conditions, this protective layer disappears, and the caustic gastric juice is taken for its destructive effect. The weaker the smooth muscle stomach and the mucosa is damaged, the more harmful it is to have a person's own digestive juices. In some cases, the presence erosive th damage to the mucous membrane does not affect the well-being of a person; in others, it is manifested by acute pain before or after eating. Erosive gastritis can move into chronic state.

If erosive gastritis Not to lay down It can lead to bleeding, ulceration, and even cancer (especially people with naturally thin mucous membranes are more susceptible to this disease). Therefore, when discomfort occurs in stomach e - pain, nausea, and so on - you should immediately consult a doctor. It is especially important not to miss the development of the disease for people whose relatives have had this disease.

Causes of erosive gastritis

The causes that can cause the development of this disease include (one case of the disease can be caused by several reasons):

Mucosal damage stomach. This is one of the most common reasons; it can be caused by a disease (for example,), food allergies, intolerance to certain products (lactose, gluten, etc.), colic, high acidity of gastric juice, infectious diseases (viral or bacterial nature), and also be a consequence of radiation radiation.

Injury. Bumps, bruises, cuts in the abdomen, as well as operations on stomach They can not only injure the mucous membrane, but also reduce blood flow, cause nutritional deficiencies in the tissues and contribute to the thinning of the mucous membrane. As a result, erosion may occur.

Medicines. Everything in the world has its price, and the use of medicines is no exception. Taking certain medications regularly, such as analgesics, steroids, and anticoagulants, can increase a person's chances of earning erosive gastritis. These drugs are able to slowly, gradually destroy the mucous membrane stomach and intestines, resulting in erosion and small ulcers. From this point of view, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are especially dangerous due to the specific mechanism of their action. They suppress prostaglandins, chemicals that are involved in inflammation. Although NSAIDs are great for relieving inflammation, they have one unpleasant side effect - the production of a mucous secretion that protects the internal surface. stomach from exposure to caustic digestive acids, controlled by the same prostaglandins. Thus, if a person regularly uses NSAIDs, the protective layer of mucus in stomach e becomes thinner, and as a result may develop erosive gastritis.

bacteria. Helicobacter pylori is one of the most common causes of erosive gastritis. Although at first the presence of uninvited new residents inside has no effect on a person, bacteria are already beginning their destructive activity - they weaken smooth muscles stomach and damage the mucosa.

Alcohol. The amount of alcohol regularly consumed and the possibility of developing erosive gastritis are in direct contact with each other - alcoholic beverages irritate the inner surface stomach which can lead to disease.

Smoking. Tobacco use affects not only the lungs, heart and blood vessels, but also the digestive tract - heavy smokers have an increased risk of developing pathologies (although for the most part this applies to duodenal ulcers). It is interesting, however, that in the case of Helicobacter pylori infection, smokers are in a better position than non-smokers - the density of bacterial settlement in stomach ah the first is lower, and as a result, atrophic changes are less.

Stress. Stress here refers to a heavy load on the body - extensive burns, you to lay down a dangerous disease, severe injuries, undergone surgical operations. All of these can cause the patient to develop symptom ov erosive gastritis. It is also believed that psychologically difficult, stressful conditions contribute to the onset of the disease. Although there is not enough evidence to support this theory, many medical professionals believe that improved overall quality of life and lower stress levels can prevent the onset (or relapse) of erosive gastritis.

Symptomserosive gastritis

If the patient has a mild form of the disease, symptoms may be absent; the patient does not feel the slightest discomfort. In more severe cases symptoms erosive gastritis coincide with symptom ami gastritis common and may include the following:

Nausea, vomiting. Especially often these symptoms are observed if gastritis caused by stress. In very rare cases, if the development of the disease leads to gastric bleeding, vomiting with blood may occur.

Discoloration of stools, bloody stools. In some cases erosive gastritis may lead to bleeding stomach That is, blood appears in the stool, causing it to darken. This happens quite rarely; as a rule, about a week before the start of bleeding, the patient had other symptom s gastritis.

Weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, not caused by any external causes. Usually quite significant - the patient can lose several kilograms in a very short period.

Unpleasant sensations in stomach e after eating, burning sensation before or after eating. Sometimes the stomach hurts, even if the patient just drank a glass of water.

If you consistently have one (or more) of the above symptom ov for two to three or more days, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Chronic erosive gastritis

If sharp erosive gastritis can occur under the influence of E. coli or after consuming a large amount of drugs (especially steroids) for a short period of time, then chronic The city has been slowly developing over the years. Mucous secret that protects the inner surface stomach, is gradually destroyed, and the stomach continues to be exposed to caustic digestive juices. If sharp gastritis in mild form is largely reversible, then from chronic it's not so easy to get rid of it. It can fade and reappear over many years, but with the help of a diet, you can minimize its manifestations.

Diagnosis of erosive gastritis

It is worth preparing for a visit to the doctor in advance - for example, to clarify whether you need to change your diet before seeing a specialist, and also write down the symptoms that you observe in yourself, including even those that at first glance are in no way connected with the alleged disease. It is also worth putting down on paper important events that have occurred in your life, such as injuries received or the presence of any major disturbing or joyful events. Make a list of all medications, vitamins, or dietary supplements you are taking. All this is recommended to tell the doctor - the data will help him in making a diagnosis.

Your doctor may ask you a few questions, such as how severe your symptoms are, how you would describe your pain in stomach e - as a burning sensation or simple discomfort, what exactly causes the onset of symptoms, perhaps a certain type of food or medication taken. Also, the doctor may ask about your family history - did any of your relatives suffer from an ulcer stomach. Then (or during questioning), the doctor will conduct a physical examination - examine the mouth, gently feel the abdomen - this will help to approximately determine where exactly it hurts. Also, since the symptoms erosive gastritis similar to signs gastritis other types, your doctor may ask you to undergo additional tests. The choice of tests is determined by the severity of the symptoms.

Analyzes. A blood test is taken to confirm or deny the infectious nature of the disease, as well as to check the level of the hormone gastrin (it is responsible for the secretion of hydrochloric acid). The doctor may also ask you to take a stool test to check if there is blood in it or to conduct a study on the microflora.

Breath test. Determine if called gastritis Helicobacter pylori, you can use a breath test. The patient drinks a glass of liquid containing carbamide and a tiny amount of radioactive carbon. If in stomach That is, there are those same bacteria, then under the influence of the chemical substance they produce, urea releases carbon dioxide, which is absorbed into the bloodstream and, as a result, ends up in the lungs. After some time, the patient exhales air from the lungs into a tight bag, which is then sealed. If the reason erosive gastritis- the activity of Helicobacter pylori, then traces of that same radioactive carbon can be detected in the air from the bag.

Endoscopy. To study the condition of the upper part of the digestive system, a special device is used - an endoscope. It is a flexible tube that has a tiny camera at the end that is shown on a monitor in front of the doctor. The tube is inserted down the throat into the human esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. So the doctor looks for signs of inflammation and checks the condition of the inner surface stomach.

Biopsy. In some cases, the doctor may ask the patient to consent to a biopsy to determine the lesion and the degree of tissue degeneration. This is usually done in the doctor's office during an endoscopy; small tissue samples are “pinched off” from the inner surface stomach. It does not hurt at all, as the mucosa stomach no pain nerve endings.

Radiological research. ultrasound stomach, x-ray stomach- these methods will allow you to determine where and how exactly the inner surface is damaged stomach. The screen displays an image of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine; to make possible lesions more visible, sometimes the patient is asked to swallow a liquid containing barium - the so-called. radiopaque substance. Some plots stomach can only be considered in detail with its application.

Treatmenterosive gastritis

Process to lay down The treatment of the disease depends on many factors and, most importantly, on the general state of health of the patient and the cause that caused the patient to erosive gastritis. It usually consists of a combination of medicines prescribed by a doctor and diets s (together with the rejection of medications and dietary supplements, if required). It is important to treatment on time - over time, the disease can go into a more severe stage and cause complications.

For to lay down eniya erosive gastritis The doctor may suggest that the patient take the following medicines:

Antacids. They neutralize acidic gastric juices and quickly relieve the pain caused by them. Side effects may include constipation or diarrhea - this depends on the substances that make up the drug.

Antibacterial drugs. Intended for to lay down eniya erosive gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori and other bacteria. Your doctor will usually prescribe a combination of antibiotics, such as clarithromycin and amoxicillin, and metronidazole. The course of treatment is 10-14 days. Attention! Smoking reduces serum antibody titers against Helicobacter pylori and possibly affects the effectiveness of the drug.

proton pump inhibitors. They slow down the release of acid and help the affected tissues stomach heal faster. This category includes drugs whose active substances are omeprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole, esomeprazole and pantoprazole. It should be taken into account that long-term use of proton pump inhibitors, especially at high doses, can increase the risk of fractures of the hip, wrist and spine. Talk to your doctor, you may need to take calcium supplements to reduce the risk of fractures.

Blockers of H2-histamine receptors. These drugs reduce the production of acid secreted into the stomach, which relieves the pain of gastritis and helps the affected mucosa to recover. These include medicines with the active substances ranitidine, famotidine, cimetidine and nizatidine.

Analogues of prostaglandin E1 (misoprostol). This is an effective drug for healing the affected tissues of the stomach. Also, the drug helps prevent thinning of the mucosa if, for some reason, the patient is forced to continue taking NSAIDs (for example, in the medical treatment of arthritis). Moreover, prostaglandin E1 analogues do not affect the effectiveness of NSAIDs taken. Unfortunately, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should not take misoprostol.

Surgical treatment. In especially severe cases erosive gastritis leads to the need for surgical intervention - the surgical removal of the affected tissue. This operation is usually performed to prevent the spread of infection.

Treatmenterosive gastritis at home

Although home remedies gastritis cannot completely replace treatment medication, but they are able to relieve pain, alleviate the course of the disease, help restore the inner surface of the stomach and prevent the recurrence of the disease. Nevertheless, it is recommended to use these methods under the supervision of a doctor - after all, we are talking about a fairly serious disease.

Water. Every day you need to drink from 6 to 8 glasses of water - it helps to cleanse the body and helps the stomach digest food, especially dense and heavy.

Vitamin E: Studies have shown that eating foods rich in vitamin E or supplementing it reduces inflammation in the lining of the stomach.

Flax seeds. They relieve spasm of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, and a decoction of seeds has a calming, relaxing and enveloping effect on the inner surface of the stomach. And since the decoction is resistant to dissolution, its thin layer remains on the walls of the stomach for a long time, protecting them from irritating substances.

Yogurt. Low-fat natural yogurt with a minimum content of additives stimulates the digestive process, has an enveloping effect on the walls of the stomach, protecting them from damage by digestive juices.

Medicinal herbs. For gastritis, chaga is used (it has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect), licorice roots (reduce the acidity of the environment in the stomach, anesthetize, reduce inflammation) and peppermint (soothes, reduces pain, relieves inflammation).

Physical exercise. To help the body cope with the disease, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle - the stronger and more prepared the body, the easier it is for it to cope with difficulties.


An important part of the treatment erosive gastritis is diet- the choice of products can affect the severity of the disease, contribute to the cure or hinder it. What you eat affects both the secretion of stomach acid and the overall functioning of the digestive tract. What is right for you, the doctor will determine, he will prescribe diets and talk about its principles. Usually prescribed for gastritis diets y (or "table") No. 1. She has several variations depending on the severity of the disease - the “surgical” variety is intended for patients recovering from surgery (the so-called surgical table 1A and 1B), the “usual” one is for patients erosive gastritis in the acute stage and chronic some form. As a rule, if a letter is present in the table designation, this diets for a short time, maximum a week. But if the doctor has prescribed "Table No. 1", then you will have to adhere to it for a long time until the damaged tissue is fully restored and the stomach begins to function normally.

However, all diets for gastritis have something in common.

The main and most important principle is a balanced diet so that a person gets enough calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and in a form that is easy for the stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid foods that cause a feeling of heaviness or pain - even if they are recommended by the diet. Be guided by the reaction of your body to the food you eat.

Meal time. At erosive gastritis it is recommended to change your diet - instead of plentiful meals at long intervals, switch to frequent, but fractional meals. This helps reduce stress on the walls of the stomach. Dinner should be at least two hours before bedtime.

Dishes should be soft in texture and easy to digest. This means that most foods will need to be cooked (boiled or baked) to break down the fibers they contain. If during the baking process a hard crust has formed on the product, it is recommended to cut it off. It is better to grind large pieces so that it is easier for a sick stomach to cope with them. It is also believed that for the treatment erosive gastritis very effective liquid diet or, simply, soups, especially cereals.

Try to refrain from foods that stimulate appetite and promote the release of acid in the stomach. This includes broths, spices, various appetizing snacks, pickles, smoked meats, fatty, fried and other tasty things, but harmful to the sick stomach. The amount of salt consumed is best discussed with your doctor.

Food temperature. The dish should not be too hot or too cold - large temperature changes slow down the recovery and healing of the affected stomach tissue.

Type Subtype Can It is forbidden
Vegetables Roots Potatoes, carrots, beets Rutabaga, radish, radish, turnip, onion
Cabbage Cauliflower, broccoli White cabbage
Fresh vegetables Green pea cucumbers
Greenery Dill, parsley (finely chopped, in small quantities) Sorrel, green onion, spinach
Mushrooms Any
Fruits, berries, nuts Fruits Apricots, bananas, nectarines, peaches, apples All sour and hard fruits, citrus fruits
melons Watermelon melon
Berries Strawberry Raspberry Gooseberries, cranberries, lingonberries
nuts Cedar in small quantities Almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts
cereals Buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, white rice Corn, barley, barley, millet
Vermicelli whole pasta
Dairy Low-fat milk, cream, cottage cheese. Non-acidic and low-fat cheeses, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, varenets, etc. These same foods are high in fat, sour, spicy and salty.
Oil Creamy unsalted, melted, refined vegetable All other oils and fats
Meat, poultry, fish Meat Beef, veal, rabbit meat, turkey, chicken - boiled, with skin removed Smoked, dried, canned and salted meat, poultry, fish. It is also impossible to duck and goose in any form, as well as any fatty meat, poultry and fish
by-products Beef liver, boiled beef tongue
Eggs Boiled, soft-boiled, in the form of an omelette fried
Seafood Sturgeon caviar
meat products Low-fat liver pate, doctor's sausage (according to GOST), dairy sausage (according to GOST) Sausages, wieners, sausages, lard, brisket, etc.
Ready meals Sweet Jam, confiture, honey Very fatty and very sweet foods - sweets, cakes
Marshmallow, marshmallow, biscuits (dry), lean buns Sweet frozen meals (ice cream, popsicles)
Bread Crackers from white or rye bread, dried (yesterday's) white bread Fresh white or rye bread, sweet pastries made from butter or puff pastry
Vegetables and fruits Vegetable puree, kissel, mousse, jelly Canned vegetables, pickled, salted, pickled vegetables
Spices, sauces Milk sauce, low-fat sour cream All other spices and sauces are not allowed, including celery and ginger roots, as well as mustard, horseradish, pepper
Beverages Ready drinks Mineral water Carbonated drinks, kvass
Juices Vegetable juices (carrot, pumpkin) Juices in bags (except those intended specifically for children)
Tea Weak black tea (you can add milk and sugar), cocoa Alcohol
Coffee Chicory drinks, coffee with lots of milk Black coffee

It is important to note that eating certain foods can also affect the effectiveness of medications. Therefore, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before changing your diet in any way.


WITH erosive gastritis It is easily managed with medications, dietary and lifestyle changes, but if left untreated, the disease can lead to complications such as ulcers and perforation of the stomach wall.

Prevention of erosive gastritis

Here are some tips to help prevent occurrence or recurrence erosive Wow gastritis:

Timely treatment for other diseases, especially those that can affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the occurrence or exacerbation gastritis(even if it is sinusitis with otitis media).

Observe safety precautions at work, especially those associated with increased danger, in order to avoid injuries in the abdomen.

Use with caution or completely avoid taking foods that can adversely affect the inner surface of the stomach - very spicy, fatty, fried foods.

Be sure to wash your hands before and after eating, wash food, clean dishes used for cooking. If you need to eat on the way, use an antibacterial gel to clean your hands.

Follow a balanced diet that includes the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and micro and macro elements necessary for a person to feel good.

Avoid snacking as much as possible. Try to refrain from fast food and products like snacks, chips.

Lead a healthy lifestyle - stop smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, reduce or completely stop drinking alcohol.

Erosive gastritis is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which is characterized by the occurrence of erosions on the gastric mucosa. The main difference between this type of disease and ordinary gastritis is the presence of a large number of mucosal areas prone to erosion, a change in its color, severe redness and inflammation.

Erosive gastritis can occur in acute or chronic form. In the first case, unpleasant symptoms are caused by poor-quality food or toxic substances entering the stomach, and the second form occurs when the normal functioning of the digestive system organs is disturbed.

In addition, the erosive type differs from others in that it takes a long time, and more time is needed for its treatment. As they spread, erosive neoplasms can cover all parts of the gastric mucosa and thereby cause an intense manifestation of signs. The most common is chronic or erosive antral gastritis.

According to medical statistics, this disease occurs several times more often in men than in women, and is extremely rare in childhood. Bleeding is subject to every third patient, and in some cases, hemorrhages can be so strong that they cause death. The main symptoms of erosive gastritis, in addition to constant nausea with bouts of vomiting, are the presence of blood impurities in the vomit and feces. Diagnosis is carried out using a set of tools and hardware research of the patient. Treatment is carried out with medications and a specially formulated diet for erosive gastritis.


Erosive gastritis has many favorable factors for the occurrence, which can be not only external, but also internal. The main reasons for the expression of this disorder are:

Depending on what factors have become pathogens, erosive gastritis can be:

  • primary - manifests itself in practically healthy middle-aged people. Manifested due to psychological trauma, living in cities with polluted air or near factories;
  • secondary - formed against the background of chronic human diseases.

There are several types in which this disease can be expressed:

  • acute ulcerative gastritis - occurs due to injuries or burns. Differs in the presence of blood in the vomit and feces;
  • chronic erosive gastritis is a complication of chronic diseases. The course of this type is characterized by a change in exacerbations and retreats of the signs of the disorder. Neoplasms can reach up to 7 mm in length;
  • erosive antral gastritis - got its name from the lower part of the stomach and is the most common form of the disease caused by bacteria and microorganisms;
  • erosive reflux gastritis is the most severe form of the disease. It is characterized by the formation of large ulcers, and when the course is running, exfoliated tissues come out along with vomiting;
  • erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis is a complicated course of the underlying disorder that causes bleeding, in rare cases they can be so strong that they lead to the death of a person.


Erosive gastritis in its characteristics is practically no different from other types of such an ailment - only the appearance of blood impurities in the vomit and feces speaks of this disease. The main symptoms of erosive gastritis:

  • pain cramps in the stomach - in the initial stages, the manifestations may be insignificant, but the more ulcers form, the more soreness will be;
  • the appearance of a strong one, which may not always be associated with food intake;
  • a significant decrease in body weight of the patient;
  • constant heaviness in the stomach;
  • alternating with diarrhea or vice versa. A characteristic sign will be the presence of blood in the feces;
  • belching with an unpleasant aftertaste;
  • dryness and bitterness in the oral cavity;
  • increased pain after eating, or, conversely, during a period of prolonged fasting;
  • stomach bleeding - this will be evidenced by a change in the color of the stool, it will turn black;
  • decreased or complete loss of appetite.

Chronic erosive gastritis is asymptomatic. The first sign after which a person needs to see a specialist is the presence of blood in the stool and vomit.


If untimely or incomplete treatment of erosive gastritis is made, a person may develop the following consequences in the form of:

  • shock state;
  • decrease in blood levels;
  • bleeding;
  • the occurrence of peptic ulcer;
  • deformation of the structure of the mucous membrane of this organ;
  • infection with microorganisms.


When diagnosing erosive gastritis, it is very important to distinguish this particular disease from other disorders, which are also characterized by bleeding in the stomach. Among them:

  • the formation of ulcers;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • in the esophagus;
  • a wide range of injuries;
  • chemical burns.

Diagnostic measures for such a disease should be carried out especially carefully. They consist of:

After receiving all the results of tests and studies, the doctor determines the form of the disorder and how to treat erosive gastritis.


Therapy of this disorder should consist only of a complex of means, which consists of:

  • drug therapy;
  • folk medicine;
  • special diet.

Treatment of erosive gastritis with medicines is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Often prescribed:

  • substances that relieve pain spasms;
  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • medicines that bring the acidity of the stomach back to normal;
  • enzymes - to facilitate digestive processes;
  • drugs that help restore the integrity of the mucous membrane;
  • drugs that reduce the concentration of aggressive acid;
  • antibacterial agents;
  • hemostatic agents.

Treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies combines:

  • tincture of propolis and sea buckthorn oil;
  • egg whites, which must be consumed inside;
  • a decoction of centaury and mint;
  • medicine from honey, aloe leaves, cocoa and animal fat;
  • a decoction of a mixture of calendula flowers and medicinal chamomile;
  • infusion of honey and olive oil;
  • rosehip and fennel tea.

You can use folk methods of therapy only after being prescribed by your doctor. Such funds should not be the only way to treat. Together with medicines, folk remedies will give results after a few weeks of use.

Diet for erosive gastritis of the stomach consists of:

  • balanced and vitamin-enriched nutrition;
  • eating small meals, six times a day;
  • refusal of salty, spicy and fatty foods;
  • a ban on alcoholic beverages, fresh juices, strong coffee;
  • restrictions on the consumption of bakery products. You can only eat dried bread;
  • eating only lean meats or fish cooked without adding oil or boiled;
  • eating warm food - in no case should it be too hot;
  • cooking cereals and soups on water or vegetable broths;
  • reception in any number of compotes.

It is worth noting that without following a special diet, drug treatment will not give the expected result.


In order for a person to never have problems with the stomach in the form of erosive gastritis, it is necessary:

  • eat right and balanced. Eat foods high in vitamins and other nutrients;
  • clearly organize the daily routine, leave enough time for a quiet meal and good rest;
  • completely abandon bad habits;
  • avoid any impact or injury to the digestive tract;
  • treat chronic diseases in a timely manner;
  • avoid stressful situations as much as possible;
  • undergo a preventive examination in a medical institution several times a year.

The inflammatory process on the gastric mucosa, accompanied by the appearance of erosion, is called erosive gastritis. At the initial stage of the disease, erosive lesions can be minor and localized mainly on the outer shell of the stomach. As the disease progresses, erosion spreads over a large area, which causes the appearance of pronounced symptoms.

In the article, we will consider in more detail the main causes and symptoms of the disease, as well as how and how to treat erosive gastritis of the stomach, and what folk remedies are most effective.

Features of erosive gastritis of the stomach

Erosive gastritis- this is a kind of inflammatory processes of the gastric mucosa of acute and chronic origin, a distinctive feature of which is the formation of small defects (erosions) on its surface.

There may be several such foci, the degree of their development depends on how strongly the disease develops. Usually, each erosion does not exceed 4 mm in diameter, but in a chronic condition it can reach 8 mm.

  • ICD code 10: Erosive gastritis is listed under the code K29.0 and is diagnosed as an acute hemorrhagic form.

Its erosive form is the stage of the disease when the mucosa begins to break down, defects appear, and bleeding occurs. This variety progresses slowly. Often, erosive gastritis of the stomach occurs as a reaction to another disease, to nervous or physical strain or injury.

Forms of the disease

There are several forms of erosion:

  • primary erosion - develop without connection with the previous pathology;
  • secondary - are a consequence of the underlying disease;
  • malignant - accompany oncological processes;
  • benign (acute, chronic, single, multiple);
  • immature; mature (with areas of necrosis).

Acute erosive gastritis of the stomach

An acute form of erosive gastritis of the stomach can be triggered by liver or kidney failure, significant burns, severe injuries, severe blood loss and sepsis. Often, when the patient already has a severe disease, it is difficult to understand what is happening.

Erosions look like small wounds, while the distal part of the stomach is affected more. In diameter, as a rule, small - from 1 to 3 mm.

It can be provoked by the ingestion of aggressive substances into the stomach:

  • bad food;
  • medications;
  • acids and alkalis;
  • chemicals.

Chronic form

Chronic erosive gastritis - occurs as a complication of chronic somatic diseases in the body, characterized by a cyclic change in the phases of remission and exacerbations. It can be caused by such reasons:

  • malnutrition;
  • helicobacter infection;
  • internal failures in secretory processes.

Also distinguished:

  • Erosive antral gastritis caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Microorganisms live in the lower part of the stomach, under the mucus in an alkaline environment. Bacteria cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa, and the damaged tissue is practically unable to regenerate.
  • Erosive reflux gastritis is characterized by the appearance of large ulcers and extensive lesions. Tissues begin to exfoliate, their fragments often come out with vomiting. As the disease progresses, the esophageal canal may narrow.
  • Erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis is a complicated course of the underlying disorder that causes bleeding, in rare cases they can be so strong that they lead to the death of a person.


As a rule, erosive gastritis occurs against the background of inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The most common cause of its appearance is the reproduction of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It causes the so-called Helicobacter pylori infection.

Specialists in the field of clinical gastroenterology note that this pathology is 3 times more common among men. At the same time, the acute form of the disease is inherent in men of working age, among children it is less common and affects mainly the female sex.

The most common causes of erosive gastritis are:

  • Long-term use of medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal (corticosteroids), veroshpiron, nitrofuran drugs, ethacrynic acid).
  • Unfavorable working and living conditions.
  • Stress and nervous exhaustion are also a common cause of gastritis.
  • Disease of the endocrine system (,).
  • Severe chronic diseases (renal, heart, liver failure, diseases of the blood and respiratory system).
  • Unbalanced nutrition with semi-finished products and fast food.
  • Alcohol intoxication.

Symptoms of erosive gastritis

It is extremely difficult to suspect an erosive form of gastritis only by clinical signs and complaints of the patient. The exception is those cases when gastric bleeding occurs against the background.

The development of the disease can occur with pain in the stomach and without them. Pain can occur both on an empty stomach and after eating. The degree of pain intensity depends on on the stage of the disease and its extent, as well as on the location of the focus of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism, and may require the need to take strong painkillers.

Acute erosive gastritis may present with the following symptoms:

  • heartburn;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting, sometimes with blood;
  • unstable stool, most often with an admixture of blood;
  • dull pain in stomach, worse after eating.

In acute erosive gastritis, symptoms appear suddenly, the patient's condition deteriorates sharply, so the disease cannot be overlooked.

If we are talking about an acute form of erosive gastritis, then the following symptoms are often added to the above symptoms:

  • vomiting, sometimes with bloody impurities;
  • the consistency of the stool is disturbed - blood appears in the stool, it acquires a dark shade.
  • Pain from the epigastric region often radiates to the spinal column. At the same time, in young people the pain is usually aching and dull, and in the elderly it is cramping.


If untimely or incomplete treatment of erosive gastritis is made, a person may develop the following consequences in the form of:

  • shock state;
  • decrease in the level of erythrocytes in the blood;
  • bleeding;
  • the occurrence of peptic ulcer;
  • deformation of the structure of the mucous membrane of this organ;
  • infection with microorganisms.

According to some reports, more 20% of episodes of stomach bleeding associated with erosive gastritis.


As we have already noted, it is very difficult to determine the presence of erosive gastritis only by external signs and complaints. For accurate diagnosis of the disease is used:

  • visual examination of the gastric mucosa using fibrogastroduodenoscopy.
  • If necessary, a biopsy may also be needed. To do this, a small fragment of the mucosa is taken along the edge of erosion for its study.
  • Also, to make an accurate diagnosis, endoscopic methods are used and appropriate measurements are made.
  • In addition to this, it is necessary to take general blood tests to rule out or confirm.
  • Analysis of feces to identify the causes of blood in it.
  • If the situation requires it, then additionally take an x-ray.

Treatment of erosive gastritis of the stomach

Considering that the disease has a similarity in symptoms with manifestations, the treatment of erosive gastritis of the stomach will follow the same scenario. The doctor will select drugs in accordance with the complexity, neglect of the disease, acidity of the stomach, and the presence of other problems.

In general, therapy consists of the following methods:

  1. Medical treatment. It consists of 3 stages - the fight against the cause of the disease, the elimination of high acidity of the stomach and the restoration of its mucosa.
  2. Diet against gastritis. In combination with drugs, it gives a good result in treatment due to the unloading of the stomach.
  3. Exclusion of bad habits. The negative effects of smoking and alcohol on the stomach have been scientifically proven.
  4. Folk remedies. Informal medicine is recommended even by doctors. There are several really effective ways to cure erosive gastritis based on medicinal herbs.

Drug treatment

The following principles underlie the use of drugs:

  • Regulation of gastric acid secretion. For this, drugs with the principle of antisecretory action are used. Recommend proxium or omez.
  • Improvement of the secretory function. Antacids inhibit the action of gastric juice, therefore, in order for food to be digested well, additional enzymes must be introduced. This group of funds includes Digestal, Mezim, Festal.
  • Normalization and stabilization of gastric motility/duodenum. A similar pathological condition occurs in almost every case of erosive gastritis, so Cerucal, Domperidone, Metoclopramide and / or Motilium can be seen among the doctor's prescriptions.
  • Restoration of the gastric mucosa. Iberogast, Trental drugs do an excellent job with this task - they increase the supply of oxygen to the affected tissues and regeneration occurs faster.
  • How to treat erosive gastritis if the cause is bacteria? If the disease is due to the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, then antibiotics will help in the fight against it. Basically, patients are always prescribed tetracycline, levofloxacin, clarithromycin.

Note: if doctors diagnose erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis, then the patient is prescribed hemostatic drugs for intramuscular or intravenous administration. These include Vikasol, Etamzilat, Thioctic acid and Dicynon.

As part of complex therapy, spa treatment with alkaline mineral waters is used. It can also be recommended as a preventive measure in case of a chronic course of the disease.

Diet: food and menu

A diet for erosive gastritis is a prerequisite for effective treatment. Dietary restrictions are also necessary for the prevention of this disease of the stomach. In case of exacerbation of the disease, diet No. 1 is recommended. In the chronic form, it is possible to switch to the menu according to diet No. 5.

Nutrition for erosive gastritis of the stomach should be as follows:

  • spices, fatty foods, salinity, foods with a high acid content are completely excluded. Such products not only increase the production of gastric juice, but also irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • food for the patient should be steamed or boiled.
  • the food itself should be fractional. Recommended 4-5 times a day, not in large portions.
  • the patient should not eat too hot or cold food.
  • it is forbidden to eat fresh bread or yeast pastries, as well as all kinds of sweets.

What, first of all, must be excluded from the menu:

  • stimulants of gastric juice production (alcohol, soda, sour juices, strong coffee, smoked meats and sausages, legumes, most types of cabbage, dark bread);
  • products that aggravate the inflammatory process in the stomach (fatty meat products, radishes, mushrooms);
  • dishes both excessively hot and from the refrigerator - food should be either warm or at room temperature;
  • fried foods;
  • seasonings, including pepper and salt.

The list of prohibited foods in the diet for erosive gastritis is quite voluminous. Below we list those dishes that you can and even need to eat with gastritis with erosions:

  • yesterday's bread made from wheat flour or crackers from it;
  • pureed milk soups from cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina) and pasta;
  • dairy products: fresh milk, non-acidic cottage cheese and kefir, cream, butter;
  • omelet from proteins and milk;
  • mashed bananas;
  • kissels (oatmeal, berry, fruit);
  • pureed vegetable soups made from beets, cauliflower, potatoes and carrots, boiled in vegetable or weak meat broth;
  • weak slightly sweetened tea.

Menu for erosive gastritis for a day

Nutrition for erosive gastritis of the stomach should be fractional. Divide your regular meals into five servings and consume in small portions throughout the day, chewing each bite slowly and thoroughly to avoid injury to the sensitive mucous membrane.

Menu 1

Menu 2

Popular dishes:

  • porridge with milk;
  • soups with the addition of cereals, meat, fish, vegetables;
  • soups - mashed potatoes with cream from pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots;
  • vegetables stewed or baked with the addition of a minimum amount of oil;
  • pasta, mashed potatoes with butter or olive oil;
  • fish and meat dishes, steamed and in the oven;
  • juices with pulp - carrot, pumpkin, peach;
  • jelly;
  • egg dishes - soft-boiled, soufflé;
  • cottage cheese casseroles; baked fruits.

Folk remedies

Treatment of folk methods of erosive gastritis often helps to cope with the disease. However, in no case should you self-medicate! All procedures should be carried out under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

  1. If the disease is accompanied by high acidity, you can treat it at home with carrot juice. 40 minutes before a meal, you need to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice. It is recommended to consume up to 500 ml per day. drink.
  2. Potato juice. Drink only fresh half a cup on an empty stomach.
  3. Flax seeds . It is an enveloping agent, taken as an infusion. To do this, you need to take 1 tablespoon of seeds, pour 200 ml of boiling water and let stand for about 40 minutes. Consume half an hour before meals, 3 times a day.
  4. Aloe. For treatment, it is recommended to cut a leaf of middle-aged aloe and freeze it. Then, after receiving the juice, mix it with warm water and apply ¼ cup 4 times a day.
  5. You can treat erosive gastritis with the following recipe: you need 20 gr. dry mint leaves and 15 gr. swamp cudweed, aloe, knotweed, dill seeds. Add 25 gr. chamomile, valerian, hop cones. Mix all the ingredients, add a liter of boiling water. Simmer in the oven for 9-10 hours. Cool, strain. Drink a glass before meals in the morning. Also during the day, every two hours, additionally consume 100 grams of broth. The course lasts 14 days.
  6. Mix milk with mummy. Consume one tablespoon at bedtime for three months.
  7. Take linden honey and mix it with Aloe juice 1x1. One tablespoon three times a day before meals.
  8. Calendula tincture. You need to take 2-3 teaspoons of dried calendula flowers, which are poured into a glass of boiling water (300 ml). This procedure is done at night, and in the morning, after straining the remedy, it should be taken in small quantities, but the entire volume obtained should be drunk during the day.

Before using this or that folk remedy, make sure that you do not have allergic reactions to this or that component.


With timely initiation of treatment, the prognosis of erosive gastritis is favorable. It should be remembered that acute erosive gastritis, undiagnosed in time, can become chronic.

If gastric bleeding occurs for the first time, the source cannot be identified, an infectious genesis of erosive gastritis is suspected - hospitalization of the patient in the surgical department is recommended.

With a stable condition of the patient, no signs of bleeding, a low risk of relapse, a complete cure is possible even at the outpatient stage.


Prevention of erosive gastritis should focus on the following principles:

  • chew food thoroughly: in the oral cavity, the breakdown of saliva by enzymes begins;
  • eat fractionally (small portions every 2.5-3 hours), do not eat dry food, hurriedly and before bedtime;
  • do not abuse sweets, fats, spices and smoked meats, food from the refrigerator;
  • avoid working with harmful or difficult working conditions, overwork (both physical and nervous);
  • do not take part in situations that can be stressful;
  • avoid taking medications that irritate the gastric mucosa.

Summing up, I would like to say that erosive gastritis is a disease that can have various causes, ranging from malnutrition to stress. Treatment should be started as soon as at least one of the symptoms is detected.

This is all about erosive gastritis of the stomach: what kind of disease is it, what are its causes and symptoms, features of drug treatment and treatment with folk remedies, an exemplary diet for illness. Be healthy!



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