Rotavirus infection in adults: symptoms and treatment. How to treat rotavirus infection in children at home

An infectious disease caused by rotaviruses is observed worldwide in annual outbreaks. Almost 20 million people suffer from this disease, one third of cases are fatal.

Is the child often sick?

your child constantly sick?
A week in kindergarten (school), two weeks at home on sick leave?

Many factors are to blame for this. From bad ecology, to weakening of immunity with ANTIVIRAL DRUGS!
Yes, yes, you heard right! By stuffing your child with powerful synthetic drugs, you sometimes do more harm to a small organism.

In order to radically change the situation, it is necessary not to destroy the immune system, but to HELP IT ...

Basic information about rotavirus infection

Rotaviruses originate from viruses of the Reoviridae family, which have similarities in antigenic structure and morphological features. Viral agents affect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, more often the small intestine suffers.

The infection enters the human body in various ways, however, dirty hands, the use of unwashed products (mainly fruits and vegetables) and untreated running water are a beneficial environment for the spread of microorganisms.

Rotaviruses are able to survive at low temperatures, and are also not amenable to disinfection using chlorination, so the infection is widespread. Mostly people with a reduced immune system get sick, more often the disease is dangerous for children, especially young children.

A child can become infected with an infection in kindergarten or at school. By the age of six or seven years, most children have a disease that produces antibodies to rotavirus. Therefore, in the future, with rotavirus infections, the course of the disease is observed in a milder form.

In adult patients, as a rule, there are no severe symptoms, in contrast to children.

An infectious disease can affect one person or a large number of people, and then we can talk about epidemic outbreaks. The highest risk of infection is observed during the cold season, namely from autumn to spring, so in Russia, more than 90% of cases were recorded in winter.

Diagnostic measures and clinical picture of rotavirus infection in adults

From the moment the viral agent enters the body and until the onset of symptoms, it takes from 13 hours to two days. After the incubation period, an acute onset appears with an increase in temperature indicators, and at the end of the first day a typical clinical picture develops. But the symptoms of general intoxication are quite rare, and cases without an increase in the temperature of rotavirus in adults are much more common.

Why is my child's immune system weakened?

Many people are familiar with these situations:

  • As soon as the season of colds begins - your child is bound to get sick and then the whole family...
  • It seems that you are buying expensive drugs, but they only work while you are drinking them, and after a week or two baby gets sick again...
  • Are you worried that your child's immune system is weak very often disease takes precedence over health ...
  • Afraid of every sneeze or cough...

    It is necessary to strengthen YOUR CHILD'S IMMUNITY!

Symptoms in adults with rotavirus infection:

  • Pain in the epigastric region;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • The manifestation of diarrhea;
  • Rhinitis is sometimes shown;

On examination, hyperemia of the pharynx is observed, cervical lymph nodes increase significantly in size. However, the infection most severely affects the gastrointestinal tract.

The patient's stools are liquid in nature without admixture of blood and mucous secretions, sometimes acquiring a cloudy white color.

To identify the disease, a fecal analysis is performed, where it is easy to identify rotaviruses. The study is carried out by various methods, one of which is immunofluorescence.

To take the material, use a special sterile spatula, which is sold in pharmacies. With the help of a spatula, a small amount of feces is collected and sent to a vial and transported to the laboratory.

To detect rotavirus, serological diagnostics is rarely prescribed, since this method is considered less significant.

Diagnostic measures will help to distinguish other, similar in symptoms, severe diseases from rotavirus infection.

The attending specialist during palpation examination may observe increased pain in the epigastric and umbilical region. The liver and spleen are palpable of normal size, without changes.

Some patients are assigned a study by the method of sigmoidoscopy, which shows hyperemia and slight swelling of the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigma.

During the period of acute symptoms, there may be cases in which there is an excessive decrease in the amount of urine excreted. As a result of this process, complications such as albuminuria or leukocyturia are observed.

Also, a blood test is taken from the patient for research, the results of which usually determine an increased content of residual nitrogen. But the ESR indicator will be kept in the aisles of the norm.

Features of the course of rotavirus infection in children

As for adults, the incubation period ranges from 13-15 hours to two days. In the subsequent period, the acute development of the disease begins with signs of general intoxication of the child's body.

The clinical picture of rotavirus infection in children is as follows:

  • A sharp increase in temperature indicators;
  • feeling of lethargy;
  • Weakness;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Feeling of nausea, vomiting joins;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Feeling of itching in the throat;
  • Signs of rhinitis.

An infectious disease poses the greatest threat to babies of early development, this is due to the danger of dehydration. If it is impossible to give the child the required amount of liquid to drink and in cases of aggravation of symptoms, an ambulance should be called immediately.

For first aid at home, before the doctor arrives, an enema will be a good remedy. With diarrhea, you can use a light decoction of chamomile instead of ordinary water. The liquid to be injected should be at a warm temperature, and the amount is negligible.

With untimely treatment, acetonemic syndrome can be added to the existing symptoms, which can significantly harm the child's body.

What are the therapeutic measures in the fight against rotavirus infection?

Therapeutic measures are the most effective in complex therapy and are aimed at eliminating the symptoms that have arisen, as well as maintaining the immunological functions of the body.

Nutrition plays an important role. To reduce the burden on the digestive system, a diet is prescribed that excludes fatty, fried foods, flour products, raw fruits, meat broths.

Preparations for the treatment of rotavirus infection with antiviral action contribute to the fastest recovery of the patient.

But antibacterial drugs for rotavirus infection are not effective in combating viruses, so there is no need to use them.

Treatment of rotavirus infection depends largely on the severity of the clinical picture. Prescribing drugs for various symptoms:

  • To prevent vomiting, antiemetic drugs (cerucal) are used;
  • Antipyretics (ibuprofen, paracetamol) are prescribed to reduce elevated body temperature;
  • Antispasmodic drugs (papaverine) are used to relieve spasms;
  • To restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to eliminate intoxication of the body, enterosorbents (enterosgel, smecta) are prescribed;
  • Regidron is used for severe manifestations of diarrhea to restore the body's water balance;
  • Enzymes (pancreatin, creon) are used to maintain the functioning of the pancreas;
  • To combat foreign microorganisms in the intestine, antimicrobial drugs (enterol) are prescribed;
  • To restore the intestinal microflora, preparations containing bifidobacteria (lactovit, lineks) are prescribed.

Antiviral drugs for rotavirus infection are used to suppress the spread of foreign microorganisms.

Antivirals for the treatment of rotavirus

Therapeutic measures are prescribed only by the attending specialist after examining the patient and adjusting the therapy after the results of the tests. In each individual case, a special approach to the treatment of the disease is required. So, for children and adults, the dosage of antiviral drugs will differ significantly.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in adults and babies using antiviral agents is carried out when the immune system is low. Medicines are chosen by the doctor, the most suitable for each person individually.

An immunoglobulin drug increases the immune functions of the body, and is prescribed together with antiviral agents. Widespread drugs are viferon, arbidol and cytovir.

In children, viferon is used, consisting of components based on alpha-26-interferon and vitamins E and C. The drug is characterized by a strengthening and beneficial effect on the cells of the body, thereby allowing it to resist infection.

These funds help increase the production of antibodies that are needed to combat rotavirus infection.

The action of CIP (complex immunoglobulin preparation) is aimed at blocking the receptors of the virus, which prevents its reproduction. Produced in the form of vials with powder for suspension.

There are analogues of CIP in the form of suppositories for rectal use. One of these means is kipferon. Candles are more often used to treat young children. The dosage is determined only by the doctor, since independent use can cause an allergic reaction in babies.

How to protect yourself from rotavirus infection?

As you know, the disease is easier to prevent, so the prevention of infectious diseases is an important factor.

To prevent rotavirus infection, experts recommend vaccination. In Russia, there are currently several tested vaccines suitable for use. The constituent is a weakened virus of the Reoviridae family. The vaccine is designed to be taken by mouth.

The most important actions in the prevention of the disease caused by rotaviruses are hygiene:

  • After going to the toilet, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water, especially for children;
  • Drinking tap water is not recommended, only after pre-boiling;
  • All vegetables and fruits, berries must be washed before use;
  • Running water should be cleaned with special filters before use.

But if the infection has made itself felt, the best help for yourself and your children will be to call a specialist to prescribe competent treatment.

It might be interesting:

If a child is constantly sick, his immunity DOES NOT WORK!

The human immune system is designed to resist viruses and bacteria. In babies, it is still not fully formed and does not work to its full potential. And then there's the parents "finish off" the immune system with antiviral agents, accustoming him to a relaxed state. The poor ecology and the wide distribution of different strains of the influenza virus make their contribution. It is necessary to temper and pump the immune system and you need to do this IMMEDIATELY!

Rotavirus is a pathological pathogen that leads to the development of a food toxic infection. This violation belongs to the group of diarrhea caused by the multiplication of viruses in the human body. The disease occurs in people of all age groups, but is most often diagnosed in patients of preschool and primary school age. Rotavirus is carried by about 75% of children from 6 months to 5 years and only 15-20% of adults. The disease is manifested by symptoms of enteritis or gastroenteritis, while patients often have manifestations of a respiratory infection.

Attention! Rotavirus infection is characterized by high contagiousness, that is, the ability to quickly be transmitted from an infected person to a healthy one. In addition, the disease has a short incubation period and an acute course.

Rotavirus infection leads to the development of a viral form of gastroenteritis in a patient. This disease is also called intestinal flu. Pathology occurs due to the ingress of the pathogen into the patient's body. Rotavirus gastroenteritis is characterized by high contagiousness, a short latent period, and an acute course.

Attention! Contagiousness - the property of microorganisms and viruses to be transmitted from an infected person or animal to a healthy one. Diseases that can be transmitted by contact or household means, including intestinal flu, are characterized by a high level of contagiousness.

Rotavirus gastroenteritis is an acute infection that affects the gastrointestinal tract. Pathology is accompanied by characteristic symptoms: diarrhea, hyperthermia, signs of general poisoning of the body and damage to the upper respiratory tract. Due to the specific clinical presentation, the infection is also called small cholera.

Most often, the disorder is detected in young patients - up to 5-7 years. This is due to the insufficient development of protective mechanisms in the child's body. In adults, intestinal flu is detected much less frequently, and its clinical picture is usually more blurred. In children, this disease can cause severe complications and even lead to the death of the patient, while older people in some cases do not even notice the infectious process taking place in their body.

In adults, rotavirus gastroenteritis is most often accompanied by characteristic symptoms of minor indigestion: frequent bowel movements, abdominal discomfort, and decreased appetite. However, how strongly the symptoms of the disease will manifest itself depends to a greater extent on the individual characteristics of the patient's state of health.

A person infected with intestinal flu poses a threat to others from the moment the initial signs of infection appear and remains contagious for the next 2-8 days.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The causative agent of this pathology belongs to the genus Rotavirus. To date, there are 9 main types of the virus, six of which are dangerous to humans. It should be taken into account that these infectious agents can remain viable in the external environment for a sufficiently long period of time, including in faeces, unboiled water, food products, etc.

People who are already infected with the virus pose an epidemic danger. They remain contagious from 4-5 to 20-30 days after infection. Rotaviruses can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person in several ways:

  • fecal-oral;
  • contact household;
  • airborne;
  • alimentary;
  • water.

Although the greatest susceptibility to the disease occurs in newborns and children of the first two years of life, adults can also become infected with rotavirus. The risk group includes employees of preschool institutions and schools, physicians.

A person who has the first symptoms of the disease should, if possible, be isolated from others in order to avoid the spread of infection. In this case, rotavirus should be distinguished from pathologies similar in symptoms.

Characteristics of viral gastroenteritis

Features of the course of the disease in adults

The gastric juice of an adult is more chemically active and has a destructive effect on viruses and bacteria that enter the digestive tract. In connection with these factors, older patients are much less likely to get sick with intestinal flu than children. In addition, even in the case of infection, the pathological process is much easier and rarely leads to the development of complications.

However, it should be noted that there is a certain category of patients who are quite difficult to tolerate rotavirus infection. This group includes:

  • people with diseases of the digestive tract;
  • patients who have recently undergone surgery or cytostatic therapy;
  • patients over the age of 60-65;
  • people with suppressed or weak immunity, including those suffering from HIV infection.

Attention! When infected with rotavirus in the above patients, it is necessary to provide them with careful medical supervision. If any symptoms appear that indicate a deterioration in the condition, the patient should be immediately placed in a hospital.

Video - Rotavirus

Symptoms of rotavirus in adults

Clinical manifestations of intestinal influenza in patients occur after the end of the incubation period. It lasts on average about two days, but can also be from 10 to 120 hours. The disease manifests acutely, the severity of symptoms reaches a maximum on average one day after infection and persists for about three days.

If the pathology proceeds typically, then approximately on the second day after infection, the patient begins vomiting and diarrhea, then the body temperature rises. Often, this condition is accompanied by respiratory symptoms: a run from the nose, pain in the throat, swelling of the tissues of the throat, sneezing. Due to a sharp deterioration in well-being, the patient experiences constant fatigue, lack of appetite and drowsiness.

In most cases, patients have the following symptoms:

  • weakness, lethargy;
  • bouts of profuse uncontrolled vomiting;
  • severe pain in the umbilical region;
  • diarrhea: frequent loose stools of clay or creamy consistency, beige or yellowish;
  • respiratory symptoms;
  • hyperemia of the sclera;
  • hyperthermia, fever, chills;
  • refusal to eat;
  • the appearance of a whitish coating on the tongue;
  • flatulence, bloating, rumbling.

Attention! In some cases, patients develop atypical symptoms of intestinal flu: hypertension, intense cephalgia and dizziness, tremor of the upper extremities, flushing of the skin of the face and neck. If these disorders appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise there is a high risk of complications.

In some adult patients, the disease proceeds in an atypical form. At the same time, their diarrhea is replaced by constipation, the pain syndrome radiates to the lower back and epigastric region, there are frequent urges to urinate.


The most characteristic manifestation of rotavirus infection is dyspepsia and an acute disorder of the digestive processes: diarrhea, vomiting and nausea, excessive gas formation. Increased stool begins on the first or second day from the onset of infection and reaches 8-15 times during the day. With a mild form of the disease, the feces have a creamy consistency and the urge to defecate disturbs the patient about 4-5 times a day.

The severe course of the pathology leads to the development of constant bouts of diarrhea. The stool in this case has a watery or frothy character, a sharp sour or rotten smell and is yellowish or yellow-green in color.

Attention! Sometimes intestinal flu stools resemble cholera stools: they are cloudy white in color, liquid or contain flakes of feces.

Diarrhea is accompanied by quite intense abdominal cramps. Moreover, the pain syndrome changes localization depending on the movement of feces along the intestinal tract. Excessive bowel movements, reaching 10 times a day or more, can lead to dehydration, that is, dehydration. This condition poses a serious health risk to the patient. In elderly and senile people, such a violation leads to a strong decrease in body weight, deterioration of the cardiovascular system and convulsions.

With diarrhea, the patient needs to drink clean water or rice water, which has a fixing effect. It is also recommended that the patient take sorbents, such as activated charcoal, to remove toxins from the body.


In adult patients, hyperthermia and fever with rotavirus gastroenteritis occur in approximately 50% of cases. Body temperature rises to 38-39°C. This condition can persist for 48-72 hours.

Hyperthermia is usually accompanied by the so-called respiratory syndrome, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • hyperthermia of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and oral cavity;
  • swelling of the soft palate and tonsils;
  • coryza with clear or yellowish-green mucus;
  • feeling of sore throat;
  • pharyngitis is an acute inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall.

A strong increase in body temperature, coupled with general intoxication of the body, leads to short-term dysfunction of the urinary system. In laboratory diagnostics, the patient is determined by cylindruria and albuminuria.

Attention! Cylindruria is a pathology in which casts of proteins formed in the lumen of the renal tubules accumulate in the urine. Albuminuria is the excretion of protein in the urine.

Temperatures below 38-38.5°C should not be reduced by medication. The patient is advised to drink more fluids, such as warm tea with lemon or various berry fruit drinks. With severe hyperthermia, the patient is prescribed antipyretics: Efferalgan, Panadol, Paracetamol, etc.


Exsicosis or dehydration is a state of acute dehydration that usually occurs as a result of gastrointestinal or respiratory diseases. In the course of the development of this pathology, the patient has a deficiency of water and electrolytes, which is formed due to multiple bouts of vomiting and diarrhea.

Exsicosis usually manifests itself 2-3 days after the start of the development of intestinal flu. Usually with rotavirus infection, patients are isotonic dehydration due to equal losses of fluid and salts. A person in this state is lethargic, inactive, sleepy. He exhibits a number of symptoms characteristic of dehydration:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • lack of appetite;
  • decrease in skin tone and elasticity;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • dryness and atonicity of the mucous membranes;
  • the appearance of a whitish or grayish coating on the root of the tongue;
  • muffled heart sounds;
  • low blood pressure.

There are three degrees of dehydration depending on the amount of fluid lost:

  1. First degree of severity. Dehydration does not exceed 5% of the total body weight.
  2. Second degree of severity. Fluid deficiency is up to 10% of the patient's weight. This condition threatens to disrupt the activity of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Third degree of severity. The lack of moisture in the body at this stage exceeds 10%. The patient in this case develops serious disorders of hemodynamics, kidney function and the digestive system.

Attention! If fluid loss exceeds 18-19% of the total body weight, the likelihood of death is high. The patient in this condition should be in the intensive care unit under constant medical supervision.

In the fight against exsicosis in patients with rotavirus infection, the main therapeutic measures should be aimed at restoring the body's water balance. The doctor determines the method of treatment depending on the stage of development of dehydration. In most cases, patients with intestinal flu have first-degree dehydration. To normalize the patient's condition, a glucose-saline solution is prescribed at the rate of 50-90 ml per 1 kg of weight: Regidron, Oralit, etc. After stopping exsicosis, the patient recovers diuresis, stops vomiting, and feels better.

General intoxication

Intoxication of the body - occurs due to prolonged exposure to various harmful substances on the human body. This condition is accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • violation of the neuropsychic state;
  • cephalgia, dizziness;
  • fever, chills;
  • myalgia and arthralgia;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • pain in the eyeballs;
  • decreased appetite.

Sorbents help reduce the harmful effects of rotavirus on the body. Patients are prescribed Smecta and Enterosgel. In severe pathology, drip administration of a colloidal solution with glucose is necessary.

Often, with intestinal flu, the patient also develops a secondary bacterial infection caused by a general weakening of the protective functions of the body. In this case, treatment with antibacterial drugs is carried out: Enterofuril, Furazolidone, etc.

Pain in the abdomen

Pain syndrome with rotavirus is localized in the umbilical region and epigastrium. The pain is episodic spasmodic in nature and increases after eating or immediately before a bowel movement.

Unpleasant sensations may be accompanied by increased nausea or vomiting, headache, severe weakness. On palpation of the abdomen during a painful attack, swelling, noises and splashing are noted. The muscles of the abdominal wall are tense, the patient has a rapid pulse, while the skin is pale and moist. To reduce pain, the patient takes forced postures: lying on his side or sitting, pressing his hands to his stomach.

To relieve pain during intestinal flu, adults are prescribed drugs with antispasmodic and analgesic effects: No-shpu, Drotaverine, Papaverine, etc.

Video - Rotavirus infection

Complications of rotavirus gastroenteritis

In adult patients, rotavirus infection usually proceeds quite easily and does not lead to the development of complications. However, in older people or people with a weakened immune system, the disease can cause a number of consequences:

  • the development of a secondary infectious process caused by bacteria or fungi;
  • severe form of dehydration;
  • dysfunction of the urinary and cardiovascular systems.

In addition, the lack of properly selected therapy causes an imbalance in the intestinal microflora and the development of dysbacteriosis, which only exacerbates the course of a viral infection.

Rotavirus poses the greatest danger to women during gestation. The pathogen causes rapid dehydration, which has a detrimental effect on the fetus. At the same time, spasms of the muscles of the intestinal tract and flatulence cause a reflex contraction of the myometrium due to the general system of innervation. Such a disorder can lead to a threatened miscarriage.

During pregnancy, patients must carefully observe sanitary and hygienic standards, eat only thermally processed foods, washed vegetables and fruits. If infection with rotavirus has occurred, the woman is shown urgent hospitalization and therapy aimed at maintaining a normal water and electrolyte balance in the body.

Rotavirus gastroenteritis is an infectious disease that causes disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In adult patients, it usually manifests itself as a short-term disorder of the stool, nausea, and a general deterioration in well-being. So that the pathology does not lead to the development of complications, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor and carefully follow his recommendations.

It is known that rotaviruses are a special group of infections that cause intestinal flu in babies under two years of age. However, this virus also affects adults, in which case the disease is mild. Treatment of rotavirus infection is carried out with medication or folk remedies. Intestinal influenza is a contagious disease that is transmitted through household contacts, food, airborne droplets. The spread of infection is seasonal, usually from late autumn to mid-spring.

What is rotavirus

Before starting the treatment of an enterovirus infection, it is necessary to find out the mechanism of its development. Rotavirus is a disease that is characterized by damage to the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea, etc.). Children by the age of two, on average, have already been infected twice. This is due to the fact that babies are able to infect themselves, especially in kindergartens, when there is no close control of parents. First of all, the virus arises from dirty hands, so you should carefully monitor hygiene.

You can get infected not only from a sick person, but also from a healthy one. Carriers of this virus may not get sick with intestinal flu, but infect a healthy person through common dishes, drinking water, a shared bathroom or toilet. The infection is not usually severe. Patients need one to two weeks to fully recover. For the correct selection of the method of treatment of rotavirus infection, you should immediately consult a doctor, upon detection of the first signs of this virus.

Symptoms of the intestinal flu:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. Rumbling, abdominal pain.
  3. Increased gas formation.
  4. Multiple vomiting.
  5. Foamy greenish or yellow diarrhea more than 5 times a day.
  6. Conjunctivitis.
  7. Runny nose, dry cough.
  8. Sore throat.
  9. Weakness, dizziness.

How and how to treat rotavirus infection at home

The main thing with which to start treating intestinal flu is to weaken the effect of the virus on the human body. Specific treatments for rotavirus infection include:

  • normalization of the patient's body temperature;
  • organization of proper nutrition;
  • enterosorption;
  • soldering (oral rehydration);
  • stomach flu pills.

When planning the stages of therapy, consider:

  • patient's age;
  • individual characteristics (allergies, pregnancy status, etc.).

In children

There is no specific treatment regimen for this disease in children under one year old, adolescents or adults. All medicines for intestinal flu are aimed at stopping vomiting and diarrhea in a child. Absorbent and enzyme preparations are prescribed ("Enterofuril", "Smecta", "Enteros-gel"). In addition, it is necessary to normalize the intestinal microflora. If the infection appears in infants, "Acidolac baby" is prescribed. At elevated body temperature, you need to take "Paracetamol for children" or "Nurofen". Antibiotics in the treatment of this infection will not give any result.

To cure the baby, you need to put him on a therapeutic diet, ensure constant drinking in small portions to prevent dehydration of the body (Rehydron solution, unsweetened fruit drink, raisin decoction). It is very important not to give a lot of liquid at a time, this will provoke vomiting. Excluded from the diet:

  • fatty;
  • dairy;
  • acute;
  • roast;
  • possible allergens.

In adults

By medical standards, treatment of intestinal flu in adults can only be symptomatic. They take antiviral drugs, antiemetics, and absorbent tablets (activated charcoal). If the infection has appeared in a pregnant woman or a nursing mother, then therapy should take place only in a hospital. It is very important to replenish the loss of fluid and salts with a rehydrol solution. To prevent rotavirus, pregnant women (like everyone else) are advised to follow the rules of personal hygiene and avoid crowded places.

The content of the article:

Rotavirus infection is a disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract. The main symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, followed by consequences - dehydration, intoxication. Rotavirus affects almost all children aged 6 months to 5 years. Adults can get infected too. They endure the disease much easier, and their recovery comes faster. However, a balanced diet after an illness is very important for both children and adults.

The history of the treatment of rotavirus with Coca-Cola Sergey, 46 years old

We rested with friends in the mountains, dined at a local cozy restaurant. The kitchen was excellent, we drank a little local liquor. A couple of hours after dinner, I began to feel a little nauseous, I thought that this was a consequence of the alcohol I had drunk. After another hour, I decided to clean my stomach - I was very sick. He himself provoked vomiting, it became a little easier.

We started to go to bed, we were two families with children. My wife scolded me a little - they say, there is nothing to drink unfamiliar alcoholic drinks. I drank a couple of Sorbex tablets at night to relieve intoxication. I did not have time to fall asleep, vomiting began again. The wife gave Regidron a drink in order to clean the stomach - they thought it was poisoning. The more Regidron drank, the more often he vomited.

Friends have a small child 2 years old also began to vomit. The child did not eat or drink what adults ate and drank. Therefore, poisoning was immediately ruled out. In the morning, a friend began to vomit. The wife called the doctor, told about the symptoms. He said it was most likely a rotavirus infection.

The doctor advised adults to take the antiemetic drug Cerucal 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3-5 days. Another enterosorbent Sorbeks 2 capsules 3 times a day for 3 to 7 days to relieve intoxication. It is also desirable to drink Linex to restore intestinal microflora for 5-7 days.

The holiday was spoiled, we decided to return home. On the way home, we remembered that our friend, being pregnant, fell ill with a rotavirus infection at 36 weeks in Germany. She sought help from a local clinic, where she was advised to drink Coca-Cola in a glass bottle. Her husband insisted on such treatment. She drank the drink, not really believing in the "healing power" of cola. However, the result exceeded all expectations - an hour after taking the condition improved.

We also stopped at a gas station, bought a can of Coke. Indeed, an hour after drinking cola, it became much easier. There was no more nausea and vomiting. My stomach hurt a little. Cerucal drank 2 days, Sorbex - 3, Linex did not take at all.

Stick to the diet. I did not eat anything fried, spicy, salty. I love porridge, so the use of oatmeal, rice and buckwheat porridge was not a disaster. My wife cooked steam cutlets, boiled fish, and vegetables.

I stayed on a diet for 7 days, even lost a couple of kilograms of weight. He had been ill with rotavirus in a mild form without fever and diarrhea. A friend had both diarrhea and a high temperature, for two more weeks after the disease he did not eat anything except oatmeal, gastritis worsened.

The story of the treatment of rotavirus with medicines and diet Maria, 39 years old

I have a little daughter, she got sick with rotavirus. We ended up in the hospital for treatment. The child was given droppers, on the 5th day we were already discharged home. During my stay in the hospital, I read a lot of information about the disease. She knew everything about the symptoms and treatment. Most often, this disease affects children under 5 years old, adults also get sick, but rotavirus in them is much easier than in children.

In the afternoon the child fell asleep, I also lay down next to him, fell asleep. I woke up from the fact that I felt chills, pulled a baby blanket over myself. Start to tremble. I wanted to stand behind the blanket - my head began to spin. I took my temperature - 39.8. There was a sore throat, I thought it was a sore throat or the flu - the temperature rose sharply. She drank mefenamic acid. An hour later, the temperature dropped to 37 and diarrhea began. The diarrhea was very strong, every 15-20 minutes she ran to the toilet.

It was already clear that I had a rotavirus infection. The doctor said that the incubation period for rotavirus in adults, as in children, is 3-5 days, the patient can be "contagious" until complete recovery. I was with my daughter all the time, so I picked it up. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets. I didn't want to go to the hospital.

How to treat the disease, the doctor advised. First of all, you need to avoid dehydration. Severe diarrhea causes dehydration. Taking rehydration medications is an important point in the treatment of rotavirus in adults. I took the Biogai ORS solution to restore the water-salt balance.

She also took Smecta to relieve symptoms of intoxication. Diarrhea started suddenly and then stopped. On the second day of the disease there were no symptoms of the disease.

The only thing that unsettled was the pain in the stomach, I didn’t want to eat anything. The first day I didn’t eat anything, I drank strong black tea without sugar and ate a couple of homemade crackers. On the second day I ate some oatmeal on the water, tea with crackers. On the third day I cooked a vegetable soup, ate a steam dorado for dinner.

The doctor said that another important point in the treatment of rotavirus infection for both children and adults is diet. It is worth sticking with it for two weeks after complete recovery.

The diet for rotavirus in adults is not very strict, it includes the use of boiled food, as well as steamed foods. Taboo - dairy and sour-milk products 5-7 days.

My youngest daughter and I were ill with rotavirus. Diet and a balanced diet did their job: in two weeks they were absolutely healthy. We thought we already had immunity from this disease. But it wasn't there. Six months later, the symptoms recurred.

My daughter had vomiting in the evening, they immediately thought it was poisoning. Repeated vomiting after 20 minutes confirmed - again rotavirus (children in the yard were sick). I immediately started taking Biogaya ORS to prevent the disease. The second time I did not have a high temperature and diarrhea, but again my stomach hurt very much.

I already knew what drugs to take for the treatment of rotavirus in adults, so I consulted with the doctor about the treatment of my daughter.

Thus, having had rotavirus twice, I can say that most adult patients can endure this disease on their feet, at first thinking that it is indigestion. There are no special methods for treating rotavirus, all therapy comes down to relieving the symptoms of the disease - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and the effects of dehydration.

The use of drugs for rehydration, to relieve intoxication and to restore the water-salt balance are the main principles of treatment. And another important component of the treatment of rotavirus is diet.

How Olga, 29 years old, cured rotavirus with medicines

I have been a kindergarten teacher for 6 years. During this time, I saw very often how children get sick with infectious diseases. In cold seasons, in addition to colds, they often get sick with intestinal flu. This is a synonym for rotavirus infection, which affects almost all babies under the age of 5 years. Adults can also become infected from a patient by airborne droplets, although the main mode of transmission of infection is fecal-oral. However, in most cases, the virus enters the body along with raw water and food.

The pathogen itself has the shape of a circle, for which it received the name "rotavirus" ("rota" from the Latin "wheel"), it is very resistant and can remain viable even at low temperatures. This disease is also called "dirty hands disease".

I thought personal hygiene was the key to a rotavirus-free life. In the group where I work, two children fell ill. All things were processed, parents were warned about the possibility of infection. I didn't think it could affect me too. The morning, as always, began actively: exercises, jogging, breakfast - and to work.

On the way to the garden, I began to feel a little nauseous, already in the garden I felt dizzy, which was replaced by weakness. There was a sore throat. I was replaced and sent home. Already at home, vomiting appeared, vomited very strongly. There was no doubt - it was rotavirus.

I called the doctor, and with the help of a special test, I was diagnosed with a rotavirus infection. I was told that this disease can be treated at home, if you seek help in time and prevent dehydration. There are no specific drugs for the treatment of rotavirus. You need to take some kind of rehydration medication.

Rehydration products - powder or granules for the preparation of oral solutions that restore the water-salt balance. An important condition for the preparation of solutions from them is pure boiled water, which has a temperature as close as possible to body temperature. Since under such conditions, the absorption of fluid into the patient's blood will be maximum.

An oral rehydrating preparation can be prepared at home. To do this, you will need: kitchen salt - 3 grams; sugar - 18 grams; water - 1 liter.

I took Biogaya ORS - it is slightly bitter-salty, you can pour it into yourself. Regidron could not, a gag reflex immediately arose, it tasted very nasty, as for me.

In addition to rehydration drugs, it is imperative to take drugs for the symptomatic treatment of diarrhea. I took Hydrasec 1 sachet 3 times a day for 5 days.

After the diarrhea stops, it is imperative to drink some of the probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora.

Science does not stand still, and today there are 4 generations of drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora. There are monocomponent products with 1 strain of bacteria, multicomponent and prebiotics with live bacteria. I took Bifiform 1 capsule 2 times a day for 10 days.

A very important component of recovery is diet:

  • On the first day of the disease, she ate practically nothing. To replenish the fluid, she drank tea, rosehip broth, and mineral water.
  • On the second day, I already wanted to eat. I cooked rice porridge on the water, sweet tea with biscuit cookies.
  • On the third day, I cooked vegetable soup with crackers, a steam omelet, buckwheat porridge in water without butter.
  • On the fourth day I cooked fish in a double boiler, rice soup, boiled egg, dried fruit compote.
  • On the fifth day, I already cooked chicken breast broth, based on it I prepared soup. The doctor allowed me to eat meat. I also made baked apples.
  • On the sixth and seventh days, she ate vegetable soups, steam cutlets, crackers, tea, and a banana.
It is very important not to consume dairy products with this diet, since the virus multiplies even faster in a dairy environment. On the tenth day of illness, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir can be added to the diet. Milk should not be consumed for about 14-20 days.

After the illness, it is advisable not to abuse fried and spicy foods for a couple of weeks.

In the group where I work, all the children fell ill, even those who were vaccinated. As the doctor explained, the vaccine was from one serotype, we had another. Therefore, vaccination is not always a panacea for this disease.

How Igor, 35 years old, treated rotavirus infection with proper nutrition

I heard about the rotavirus infection from the neighbors, they had a small child sick. There was vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, they were taken away in an ambulance, spent 7 days in the hospital, then they didn’t go out for another 7 days so as not to infect the children in the yard. I was sure that only children get sick with rotavirus, like many children's infectious diseases.

I felt nauseous for a couple of days in the evening, I decided that I was overeating, I eat a lot after work, because I can’t do it at lunchtime. At work, diarrhea began, as always inopportunely. I had to cancel the meeting, ran to the pharmacy, bought activated charcoal, drank 8 tablets (based on 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).

Came home, brewed strong tea. I thought I would lie at home for a day and go to work tomorrow. But it was not there. At night, the temperature rose, it was feverish. He drank paracetamol, brought down the temperature. In the morning everything seems to be fine, I went to work. At lunchtime, yesterday's symptoms recurred, and activated charcoal no longer helped. I went home again, to lie down, however, it did not work out. Diarrhea severe, ran every 10 minutes. I had to call the doctor.

The doctor used a test to diagnose rotavirus infection. Has appointed or nominated Regidron, Lopedium, the sparing diet. Slept at home for a week.

At first, my diet consisted in the fact that it was possible to eat crackers from wheat bread, rice or buckwheat porridge on the water, boiled fish and lean boiled meat. In addition, to replenish the liquid, I drank compotes from dry blueberries, black currants and raspberries, strong tea. For fruit, I ate bananas and baked apples. After the diarrhea stops, you can already have broth, mashed potatoes, vegetable dishes from cauliflower and carrots.

The doctor recommended by no means to use sausages, salted and smoked fish. It is necessary to abandon millet, pearl barley and barley porridge. No need to eat pasta and muffins. From vegetables, you should not eat onions, garlic, radishes and white cabbage. It is worth giving up mayonnaise, ketchup, semi-finished products, mushrooms, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee.

I followed the diet for two weeks. My family also fell ill, my wife drank Enterol for a couple of days and followed a diet. A 12-year-old daughter was at home for a week with fever and sore throat, she also took Enterol for prevention. Against his background, there was no vomiting and diarrhea, but there was rumbling in the stomach and weakness.

Today, there are no drugs specifically for the treatment of rotavirus infection. All therapy is reduced to the elimination of the symptoms of the disease - vomiting, diarrhea, temperature. It is very important to eat right both during illness and after illness.

Preventive measures are personal hygiene - washing hands with soap; drinking clean water; thorough washing of fruits and vegetables.

Immunity against rotavirus infection is developing, but several serotypes are known today. Therefore, this disease can recur. The recurrence of the disease, as a rule, is easier to tolerate.

How to treat rotavirus - look at the video:

Parents do not always distinguish intestinal infections from ordinary intestinal disorders, they are perplexed by what the child could be poisoned with. After all, he ate everything fresh, they did not offer him any new products, and in the morning he suddenly vomited, diarrhea began. Sometimes parents rashly try to give their baby antibiotics. But in the case of rotavirus, they are of no use. You need to call a doctor who knows all the subtleties of the treatment of the disease. Usually it affects children under the age of 5 years, when the immune system is not yet strong enough. It is especially difficult for babies under 1 year old.

Sometimes such a disease is also called "intestinal flu", but some experts do not consider this name to be correct. As emphasized, for example, by the famous children's doctor E. Komarovsky, influenza is a respiratory infection, and rotavirus mainly destroys the mucous membrane of the digestive system (stomach, intestines, duodenum), which leads to intestinal disorders and dehydration.

Within 5 days after infection, the baby may not have any signs of the disease (the so-called incubation period). Then comes the acute stage. For no apparent reason, he wakes up crying in the middle of the night, vomiting. There are obvious signs of poisoning. The baby is especially bad in the first 2-3 days. Recovery occurs in about 5-8 days. However, signs of the disease may appear for another 4-5 days.

A large number of pathogens of rotavirus infection come out with feces, so a sick baby can easily infect other children and adults, especially in the first week. Then he is already allowed to visit children's institutions if he does not have a relapse of the disease. In order to determine that the child is completely healthy, a rota test is done (an express method for detecting rotavirus in feces). It is made by a specialist.

The disease can proceed in different ways. 3 options are possible:

  1. First, symptoms of a respiratory disease appear (runny nose, cough) without fever, and then signs of intestinal upset.
  2. Indigestion occurs, and then other signs of rotavirus infection in children appear.
  3. Weakness, drowsiness appear, appetite disappears, and after a while there is pain in the abdomen and other symptoms. This condition often occurs in children under 1 year old. The baby begins to press the legs to the tummy and cry.

Symptoms of infection

The main symptoms of rotavirus infection are vomiting, diarrhea, fever. Because of the strong vomiting of the patient, it is impossible to drink water, it immediately comes back.

The baby develops spasmodic pain in the abdomen and diarrhea. On the first day, stools are plentiful, frequent (urges occur 10-15 times a day). The color of the feces is yellow, the consistency is liquid, foamy, the smell is sour. In the following days, the stool becomes thicker, its color is yellowish-gray. Pain occurs mainly in the umbilical region.

The temperature rises to 39 degrees and above. It is difficult to bring down the usual antipyretic drugs.

Warning: Vomiting and diarrhea can be symptoms of food poisoning. The difference is that in case of poisoning, the child becomes better after he vomits or a bowel movement occurs. And with an intestinal infection after bouts of relief does not happen. Therefore, in order to understand what the baby is sick with, it is necessary to ask him if he has become better.

In addition to these symptoms, with a rotavirus infection, a child also has others: appetite disappears, a headache appears. The baby becomes lethargic and sleepy.

How can an infection enter the body?

Rotavirus enters the body of the crumbs through the mouth. A six-month-old baby learns to crawl, pulls various objects into his mouth, sucks on his fists. Therefore, it can easily become infected. Rotavirus infection can be found on poorly washed hands, in dust on toys or furniture. Eating unwashed fruits and vegetables is also a cause of infection.

Rotavirus is present both in feces and in saliva or nasal mucus. If the patient does not wash his hands well after the toilet, and then touches the door handles, then an infection remains on them, which is transmitted to the baby and other family members. Usually everyone gets sick in turn, but in adults, the symptoms do not appear so much (nausea for 1-2 days, there may be diarrhea). Sometimes they do not feel any signs of the disease at all, but they are virus carriers.

Parents of a baby cannot always figure out that the cause of a runny nose, dry cough and conjunctivitis is a rotavirus infection. Another child, having communicated with the patient, easily becomes infected.

Often, outbreaks of rotavirus infection are noted at marine recreation centers, where infection occurs through dirty sea water or sand, where sanitary and hygienic conditions are far from normal. Children easily become infected in kindergarten, school. Infection is possible in hospitals where there are virus carriers, children or adults.

Video: Signs of rotavirus infection, diagnosis, treatment principles, vaccination effectiveness

What complications can be

Rotavirus infection for children is quite dangerous. During the illness, they experience the following complications:

  1. Dehydration of the body. This condition occurs due to the large loss of fluid during vomiting and diarrhea. It is very dangerous for a small child, leading to his death. The baby needs to drink plenty of lightly salted water. If it is impossible to drink it, then the solution is injected through a dropper.
  2. Acetonemic syndrome. Due to dehydration of the body, metabolic disorders occur. At the same time, acetone and acetoacetic acid accumulate in the blood, causing poisoning, which increases vomiting, drowsiness, lethargy, and stomach pain. There is a smell of acetone from the mouth.
  3. Seizures. They can occur in babies due to high body temperature. It needs to be knocked down not only with the help of antipyretics, but also by wiping children (for example, alcohol diluted half with water).
  4. The defeat of the nervous system, which is manifested by fainting, delirium. In this case, convulsions appear at normal or slightly elevated temperature. This complication occurs as a reaction of the body to toxins.

Advice: Given the possibility of such severe complications, if a child develops diarrhea and frequent bouts of vomiting, it is imperative to consult a doctor so that the baby is given timely assistance.

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection

Accurate diagnosis is also needed because rotavirus infection is easily confused with dysentery, salmonellosis, gastritis, and food poisoning. In each case, completely different drugs are required. Improper treatment can cost the patient his life, especially if it is an infant.

To establish the diagnosis, a general blood and urine test is done, which allows you to confirm the fact that the cause of the disease is an infection. After recovery, blood composition indicators (leukocytes, erythrocytes) return to normal.

The presence of rotavirus in the blood is determined using the ELISA method - enzyme immunoassay for antibodies to this virus.

To determine exactly the type of virus by its DNA, as well as to quantify their content in the body, the PCR method (polymerase chain reaction) allows.

Such tests provide an opportunity to find out if other types of infection (for example, salmonella) are present in the body.

Video: Symptoms, prevention and treatment of rotavirus infection


In viral diseases, antibiotics are powerless. There are no drugs that would affect rotavirus. Treatment is required not from the infection itself, but from the symptoms of the disease caused by it (symptomatic therapy). It is aimed at alleviating the condition of the baby and preventing dangerous complications.

Fighting dehydration

The greatest danger for the baby is diarrhea and, as a result, dehydration. In order to prevent this from happening, first of all, measures are taken to replenish the supply of fluid and restore salt metabolism. The baby is given to drink a weak solution of salt or rehydron diluted with water. It is taken in small portions, but often, after each bout of vomiting.

Body detoxification

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea are all signs of poisoning the body with the waste products of rotavirus. One of the important elements of treatment for rotavirus infection is detoxification. Frequent intake of rehydron solution not only helps to restore the water-salt balance and maintain metabolism, but is also necessary to remove toxins from the urine.

In order to reduce the toxic effect, the child must also be given sorbents (activated carbon, smecta, enterosgel). They absorb harmful molecules and viruses, while they are not absorbed by the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, but are completely excreted. The intake of sorbents helps to reduce gas formation, bloating.

Reducing fever

An increase in body temperature is the body's way of fighting the virus. Therefore, with viral infections, it is recommended to bring down the temperature only if it exceeds 38 degrees. At higher temperatures, babies may have seizures. Give antipyretic in the form of special children's syrups (nurofen or panadol). For a very small one, it is more convenient to use candles with paracetamol (for example, cefecon).

Relieve intestinal pain

Violation of the normal environment in the stomach and intestines, fermentation and gas formation lead to spasms and severe pain. In addition to sorbents, it is necessary to give a medicine that relaxes the muscles of the intestine and eliminates spasms. No-shpa is usually used.

Restoration of microflora

The treatment ends with the restoration of the intestinal microflora in children. In a healthy intestine, beneficial lactobacilli predominate, which inhibit the development of harmful microorganisms. When the virus enters, lactobacilli die, and harmful microflora begins to multiply. Restoring the natural composition of the intestinal environment accelerates the destruction of the virus.

As preparations containing beneficial bifidobacteria, acipol, linex and the like are used.

The role of diet

Diet, the exclusion from the diet of certain foods that irritate the mucous membrane, cause bloating, or have a diuretic effect that contributes to dehydration, play a decisive role in the treatment of rotavirus infection in children.

Seasonings, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, plums, apples) should be completely excluded from food. It is allowed to give the child low-fat fermented milk products (the lactic acid contained in them helps replenish the intestines with lactobacilli).

Fats (butter and vegetable oil) are completely excluded. Food is given only in boiled form. By the end of the illness, the child can be given a baked apple, as well as a banana. Any carbonated drinks are prohibited.

After vomiting, it is better to feed the child with semi-liquid cereals, jelly. Enveloping the walls of the intestines, such products protect them from irritation, promote the rapid healing of microdamages. You can give stewed carrots, pumpkin puree.

The main rule, as emphasized by Dr. E. Komarovsky, is not to force the child to eat, especially on the first day when he vomits. A baby in the days of illness can be fed only with mother's milk.

Video: Diet for children of different ages with rotavirus infection

Disease prevention

It is very difficult to avoid rotavirus infection if the child attends kindergarten. If the risk of the disease is increased, as in this case, then the child can be vaccinated. The vaccine contains a strain of rotavirus in a minimal concentration. The baby develops immunity, as well as after a real illness. At the same time, the treatment of rotavirus infection is either not needed at all, or will be greatly simplified. Even if the disease occurs, it will be in a much milder form, without complications.

The likelihood of a child getting sick can be reduced by keeping their hands clean. Before the child sits at the table, he must wash them with soap. It is necessary to ensure that the baby does not grab the potty in the toilet. Toys that he pulls into his mouth must be thoroughly washed.

Viruses and bacteria are found on the surface of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, they must be cleaned from the skin or doused with boiling water after washing.

The room must be clean. If someone in the family has already become ill with rotavirus, one should try to protect the child from contact with the sick person.



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