Role-playing games. Role playing in sex: hooliganism of decent people

V. V. Panfilov

Game fairy tale-journey


Mrs. Madame Game - She is: Blizzard-Tosca-Bored.
Father Frost.
Snow Maiden.

The Snow Queen.
Snow Baba.

People - they are: buffoons - rescuers - clowns-snowmen.

The script used a game fragment from the program of A. Zaitsev

Cheerful Christmas music sounds.
Through it, the laughter of the voices of playing children is clearly audible.
Appear on stage: SNOW QUEEN SNOW WOMAN

Buffoon. Hello good people!
SNOW Baba (hereinafter simply Baba). Hello boys and girls!
SNOW QUEEN (hereinafter simply - the Queen). Chao - cocoa for everyone,
who sees and hears me!
Buffoon. Happy holiday to you!
QUEEN and BABA. What holiday is this?
Buffoon. And you don't hear?

All three listen.
Sound amplification of music with sounding children's voices.

Today is the holiday of our best New Year's friend - Games!
Today at the Game, one can say - the name day of Her New Year's heart!

Queen and Baba.

Have you forgotten, or what?

The Queen and Baba look at each other.

WOMAN. You know we never forget anything.
We just wanted you, exactly you, to tell us about this holiday.
Buffoon. Well, I told!
WOMAN. Good job!
Buffoon. You can't put "well done" in your pocket!
WOMAN. Ha-ha-ha! And if you keep the pocket wider?
Buffoon. Well, then it's in the bag!
QUEEN. I don't understand... We were invited here to lead no one
unnecessary talk about pockets and hats?
This is not rational! This is a waste of time.
Precious New Year's Eve!
Buffoon. All! Understood the hint! Let's not lose anything!
I'm doing time...
WOMAN. And the fun... part!

To the hall.
Boys and girls, listen again!
It's not just voices.


Those are your voices!
Buffoon. They still live where you played last New Year!
Really great!?
WOMAN. Aha! And I noticed: if children play somewhere cheerfully, then after them
must remain in that place...
QUEEN. Torn candy wrappers, chewed gum, apple cores...
Buffoon. But don't! After our children, nothing like this ever
does not remain! Because our kids are smart! And even very much! And here
when kids are having fun...
QUEEN. And carefully...
Buffoon. And they play neatly and rejoice and laugh, then after them on
in that place, a good mood, a cheerful spirit are sure to remain,
and many, many invisible chuckles.
WOMAN. And if someone else appears in that place: tired,
sad, sad, angry, then he will definitely cheer up.
Buffoon. Cheer up!
WOMAN. Get kinder! And laugh! And even laugh!
Buffoon. Exactly! Oh, how he will not want to be sad and angry!
QUEEN. It's right! There is even such an expression "a laugh in the eye
hit "...
WOMAN. The mix actually gets into the mouth - from ear to ear.
Buffoon. And the more such kind and joyful places -
from ear to ear - the life will be better, the life will be more fun!
WOMAN. That's great you said!
QUEEN. Famous quote!
Buffoon. Everyone says: "game - game" ... Everyone uses it.
Everyone is delighted with her. But no one has figured it out yet
invite the Game itself to visit.
We play it - or maybe She also wants to play with us or play with us?
Dance around the Christmas tree ... Jump like a Bunny ...
Sing songs...
WOMAN. And what? Good idea! What do you think your snowiness?
QUEEN. Well ... From the point of view of amusing erudition, in our new century
funny concretism, each New Year-personified
the individual cannot give a damn about the separately acting on him
New Year's game abstraction...
WOMAN. That is - and in Russian?
QUEEN. That is - yes! I agree.
Buffoon (aside and very sarcastically). Thank God it's not a verb...
BABA (buffoon). Don't speak!

Boys and girls!
Let's call our friend Igra together!
Let's ask her to come to us here...
QUEEN. And now!
Buffoon. And then maybe She was squeezing somewhere on the vo-o-he is there,
backstage in the corner and get out shy!
Sighing and whimpering...

He mimics merrily.

... "No one needs me! Everyone forgot about me! I look bad!"
WOMAN. Does she look bad!? Has she been forgotten? She is no one
need not? Three ha ha!
Yes, imagine such a New Year's life: everything is there!
And gifts and sweets, and Pepsi-Cola, and watermelons!
And there is no game.
Oh no...
No games, no toys.
Toys are, after all, her children.
Everything is there except toys and games.
Nothing hangs on the Christmas tree except needles.
Just imagine such a New Year's holiday!?
Buffoon. Well, what is this holiday? This is not a holiday.
QUEEN. I did not understand: and there will be no computer games?
WOMAN. And then!
QUEEN. No worries, something.
WOMAN. So here it is! I suggest - for a minute - still meet with our
girlfriend Game and introduce her to the kids!
And rejoice in her.
And to prove to Her that She is very much to us ...
Buffoon. Very very very…
WOMAN. Need!
QUEEN. I did not understand: you want to materialize an abstraction?
Buffoon. We want Mrs. Game to appear here!
QUEEN. And Santa Claus?
WOMAN. And Santa Claus, as soon as he hears that we are playing, will immediately come running
to us with gifts!


And the really smart ones can over there ...

Gesture to the side.

... to stand, however!

The Queen steps aside in annoyance.

Buffoon (to the audience). Guys, can you help us meet the Game?

Listen to the children's response.

Thank you! I thought so!
So so! This half of the hall, at my command, will laugh loudly and contagiously and clap their hands!
Let's rehearse!

Rehearsing with the audience.

Excellent! And even more - great!
WOMAN. But this half of the hall will giggle thinly and cool!
Like this!


And while waving your hands! Like this!
On my command.


Let's rehearse too!

Rehearsing with the audience.

Brilliantly! Brilliant! Awesome!

The Queen suddenly intervenes.

QUEEN. But this ... the third half of the hall ...
WOMAN. E-e! You do not sculpt humpbacks! The hall has only two halves!
There is no third!
QUEEN. This is not given in an ordinary hall of the third, but in this one ...


Childish! gaming! new year! make-believe hall
there is also a third half!
This one!

Points to the third half.

Buffoon. What? Earnestly!
WOMAN. And even original!
QUEEN (proudly). New Year's know-how is called!
Buffoon. Well, well ... Noahav further.
QUEEN. And the third half of the hall, on my command, will do this:
neighing like make-believe horses.
Like this!


We cackle like make-believe goslings.
Like this!


And we grunt merrily, like the laughing little pigs.
Like this!


And while clapping his feet!
Like this!


WOMAN. What are we doing with our feet?
QUEEN. Clap! Feet on the floor.
WOMAN. You are cut off from life, your snowiness! They don't slap their feet.
Clap these...

Like I forgot...

Well, these?
QUEEN. Ears?
WOMAN. Not really. They only flap their ears in class. And that's not all.
Well these...
QUEEN. Eyes?
WOMAN. Not really. Eyes flutter in the morning. Wake up.
Well these...

Turns to the hall.

Guys, tell me: what are the audience clapping for?

Children suggest.

Exactly! Hands! Here!
And they don’t clap their feet, their feet ...

Turns to the hall.

Guys, what are they doing with their feet?

Children suggest.

Quite right! They stomp their feet!
QUEEN. Not stupid - got it! Slamming your feet on the floor is called

Let's rehearse this welcome moment!
So, at my command: neigh, cackle, grunt and ... stomp! Attention! Started!

Conducts rehearsal with children.

Well! Super Duper! Wow! Top class!
BABA (enviously). Now let's all rehearse together!
So to speak - for the memory! Repetition is the mother of learning!

Buffoon Baba and the Queen are rehearsing the MEETING GAME.

Buffoon. Great!
QUEEN. Super! No! Super high! In!
Buffoon. And now, as the music sounds, at our command ...

Gesture at Baba, the Queen and yourself.

And we are one team!
At the command of our team...
WOMAN. This is when we wave our hands...
Buffoon. We start loudly, cheerfully, New Year's contagious
to meet our beloved dear Game!
QUEEN. On your marks!
WOMAN. Attention!
Buffoon. Started!

Music sounds.
Baba Koroleva and Skomorokh wave their hands.
An incomprehensible, shiny something like a MIRACLE IN FEATHERS with a bow on its side appears.

Buffoon. Didn't understand...
WOMAN. Didn't understand...
QUEEN. I don't cut through anything.
MIRACLE. Well - played out? Have you talked? Have you met?

Thanks for the tip...

"Hold your pocket wider".
I widened it and opened it.
And the Game - it is oh-oh-very curious ... Jump - lope!

Slaps himself in the pocket.

And sewn - covered! Gop-tsa-tsa!
Buffoon. And who are you?
MIRACLE. "Who-who." I have many names.
I'm a boring Blizzard! I am a dreary Blizzard! I am a boring Blizzard!
I am Tosca! I am Tosca-ah! I…

Unexpectedly loud and rude.

And I won't tell you one more name!
And you yourself will never guess.
And you will never see your Game again!
She is now...
Slaps on the pocket.

Only mine! Will live in my collection.
And my collection is in my kingdom.
And my kingdom is in another time.
And my time is in another space.
And my space is where I am.
And where I am - you'll never guess...
Well everything...
Something makes me bored and sad with you.
I'll go to your Game, that is, already mine, to dry!

Flash Light. Burst of sound.
Blizzard-Tosca disappeared.

Buffoon (very sad). Here...
BABA (very sadly). New turn...
QUEEN (in the same key). What does he bring us?

Very sad.

Yes... Once upon a time there were three little pigs...
One was called Naf-Naf, the other - Nyuf-Nyuf ...
And they did not like the third brother and called him "Nifkaif" ...
Nah...Nifkaif me all this!
I'll go home, sleep.
I'll play snow computer.
WOMAN. You won't play. Captive game.
QUEEN (sadly-indifferently). So I won’t play ... Grandmother for her granddaughter,
granddaughter for a bug, a bug for a cat, a cat for a mouse ...
Not just a mouse...
Buffoon. And the gold one?
QUEEN. And a computer one. "Mouse" and so, "mouse" and so ...
Tail break. Stretched out like a worm.
The grandfather is crying, the grandmother is crying, the hen Ryaba is crying: they bought a computer, but they can’t play on it ... Eh.!
Buffoon. Yes! Hung up.
WOMAN. I think she moved.
Buffoon. Yes, we'll all be moving soon.
WOMAN. It is high time.
Buffoon. And where?
WOMAN. "Where-where" ... On the Kudykina mountain. From there you can see everything.
Maybe we will see the kingdom of Blizzard-Tosca from there?
Buffoon. And what? The idea is worth it. Need to try.
Trying is not torture. But what if!
WOMAN. Risk is a noble cause! Who does not take risks does not drink New Year's Eve
"Pepsi Cola"!

Gesture for the Queen.

Do we take the crazy ones with us?
Buffoon. Why not? She, as they say now, "roof
went" - we use this roof not as a luxury, but as a means
movement: on it we will reach Kudykina Gora.
QUEEN (approaches with a decisive step). We don't need a roof...
WOMAN. Well, you are not right. Everyone needs a good roof these days.
No time to run around with umbrellas. Winter is in the yard!
QUEEN. We need a time machine.
Buffoon. We know, we know. Time is money. Printing press, right?
QUEEN. Time is the very space where you can hide
Blizzard-Tosca. Where Blizzard-Tosca, there Time stops.
And where Time stops, Space is formed there.
Such a boring blizzard Space. There, everyone is bored with boredom!
And where such Space is, there is the kingdom.
A dreary, snowy realm.
And there...
Buffoon. All clear! We gotta go save the game. And then the New Year
will not come! And Santa Claus will not come! Without the Game - who needs them?
Let's go!
WOMAN. Yes, where to go?
Buffoon. On all four sides!
WOMAN. Well, how can the three of us go to all four sides?
QUEEN. By the Time Machine, we can only go to all THREE
sides: past, present and future.
Buffoon. Where are we now?
QUEEN. Now we…

Buffoon. So! What are we doing here?
WOMAN. Come to your senses! We are on holiday! A holiday - it is ALWAYS!
He is a holiday in the Past, he is a holiday in the Future,
holiday - he is a holiday in Africa.
Therefore, we are now OUT OF TIME.
And we need a car. Time Machine.
Buffoon. No problem!

Addresses the audience.

Guys, will you be our time machine?

The children answer.
But not just a Time Machine! You will also be pilots,
and navigators, and our military game amusing landing!
Do you agree?

The children answer.

Then go!
Imagine a make-believe and very modern Time Machine of the latest model.
Sat in chairs.
They fastened their seat belts.
Switched on the remote control...

Buffoon shows what and how to do.
Children repeat after him all the movements.

We begin the pre-takeoff readiness test.
I will ask questions. If everything is in order with your car, answer me with claps.
Like this.

Claps his hands.

If not in order, then wave your hands.
Like this.

Waving his hands.

Does the ignition work?
Is there a pull?
Is oxygen normal?
Are the wheels spinning?
Does the steering wheel turn?
Are the janitors okay?

Children answer all his questions.

If the wipers are in order - show them like this ...

Makes a gesture of farewell - like: "goodbye."

... to get them off the road and onto the sidewalk.
The Time Machine doesn't need wipers. Let them keep it clean here.
They took the helm.
We turn on the ignition.
We work like a motor: "Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta"!
Let's take off!

Both Baba and the Queen do everything that the Buffoon says.

Steering wheel to the left!
Steering wheel to the right!
Steering wheel up!
Steering wheel down!

Commanding, Skomorokh can cheerfully deceive children:
saying "wheel down", raises his hands up.

I said: "Helm down!"
Steering wheel on yourself!
Sat down!
They wiped off the sweat!
Applause to yourself for this soft landing.

Children applaud.
The lingering melody of a folk song sounds.

QUEEN. Where are we?
Buffoon. Actually, in the past.
In my native buffoon Past
As they say: the new is the well-forgotten Past!
Let's start searching for Blizzard-Tosca?
QUEEN. First you need to check how they ...

Gesture on children.

… do they know their Past?
WOMAN. Well, check it out!
QUEEN. Well, I'll check it out!

Do you know three great Russian heroes?

The children answer.

It's good that you know. Let's check to see if you know for sure.
Now I will name the heroes, and you call them

Children: "Murometz!".


Children: "Nikitich!".


Children, by inertia: "Robber!".

What are you? What kind of Nightingale the robber is a hero?
That's how you let them into history.
We will get into such a story - it will not seem enough!
WOMAN. Stop teasing the kids.
Vanya, start your own business!
Buffoon (shouts at the top of his buffoon throat). Hey hey!
Is there anybody here?

PEOPLE appear.
All lazy, yawning, stretching.

Good people, did Blizzard-Tosca run through you here?
Buffoon. I'm asking...
WOMAN. Well, what are you asking? Can't you see what they are?
Buffoon. I see something, but I do not believe my eyes.
WOMAN. Here, believe - do not believe, but something needs to be done!
Buffoon. Let's play!

Shall we play?
PEOPLE. Not - but ... We do not know how to play ...
Buffoon. And we will teach.
PEOPLE. And it doesn't hurt?
Buffoon. It's fun!
PEOPLE. And we are lazy...
Buffoon. And we will help you get rid of laziness... Look, sloths!
Not in Australia, I suppose, you are, but on ...

Name the place where the celebration takes place.
Addresses the audience.

Guys, can you help shake them up?

The audience responds.

Now we will tickle them. All sloths are ticklish.
This I know for myself. I also once went through the school of laziness.


Stretch out your hands. And at my command, do this!

Shows a tickling gesture to the children.

The children answer.

Attention! Started!

Cheerful music sounds.
Children perform a ritual of cheerful tickling.
People jump, writhe, laugh, try to escape
this tickling that overtakes them everywhere.
At the same time, Baba and the Queen also got it.
They, too, were in the ticklish zone.

PEOPLE. Save! Help! Stop it! We will no longer! .. Enough!
Buffoon. Stop.
PEOPLE. Woo-woo!
They fall to their knees.

No more tickling us!
We are no longer lazy!
- We are good!
- We listen to you!
Buffoon. What about listening to us? We didn't come here to lecture you.
There is a separate time for lectures and seminars and there are separate people!
You say this: did you have a Blizzard-Tosca?
Buffoon. And where is she?
PEOPLE. And swam!
Buffoon. Where?
PEOPLE. How do we know?
Buffoon. And if you tickle - remember?
PEOPLE. Don't tickle us! We won't remember! Blizzard-Melancholy to us thoughts
clouded, powdered brains, got the mind beyond reason, and then left it there.
She also offered to jump crazy, but we were scared: a little high
Buffoon. Well. Let's remember together.

To the auditorium.

Guys, will you help us help them?

The children answer.

So you're scared to jump out of your mind?
Buffoon. And just jump - are not you afraid?
Buffoon. What, yeah"?
Buffoon (to the auditorium). What's the name of the game guys?
do people jump ropes?

Listens to the response from the audience.

Right! "Jumping ropes"!
And which of you knows how to jump on jump ropes, and jump on ropes?

The children answer.
Buffoon addresses people.

So what are we going to learn to play?
Buffoon (to the audience). Guys, let's teach them to jump and jump?

The children answer.
The buffoon again turns to people.

Then go and choose your own teacher!
PEOPLE (with fear). tormentor?
Buffoon. For a child or adult who will teach you how to play!
And it will cure boredom and melancholy! It's clear?
Buffoon. And remember: "yeah" only people who are not cultured say.
Buffoon (gesture towards the audience). Then - let's move!
PEOPLE (with fear). By phase?
Buffoon. Move forward! To the victory... of this... Fun!

People moved to choose their "teachers" from among the audience.

Hey! Give us good music for the Game lesson.

Cheerful music sounds.
Children teach people to jump.
Those parody, as it were, master new knowledge.
Are being trained.
Jumping with the kids.

Thank you boys and girls.
PEOPLE. Thank you!

The children go to their places.

Buffoon (to people). Well, let's check how you learned this lesson!?
Show us what you've learned!

People reincarnated as buffoons and showed a cheerful
circus performance JUMPING.

I think they deserve a round of applause!

The audience applauds.
Suddenly one of the people, with a cry, broke into the forefront,
twirled, twirled, screamed, yelled and twitched.

HUMAN. Oh-oh-oh-oh! Ah-ah-ah!

To myself.

Oh! Something doesn't feel right to me! Something bad for me!
Buffoon. Yes, this is Blizzard-Tosca! Grab her!
VYUGA-TOSKA. Stop! What are you? Who can grab the Blizzard-Tosca?
I am incomprehensible, intangible and elusive! What an avenger!
Okay, fie here on you! I will go to reign elsewhere!

Everyone spun.
Blizzard-Tosca disappeared.

Buffoon. Run away!
PEOPLE. Let's catch up!
Buffoon. Disappeared!
PEOPLE. Let's find!
Buffoon. Gone!
PEOPLE. Well, joke with her!
BABA (sarcastically). You have all the jokes, and Blizzard-Tosca has fled!
By the way!
Buffoon. She didn't run away! She panicked! And not between
other things, but because we won it! Thanks guys!
QUEEN. Thanks guys!
Buffoon. And "thank you" is not nice! Do you have to repay something?
WOMAN. No problems!

And our heroes show a cheerful mischievous dance number.

QUEEN. Well, everyone! Enough entertainment!
We drove Boredom out of the Past, Dispelled Longing - it's time to lather into the Future! As the saying goes: finish off the enemy in his lair!
Buffoon. Aren't you offended, such words - about the Future to speak?
QUEEN. And it depends on us, and only on us, what will be our
Christmas Future!
Buffoon. Then go ahead! What are we going to? Or will we fly?
QUEEN. No, let's go on foot! On my own two.
Let's go to space!
Buffoon and BABA. Where to?
QUEEN. Into the space! In outer space!
WOMAN. Come on? There is no air there. And the aroma ... of these ... New Year's
QUEEN. Well, first of all, we have a make-believe space. And tangerines
they don't grow there! And secondly, space - it is always at the top.
And everything is visible from above, you know that.
WOMAN. Well, tell me what to do? We are ready.
QUEEN. What about guys?
WOMAN. Yes, they are ready! Right guys?

The children answer.

Here you see - ready!
We can say: childhood in its own juice!
See what they all are! The very juice: blood with milk!
Well, come on, start with everything ready! And we will support!
PEOPLE. And we? Take us with you. We'll take something too!
Do you know how supported we are!?
QUEEN. Well? Let's take them?
Buffoon. And we'll ask the guys! Guys, can we take them with us?

The children answer.

Children trust you! Go and transform!
Think of yourself as something new! To look at you
not so sad.
PEOPLE. Hooray!

Buffoon (to the Queen). Get started, snow terminator!
Where are we going and how are we going?
QUEEN. And we, guys, will go into space - New Year's and very
I will tell you what to do, and you repeat after me! ..
Do like me!

The queen is playing.

We are walking in the starry sky: wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

The queen slaps her front with her hands
thighs: as if walking and admiring.

We are walking on the starry sky!

Hands: wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

We climb the planets like steps: oh! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

With index fingers, as if in heels, "we go"
on the planets - from the bottom up.

We walk through the starry sky: wow - wow - wow wow !!

We open the doors-sluices: burn - burn!

Hands: to the right and to the left, as if opening the doors-sluices.
We walk through the starry sky: wow - wow - wow - wow!
We climb the planets: oh - oh - oh - oh!
We open doors - locks: burn - burn!
Let's go and see the New Year's space! Wow!

Loud scream, arms open wide
as if we saw something immensely large.

We are going! Through the starry sky: wow - wow - wow wow!
We climb the planets: oh - oh - oh - oh!
We open doors - locks: vzhig-vizhig!
We go in and see the New Year's space: wow!
We run up to the telescope monitor and look into it! Wow!

Gesture, as if looking through a telescope.
Further, all gestures are repeated from the beginning, and with acceleration.

And we see New Year's space gifts: flying like flies
moki-poons: bang-bang-bang-bang!

Such little "snaps".

And telepops sobbing with happiness! U-u-u-u-u-u-u!
And "pigs" and "stepashki" are worn: oo-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu!
And unidentified and still flying bechurashki rumble and
crocodile genes: tra-ta-ta!
And the rastuhi-peshaklyaks explode from fear:
Bah - bang! Bah - bang! Bah - bang! Bah - bang!
And then Aunt Purga appears, and shouts to us: "What are you
doing here!?
And we all run away in the reverse order - with the pribabaha!

Do all movements in reverse order.

Just got away!
Buffoon. Wait! What kind of aunt Blizzard?
What in space can Aunt Blizzard?
QUEEN. Well, the one with the brother Purgen ... That is - Buran!
Buffoon. Buran is our spaceship - cousin
brother to the American Challenger! And what about Blizzard?
Yes, in space and without a spacesuit!?

Blizzard-Tosca runs out.

VYUGA-TOSKA. You yourself are a "spacesuit"! Ha ha ha!
Runs away.

Buffoon. Oh! Who is this?
WOMAN. I think that our enemy is amusing himself: Blizzard-Tosca! She is still
then purgenshey... She called herself a blizzard.
And whoever calls names like that - he is so ... What guys?

The audience is suggesting.

That's right - that's what it's called!
QUEEN. Then let's go into space again, but very, very quietly!
Like scouts! Space "stirlitsy"!

The whole game is repeated, but in very, very quiet voices.

And then a tedious Blizzard appears.

Blizzard-Tosca appears.

And we shout to her: "Stop! Hands up!"

Blizzard-Tosca, by inertia, raises his hands, as if in fright.
And then, very casually, lowers them.

YEARNING. Look, you are heroes! Frightened! Ha ha ha!
And I'm not afraid of you!
QUEEN. Give us our Game!
YEARNING. Do you want anything more?
QUEEN. I don't want anything else! But even less!
YEARNING. This is where you get over it!
QUEEN. How is that?
YEARNING. Like dishes in an elephant shop!
Buffoon. And give me the game!
YEARNING. And you lay down! Maybe I'll give it!

The buffoon barks.

And they don’t give it to dogs - they get it themselves! Ha ha ha!
Rooster made fun!
QUEEN. What do we do?
WOMAN. Call the pacifier!
QUEEN. What - "pacifier"!
WOMAN. Who will save our souls!


RESCUERS appear.

RESCUERS. We are lifeguards! Who "sos" shouted and who asked for a pacifier!
QUEEN. Get ready to spray the anti-cookie!
YEARNING. Who are you calling boring? And how do you want me
QUEEN. And now you know.

Looks up fearfully.

Oh-oh-oh! What is it - grandfather freezes in the sky !?

Everyone is looking to see where she is pointing.
Tosca escapes.

QUEEN. I cheated again! She ran away again!
Buffoon. Not "again", but "again"!
WOMAN. All! Hear me! From the Past we Boredom - Tosca drove away?
Driven away! Expelled from the Future? Kicked out!
Now let's go to the Present. She's hiding in there!
RESCUERS. And we are with you! Can?
WOMAN. I don't mind!
Buffoon. Me too.
QUEEN. I have no fundamental objection.
BABA (to rescuers). But then you need...
RESCUERS. We know, we know! Change!
WOMAN. Wow! Simulate! And shammelion! Is the assignment clear?
RESCUERS. And then! Forward - to adapt to today's life!

BABA (to the audience). And we will go to the Present on a bicycle
So, we sat down, as it were, on make-believe bicycle seats.
They took the wheel of a bicycle.
They rang the make-believe bicycle bell.

Children repeat all movements after Baba.

And now let's go to the cheerful cycling music.
On your marks! Attention! Go!
BABA conducts a dance - a game.

Stop! We've arrived!

Looks and listens.

Strange... There is a lot of silence here...

Hey! Is there anyone?

I don't understand anything!

Looked around.

And our chameleons disappeared somewhere.

It sounds like a slow, drawn-out blues tune.
Under it, like lunatics, non-PEOPLE crawl out.
A sort of dreary "shari-vari".

Hey! Hi guys! What's wrong with you?

Non-humans look at Baba with dull eyes, obviously - nothing
do not understand and stupidly silent.

Can you hear me?

Non-people looked at each other and again stared
to Baba.

So... Blizzard-Toska visited here too... Stunned them...

Gesture on non-humans.

... stunned, fooled.
What to do?

I thought.

I have an idea!
Let them not hear my voice and do not understand my words!
But there is an international sign language!.. And everyone understands it!
Even the most oblivious ones.

Let's try to learn it. Raise your right hand up.

Take a close look at her.
This is your hand!
And it has five fingers.
By the way, can you count?

Listen to the children's response.

Well, let's check.
They dropped their hands.
Now I will name the numbers.

Very cunning.

Different numbers. And you name exactly one unit more. Get ready.
Twenty three!

The children answer.
Baba, with gradual acceleration, names the various
The children answer.
Baba's last check number is 1099.

Thousand ninety-nine!

As a rule, children shout: "Two thousand!"

And that's not right!
After a thousand ninety-nine comes a thousand one hundred!
And where only your teachers look.
OK. Let's get back to our... these...

Let's return to ours, to these ... To whom "we will return to ours"?
Listens to the answer.

To what "sheep"? To your fingers! We're talking about fingers!
Each has five fingers on his hand.

How much for two hands?

Listens to the answer.

Are you overheated, or what? Both hands also have five fingers.
So, these five fingers replace one tongue...
As they say: "one tongue is good, but five fingers are too
not bad." So let's try to talk with our fingers ...
There is a version that this international language was invented
Boy - with - a finger. Let's support his initiative.
Come on, show me how it will sound on your fingers: "I have
everything is great!"

Children show.

A - "I'm all about kay!"?

Children show.

A - "Quiet - sssss ..."?
A - "Attention!"?
And - "Don't be shawl!"?
And - "Don't spoil!"?
And - "Think, think, think!"?
A - "You're not very smart!"?
And - how does the policeman call to him?

Children show all gestures.

And once again - "I'm fine!"
It's great when everything is great!
And they have...

Gesture on non-humans.

And it’s not healthy at all, and you don’t even “live well” ...
ABOUT! Let's show them how good we are!
Let them envy us. If their envy is not black,
then they will definitely wake up, wake up, see clearly and hear us!
They will hear and envy - how much fun we have!
So let's have a little sitting...
QUEEN. Strike?
WOMAN. Here's another. Small, sit-down disco! Here!
Buffoon. And what? Let's try!
BABA (to the hall). Repeat after us the dance moves that
we will show you!

Music sounds.
The buffoon Baba and the Queen - in turn - show the children various dance movements for the arms, shoulders, heads and other parts of the body.
And the non-humans woke up.
They first picked up these movements.
Then they began to show theirs.
Then they ran to the auditorium and arranged a fun disco game library in the aisles and on the stage.


And suddenly one of them tossed about again, wheezed, writhed.

VYUGA-TOSKA. Eh! All for one, right? Did you manage? Let's
differently! Let's compete! If you win - the game is yours!
If you lose, your Game will remain with me! Is it coming?
Buffoon. Goes!
SNOWSTORM. Then so! I will read poetry, and you continue to rhyme.
But if at least once you make a mistake and give the wrong rhyme,
then you lost, and the Game is mine!
Buffoon. Eh! Where ours did not disappear!

Can you guys help us?

The children answer.

Thank you!

Blizzard used a poem by B. Zakhoder.
In parentheses are the correct rhymes.

The animals met the New Year
The animals celebrated the New Year.
Animals led...
(Round dance)
Around the green Christmas tree.
Danced and Mole,
And Behemoth
And even evil...
Started dancing and Porcupine -
prickly needles,
And all - tremble,
And all - squeal
And all - to run away from ...
Look: Oh -
At least he's good! -
And he trembles with fear!
- But you won't get me! -
- We'll sleep
step by step
But everyone
(Let's dance)!

Buffoon, Queen and Baba, during this competition,
help children guess the exact rhyme.
In the end, the kids won.

EVERYTHING (except Tosca). Hooray! We won!
YEARNING. So what? And I still won't give you your Game. I will dry her
And I'll play it myself! One! All alone! Always alone!

And suddenly Tosca began to weep bitterly.

Ah-ah-ah-ah! All life - one! Ah-ah-ah-ah!

The Queen, Buffoon and Baba looked at each other.
And suddenly the same thing: at first they whimpered, and then they roared,
wept, wailed out loud.
And their voices are wow.

Buffoon (to the auditorium). Guys, let's help Blizzard in her
boring grief! Maybe she will pay all her grief and
and it will be easier for her, and she will be happier.
Help her! Pay a little.

Under the guidance of Skomorokh, children arrange
Make-believe crying - roar.
The blizzard stopped roaring and became interested
look at the children.

SNOWSTORM. And what are they? Why should they? And why are they?
WOMAN. You're sorry.
SNOWSTORM. So harmful? Such a vicious one? Such - with such ...
And sorry? You are cheating! I know - "it's a pity" only for a bee!
And the children "sorry" does not happen!
Buffoon. Children do not happen, but children feel sorry for it.
Now they feel sorry for you.
SNOWSTORM. Well, okay ... We cried here ... Were moved to pity ... Melted my
black, icy heart.
WOMAN. Well, it's not like you and black. Not so icy.
SNOWSTORM. Well, what?
WOMAN. And you yourself know!
SNOWSTORM. I know! How do you know that?
WOMAN. And you, Blizzard-Tosca, tell me your third name!?
SNOWSTORM. Nope! Guess yourself!

The blizzard sighs woefully coquettishly.

BABA (to the hall). Guys, tell me what is it called when you are not bored and not
sad and not fun?

Children suggest.

Here! Sadness-Snowstorm is your third name.
SADNESS. Right! Actually, that's my first name.
Buffoon. Very good name!
SADNESS. Is it true?
Buffoon. Of course it's true. It is sometimes even very pleasant to be sad,
SAD (points to the children). And they can do it?
QUEEN. And then!

Guys, let's show how we can be sad.
Let's take a deep breath! Three four!

The children sigh.

SADNESS. Oh how good! Can you do it again?
QUEEN. Can! Guys, let's take a breath!

The children sigh again.

Buffoon. Now let the adults help us!
Tell me - what songs about a blizzard snowstorm and a snowstorm do you know !?

Conducts a song auction.

SADNESS. Well, okay ... Conquered! Enchanted! Hypnotized!
I give you your Game!
ALL. Hooray!
SADNESS. Stop! No! This will not work! Wickedness woke up in me.
Need her...
WOMAN. Sleep, right?
SADNESS. Well, so be it. And she falls asleep with me from cheerful songs.
Buffoon. No problem! We have such a song.
It's traditional with us!

Guys, can you help us sing it?

The children answer.
Buffoon explains what the song is.
And everyone sings it together.
Suddenly the music changes, switches to another.
Dance round dance around Sadness.
The round dance diverges and in the center of the stage we see
charmingly cheerful creature.

WOMAN. Oh! This is the Game!

Guys, remember - we first rehearsed the meeting of madam,
Miss Games!
And meet Her - as it should be!

The children greet Mrs. Game in the same way as previously rehearsed.

A GAME. Thank you, thank you!
Buffoon. Oh! Is that how you played us?
QUEEN. Did you pretend to be Boredom Longing and Sadness?
WOMAN. Blizzard Blizzard and Blizzard?
GAME (proudly). And then who? I gave you such a test!
I was very interested - how will you behave?
Buffoon. So how is it?
A GAME. Wonderful! I see that my best, most
devoted friends! Game friends!
I am very glad that you are so friendly, so cheerful, so resourceful!
And I want to wish you many, many happy and joyful
moments in life!
And many, many new and wonderful games!
And always in a great mood!
And so that the magical power of the Game never leaves you!

Sounds like a Christmas tune.
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden run in.

FREEZING. Phew! Success!..

I hear - somewhere the children are playing! And they play so cheerfully and together that the Snow Maiden and I could not resist and ran here! On holiday!
SNOW MAIDEN. Because the holiday is only there - where it is fun and joyful!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden notice the Game.

FREEZING. Hello, Madam Game!
A GAME. Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Gesture on the audience.

Waiting for you guys!
Take on the holiday baton!
FREEZING. And I will!


There - in the foyer, the Christmas tree is already waiting for you and many, many wonderful New Year's differences!

Music sounds.
PEOPLE burst in in the images of NEW YEAR

CLOWNS-SNOWMANS. We have been transformed! Are we late?
FREEZING. You arrived on time! Take the kids to the New Year's ball!

Snowman clowns take children away in an organized manner
continuation of the holiday.

Role play with husband.

Girls and ladies, have you ever thought that after the birth of a child, your husband became more capricious, instead of throwing all his strength into helping you with the child, he pesters you with sex, and offers a minimum of help. I want to assure you that you are not alone. It’s easy to solve this problem, I won’t go into the psychological mood of a man, but he is the same as you wanted this child, but he doesn’t understand how you are mentally and physically tired, and he requires physical affection, despite your tired look. If you want him to change his attitude towards the family and fly home as if on wings, this is EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER. Don't ask yourself why I should do something to him first and not him. Yes, because you are a woman, you got what you dreamed of when you were a little girl, a wedding, a husband, a baby, so give him what he secretly dreams of - awesome sex, and role-playing games will help you with this.

And so, you nevertheless decided, then forget about shyness, put the children to bed, and at dinner hint to your beloved not to overeat, as in the evening a surprise awaits him.

And remember the main thing is that sex is safe, so remember about contraceptives.

Options for your roles in role-playing games.

I assure you, every man dreams of this.

A sexy nurse is doing an examination. Prepare for each role a real actress, so say the phrases that you will operate on so as not to laugh or hesitate in the process. Do not expect a man to start a dialogue with you, he can simply fall into a stupor with happiness, so you will mostly talk. Be the nurse who forgot honey. tools and therefore the temperature will be measured by the mouth, feel free to speak, undress, lower your weight, bend down. Say it confidently, you're in charge, it's very exciting. Examine all erogenous zones. A nurse costume can be made from improvised materials or bought in an adult store, it is inexpensive, but for your lover it will be a million-dollar evening.


Let him feel like a real oligarch who has a super sexy house housemaid. Scatter anything in front of him, turn around and bend down picking up each object. It is not necessary to wear panties at all. Turn around and ask in a low, low voice if he minds private cleaning. Sexy dance is welcome. Pick up sexy music. You can again buy a costume in an adult store, do not be stingy with buying panicles and other paraphernalia and feel free to use it.

Police officer.

This version of role-playing games is very suitable for wives, domineering and influential men. Arrange for your husband an interrogation with passion, for example, find out who in the world is nicer, more beautiful and whiter than everyone. Put him on a chair, if there are handcuffs, then it's just a bomb. Fasten his hands behind his back and proceed to torment. Namely, he cannot touch you, and this is the time to arrange a very frank dance in the immediate vicinity of him. Twist his nipples, kissing, bite your lip. Lick the baton while looking into his eyes. In general, do whatever your heart desires, since this is your man and the more depraved you are, the more he will be turned on.

Do not be afraid to replay here, let your beloved be the teacher to whom you came to answer the exam. Not forget to say that you forgot to prepare properly and were in such a hurry for the exam that you forgot to wear panties, be sure to demonstrate this to your husband. Be sincerely surprised that he hugs you, and do not understand what exactly he wants from you. Ask what exactly he wants from you, and if he knows how to do it, because you, of course, are completely unaware of the matter. When your loved one undresses, praise him for the size of his dignity and for the "firmness" of his intentions. That you are very pleased that he has such a reaction to you. The main thing is to be gentle and touchingly naive. When giving him pleasure, ask if you are doing it right or what else he would like to receive from you.

There is also a reverse version of this role-playing game, be a little depraved one who decided to seduce the teacher. Here show pressure and assure that you know how and what to do and he just needs to relax, and you will do everything yourself.

You can be a sexy bride, but you can also take out your wedding dress and just remember that wonderful day and enjoy each other. No need to send and pervert here, be yourself, and often say how you love your man.

Today in the role-playing game, the man will be the boss, close the door to the bedroom, which is his office for tonight . Say what you need to do while all the employees are at lunch. Here the main attribute is stockings and high-heeled shoes. Try to be as passionate as possible, arouse him roughly with your hands, and give yourself up on a table, chair or standing. In general, imitate fast and passionate lunchtime sex. But after such a quick sex, do not leave the unloved man, give him a back and calf massage, stroke him. In general, show your concern.


It's time to remember all the oily words, order, this evening - the man is a slave, and I think that he will accept the conditions of your role-playing game. Punish him for getting aroused when looking at you. You can flog with a whip, slap on the pope, not forgetting to ask if he likes such treatment, remember, the answer should only be positive.

Please yourself with his tongue and hands, but do not satisfy him until you see that he is already on the edge and ready to pounce on you.


There are situations when you cannot satisfy your man, you feel unwell, or you simply don’t want to, but he just demands. I offer you this option, it won’t bother you much, but your loved one will be pleased. Tell him to lie down and relax, stock up on some lube, and begin to caress him with your hands. For this version of the role-playing game, you will need a quiet room and subdued lighting. Caressing him, start your frank story. Surely you know some of his hidden dreams, breasts of the fifth size or several girls at once. Give him a chance to try it all. Describe in detail how you and another girl satisfy him, or how you take him by force. Perhaps how he in the bushes with the use of force deprives you of your virginity. More details, because everything you talk about he imagines. Maybe you can share your fantasy with him. This version of role-playing games will help you get closer, and at the same time learn something new about each other.

The Kingdom of the Other World is the name of a state in which there are no citizens: only citizens. There are also men here, but only as ... slaves. Journalist Lev Kunitsyn visited this amazing country and experienced all the delights.

KDM (Kingdom of the Other World) is a self-proclaimed microstate that emerged in 1996 on the territory of the Czech Republic. It was founded by members of the women's organization "Femdom", fighting for the dominance of women. Any adult woman who has lived in the KDM for 5 days and has her own slave (a man who is ready to obey her in everything) can become a citizen of the KDM. The language of communication is English.

Two hours drive north from Prague and we are in a gloomy wooded area near the ancient town of Cerna. We drive up to a wooden gate leading to the courtyard of a luxurious estate built on the ruins of a 16th-century castle.

Slave in a cage

I'm sorry, but I'll have to wear this! - my companion, a dark-eyed busty Englishwoman named Joan, holds out a pair of handcuffs. They won't let you in without them.

Joan, a correspondent for a women's website and an old friend of mine, is not visiting the Other World Realm for the first time. This time I persuaded her to take me with her as a boyfriend, or, in the local way, a slave. For free peasants are forbidden to enter the KDM, how!

The gate is guarded by a hefty jock in a steel collar. After checking Joan's invitation and giving me a hard look, he throws open the doors.

My companion goes to the exchange office. The local monetary unit - house (from the word "dominance") - is equal to about 20 rubles.

The long stone building of the hotel is located in a former stable. The room is a spacious whitewashed room with a vaulted ceiling, minimal furniture and... a cramped iron cage in the corner!

This is your place to sleep, - Joan nods at the creepy cell. And then he laughs loudly, unfastening the handcuffs on me. Well, jokes! .. It's good that we agreed to play mistress and slave only in public! Steeplechase

Slave riding

Hello, Joan! Is that your "pony" boy? a black latex-clad blonde asks, nodding at me. - Some kind of flimsy!

She herself holds on a leash a well-fed man dressed in a khaki jumpsuit. He is on all fours, bridled and saddled like a real horse. And, by God, he smiles happily, is about to neigh!

Winter races on "pony"-fights - that is, on us, men! - take place in the spacious carriage house (carriages are the only transport allowed in the Kingdom). Along the paths strewn with sawdust, crawling on all fours, puffing and puffing, "ponies", on which riders sit, with might and main beating them with whips. By the finish line, the knees of the crawlers are worn into the blood.

Hey, pull up! - shouts a hefty black woman, poking her "pony" in the ass with a stack (a stick with a sharp end). - If we lose, you will rake in full!

mistress and slaves

The punishment of slaves is a favorite pastime of local ladies. To do this, the Kingdom has a torture room with a whole arsenal of terrible tools - pincers, metal clothespins for intimate places, and even a real rack. And also a whole system of punishments for any offense - from a banal flogging to a long prison term in the basement of the castle. The backs and the buttocks of the slaves with nightmarish scars, slightly covered with shorts, are a common sight here.

And here is the royal guard - a militant-looking woman, making sure that the slaves do not rebel. They live in the estate permanently, while the main part of the inhabitants of the Kingdom come here for a while. But there are men who live in KDM permanently. They are considered the property of the queen and perform all kinds of work for the right to be here and endure humiliation. Basically, these are lovers of BDSM, although there are exceptions.

The local stoker, 48-year-old Ios from Holland, was convicted of rape 20 years ago. After serving his term and transferring all his property to the treasury of the Kingdom, he became a lifelong slave of Her Majesty. Thus, Ios decided to atone for his guilt before women.

What a game

I managed to see the local queen Patricia I only once - slender, silent, in a magnificent red wig and a sequined ball gown, she opened the hunting season with a wave of a scarf, in which I happened to participate as a game.

Fifteen minutes head start. Frantically looking for somewhere to hide. A forest, lightly covered with snow, more like a park, a lake... And then... bam! A chicken egg, launched with all the dope, spreads across the back of my head!

Got it! - squeals a hefty lady in a pink tracksuit. And swings the egg to shoot me again!

Soon, bound and chilled, I was taken to the hunters' camp along with five more "deer" and "boars". Thank you, at least they didn’t plant it on a spit!

spa slave

Other attractions in the Kingdom include a spa where slaves massage their mistresses' feet with their lips, a boxing ring (guess who they use as pears?), a slave market where a citizen can buy herself a "toy" to taste. As well as a nightclub, all the furniture in which is portrayed by men. Ladies sit on them, put glasses with drinks on their bent backs and prick with sharp heels. And in the mood they reward "furniture" with kicks.

Get up, cattle! Or someone wants to go to the punishment cell?! - a lady in a guards uniform drills a group of completely naked men under the windows of the hotel, doing push-ups right in the snow. What a blessing that this is my last morning in the cursed Kingdom...


Don't forget to tell your friends

The honeymoon and the first year of married life is a wonderful unforgettable time when the relationship between the newlyweds is filled with passion and an irrepressible desire for sex. But then, no matter how much the husband and wife love each other, the passion subsides, sex becomes ordinary, one might say, monotonous. Even worse, when a couple begins to set a schedule for making love, it's not far to go "left" trips. A calm family life pleases, but each person lacks that sharpness, that special zest that was at the very beginning of the relationship. To prevent this from happening, marriage can be strengthened by inventing role-playing games with your husband.

5 rules that make role-playing a real pleasure

It’s not enough to come up with a game, it’s not enough for the husband’s consent to participate in this game, besides this, you also need to know the rules and strictly follow them:

1. Throw away modesty and embarrassment, there should be complete emancipation of partners;
2. Play your role in all seriousness. If one of the spouses does not reincarnate in his image, according to the game, nothing will work, the game will be uninteresting and boring. At best, the whole action will end with ordinary sex, and at worst, the partner who played for real will be offended, and the spouses will sleep separately;
3. In no case do not think about how you look from the outside in this or that costume designed for role-playing. Such constraint will not allow you to feel the full enjoyment of everything that happens. The essence of the undertaking is precisely that you look unusual, not the way your husband is used to seeing you;
4. When starting a game for adults, forget about unwashed laundry, about an untidy house, or about the upcoming trip to the market. Drop all problems and worries for a while, play and enjoy;
5. Do not try to teach your husband how to behave better in the midst of the action, any advice on this matter from your side will ruin the whole game. Let the man express himself the way he wants. It may come as a surprise to you, but how interesting!

Most Played RPGs

What kind of games a couple chooses depends on their secret sexual desires and on their fantasy. For each action, it is necessary to purchase costumes. It is not necessary to go to a sex shop, although very unusual costumes are presented there, in some cases clothes can be bought in a regular store. For example, a business suit for a business woman or a flight attendant.

Let's figure out in what way most often a husband wants to see his wife during role-playing games in bed: a teacher, a governess, a nurse, a waitress, a strict business woman, a stewardess. This choice is explained simply, a man is a getter, a hunter, he is pleased to conquer the unattainable. The image of a business woman is the best fit for such a case, this also includes the image of a teacher. The rest of the heroines are the personification of sexuality. Their clothing consists of short skirts, open-cut blouses, and heeled shoes. There is a sweet smile on the face of the same stewardess or waitress, they are ready to serve you. What man can resist such an image in his own bedroom?

Some couples play dominant games of "mistress and slave" or vice versa. But here the main thing is not to overplay if the husband has chosen the role of mistress for you. It is necessary to control the course of the game so as not to infringe on male pride.

There are many options for role-playing games in bed, each couple has their own preferences, their own options, the main thing is that both the husband and the wife like the action. It is easier to play the role of a maid or a flight attendant than to find out after a few years of married life that the husband really started an affair with a representative of such a profession. Refresh your feelings, do not keep unused energy in yourself, turn making love with your husband into an interesting and enjoyable game. Your marriage will only benefit from such innovations!



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