Open wounds of the head. Examples of description of external injuries (from the point of view of a forensic expert)

Head - Caput

The victim was hit on the head with a heavy blunt object. In the area of ​​injury, in the fronto-parietal region, a wound with jagged edges 4 cm long, bleeding. Crushed non-viable tissues around the wound. The bones of the skull are intact to the touch.

D.S. Bruised wound of the fronto-parietal region on the right.

Vulnus contusum regionis frontoparietalis dextrae.

Pain in the cheek, aggravated by chewing. According to the victim, three days ago there was a small abrasion on his cheek. No primary treatment of the wound was performed. Redness with indistinct contours and measuring 3 by 4 cm on the right cheek. The cheek is swollen, swollen, hot to the touch. In the center of the purple-red infiltrate there is a small wound under the crust, scanty discharge of a purulent nature.

D.S. Infected wound of the right cheek.

Vulnus infectum regionis buccalis dextrae.

Complaints of pain in the lobe of the left ear. The victim's earring was torn out of her left ear. On the lobe of the left ear there is a through lacerated wound about 1 cm long with uneven edges, directed vertically downwards. There is some bleeding.

D.S. Rupture of the lobe of the left ear.

Vulnus laceratum lobuli auris sinistri.

Man 23 years old.
Complaints of pain, swelling, burning sensation in the left auricle.

According to the patient, during sleep, a playing dog bit his ear. The dog is domestic, well-groomed, all vaccinations are made on time, documents for the dog and vaccinations are available. Prior to the arrival of the SMP team, he independently treated the wound with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
When viewed on the inner surface of the left auricle, a bitten wound, the edges are even, d=0.2 x 0.5 cm, does not bleed; ear wound swollen, hyperemic. Painful on palpation. Hearing acuity is not impaired.

Ds. Bitten wound of the left ear.

Vulnus morsum auriculae sinistrae.

Treatment of the wound with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Processing the edges of the wound with tincture of iodine. Adhesive bandage.

The victim fell while skating. In the fall, he injured his lower lip. On external examination, the red border of the lower lip is dissected in the middle of its length. The wound has a vertical direction with uneven edges about 1 cm long, moderately bleeds.

D.S. Bruised wound of the lower lip.

Vulnus contusum labii inferioris.

The victim was cutting a metal plate with a chisel. The left eyebrow was cut with a fragment. The wound has an oblique direction and is located closer to the bridge of the nose, moderately bleeds. The length of the wound is about 1.5 cm, the edges are uneven. The bone is intact.

D.S. Bruised wound of the left eyebrow.

Vulnus contusum supercilii sinistri .

The victim was chopping wood, a large chip broke off and hit his forehead. Consciousness did not lose. On the forehead there is a moderately bleeding wound about 3 cm long, the edges are uneven. There is a zone of necrosis around the wound. The frontal bone is intact to the touch. The general condition of the patient is satisfactory.

D.S. Bruised wound of the frontal region.

Vulnus contusum regionis frontalis.

While working on the loom, the hair of the victim was twisted on the rotating shaft of the loom, and the skin was torn off the parieto-occipital region of the head. In the left parieto-occipital region, an exfoliated skin flap measuring 5 by 8 cm, oval in shape with uneven edges, is kept only in the forehead area. The wound surface bleeds profusely. The victim is agitated and crying.

D.S. Scalped head wound.

Vulnus panniculatum capitis.

Man 47 years old. Complaints of headache, dizziness, pain in the chest during breathing and movement. Chronic diseases are denied. According to the man, about an hour ago, he opened the front door to the bell, and was beaten at home by two unknown people. Can't say for sure if he lost consciousness or not. I have been drinking alcohol for the last three days. Urination and stool - b / o.

Consciousness is clear. 130/80 mm. Heart rate = 80 per minute. RR = 18 per minute. Skin of normal color. Breathing is vesicular, weakened. Spares the chest when breathing. Visually - swelling of the face, numerous hematomas, hematoma of the right paraorbital region. Deformation and swelling in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, back of the nose, pain on palpation. Sharp pain on palpation of the 5th and 6th ribs on the left along the anterior axillary line. Crepitus is not detected. Signs of alcohol intoxication: the smell of alcohol from the mouth, unsteady gait.

Ds.ZTCHMT. Brain concussion? Bruises of the soft tissues of the head. Closed fracture of the bones of the nose? Closed fracture of the left 5-6 rib?

Trauma craniocerebrale clausum. Commotio cerebri? Contusions textuum mollium capitis. Fractura ossium nasi clausa. Fractura costarum V-VI (quintae et sextae) sinistrarum?

Sol. Dolaci 3% - 1 ml i.v.

Sol.Natrii chloridi 0.9% - 10 ml

Transportation to the trauma center.

Reported to the local police station.

Neck - Collum

The victim was stabbed in the right side of the neck with a knife. The skin is pale, lies on the ground, inhibited. In the region of the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the right (approximately in the middle of its length) there is a gaping deep wound about 1.5 cm long, from which scarlet blood is rhythmically ejected. Pulse frequent weak filling. Breathing shallow, frequent.

D.S. Stab-incised wound of the lateral surface of the neck with a carotid injury and bleeding.

Vulnus punctoincisivum faciei lateralis colli et laesio traumatica arteriae carotis cum haemorrhagia.

Complaints of pain in the upper half of the neck, difficulty in swallowing and breathing. The victim (a young girl) made an unsuccessful suicide attempt. I tried to hang myself.

An external examination of the neck shows a purple-bluish bruise - a trace from the rope. The neck is swollen, edematous, palpation of the injury site is painful. The patient is conscious. The pulse is frequent, weak filling, breathing is shallow, frequent.

D.S. Closed damage to the soft tissues of the neck. Suicidal attempt.

Laesio traumatica textuum mollium colli clausa. Tentamen suicidii.

Complaints of pain when swallowing. The victim in the fight was hit with a sharp object (wide screwdriver) in the neck area. On external examination, on the anterior surface of the neck on the left behind the thyroid cartilage, an oval-shaped wound about 1 cm long with jagged edges gapes. The wound is bleeding moderately. When swallowed, saliva and food are released from the wound. Breathing is normal, through the nose. There is no subcutaneous emphysema.

D.S. Stab-lacerated neck wound with damage to the esophagus.

Vulnus punctolaceratum collicum laesione traumatica oesophagi.

Upper limb. Brush. Forearm. Shoulder. - Extremitas superior. Manus. Antebrachium. Brachium.

The victim complains of pain in the right hand. The injury occurred at work: a metal part fell on the back of the hand.

On the back surface of the right hand there is a subcutaneous purple-bluish hematoma of a round shape measuring 4 by 5 cm. Due to swelling, he cannot fully clench his fingers into a fist. The skin in the area of ​​injury is not damaged. fluctuation is determined.

D.S. Contusion of the dorsum of the right hand.

Contusio faciei dorsalis manus dextrae.

The victim complains of pain in the left hand. The patient was hit hard with a heavy blunt object in the palm of his hand. On examination, the palmar surface of the left hand is edematous, painful on palpation, the fingers are in a bent position, movements are limited. Cannot fully clench fingers into a fist. The skin of the hand is not damaged.

D.S. Contusion of the palmar surface of the left hand.

Contusio faciei anterioris manus sinistrae.

The victim complained of a feeling of pressure and pain in the fourth finger of the left hand. He asks to remove the ring from his finger, which causes great inconvenience.

A metal ring is tightly worn on the main phalanx of the fourth finger of the left hand. Below the ring, the finger is edematous, somewhat cyanotic. Due to swelling, movement is limited. Sensitivity is preserved in full.

D.S. Compression by a foreign object (ring) 4 fingers of the left hand.

Compressio digiti quarti manus sinistrae per corporem alienum (per anulum).

The victim hammered a nail into the wall and hit with a hammer on the nail phalanx of the second finger of the left hand.

The nail phalanx of the II finger is edematous, sore on palpation. In the center of the nail plate there is an oval purple-cyanotic hematoma about 1 cm in size. The nail does not exfoliate.

D.S. Subungual hematoma of the II finger of the left hand.

Haematoma subunguinalis digiti secundi manus sinistrae.

A teenager in a physical education class at school hit his right hand on a sports equipment. There is a subcutaneous hematoma on the dorsal surface of the middle phalanx of the 3rd finger of the right hand. The finger is edematous, painful when palpated. Flexion is limited. The skin is not damaged. The load along the axis of the finger is painless.

D.S.. Contusion of the middle phalanx IIIfingers of the right hand.

Contusio phalangis medialis digiti tertii manus dextrae.

The locksmith tidied up the workplace. Damaged the right hand with technical debris (chips, small pieces of glass). The skin of the right hand is stained with fuel oil and oil paint. On the palmar surface there are many small abrasions and wounds. Bleeding from them is insignificant.

D.S.. Multiple wounds and abrasions of the right hand.

Vulnera multiplices et excoriationes manus dextrae.

The victim was cut by a piece of broken window glass. On the back surface of the right hand there is a shallow wound about 4 cm long with smooth edges, bleeding moderately. Sensitivity and motor function of the fingers of the damaged hand are preserved.

D.S.. Incised wound on the dorsum of the right hand.

Vulnus incisivum faciei dorsalis manus dextrae.

The victim was stabbed in the fight. The dorsum of the left hand was damaged. On external examination, on the dorsum of the hand in the area II the metacarpal bone has a cut wound about 1.5 cm long. The peripheral end of the transected tendon is visible in the depth of the wound. The wound is bleeding moderately. II the finger is bent. The patient cannot straighten it on their own.

D.S.. extensor tendon injury IIfingers of the left hand.

Laesio tendinis musculi extensoris digiti secundi manus sinistrae.

The victim received a sharp blow from the opening door on the straightened tense fingers of the left hand. As a result, the nail phalanx III finger sharply bent and as if "hanging". On the back surface III finger of the left hand in the distal interphalangeal joint there is a slight swelling, moderately painful on palpation. The nail phalanx is bent and does not unbend on its own. Passive movements are preserved.

D.S.. extensor tendon rupture IIIfingers of the left hand.

Ruptura tendinis musculi extensoris digiti tertii manus sinistrae.

The young victim worked with a shovel without mittens in the garden. As a result of prolonged friction of the shovel handle on the palmar surface, a callus formed on the right hand. On the palm of the hand, the surface layer of the skin exfoliated and a tense red bubble, about 2 cm in size, filled with liquid, formed under it. The bubble is not opened, palpation is painful.

D.S.. Callus on the palmar surface of the right hand.

clavus faciei palmaris manus dextrae.

The victim, defending himself from a knife blow, grabbed the knife with his right hand by the blade. The attacker with force pulled it out of the victim's hand. As a result, a deep wound formed on the palmar surface of the right hand.

On the palmar surface there is a deep transverse wound 4 cm long with smooth edges and severe bleeding. In the depths of the wound, in the area III finger, the peripheral end of the tendon is visible, there is no central end in the wound. III the finger is extended and there is no active flexion of the terminal and middle phalanges. With passive flexion, the finger again unbends on its own. Sensitivity saved.

D.S.. Dissection of the superficial and deep flexor tendon IIIfingers of the right hand.

Dissecatio tendinum superficialis et profundae flexoris digiti tertii manus dextrae.

According to the mother, the child fell on an outstretched hand, while the hand turned inside. Disturbed by pain in the left wrist joint. On external examination, there is swelling of the dorsal surface of the wrist joint, severe pain when flexing the hand. The load along the axis of the forearm is painless. On palpation of the wrist, the child feels pain.

D.S.. Sprain of the ligaments of the left wrist joint.

Distorsio articulationis radiocarpalis sinistrae.

The victim injured the back of his forearm with a piece of broken glass while removing a window frame.

On the back surface of the lower third of the left forearm there is a wound with smooth edges and moderate bleeding, 5 cm long. Sensitivity and motor function of the fingers are preserved in full.

D.S.. Incised wound on the dorsum of the left forearm.

Vulnus incisivum faciei dorsalis antebrachii sinistri.

An 18-year-old woman, for the purpose of suicide, inflicted a wound on herself with a blade on the flexor surface of the left forearm.

Satisfactory condition, clear consciousness. The skin is pale. Heart rate 85 per minute. Pulse of weak filling. BP 90/50 mm Hg In the lower third of the left forearm there is a cut wound, located across, about 4 cm long with smooth edges. The wound gapes wide, dark red blood slowly flows out of it in a continuous stream. There are several parallel shallow skin abrasions near the wound.

D.S.. Incised wound of the left forearm with venous bleeding, signs of acute anemia.

Vulnus incisivum antebrachii sinistri cum haemorrhagia venosa, signa anemiae acutae.

While chopping firewood, an ax flew off an ax handle and injured his left forearm with a point. On external examination, on the anterior surface of the left forearm in the middle third, there is a deep chopped wound directed across the forearm, about 4 cm long, with smooth edges. The wound gapes widely and bleeds profusely. The hand is in an extended position, there are no active flexion movements. In the depth of the wound, the ends of the dissected muscle are determined - the radial flexor of the wrist.

D.S.. Chopped wound of the left forearm with damage to the wrist flexor muscle.

Vulnus scissum antebrachii sinistri cum laesione traumatica musculi flexoris carpi radialis.

A teenager while rollerblading behind a truck fell to the pavement, putting forward his left hand. The blow landed on the forearm. There is a large wound with jagged edges in the middle third of the left forearm. The skin on the palmar surface of the forearm was torn off. In some places, the skin flaps are separated from the underlying tissue and hang down, part of the skin is lost.

D.S.. Patchwork wound in the middle third of the left forearm.

Vulnus panniculatum tertiae medialis antebrachii sinistri.

A 14-year-old schoolboy tried to pet a stray dog, she bit him and ran away. When examining the right forearm on the back surface in the lower third, there are several deep, irregularly shaped wounds with imprints of teeth. The wounds are contaminated with the saliva of the animal, bleed moderately.

D.S.. Bite wound on right forearm.

Vulnus morsum antebrachii dextri.

A young woman, when attempting suicide, stuck one branch of the scissors into her left cubital fossa, and closed the second branch. Thus cut the vessels in the cubital fossa. Soon, a neighbor in a communal apartment helped the victim: she put a dense roller into the cubital fossa and bent her arm as much as possible, called the ambulance. In the left cubital fossa there was a stab wound about 2 cm long, with smooth edges. Blood flows from the wound in a pulsating stream of bright red color. The patient is pale, covered with cold sweat, indifferent to the environment, complains of dizziness and dry mouth. The pulse is frequent, weak filling, blood pressure is below normal.

D.S.. Stab wound of the left cubital fossa with arterial bleeding and acute anemia.

Vulnus punctoincisum fossae cubitalis cum haemorrhagia arteriale et anemia acuta.

An 18-year-old victim was bitten by a tick in the right forearm during field work. Objectively: on the anterior surface of the middle third of the right forearm, the head and thorax of the tick are firmly embedded in the skin, and the abdomen, filled with blood, protrudes outward. Around the tick, the skin is slightly hyperemic, the wound is slightly painful.

D.S.. Tick ​​bite on right forearm.

Punctum acari antebrachii dextri.

The man was shot with a pistol from a distance of about 20 meters. Damaged right hand. He was taken to the trauma department of the hospital. When examining the right hand on the palmar surface there is a penetrating gunshot wound. The entrance wound is funnel-shaped and concave and is located in the hypothenar area; the exit wound is in the area of ​​the base of the 1st finger, the edges are inverted, uneven, moderately bleeding. The motor and sensory function of the 1st and 5th fingers is impaired. The bones are not damaged.

D.S.. Through gunshot wound of the soft tissues of the palmar surface of the right hand.

Vulnus sclopetarium bifore textuum mollium faciei palmaris manus dextrae.

A young man hit his left shoulder on a hard object during an accident. 1 hour after the injury, the victim went to the emergency room. Objectively: in the area of ​​the left deltoid muscle there is a wound with uneven, crushed edges, about 5 cm long. Moderate bleeding. Around the wound, non-viable tissues - a zone of necrosis of a purple-bluish color. Motor and sensory functions of the shoulder joint are preserved in full. The wound is heavily soiled with earth and scraps of clothing.

D.S.. Bruised wound of the left shoulder joint.

Vulnus contusum regionis articulationis humeri sinistrae.

Thorax - Thorax

The teenager was hit with a heavy blunt object in the chest. Went to the emergency room. During external examination on the chest on the right in the area V, VI and VII ribs along the mid-clavicular line is determined by swelling and a small subcutaneous hematoma. Palpation of this area is painful, there is no crepitus. Raising the right arm and lateral inclinations of the body are not painful. Taking a deep breath is painful, but possible.

D.S.. Contusion of the right half of the chest.

Contusio dimidii dextri thoracis.

The victim was sitting on the windowsill, was injured by a large piece of broken window glass. Objectively: there is a shallow wound about 5 cm long with smooth edges on the back below the left shoulder blade, bleeding moderately. The bottom of the wound is the subcutaneous fat.

D.S.. Incised wound of the left subscapular region.

Vulnus incisivum regionis subscapularis sinistri.

A young man was taken to the trauma department of the hospital with a gunshot wound to the right half of the chest. Objectively: on the anterior wall of the chest in the region of 6-7 ribs on the right midclavicular line there is an inlet of a gunshot wound with funnel-shaped retracted edges. On the back, slightly below the lower angle of the right shoulder blade, there is a second wound of much larger size (exit). Severe condition. The wounded is restless, pale, cyanotic. Complains of cough, chest pain. Breathing is frequent, shallow. The arterial pressure is lowered, the pulse is frequent. Through the wounds (inlet and outlet), bloody blisters are released. When you inhale, air passes through them with a characteristic whistling sound. Breathing on the damaged side is not determined. The victim has severe respiratory failure.

D.S.. A through gunshot wound to the right half of the chest. Open pneumothorax.

Vulnus sclopetarium bifore dimidii dextri thoracis. Pneumothorax apertus.

The young man was stabbed in the chest. When examining the chest on the left along the anterior axillary line between the 5th and 6th ribs, there is a small stab wound about 1.5 cm long. Due to the retraction of the pectoral muscles, the external wound is closed. There is no further entry of air through the wound into the pleural cavity. The patient has shortness of breath, slight cyanosis. During auscultation, respiratory sounds on the left are significantly weakened, tympanic sound is determined percussion here.

D.S.. Penetrating wound to the left side of the chest. closed pneumothorax.

Vulnus penetrans dimidii sinistri thoracis. pneumothorax clausus.

While unloading scrap metal, he was hit in the side by a heavy metal blank. Complaints of pain at the site of injury, thirst, vomiting. In the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, subcutaneous hemorrhages are visible. Muscular defense in the upper abdomen on the right. The skin is pale, blood pressure is low. Respiration is frequent, superficial, tachycardia. The abdomen is swollen, Shchetkin's symptom is positive in the right hypochondrium. Percussion is determined by an increase in the liver.

D.S. Blunt chest trauma with liver injury.

Trauma obtusum thoracis cum laesione traumatica hepatis.

A man in a quarry filled up with sand. Was under the rubble for about 30 minutes. The chest was compressed. He was taken to the Department of Thoracic Surgery. The patient is retarded. Complains of chest pain, tinnitus, impaired vision and hearing. The skin of the upper half of the chest, head and neck has a bright red color with multiple petechial hemorrhages. Auscultation of the lungs revealed a large number of moist rales.

D.S.. Compression of the chest. traumatic asphyxia.

Compressio thoracis. Asphyxia traumatica.

A 20-year-old victim in a street fight was stabbed in the back.

On external examination, there is a stab wound in the region of the IV thoracic vertebra, from which cerebrospinal fluid flows along with blood. There is spastic paralysis of the right lower limb with loss of deep and partly tactile sensitivity. On the left side developed severe pain and temperature anesthesia below the level of injury.

D.S. Stab wound of the thoracic spine with spinal cord injury.

Vulnus punctoincisivum partis thoracalis columnae vertebralis cum laesione medullae spinalis.

A middle-aged man was dismantling an old house, and the ceiling collapsed on him. Large pieces of boards, bars, earth fell on his back and crushed the victim.

On external examination of the back, there is a subcutaneous hematoma located along the spinous processes of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th thoracic vertebrae. Palpation of the area of ​​injury is painful. There are no obvious signs of a spinal fracture. There are no neurological symptoms. The patient was hospitalized for observation. By the end of the first day, the state of health gradually began to deteriorate. Girdle radicular pain appeared. Then conduction disorders began to develop (paresis, turning into paralysis, hypoesthesia, anesthesia, urinary retention). Subsequently, bedsores and ascending cystopyelonephritis, congestive pneumonia appeared.

D.S. Compression of the spinal cord by an epidural hematoma in the thoracic spine.

Compressio medullae spinalis haematomate epidurale in partem thoracicam columnae vertebralis.


The patient was delivered to the clinic with a stomach injury. Complaints of pain in the area of ​​injury and vomiting with blood. On external examination, in the epigastric region, a large wound gapes with a prolapse of a loop of the small intestine, parts of the omentum and part of the damaged wall of the stomach.

D.S. Penetrating wound of the anterior abdominal wall with eventeration and injury to the stomach.

Vulnus parietis anterioris abdominis penetrans cum eventeratione et vulneratione traumatica ventriculi.

A 60-year-old man was delivered to the abdominal surgery clinic, who, according to passers-by, fell from the balcony of the third floor. The patient is unconscious, the skin is pale. Pulse is frequent, thready, BP 70/50 mm Hg. Art. Breathing shallow, frequent. The number of erythrocytes and the value of hemoglobin are significantly reduced. In the operating room, the patient was transfused with 1000 ml of single-group blood. BP increased to 90/60 mm Hg. Art. The patient regained consciousness and complained of severe abdominal pain. After 20 minutes, blood pressure dropped again, and the victim lost consciousness. Significantly increased the volume of the abdomen. Between the palms placed on the lateral surfaces of the abdomen, fluctuation is determined.

D.S.. Rupture of the spleen, rupture of the mesenteric vessels. Traumatic shock.

Raptura lienis, ruptura vasorum mesentericorum. Afflictus traumaticus.

Delivered to the clinic of abdominal surgery after an accident. Disturbed by severe pain throughout the abdomen. On examination, a bruised wound was found on the anterior abdominal wall to the right of the navel. The patient lies motionless on his side with his knees pulled up to his stomach, does not allow to touch the abdominal wall. Touch increases the pain, and light pressure causes a sharp tension in the abdominals. On palpation, the abdomen is flattened. Shchetkin-Blumberg's symptom is positive. Auscultatory peristalsis is not determined. There is no stool, gases do not go away, little urine is released. The patient suffers from frequent vomiting. He periodically loses consciousness, does not react to others, reluctantly answers questions. Breathing is frequent, shallow. Pulse of small filling, frequent. Tongue dry, covered with white coating. Body temperature 38.5 C.

D.S.. Penetrating wound of the abdomen. Rupture of the small intestine. spilled peritonitis.

Vulnus abdominis penetrans.Ruptura intestini tenuae. Peritonitis diffusa.

The patient was delivered to the clinic with a gunshot wound to the right hypochondrium. On the anterior wall of the abdomen in the region of the right hypochondrium there is a gunshot wound with uneven funnel-shaped retracted edges. Blood and bile are abundantly secreted from the wound. Defense is determined in the right hypochondrium and a positive symptom of Shchetkin-Blumberg. Belly swollen. BP is low, the pulse is thready, frequent. Skin is pale

D.S. Gunshot wound to the abdomen with damage to the liver and bile ducts.

Vulnus abdominis sclopetarium cum laesione hepatis et ductuum choledochorum.

The police officer was stabbed in the stomach during the arrest of the offender. On examination, the abdomen participates in the act of breathing. On the front wall of the abdomen there is a stab wound about 2 cm long, 3 cm to the left of the umbilical ring. There is a slight swelling in the area of ​​the wound, palpation of the abdomen is painful only at the site of injury. The tension of the abdominal muscles is determined only within the wound. Peritoneal symptoms, vomiting, flatulence, increased heart rate are absent. Body temperature is normal.

D.S.. Stab-cut wound of the anterior abdominal wall.

Vulnus punctoincisivum parietis anterioris abdominis.

Loin - Regio lumbalis

The young man was taken to the urological department. According to the victim, he was kicked in the lumbar region. The injury resulted in severe back pain. When viewed in the lumbar region on the right there is swelling, subcutaneous bruising. Urine is intensely stained with blood (hematuria). Pulse and blood pressure are within normal limits. The patient underwent an overview radiography of the kidneys and excretory urography with intravenous administration of a radiopaque substance.

D.S. Closed subcapsular rupture of the right kidney.

Ruptura renis dextriclausa subcapsularis.

The victim was stabbed in the lumbar region during a fight. Disturbed by pain at the site of injury. In the lumbar region to the left of the spine, 5 cm below the 12th rib, there is a stab wound about 2 cm long. There is intense bleeding from the wound. Macrohematuria. There is no urine in bloody discharge from the wound. The general condition is satisfactory.

D.S. Stab-cut wound of the lumbar region with damage to the left kidney.

Vulnus punctoincisivum regionis lumbalis cum laesione traumatica renis sinistri.

Genital organs - Organa genitalia

A 35-year-old woman was kicked by her husband in the pubic area. The victim went to the emergency room 2 days after the injury. Complains of pain at the site of injury. Objectively: the pubic area and the right labia majora are swollen. A purple-cyanotic subcutaneous hematoma is determined. Blood fluctuates in the thickness of the bruised tissues. The bones of the pelvis are intact to the touch. Urination is normal, there is no blood in the urine. The function of the lower extremities is preserved in full.

D.S. Injury to the external genitalia.

Contusio organorum genitaliorum externorum.

Hip- Femur

The young man was stabbed in the right thigh. The victim lies on his right side, under him a pool of blood. The face is pale, the pulse is frequent, weak filling. Consciousness is preserved. On the front surface of the right thigh, just below the inguinal fold, there is a stab wound, from which scarlet blood is ejected in pulsating shocks.

D.S. Stab wound of the right thigh with arterial bleeding.

Vulnus punctoincisivum femoris dextricum haemorrhagia arteriale.

Man 47 years old. Complaints of pain in the area of ​​the wound, fever in the body.

According to the patient, about a day ago he injured his leg on a wooden leg of a chair. The wound was not treated. Today there were pains in the area of ​​the wound and fever in the body. According to him, almost every day (except today) he drinks alcohol. Suffering from epilepsy. No treatment for epilepsy. Working BP does not know. He has not been vaccinated against tetanus for 10 years. Vulnus infectiosum tertiae inferioris femoris sinistri. Knee, shin - Genu, crus

An elderly woman suffered a knee injury in a fall. Disturbed by pain in the knee joint. The right knee joint is enlarged in volume, its contours are smoothed. On palpation, fluid is determined, the patella ballots when pressed. The movements of the right knee joint are somewhat limited and painful. The leg is in a bent position.

D.S. Contusion, hemarthrosis of the right knee joint.

Contusio, haemarthrosis articulationis genus dextrae.

A 20-year-old man was injured while training in freestyle wrestling. The partner crushed his leg, straightened in the right knee joint with his body. The blow fell on the inner side of the joint. The victim came a day later to the emergency room with complaints of pain in the area of ​​injury and instability in the knee joint when walking.

Objectively. The right knee joint is edematous, its contours are smoothed, a bruise is visible on the inside, palpation of the internal condyle of the thigh is painful. When straightening the leg in the knee joint, there is an excessive deviation of the lower leg outward and the volume of its external rotation is significantly increased. Flexion and extension at the knee joint is not limited.

D.S. Rupture of the medial lateral ligament of the right knee joint.

Ruptura ligamenti collateralis tibialis articulationis genus dextrae.

At wrestling competitions, a young man experienced a sharp “over-extension” in the knee joint. As a result, something crunched in the knee joint, and severe pain appeared. The victim did not ask for help, bandaged his knee with an elastic bandage. After 5 days he went to the trauma department. Disturbed by instability in the left knee joint when walking. Difficulty climbing stairs. The patient cannot sit down on the left leg. Examination of the left knee joint revealed excessive mobility of the lower leg when it was extended anteriorly in relation to the thigh (symptom of the "anterior drawer"). The leg was bent at a right angle at the knee joint and relaxed. No fracture is seen on x-ray.

D.S. Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the left knee joint.

Ruptura ligamenti cruciati anterii articulationis genus sinistrae.

The man, rubbing the floor with a brush put on his right leg, abruptly turned his body with a fixed lower leg. After that, he felt a sharp pain in his right knee joint. Disturbed by pain in the knee joint, aggravated when descending the stairs. On examination, the right knee joint was edematous, hemarthrosis. Full extension of the knee joint is impossible, as pain appears in its depth. When feeling the joint, local pain is noted at the level of the joint space between the ligaments of the patella and the internal lateral ligament of the knee joint. With flexion-extensor movements, a clicking sound is heard in the damaged joint. There are no bone lesions on the radiograph of the knee joint. History of psoriasis for many years. Habitual BP 130/80 mm

Objectively: the condition is satisfactory. Consciousness is clear. AD 140/80 mm. rt st.

Heart rate = 90 per minute. On the left lower leg in the lower third - a bandage soaked in blood, above the bandage - a rubber tourniquet. The skin of the foot is cyanotic. On the skin of the limbs and trunk there are psoriatic plaques from 0.5 to 1.5 cm, merging in places. After removing the tourniquet and bandage, dark blood flows out of a small wound on the inner surface of the lower leg in a thin stream.

Ds.Venous bleeding from the left leg.

Haemorrhagia venosa ex crure sinistro.

Help. An aseptic pressure bandage was applied. Transportation to the surgical department.

Ankle joint, foot - Articulatio talocruralis, pes

While walking, the victim sprained her leg (the high heel fell into a crevice, and the right foot twisted inward). There was pain in the area of ​​the outer ankle. The victim went to the emergency room. Examination of the right ankle joint showed swelling along the outer surface of the foot and below the outer ankle. There is also pain on palpation. Movements in the ankle joint are preserved in full, painful. Palpation of the outer ankle is painless.

D.S. Stretching of the external lateral ligament of the right ankle joint.

Distorsio ligamenti talofibularis anterii dextri.

Any head injury is considered dangerous, as there is a high probability. At the same time, swelling of the brain tissue develops rapidly, which leads to wedging of a part of the brain into the foramen magnum. The result of this is a violation of the activity of vital centers that are responsible for breathing and blood circulation - a person quickly loses consciousness, and there is a high probability of death.

Another reason for the high risk of head injuries is the excellent blood supply to this part of the body, which leads to large blood loss in case of damage. And in this case, it will be necessary to stop the bleeding as soon as possible.

It is important for everyone to know how to competently provide first aid for head injuries - correctly carried out activities can really save the life of the victim.

Head injuries and soft tissue injuries

The soft tissues of the head include the skin, muscles, and subcutaneous tissue. If they are bruised, then pain occurs, a swelling may appear a little later (the well-known “bumps”), the skin at the site of the bruise becomes red, and a bruise subsequently forms.

In case of a bruise, it is necessary to apply cold to the injured area - it can be a bottle of cold water, a heating pad with ice, a bag of meat from the freezer. Next, you need to apply a pressure bandage and be sure to deliver the victim to a medical facility, even if he feels great. The fact is that only a specialist can give an objective assessment of the state of health, exclude damage to the cranial bones and / or.

Damage to soft tissues can also be accompanied by intense bleeding, detachment of skin flaps is possible - doctors call this a scalped wound. If the blood flows slowly and has a dark color, then you need to apply a tight bandage to the wound with a sterile material - as an improvised tool, for example, an ordinary bandage or a piece of fabric ironed on both sides with a hot iron is suitable. If the blood spurts, then this indicates damage to the artery and the pressure bandage in this case becomes absolutely useless. It will be necessary to apply a tourniquet horizontally above the forehead and above the ears, but only if the scalp is damaged. If the victim has a slight blood loss (help was provided quickly), then he is taken to the hospital in a sitting or lying position - it is strictly forbidden for him to stand. If the blood loss is extensive, then the victim's skin rapidly acquires a pale hue, cold sweat appears on his face, arousal may occur, which turns into lethargy - urgent hospitalization is necessary and strictly accompanied by an ambulance brigade.

Algorithm of first aid action:

  1. The victim is placed on a flat surface, which is covered with something - a jacket, a blanket, any clothes. A roller is placed under the shins.
  2. If the patient is, then you need to put your palms on both sides under his lower jaw and slightly tilt your head back, while pushing your chin forward.
  3. The mouth of the victim should be cleaned of saliva with a clean handkerchief, and then you need to turn your head to the side - this will prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract.
  4. If there is a foreign body in the wound, then in no case should it be moved or attempted to be removed - this can increase the volume of brain damage and significantly increase bleeding.
  5. The skin around the lesion site is cleaned with a towel or any cloth, then a pressure bandage is applied to the wound: several layers of cloth / gauze, then any solid object (TV remote control, bar of soap) on top of the wound and bandaged well so that the object squeezes the vessel.
  6. If the bleeding is too strong and it is not possible to apply a bandage, then it is necessary to press the skin around the wound with your fingers so that the blood stops flowing. Such finger pressing must be carried out before the arrival of the ambulance team.

After the bleeding has stopped, ice or a bottle of cold water can be applied to the wound, the victim himself should be carefully covered and urgently taken to any medical facility.

Note:if there is a detached skin flap, then it must be wrapped in a sterile cloth (or any other rag), placed in a cold place (it is forbidden to apply it to ice!) And sent along with the victim to a medical facility - most likely, surgeons will be able to use this skin flap for performing operations to restore soft tissues.

Closed head injury

If the upper part of the skull has occurred, then it is almost impossible to determine whether there is a fracture without. Therefore, when hitting the scalp, it would be a mistake to think that there was only a bruise. The victim must be placed on a stretcher without a pillow, ice should be applied to the head and taken to a medical facility. If such an injury is accompanied by impaired consciousness and breathing, then assistance should be provided in accordance with the symptoms, up to indirect heart massage and artificial respiration.

The most severe and dangerous head injury is considered to be a fracture of the base of the skull. Such an injury often occurs when falling from a height, and brain damage is characteristic of it. A hallmark of a skull fracture is the discharge of a colorless liquid (liquor) or blood from the ears and nose. If at the same time an injury of the facial nerve also occurred, then the victim has facial asymmetry. The patient has a rare pulse, and a day later hemorrhage develops in the eye sockets.

Note:transportation of the victim with a fracture of the base of the skull must be extremely careful, without shaking the stretcher. The patient is placed on a stretcher on his stomach (in this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the absence of vomiting) or on his back, but in this position his head should be carefully turned to his side if he begins to vomit. In order to avoid retraction of the tongue during transportation on the back, the patient's mouth is slightly opened, a bandage is laid under the tongue (it is pulled out a little forward).

Maxillofacial trauma

With a bruise, severe pain and swelling will be noted, the lips quickly become inactive. First aid in this case consists in applying a pressure bandage and applying cold to the injury site.

With a fracture of the lower jaw, the victim cannot speak, profuse salivation begins from the half-open mouth. A fracture of the upper jaw is extremely rare, accompanied by acute pain and rapid accumulation of blood in the subcutaneous tissue, which radically changes the shape of the face.

What to do in case of jaw fractures:

Note:transportation of such a patient to a medical facility is carried out lying on his stomach. If the victim suddenly turns pale, then you need to raise the lower end of the stretcher (or just the legs if you are transporting yourself) so that a rush of blood goes to the head, but you need to make sure that the bleeding does not increase.

Dislocation of the lower jaw

This injury is very common, because it can happen when laughing, yawning too wide, when hit, and in older people there is a habitual dislocation of the jaw.

Signs of the condition in question:

  • open mouth;
  • severe salivation;
  • there is no speech (the victim makes lowing sounds);
  • jaw movements are difficult.

Help lies in the reduction of dislocation. To do this, the one who provides assistance, you need to stand in front of the victim, sitting on a chair. The thumbs are inserted into the mouth along the lower molars. Then the jaw is forced back and down with force. If the manipulation was carried out correctly, then the movements in the jaw and the speech of the victim are immediately restored.

Note:when repositioning, the jaw of the victim spontaneously closes with great amplitude and force. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, you need to wrap your fingers with any cloth and try immediately after the appearance of a characteristic click (this joint has fallen into place) to immediately pull your hands out of the victim’s mouth. Otherwise, it is possible to cause injury to the one who provides assistance.

They can appear as a result of injury from a blow, fall, bruise. The victim needs to be given first aid and brought to the traumatology department.

What is a wound

A wound is a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes. It can be superficial or deep, cut or torn. Regardless of the severity of the lesion, the wound must be carefully treated.

What you need to treat a wound


  • alcohol;
  • brilliant green or iodine;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • plastic bag;
  • heating pad;
  • sterile gauze;
  • bandage.

Preparation for the procedure

Before giving first aid, thoroughly wash your hands and treat them with rubbing alcohol or any other alcohol-containing liquid to prevent infection from entering the wound. It is necessary to clean the wound on the head with a sterile gauze swab. You should not use cotton wool, its particles can remain in the wound, which will provoke additional complications. When the scalp is damaged, you need to cut the hair around at a distance of two centimeters, wash the damaged area with chlorhexidine, 3% hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Around the wound, you need to generously lubricate the skin with alcohol, brilliant green, iodine, a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. It is important to ensure that drugs do not get into the damaged area, as they can cause tissue burns, which will seriously complicate the process of further healing.

When the bleeding doesn't stop

If the blood flow is plentiful, you need to independently attach a gauze sterile swab to the wound site. Then apply a pressure bandage. To reduce swelling, pain, stop bleeding, an ice pack or a heating pad filled with cold water should be applied to the bandage. As the water starts to warm up, change the heating pad. This is especially true for the warm season, when the path to the traumatology department takes a long time.

What to do with foreign objects in the wound

Such objects that are deep in the wound do not need to be removed by yourself. Doing this is very dangerous, as bleeding can increase. Only a qualified traumatologist or surgeon can carry out manipulations to cure foreign objects.

Don't neglect the emergency

Regardless of the degree of damage to the head, immediately call an ambulance or take the victim to the nearest traumatology department. In the case of a deep wound, there is a danger that the membranes of the brain will become inflamed, which sometimes leads to death, so even a slight delay in providing specialized medical care can cost the patient his life.

We process the wound on the head correctly.

Wounds on the head are usually divided into cut, stab, torn. They can appear as a result of injury from a blow, fall, bruise. The victim needs to be given first aid and brought to the traumatology department.

How to properly treat a head wound

A wound is a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes. It can be superficial or deep, cut or torn. Regardless of the severity of the lesion, the wound must be carefully treated.

What you need to treat a wound

  • alcohol;
  • brilliant green or iodine;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • plastic bag;
  • heating pad;
  • sterile gauze;
  • bandage.

Preparation for the procedure

Before giving first aid, thoroughly wash your hands and treat them with rubbing alcohol or any other alcohol-containing liquid to prevent infection from entering the wound. It is necessary to clean the wound on the head with a sterile gauze swab. You should not use cotton wool, its particles can remain in the wound, which will provoke additional complications. When the scalp is damaged, you need to cut the hair around at a distance of two centimeters, wash the damaged area with chlorhexidine, 3% hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Wound treatment

Around the wound, you need to generously lubricate the skin with alcohol, brilliant green, iodine, a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. It is important to ensure that drugs do not get into the damaged area, as they can cause tissue burns, which will seriously complicate the process of further healing.

When the bleeding doesn't stop

If the blood flow is plentiful, you need to independently attach a gauze sterile swab to the wound site. Then apply a pressure bandage. To reduce swelling, pain, stop bleeding, an ice pack or a heating pad filled with cold water should be applied to the bandage. As the water starts to warm up, change the heating pad. This is especially true for the warm season, when the path to the traumatology department takes a long time.

What to do with foreign objects in the wound

Such objects that are deep in the wound do not need to be removed by yourself. Doing this is very dangerous, as bleeding can increase. Only a qualified traumatologist or surgeon can carry out manipulations to cure foreign objects.

Don't neglect the emergency

Regardless of the degree of damage to the head, immediately call an ambulance or take the victim to the nearest traumatology department. In the case of a deep wound, there is a danger that the membranes of the brain will become inflamed, which sometimes leads to death, so even a slight delay in providing specialized medical care can cost the patient his life. See also: Cuts: how to act so as not to harm

Advice 1: How to treat a wound on the head.

Wounds on the head are divided into stab, cut, torn. They can appear as a result of injury when falling, hitting, bruising. The victim must be given first aid and taken to the traumatology department.

  • How to treat a head wound
  • How to treat a wound with iodine
  • How to handle stitches after surgery
  • - alcohol;
  • - iodine;
  • - greenery;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - chlorhexidine;
  • - potassium permanganate;
  • - ice;
  • - plastic bag;
  • - warmer;
  • - sterile gauze;
  • - bandage.
  • head wound treatment

Tip 2: How to treat lacerations.

  • how to treat lips

Tip 3: How to treat a wound to a cat.

  • - sterile bandage or gauze;
  • - scissors;
  • - cotton swab;
  • - greenery;
  • - iodine;
  • - vodka or alcohol;
  • - tweezers;
  • - 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • - streptocide tablet;
  • - vaseline;
  • Injuries in cats. How to treat wounds in a cat.
  • how to treat a cat

Tip 4: How to treat a cut wound.

  • - soap, alcohol-containing liquid;
  • - potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide;
  • - alcohol, iodine or brilliant green;
  • - antiseptic ointment;
  • - sodium chloride, furatsilin or antibiotics;
  • - gauze swab, bandage, sterile gauze.
  • Treatment and treatment of incised wounds
  • how to treat a wound after a cut

Advice 5: How to treat a wound after castration of a cat.

The cat must be properly prepared for castration. During the operation, the bladder and digestive tract of the animal must be empty, therefore, 12 hours before castration, the cat cannot be fed, and even watered an hour before.

Wound treatment

If the doctor after the operation treated the wound with Terramycin or Alumazol spray, they remain on the skin for some time, in this case it is not necessary to treat the wound. If there was no such treatment, the wound must be washed with 3% hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin solution, dissolving one tablet in a glass of water. It is not recommended to treat the wound with brilliant green or an alcohol solution of iodine, they can dry out the skin.

So that the cat does not disturb the wound by licking it, he needs to put on a special collar around his neck, which will prevent him from reaching the back of the body. The collar is taken off only when eating. It is necessary to ensure that the cat does not rub against the floor with the back of the body.

The tray filler used at this time should be soft so as not to disturb the wound. It is better if it is white or at least a light shade, in which case the owners will be able to immediately notice the bleeding that has begun.

Possible Complications

The owners should be alerted by the increase in body temperature of the animal. The normal temperature for a cat is 38-39°C. In the first three days, it will inevitably be elevated, but if the temperature has not decreased on the fourth day, this is an occasion for an urgent appeal to the veterinarian. Moreover, you need to show the animal to the doctor if the wound began to fester. In this case, the veterinarian will prescribe an antibiotic.

On the first day after the operation, a decrease in temperature (less than 37 degrees) can also be observed, while the animal is sleeping. The cat needs to be warmed up by applying a heating pad and rubbing its paws. If this does not help, the cat still does not move and does not wake up, it is urgent to call a veterinarian or take the cat to the clinic.

It is also necessary to take the cat to the clinic if the suture begins to bleed.

After castration, the cat may suffer from constipation. Stool retention is inevitable during the first two to three days after anesthesia, but if the cat has no stool for more than four days, it is necessary to start giving him a laxative. Of course, this cannot be done without first consulting with the veterinarian, only he can choose the appropriate drug, taking into account the state of health and the characteristics of the body of a particular animal.

Injuries and wounds of the soft tissues of the head, symptoms and treatment.

Damage to the soft integument of the skull are closed and open. Bruises are closed, wounds (wounds) are open. Bruises occur as a result of hitting the head against hard objects, hitting the head with a hard object, when falling, etc.

As a result of the impact, the skin and subcutaneous tissue are damaged. From damaged blood vessels, blood flows into the subcutaneous tissue. When galea aponeurotica is intact, the outflowing blood forms a limited hematoma in the form of a protruding swelling (bump).

With more extensive damage to the soft tissues, accompanied by a rupture of the galea aponeurotica, the blood that has poured out of the damaged vessels forms a diffuse swelling. These extensive hemorrhages (hematomas) are soft in the middle and sometimes give a feeling of unsteadiness (fluctuation). These hematomas are characterized by a dense shaft around the hemorrhage. When feeling a dense shaft along the circumference of the hemorrhage, it can be mistaken for a skull fracture with pressure. A thorough examination, as well as an x-ray, makes it possible to correctly recognize the damage.

Wounds of the soft tissues of the head are observed as a result of injury from both sharp and blunt instruments (blunt violence). Injury to the soft integument of the skull is dangerous because local infection can spread to the contents of the skull and lead to meningitis, encephalitis and brain abscess, despite the integrity of the bone, due to the connection between the superficial veins and the veins inside the skull. The infection can also spread through the lymphatic vessels. Simultaneously with the injury of soft tissues, the bones of the skull and the brain can be damaged.

Symptoms. Symptoms depend on the nature of the injury. Cut and chopped wounds bleed heavily and gape. Stab wounds bleed a little. In the absence of infection complications, the course of wounds is favorable. If the wound was treated in the first hours, it may heal by first intention.

Symptoms of bruised wounds correspond to the nature of the wound. The edges of the bruised wound are uneven, with traces of a bruise (crush), soaked in blood, in some cases they are detached from the bone or underlying tissues. Bleeding is less abundant due to thrombosis of crushed and ruptured vessels. Contusion wounds can penetrate to the bone or be limited to soft tissue damage. A characteristic sign of lacerations is a significant detachment from the underlying bones and the formation of flaps.
A special type of damage to the scalp is the so-called scalping, in which a larger or smaller part of the scalp is torn off.

Treatment. In most cases, after careful pre-treatment of the wound itself and adjacent areas, it is sufficient to apply sutures to the wound, and for small wounds, a pressure bandage. In case of severe bleeding, the bleeding vessels should be tied off. Only a fresh, uncontaminated wound can be sutured. When the wound is contaminated, the objects that have fallen into the wound are removed with tweezers, the edges of the wound are lubricated with a solution of iodine tincture, the edges of the wound are refreshed (the primary treatment of the wound is performed), a solution of penicillin is poured into the wound (50,000-100,000 IU in a 0.5% solution of novocaine) or infiltrated with a solution penicillin wound edges, after which the wound is completely or partially sutured. In the latter case, the graduate is injected under the skin. After the inflammatory process subsides, a secondary suture can be applied to the wound. In some cases, intramuscular injection of a solution of penicillin is prescribed. If the wound is completely sewn up, and signs of inflammation appear in the following days, the stitches should be removed and the wound opened.
For the purpose of prophylaxis, anti-tetanus serum is administered to all wounded, and in case of severe wounds, especially those contaminated with earth, anti-gangrenous serum.

Care. Hair on the head contributes to pollution and makes it difficult to treat the skin and wound, and therefore it should be shaved as much as possible around the wound. When shaving, care must be taken not to introduce infection into the wound - it should be covered with a sterile napkin. Shaving is performed from the wound, not to the wound.

After proper treatment of an open wound, it is left alone for 2 days, then healing ointments can be used.

Everyone has been traumatized as a child. Often these are cuts.
The victim may not pay attention to the incised wound.

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Adults are injured in everyday life, cut with knives, razors.

Damage with pus

Every person in his life faced with purulent wounds. Treat such wounds 2 times a day.

Rinse with an antiseptic. The most suitable substances are chlorhexidine and peroxide.

It is good to use these 2 substances at the same time. You can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After you can process green.

A person consists in laying an ointment, for example:

  • Levomikol.
  • Levosin.

This procedure is preferably carried out in the morning and evening. This will get rid of pus - will promote rapid healing.

It would seem, what can a cut on the skin lead to? The consequences of neglecting your body can be costly.

A cut can damage a vessel or nerve.

If a fresh wound is not treated, then germs will get there, and this leads to inflammation or even gangrene, followed by amputation.

With purulent - consult a doctor.

We treat at home

We treat the wound at home:

  1. With household cuts and - it is important to remove dirt. This can be done under a stream of cold water, gently using soap.
  2. Disinfection. Often use hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green. If it happens that there are no medicines at hand, then you can use a saline solution.
  3. Cover the area with a band-aid or bandage. If the injury is severe and deep, see a doctor.

Without a medical education, you can help a person with an open wound.

If the wound is small and clean, then after proper treatment, you will not need to see a doctor.

First, stop the bleeding. It's not always possible to stop bleeding. If the open wound is not deep, then it is enough to press this place.

But if the blood cannot be stopped and it has a rich scarlet color, then contact the medical staff. Just before that, you need to apply a tourniquet. Do not overtighten the tourniquet, it can harm - further interfere with processing.

If an artery is injured, then a tourniquet is applied above the site of injury by a centimeter, and if a vein, then lower.

Once the bleeding has stopped, disinfect the area. Everything is done with clean and processed hands. Hydrogen peroxide is a cleaner and disinfectant.

After peroxide treatment, you can treat the area around the damage with alcohol or brilliant green. Then you should apply a bandage. If there are no sterile bandages on hand, then any clean cloth will do.

A small wound needs to be looked after. If necessary, the first few days can be treated with saline.


Disinfection after surgery

Surgery is a major procedure that may involve the removal of non-viable tissue or foreign bodies to prevent infection.

The operation helps scarring - the speedy healing of tissues. After the operation, the wound is sutured. The wound after the operation is completely sterile - this is the key to rapid healing.

Clean postoperative wounds are treated with antiseptics, they include peroxide, chlorhexidine or furacilin solution.

Dressings are done daily until the stitches are removed. After treatment with an antiseptic, the edges of the damage are smeared with a solution of 70% alcohol or iodine. After treatment, you can lubricate the seam with ointment for speedy healing. When the procedures are completed, apply a bandage.

Make sure the dressing is dry and not wet. If the dressing gets wet, it should be changed. The postoperative wound must be monitored especially carefully to prevent infection.

head trauma

There is a certain set of rules that will minimize the risk of infection.

Any damage to the soft tissues of the head must be washed and cleaned of visible dirt.

Foreign objects must be removed. Treat with hydrogen peroxide. If you're bleeding, then stop the bleeding.

Bleeding can be stopped by tamponing it with a clean bandage or using cotton.

Press the swab for ten minutes. If the blood does not stop, then the swab is pressed with a bandage for a while. In addition to cleaning the damage itself, it is important to treat the area around. It is necessary to shave off the hair and lubricate the edges with brilliant green or alcohol.

When the cleansing procedures are completed, apply a sterile dressing. If the damaged area hurts a lot, then it is permissible to apply cold to the bandage. This will relieve pain, swelling.

After any, it is advisable to consult a doctor, because the injury is much more dangerous than it seems visually.

shallow cut

A cut is a very common household injury. After proper treatment, a shallow cut will soon stop bothering the victim.

How to properly treat a wound:

  1. Remove contamination.
  2. As visible dirt and objects have been removed, the place must be treated with peroxide or potassium permanganate solution. Can be treated with brilliant green or chlorhexidine. The use of any aggressive means is prohibited.
  3. Use a band-aid or bandage to cover the injury. If the injury is not large, then this can be limited.

Post-burn treatment

A burn is an unpleasant injury that worries especially the first days. Rapid healing will depend on first aid for the burn.

The damaged area after the burn must be cooled. The first time after a burn, do not apply ointments to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Cleanse the skin with ether, alcohol. If everything is done quickly, then the skin can quickly regenerate.

At first, it is permissible to apply lotions with antiseptic agents.

When time passes, you can apply ointments that have a healing effect.

These ointments include:

  • Solcoseryl.
  • "Rescuer".

They help tissue heal quickly, dry the damaged area so that it heals faster, and provide the skin with the building material for rapid regeneration.

Damage heals faster if it is properly monitored and treated properly. The body will fight itself, it is important to simply help it with the healing process.

When to go to the doctor

Minor abrasions, scratches and cuts can be treated independently at home, using the right tools for this and carrying out the necessary treatments in time.

You should consult a doctor in the presence of minor injuries only if, despite all the treatments, an inflammatory process has begun in the wound and suppuration has appeared.

You can treat yourself without contacting a doctor only for shallow cuts, the length of which does not exceed 2 cm.

If you get a larger cut after the initial treatment, you should immediately consult a doctor, as suturing may be required.

If you receive serious and large wounds, you should contact the doctor immediately, it is important to provide the victim with the correct first aid before the ambulance arrives.

Possible consequences

Injury contamination is dangerous due to the penetration of anaerobic microbes. They do not need air, and they multiply quickly, causing dangerous complications. The danger is not exaggerated - gangrene will become a consequence of suppuration.

Traumatic (hemorrhagic) shock is a serious pathological condition that is life-threatening. It develops at the time of injury, without proper assistance will cause loss of consciousness and even death of the victim.

A seroma is a collection of purulent fluid due to inflammation. Exudate accumulates immediately, causing suppuration. It is necessary to pump out using a puncture or by making an additional incision.

A hematoma is a collection of blood clots under the skin. Appears if the bleeding was not stopped immediately. A comfortable environment for the accumulation of microbes additionally puts pressure on the tissues, infringing them.

Blood must be removed from the tissues, for this an additional incision is made or the blood is pumped out using a puncture.

Necrosis - appears due to damage to the work of blood vessels. Formed on the tissues around the cut. 2 types: wet and dry. Wet necrosis is removed immediately due to the accumulation of pus in deep tissues, dry necrosis does not need to be touched, it protects the skin from infection.

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