Where is phosphoric acid found in products? Removing rust with phosphoric acid from a metal surface


Analysis of the chemical composition and the impact of its components as a whole on the human body using the example of the highly carbonated drink “Coca-Cola”.

Coca-Cola is one of the most recognizable and famous drinks of our time. But who knows what chemistry is hidden in the composition of this drink and what else it can serve in life, besides quenching thirst.

1.Composition and calorie content of the product.
2. The influence of the components of the product and the product itself on the human body.
3.Use of the drink in everyday life.
4. Conclusions from the above.

1.1 Composition.
The composition of Coca-Cola is as follows:
Sugar, or sucrose (C12H22O11)
Sugar color dye (E150)
Phosphoric acid (H3PO4)
Some flavors
Carbon dioxide(CO2)
1.2 Nutritional value of the drink
Calorie content 42 kcal
Proteins 0
Fats 0
Carbohydrates 10.6 g
Sodium<11,0 мг
Potassium 1.0 mg
Calcium 4.0 mg
Magnesium 1.0 mg
Phosphorus about 17 mg

2.1 The effect of orthophosphoric acid (E-338) on the human body.
Phosphoric acid (E-338) is used as an acidifier in various drinks (in fact, not only in Coca-Cola). Causes stomach upset.
Phosphoric acid has a pH of 2.8 (a 5% sulfuric acid solution has a pH of 2.5). Derivatives of orthophosphoric acid are also used in the food industry - from baking powders and the preparation of processed cheeses to sausage production and sugar production. The main area of ​​use of orthophosphoric acid is the production of phosphorus and complex concentrated fertilizers, the production of feed phosphates, synthetic detergents and water softeners.
Phosphoric acid is often labeled on packages as “acidity regulator E-338.”
Phosphoric acid disrupts the acid-base balance in the body towards increased acidity. To neutralize it, the body has to displace calcium from bones and teeth. Hence the caries. The same reason leads to an earlier and earlier onset of osteoporosis.
Orthophosphoric acid at high concentrations causes burns, vapors cause atrophic processes in the nasal mucosa, nosebleeds, crumbling of teeth, changes in blood flora, etc. When consumed, it causes digestive tract upset and vomiting.
2.2 The effect of caffeine on the human body.
Even though the amount of caffeine in Coca-Cola is not that high, it is still necessary to be aware of the harmful aspects of repeated consumption of this ingredient.
High levels of caffeine in the body overload the adrenal glands, resulting in a chronic state of mental stress.
Caffeine also increases blood pressure, which is usually accompanied by severe headaches. This situation is made worse by the fact that stopping caffeine intake (for example, in the form of coffee) can also cause headaches.
When consuming more than 250 mg of caffeine, there is a risk of various ailments, a list of which is given below. (If, in addition to memory deterioration, you find symptoms of five or more of the listed diseases, then memory problems are likely due to insufficient attention caused by consuming large quantities of caffeine.)
Diuresis (feeling of needing to urinate frequently).
Blood flow to the face.
Gastrointestinal disorders.
Convulsive muscle twitching.
Incoherent speech.
Dysphoria (negative emotional state of irritability or anger).
This situation is aggravated by the fact that as soon as the effect of caffeine ends, a loss of energy sets in, which often leads to headaches, fatigue and certain problems with concentrating and remembering new information.
2.3 The influence of the gas contained in the drink on the human body.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a heavy, colorless and odorless gas compared to air. The impact of its increased concentrations on living organisms classifies it as an asphyxiating gas. Slight increases in concentration up to 2-4% in unventilated areas lead to the development of drowsiness and weakness. Dangerous concentrations are considered levels of 7-10%, at which suffocation develops, manifesting itself in headache, dizziness, hearing loss and loss of consciousness for a period of time from several minutes to one hour. Poisoning with this gas does not lead to long-term consequences and after its completion the body is completely restored.
2.4 The effect of the drink as a whole on the human body.
Any specific negative effect on the body of the drink has not been officially established. The effect of the Coca-Cola drink on health is no different from other similar products. Thus, it is not recommended to drink highly carbonated drinks for persons suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, acute and chronic gastritis, including those accompanied by increased gastric secretion, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, disorders of the biliary tract, diseases of the pancreas and other pathological processes. Diabetes patients should be aware of the sugar content in classic types of drink.

There is mention of a study that found a link between regular daily consumption of classic Coca-Cola and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The head of the epidemiology department of the National Institute of Environmental Health Research (USA), Dale Sandler, studies the impact of food on human health. Dr. Sandler's research found that obesity, a history of kidney stones, and drinking colas may increase the risk of developing kidney disease.

3.1 Using Cola you can do the following:
Remove rust. Coca-Cola is an excellent rust remover. If you have household items that are covered in rust, soaking them overnight in Coca-Cola and scrubbing them thoroughly the next morning will amaze you with their appearance. The properties of cola help to destroy rusty particles, which makes cleaning much easier. You can also use this drink to clean fabric from rust; just pour a little cola onto the stain and rub in in a circular motion.
Wash the windows. Citric acid (C6H8O7), in addition to removing rust, is very effective in cleaning windows. It is especially useful when cleaning car windows. After the procedure, do not forget to wipe the glass with a damp cloth to remove any remaining sugar. Coca-Cola in this case acts as a cheap alternative to many citrus cleaning products, the price of which is much higher than a can of the famous drink.
Eat her. Cola is often used as an ingredient in the preparation of various dishes. You can mix it half and half with your favorite sauce and marinate the chicken in the resulting mixture. The sugar in the cola will give the chicken a glossy coating and caramel flavor, and the citric acid will give it a nice flavor.
Get rid of unpleasant odors. If an unpleasant odor of unknown origin has settled in your house or apartment, then adding a little cola to a bucket of detergent and washing the floor with it, you can easily get rid of the unpleasant odor. Moreover, if you yourself are saturated with an unpleasant odor, then by dousing yourself with cola and then washing it off with plain water, you can easily get rid of it. An added bonus is the fact that cola has a beneficial effect on hair.
Numb the bite. The chemicals contained in cola can be very effective in neutralizing the pain of a jellyfish sting. Most likely, most people are unlikely to carry special pain-relieving lotions with them to the beach, but you can always find a bottle of cola. A small amount of it should be poured onto the bite site, and you will immediately feel relief.
Clean the dishes. Sometimes the bottom of pots and other utensils becomes covered with a black film that is almost impossible to remove. It appears due to burning food. To remove such black marks and restore the appearance of the dishes, pour a can of cola into it and place it on the stove with low heat. After about an hour, remove from heat and wash as usual.
Wash clothes. Some stains are very difficult to remove from clothing, and stain removers are expensive. But there is a cheap solution to the problem: mix a can of Coca-Cola with regular powder and run a regular wash cycle. Using this method, you can effectively remove even blood stains, as well as deodorize unpleasant-smelling clothes.
Get rid of bugs in the garden. Pour the cola into a shallow container and place it in the garden or vegetable garden near the problem area. Slugs, snails and other bugs, if they crawl in there once, they will never get back out. This will significantly save you wasting money on pesticides. You can water cola plants that like acidic soil, such as azaleas and gardenias.
"Make" an explosion. Most people familiar with the Internet have probably heard about the interaction of cola with Mentos. The idea is that if you put one Mentos mint into a bottle of Coca-Cola, the resulting chemical reaction will result in a relatively powerful explosion.

4. The conclusion can be formulated as follows: Coca-Cola is one of the most harmful highly carbonated drinks that are now sold on store shelves. Its manufacturers have produced an excellent pain reliever and an equally bad dishwashing detergent, but not a thirst quencher (it is a known fact that this drink, in turn, even stimulates it). So, people, drink proven products, not chemicals created for the sake of making money!

Often metal and products made from it are subject to a characteristic “disease”, which manifests itself in the form of a red coating that corrodes the metal. We're talking about rust. Its formation occurs due to the effect of carbon dioxide, oxygen and water on the surface of a metal product. Of course, in order to extend the life of a metal product, it is necessary to begin the fight against corrosion as soon as possible. Treatment with phosphoric acid can help with this.

Hearing the word acid, a person involuntarily tenses up, because even from old chemistry lessons in school years it is known that acid can have a fairly significant effect on objects or, for example, human skin. What is orthophosphoric acid? Is phosphoric acid, the use of which is recommended as one of the ways to combat rust, dangerous?

Orthophosphoric or simply phosphoric acid is presented in the form of a product of inorganic origin. At normal room temperature, orthophosphoric acid has the form of small diamond-shaped crystals.

Most often, orthophosphoric acid has the form of a syrupy 85% solution that has no characteristic odor. Orthophosphoric acid crystals dissolve quite well in water or ethanol.

Phosphoric acid equation

Phosphoric acid is used in the following sectors of human activity:

  • Creation of fertilizers (phosphate),
  • Production of special cleaning products belonging to the class of household chemicals,
  • Dentistry,
  • Substances to combat metal corrosion,
  • Fur farming,
  • Food industry.

If the ambient temperature, for example, in laboratory conditions exceeds 213 degrees Celsius, orthophosphoric acid is converted into pyrophosphoric acid. The composition of orthophosphoric acid and its chemical formula change accordingly.

Table 1. Physico-chemical parameters of orthophosphoric acid according to GOST 10678-76.

Indicator nameNorm
Grade ABrand B
1st grade2nd grade
1. Appearance Colorless liquid transparent in a layer of 15-20 mm when viewed against a white background Colorless or slightly yellowish liquid in a 15-20 mm layer when viewed against a white background Colorless or colored liquid with a tint from slightly yellow to brown, not transparent in a layer of 15-20 mm when viewed on a white background
2. Mass fraction of orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4), %, not less 73 73 73
3. Mass fraction of chlorides, %, no more 0,005 0,01 0,02
4. Mass fraction of sulfates, %, no more 0,010 0,015 0,020
5. Mass fraction of nitrates, %, no more 0,0003 0,0005 0,0010
6. Mass fraction of iron, %, no more 0,005 0,010 0,015
7. Mass fraction of heavy metals of the hydrogen sulfide group, %, no more 0,0005 0,002 0,005
8. Mass fraction of arsenic, %, no more 0,0001 0,006 0,008
9. Mass fraction of reducing substances, %, no more 0,1 0,2 Not standardized
10. Presence of metaphosphoric acid Stands the test
11. Mass fraction of suspended particles, %, no more Stands the test 0,3
12. Presence of yellow phosphorus Stands the test Not standardized

Table 2. Physico-chemical parameters of orthophosphoric acid according to GOST 6552-80.

Indicator nameNorm
Chemically pure (reagent grade) OKP 26 1213 0023 08Pure for analysis (analytical grade) OKP 26 1213 0022 09Clean (h.) OKP 26 1213 0021 10

1. Appearance and color

Transparent, colorless liquid containing no suspended particles

2. Mass fraction of orthophosphoric acid (H 3 PO 4), %, not less

87 85 85

3. Density P 4 20, g/cm 3, not less

1,71 1,69 1,69

4. Mass fraction of residue after calcination, %, no more

0,05 0,1 0,2

5. Mass fraction of volatile acids (CH 3 COOH), %, no more

0,0004 0,0010 0,0015

6. Mass fraction of nitrates (NO 3), %, no more

0,0003 0,0005 0,0005

7. Mass fraction of sulfates (SO 4), %, no more

0.0005 0.002 0.003

8. Mass fraction of chlorides, (Cl)%, no more

0.0001 0.0002 0.0003

9. Mass fraction of ammonium salts (NН 4), %, no more

0,0005 0,002 0,002

10. Mass fraction of iron (Fe), %, no more

0,0005 0,001 0,002

11. Mass fraction of arsenic (As), %, no more

0.00005 0.0001 0.0002

12. Mass fraction of heavy metals (Pb), %, no more

0,0005 0,0005 0,001

13. Mass fraction of substances reducing KMnO 4 (H 3 PO 3), %, no more

0.003 0.005 0.05

Modern science quite often allows the same chemical substance or the same chemical composition to be used for completely different purposes. The same can be said about the options for using phosphoric acid.

Today, there are a considerable number of different areas of application of orthophosphoric acid. So, for example, this acid can be used in organic synthesis. It is used in cases where it is necessary to create phosphorus salts of sodium, calcium, aluminum, and manganese.

The use of orthophosphoric acid in the metalworking industry is also of great importance, since orthophosphoric acid is practically irreplaceable here, the effect of which has been proven in removing rust or preventing its occurrence.

Phosphoric acid can also be found in a large number of substances intended for use by housewives in everyday life. It is also known to be used in the medical and food industries.

Other areas where phosphoric acid can be used include:

  • Oil industry
  • Making matches,
  • Film production,
  • Production of fire-resistant or fire-resistant items and materials.

The role of orthophosphoric acid is also great in the process of feeding plants, since the beneficial effect of phosphorus on the ability of plants to produce high yields is widely known. Thanks to this acid, agricultural crops become resistant to frost and other unfavorable conditions.

The beneficial effect on the soil is also noted in many sources related to the subject of agriculture or the national economy.

The importance of orthophosphoric acid is also important for animals. Not only does it, together with other organic substances, participate in the metabolic processes of the animal body, but it also helps in the formation of shells and other natural growths in some species of animals, since they contain calcium phosphate.

Phosphoric acid is also used as a food additive in some food products. It has code E 338. This acid finds its purpose in the food industry in the production of sausages, some types of processed cheeses, and carbonated drinks.

It should be noted that you should not abuse food products that contain orthophosphoric acid, since it is not clear what the rate of human consumption per day is. But in any case, the benefit from its consumption is disproportionately small, if not even negligible, in comparison with the harm that it can cause in the form of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, the occurrence of caries, and the development of osteoporosis.

Like any other acid, phosphoric acid requires a person to be extremely attentive, careful and follow all safety rules when working with acids.

Orthophosphoric acid is a rather aggressive chemical if used incorrectly, and neglect of safety precautions when using an orthophosphoric compound can cause burns on the skin. Vapors of phosphoric acid can cause burns to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, as well as the manifestation of signs of serious intoxication of the human body. In addition, phosphoric acid is a flammable and explosive compound. That is why it is very important to follow the prescribed rules when working with phosphoric acid.

  1. Work with acid only in a well-ventilated area.
  2. When working with acid, special attention should be paid to protective equipment in the form of gloves, a mask or, better yet, a respirator and goggles to protect the eyes.
  3. Do not allow acid to come into contact with exposed areas of the body, otherwise severe burns may occur.
  4. If acid does get on the skin, it should be washed off as soon as possible with plenty of running water and be sure to go to the hospital.

Transportation and storage of orthophosphoric acid also requires compliance with certain conditions.

Acid can only be stored in glass containers, as well as in polymer and stainless steel vessels.

The reagent can be transported only in special vehicles equipped with metal tanks that are not exposed to acid. Transportation is also permitted by other modes of transport, such as trains or watercraft, but subject to full compliance with safety requirements.

The storage conditions for the acid include placing it in a place where sunlight does not penetrate. The orthophosphorus compound can be stored under such conditions for no more than one year.

Phosphoric acid, whose effect on rust is widely known, can be used both on an industrial scale and to remove metal corrosion at home. Of course, such actions must be carried out taking into account the safety rules described above.

A clear advantage of phosphoric acid is that under the conditions of chemical cleaning from the surface of a metal using phosphoric acid, it is possible not only to remove loose oxidized masses, but also to create a small protective film on the surface of the metal product. The formation of such a film occurs as follows: the iron oxide is corroded and absorbed by the acid, instead the metal surface is phosphorized. People who carry out a similar cleaning procedure testify that after removing rust by using phosphoric acid, an oily film of a gray hue forms on the surface of the metal product.

At this stage, we can name several basic ways to combat the formation of oxides on metal surfaces:

  • Metal etching, which involves complete immersion in an acid solution,
  • Spraying the compound using a spray gun or applying it using a roller,
  • Mechanical cleaning of metal from oxides followed by the use of acid.

The most suitable and effective method for cleaning metal from corrosion is selected in each specific case, taking into account the individual conditions in which the procedure can be carried out.

Considering that there are several options for purifying metal using an orthophosphorus compound, each of them should be considered in more detail.

Cleaning with complete immersion of the part being cleaned, for example, requires preliminary cleaning of the part from fats of any origin. To do this, just wash the metal product with any detergent. Next, you need to dissolve 150 ml of acid in one liter of water. After the solution is ready, you need to immerse the part in it for one hour. In this case, it is necessary to constantly stir the solution so that the acid works better.

After the acid has had its effect and the rust has dissolved, it is necessary to wash off the orthophosphoric acid using a special solution, which contains 50 parts of water, 2 parts of ammonia, 48 parts of alcohol.

The end of the procedure will be rinsing the part with running water and drying.

If a metal product cannot be placed in a container due to its large size, then another method of removing rust can be used. To do this, you need to apply orthophosphoric acid using a sprayer, roller or regular brush to the metal surface. In some cases, it may be necessary to manually clean the rust first. After some of the rust is literally torn off from the surface of a metal product, an acid solution is applied to the metal, left for a certain time, after which the product is washed with an acid-neutralizing solution and dried.

In both cases, if necessary, you can increase the period of exposure of the acid to the metal oxides.

It is possible to use orthophosphoric acid if necessary to clean household toilets, bathtubs and sinks. But you should remember that you should not use phosphoric acid, like other types of acids, to clean acrylic plumbing elements.

Earthenware and enamel surfaces can be cleaned using the following method. The surface, previously degreased with any detergent, is treated with an acid solution. To prepare it, you need to take and move 1 liter of water with 200 grams of phosphoric acid. Depending on the degree of contamination, the acid should be left on the surface for 1-12 hours. After time, the acid must be neutralized with a soda solution and washed off.

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No one will be surprised by the long list of additives found on food packaging. All of them, to some extent, can have an adverse effect on our body, causing allergic reactions or poisoning. And such an inorganic compound as orthophosphoric acid, used in the food industry as an antioxidant and acidity regulator, is one of them. It is defined as marker E338.

Characteristics of the substance

Orthophosphoric acid, or additive E338, is colorless crystals. Its main characteristics will be as follows:

  • complete absence of oxidizing and reducing properties;
  • highly soluble in water and ethanol;
  • hazard class of orthophosphoric acid - 2;
  • at a temperature of 42.35°C, the process of its melting begins, as a result of which the crystals are transformed into a viscous, colorless, transparent liquid;
  • boiling point is 158°C;
  • when the temperature rises to 213°C and above, it is converted into pyrophosphoric acid.

Effect on the body

The E338 additive is intensively used in the food industry in many countries around the world. However, scientific research has shown that phosphoric acid has a negative effect on the human body and this manifests itself as follows:

  • the acid-base balance is disturbed, resulting in an increase in acidity, and this is fraught with the development of early osteoporosis and caries;
  • with excessive consumption of food products that contain the E338 additive, an aversion to food may develop and, as a result, weight loss;
  • Acute phosphoric acid poisoning causes symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness and difficulty breathing.

On a note! When phosphoric acid gets on exposed skin, it causes burns, on the mucous membrane of the eyes it causes a burning sensation, and when inhaled, severe coughing attacks begin. Its vapors, with prolonged exposure, irritate the nasal mucosa, which leads to nosebleeds and the initiation of atrophic processes, in rare cases this can lead to changes in the blood formula and tooth decay! However, this is only possible when working with this substance in its pure form. Under domestic conditions, when in contact with food products that contain this additive, such consequences are impossible!


Phosphoric acid has found application in various industries, but it has become most popular in the medical and food industries.


In small quantities, this substance is added to mixtures that are used to whiten tooth enamel. However, it is most often used before the filling procedure, using it to etch the tooth surface.

Important! But even during dental procedures, orthophosphoric acid can cause harm - if this substance, even in small quantities, remains on the surface of the tooth, this can lead to the formation of a so-called acid mine, when some time after treatment the tooth simply splits into small pieces!

Food industry

Food additive E338 is an antioxidant that helps preserve the color of the product by protecting it from oxidation. It is also added to some drinks and foods to give them a sour taste. Phosphoric acid is found in:

  • Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite and other flavored drinks;
  • sausages;
  • processed cheese;
  • baking powders.

On a note! It would seem, why not acidify foods using citric acid, which is natural and practically harmless? And it’s possible that manufacturers would have done so, but phosphoric acid is cheaper and easier to obtain!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Let's start from the very beginning, namely, with the acid-base balance. This is the acidity level of food. Measured in pH. The lower pH, the more acidic the product is considered. Level 7.0 is pH water, that is, a neutral level. Everything that is higher or lower - you guessed it yourself.

In fact the level pH your stomach is 100 times lower than soda. Therefore, it does not affect its mucous membrane in any way. But if you already have gastritis or an ulcer, then it is better to consult a doctor, or indeed refrain from refreshing drinks.

To increase the acidity of the soda, citric, malic or phosphoric acid is added to it. Everything is clear with the first two. But the latter, part of the well-known cola, cannot but arouse interest. What kind of fruit is it?

Orthophosphoric acid

This is a thoroughly studied nutritional supplement that has passed millions of tests and tests. Its content in drinks does not exceed the norms and meets the standards. So you don't have to be afraid of this substance. Even more: phosphoric acid is part of not only cola, but also many other food products. For example:

  • cheese - 500-600 mg / 100g;
  • boiled sausage - 400 mg / 100g;
  • cola - 60 mg / 100 ml.

Food legislation allows the following levels of orthophosphoric acid:

  • in drinks - up to 700 mg / 1 liter;
  • in sterilized milk and dairy products for baby food - up to 1000 mg / 1 liter;
  • in processed cheeses - up to 20 thousand mg / 1 liter.

Among all existing acids, special attention should be paid to phosphoric acid. It is widely used in various areas of industry, which is why it attracts attention. Orthophosphoric acid is an inorganic acid. Outwardly, it looks like a powder, the granules of which resemble a rhombic shape. They are odorless and have a specific color, and dissolve quite well in water and even in several solvents, such as ethanol. If the heating temperature reaches 213˚C, the acid is converted into pyrophosphoric acid.

The demand for orthophosphoric acid can be divided into two directions: food and non-food. In the first case, E338 is used as an antioxidant to stabilize color and prevent oxidation of food products. Instead of citric acid, the additive is widely used in the production of baked goods, processed cheese, sausages, sugar and carbonated sweet drinks such as Coca-Cola, Sprite, etc. Its popularity is due to its low price. In the second case, orthophosphoric acid is actively used in agriculture in the production of fertilizers. Also, the additive can be found in the manufacture of activated carbon, glass, glass-ceramic products, fireproof fabrics and others.

Component E338 (Orthophosphoric acid) - the harm and benefits of a food antioxidant on the body have their own characteristics. So, despite the versatility of using acid, it has a negative effect on the acid-base balance of the human body. In addition, the supplement is not safe. When working with it, there is a possibility of developing atrophic processes in the nasopharynx; if it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membrane, it leaves burns. It has been proven that an excess of E338 in the body corrodes tooth enamel and reduces bone density. If you regularly consume foods containing phosphoric acid, a person may experience the following consequences: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of appetite and weight, upset stomach. High acid concentrations cause burns and respiratory problems. Therefore, you should be extremely careful both when working with such a substance and with food products that contain it.

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