MRI of the orbits and visual pathways. MRI of the eye orbits MRI of the brain and eye orbits

Targeted MRI of the orbits is a highly informative diagnostic method that is used for anatomical study of the structure of the orbits, as well as to identify various diseases of the visual organs. It provides a comprehensive picture of the shape, depth and distribution of formations or inflammatory processes at the level of scanning the orbits and visual pathways.

Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to accurately localize the tumor process in the orbits, optic nerves, muscles, eyes, chiasm and nearby structures. The technique allows specialists to evaluate in detail the condition of soft tissues, arteries and veins, as well as local blood supply.

Today, MRI makes it possible to detect any morphological changes in the visual analyzer, which is important for early verification of potentially dangerous pathological changes.

Types and costs

Study with contrast - additional 4950 rubles

The prices indicated on the website are not a public offer (according to Article 435-437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). You can find out the exact cost of studies and additional services from the administrators of our MRI centers by calling the numbers listed on the website or using the feedback form.

Preliminary preparation before the procedure: not required.

Scan time: about 25-30 minutes; when examining with a contrast agent, the scanning time increases to 40-45 minutes.

Time to prepare a medical report: from 20 minutes or more (depending on the category of complexity of a particular case) after the scanning procedure.

Indications for the study:

    Diagnosis of a volumetric process of benign and malignant nature,

    Suspicion of the presence of foreign bodies in the eye and retrobulbar space,

    Eye injuries,

    Decreased visual function,

    Optical aberrations,

    Suspicions of retinal vascular thrombosis and retinal detachment,


    Sharp pain in the eye,

    Exophthalmos and others,

    Inflammation of the optic nerve, retrobulbar tissue, lacrimal glands or extraocular muscles.

Contraindications to medical services:

It is known that the MRI technique does not involve the use of ionizing radiation, and this is its important advantage. However, it is necessary to strictly observe certain precautions when performing MRI, due to the fact that the method is strictly contraindicated for a certain group of people, namely:

  1. patients with pacemakers and implanted cardiac defibrillators (non-removable);
  2. patients with foreign metal fragments in the eye area;
  3. patients with cochlear implants (non-removable);
  4. patients with implanted neurostimulators (non-removable);
  5. patients with aneurysmal ferromagnetic clips (non-removable);
  6. patients with shrapnel and bullet wounds and the presence of metal fragments in the body;
  7. patients with portable insulin pumps (non-removable).
The above conditions form a group of absolute contraindications to MRI and require immediate refusal to conduct the study.

We take patient safety very seriously. When registering for a study, call center operators must check the presence of implants or other metal elements. In addition, before the procedure, our employees will provide you with an informed consent questionnaire to identify any contraindications.

At the Open Clinic, tomography is performed with and without a contrast agent. MRI of the orbits does not cause pain. Patients with claustrophobia are recommended to undergo the study in open-type equipment. Patients will feel comfortable in such a device. During testing, patients should lie still. Then you will get high-quality images of the area under study.

Diagnostics in our clinic lasts about twenty to thirty minutes. Experienced specialists interpret the resulting images. Magnetic resonance imaging results are provided electronically. If during an MRI of the eye orbits and diagnostics of the optic nerves any pathologies are detected, then you can immediately sign up for treatment at our medical center.

To use the services of the Open Clinic, call the contact number listed on the website. Administrators will answer any of your questions and advise on the cost of the study. We have affordable prices for diagnostics.


  • Deterioration of vision
    The procedure is performed on patients whose vision has suddenly decreased. Diagnostics helps to establish the cause of this condition and prescribe timely treatment.
  • Foreign body
    An MRI of the orbits is performed if there is suspicion of a foreign object in the eye. Diagnostics allows you to determine the location of a foreign body
  • Symptoms of unknown etiology
    Tomography is performed if the patient is experiencing severe pain in the orbital area. The reason for diagnosis is pain in the eyes
  • Pathologies
    The procedure is prescribed to patients to diagnose tumors, thrombosis, aneurysms, and optic nerve atrophy. Diagnostics helps to create an effective treatment plan
  • Injuries
    The study is carried out if the patient has severely injured the eye. Diagnostics allows you to determine the degree of damage received and prescribe appropriate therapy
  • Ineffectiveness of other methods
    An MRI examination of the orbits is carried out if other methods have not helped to make a final diagnosis and create a treatment plan for the patient.

Preparation for the procedure

Before undergoing magnetic resonance imaging, the patient should always consult with the attending physician. The specialist should talk about the features of the procedure and the stages of preparation for the study. If a patient is prescribed magnetic resonance imaging using a staining agent, then he needs to:

  • find out about contraindications;
  • come to the MRI on an empty stomach;
  • Warn your doctor about a possible allergy to the drug.

It should be borne in mind that the procedure using contrast should not be performed on women expecting a child. The presence of metal-containing elements is a contraindication to the study. Therefore, before diagnosing the orbits using MRI, patients with pacemakers, built-in hearing aids, or implants should consult with their doctor. If possible, braces and dentures should be removed. Before entering the room where the study is being carried out, the patient must get rid of:

  • jewelry;
  • metal products;
  • electronic devices.

They can not only interfere with the procedure, but also cause harm to the patient. Experts recommend bringing the results of previous studies to magnetic resonance imaging. They will help diagnosticians assess how the condition of the eye orbits and optic nerves has changed. If you follow all the recommendations of specialists, the diagnosis will be successful and will help prescribe effective timely treatment to the patient.

Price for MRI of eye orbits and optic nerves

Our medical center offers reasonable diagnostic costs. Magnetic resonance imaging is available to almost all residents of the capital and the Moscow region. If a dye is used, the cost of the study will increase.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the eyes is currently the most preferred method for identifying pathologies of the visual organs. MRI of the eyes is a high-quality diagnosis, which is much more informative compared to laser Doppler flowmetry or non-contact tonometry. Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to obtain images of anatomical sections of the orbit and identify the disease at the earliest stages (this is especially true for neoplasms).

Purpose of MRI eye diagnostics

The purpose of eye MRI is to evaluate the anatomical features of the organ of vision and identify problems:

In the area of ​​the eyeball,

In the oculomotor muscles,

In the area of ​​the retinal vessels,

In the optic nerves

In the lacrimal glands,

In the area of ​​fatty tissue located around the eye,

In retrobulbar tissue.

Advantages of MRI diagnostics of the eye orbits

Modern MRI eye diagnostics is preferable to other instrumental research methods, as it has the following advantages:

Security, so it can be repeated as many times as needed to solve the problem;

Highly informative, since you can see in detail all the structures and tissues of the eye;

Non-invasiveness of the procedure, i.e. There is no disruption of the skin during the procedure

What does an eye MRI reveal?

MRI of the eye orbits can establish any pathology of the organ of vision, reveals disturbances in blood flow, and gives a clear, distinct picture of the tumor and other pathology of the eyes and adjacent areas. When a tumor is detected, it is examined in detail. It is not without reason that this is the best method for detecting tumors today. Thanks to MRI, not only the structures of the eye are assessed, but also its blood supply system. MRI of the eyes allows you to determine the optimal method of treating pathology of the eyes and optic nerves and monitor its effectiveness over time.

Indications for MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves

The doctor will refer you for an MRI of the eye orbits based on indications such as:

Sudden deterioration of vision;

Poor blood circulation in the retinal vessels;

Foreign body of the eye and orbit,

Mechanical impact on the eye,

Assessing the integrity of the eye structures and eye orbits;

Suspicion of neoplasms (benign and malignant);

Optic nerve atrophy and other degenerative changes;

Suspicion of retinal detachment;

Vitreous hemorrhage,

Complaints about symptoms of unknown etiology (pain in the eyes, pain, etc.);

Suspicious results from other studies

Contraindications to MRI of the eye orbits

Contraindications for magnetic resonance imaging of the eyes do not differ from standard absolute and relative contraindications for MRI (see the corresponding article).

If there are contraindications, the doctor replaces the MRI of the orbit of the eye with alternative examinations of the visual organs.

Preparation for MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves.

MRI of the eyes does not require special preparation. During the consultation, the doctor will explain to the patient the essence of the procedure and its purpose. MRI of the eyes does not cause any inconvenience to the patient; the main thing is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

During the examination, the patient should wear comfortable clothing without zippers and metal buttons and fasteners,

Watches, jewelry, clips, earrings, hairpins, piercings must be removed;

Makeup is not advisable;

If an MRI with the use of a contrast agent is prescribed, the patient must come for examination on an empty stomach (do not eat for 4-5 hours before the procedure); if an MRI is planned without contrast, then no dietary restrictions are required;

If the patient has an allergy to the contrast agent (when performing an MRI with contrast), he should tell the doctor about it

Conducting MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves.

1. Before performing an MRI, the doctor talks with the patient. The patient will be reminded not to move during the examination. Before diagnosis, you need to empty your bladder.

2. During the examination, the patient is asked to lie horizontally on the table, the head end of the table is installed inside the scanner arch. The scanner will rotate around your head while taking pictures and may make clicking sounds.

3. In order for the pictures to be clear and of high quality, the patient must make sure that he is comfortable and try not to move. The head can be fixed.

4. The patient may be asked to put earplugs in his ears or use headphones so that he is not irritated by the noise of the device.

5.After the first series of images, the patient is injected into a vein with a contrast agent. A contrast agent, penetrating into the blood, stains the vessels, accumulating in highly vascularized tissues, so MRI with a contrast agent is especially important when identifying tumors that have a dense network of vessels. With thrombosis of the central retinal artery, blood circulation is impaired, so visualization of the eyeball is reduced. The dose of contrast agent depends on the patient's weight. The substance is completely eliminated from the body after 48 hours. The patient is warned that there may be a feeling of heat, flushing, nausea and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. This is a normal reaction of the body to a contrast agent. If chest pain, shortness of breath, or suffocation occurs, you should immediately tell your doctor. This is easy to do, since the patient will have a call button in his hand throughout the entire study.

MRI of the eye orbits And MRI of the optic nerves is a method for diagnosing the condition of the orbits and studying the optic nerves, which shows the structure and pathological processes of the orbits and their contents: the eyeball, the central artery and vein of the retina, extraocular muscles, optic nerve, parabulbar fatty tissue.


Indications for MRI of the orbits and optic nerves: foreign bodies of the eye and retrobulbar space; benign and malignant tumors; degenerative diseases such as optic nerve atrophy, etc.; inflammation of the eye structures, extraocular muscles, lacrimal gland, retrobulbar tissue, optic nerve; hemorrhages into the structure of the eye; post-traumatic changes in the contents of the orbit; suspicion of retinal vascular thrombosis; exclusion of retinal detachment; sudden deterioration of vision; unexplained eye symptoms: exophthalmos (bulging eyes), eye pain, etc.


No preparation is required for eye tomography. Absolute contraindications to MRI of the eyes are the patient’s body weight of 120 kg or more, the presence in the body of non-removable metal-containing objects (dental pins, crowns, dentures, etc.) and electronic devices (insulin pump, pacemaker, etc.). Relative contraindications include pregnancy, claustrophobia, hyperkinesis, and severe pain. According to objective indications, MRI of the eyes and orbits is prescribed to a child without any age limit. Due to the need to remain still for quite a long period of time in young children, MRI of the orbits and optic nerves can be performed under anesthesia or with the use of sedatives.

More details


The cost of an MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves in Moscow ranges from 2,000 to 24,700 rubles. The average price is 5180 rubles.

Where can I get an MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves?

Our portal contains all the clinics where you can get an MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves in Moscow. Choose a clinic that suits your price and location and make an appointment on our website or by phone.



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