Forest fire. Why dream of a strong fire in the forest

Miller's dream book

Why dream of a fire:

Miller's dream book

Seeing a fire in a dream means:

Old Russian dream book

A dream with a fire in a dream book is interpreted as:

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Sleep with fire means:

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The meaning of sleep fire:

Fire is a symbol of passion, carnal desires, a sudden capture by an idea, a desire for change.
Extinguishing a fire means that unrest will develop into an organized movement that will not be easy to stop, but simply impossible to prevent.
Taking part in arson is a symbol of decisive change that will be provoked by an unfair attitude; a dream promises problems and disorder.
Rescuing a person from a fire is a symbol of the tragic outcome of an event that haunted for a long time, kept in suspense and required a lot of strength.
Seeing a fire in a room is a symbol of betrayal, which will happen with the consent of both parties, but will subsequently bring problems that will turn into the most unexpected adventures and cataclysms.
Seeing horses rushing about in a fire means that in 2038 the most a large number of marriages for the whole century and this year will be the beginning of solving the demographic problem for many countries.
Seeing the ashes left after the fire is a symbol of the invention of a new housing project that will provide everyone with a decent place to live.
Seeing a fire ignited by lightning means meeting the main person of your life under unusual circumstances.

Ukrainian dream book

What does it mean if you dream of a fire:

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

What can a fire dream about:

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Fire, in a dream means:

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

If you dream of a fire, then this means:

If you dreamed of a big fire in which all your property burns down, but no one dies, the dream portends happy changes in your home.

If someone dies in a fire, you will have to pay dearly for your happiness.

Imagine that a person did not die, but only received burns. You smear them with a healing elixir, and they heal before your eyes (see Elixir).

Seeing how a fire spreads from one building to another is a change in place of work or residence. But these changes will bring you happiness.

If you are the culprit of a small fire in your own house, as a result of which the house remains intact, but some things are damaged, the dream suggests that you will do an act that will pleasantly surprise your family and friends.

Participate in extinguishing a fire - you have an unusual job that will not bring money, but will captivate you with its excitement.

If there was strong smoke during the fire, you will become famous.

If the fire was without smoke, your happiness will be quiet, without excessive pomp, but also without envious people.

If something ignites on you from the flame of a fire, the dream portends a passionate love that can bring a lot of suffering to your loved ones.

In this case, imagine that a bucket of cold water is poured over you and the fire goes out before it can do you any harm.

Dream interpretation alphabetically

To dream of a big fire engulfing a high-rise building means the patronage of influential people and the successful course of affairs.

If in the fire that declared your office a large amount of money that belonged to you burned down, deceit and envy on the part of those you trust are possible in reality.

The fire that burned down your house portends a hectic and extremely risky venture that can turn into financial ruin for you.

To extinguish a fire by pouring water from buckets on it - in reality you will try to reconcile quarreling friends, which will not lead to success.

If you dream of a fire truck roaring and hurrying to the scene of a disaster, this portends the anxieties and unrest associated with an emergency at work, where you will be hurriedly called at an inopportune time.

Seeing a huge flame that firefighters shoot down from a hose is a great joy in the family circle.

Rising high into the sky and visible from afar, the smoke from the fire promises you joyful news in reality, followed by awards and honors.

A fire with tragic consequences and human casualties means that in reality you will suffer significant damage and be punished.

The dream in which you witnessed a devastating forest fire - to the successful implementation of plans, which will bring the expected results and allow you to expand even more.

If in a dream you take part in the elimination of a fire or help people affected by it, then in reality change your point of view, in accordance with suddenly changed circumstances.

Seeing yourself in the role of a heroic firefighter, risking your life, taking out a child from a flame - such a dream is designed to dispel your doubts about the fidelity of a husband or lover.

If you dream that you are suffocating in the smoke of a fire and losing consciousness or are seriously injured by a collapsed burning beam, this means that in reality you can have an accident or become a victim of a collision with an inattentive street crossing.

Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Seeing a fire with acrid black smoke or victims is a warning about the possible collapse of your plans.

Fire and smoke: mean the negative feelings that have accumulated in your soul. The dream suggests that if you do not get rid of them, then they threaten to break out, leading to quarrels, difficult conflicts, mistakes and, as a result, to disaster.

The place where you see the fire: carries an additional clue: for example, a fire in your own house warns that relationships in your family are very tense and ready to turn into a serious conflict.

At the same time, if you dream that a fire has engulfed a building, but no smoke, no victims, no charred firebrands are observed: such a dream is a good sign.

This image portends that you may soon feel a powerful emotional upsurge that will allow you to achieve great success in advancing your affairs.

Fire in a dream The latest dream book

Fire in a dream Astrological dream book

fire in the forest in a dream

A burning forest means a good sign, but if it burns along with people, then one of the loved ones will soon fall ill. If the fire is extinguished in time, then the person will quickly recover from the disease. Also means restless work. If in a dream you try to put out a fire, then it characterizes an insecure person who is worried about taking any action. Be the cause of a fire, characterizes a confident and determined person who stands in the way of big changes.

interpretation of sleep fire in the forest

A burning forest is a bad sign. It is a symbol of strong earthly shocks, including drought and other serious disasters.

why dream of a fire in the forest

The forest on fire means the destruction of everything, as well as confusion and chaos. A great fire means the annulment of all human actions.

why dream of a fire in the forest

Symbolizes the reunion of two people. The burning forest means love between a man and a woman. A strong flame symbolizes the spark that occurs between lovers. Extinguishing a fire means extinguishing this very spark of a man and a woman.

According to Miller's dream book, a fire in a dream is a good sign. It symbolizes new beginnings, cleanses the soul of everything bad and paves a smooth path to a happy future. The fire represents renewal, both within a person and everything connected with his environment.

What if you dream of a fire in the forest?

If you dream of a fire with victims in the forest, then such a dream does not have a very good meaning, since it symbolizes the illness of one of the relatives. But if the fire is quickly and skillfully extinguished in a dream, then recovery will be ensured. What a fire in the forest dreams of can be a symbol of hectic work, perhaps one of the colleagues will harm in every possible way and interfere with the fulfillment of the obligations assigned to the dreamer. To be in a dream, at the hottest point of a forest fire, is a symbol of the fact that in reality a person thinks about the past and is very sorry that everything is left far behind.

To become the instigator of a fire in a dream is a sign that a person has begun to reconsider his life, and a large-scale upheaval is foreseen. This means that the dreamer is determined to change everything that he did not like and did not suit him in his personal and other areas of his life.

Extinguishing a fire in a dream means that a person is very indecisive and afraid to take some action. It is easiest for such a person to quietly go with the flow and not make any important decisions in life. According to Freud's dream book, such a dream suggests that a fire is a sign of love between a man and a woman. It is like a merger of two principles, one is feminine and the other is masculine. A big fire in the forest personifies the flame of love that arises between two people who love each other. And putting out the fire, in this case, is a sign of the cooling of feelings between two loving hearts.

What portends?

Based on the interpreter of Loff's dreams, a fire devouring everything around him is a sign that the dreamer can skillfully navigate a difficult situation and control his emotions. Such a dream symbolizes a person who is able to pull himself together and forget about his fear in a critical situation. The flame, which can be controlled by the dreamer in a dream, means that in reality he will also be able to boldly and quickly cope with the surging feelings and emotions. If in a dream the fire burns, but pain is not felt, then in reality the person has forgiven himself and cleansed himself.

According to Hasse's dream book, being in the very middle of a forest fire means that in reality a person will receive protection or an imperious patron in business. And in general, a blinding flame in a dream is a clear sign of a joyful event that is coming soon.

Forest fire in a dream according to different dream books has conflicting interpretations. Someone says that this is a bad sign, and someone will say that it is excellent. But, despite all these statements, for each person this dream can have its own special meaning, and you need to proceed from his personal qualities and circumstances.

To dream of a big fire engulfing a high-rise building means the patronage of influential people and the successful course of affairs.

If in the fire that declared your office a large amount of money that belonged to you burned down, deceit and envy on the part of those you trust are possible in reality.

The fire that burned down your house portends a hectic and extremely risky venture that can turn into financial ruin for you.

To extinguish a fire by pouring water from buckets on it - in reality you will try to reconcile quarreling friends, which will not lead to success.

If you dream of a fire truck roaring and hurrying to the scene of a disaster, this portends the anxieties and unrest associated with an emergency at work, where you will be hurriedly called at an inopportune time.

Seeing a huge flame that firefighters shoot down from a hose is a great joy in the family circle.

Rising high into the sky and visible from afar, the smoke from the fire promises you joyful news in reality, followed by awards and honors.

A fire with tragic consequences and human casualties means that in reality you will suffer significant damage and be punished.

The dream in which you witnessed a devastating forest fire - to the successful implementation of plans, which will bring the expected results and allow you to expand even more.

If in a dream you take part in the elimination of a fire or help people affected by it, then in reality change your point of view, in accordance with suddenly changed circumstances.

Seeing yourself in the role of a heroic firefighter, risking your life, taking out a child from a flame - such a dream is designed to dispel your doubts about the fidelity of a husband or lover.

If you dream that you are suffocating in the smoke of a fire and losing consciousness or are seriously injured by a collapsed burning beam, this means that in reality you can have an accident or become a victim of a collision with an inattentive street crossing.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Fire is one of the worst disasters that can befall people. After all, fire can carry away not only valuable things, but also deprive a person of housing, health and even life. But what if such an emergency happened to us in a dream? We suggest asking a question what it means to several of the most popular and accurate dream books of our day.

Miller's dream book: dreamed of a fire

According to information from this source, if you dreamed of a big fire that cost no human casualties, then in the near future you will experience significant changes in your life for the better.

Old French dream book: why dream of a fire

According to the compilers of this collection of interpretations of dreams, the flames engulfing the house promise great grief and misfortune, which the dreamer must meet with dignity and courage. If, however, the fire did not touch the walls of your house, then a happy completion of the work you have begun awaits you, and your labors will be duly rewarded.

Russian collection of interpretations: sleep is a fire in the house

Such a vision is considered by this source as a good sign, portending you to gaining new true friends, whose help and support you can count on at any time and in any situation.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician: why dream of a fire

Tongues of flame that destroy property promise the dreamer the onset of a streak of bad luck, which will be accompanied by major quarrels, losses and failure in business. If you are watching, it is likely that your unrestrained behavior will hurt your loved ones very much. Try to change your attitude towards native people and in vain not to spoil relations with them. A dream in which there are human victims warns of the danger of participating in some kind of enterprise, which can turn into numerous problems and troubles.

A collection of tips received in a dream: why dream of a fire

A large fire, accompanied by a column of black acrid smoke and human casualties, symbolizes the likely collapse of plans and hopes.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: why dream of a fire

According to the compilers of this source, a dream in which you see a big one engulfed in fire promises you gaining the patronage of influential people and achieving success soon. If a large amount of money belonging to you burns in a fire, then in reality you risk becoming a victim of deception by a person whom you completely trust. A dream in which your own house was damaged by fire warns of some dangerous and risky business. Participation in it can turn into a complete financial collapse. If you dreamed of a huge flame that they were trying to knock out, then soon an unexpected joyful event would happen in your family. A dream where you are watching a large forest fire promises success in all your business endeavors. If you heroically save a person from fire, then in real life you should not doubt the fidelity of your spouse or lover.



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