What kind of children can be given painkillers. What painkillers are suitable for children and nursing mothers

My head hurts, my tooth hurts, my stomach hurts, I hit myself, I don’t know what hurts. Often in the wrong environment and at the wrong time. When a child is in pain, parents tend to help him, often panicking and not knowing what to do other than dial an ambulance. Grandmother's old first-aid kit is shaken up, painkillers are given out to the mountain, just to alleviate suffering. How to relieve an attack of pain? What is the best pain medication? How to give a child medicine and when it should not be given at all?

So, educational program. In many diseases, pain is an important symptom. With ARVI, it can be a headache, pain will be in the ear with acute otitis media, a broken knee hurts, the child suffers, screams and cries. Of course, a sick or injured child should be examined by a doctor who will prescribe treatment. But before the doctor arrives, you can give the child pain medicine.

It is optimal to have a special children's first aid kit in the house. It may contain analgesics: the most widely used drugs are paracetamol (Panadol, Kalpol, etc.); you can give the child ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen, MIG-200); children over 12 years of age relieve pain with nimesulide (Nimegesik, Nimulid, Nimesil), they should not be given to younger children.

In the most extreme case, if none of these drugs is in the house, you can relieve pain with analgin, the dose should be age appropriate. It is strictly forbidden to give children, especially small ones, acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin, etc.), because. this threatens the development of a severe complication - Reye's (Reye's) syndrome. With Reye's syndrome, cerebral edema occurs, severe liver damage also develops, and even death is possible. According to modern concepts, acetylsalicylic acid can only be given to adolescents from the age of 15.

How to determine which pain reliever is best?

Ibuprofen has been shown to be the most effective and safest analgesic for children in several large clinical trials. This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, it has both analgesic and antipyretic effects. But it can be given to children only older than six months, separate children's forms - from three months, see the instructions for each specific drug for details. Paracetamol remains a reserve drug for babies, when using which it is necessary to carefully monitor the total daily dose and in no case exceed the recommendations specified in the instructions.

A child’s illness is a difficult time for any of the parents who are ready to stay up at night, just to ensure the baby has a speedy recovery and alleviates his suffering as much as possible. However, difficulties arise here, because not all medicines for relieving pain attacks are suitable for children. When choosing them, it is worth considering the existing contraindications and side effects. In this article, we will find out which pain reliever for children is safe and most effective.

Why painkillers are needed

Pain in a child can occur for a variety of reasons. With SARS, the baby may have a headache, with otitis media, “shooting” pain appears in the ear, and various injuries can be accompanied by pain symptoms of both joints and soft tissues. In any case, the child should be shown to a doctor as soon as possible, who will be able to assess the condition of the baby and prescribe appropriate treatment. However, it is contraindicated to endure severe pain, especially for a child, which means that before the doctor arrives, it is worth giving him one of the suitable analgesics.

Painkillers for children

  • children under the age of twelve are most often prescribed widely advertised paracetamol-based products, that is, Calpol, Panadol and others;
  • babies can be given drugs based on ibuprofen, for example, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, as well as MIG-200;
  • children over twelve years of age can be given painkillers with the active substance nimesulide - Nimulide or Nimegesik.

In the case when the above medicines were not at hand, you can relieve the pain of the crumbs with the help of Analgin, choosing the dosage according to age. On the contrary, it is strictly forbidden for babies to give acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin), because this can threaten children with a serious illness - Reye's syndrome, that is, fatty degeneration of the liver and swelling of the brain, which can lead to death.

How to choose the best pain reliever

Canadian scientists conducted a series of studies, as a result of which they found out that the safest and at the same time effective analgesic for children is the drug Ibuprofen. Such an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal agent is famous for its antipyretic and analgesic properties, which quickly helps babies, relieving pain. By the way, you can give such a medicine to children who have reached six months. But for crumbs up to six months, only Paracetamol will help relieve pain.

How to take painkillers for children

As for taking the drugs in question, then you should pay attention to the age of the child. For example, for babies from 6 to 8 months of age, it is best to give analgesics in the form of rectal suppositories, that is, suppositories. For older children, medicines in the form of syrups or suspensions are suitable. But teenagers can take painkillers in the form of tablets. The same Ibuprofen is available both in tablets or in suspension with strawberry or orange flavor, and in the form of rectal suppositories.

The dosage of the drug is prescribed directly by the pediatrician, because it is strictly individual and depends on the condition and age of the child. In an emergency, you can give the child painkillers, after reading the instructions in advance and choosing the dosage according to the age and weight of the child.

When not to give painkillers to children

Parents should know that with pain and cramps in the abdomen, analgesics are strictly contraindicated for the baby to give on their own. The medicine taken can blur the clinical picture of peritonitis, peptic ulcer or appendicitis, which is extremely dangerous, as it will not allow an accurate diagnosis to be made in a timely manner. Take care of your children!

Sooner or later, every mother is faced with the need to relieve the pain of her child. Not all pain medications can be given to children under three years of age. In order not to harm the children's body, pediatricians recommend studying the list of approved medicines.

Indications for the use of painkillers for children

It is necessary to give painkillers to babies clearly according to the instructions. The main indications for prescribing medications are:

  • Acute respiratory viral diseases, influenza, otitis media, accompanied by abdominal pain, migraines, fever.
  • Teething.
  • Injuries of a different nature.
  • Pain during exacerbation of chronic or congenital diseases.

Many drugs not only relieve pain, but also have an antipyretic effect, relieve swelling, and reduce the symptoms of the inflammatory process. Such drugs help to fight several manifestations of the disease at once and are more often prescribed for infectious viral diseases.

What drugs are suitable for children

Medicines used in pediatrics must meet the following requirements:

  • Produced in a form convenient for children to take (gels, ointments, syrups, potions, solutions).
  • Have a minimum set of contraindications and a chance of unwanted side effects.
  • To have the ability to quickly reach the desired concentration, relieve pain in a short period of time and act for a long time.
  • Lack of cumulative effect of active components in soft tissues.

Safe Painkillers

Such drugs are produced in different dosage forms, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Rectal suppositories. Compared with medicines for oral use, suppositories are much less likely to cause nausea and other side effects, do not put a strain on the digestive tract. The disadvantage of such dosage forms is that after the introduction it is necessary for the child to lie down quietly for 10 minutes, otherwise the contents of the candle will leak out.
  • Pills. They have a clear mechanism of action, are able to relieve pain for a long time. The main disadvantage of such medicines is their form of release. For children under three years of age, painkillers should be crushed and given mixed with milk or water.
  • syrups. Sweet syrups with different flavors are the most preferred dosage form. They act quickly and are easy to use. The disadvantage of such funds is the possibility of nausea or vomiting after ingestion.
  • Ointments and gels. They are convenient to use, but have only a local anesthetic effect, so they are used only for injuries.

Painkillers for children

A child under three years of age is given analgesics in tablets, after grinding the drug to a powder state and diluting it with water. Most commonly used for pain:





Action taken

has analgesic, antipyretic, weak anti-inflammatory action

has analgesic and antipyretic action

Indications for use

toothache, trauma, migraines, high fever

neuralgia, symptomatic treatment of SARS or influenza

Dosage (up to three years)

0.5 tablets

selected individually

Method of administration

up to 4 times a day with water

up to 4 times a day with water


Sweet mixtures can be given to children under three years of age in pure form or diluted in half with water. The following medicines are preferred:




Action taken

reduces body temperature, relieves pain

has an analgesic effect, reduces inflammation, reduces temperature

Indications for use

childhood infections, muscle pain, toothache or headache

Dosage (up to three years)

with a weight of up to 8 kg - 2.5 ml, from 8 to 16 kg - 5 ml

30 mg/kg of child's weight per day

Method of administration

inside 1-2 hours after eating

External funds

Ointments, gels, anesthetic creams for children under three years of age are used for injuries. They quickly relieve pain, while the active substances are not absorbed into the systemic circulation. Preferred pain relief ointments for children:

Panthenol cream universal

Acryol Pro


lidocaine, prilocaine

Action taken

soothes irritated skin, improves tissue regeneration, anesthetizes

has a local anesthetic effect

Indications for use

injuries, burns

superficial anesthesia of the skin during injections, punctures and catheterization of vessels, superficial surgical interventions

Method of administration

apply a thin layer on the affected area of ​​the skin


Can be used to relieve pain even in newborn babies. Suppositories are introduced into the anus of the child after defecation 1-2 times a day. Preferred Pain Relief Suppositories for Children:


chamomile officinalis, plantain, belladonna, nightshade, meadow backache, calcium carbonate

interferon alpha-2 human recombinant

Action taken

has a calming, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic effect

has antiviral, immunomodulatory properties

Indications for use

complex therapy of respiratory diseases, teething

acute respiratory viral infections

Dosage (up to three years)

1 suppository

Method of administration

2 times a day rectally

2-3 times a day

Painkiller for babies

If pain occurs in a newborn, you should not try to choose a medicine on your own, seek help from a pediatrician. For the treatment of infants, suppositories or syrups are more often used, for example.

When something hurts a child, adults are ready to do everything for him - to give any painkiller, if only their child would feel better. But with a specific disease, you need to know exactly how to anesthetize it and in what cases it is better to immediately call an ambulance. In this article, we will tell you in which cases painkillers are applicable and which drugs are most safe for babies.

When painkillers are given

It is worth knowing that painkillers should not be given on an ongoing basis. Only one-time, when there is no possibility of a momentary visit to the doctor. Receiving such funds will not replace a visit to a specialist.

You can relieve the pain of the baby in such cases:

  • For toothache. If the disease has overcome on the weekend or the night before the dentist.
  • During . When the child is very hard, at night for better sleep.
  • At .
  • With a headache in schoolchildren caused by overexertion due to study.
  • With severe pain in Provided that there is no discharge from the ear.

Popular drugs

Below will be considered the most popular painkillers that give.

"Raspberry flavored ibuprofen" refers to a pediatric pain reliever. Used to relieve symptoms of teething pain and other toothaches, headaches, sore throats and earaches.

"Nimesulide" begins to act 15-20 minutes after administration. It is used to reduce acute pain (tooth, headache, muscle, in the ears). This pain reliever is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age. However, dispersible (water-soluble) tablets can be given to toddlers and older. Dosage for children - 3-5 mg per 1 kg of body weight. This amount should be evenly divided into 2-3 doses per day. For children weighing more than forty kilograms, the dosage is prescribed as adults.

"Nimesulide" in the form of a suspension (syrup) is allowed to be given to children from 2 years old. The daily dose is 1.5-3 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight. This amount is divided into 2-3 doses over 24 hours.

You can not take "Nimesulide" for children with gastrointestinal problems, kidneys and liver. The course of admission is not more than 15 days.

"Analgin" is one of the most popular painkillers. These tablets are used for mild pain. Help with headache, toothache, postoperative pain.

  • from 2 to 3 years - 0.05-0.1 g;
  • from 4 to 5 years - 0.1-0.2 g;
  • from 6 to 7 years - 0.2 g;
  • from 8 to 14 years old - 0.25-0.3 g.
No more than three times in 24 hours.

Children under five years of age should not be given "Analgin" without a doctor's recommendation.

Very often, when deciding which painkiller to give a child, parents opt for Aspirin. However, recently this medicine has been banned from giving to children under 14 years of age in many countries of the world. The reason is the possibility of manifestation in a child. This is a condition in which the kidneys are affected and swelling of the brain develops. Without the intervention of doctors, Reye's syndrome can be fatal.

Important! Reye's syndrome appears a few days after the child's recovery..

In Russia, taking "Aspirin" is not officially prohibited and it can be prescribed by a therapist. The dosage for children is as follows:

  • from 2 to 3 years - one tablet per day;
  • from 4 to 7 years - two tablets per day;
  • from 8 to 9 years - three tablets per day.
Do not give to babies under 12 months. Contraindications are stomach and duodenal ulcers, poor blood clotting and.
Take the tablets after meals with water or milk.

Did you know? The prototype of the current "Aspirin" was known to the ancient Greeks in the form of a decoction of the bark of a willow tree. Such a decoction removed the heat and soothed the pain.

For children, it is used to relieve pain of moderate strength. This suspension can only be given to children older than three months and weighing over 5 kg.

  • 3-6 months - 2.5 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours;
  • 6-12 months - 2.5 ml 1-4 times in 24 hours;
  • 1-3 years - 5 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours;
  • 4-6 years - 7.5 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours;
  • 7-9 years - 10 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours;
  • 10-12 - 15 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours.
Do not take Nurofen for more than three days in a row. If during this time the condition of the baby has not improved, you should consult a doctor. For children up to six months, the period of improvement of well-being is 24 hours. Otherwise, you should also immediately consult a doctor.
Nurofen should not be given to children with ibuprofen intolerance, stomach ulcers, kidney and liver problems.

Especially if it is accompanied by nausea or loss of consciousness. A doctor's consultation is required. If the cheek is swollen from a toothache, then it is better to call an ambulance if it is not possible to immediately visit the dentist.

Now you know that not all drugs familiar to adults are suitable for children. In the desire to help the baby cope with pain, the main thing is not to harm. It should be remembered: only the attending physician can accurately indicate which tablets or syrups can be given to a child.

For a modern person in many situations. Of course, if you follow the dosage, take into account contraindications, do not abuse, endure pain when possible. But there are situations when taking painkillers is strictly contraindicated. Most effective drugs are prohibited for children, adults with certain diseases. Painkillers are especially harmful to pregnant women! But there is always a way out, especially when it comes to modern medicine.

Painkillers during lactation and pregnancy

During pregnancy, such pain as a toothache is especially unpleasant. It is not always possible to treat a tooth, taking painkillers is harmful for a child. The same is true during breastfeeding. What to do if the pain is unbearable?

Panadol is suitable both for lowering the temperature. They can be taken, but in small quantities. Aspirin is taken only in extreme cases, only on the recommendation of a doctor, and only in small quantities.

If necessary (after a cesarean section, with inflammatory processes, with severe pain), ibuprofen or ketoprofen will help - strong painkillers, but they should be taken with caution, under the supervision of a doctor.

In no case should you take analgin, and therefore all the drugs that it includes: tempalgin, pentalgin, andipal, baralgin, spasmalgon and others. It causes unwanted reactions from the cardiovascular system in the mother and, in many cases, allergies in babies.

Such serious drugs as nise, ketorol (which help well with toothache and others) should not be drunk at all during breastfeeding, pregnancy, and certainly children.

If the situation, for example, with a toothache has gone too far and painkillers do not help, you need to go to an appointment and treat the tooth. Know that today specially designed agents are used for anesthesia of young mothers: ubistezin, ultracain.

Some mothers who take certain medications resort to pumping to protect the baby. This method is commendable, if only you can accurately estimate how long it will take for the drug to be completely eliminated from your body. And if you are not afraid that the baby will suddenly stop taking the breast, since you once gave him a bottle (this will not happen if the baby has a great appetite). Since the baby does not refuse to drink from a bottle, why not ... Again, it is better to consult with your doctor (with a pediatrician who regularly examines you from a local children's clinic).

Painkillers for children

What could be worse when a baby screams in pain, and you can't do anything? Thanks to modern medicine for safe drugs that ease the pain of our babies!

The same paracetamol will help, only in syrup. It is also possible in tablets, if it is not possible to run to the pharmacy for syrup: a quarter of a tablet, after 20 minutes another quarter - it will help better than a whole tablet!

Anaferon for children (with a funny penguin on the package) is a great replacement for aspirin. For a long time, pediatricians have been prescribing this drug even to the smallest children with severe colds, flu and some infectious diseases accompanied by fever, high fever. They only warn: "observe the dosage!"

Most often, as an anesthetic drug for children from 3 months to 12 years old, nurofen is called, as well as ibuprofen, faspic (they are from the same pharmacological group). They have the same effect as paracetamol, aspirin. Indispensable for severe pain syndrome. It is used for acute colds, infectious diseases, in the period after vaccination (if a reaction occurs in the form of fever, fever), as well as for pains of different localization (tooth, ear, headache, in muscles). Contraindicated in asthmatics, with ulcers, bleeding, with renal or hepatic insufficiency, as well as blood diseases.

In conclusion, I would like to add: painkillers, of course, relieve unbearable pain, but their use is justified only in extreme cases! Especially when it comes to children, nursing mothers and pregnant women. Always check with your doctor before taking any medicine you don't know. And take known ones only in extreme cases, in small quantities, in strict accordance with the instructions (or even less).



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