What dosha test. Ayurveda

If you do not yet know your own body constitution, then we are pleased to offer you to take a dosha test according to Ayurveda.

According to Ayurveda, there are 3 main types of doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Also, the dosha is not expressed in its pure form, so there are also Vata-Pitta, Vata-Kapha, Pitta-Kapha.

Ayurvedic dosha test

There are three sections, one for each dosha. Complete each section and add up all the numbers to the total to complete the score for each dosha. Think carefully about each answer. If in doubt about what to answer, put a figure that could apply to you for your life, at least for the last few years.

0 to 2 - Not applicable to me;

3 to 4 - Applicable sometimes or to some extent;

5 to 6 - Almost always applicable to me.

Section 1. Vata Dosha

  1. By nature, I am very active, usually doing things quickly.
  2. I learn fast and forget fast.
  3. As a rule, I am enthusiastic and animated.
  4. I have a thin physique.
  5. I don't gain weight easily.
  6. I walk quickly and easily.
  7. I tend to have difficulty making decisions.
  8. I often have.
  9. I have a tendency that my hands and feet are cold.
  10. I am often anxious and nervous.
  11. Cold weather worries me more than most people.
  12. I speak quickly and I am talkative.
  13. I am emotional by nature and my mood changes frequently.
  14. Often my sleep is restless and disturbed.
  15. My skin is dry, especially in winter.
  16. I have an active, unstable mind, rich in imagination.
  17. Energy comes to me in tides.
  18. I have a tendency to quickly spend or expend all the energy or money I have.
  19. My eating and sleeping habits tend to be irregular.
  20. I have a variable appetite.

Section 2. Pitta Dosha

  1. Usually I act skillfully.
  2. I tend to be extremely precise and accurate.
  3. I am energetic and somewhat of a strong, persuasive demeanor.
  4. I feel discomfort or fatigue easily in hot weather.
  5. I sweat easily.
  6. Even though I may not always show it, I get irritable and angry quite easily.
  7. If I skip a meal or there are delays in eating, then this makes me uncomfortable.
  8. One or more of the following qualities characterize my hair: early graying or baldness, sparse, thin, straight hair, blond, red or reddish hair.
  9. I have a strong appetite.
  10. I love setting goals and then trying to achieve them.
  11. I have a very regular bowel movement. It is more typical for me that emptying occurs freely than that there is constipation.
  12. I get impatient very easily.
  13. I tend to perfect every detail.
  14. I get pissed off fairly easily, but then I quickly forget about it.
  15. I really like cold food like ice cream and also cold drinks.
  16. I am more likely to feel that the room is too hot than that the room is too cold.
  17. I can't stand very hot or very spicy food.
  18. I'm not that patient with objections.
  19. I like complex tasks that challenge me. When I want something, I am very determined in my efforts to achieve it.
  20. I tend to be critical of both others and myself.

Section 3. Kapha Dosha

  1. I go about my business in a slow, relaxed manner.
  2. I gain weight easily and lose it slowly.
  3. By nature, I am silent and speak only when necessary.
  4. I can easily skip meals without significant inconvenience.
  5. I have a tendency to excess mucus and phlegm, chronic blockage, asthma and sinus problems.
  6. I need at least eight hours of sleep in order to feel comfortable the next day.
  7. I sleep very deeply.
  8. By nature I am peaceful; I am not easily angered.
  9. I don't memorize as fast as some, but I do have an excellent ability to retain information in memory; I have a long memory.
  10. I eat slowly.
  11. Cold and damp bother me.
  12. My hair is thick, dark and wavy.
  13. I have smooth, soft, somewhat pale skin.
  14. I have a large, solid physique.
  15. By nature, I am calm and peaceful.
  16. I have poor digestion, which makes me feel heavy after eating.
  17. I have very good stamina, stamina and physical endurance as well as a stable energy level.
  18. As a rule, I have a slow, measured gait.
  19. I usually feel unsteady, unsteady after sleep and tend to slowly wake up in the morning.
  20. I usually do things slowly and methodically.

Final scoring for the dosha test: Vata _____, Pitta _____, Kapha _____.

Dosha test according to Ayurveda is calculated. If one score is much higher than the rest, then that is your dominant dosha. This dosha will be most evident in your constitution if its sum is at least twice as high as the next dosha count. However, if any dosha is higher, it can also be taken as the dominant dosha. This test will help determine which dosha you currently have. Dosha can change throughout life.

If the score for the two doshas is almost the same, then you have a body with two doshas. For example, Vata (76), Pitta (73) and Kapha (45), then you have a Vata-Pitta constitution. If all the amounts are the same, then you have a balanced constitution, which is rare. Better take the test again and answer more carefully.

If you can't define yourself, then remember your childhood, what were you like? Dosha is determined at birth. If you were a thin and overactive child, then most likely you are Vata, if you were an active strong man, then Pitta, but if you were not prone to activity and were a chubby child, then most likely you are Kapha. And if you have not changed much since childhood, then, most likely, this dosha dominates now. This little tip will help you determine or validate your constitution.

An Ayurvedic dosha test will help determine your personal constitution, knowing your own constitution will make it possible to correctly select food. You can read more about your dosha in our article.

In Ayurveda, the word "prakrta" characterizes the whole of Nature as a whole and the nature of the organism - the psychophysiological type of a person. Determination of body type is considered the first step towards absolute health, as it allows for individual prevention when there is no disease yet, and treatment for the initial symptoms of the disease.
To identify the body type, Ayurveda relies on the so-called points of intersection of consciousness and body. Events in the mind cause a response in the body. This relationship is carried out "at the junction" of consciousness and body, where the thought takes on a material form and doshas (literally, "moisture") begin to act. Doshas allow you to establish a dialogue between mind and body. An imbalance (imbalance) between the doshas is the first sign that the “mind and body” system is poorly coordinated. On the other hand, restoring the doshas allows this system to stay balanced and healthy.
There are three types of doshas:
1) Vata ("wind");
2) Pitta ("bile");
3) Kapha (“mucus”).
Doshas regulate thousands of functions, but each dosha has its main functions in the body: Vata dosha is responsible for movement - the processes of breathing, blood circulation, muscle activity, nerve impulses; Pitta dosha governs metabolism, including digestion; Kapha dosha represents the structure of the body (bones, muscles, tendons, etc.) and the fluid balance in the body. Nature (prakriti) needs all three doshas to form the human body.
According to Ayurveda, just as there are three types of doshas, ​​there are also three basic types of a person's body, which depend on which dosha prevails in his body. Knowing the body type, the person himself or the Ayurveda specialist chooses the right diet, exercise, daily routine and other measures to prevent illness. Therefore, determining the type of dosha that predominates in a person is the first step towards maintaining health and curing diseases.
For example, if a person belongs to the Vata type, it means that he has the most pronounced characteristic signs of Vata dosha, i.e. he has Vata prakriti. And with the help of nutrition, which helps to maintain the balance of Vata, you can have a balancing effect on the entire body. However, it must be borne in mind that in every person there are all three doshas that need to be kept in balance. Knowing the type of his body, a person receives the key to complete balance. For self-determination of the body type, Ayurveda offers the following questionnaires with signs characteristic of Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas.

Signs of a Vata Dosha Type
1. Slim, slim build.
2. The brush is thin, cold and dry to the touch.
3. The movements are fast, the gait is light.
4. Fast reaction and fast execution of any work.
5. Irregular appetite and digestive problems.
6. Tendency to increased gas formation in the intestines and to constipation.
7. Despite normal nutrition, he does not gain weight.
8. Sensitive, interrupted sleep, sometimes insomnia.
9. Liveliness of imagination, quickly inspired.
10. Rapid excitability and moodiness.
11. Tendency to restlessness and anxiety.
12. Quickly remembers, but easily forgets.
13. Impulsiveness of mental and physical manifestations, fussiness.
14. Quick fatigue.
15. It is considered very talkative - "ringleader".
16. Prone to an irregular lifestyle.
17. May feel hungry at any time.
18. Prefers warm, oily food, loves to eat hearty.
19. Poor cold tolerance.
20. Prone to dry skin, especially in winter.

Signs of a person of Pitta dosha type
1 . Average build.
2. Medium brush, warm to the touch.
3. Light or slightly reddish skin, often with freckles.
4. Blond hair, early graying or baldness.
5. Balanced movements, normal gait.
6. Accuracy of speech, clear articulation (good speaker).
7. Performs work at an average speed.
8. Average endurance.
9. Good appetite and digestion, often thirsty.
10. Feel bad if a meal is skipped.
11. Sleep is normal, but may wake up feeling hot and thirsty.
12. Tries to be neat and organized.
13. Knows how to control the situation, strong-willed.
14. Quickly irritated, but easygoing.
15. Sometimes he remembers new things well, sometimes with difficulty.
16. Enterprise, willing to take risks.
17. Very exacting to others and to himself.
18. Prefers cool food and drinks.
19. Poorly tolerates the sun and heat.
20. Sweats quickly.
Note to points 3 and 4: for peoples in whom swarthy skin and dark hair are the norm, other properties must be taken into account.

Signs of a Kapha Dosha Type
1. Broad-boned, strong, dense physique.
2. The brush is wide, cold and wet to the touch.
3. Smooth, delicate skin, pale complexion.
4. Hair is thick, wavy, dark.
5. Movements are smooth, slow, unhurried gait.
6. Great physical strength.
7. Energetic and hardy.
8. Little appetite, slow digestion.
9. Eats slowly, easily, without discomfort, skips meals.
10. Finds emotional pleasure in food.
11. Prone to obesity, losing weight with difficulty.
12. Sleep is calm, strong, long.
13. Slowly wakes up, lies in bed for a long time.
14. Slowness and methodical work.
15. Poorly lends itself to various undertakings, takes a long time to make a decision.
16. Remembers with difficulty, but remembers well and for a long time.
17. Calm nature, slowly excited and irritated.
18. Gentle, patient, easily forgiving.
19. Prefers warm, dry, lean foods.
20. Wet and cool weather worries.

To determine which dosha a person belongs to, you need to evaluate the listed 20 signs according to a five-point system:
0 - this feature is absent,
1 - barely expressed,
2 - weakly expressed,
3 - moderately expressed,
4 - well expressed,
5 - strongly pronounced.
Next, you should put down points that correspond to a particular person.
Then you need to add up the scores for the doshas Vata, Pitta and Capha and compare the doshas by the sum of the points.
If the sum of one dosha is 15-20 points more than the nearest one, then it is she who prevails - the person belongs to the monotonous type.
If the sums of the scores of the two doshas are approximately equal (the difference is less than 15 points), then the person belongs to the duality type, for example, Vata-Pitta; if the sum of Vata points is greater than Pitta, or Pitta-Vata otherwise.
Most people are dichotomous, but with a dominant dosha. If all three doshas are approximately equal, then this is a rare type with a triple dosha - a sign of balance of the doshas. Ayurveda claims that this body type provides excellent health.
Thus, there are 10 Ayurvedic body types: 3 are one-dosed, 6 are two-dosed and 1 is three-dosed. In addition, the doshas are divided into many sub-doshas with different locations and functions in the body. Therefore, when determining the origin of the disease, an Ayurvedic specialist studies both doshas and subdoshas.

Doshas are invisible. They control all processes in the body, but do not have a physical embodiment, although they can increase and decrease. Doshas, ​​as it were, lie in the border area between consciousness and body. The three doshas always interact. For example, after spicy food Pitta (hot dosha) increases and cold doshas Vata and Kapha decrease. A sip of cold water reduces Pitta but excites Vata and Kapha. Doshas are balanced when they are in a state of dynamic equilibrium. To achieve it, Ayurveda points to 25 properties, or gunas, natural qualities that characterize each dosha. Below are the main properties (gunas) of the three doshas.
Vata is cold, mobile, fast, dry, rough. So, "rough" means rough skin and coarse hair, "cold" leads to coldness of the hands and feet, intolerance to a cold climate.
Pitta is hot, pungent, moist, foul-smelling. So, "harsh" leads to intelligence, rapid speech or a strong secretion of gastric juice, "bad-smelling" - to an unpleasant smell from the mouth or from the body with an excess of Pitta.
Kapha is heavy, sweet, even, soft, slow. So, "sweet" leads to the fact that with excessive use of sugar, obesity and diabetes begin (note that sugar does not directly cause diabetes mellitus).
Why is Vata "dry", Pitta "hot", and Kapha "heavy"? For Ayurveda, the answer is simple and lies in the five elements of Nature - space (ether), air, fire, water and earth. Of these elements, each of which has "something of matter and energy", the doshas are composed: Vata - from space and air, Pitta - from fire and water, Kapha - from earth and water. For example, a Kapha person is usually warm, feels "fire" in the body, and tends to sweat and swell. "Fire" is energetic and mobile, like Pitta herself.
The general principles of balanced nutrition underlie the choice of a diet that corresponds to the doshas of a person. At the same time, Ayurveda recommends eating a diet that balances the dominant dosha. For example, Vata people should follow a diet that calms Vata. This also applies to Vata-Pitta types, although they can use Pitta nutrition if necessary (in hot weather or when signs of an exacerbation of this dosha). When in doubt which of the two doshas to pacify, you need to think about what your favorite food makes you feel healthy and balanced. This will point you in the direction of proper nutrition. The rarest representatives of the type of three doshas can be followed by any Ayurvedic nutrition options, but taking into account their own instincts, the season of the year and the state of health.

Vata pacifying food
Salty, sour and sweet tastes are favorable for Vata, food that brings peace and satisfaction. Vata is a cold and dry dosha. Therefore, it is calmed by warm and nutritious food, common for winter. Foods preferred in summer (cold salads and drinks, fresh vegetables and herbs) are not very suitable for this dosha. Vata people often have an unstable digestion, they are helped by soft, easily digested food.

What is recommended for pacifying Vata dosha
Milk, cream, butter, hot soups, cereals, casseroles, flour dishes, well-stewed meat, freshly baked bread. A hearty breakfast, such as rice or wheat porridge, as well as everything warm, milky and sweet. With a frequent breakdown for Vata at the end of the working day, hot tea with cookies or other sweets helps. Herbal tea is desirable as regular tea can disturb Vata. Spicy food. The best spice for Vata is ginger, which promotes digestion. Cinnamon, cardamom and other sweet spices increase the appetite, often reduced in Vata people. The sweet taste is good for Vata, but pure sugar causes an excessive energy boost. The most beneficial for Vata are warm milk with a little sugar and honey, sugary foods combined with milk. Salted nuts are better than other dry and salty snacks; almonds and tahini, a paste made from sesame seeds, are recommended. To improve digestion, crushed nuts are desirable. Cold and light foods increase Vata, so salads should be at room temperature and dressed with vegetable oil. Boiled vegetables are better than raw, and when cooked with oil, "unhealthy" vegetables will become more palatable to Vata. Before dinner, you can drink a glass of warm water in small sips. Instead of a salad, it is better to eat hot soup; bread, butter and warm dessert are acceptable. Hot porridge for lunch is a healthy dish for people with Vata aggravation. Sweet fruits and berries. Unripe, highly astringent fruits should be avoided. Apples and pears (astringent taste) require baking or boiling. Before going to bed it is useful to drink a glass of warm milk and limit yourself to this food. Drinking lassi will rid the body of excess Vata. Recipe for the drink: knock down half a cup of kefir and water, add a pinch of chopped ginger, salt or caraway seeds.

Characteristics of products for Vata dosha
Vegetables and mushrooms
Favorable: beets, carrots, cucumbers, turnips, green beans, onions and garlic (not fresh), radishes.
Limit or avoid: all types of cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, peas, peppers, eggplants, leafy green vegetables, mushrooms. These vegetables, except for cabbage, can be consumed after cooking with oil. Fresh vegetables are generally not recommended.
Fruits and berries
Favorable: apricots, cherries, grapes, plums, peaches, bananas, mangoes, pineapples, oranges, dates, figs, watermelons (only ripe and sweet).
Limit or avoid:
apples, pears, pomegranates, cranberries (more suitable when cooked). Dried fruits and unripe fruits.
Grains and legumes

Favorable: rice, wheat, oats, beans, pink lentils.
Limit or avoid: barley, buckwheat, millet, rye, corn, dry oatmeal.
Nuts and seeds
Everything works in small quantities.

All fit.
Meat and seafood
Favorable: chickens, turkeys, seafood (all in small quantities).
Limit or avoid: animal meat.
Vegetable oils
All fit.
sugary foods

All are suitable, but sugar - in a small amount.
Herbs and spices
almost everything in moderation, especially sweet and warming ones - cloves, anise, bay leaves, basil, black pepper, caraway seeds, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cilantro - green shoots of coriander, tarragon, mustard.
Limit or avoid:
bitter and astringent - saffron, turmeric, coriander seeds.

Nutrition that calms Pitta dota
Pitta favors food that is cold or warm, but not hot, moderately heavy, bitter, sweet, or astringent. Pittas tend to have good digestion, they can eat a little bit of everything, and they don't have to overdo different diets. But they should not constantly eat a lot of salty, sour and spicy foods, and also overeat, to which they have a tendency. Pitta is a hot dosha and therefore prefers cold foods. People of this type are recommended food with a bitter and astringent taste, especially salads and vegetables. Excess salt and sugar is undesirable.

What is recommended for pacifying Pitta dosha
Cooling food (especially in summer) with a low content of salt, spices and oil. Salads balance Pitta; milk and ice cream are also good for her. Avoid pickles, kefir, sour cream, cheese, coffee, as excess Pitta increases the acidity in the body. Use lemon juice instead of vinegar. □ For breakfast, cold cereal, cinnamon bread, apple juice, or herbal mint tea. A vegetarian diet, or a diet rich in milk, grains, and vegetables, benefits Pitta more than other doshas. □ Avoid fried, fatty, hot, salty and heavy foods, especially fatty meats. Starchy foods (many grains and legumes, potatoes) satisfy Pitta and counteract overeating under stress. At lunch, you can drink a glass of cold water, eat salad instead of hot soup, bread with a little butter, and skip dessert. Pitta well perceives low-salt, but not too fresh food. Salt should be used in cooking, not with meals. Salty snacks, as well as salty and sour industrial products are undesirable. Remedy for aggravated Pitta: Mix two teaspoons of ghee in a glass of warm milk and drink instead of breakfast or dinner, and also after a light dinner.

Characteristics of products for Pitta dosha

Vegetables and mushrooms
Favorable: different types of cabbage, asparagus, cucumbers, leafy vegetables, green beans and peas, potatoes, dill, sweet peppers, zucchini, mushrooms.
Limit or avoid: beets, carrots, eggplant, tomatoes, spinach, radishes, onions, garlic, capsicum.
Fruits and vegetables

Favorable: apples, cherries, figs, grapes, pears, oranges, mangoes, pineapples, plums, watermelons, prunes, raisins.
Limit or avoid: apricots, peaches, bananas, grapefruits, cranberries and other berries. All unripe fruits and berries are acidic as well.
Grains and legumes

barley, oats, wheat, white rice, beans, soy, Turkish peas.
Limit or avoid:
millet, rye, brown rice, corn, lentils.
Nuts and seeds
Favorable: coconuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkins. Limit or avoid: all but those mentioned.
Dairy products and eggs
Favorable: milk, butter and ghee, ice cream, egg white.
Limit or avoid:
buttermilk, kefir, sour cream, cheese, egg yolk.

Kapha Calming Diet

Kanxa favors warm, light, dry (cooked with little water) and stimulating food, pungent, bitter and astringent flavors, and minimal amounts of fat and sugar. Kapha is a slow dosha and it is difficult for it to identify food cravings. But over time, people of this type lose their balance, overeating sweet, fatty and salty. Preference should be given to everything light - a modest breakfast and dinner, lightly cooked or fried foods, fresh vegetables and fruits. Spicy foods improve digestion and warm the body, while bitter and astringent foods help curb appetite in Kapha people.

What is recommended for pacifying Kapha dosha
Hot food that can "warm up" the cold digestion of Kapha people. □ Dishes cooked without water - baked, pan-fried or grilled. To improve appetite before meals, preferably bitter and spicy (lettuce, chicory, cumin, turmeric, sesame seeds, etc.) instead of sour and salty. Each dish should have bitter and astringent tastes. Inclusion in the diet of spices, spices and seasonings. Spicy and spicy foods are especially important in winter, when they compensate for the cold and dampness that irritates Kapha. 1 Breakfast should invigorate, not satiate Kapha people. It is enough to drink coffee or bitter cocoa in the morning and eat light, hot or Kapha-reducing food, such as buckwheat pancakes with a little honey. If there is no appetite in the morning, then breakfast can be skipped. If you feel stagnant in the morning (a sign of excess Kapha), honey, hot water, lemon juice, and especially hot ginger tea are helpful. Intermittent weekly sugar-restricted diets; let's say honey (one tablespoon a day), which can be diluted in hot water. Fresh fruits, vegetables and salads, although Ayurveda prefers cooked food. Skimmed boiled milk and a minimum amount of other dairy products. When Kapha is out of balance, there is an addiction to milk, milkshakes, ice cream. This food is not good for people of this type. A good light dinner is steamed vegetables lightly seasoned with ghee. Deep fried foods are not recommended as they aggravate Kapha. Hot or warm water is desirable before meals. Too fatty, salty and sweet foods are sharply limited.

Characteristics of products for Kapha dosha
Vegetables and mushrooms
almost all vegetables, including various types of cabbage, potatoes, beets, carrots, eggplants, peppers, radishes, spinach, onions, garlic, peas, vegetables with green leaves, mushrooms.
Limit or avoid: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini.
Fruits and berries
apples, pears, pomegranates, apricots, cranberries, all dried fruits.
Limit or avoid:
watermelons, oranges, grapefruits, peaches, plums, grapes, bananas, dates, figs, mangoes, pineapples, sweet and very juicy fruits.
Grains and legumes
Favorable: rye, buckwheat, corn, barley, millet, most legumes.
Limit or avoid: rice, wheat, oats (allowable only in small quantities), beans, soybeans.
Nuts and seeds
sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
Limit or avoid:
all but those mentioned.
Dairy products and eggs
Favorable: skimmed milk, whole milk - in small quantities, eggs (not fried).
Limit or avoid:
all but those mentioned.
Meat and seafood
Favorable: chicken, turkey, shrimp (all in small quantities).
Limit or avoid:
animal meat, seafood.
Vegetable oils Favorable: sunflower, corn (in a small amount). Limit or avoid: all but those mentioned.
sugary foods
unheated honey.
Limit or avoid:
everything but honey.
Herbs and spices
Favorable: everything, but especially ginger.
Limit or avoid:
According to Ayurveda, cycles are successively replaced during the day, 4 hours each. Every person has "leading cycles". Day after day, two waves of change (two periods) pass, each of which brings a cycle of Kapha (peace), then Pitta (energy activity) and Vata (motor activity). These cycles last from sunrise to sunset and resume from sunset to dawn, they are associated primarily with solar activity.
1st period:
Kapha from 6 am to 10 am, Pitta from 10 am to 2 pm, and Vata from 2 pm to 6 pm.
2nd period:
18:00 to 22:00 Kapha, 22:00 to 2:00 Pitta, 2:00 to 06:00 Vata.
Based on these cycles, the following is recommended. Get up in the Vata cycle (motor activity, the highest efficiency), that is, a little earlier than 6 am. Drink a glass of warm water to help with bowel movements; brush your teeth and tongue. If the tongue is lined (the presence of ama from malnutrition the day before or from an imbalance of the doshas), rinse the mouth with sesame oil. After a massage with sesame oil and a bath with warm water, physical exercises (yoga postures, etc.) and transcendental meditation; Breakfast tailored to balance the doshas or just fruit. Half hour walk.
In the peak cycle of Pitta (12-13 hours), when the "digestive fire" (agni) is strongest, lunch, which includes the main part of the diet; starchy food with vegetables is desirable, giving the necessary energy; drink warm or not very cold water. After eating, sit at the table for a few minutes, or lie down, or take a short walk.
In the cycle of the end of Vata and the beginning of Kapha (18-19 hours) - a light dinner. The sun at this time decreases, and agni decreases. For many, hot porridge, bread, fruit, and herbal tea are sufficient; some protein food is acceptable. Cheese, kefir, sour cream (fermented products) and meat are not recommended. Behave after dinner in the same way as after lunch. Go to bed early, but not earlier than 3 hours after dinner.

Nutrition also depends on the season of the year and the weather to which the doshas react. Cold, dry weather, together with the wind, contributes to the accumulation of Vata. Hot weather increases Pitta, especially when it is damp. Cold, rainy weather or snow accumulates Kapha. The word "accumulates" means a strong reaction of the dosha with the possible occurrence of its imbalance.
The main annual cycles are combined with the doshas. Ayurveda divides the year into three seasons: Kapha season (spring) - from mid-March to mid-June, Pitta season (summer and early autumn) - from mid-June to mid-October, Vata season (late autumn and winter) - from mid-October to mid-October Martha. These seasons are approximate and must be correlated with local conditions.
During the Kapha season, light, dry food, less oily than other seasons, is preferred. Consumption of "heavy" dairy products (cheese, kefir, ice cream) should be reduced as they irritate Kapha. Eat hot food, drink warm drinks, eat more bitter, pungent, and astringent foods and less sour, sweet, and salty foods.
During the Pitta season, agni usually weakens in hot weather, and appetite decreases. Cold food is desirable, more fluids, cool, but not icy drinks. Don't overeat. We should eat more food with bitter, sweet and astringent tastes and less food with sour, salty and spicy tastes.
During the season of Vata, the appetite increases. Warm drinks and well-cooked hot foods are preferred, heavier and greasy than in other seasons. Eat more sweet, sour, and salty foods and less bitter, astringent, and spicy foods.
According to Ayurveda, one must be especially vigilant regarding nutrition in the season with which the dosha of a person is combined: summer is for Pitta, winter is for Vata, spring is for Kapha.
When two doshas are combined, each of them must be balanced at the onset of the corresponding season. For example, Vata-Pitta people should follow a diet that is calming in late autumn and early winter (Vata season) and calming Pitta in summer (Pitta season). In the spring (Kapha season) one should combine the food recommended for Vata with the food for Kapha. To combine means to take half of the recommended food for Vata and half of the food for Kapha.

Ayurveda. The system of three doshas. Ayurvedic dosha test to determine body type.

Ayurveda, or Ayurveda (from the Sanskrit "āyus" - "the meaning of life", "the principle of life", or "long life" and "veda" - knowledge) - the traditional system of Indian Vedic medicine, named after one of the sacred books ( see Vedas), formed as a result of the merging of the cultures of the Aryans and Dravidians. "Ayur Veda" can be translated as "knowledge of life", "knowledge of long life" or even "science of life".

Three dosha system

According to the philosophy of Buddhism, matter consists of five basic "gross elements":
* earth (prithvi) - is a solid substance or energy packed into a substance.
* water (jala) - the principle of interaction or the liquid state of matter.
* fire (agni) - the principle of energy release from a substance or a plasma state.
* air (vayu) - the principle of the movement of matter or the gaseous state of matter.
* ether (akasha) — the substance of space, an analogue of the physical vacuum.

The "gross elements" are the only physical component of the individual, in contrast to the other four "subtle" ("mental") primary elements (nama). In various combinations, these elements make up the various tissues of the human body - dhatu. The elements are grouped into three basic fundamental life forces, the doshas, ​​which regulate all bodily functions. A person is healthy when the doshas are in a balanced state.

* cotton wool(ether and air) - the principle of impulse, necessary to mobilize the function of the nervous system.
* pitta(fire and water) is the energy principle that uses bile to direct digestion and hence metabolism into the venous system.
* kapha(water and earth) - the fluid principle of the body, which relates to mucous substances, lubrication and source of nutrients for the arterial system.

The psychosomatic constitution (original nature) of a person given to him from birth depends on the ratio of doshas - Prakriti. Prakriti is the fundamental concept of the Samkhya philosophical system of Hinduism, meaning the Primordial nature, the causeless root cause of the Universe. Prakriti is independent and active, consists of three gunas:

* sattva- the basis of the mind, characterized by subtlety, lightness, light and joy;
*rajas- the basis of energy, characterized by activity, excitement and suffering;
*tamas- the basis of inertia, characterized by rudeness, apathy, amorphousness and darkness.

Prakriti does not change throughout life, and can be diagnosed through examination and questioning of the patient. Prakriti gives knowledge about the tendency to certain diseases. A person who knows his Prakriti has the key to his health, knows his weak and strong points and can always prevent illness by taking preventive measures (panchakarma, fasting, nutrition and regimen in accordance with Prakriti). The ratio of the elements of the human body at the moment is called Vikriti.

There are seven main types of Prakriti and Vikriti: vata, pitta, kapha, vata-pitta, vata-kapha, pitta-kapha, vata-pitta-kapha. All this affects the choice of treatment methods and the restoration of the balance of the three doshas.

Doshas are mentioned in the Rig Veda, where Indra is identified with Vata, Agni with Pitta, and Soma with Kapha.

Ayurvedic dosha test to determine body type

According to Ayurveda, there are 7 possible types of doshas: cotton wool, pitta, kapha, Vata Pitta, Vata Kapha, Pitta Kapha and all doshas are balanced (Sama Prakriti). There are three sections, one for each dosha. Complete each section and add up all the numbers to the total to complete the score for each dosha. Think carefully about each answer. If in doubt about what to answer, put a figure that could apply to you for your life, at least for the last few years.

0 to 2 - Not applicable to me

3 to 4 - Applicable sometimes or to some extent,

5 to 6 - Almost always applicable to me.

Section 1. Vata Dosha. 0-2 3-4 5-6

  1. By nature, I am very active, usually doing things quickly.
  2. I learn fast and forget fast.
  3. As a rule, I am enthusiastic and animated.
  4. I have a thin physique.
  5. I don't gain weight easily.
  6. I walk quickly and easily.
  7. I tend to have difficulty making decisions.
  8. I often get constipated.
  9. I have a tendency that my hands and feet are cold.
  10. I am often anxious and nervous.
  11. Cold weather worries me more than most people.
  12. I speak quickly and I am talkative.
  13. I am emotional by nature and my mood changes frequently.
  14. Often my sleep is restless and disturbed.
  15. My skin is dry, especially in winter.
  16. I have an active, unstable mind, rich in imagination.
  17. Energy comes to me in tides.
  18. I have a tendency to quickly spend or expend all the energy or money I have.
  19. My eating and sleeping habits tend to be irregular.
  20. I have a variable appetite.

Section 2. Pitta Dosha. 0-2 3-4 5-6

  1. Usually I act skillfully.
  2. I tend to be extremely precise and accurate.
  3. I am energetic and somewhat of a strong, persuasive demeanor.
  4. I feel discomfort or fatigue easily in hot weather.
  5. I sweat easily.
  6. Even though I may not always show it, I get irritable and angry quite easily.
  7. If I skip a meal or there are delays in eating, then this makes me uncomfortable.
  8. One or more of the following qualities characterize my hair: early graying or baldness, sparse, thin, straight hair, blond, red or reddish hair.
  9. I have a strong appetite.
  10. I love setting goals and then trying to achieve them.
  11. I have a very regular bowel movement. It is more typical for me that emptying occurs freely than that there is constipation.
  12. I get impatient very easily.
  13. I tend to perfect every detail.
  14. I get pissed off fairly easily, but then I quickly forget about it.
  15. I really like cold food like ice cream and also cold drinks.
  16. I am more likely to feel that the room is too hot than that the room is too cold.
  17. I can't stand very hot or very spicy food.
  18. I'm not as patient with objections as I should be.
  19. I like complex tasks that challenge me. When I want something, I am very determined in my efforts to achieve it.
  20. I tend to be critical of both others and myself.

Section 3. Kapha Dosha. 0-2 3-4 5-6

  1. I go about my business in a slow, relaxed manner.
  2. I gain weight easily and lose it slowly.
  3. By nature, I am silent and speak only when necessary.
  4. I can easily skip meals without significant inconvenience.
  5. I have a tendency to excess mucus and phlegm, chronic blockage, asthma and sinus problems.
  6. I need at least eight hours of sleep in order to feel comfortable the next day.
  7. I sleep very deeply.
  8. By nature I am peaceful; I am not easily angered.
  9. I do not memorize as fast as some, but I have an excellent ability to remember; I have a long memory.
  10. I eat slowly.
  11. Cold and damp bother me.
  12. My hair is thick, dark and wavy.
  13. I have smooth, soft, somewhat pale skin.
  14. I have a large, solid physique.
  15. By nature, I am calm and peaceful.
  16. I have poor digestion, which makes me feel heavy after eating.
  17. I have very good stamina, stamina and physical endurance as well as a stable energy level.
  18. As a rule, I have a slow, measured gait.
  19. I usually feel unsteady, unsteady after sleep and tend to slowly wake up in the morning.
  20. I usually do things slowly and methodically.

Final scoring for the dosha test: Vata _____, Pitta _____, Kapha _____.

If one score is much higher than the rest, then that is your dominant dosha. This dosha will be most evident in your constitution if its sum is at least twice as high as the next dosha count. However, if any dosha is higher, it can also be taken as the dominant dosha.

If the score for the two doshas is almost the same, then you have a body with two doshas. For example, Vata (76), Pitta (73) and Kapha (45), then you have a Vata-Pitta constitution.

If all the amounts are the same, then you have a balanced constitution, which is rare. Better take the test again and answer more carefully.

If your condition changes all the time, for example, if you have constipation, then diarrhea, then most likely this is due to the excitation of Vata dosha.

Something about the Vata dosha
Psychological picture

An icy reflection of light behind a deer flashed by lightning; the cold of gusty winds on the rustling sands of the night desert - such is the nature of Vata.

Vata, the driving force of the universe, is influenced by air and ethereal space and bathes the subtle body. The symbol of Vata is the swift deer, which controls the heart chakra, and the wise elephant, the oldest of mammals, the bearer of the history of the earth, plants and medicinal herbs, which controls the throat chakra.

The Vata type is always on the other side of the material ideas, concepts and concepts of everyday life, almost on the verge of isolation. Against the background of the solidity and solidity of the earth type, Vata looks awkward, contradictory and inconsistent. In comparison with the stoic endurance of Kapha and the high activity of Pitta, Vata's ability to worry, worry and doubt is especially noticeable. Among its partners, Vata stands out for its high mobility and variability. This type of people gives the impression of an overseas curiosity, but appearances are often deceiving.

Unlike Kapha and Pitta, Vata has tremendous spiritual potential and can lead a deeply spiritual life. The Vata dosha is ruled primarily by the subtle body and its higher etheric plane, so the evolved essence of Vata is embodied in the energies of the heart chakra and the throat chakra. These people are capable of love, compassion and reflection. Subtlety, impressionability, sensitivity and responsiveness always indicate the presence of Vata dosha in a person, no matter what type he belongs to. A person who has evolved from the fourth chakra has a very small karmic tail. But when Vata goes astray, the consequences are very sad. During meditation, people belonging to the Vata type learn about their inherent ability to swim in the ocean of cognitive memory, penetrating through the energy channels to the sources of instinctive wisdom.

Vata people have a bright gift: they are able to experience love and show sensuality on the spiritual plane. As a rule, as people of this type mature, their physical desires fade away and deep cosmic love begins to blossom, in the invisible embrace of which the universe splashes. These people must open up and allow their extraordinary nature to enjoy the true spirit of universal sensuality. This is what will give them maximum satisfaction in the knowledge of sensory sensations.

Vata type people are always at the forefront of the ever-changing game of being, but they never strive to lead the masses and lead. The nature of Vata is inherent in innate musicality. Ascetic Vatas must definitely relax, contemplate and meditate in order to get rid of the irritation accumulated after the endless noise cacophony of the day. Healing practices for Vata can be activities whose energy deeply resonates with the subtle vibrations of the Vata nature.

The heart chakra, Vata's main connection to the universe, is bathed and nourished by pure sound. Extraneous sounds, even of natural origin, prevent Vata from vibrating at deep levels, resonating with the pulsation of the universe. That's why they love silence so much. They have a unique gift to delve into their inner world, enter the world of silence, listen to inner feelings and find a refuge where only flows that are in tune with their inner energy reign.

Like the wind, Vatas are quite at home except in the niches constructed by the Pittas and Kaphas. Vata can be compared to the wind rushing through the rustling sands of the night desert, which has no top, no bottom, no beginning, no end. Vata is lulled by the sounds of the subsiding wind in the vast and eternal ocean of space.

Vata is sensitive not only to sounds, but also to touch. They are distinguished by a subtle tactile reaction, and this should not surprise us, since the skin is under the protection of air. They are soothed by a light gentle touch of natural fabrics, causing a feeling of well-being and comfort.

In order for Vata to love himself for who he is, to stop criticizing, judging and evaluating himself, he will have to go through a long and difficult path of overcoming himself. Vata should not feel like white crows in a flock of the world. They only have to realize that they are endowed with the highest gift. Without this, they will never be able to find inner and outer harmony and reconcile the spiritual with the carnal.

Something About Pitta Dosha
Psychological picture

The fierce gleam of the fire-breathing dragon's eyes in the city of sparkling gems is the true nature of Pitta.

Pitta, the dynamic force of the universe, is influenced by the fire element. Pitta bathes the mental body. The symbol of fire is a ram, or ram, which with wild pressure rushes forward with its horns. The fiery energy of Pitta is concentrated in the solar plexus chakra manipura, or energy chakra. Manipura translates from Sanskrit as "the sparkling abode of precious stones" and this term perfectly describes the energy of Pitta.

Pitta has an enormous store of solar energy, and this is reflected in his highly intelligent and noble appearance. Like representatives of other Ayurvedic types, a highly developed mature Pitta follows the path of self-knowledge and understands his true destiny.

Pitta always demands the lion's share and usually gets it. Pittas are fierce, fire-breathing dragons. Leaving scorched deserts behind them, they furiously rush forward, demonstrating a furious pressure and inexhaustible ram energy. The uniqueness of Pitta lies in the fact that its physiological and psychological centers are located in the same central area of ​​the body - the area of ​​the solar plexus.

The main qualities of Pitta are energy, ambition and aggressiveness; by these qualities he is easily recognizable. Born from the energy of the universe, Pitta turns ideas into reality and makes fairy tales come true. Ultimately, cosmic love (anahata heart chakra) and creative imagination (vishuddha throat chakra) Vat grow out of the universal fire energy. When the dosha of Pitta is balanced as a result of conscious living, its fiery energy rises to the higher chakras.

Pitta plays the role of a catalyst, the very acceleration force that mobilizes the activity of the other two types - Vata and Kapha. Pittas enjoy absolute power, controlling any situation that arises. They are always aimed at success, and the ram's strength gives them brightness and originality. They know how to concentrate on one task and throw all their energy into its implementation. Driven by solar power, the Pitts are theatrical and spectacular, they are actors in a breathtaking performance.

The degree of individual perfection of each of the representatives of this type can vary widely. This means that for every harmonious and perfect ram there is always a sheep hiding in the bushes. Pittas live in mental balance with themselves and the world.

Pittas lose their temper instantly and unpredictably. Their irritability and anger will strike the imagination of a stranger. Pitts need to work a lot with their consciousness in order to ever understand that there are many people of different types living on earth besides them. Trying to subdue Pitta is tantamount to trying to block a forest fire. How often do you manage to put out forest fires that broke out during the dry season over vast areas?

At the same time, their indomitable will is responsible for the gigantic breakthroughs of mankind in the field of science and technology. (And also for the rise of environmentally hazardous industries.) Pitta is easily recognizable by traits such as purposefulness, ambition, integrity, and authority.

If the Vatas should borrow the strengths of the self-centered Pittas, then the Pitts need to learn not to stick out their "I", stop considering themselves the navels of the earth and not overestimate their own importance. Pitts do not need to constantly assert themselves and prove that they are the central and guiding force in the interaction of people of different types. Nature favored them with this role, because it is not for nothing that Pitt has a developed manipura chakra - the center of self-expression. All people have a karmic debt, so do not upset the plans of the architect of the universe. This is the most important lesson that the Pittas must learn.

Manipura governs not only the dosha of Pitta, but also the stage of youth in the life of every person. Therefore, it is quite normal when Pitt is called a "hot head" and when he is irritable. Pitta is always unstoppable at the start line. But in a marathon, he has to slow down and look around to see what the rest of the runners are doing. After all, the center can be called the center, when there is a periphery around it, it cannot exist by itself. The vanguard is Vata and the rear is Kapha. Only when there is a team around Pitta will he be able to complete the task.

Pitts should always remember people! From time to time, the fire-breathing dragon must slow down to look at its surroundings, see individual faces and look into itself.

Pittas are endowed with the highest energy potential. If they manage to cope with their arrogance towards people, they will be able to know the secrets of the human "I". They are endowed with the greatest gift of sattvic thinking, which leads to harmony with themselves and the world.

Dynamic Pitts have a common misconception. People of this type mistakenly believe that the measure of success is material victories and conquests. But in the center of the dazzling flame lurks a gem, cooled by its own bright cold light. When Pitta learns to overcome the obstacles erected by his own ego, he will be surprised to find that life is not limited to the material plane, that in addition to material values ​​in life there are goals and values ​​of a different order that can and should be strived for in real life.

Something about the Kapha dosha
Psychological picture

Unshakable like a rock, solid like a stone, flowing cool like a shimmering surface of a river in the white moonlight - such is the essence of the Kapha type.

Kapha is affected by the water and earth elements - the energies of attraction and charm in the universe. Kapha bathes the body of nutrition and is located in the upper part of the human chest cavity.

Kapha is dominated by the energy of the svadhisthana chakra, ruled by Mercury. Mercury has a lunar nature that represents femininity. This primordial female force, capable of procreation, is surrounded by the male solar energy of muladhara. Healthy cheerful Kapha is under the influence of muladhara and svadhisthana - the basis of creation.

The planetary principles of the Earth fit perfectly into the nature of Kapha. Kaphas are better than others attuned to the rhythms of earthly life and adapted to survival. It was the Kaphas who wrote the social and family rules for people. The immovable, steady and inert Kapha contrasts sharply with the air currents of Vata flying and melting in the clouds and the volcanic eruptions of the fiery lava of Pitta. Kapha has always been, is and will be, this is the law. Kapha is a frozen statue of eternity, over which time and space have no power. The energy of Kapha serves as the foundation on which the building blocks of the universe are built. The vitality, volatility, soaring and flying power of Vata, or the fire, strength, drive and dynamics that characterize Pitta, are supported by the energy of Kapha. The energy of Kapha is fundamental, like the archetype of Mother Earth is fundamental.

Kapha energy symbolizes late winter and early spring for all living organisms. Kapha cleanses the blood and dirt of everyday life, revealing life-giving purity and freshness. Kapha personifies the basic and continuous life process, without which there can be no home, no children, no family. Being the mother breast of the planet, she warms and feeds Vata and Pitta, who go to her to replenish their strength. Kapha resembles a calm and well-fed cow grazing in lush green meadows. Kapha's talisman is a prehistoric elephant that bears the burden of earthly suffering. Kapha embodies our origins and the motherly, feminine nature of all things.

Kapha is a classic combination of stoic grace, serenity and sensuality. Kaphas are very soulful and unsinkable. Kaphas have a stable and grounded nature that allows Vatas to fly freely and perform the feats of Pitts. Kapha gives its partners the opportunity to live and enjoy life here and now.

Kapha is found on the physical and astral planes. In the human body, Kapha accounts for up to eighty percent of the total weight, and on the planet - fifty percent. That is why people in whom this dosha predominates are so strongly attached to the material world. This causes huge problems of the earthly order. Kaphas always overeat and have a very possessive instinct. Being Kapha means being possessive.

Kaphas need large spaces and open spaces that offer fabulous views and vistas. In order for them to perform overwhelming Herculean tasks, they need fresh air and certain conditions for life. The fertile energy of Kapha should flow freely. There are usually three requirements for a Kapha house: convenience, practicality, and great wealth.

Kaphas must give up hoarding, possessiveness and hiding "for a rainy day." They should not identify themselves with their property, even if acquired through righteous labors, but be content with only the most necessary things. Alas, for the Kaphas, this is an almost impossible task, because it is difficult for them to decide what the “essentials” are. But if they keep one-fourth of what they own, then even then they will not live as ascetics. Kaphas are never poor, and this is understandable: you need to have a lot of milk to feed Wat and Pitt.

These solid people with glossy faces are endowed with a pronounced ability to "cool down on the run", lose incentives, lose interest in what only recently aroused their enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Kaphas love to lie low so that no one pulls them and does not call for anything.

Uncontrolled gluttony, omnivorousness and greed lead these people into a lethargic state. In seasons of vulnerability, Kaphas must carefully control the desire to "pull the blanket over themselves" and "put a paw" on everything that the eye sees. If they do not heed this advice, they will gain even more weight already overweight, because they are very inert. Kaphas do not know what a flight of imagination or an all-consuming fire of passion is, therefore their energy is not wasted and does not burn out, but is spent carefully and economically. But with all the inflexibility and steadfastness of their nature, Kaphas sometimes still manage to move away from the stereotype, although for this they must overcome themselves.

The element of svadhisthana is water. When Kapha muddies the purity of its waters and stumbles, it often sinks into deep waters of disappointment, depression and melancholy. When Kaphas sink to the bottom, then from the builders of the universe they become its active destroyers. In the space of depression, or the space of Pluto, many types of malignant tumors are born.

In order to fully live every day, Kaphas must strictly adhere to a strict daily routine and not allow themselves to be discouraged due to internal conflicts. Water people cannot afford such a luxury as accumulating resentment, anger and keeping their inner world in disarray. Like the waters of rivers, the waters of Kapha should always remain clean, clear and fast. Stagnant waters are the first enemy of Kapha.

Components of the human body. To determine the energy that controls your physical and mental functions, you can take a special dosha test.

The test will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

How to pass?

In total, the dosha test consists of 192 questions, each of which has 5 possible answers - you choose the 1 that most accurately describes you. As a result of the check, your Prakriti Dosha (body constitution) will be determined according to Ayurveda.

Why pass?

Looking closely at our surroundings, we notice the features of people we know: one is more prone to physical illness, another shows excessive aggression, and the third is completely apathetic.

Such states are explained by the disharmony of the doshas in the body, which are constantly in motion and strive for perfect balance. However, the ideal is the opposite of development, so one of the properties always prevails, while the other two are constantly changing.

Using the Ayurveda dosha test online, you can determine the leading dosha of a person and identify his tendency to certain manifestations of physical or mental disorders. That is why in questions there are both internal and external characteristics of a person, for example:

    body type;

    the shape of the nose and eyes;

    skin type and condition;

    what is the smell of the body;

    the condition of the teeth;

    weather influence;

    manner of communication;

    How does a person deal with problems?

    endurance level and much more.

It is important to correctly determine the dosha and the level of imbalance. This will help prevent many diseases, suggest a suitable diet and lifestyle. Using these tips, you can, on your own or with the help of a mentor, chart your path to a healthy body, a peaceful mind, and harmony with the world around you.

Passing rules

Before taking a dosha test online, find a comfortable place for yourself where you can listen to yourself and not be distracted by extraneous stimuli.

When answering questions, you must follow some rules:

    take your time, carefully read each question and answer;

    Think about the answer without haste. It is not necessary that every word in the answer will suit you - but there should be a majority;

    answers must be honest. Choose the option that describes you, not the one that you see as "ideal";

    If you are having trouble giving yourself an accurate assessment, ask a close friend or relative to help you take the test.

Do not forget that the doshas tend to change the balance throughout a person's life, so it is recommended to check the energy balance every three months and adjust the lifestyle in accordance with the result.

How to interpret the results

After answering all the questions, you will receive the test results in the form of numbers, one for each indicator: the level of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The indicator with a significantly larger figure is your leading dosha.

Sometimes two or three doshas turn out to be leading - in this case, a person belongs to a rare type of people with an improved level of harmony of internal and external properties:

    if there are two leading types, then the constitution of the body will be called with a hyphen, the first will be the dosha, which has a larger indicator;

    if the numbers between all doshas fluctuate between 1-2 units, then the type of constitution will be called Sama-dosha.

Let us clarify that each person is unique, and the vata pitta kapha dosha test helps to approximately determine this balance, from which the set of malfunctions in the psyche or physical health is different. But having learned your leading property, you can influence the disturbing "lagging" dosha with the help of Ayurvedic advice and improve your condition. Now you know how to determine your dosha.

There are seven possible types of doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Vata-Pitta, Vata-Kapha, Pitta-Kapha and all doshas are balanced (Sama Prakriti). There are three sections, one for each dosha.

Complete each section and add up all the numbers to the total to complete the score for each dosha. Think carefully about each answer. If in doubt about what to answer, put a figure that could apply to you for your life, at least for the last few years.

0 to 2 = Not applicable to me,
3 to 4 = Applicable sometimes or to some extent,
5 to 6 = Almost always applicable to me.

Section 1. Vata Dosha. 0–2 3–4 5–6

1. By nature, I am very active, usually doing things quickly.

2. I learn quickly and forget quickly.

3. As a rule, I am enthusiastic and animated.

4. I have a slim build.

5. I don't gain weight easily.

6. I walk quickly and easily.

7. I tend to have difficulty making decisions.

8. I often get constipated.

9. I have a tendency that my hands and feet are cold.

10. I am often anxious and nervous.

11. Cold weather bothers me more than most people.

12. I speak quickly and I am talkative.

13. I am emotional by nature and my mood changes frequently.

14. Often my sleep is restless and disturbed.

15. My skin is dry, especially in winter.

16. I have an active, unstable mind, rich in imagination.

17. Energy comes to me in tides.

18. I have a tendency to quickly spend or expend all the energy or money I have.

19. My eating and sleeping habits tend to be irregular.

20. I have a variable appetite.

Section 2. Pitta Dosha. 0–2 3–4 5–6

1. I usually act skillfully.

2. I tend to be extremely precise and accurate.

3. I am energetic and have a somewhat strong, persuasive demeanor.

4. I feel discomfort or fatigue easily in hot weather.

5. I sweat easily.

6. Even though I may not always show it, I get irritable and angry quite easily.

7. If I skip a meal or there are delays in eating, then this makes me uncomfortable.

8. One or more of the following qualities characterize my hair: early graying or baldness, sparse, thin, straight hair, blond, red or reddish hair.

9. I have a strong appetite.

10. I love setting goals and then trying to achieve them.

11. I have a very regular bowel movement. It is more typical for me that emptying occurs freely than that there is constipation.

12. I get impatient very easily.

13. I tend to bring everything to perfection in detail.

14. I get angry quite easily, but then I quickly forget about it.

15. I really like cold food like ice cream and also cold drinks.

16. I am more likely to feel that the room is too hot than that the room is too cold.

17. I can't stand very hot or very spicy food.

18. I'm not as patient with objections as I should be.

19. I like complex tasks that challenge me. When I want something, I am very determined in my efforts to achieve it.

20. I tend to be critical of both others and myself.

Section 3. Kapha Dosha. 0–2 3–4 5–6

1. I do things in a slow, relaxed manner.

2. I gain weight easily and lose it slowly.

3. By nature, I am silent and speak only when necessary.

4. I can easily skip meals without significant inconvenience.

5. I tend to have excess mucus and phlegm, chronic blockage, asthma and sinus problems.

6. I need at least eight hours of sleep in order to feel comfortable the next day.

7. I sleep very deeply.

8. I am peaceful by nature; I am not easily angered.

9. I do not memorize as fast as some, but I have an excellent ability to store in memory; I have a long memory.

10. I eat slowly.

11. Cold and damp bother me.

12. My hair is thick, dark and wavy.

13. I have smooth, soft, somewhat pale skin.

14. I have a large, solid build.

15. By nature, I am calm, peaceful.

16. I have poor digestion, which makes me feel heavy after eating.

17. I have very good stamina, stamina and physical endurance as well as stable energy levels.

18. As a rule, I have a slow, measured gait.

19. I usually feel unsteady after sleep, unsteady and usually slowly disperse in the morning.

20. I usually do things slowly and methodically.

Final scoring: Vata _____, Pitta _____, Kapha _____

1. If one score is much higher than the rest, then that is your dominant dosha. This dosha will be most evident in your constitution if its sum is at least twice as high as the next dosha count. However, if any dosha is higher, it can also be taken as the dominant dosha.

2. If the score for the two doshas is almost the same, then you have a body with two doshas. For example, Vata (76), Pitta (73) and Kapha (45), then you have a Vata-Pitta constitution.

3. If all the amounts are the same, then you have a balanced constitution, which is rare. Better take the test again and answer more carefully.

4. If your condition changes all the time, for example, if you have constipation, then diarrhea, then most likely this is due to the excitation of Vata dosha.



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