How to teach an adult dog to a kitten. How to make a dog and cat friends

Owners who already have a dog often adopt a kitten as well. Of course, these pets, incompatible in many respects, may have conflicts that have irreparable consequences.

It is known that it is easiest to accustom a puppy to a kitten. If you raise and educate pets together from a young age, in the future they will become inseparable friends and they cannot have any misunderstanding. However, the situation is quite different with an already adult dog and a small kitten.

Preparing for the first meeting

Cats and dogs are by nature very different animals. Scientific studies have shown that cats have a special secret with a specific smell, which is why dogs often react aggressively to them. Therefore, for the harmonious existence of these animals in the same territory, the dog should be accustomed to this particular smell.

On the very first day of acquiring a kitten, in no case should you introduce him to a dog - her reaction can be unpredictable. Pets should not intersect with each other for at least 4 days, preferably a week. During this time, the dog should get used to the new smell of the kitten, which will facilitate the first acquaintance. Animals must be kept in different rooms behind tightly closed doors, but it is necessary to periodically change their places so that they can quickly get used to someone else's smell.

It should be remembered that a kitten can also show aggression at the sight of a dog, so before meeting with a new "neighbor" he should file the claws a little. When smelling a dog, the kitten may tear the wallpaper and furniture, and the dog, in turn, may mark the territory or try to find the cat in the closets and in the corners.

The nature of the dog also greatly influences the process of the first acquaintance. Dogs that are calm by nature, even fighting breeds, respond adequately to a kitten, and often do not even attach much importance to finding a new pet in the apartment. In this case, the behavior of the cat should be regulated, because here it is he who can become the initiator of the conflict or simply be afraid of the presence of a "formidable" animal.

Dogs with a playful nature and increased activity can be incredibly happy with a new neighbor - sniffing him, wagging his tail, trying to play with him. Such a "warm meeting" can also frighten the kitten and provoke him to aggression, which can lead to injury to the dog and owner.

First meeting

Before the very first meeting with a kitten, the dog must be put on a collar and a muzzle. Acquaintance should take place gradually, with the absence of stress. It is absolutely impossible to immediately leave a dog in the same room with a kitten. It is best to introduce pets through a small opening under the strict control of the owner.

If neither the dog nor the kitten has pronounced aggression, then such meetings can be held regularly, until the pets are completely used to each other. It is important to note that there are hunting breeds of dogs, whose representatives are very difficult to accustom to a kitten - the dog will see its prey in a small creature. With such an acquaintance, the most important thing is not to let the kitten out of your hands - if the kitten runs, the dog will start hunting him.

Coexistence after dating

After a good acquaintance and getting used to each other, the animals can already be kept in the same room and not worry about them. However, it is important to continue to feed the pets separately from each other, as conflicts can arise during meals, and food that is healthy for a dog can harm a kitten's fragile body. Pets should be fed in equal amounts, and food should be given in separate bowls so that they do not feel a sense of competition for food and territory.

A dog is much easier to accustom to a small kitten than to an already adult cat - it causes much less aggression. When aggression is shown towards the kitten, the dog should be taught commands (“Fu”, “No”, “Do not touch”, etc.), which will help the owner control the behavior of the pet. A trained dog is much easier and faster to train a kitten.

The owner should keep neutrality with his animals - not give preference to any of them. A pet that remains deprived of attention develops jealousy, and this can also lead to conflicts.

Every favorable joint pastime of pets should be encouraged, and then both the dog and the kitten will understand that only benefit can be derived from friendships.

The friendship of a dog and a kitten can reach such an extent that the dog becomes a guard for the kitten from people (except for the owners) and other dogs that are aggressively set against him. In adult dogs, especially females, the parental instinct often wakes up, and they completely take care of the kitten. Sometimes it even happens that a lactating female with puppies becomes so attached to the kitten that he breastfeeds with the puppies and goes through the stages of growing up with them. However, in this case, the owner should be most careful - the nursing mother may react differently and see the kitten as an enemy that must be eliminated in order to protect the offspring and so that there is no competition between the puppies and the kitten.

In the process of accustoming a dog to a kitten, the role of the owner is the most important. He must control the first acquaintance of the pets, follow them after they meet, create comfortable conditions for the community and constantly communicate with his pets on an equal footing, without setting them against each other.

With a dog it is necessary gradually. It is better if the first time they stay in different rooms. For example, place them in rooms separated by a glass door. Animals will be able to see each other, but will be deprived of the opportunity to enter into conflict. And the first meeting will not be a shock.

A day later, the kitten can be released to the dog. He will be busy with the development of a new premises and will not focus on another animal. Be sure to be close to the dog, carefully monitor its reaction. Stop any attempts to attack, even in the form of a game. If the kitten raises its hair when the dog tries to get closer. Don't worry, this is a completely normal reaction. Stroke the baby, cheer him up.

It is best to introduce animals at a time when they are both full and complacent. In no case do not let climb into the dog bowl - the dog will perceive this as an encroachment on its territory and may bite the baby. But more often she will just growl and the kitten will understand that it is undesirable to climb into dog territory. It is also better for the new tenant not to touch the litter and the dog.

If the kitten is guilty of something, do not yell at him in the presence of the dog. The dog may decide that he must punish the culprit. According to the dog hierarchy, the kitten is on the lowest rung. Do not let the dog get stronger in this opinion - treat both animals equally affectionately.

The dog is peacefully dozing on the rug, and the cat is comfortably settled next to it and lulls its tailed friend with an affectionate and gentle purr. How to make a cat and a dog friends in an apartment so that such an idyllic picture becomes a reality? Indeed, many owners are faced with the opposite situation, when their beloved pets turn the house into a war zone and compete not only for territory, but also for the attention of all family members. And the main task of the owner in this case is not to take a neutral position, but to make every effort to reconcile the animals and help them become true friends.

Causes of animosity between dogs and cats

If we recall the work of the English writer Rudyard Kipling "The Cat that Walks by itself", then dogs and cats are eternal enemies and there can be no talk of any friendship between them. But in fact, these animals have no special reasons for enmity, they just perceive the world around them differently.

Dogs, like their closest relatives, wolves, prefer to lead a pack life, because it is easier for them to survive and protect their territory from strangers. Cats, on the contrary, are loners by nature and avoid communication not only with other animal species, but also with representatives of their own kind.

Such features of the behavior of cats and dogs determine their mutual hostility, since the dog considers all household members and animals living in the house to be members of his pack and will persistently seek their society. Naturally, the cat does not like such an obtrusive neighbor, so the fluffy pet begins to defend itself, taking a fighting stance and hissing at the dog, which eventually ends in a fierce fight between the two pets.

And often the owners, observing the daily conflicts of their pets, make a radical decision to give one of them to another family, although it is quite possible to make friends with a cat with a dog if you show a little patience and follow certain rules.

Who is the head in this house?

When a kitten and a puppy enter the house at the same time, the question of how to reconcile them does not even arise, because the kids see each other not as a rival or enemy, but as a companion with whom they can play and frolic.

In adult animals, the process of adaptation to a new neighbor is much more difficult, therefore, before introducing a dog to a cat or a cat to a dog, it is advisable to prepare for this in advance.

If a dog lives in the house:

  • Before you get a kitten, you should observe how the dog on a walk reacts to cats running past. If he is torn off the leash, trying to rush after the cat, the pet must be taught the commands “no” or “fu”;
  • It would not be superfluous to take the dog to visit friends who have a cat and observe the behavior of a four-legged pet. In the case when the dog does not show aggression towards the cat, but shows interest, you can safely get a fluffy pet;
  • Before meeting a cat, it is advisable to put on a muzzle or at least a leash on a large dog or a representative of a hunting breed so that he cannot harm the new pet;
  • The dog must know and follow basic commands such as "sit" and "down" so that the owner can control it in the process of getting to know the kitten.

If a cat lives in the house:

  • In order for the cat to get used to the new neighbor faster, you can first introduce it to the neighbor's dog and give the animals the opportunity to communicate, of course, under the supervision of the owners;
  • Before bringing a puppy into the house, it is advisable for the cat to cut its claws so that in the event of an attack on the dog, the pet does not inflict serious wounds on him;
  • The sounds of a dog barking unnerve and frighten a cat. Therefore, before getting a four-legged pet, some owners record dog barking on a cassette or disk and turn it on every day for several minutes so that the cat gets used to the source of irritation and subsequently ceases to perceive it as a threat.

First acquaintance of pets

It is very important to correctly and competently organize the first acquaintance of animals, because it depends on this how their relationship will develop in the future. If a dog frightens a fluffy pet with a loud bark or tries to attack him, then one can hardly expect that friendship and mutual understanding will arise between the pets.

If a cat has been a full-fledged owner in the house for more than one year, then before you add a new neighbor to him, you should make sure that he is in a calm and relaxed state. You can put the dog in the room and see how the cat reacts to it. If she took on a menacing look and began to hiss, but is at a safe distance and does not try to attack the puppy, then you should not interfere, it is better to give the animals a few minutes to get to know each other.

But, when, when meeting a dog, a cat without warning rushed at her and grabbed her claws, the animals must be immediately separated into different rooms and contact between them should be prevented for the next two or three days. Perhaps in a few days, the cat will get used to the smell of a new pet and subsequently treat him more friendly.

In the event that the dog was the first to appear in the house, they put a leash on it before meeting the cat and only then let the new pet into the room. When the dog does not show aggression and does not bark furiously, the cat is allowed to examine the room, but at the same time, the behavior of the dog is monitored all the time. If he calmly watches the movements of the newly-made neighbor, we can assume that the first acquaintance was successful and in the future the cat and dog will make friends, and will not turn into irreconcilable enemies.

If the dog is hostile towards the cat and the owner fears for the life of the fluffy pet, in the next few days the dog is put on a muzzle and allowed to watch the cat from afar.

You can also apply this method: the room is divided by a mesh partition so that the pets can see each other, and every day arrange short meetings for them, lasting 15-20 minutes. After a while, the animals will get used to the fact that they now have to share one territory and may be more comfortable with the presence of another pet in the house.

Advice to owners: in no case should animals be forcibly pushed together or locked in the same room, this will only lead to aggression and hatred between them.

Rules for keeping a cat and a dog in the same house

Sometimes a dog and a cat coexist peacefully in the same apartment, but their relationship cannot be called friendly. Pets do not show any interest in each other and try to avoid communication and meeting. Most often, the owners are satisfied with such a situation when a fragile truce has reigned between the animals, and they do not start fights for the territory and attention of the owner.

But if the goal of the owner is to make pets friends, then he should help them in this, and not remain an outside observer.

  • When the owner takes the dog for a walk, he forgets that cats can also be walked on a leash. Therefore, next time you should take a fluffy pet with you, perhaps a common walk will bring the animals together and contribute to their friendship;
  • When the cat is comfortably seated on the owner’s lap, it is advisable to call the dog to him so that he is not jealous of the opponent and does not feel deprived of attention and affection;
  • Both cats and dogs love to play. Therefore, you can come up with a game in which both pets would take part, for example, throwing a ball to them in turn;
  • If the dog accidentally bit the cat during the game, corporal punishment should not be used. The owner must express his dissatisfaction with the “no” command and lock the dog in another room for a few minutes. So the pet will understand that he has done something illegal and next time he will be careful;
  • Animal feeding is also important. The cat, when satiated, will calmly leave the food in the bowl and come to the plate when it gets hungry again. This is the main problem, because the dog eats everything to the last crumb and will not miss the chance to finish eating food from the cat's bowl, which, of course, does not please the cat. To avoid this, the fluffy pet's plate is placed in a place where the dog cannot reach, for example, on the windowsill;
  • Animals must be cared for and cared for equally. Then they will not have feelings of jealousy and rivalry, and the pets will not start a fight for the attention of the owner.

Despite the deeply rooted stereotype that peace between cats and dogs is impossible, these animals, so different and different from each other, often show an example of strong and disinterested friendship. Therefore, reconciling pets is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance, you just need to be patient and surround them with affection and care, then a calm and peaceful atmosphere will always reign in the house, and this is the most important thing.

A dog lives in your house and you decided to get a kitten? Or vice versa, you have a kitten, but an addition to the family is planned? The second option, of course, is simpler, it is quite possible to make friends with two cubs, albeit of different species. We will not concentrate on the small and go the hard way - consider the acquaintance of an adult dog and a cat (kitten, young cat). If you are ready to work, correct the behavior of the wards, show patience and endurance, below we will analyze how to teach a dog to a kitten. If you think that it will “grow on its own”, strong advice is to refuse to purchase a second animal.

Before bringing a new animal into the house, think over all the nuances in detail:

  • Pets should not "intersect" 2-3 days.
  • Both animals must have their own bedding.
  • The "guest" must have access to the places where the "newcomer" has been.
  • The cat must have access to .
  • Feeding should be separate, behind tightly closed doors.
  • The dog must know the basic commands, calmly treats the muzzle.
  • The tips of the claws are filed to the kitten.

Important! Do not be under the illusion that the dog is a great danger, yes, it is physically stronger, but the kitten that saves its life is an “eye-scratching machine”! Get ready to attack from both sides!

Read also: What to do if the dog runs away for a walk: 6 simple rules

Initial acquaintance

Animals do not need to see each other, they are guided by smells. Ideally, the wards are locked in different rooms. If there is one room in the dwelling, the kitchen is used as an "aviary". During the day, animals must be swapped, allowed to walk around the "no man's land" in turn. A period of 3 days is conditional, in order to accustom a large dog to a small kitten, you need to keep the animals separately until the primary emotions fade. It will be especially difficult with choleric dogs.

Be prepared for incidents, the most well-mannered dog can make a puddle in the place where he smells a cat or turn over the toilet tray. Murzik is also capable of small "tactical moves" - tearing furniture upholstery out of indignation, singing songs under the door, furiously demanding attention, wetting corners.

The whole family should be prepared for unforeseen moments. The collar is not removed from the dog, in the room with the cat there is a blanket at the ready. Tip - take care of your hands and face, if the cat is furious, use a blanket to cover and calm the animal. A confrontation with an angry cat is guaranteed to be more dangerous than a confrontation with a dog.

Note! Sometimes, dogs with pronounced hunting and stalking instincts cannot be accustomed to a cat - the costs of the "profession".

Face to face - the first meeting

When the first passions subside and the animals come to terms with the presence of a "stranger", we proceed to the next stage. An adult dog is put on a parfors (strict collar) and a muzzle. The animals meet through a crack in the open door. Please note that a cat may well scratch a dog through a small gap. The procedure is repeated until the animals begin to behave with restraint "sniffing nose to nose".

Read also: Dog training at home: teaching basic commands

For fans of fast and extreme moves, there is also a method. First, you thoroughly study the body language of cats and dogs! After that, a soft muzzle and a loose leash are put on the dog, the cat's claws are cut. Animals are brought together in one room, the owner is watching. If you intend to start a fight, the animals are isolated. According to the experience of the owners, the first method is more effective, it allows the wards to get to know each other in circumstances of moderate stress. No one guarantees that the pets will sleep together, but they are quite capable of dividing the territory without fights.

Important! Continue feeding your pets separately, even after you've met them, at least until the animals are fully grown.

Acquaintance of a puppy with a kitten or an adult cat

Yes, the behavior of the puppy must be considered separately. The kid is unlikely to intentionally harm the cat, but is guaranteed to turn the existence of the mustachioed-striped into a "holiday". Your task is to exhaust the dog on walks and distract at home if the cat is not in the mood to communicate. Over time, Murzik will adapt to move around the house without touching the floor, and the puppy will realize that the arched back and the hiss of a “forced playmate” are far from a benevolent invitation to frolic.

When showing serious aggression, the dog should be punished by you, not the cat - it's safer. Your task is to catch the moment of the attack and strictly stop it with the “Fu” command, with a jerk of the parforce, rolled up with a newspaper on the priest as a last resort. If you do not "break" this moment in the process of growing up, either the dog will need a dog handler, or your cat will die "the death of the brave."

A well-known saying claims that dogs and cats are eternal enemies that cannot get along with each other. But the lives and experiences of many animal lovers have proven otherwise. Two tailed creatures can become best friends. If in the house where the dog first appeared, a cat also appears over time, the owner must arm himself with information on how to properly organize their neighborhood, make it peaceful and calm. So, let's learn about it in detail.

Conditions for perfect symbiosis

Animal experts say that for the peaceful coexistence of a cat and a dog, you need to take them into the house at the same time. Then none of them will feel like a master in the house when a guest appears in it, that is, a second pet. In this case, they will definitely become best friends.

But this rarely happens in life, and in the homes of animal lovers, most likely, they are turned on in turn. If an adult dog is already “registered” in the apartment, and the children also wanted a cat, then, of course, you need to take him at a young age. A prerequisite for this is a sufficient amount of space in the house. Immediately tune in to the fact that it will be much more difficult, and at first it will be necessary to pay a lot of attention and time to both animals, to get used to each other.

Organization of the first meeting

So, if the decision is made, you are going for a cat, then the acquaintance of a new family member with an old one can occur in two ways. Here they are:

  1. You bring a kitten into the house, you greet a dog that another family member keeps on a leash for insurance. Then let the kitten walk along the corridor and watch the reaction of the old resident. Further, if the dog is calm, does not growl, does not bark, give him the opportunity to sniff a new family member. This must be done very carefully, because the dog may have a hunter's instinct. True, experienced dog breeders argue that such a reaction may be more likely to an adult cat, and not to a kitten. After sniffing and familiarizing the dog with the new household and its smell, the kitten should be taken away and temporarily settled in a room or other room away from the dog. Trying to bring two animals together during the first days is not worth it. They need to get used to each other's scent. You must ensure that the dog did not frighten the kitten, did not harm him even out of friendly motives. In the early days, it is recommended to feed them in the same room, but separately. Do not let the dog, as the owner, climb into the cat's bowl. This can provoke a serious conflict between animals, after that they will really be at enmity, since the dog coveted the "holy".
  2. The second option is more suitable for a situation where the dog is angry, intolerant of strangers, and you are faced with the manifestation of his aggression towards cats on the street. In this case, bringing the cat into the house, it is not necessary to introduce them immediately. You settle the cat in one room and do not show the dog, but let him calmly stay where he was. The next day, the animals need to change rooms. This way they will get used to each other's scent. So it is recommended to do several days in a row or a couple of times during the day.
  3. Introduce them to each other after a few days. This is done carefully, through the door slot. If your dog is angry, then it is advisable to put a muzzle on him. Then the animals are bred and the door is closed. Such an acquaintance should be repeated several times during the day, and only after that, allow the pets to fully see each other and sniff. As practice shows, such a gradual and gradual acquaintance gives excellent results. Animals become friends and calmly divide the territory of your house among themselves.

    Rules of peaceful coexistence

    Its basis is the same manifestation of the owner's attention to the cat and the dog. This will help to avoid manifestations of jealousy on the part of the dog. Did you play with the dog? Pay attention to the cat. Petted the dog? Do the same with another family member. Try to organize joint games.

    It is important during the period of adaptation to constantly keep under control the joint stay of animals. The owner is obliged to regularly encourage their friendship. And then the cat will understand that the dog can be used as a heating pad, an interlocutor, a friend.

    Many cats love to sit on top and contemplate everything that happens below. Give your cat the same opportunity during the period of adaptation to the dog. If he climbed onto the closet, you should not drive him out of there. He is so comfortable and calm. Over time, this will pass.

    Having decided to settle in a house where there is a dog, a cat, it is necessary to take into account the breed of the dog. Many watchdogs (for example, Dobermans) are very jealous of the appearance of cat representatives in the house, no matter what breed they are. Therefore, carefully observe the first reaction, be vigilant and careful.



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