Goose fat in cosmetology.

The scope of goose fat is quite extensive: the remedy was used to treat colds, alleviate the patient's condition with a strong, loss of strength and. Goose fat was also used in cooking and cosmetology.

Composition and properties

The first mention of domestic geese can be found even in the Bible. People raised birds and used the meat for food, feathers for making pillows and featherbeds, and the fat was stored for medicinal purposes.

The medicinal product was obtained as follows: the fatty layers were cut into small pieces, placed in an enameled dish (in a bowl), and then a pot of water was put on a very slow fire, a bowl of fat was placed on top. Gradually, the dishes heated up and the fat melted. This method was called "wet rendering".

When molten, the fat is somewhat similar to olive oil. As long as it does not set, it is easy to mix with the right ingredients to use for various purposes (external and internal use). After solidification, goose fat becomes hard and each time, as soon as it becomes necessary to use the product, it is necessary to carefully separate the required amount with a knife or spoon. You can melt the medicinal product in a water bath.

The benefits of fat

Many minerals, vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids that make up goose fat help to improve well-being. It is not for nothing that in ancient times people used goose fat to treat many ailments.

So, weakened people were given to drink a little fat dissolved in milk to strengthen and get rid of. Ingestion of a small amount of a medicinal product helped to improve the functioning of the digestive organs. And at present, goose fat is widely used in folk medicine to get rid of many diseases.

It is regularly necessary to consume fat for people suffering from asthenia and. Goose fat is also useful for those people who lead an active lifestyle and get tired quickly. The only thing who is undesirable to drink this product is people who are inclined to be overweight and if the blood levels are too high.

The main advantage of this product is that the fat withstands high-temperature processing and does not lose its properties, and is also completely absorbed without harm to the work of the vessel and the heart.

In Russia, people often used goose fat, as practically the only remedy to help cure a cold and remove it. Interestingly, in Korea, people believe that the product is able to defeat cancer. Whether this is so is difficult to say, but it is quite possible to check for yourself how animal fat works. If you get drunk easily, and you have a feast, before you go to visit, take 1 tsp. fat. You can eat and drink a lot (of course, within reasonable limits), there will be no heaviness.

Application area

In the autumn-winter period, you can strengthen your immunity and improve the patient's condition with a cold in this way: take liquid honey, freshly squeezed aloe juice, cocoa powder and goose fat. All components are in equal proportions. Stir, heat and add 1 tsp. mixture in a glass of warm milk. You need to drink such a tasty medicine in the morning and in the evening.

MirSovetov offers to get acquainted with popular recipes for the use of a medicinal product:

Application in cosmetology

Beauticians know that goose fat is a powerful tool in the fight against rashes and dry skin.

Here are some effective recipes:

  • cracked lips are a common problem during the cold season. To make your lips always tender and soft, prepare this cream: you need to grind dry rose petals (20 pcs.), Add 1 tbsp. l. fat, stir. Use the cream daily at bedtime;
  • for dry skin of the face: camphor oil (2.5 g) is mixed with goose fat (25 g), applied to the face, left for 20 minutes, washed off with water;
  • for dry hair: the fat melted in a water bath is thoroughly rubbed into the hair roots for 5 minutes, left for 30 minutes. Wash off first with shampoo, then you need to use hair conditioner and rinse the curls with water with the addition of lemon juice.

How to choose a quality product?

Where can you buy fat? It is not sold in stores, so you have to go to the local market. When choosing a product, pay attention to the appearance and aroma. It shouldn't smell like burning. The color of quality goose fat is light or slightly golden.

If it was not possible to find a medicinal product, MirSovetov recommends making the medicine yourself. To do this, you need a goose carcass. When butchering, be careful that the insides (spleen) remain intact. Otherwise, fat, like meat, will be bitter.

Fat must be cut from the meat, rinsed and put in an enameled colander. Place in a pot of water. It will take at least 8 hours to melt fat, but the result of a long wait is fully justified.

In the process of rendering fat, make sure that there is always water in the pan and add a fresh portion from time to time.

The finished product must be drained into a glass container with a wide neck and left to cool completely. Or repeat exactly as our great-grandmothers did: pour the melted fat into glass cups, wait until it hardens completely, carefully remove the contents, transfer to a plastic bag.

It is necessary to store goose fat in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf or put the container in the pantry. Everything, use the finished product as needed and be healthy!

The times when non-official medicine was very popular, unfortunately, have sunk into oblivion. Today it is easier for people with any illness to go to the nearest pharmacy and buy a medication. Many simply do not trust folk remedies, being afraid to use them.

But drugs from the people are the medicines that our ancestors were treated with. The pharmaceutical industry was not always so developed, once it did not exist at all. Plants, oils, water, fat - this is what helped in the fight against pathologies, and very successfully. In addition, it is well known that our grandparents were ill much less than us.

Many people believe that alternative medicine drugs are ineffective, and even useless. However, there are also many adherents of non-traditional treatment. They definitely know about the benefits of goose fat. This bird has been bred since ancient times. In some nations, she was even deified.

As confirmation of this, there is a legend according to which it was the geese who saved Rome. When the enemy tried to enter the city, the geese made a noise and thus woke up the inhabitants. They woke up before the guard dogs. Of course, now few people dare to use a bird as an alarm. But the use of goose fat for medicinal purposes should not be abandoned.

Previously, people used fat to treat various pathologies, in particular diseases of the skin and the respiratory system. In addition, the bird was bred for meat, and blankets and pillows were made from fluff. As for fat, it was first melted and then stored in special containers. In the future, it was used not only for the preparation of dishes, it was, and still is, an integral component of medicines. And that's why.

Medicinal properties

The benefits of goose fat are obvious. It contains a significant amount of useful and, importantly, medicinal substances:

  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamin E;
  • Selena;
  • cholesterol.

Fat, due to the content of the above substances in it, has a wound healing, tonic, immunostimulating, antioxidant, regenerating, analgesic effect.

Preparations based on goose fat contribute to:

  • fast healing of wounds;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • restoration of the lipid barrier and normal water balance of the dermis;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • elimination of pain and inflammation.

How to cook goose lard at home?

As a rule, goose fat in its pure form is inconvenient for medical use. It is more suitable for cooking. In medical and cosmetic practice, it is customary to use lard - melted fat. Properly made lard should have a viscous consistency.

The preparation is very simple. The process will not take you much time. On average, it takes half an hour.

  1. First you need to collect interior and subcutaneous fat from the bird.
  2. Next, grind it and put it in a small pot or saucepan.
  3. Simmer over low heat for half an hour. It is not necessary to bring to a boil.
  4. After that, strain the composition and pour into a glass container.
  5. Lard cooled to room temperature, covered with parchment, is placed in the refrigerator, where it is stored.

Traditional medicine has in its piggy bank many recipes for medicines from goose fat. All of them are effective and most importantly - completely natural. Means are recommended for the treatment of skin ailments, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, articular pathologies, gynecological diseases.

You can use drugs only with the knowledge of the attending physician. Do not self-medicate, as you can harm yourself. In addition, do not abuse drugs and exceed the dosages indicated in the recipes.

Goose fat treatment of pathologies of the respiratory system

Cough remedy. Take one medium-sized onion, chop it with a grater and combine in equal proportions with goose lard. Every day, on an empty stomach, eat a spoonful of the drug, and before going to bed, rub the chest with the same drug, then wrap yourself up and drink milk with honey - 200 ml.

Fat in the treatment of dyspnoea. Combine equal amounts of lard with quality honey and vodka. Infuse the composition in a warm room for two weeks. It is recommended to use 15 ml of the drug three times a day, before meals.

For skin ailments and burns

Frostbite remedy. To begin with, in order to accelerate the blood flow, make a few energetic movements. Pour some water into the basin, not hot, but not cold. Dip the frostbitten limbs into the container. Raise the temperature of the water slightly after the sensitivity returns. As soon as pain is minimized or completely subsides, blot the affected areas with a soft towel and lubricate them with goose lard. Put a bandage on top and cover with a warm scarf. Don't forget to wear something warm.

For burns. The tool is recommended to use at the stage of healing. Mix 100 grams of lard with sea buckthorn oil - 15 ml. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with the prepared ointment twice a day. Bandage the sore spot.

Combine the dried soapwort rhizome ground to a powdery consistency with fat. Treat the affected areas with the drug several times a day.

Against muscle and joint pain

Cure for osteoarthritis. Chop a few leaves of aloe. Combine the resulting mass with vodka - half a glass, fir oil, turpentine - 10 ml and goose fat - 100 g. Mix the composition thoroughly and set aside for three days in a dark place. Lubricate painful areas with ointment twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. The duration of the course is a week.

Medicine for muscle and joint pain. Combine lard - 50 g with honey - 15 g, cinquefoil tincture - 20 ml, vitamin E - three drops, hot pepper tincture - a spoon. Mix the ingredients well and place in the refrigerator. Apply ointment to painful areas.

Recipes for use in cosmetology

The tool is used both for the face, healing the dermis, and. If you want to restore the skin of your hands to its former softness, as well as eliminate small cracks, lubricate your hands daily with grease.

If you have a dry type of dermis, try using lard. Apply it on your face for about fifteen minutes. Remove the rest of the product with a napkin. The procedure is recommended to be carried out before going to bed. Regular use of fat helps to heal, moisturize and nourish the dermis, regenerate cells and eliminate wrinkles. It is recommended to use lard and as a lip balm. This is an excellent remedy for dryness and cracking.

In order to improve the condition of the hair, try the following: warm up a couple of tablespoons of lard, and then rub it into the dermis of the head. Spread the product with a wooden brush over the strands, and then wrap it with a towel. After a quarter of an hour, wash your hair and rinse with chamomile decoction.


Side effects and contraindications to the use of products based on goose fat have not been identified. However, if you are going to use this miracle cure, you should read some cautions.

  1. Do not use lard in hot weather, as well as before going outside. Fat is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can become toxic when exposed to ultraviolet light. The ideal time to apply lard is in the evening.
  2. The product is considered high-calorie. In this regard, people with excess weight need to be careful when taking medications.
  3. Do not abuse drugs from the people. Remember, everything is good in moderation.

In the list of useful products that have been used in traditional medicine since ancient times, goose fat is far from last. Geese not only saved Rome, but also helped to escape from frost, take care of the skin and treat many diseases. And all thanks to the composition with a rich content of components with medicinal properties.

Composition and useful properties

Unsaturated (unsaturated) fatty acids (up to 70% of the composition)
  • give fat fusibility;
  • restore the lipid barrier and normal water balance of the skin;
  • improve the permeability of the lipid layer, which allows better penetration of the active components of cosmetics and traditional medicine;
  • help restore and heal the skin.
  • participates in the regulation of the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, in metabolism, interacts with enzymes and vitamins, is part of the proteins of the myocardium and muscle tissue, improves the absorption of iodine by the body.
  • the basis of cell membranes, the building material on which (as on a frame) all components are held,
  • participates in the formation of vitamin D, sex hormones, regulation of cell permeability.
Vitamin E
  • antioxidant;
  • immunomodulator;
  • protects cell membranes from oxidative damage;
  • contributes to the participation in the metabolism of selenium;
  • helps cells get by with less oxygen;
  • controls the synthesis of coenzyme, collagen, mucosal proteins.

Thanks to this composition, the product:

  • well absorbed;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • warms up the body
  • helps other components of mixtures to more easily penetrate the skin;
  • regenerates cells.

Preparation of goose lard

It is customary to talk about the use of goose fat, but in its pure form this substance is inconvenient for therapeutic use and is only suitable for frying in cooking. In medicine and cosmetology, goose lard is needed - melted fat that melts at the temperature of the human body (and therefore is easily digestible), which resembles butter with a viscous consistency and combines well with other ingredients. Properties when stored in the cold, such a product retains up to 3 years.

Recipe for goose lard: collect subcutaneous and visceral fat from the goose, cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan or small pot and melt over low heat, without boiling (the process takes 20-30 minutes), or in a water bath. Strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, pour into a glass jar of the appropriate volume, cool to room temperature, cover with parchment, tie and put in the refrigerator.

Lard for medical and cosmetic needs can be easily prepared independently

Use in traditional medicine

For diseases of the respiratory system

  • Cough with bronchitis. Mix equal volumes of grated onion and goose lard. In the morning on an empty stomach, eat a tablespoon of the mixture, and at night rub your chest with it, wrap yourself warmly and drink a glass of hot milk with honey.
  • Dyspnea. Mix honey, lard and vodka in a ratio of 1:1:1. Insist in a warm place for two weeks. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals.
  • Tuberculosis. 230 g honey, 200 g lard, 15 tbsp. tablespoons of aloe juice, 150 g of cocoa powder, 1.5 teaspoons of crushed chalk and 3 cups of peeled pine nuts, passed through a meat grinder, with constant stirring, heat well in a water bath without boiling. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Take four times a day, stirring a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of hot milk. Beneficial changes in the state of health occur within a week.
  • Inflammation of the lungs with a severe course or chronic. Mix 50 g of minced garlic and 250 g of lard and place in a water bath for a few minutes. Spread the mixture thickly on parchment paper, apply to the chest, avoiding the heart area, cover with compress paper, fix and leave overnight.

To solve skin problems

  • If you have to stay outside for a long time during frost and strong wind (tourists, hunters, athletes), goose lard will perfectly protect the skin from the harmful effects of cold. Lubricate exposed areas before going outside.
  • Frostbite. Make a few vigorous movements to accelerate the blood flow (for example, lower your arms along the body and vigorously raise / lower your shoulders several times), then draw a little warm water into the pelvis and lower the limbs into it (frostbite, as a rule, begins with them). When sensitivity begins to appear, the water temperature can be gradually increased. As soon as the painful sensations pass, wipe the frostbitten place dry and massage with gentle stroking movements, applying goose lard. Apply a dry bandage on top and cover with a woolen scarf or put on something warm on top.
  • Burns. Lard is used at the healing stage: the skin is generously lubricated twice a day with a dry bandage. For 100 g of fat for accelerated regeneration, add a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil.
  • Psoriasis. Mix the crushed soap root with lard in a ratio of 1:3. Lubricate the affected areas.
  • Eczema and bedsores. Mix fir oil and goose lard in a ratio of 1:2. Plentifully lubricate problem areas 2-3 times a day and bandage for several hours. The course of treatment is up to 20 days.

For joint and muscle pain

  • Old rheumatism. In a heated bath, rub yourself with lard (except for your head), put on cotton socks with heated sea salt poured into them, and so lower your legs into a basin with steamed hay. Lard will increase the warming of the body. To endure the heat as much as possible, wash yourself, rinsing with warm water, drink a couple of glasses of herbal tea with the addition of dried raspberries and go to bed. A sour sweat will start to come out. If the bed becomes damp, change the linen. Rheumatism will recede after a few procedures.
  • Osteoarthritis. To 30 ml of aloe crushed into gruel, add 100 g of vodka and dark honey, and a tablespoon of turpentine and fir oil. Keep for three days in a dark place. Rub into sore spots in the morning and evening for a week.
  • Pain in muscles and joints. Mix 50 g of lard, a tablespoon of honey and alcohol tincture of marsh cinquefoil, 3 drops of vitamin E, a teaspoon of alcohol tincture of red pepper, put in a glass jar, store in the refrigerator. If necessary, rub into the disturbing area with light massage movements. The composition helps to remove salts, improves lymph and blood flow, relieves pain in response to weather changes, rutin contained in red pepper helps strengthen capillaries.

For gynecological ailments

  • Cervical erosion. Add a tablespoon of dried calendula flowers to 100 g of lard and heat in a water bath for half an hour, without boiling, and then strain. Use for soaking gauze tampons, which are used for 10 days at night, inserting into the vagina. The course is carried out three times with a break of 10 days.
  • Therapy for infertility. To 2 parts of crushed aloe leaves, add 1 part of goose lard, sea buckthorn oil and honey, mix well with a wooden spoon, leave in a cool place without light for a week. Take 3 times a day, stirring a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of warm milk.

To get rid of hemorrhoids

  • Add three quarters of a tablespoon of dried calendula flowers to 75 g of lard and heat in a water bath for 25-30 minutes, without boiling. Strain. Use to soak gauze swabs inserted overnight. Course - 10 days.
  • Goose lard (150 g) mixed with 10 g powder of dried sage and chamomile flowers. Several times a day and be sure to lubricate the bumps of hemorrhoids at night. Conduct several seven-day courses with weekly breaks.

For other purposes

  • Strengthening of immunity, restoration of forces after operation. Mix in equal parts goose lard, fresh butter, aloe juice, honey and dried rose hips, crushed into powder. Heat, stirring well, transfer to a glass jar, cool to room temperature, store in a cool place. Consume half an hour before meals 3 times a day, dissolving a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of hot milk.

Treatment of childhood diseases with goose fat

In pediatric therapy, goose lard is mainly used for broncho-pulmonary diseases, but there are some nuances: alcohol-containing components should be excluded from the compositions for internal use, and products with a sharp taste and smell should be replaced with more gentle ones, since babies do not want to eat either onions or garlic.

  • Colds with cough and poor immunity. Pour a little water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, place a colander with lemon on top, cover with a lid so that the steam comes out as little as possible. Steam the lemon for about 10 minutes, squeeze out the juice, add 3 tablespoons of water from a saucepan and 2 tablespoons of lard, mix well. Give a tablespoon before meals. Use until complete cure.
  • Coughing. Before going to bed, rub the neck, back and chest of the child with goose lard and wrap it with a downy scarf (option - a woolen scarf). The method is suitable even for very young children. For children from 3 years old, per 100 g of lard, you can add 1 ml of mint oil and 1 teaspoon of eucalyptus oil.

Cosmetic use

For hair

  • To improve the condition of dry and split ends, you need to heat 1-2 tablespoons of lard in a water bath to a liquid state, rub it into the scalp, spread it over the strands with a wooden comb, wrap it warmly for 20-30 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with chamomile decoction.

For face and body

  • The skin on the hands will be soft and moisturized, and small cracks on it will heal if you regularly lubricate your hands with goose lard.
  • Dry skin on the face is also moisturized when using lard at night. Apply for a quarter of an hour, blot the excess with a napkin. During sleep, intensive nutrition and healing will occur, cell regeneration, the number of wrinkles will decrease over time.
  • Used as a lip balm, lard will nourish, moisturize, protect them from cracking and dryness. Apply at home as needed.

Goose fat can be used not only for medicinal, but also for cosmetic purposes.

Precautionary measures

Industrial production of goose lard is not yet at its best. This is done either by individual farms or folk pharmacies, packaging it in vials or jars and selling it through the nearest retail outlets, pharmacies, and online stores. If you don’t find a product on the counter, it’s best to go to the market, and buy there not lard, the origin of which is unknown (as well as what was added as a preservative), but goose fat. You can melt it yourself. It is easy to do, and the result is guaranteed.

You can buy the product from sellers selling goose carcasses. Its color should be yellowish. Fat should be chosen without foreign odors that appear during improper storage and transportation.

When the lard is cooked, but not all of it is used, the leftovers should be stored in the freezer in a plastic bag, the remedy for immediate needs in a jar in the refrigerator, and the product prepared for future use in a plastic container in the freezer.


Goose fat has no contraindications and side effects, there are only a few warnings:

  • The unsaturated fatty acids that make up the composition are easily oxidized in the sun and can become toxic, so it is not recommended to smear with goose lard products before going outside on a hot day, and use it in the evening or during the day only on parts of the body that are closed from the sun.
  • The product is very high-calorie, so people who are overweight or prone to fullness should use it carefully, especially when mixed with aloe (the remedy increases appetite).
  • Before starting use, it is advisable to take tests and, with high cholesterol, first consult a doctor.

Goose fat is an easily digestible product, the properties of which allow it to be used in traditional medicine and cosmetology. Most of all, the healing qualities are manifested in the treatment of respiratory diseases and joint problems. It is also effective in protecting the skin from frost and wind. You can buy the product on the market, and cook lard at home.

Treatment of cough, other ailments of the lungs and bronchi should be comprehensive. After all, there are no magical remedies that give a quick recovery. Goose cough fat is considered an effective remedy that has a complex effect. With it, it will turn out not only to get rid of a cold, but also to strengthen the body. It is used by adults and children.


The healing properties of goose fat when coughing are associated with its balanced composition. The product is enriched with a complex of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They are necessary for the proper functioning of all organs, besides, with them it will be possible to cure a cough. These complexes have the following effect:

  1. Treatment of inflammation and allergies. This function is performed by linolenic and stearic acids. With them, the severity of symptoms decreases, the work of the respiratory organs is facilitated.
  2. Eliminate harmful bacteria that cause coughing. This property is fulfilled by palmitic acid.
  3. The product is considered an antioxidant. The vitamins and beneficial amino acids present in it improve cell function and reduce hypoxic manifestations.
  4. Strengthening immunity. This function is performed by arachidonic acid. With it, the restoration of immune reactions is carried out, tissues that have been infected or injured heal faster.

Vitamins and other valuable elements contained in the medicine help strengthen blood vessels, maintain the stability of cell membranes. The components are needed for normal immunity, which is so necessary for coughing and other respiratory ailments. The beneficial properties of goose fat when coughing make it possible to improve the patient's condition in a short time.

Where to get this product?

Goose fat is found in large quantities in the subcutaneous layers of the bird. Raw, it is solid, but when evaporated, it is liquid and looks like olive oil, which makes it easier to combine with the rest of the ingredients.

This folk medicine has a yellow color. You can buy the product at a pharmacy, where it is sold in special containers. When buying such a tool, you need to look at the composition and expiration date. Although it has a long shelf life and withstands different temperatures, you should choose a fresh, not expired product.

You can also make goose fat yourself to treat a cough. To do this, you need to separate the subcutaneous fat of the goose carcass. Cut off adipose tissue must be heated in a water bath for 3-4 hours. Then the melted product is cooled and used for medicinal purposes.

Outdoor use

How is goose cough fat applied externally? This is done as follows:

  1. The product is used for grinding. This is a great way to warm up, helping to get rid of wet and dry coughs. Rubbing is performed even for infants, since the product is harmless.
  2. For the best effect, a little vodka is added to the fat, after which the product is rubbed into the chest or back. Then the treated part of the body should be wrapped with a warm product and just lie down for half an hour.
  3. Goose fat when coughing is recommended to be mixed with beeswax. The finished product is used for grinding. Fat and wax are mixed in a ratio of 4:1. This results in a uniform composition. Fat can be slightly heated.

Internal application

Goose cough fat is also used for internal use. It is combined with other components. The addition is lemon broth or onions. To prepare the product with onions, you need to mix a little fat and chopped vegetable. There are no clear proportions, everything is added at your discretion. The drug is taken on an empty stomach or within 6 hours after dinner.

To get a useful drug from lemon broth, you need a ripe fruit, which must be checked for 15 minutes. The volume of water must be taken such that about 300 ml of broth comes out. After its readiness, 3 tbsp. l. fat, after which the components are thoroughly mixed. The medicine is taken 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. before eating food. But it should not be consumed on an empty stomach, since lemon juice negatively affects the stomach. So it is recommended to take goose fat for coughing for adults.

For kids

Goose cough fat is also useful for children. Parent reviews confirm the excellent effectiveness of the product. It is used in the form of compresses and rubbing, as well as an edible remedy. Melted fat can be used externally. It is applied with rubbing movements on the neck and chest.

It is allowed to use goose fat when coughing with vodka (50 g of fat is mixed with 2 tablespoons of vodka) if the cold is severe. After the procedure, the child should be covered with a warm blanket. There are more effective ways - ingestion, but most children refuse them.

Still, the following remedy will be to your taste:

  1. Aloe juice.
  2. Cocoa powder.

All these components in equal quantities must be mixed and put on low heat, stirring regularly. The product must be brought to a homogeneous mass. Medicinal drug (1 tsp) is added to warm milk (1 cup). It should be taken 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

It should be borne in mind that goose fat is contraindicated internally for children under 3 years of age. They can perform compresses and rubbing. For external use, fat is allowed only in its pure form. Do not add alcohol or vodka to it either.

Where is it used?

Goose fat is used in various fields. Most of all, it is in demand in cooking and medicine. The therapeutic effect of the product also interested cosmetologists. If we consider the medical field, then fat is used for:

  1. Colds, coughs, diseases of the lungs and bronchi.
  2. Purulent inflammation of the skin, psoriasis, eczema.
  3. Thrombophlebitis.
  4. Hemorrhoids.
  5. Tuberculosis.
  6. Pneumonia.

Due to its medicinal properties, goose fat is used in the fight against female diseases (mastitis, infertility), depression, severe irritability. The product is valued in cosmetology, as it protects against:

  1. Dry skin.
  2. Hair loss.
  3. Early skin aging.

But with advanced forms of disease, not only goose fat is used. It is necessary to undergo an examination and consult a doctor who will prescribe an effective treatment.


The natural product has almost no contraindications and does not have a negative effect. Still, the drug has some limitations. You should not use the product for those who have high cholesterol and are prone to atherosclerosis. Other contraindications include the following:

  1. Overweight people should take the product carefully.
  2. Children under 3 years of age should not be given oral fat.
  3. For children from 3 years old, the dosage should be no more than ¼ teaspoon per day.
  4. From the age of 7, 1 tsp is used. lazy product. But it is necessary to take into account the health of the child: in the presence of problems with the heart and blood vessels, excess weight or high cholesterol, goose fat should be used only after consulting a doctor according to the dosages prescribed by him.

Folk remedies with goose fat are very effective if they are properly prepared and taken according to a prescription. It is worth remembering that rubbing when coughing is contraindicated at high body temperature. In any case, self-medication should not be abused. You must first consult with a specialist.

For example, potatoes are best fried in natural goose fat, because it does not contain artificial substances.

One adult Goose yields approximately 6 kilograms of meat, averaging 2.5 kilograms of high quality goose fat.

I give information about the beneficial qualities of goose fat:

Goose fat - a universal remedy

Natural fats are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. After all, they contain a whole arsenal of vitamins and minerals. There are two types of fats: vegetable and animal origin.

The latter is used mainly as an effective drug. It is a well-known fact that animal fats contain a myriad of useful substances.

However, it was goose fat that was and remains the most sought-after remedy for improving human health. It is used in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

The fact that goose fat is good for the body is beyond doubt. Proof of this is the long-term practice of various peoples at all times.

The composition and benefits of goose fat

People learned about the beneficial properties of goose fat several centuries ago. At that time, they were treated with many diseases, and also used it as a prophylactic.

Goose fat is especially useful for people with increased fatigue, cardiovascular diseases, and atherosclerosis. Goose fat is obtained from the connective tissues of waterfowl. It is obtained by rendering goose fat.

A significant part of the fat is in the subcutaneous layers of the skin, and part in the stomach itself, in general, the share of fat is about 35% of the entire mass of the Goose.

The benefits of goose fat are used not only in traditional medicine, but also officially used in modern medicines. Goose fat has unique properties.

As you know, it contains a large amount of polyunsaturated acids, similar to oleic acid. Its structure is similar to olive oil, therefore, if goose fat is consumed internally, it is easily absorbed and has a positive effect on metabolism, enveloping the mucous membrane.

Goose fat also contains Omega-3, and, as you know, these acids improve the condition of the skin, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, take care of the joints, and improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Goose fat is often used as a remedy for poisoning, as it helps to quickly remove toxins from the body.

In addition, children are actively treated with this miraculous remedy, since goose fat has no contraindications, except for such things as overweight and high cholesterol.

Goose fat is suitable for both internal and external use, and is also actively used in cosmetology.

Diseases that goose fat can cure

Goose fat in folk medicine has not lost its relevance since ancient times. He treats ailments such as:

Skin diseases:

  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • frostbite of the skin;
  • burns.

Lung diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • shortness of breath;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis.
  • Prostatitis;
  • Thrombophlebitis, leg diseases;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Decreased immunity.

Residents of Korea claim that goose fat is also able to dissolve malignant tumors, and since ancient times it has been used as an effective remedy for a hangover. Cancer has not yet been studied, so whether to believe the Koreans is an open question.

But if you want to use goose fat as a hangover remedy, then this will be quite an effective method.

There is a simple secret - you need to drink a teaspoon of this miraculous remedy before a feast, fat envelops the walls of the stomach and thus reduces the effect of toxic substances on the body.

Goose fat in cooking

You already know about how useful goose fat is for the human body and how many diseases can be cured with it. Earlier it was said that goose fat is used not only for the manufacture of all kinds of medicines, but also actively used in cooking.

The inhabitants of France most often use in their kitchen such a component as goose fat as the basis for sauces, pates, roasting and frying (vegetable sautéing).

You can buy goose fat in a pharmacy, store, market, or make it yourself. The fat should have a golden white color, if you see brown spots in it, then this may mean that the product is expired, or it was spoiled during the cooking process.

Fat is sold, most often, in metal or glass jars, from where it is very easy to remove it with a spoon. At a temperature of more than 30 degrees, the fat begins to take on a liquid form, so it must be stored at a temperature of no more than 24 degrees. Despite this, fat does not lose its beneficial properties when heated.

Cooking with goose fat is healthy because it does not contain artificial ingredients. And also it has a pleasant delicate aroma and spicy taste.

But you should not abuse this either, because Goose fat contains as many lipids as vegetable oil, and, therefore, you will get an equal amount of calories. Do not forget that all fats can cause excess weight!

Goose fat in cosmetology

To date, the effectiveness of goose fat, as a cosmetic product, is compared with expensive branded creams. It is added to ointments to eliminate problems on the skin, and also, face creams are made based on goose fat.

If you add a few drops of camphor oil to goose fat, then such a remedy will easily cope with the first signs of skin aging, relieve dryness, lethargy, and also help increase tone.

And if you use this remedy for the face on an ongoing basis, then there is an intensive supply of useful and necessary substances to the skin, which leads to cell regeneration. Soon you will see a decrease in the number of wrinkles, the skin on the face has acquired a healthy glow and color.

It is acceptable to use goose fat as a lip balm, especially in the winter season. It moisturizes, nourishes and forms a protective layer on the lips, it saves them from dryness and crackling.

Also, on the basis of goose fat, you can prepare a simple, but very effective hair mask against dryness, brittleness and hair loss.

It is enough to add a few drops of lavender oil to the melted fat, which has cooled to room temperature, rub this composition into the scalp and apply to the area with damaged hair. By applying this mask, believe me, the result will not keep you waiting, after the first use, you can see your hair healthy and shiny.

In addition, if there is itching or irritation on the scalp, you can, at the end of the procedure, rinse your head with a tincture of chamomile, string or sage. And also goose fat can be used as a prevention of baldness.

It is always necessary to monitor your health, and especially in winter. After all, as you know, in winter, problems such as vitamin deficiency, and as a result, brittle hair, dry skin, exfoliating nails, are much more common than in summer.

The fact is that in winter a person lacks vitamins contained in fats of animal origin. It has been proven that goose fat is the leader in the content of a huge number of useful substances, it improves immunity, is a general tonic, and improves digestion.

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2022 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs