Effective methods for treating acne on hands. Watery pimples on the hands, causes and methods of prevention

Sometimes it may seem that acne is omnipresent, since they can appear in a variety of places: on the face, back, shoulders. Sometimes the location of acne is completely unusual, for example, on the hands. Of course, in this place the rashes are not so noticeable, but they cause no less trouble. You can no longer wear clothes with short sleeves, and those with long sleeves greatly rub the rash, which can lead to the spread of infection.

Why do acne appear on the arms above the elbow?

The most common cause of acne on the arms above the elbow is the body's reaction to various irritants or, simply, allergies. Allergens can include food, household chemicals, animal hair, and dust. In this case, the patient needs to see specialists who, using tests, will more accurately determine the allergen and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Dysbacteriosis, a lack of vitamins in the body, can also manifest itself as rashes on the hands. In these cases, it is enough to reconsider the patient’s diet and after a short time the acne will disappear on its own. It is much worse if, in addition to the rash, there is constant itching. Such symptoms may indicate the presence of scabies mites, eczema, and urticaria. Having noticed the symptoms, the patient needs to see a doctor as soon as possible, since the disease can spread throughout the body.

How to treat acne on the arms above the elbow

When starting treatment, the patient must understand that the main thing in this matter is the regularity of procedures. The doctor's orders should be completed on time and in full. So, for example, if acne appears due to allergies, then you should definitely take antihistamines. After this, you can make lotions from a decoction of string or chamomile.

If acne is one of the symptoms of folliculitis, it should be treated with antiseptic solutions, such as fucorcin. In case of chronic disease, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. The type of antibiotics is selected individually.

Sometimes acne on the arms above the elbow appears due to a lack of vitamin D in the body. In the summer, you can replenish the supply of this vitamin simply by sunbathing in the sun. In winter and autumn, you will have to take a course of vitamins. However, they must also be prescribed by a doctor, since it is necessary to determine not only the type of drug, but also prescribe the correct dosage. You should not do this on your own, because self-medication can only aggravate the situation and not bring the desired result.

A rash on the hands in the form of pimples can be localized anywhere: hands, forearm, inner side or shoulders. The rash itself can have a different origin - it can be the impact of external irritants or the manifestation of a hidden pathology. very often caused by internal factors, in children - viral infections.

Possible diseases

Every day, human hands come into contact with various objects. It’s good if these are clean household items that are subjected to temperature and chemical treatment during the care process. But what about public places where dirt, bacteria and germs wave a friendly hand at every corner? Of course, when in contact with dirty objects, the skin on the hands can be exposed to a wide variety of pathogens, resulting in an allergy - a rash on the hands in the form of pimples.

In some cases, rashes may appear due to the development of certain diseases. This is a rare case, but even it can cause allergies. Poor diet or stress are other reasons why small pimples may appear on your hands.


The very first and most common sign of an allergy is a rash on the hands in the form of small pimples. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to cure it completely - all that remains is to avoid contact with the irritant. If a rash appears, you should take an antihistamine. Often the source of such a reaction is household chemicals - washing powders and gels, dishwashing detergents, surface and bathroom cleaners. This type of allergy often affects people who, due to their professional activities, are exposed to chemicals. Hairdressers, cleaning service employees, etc. - these people are forced to work with toxic substances, which cause an allergic reaction. All that is needed in this case is to prevent further contact with irritants or use special protective equipment (gloves).

Allergies are not the only reason why a rash in the form of pimples may appear on the hands. Whether this place itches or not does not matter. It is important to pay attention to the nature of the rash, its location and quantity. In any case, you should consult a dermatologist to clarify and treat such a reaction.

Enterovirus infection

Small red or pale pink pimples, which are localized primarily on the hands, may be the first sign of the development of an acute infectious disease. Accompanied by fever, weakness and general malaise. Pimples are located relatively far away from each other and form small groups among themselves. Children most often suffer from enterovirus infection.

For treatment, it is necessary to stabilize the general condition - drink more fluids and take antipyretic drugs. There is no need to use ointments and creams for acne - the rashes will dry out and go away on their own.

Miliaria is a common occurrence in the hot season

Clothing often becomes an external irritant, which provokes small rashes on the hands and other parts of the body. We are talking about synthetic fabrics that are poorly breathable and prevent the skin from breathing. Increased sweating in the hot season irritates the skin, which leads to the formation of small pimples with purulent contents. As a rule, such rashes provoke itching and noticeable discomfort.

To get rid of the rash, you should choose clothes made from natural materials, keep them clean and hygienic, and use hypoallergenic laundry detergents.

Vesiculopustulosis or pemphigus

This is caused by the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Small pimples with white contents can appear on the shoulders (herpes dermatitis), all over the body (purulent pimples), and on the palms (mycotic dermatitis). Only a dermatologist can determine the exact cause, based on the location of the formations and their nature.

With vesiculopustulosis, severe itching is observed. There are several other signs characteristic of this disease:

  • Chronic in nature - pemphigus may disappear and appear again.
  • Crust formation.

You cannot cure it on your own - the doctor prescribes medications and drying agents.

Coxsackie virus

This is a childhood infectious disease that is accompanied by fever, joint pain and aches. Nausea and vomiting may be present. Small pimples on the hands are very itchy, the skin in the area of ​​the rash can peel off, as if after a long stay in the sun.

Rash on hands in the form of small pimples photo

Causes not related to serious illnesses

Failure to maintain personal hygiene can cause acne. Mononucleosis is a disease of “dirty” hands, which can be contracted anywhere. On a tram, a public toilet, at a train station, etc. It is worth noting that this disease is accompanied not only by rashes - mononucleosis occurs with elevated body temperature and even sore throat.

Prolonged stress and neuroses, insomnia and irritability, as well as nervous breakdowns often cause diseases of the internal organs, which manifest themselves in the form of small pimples covering the hands and other parts of the body.

Metabolic disorders also provoke skin rashes. Often, problems with the digestive system signal the presence of pathology in this way - the body begins to “throw out” toxic substances outward.

Prevention measures

To prevent the development of infectious diseases and the appearance of small pimples, you should adhere to typical precautions:

  • Taking vitamins and dietary supplements.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Healthy eating.
  • Maintaining hygiene (regularly changing linen and washing it with hypoallergenic products).
  • Regular medical examination.
  • Avoidance of stressful situations.

Small pimples on the hands can appear for various reasons. It is important to determine the diagnosis as early as possible in order to prevent the development of complications.

They talk about the presence of a skin disease. But only a dermatologist can reliably determine which one.

The next series of diseases that cause watery or red pimples are characteristic of childhood and are caused by viral infections - measles, rubella, chickenpox, and Coxsackie's disease.

  • Measles. One of the symptoms of measles is the appearance of small red spots that tend to merge with each other. The rash appears a few days after the first symptoms of the disease: high fever, inflammation of the nose, throat and eyes. Susceptibility to measles is 100%, transmitted by airborne droplets.
  • Rubella. It resembles measles, but it is easier and the rash is not as profuse; the spots have a pinkish-red tint. In children, the course of the disease is mild. This disease is dangerous only for children whose mothers had rubella during pregnancy.
  • A day after a person becomes infected with chickenpox, chickenpox appears on his arms, legs, face and body. The disease may be accompanied by high fever, headache, and the rash causes severe itching. After the blisters dry out, a crust forms on the pimples. The crusts will fall off and the skin will completely clear in 2-3 weeks. The disease is contagious.
  • Coxsackie's disease. An infectious disease caused by blisters that appear on the hands, feet and mouth. This childhood disease can be of two types: pemphigus of the extremities and oral cavity or herpetic sore throat.

A rash on the body and limbs also appears during childhood illnesses caused by bacterial infections. The most common of them are scarlet fever and impetigo.

  • Scarlet fever. The causative agent of this acute infectious disease is streptococcal infection. In addition to the rash, a sore throat, high fever, headache and a type of rash appear - red small pimples with a rough surface.
  • Impetigo. A bacterial skin infection caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus. It most often affects the skin on the face around the mouth and nose, but lesions can also affect any area of ​​the skin, including the hands. The disease is contagious; in addition to the fact that a child can infect others, he can also transfer the infection to other areas of the skin.

Hands are that part of the body that is always in sight, and at the same time is actively involved in all everyday processes. Despite this, hands have traditionally received less care than the face, and hand skin diseases are often discovered only at a later stage.

What to do if acne appears on your hands?

Types of acne on hands

Small white spots, especially in the forearm area, may indicate a metabolic disorder. The nature of these rashes is hyperkeratotic, that is, they arise due to the accumulation of desquamated epithelial cells when they are untimely separated from the surface of the skin. Often such changes in the skin are accompanied by the death of still immature cells, then in addition to small white pimples on your hands you can observe peeling and flaking of the skin like dandruff.

The nature of the appearance of white pimples is usually fungal, but is caused by opportunistic microflora, that is, it does not always require drug treatment. Often, it’s enough to start getting enough sleep, eating right and exercising, and problems with white pimples on the skin of your hands will go away.

Subcutaneous acne on the hands can be a consequence of the usual blockage of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands with skin secretions and dead cells. The “subcutaneous pimples” do not always come out in the form of red pimples; they can simply dissolve under the skin on their own.

If it becomes large and hard and gradually becomes painful, you should consult a doctor to rule out furunculosis. Our hands come into contact with many aggressive factors of the surrounding world, and we get so used to it that we stop noticing not only microcracks, but sometimes large scratches and wounds. Any damage to the skin is a gateway to infection. The wound may heal a long time ago, and bacteria will have a field for reproduction under the skin.

Boils and abscesses are dangerous because they rupture inside and release pus into the blood, which leads to sepsis and death. Because the disease is dangerous, it is often treated surgically.

If the “subcutaneous pimple” has become an ordinary red pimple, or an open comedon has transformed into it, then the reasons are clear: insufficient hygiene. The arms, not counting the shoulders, are not included in the so-called seborrheic zones, so the cause of an inflamed pimple on the arm lies in the penetration of dirt and bacteria into the hair follicles. What to do: do not touch your body with dirty hands, take a shower at least once a day, and in hot weather - twice a day.

In rare cases, the appearance of dense “subcutaneous patches” on the hands, especially on the palms, may indicate Darier disease. This is a hereditary disease that has about four clinical forms, so to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, you must consult a doctor.

Under no circumstances should you try to squeeze out purulent pimples on your hands at home. Instead of getting rid of the acne you hate, you can spread the infection and get three times more pimples than you had before.

To get rid of the itching of a purulent pimple and improve the appearance of the skin, draw out the pus with ichthyol ointment or aloe juice: lubricate the inflamed areas 3-4 times a day, you can leave it overnight.

As a rule, the pus comes out in 1-2 days, and after another two days, only a tiny reddish spot will remain from the pimple.

Watery pimples on the hands, especially in large numbers, can be a sign of an infectious disease: chickenpox, measles or rubella. If the appearance of acne on your hands is accompanied by a high fever, headache, or weakness, be sure to consult a doctor.

Watery rashes on the hands and other parts of the body, coupled with a temperature above 38 C, are a reason to seek emergency help. All these diseases are especially dangerous in adulthood, since they threaten complications and a longer course of the disease itself.

But if you find watery pimples on your child’s hands, you should urgently consult a doctor: there are forms of chickenpox, for example, that can provoke rashes not only on the surface of the skin, but also affect the columnar epithelium lining the mucous membranes. In other words, in some cases, acne from chickenpox can be inside the body too, and this is more dangerous.

The second disease, an alarming sign of which is watery pimples, is dyshidrotic eczema. She is treated only in a clinic by a specialist; no self-medication methods can be used on her.

We also suggest watching a video on the topic:

In the form of small pimples - a sign of a fungal disease, bacterial infection, or metabolic disorder. Sometimes a small rash can be the result of a sun or chemical burn. Subsequently, the skin in the place with pimples begins to peel off as with a normal sunburn, and in its place a clean one appears.

There can be many reasons for itchy pimples, and the best person to figure them out is a doctor. But what to do if you can’t see a doctor urgently, and itching interferes with your life?

  • Allergies are the most common cause of itchy hands. Allergic rashes can be very diverse, but one thing distinguishes them: itching is relieved by limiting contact with the allergen and taking antihistamines. This is exactly what you should do.

  • Irritation can also cause itching and pimples on the hands. Synthetic clothing causes increased sweating and prevents the evaporation of fluid, which results in skin irritation and acne.
  • Skin overdried by cosmetics often reacts with peeling and a desire to scratch.
  • An infectious skin infection can also have itching as a sign. Especially if the pimples are watery or small red.
  • Psychosomatic reaction: the skin may itch due to emotional experiences without any physiological basis.

If a child’s acne itches, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor - both infections and allergies can cause complications in children.

Pimples on the hands and fingers are often of fungal origin, and if they itch, this is an alarming sign. The spread of fungus can lead to nail loss and other unpleasant consequences.

Pimples between the fingers are evidence of damage to the skin by candidiasis or thrush, as this disease is popularly called. Since the Candida fungus is a natural component of the human microflora, candidiasis is caused by internal factors.

Causes of acne on hands

Acne on the hands can be caused by both external factors (bacteria, dirt) and internal ones. The range of skin reactions to any irritant is extremely wide, and even generally healthy people can have acne. It is important that the phenomenon is not systemic and permanent. The most common reasons include:

  • Poor personal hygiene. The skin must be promptly cleared of sweat, excess sebum and dust every day, otherwise the pores will become clogged and acne will form.

  • Allergy. It may appear as a rash or as redness on the skin without the formation of a papule.
  • Irritation from wearing synthetic clothing, using deodorants, or inappropriate shower cosmetics.
  • Infection. Fungal infections often appear as a small red rash that gradually merges into a single crust. Viral infections often manifest as watery pimples.

  • Metabolic problems.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Excess bile production, the inability of the intestines to digest food - all this affects the condition of the skin.
  • Stress, lack of sleep, lack of routine.

Treatment of acne on hands

For complete treatment of acne on any part of the body, you need to consult a dermatologist. Self-treatment, prior to visiting a doctor, is mainly based on prevention and safe folk methods.

  • Take baths with salt, essential oils of pine and eucalyptus, decoction of birch buds, and celandine.

  • Treatment of pimples with iodine, alcohol solution of calendula, chlorhexidine, metrogil, salicylic acid solution.
  • The use of ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment to draw out pus. Aloe juice is also good for these purposes.
  • Antibacterial ointments (Zinerit, Baziron AS, etc.)

The most important thing in treating acne is a correct lifestyle and timely consultation with a doctor.

The human body is unique. The immune system every minute fights a large number of pathogenic microbes that accumulate on the human body. Any failure that occurs is primarily reflected on the skin. Itching, irritation, and small pimples appear. It may also be the first sign of the development of a serious autoimmune or infectious disease.

Why do acne appear on your hands and how to get rid of them, read more in this article.

Types of acne on hands

Hands are constantly in contact with the environment and most often unprotected. Constantly touching objects and things accumulates many microbes on the surface of the skin, so the immune system is constantly “on guard.” Hands require regular washing and the use of antiseptic.

Small cracks, abrasions and cuts are the most common, and at the same time dangerous, things that can happen to your hands, as they are deprived of their only protection. All sorts of pathogenic microbes and infections penetrate into the thickness of the skin, which provoke an inflammatory process. It affects the hands in the form of redness, itching, irritation, dryness, and acne.

Species and types acne on the hands can be different. They can reach large and small sizes, be open or closed. The main ones:

  • white pimples;
  • subcutaneous bumps;
  • abscesses in the form of boils and abscesses;
  • ulcers;
  • watery blisters;
  • fungal acne (eczema, psoriasis);
  • small red rash.

Symptoms of acne on the hands appear immediately or after a certain time after contact with pathogenic microbes. Basically, a person experiences pain, dryness, tightness, peeling and detachment of the epithelium.

Let's take a closer look.

White pimples

Small white pimples on the hands are a consequence of impaired metabolism in the body

Small and large white pimples on hands, especially in the elbows and forearms, may indicate metabolic disorders. The nature of such rashes is autoimmune or fungal. This means that pimples are formed due to the accumulation of keratinized epithelial particles that were untimely separated from the upper surface of the skin. This condition is considered pathological and is often accompanied by the death of immature skin cells. This makes the healing process worse.

The main symptoms of white pimples on the hands are peeling and flaking of the skin similar to dandruff.

White pimples on the hands are fungal. They are formed as a result of pathogenic microflora entering open areas of the skin, which the immune system cannot cope with. They do not require treatment. It is enough just to restore the protective functions of the body, start eating right, getting enough sleep and maintaining hygiene. Regularly taking multivitamins can solve the problem of rashes.

Subcutaneous acne

Appear in multiple quantities. This is a consequence of blockage of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands with skin secretions and keratinized particles of the epithelium. The subcutaneous tissues can cause itching and irritation. However, if hygiene is observed, they go away on their own within a few days and do not require drug treatment.

Subcutaneous pimples also rarely turn red. However, if they become painful, you should consult a dermatologist to rule out furunculosis.

If the subcutaneous tissue becomes large and hard, and painful to the touch, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Hands come into daily contact with pathogenic bacteria that live on the surface of surrounding objects. Careless movements cause microcracks, scratches or wounds. In this case, the skin loses its protection and bacteria penetrate inside, causing inflammation. After a short amount of time, the wound heals, and bacteria continue to multiply under the skin.

Boils - purulent formations on the surface or under the skin. “Closed” ones are dangerous because they rupture inside and release pus into the blood, which leads to sepsis and, in some cases, death. Because of this danger, furunculosis requires prompt and urgent treatment. Most acne is removed surgically.

If the subcutaneous pimple is red and has transformed into an open comedon, this indicates insufficient hand hygiene.

Another cause of furuncles that needs to be treated may be Darier's disease.

Darier's disease- a rare form of hereditary disease that manifests itself in the form of dense subcutaneous comedones on the hands. Only an experienced specialist can diagnose dermatitis based on test results.


Purulent formations on the hands in the form of acne cause significant discomfort to its owner. They can hurt, cause itching and irritation. However, under no circumstances should you try to squeeze out pimples at home. This can cause the skin to become infected and cause a larger infection to develop. If there are ulcers, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor to rule out furunculosis.

If the abscess is caused by insufficient hygiene, it is necessary to wash your hands more often, and also wipe the problem area with alcohol or an antiseptic. After a few days, the pus will come out on its own, and after another 1-2 days, only a small reddish spot will remain from the pimple.

Watery pimples

Especially in large quantities, they are one of the symptoms of a complex infectious disease, such as:

  • chickenpox;
  • measles;
  • rubella.

The patient may also experience an increase in temperature (from 38 degrees C and above), headache, and general weakness. These diseases are especially dangerous in adulthood, as they threaten complications and longer treatment. It is carried out in a hospital, under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Watery rashes on the hands and other parts of the body, coupled with a temperature above 38 C, are a reason to seek emergency help. All these diseases are especially dangerous in adulthood, since they threaten complications and a longer course of the disease itself.

Another type of disease, an alarming sign of which is watery pimples on the hands of small and large sizes - dyshidrotic eczema. It causes dryness and irritation of the skin and does not go away on its own. The disease can only be treated with medication.

Rash in the form of small pimples

– one of the signs of a fungal disease, bacterial infection or impaired metabolism in the body. If they do not go away for a long time, they itch and grow in size, you should consult a doctor and get tested.

Fungal diseases are quite easy to recognize, since they are localized mainly on the skin, which is more susceptible to humidity - an ideal environment for the development of bacteria. Pimples appear on the palms, between the fingers and on the hands. Without treatment, the fungus can lead to nail loss and other unpleasant consequences.

In some cases, a small rash may be reaction to sunburn. So within a few days the skin will begin to peel and fall off. There is no need to treat acne further; it will go away on its own.

Reasons for appearance

The causes of acne on the hands can be either external irritants (bacteria, dirt), or internal ones. This is how the skin reacts to infection. They mainly appear in people with weakened immune systems, but even healthy people can suffer from this problem. It is important that such phenomena are not systematic and constant.

The most common causes of acne on the hands include the following:

  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. The skin of the hands must be cleansed daily of dirt, sweat, excess sebum and dust, otherwise the pores become clogged and inflammation forms on the surface of the epithelium;
  • Allergies are one of the most common causes of skin rashes. Acne appears as a small rash that itches and turns red. Without treatment, it reaches large sizes and papules form on the skin. Allergies can be caused by a skin reaction to synthetic clothing, the use of deodorants, inappropriate cosmetics, etc.;
  • Fungal infection occurs as a result of poor immunity, insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • Viruses from a small red rash merge into a single crust. Also occur against the background of reduced immunity;
  • Poor metabolism provokes fluid retention in the body. This can cause itching and irritation of the skin, the appearance of red pimples;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Excessive secretion of bile, accumulation of waste, toxins and free radicals directly affects the external condition of the skin;
  • Stress, fatigue and lack of sleep weaken the immune system and cause rashes on the hands;
  • Heredity. Many chronic ailments are inherited, including skin inflammation. In this case, it will be extremely difficult to cure acne on the hands, but it is possible;
  • Hormonal imbalance is one of the most common causes of skin rashes. Teenagers, as well as women during menopause and pregnancy are more often susceptible to this. The skin does not have time to cope with excess sebaceous secretion, pores become clogged and pimples form;
  • - pathology of the body, which without treatment causes increasing skin infection and the appearance of acne;
  • Mental disorders. The skin on the hands can itch and form acne without any physiological reason.

In children

Children's skin is most susceptible to rashes due to undeveloped immunity or poor hygiene. Pimples on the hands appear with certain symptoms:

  • Watery blisters that are very painful when touched. They can be caused by the herpes virus, rubella, measles, chickenpox, shingles;
  • Red, painful lumps under the skin indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the sebaceous glands;
  • Pus blisters may be painful and itchy. Formed as a result of the penetration of staphylococcus and streptococcus infections under the skin;
  • White or black pimples indicate the development of acne;
  • Blistering pimples with a scaly top that cause severe itching and irritation on the hands. This rash may be dermatitis or pityriasis rosea;
  • Large red red spots on the skin, inside of which there are pimples - a consequence of sun or chemical burn.

If you find pimples on your child’s hands, you should never touch them, much less scratch them. It is mandatory to measure the temperature in order to exclude acute viral diseases that require urgent treatment.

Among women

Women's skin is thin and more susceptible to irritation. Pimples on the hands can appear anywhere, from the fingers to the forearm. The appearance of the formations can also vary, but generally indicates the presence of a chronic disease:

  • Hormonal disbalance. During reproductive age, such changes in the body require urgent examination, as they can be dangerous to health;
  • Allergy. Due to frequent use of cosmetics and chemicals, an allergic reaction may develop;
  • Metabolic disease. This is often encountered by women who watch their figure, lose weight, and try various diets;
  • Consequences of stress and insomnia. As a result, it appears on the skin of the hands in the form of small pimples.

If these ailments occur, you should definitely visit a doctor to prevent the development of pathologies in the body.

Getting rid of acne on hands at home

You can get rid of inflammation and acne on the skin of your hands at home. However, it is initially necessary to study the cause of the rash, since any infection requires special treatment.

Small and large flaky acne caused by fungal infection require examination by a doctor. Such inflammations rarely go away on their own. For treatment, vitamins A and E are prescribed, and in an advanced stage, when the infection affects large areas of the skin, antibiotics, antiseptic creams and ointments are prescribed. At home, the skin can be lubricated with tea tree essential oil or vinegar water (1 tsp apple cider vinegar diluted in 500 ml of boiled water).

Treatment of comedones and purulent pimples on the hands:

  • Warm baths with the addition of sea salt - dilute half a glass of raw material in 1 liter of warm water and place your hands for 15-20 minutes. Systematic procedures (3 - 4 times a week) will reduce skin inflammation and significantly reduce the size of pimples, preventing the appearance of new ones;
  • Spot treatment with iodine 2 times a day. It is necessary to lubricate the top of the pimple with the drug, without touching the adjacent skin, as it can cause a burn. In a few days, the pimples will disappear completely;
  • Lubrication with ichthyol ointment. This remedy has a strong antiseptic property and relieves inflammation of any type;
  • Treatment with lemon juice - squeeze the juice of 1 lemon, dilute in 500 ml of boiled water and lubricate problem areas of the skin in the morning and evening. This product will not only eliminate discomfort, but also soften, whiten the skin, and get rid of scars;
  • Spot treatment with salicylic acid will help dry out inflammation and get rid of comedones on the hands.

Dry acne on the skin of the hands are treated with moisturizers. At home, you can use aloe vera, chamomile, olive and coconut oil juice. These products should be lubricated on the skin of your hands twice a day.

To soothe the skin of the hands and remove inflammation for red pimples, Alcohol tincture of calendula is used. The product is sold at any pharmacy. Apply spot-on to pimples, no more than once a day, as the tincture dries out the skin greatly.

Dry pimples on hands can be cured by daily use of baths with the addition of medicinal herbs (chamomile, ginseng, coltsfoot, string, sage). After this, the skin must be lubricated with moisturizing cream or heated sunflower (olive) oil. To enhance the effect of the procedure, plastic gloves are put on your hands throughout the night.

Medication methods

Medicines for acne on the hands are used only if external remedies (ointments, creams, sprays) are ineffective. The drugs are prescribed by a dermatologist. Self-medication is not recommended, as this can not only worsen symptoms, but also aggravate the disease and harm the body.

For the treatment of red inflammations on the skin of fungal and infectious types, antibacterial drugs and antibiotics are mainly prescribed - erythrocycin, ampicillin, groprinosin in combination with antifungal agents.

Preparations for the treatment of acne on the hands:

  • Multivitamins. Particularly useful are complexes that include vitamins C and A, which are responsible for skin regeneration;
  • Hormonal drugs - if inflammation is caused by hormonal imbalance in women;
  • Steroid drugs - prescribed to men for hormonal imbalance;
  • Brewer's yeast - often prescribed to adolescents with metabolic disorders;
  • Retinoids (baziron, cynon) - for comedones, ulcers and acne;
  • Trichopolum - for dermatitis;
  • Prebiotics (lactofiltrum) - for acne caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Adsorbent agents (white and black activated carbon) - for acne on the hands resulting from inflammation in the intestines and poisoning;
  • Antiallergenic drugs, etc.

Folk remedies

Pimples on the hands can be successfully treated with folk remedies. At home, lotions, rubbing and hand washing with decoctions of medicinal plants are used:

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • immortelle;
  • oregano;
  • elecampane;
  • mint;
  • rosemary.

Also effectively relieves inflammation and dry acne with aloe juice and celandine. Below are the most popular recipes :

  • Cut the aloe leaf, rinse with running water, remove thorns and cut into small pieces. Wrap in paper and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Afterwards, squeeze out the juice using gauze and rub your hands with it 3 times a day. In one procedure you can get rid of itching, flaking and inflammation;
  • Peel 1 medium potato and grate it on a fine grater. Spread the pulp on a gauze napkin and wrap it around your hands. Keep the mask on for at least 30 minutes, then rinse your hands with warm water and treat with nourishing cream. The product helps well against dry and white pimples;
  • Viburnum pulp. Crush the berries with a spoon and apply the resulting slurry to pimples on your hands at least 2 times a day for 1 week;
  • Add 2 - 3 drops of lavender and tea rose essential oil to baby cream, lubricate the skin generously, put on a plastic bag and terry gloves. Leave the product on all night, then rinse with warm water;
  • For itching, peeling and irritation of the skin of the hands, you can make a bath of chamomile decoction - 20 g of dried raw materials, pour 500 ml of boiling water and place in a water bath for 20 minutes. Dilute with cold water and place your hands in the bath for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily until acne completely disappears;
  • To get rid of dry skin and red pimples on the hands, green tea lotions are used.

When should you see a doctor?

Any inflammation of the skin requires a comprehensive examination and treatment under the supervision of a doctor. This is especially true for abscesses, comedones and boils. If they are subcutaneous, they can be especially dangerous to health. When they are opened, the infection enters directly into the skin and blood, causing sepsis.

Blistering rashes that cause itching and irritation may be the first sign of dyshidrosis or dyshidrotic eczema. These dermatitis can only be diagnosed by a doctor. Without treatment, they develop into a chronic phase and grow over large areas of the skin.

Small white and red pimples on the outside of the hands most often appear due to frost and insufficient skin hydration. They do not require treatment and go away on their own. If such rashes appear systematically, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.

Symptoms that require urgent medical attention:

  • itching of the skin and extensive redness;
  • severe irritation;
  • peeling;
  • increased body temperature;
  • rapid growth in size;
  • suppuration.


The health of the skin of the hands directly depends on the health of the person himself. Any disease affects primarily the epithelium. A lack of vitamins, micro and macroelements can contribute to the occurrence of acne, so in order to eliminate this phenomenon in the future, it is necessary review your diet.

To prevent acne from appearing on your hands, it is recommended consume more vegetables and fruits, especially carrots, pumpkins, herbs, legumes, fish. These products contain essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for youth and skin regeneration.

Exclude from the diet:

  • smoked and canned food products;
  • fatty foods of animal origin;
  • fast food;
  • salt (no more than 2 g per day);
  • caffeine;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

These products not only negatively affect the skin of your hands, but also seriously harm your health.

Prevention of rashes on the skin of the hands includes the following actions:

  • Regular intake of vitamins in courses of 3 months, 2 times a year;
  • Switching to proper nutrition;
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • Regular walks in the fresh air;
  • Maintaining basic hygiene standards;
  • Regular visits to doctors and tests.

To ensure that acne on your hands no longer bothers you, it is recommended that you do any work in the house wearing special household gloves. Chemical cleaning products, chemicals and dirt that the skin comes into contact with can penetrate deep into the epithelium, injuring it, causing irritation and itching. Such skin is more susceptible to penetration by pathogenic microbes. For this reason, after any work or contact with public items, you must thoroughly wash and dry your hands.

In addition, you should regularly use moisturizing creams based on chamomile, calendula or aloe. Once a week, do peeling and baths with sea salt to remove old dead skin particles.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! The company is not responsible for possible negative consequences arising from the use of information posted on the website


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