What is the difference between a dwarf and a midget growth. Small and daring

More than 100 of China's shortest people perform at a show called "Dwarf Kingdom" held at the Kunming World Butterfly Garden in China's Yunnan province. Once here, an ordinary person can feel like a real Gulliver in the land of Lilliputians.

(Total 15 photos)

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1. During the casting for the Kingdom of the Dwarfs, only 2 mandatory conditions were put forward: the performers had to be between the ages of 18 and 40 years old and have a height of less than 130 cm. No other special skills were required. Twice a day, on the stage of the Kunming World Butterfly Garden, dwarfs sing, dance and perform comedy performances to entertain the crowds. In the photo: the performance of "Kingdom of Dwarfs" in the Kunming Butterfly Garden of the World.

2. The appearance of a separate place of residence for people of dwarf growth may seem like discrimination, but the dwarfs themselves are enthusiastic about this idea. In the photo: Ting Tien returns to the main square after the performance of "Kingdom of the Dwarfs".

3. Here, the shortest Chinese can forget about bullying and use their height to make money. In the photo: Ai Lun, together with his friends, is preparing for the next performance of the Kingdom of Dwarfs.

4. Short citizens can find a job here, which is not easy enough even for ordinary people to do in a country with such a high unemployment rate as China. In the photo: Ting Tian and other dwarfs at the "Kingdom of Dwarfs" performance.

5. This place is very popular among tourists and is one of the attractions of Yunnan Province. In the photo: Guan Shi Ning sat down to rest in the gift shop between the performances of the show "Kingdom of Dwarfs".

6. Unusual houses in the form of mushrooms, and fabulous outfits of actors create the feeling that you have become a guest of the magical land of dwarves. In the photo: the actors before the start of the next performance "Kingdom of Dwarfs".

7. The park is good because its inhabitants manage their own lives, and everything they do is done for themselves. Pictured: Woo Ji Mi descends from his auto rickshaw, in which he works in the flower delivery service.

8. The construction of the Dwarf Kingdom was funded by Chinese businessman Chen Mingjing. The businessman came up with the idea of ​​creating a park when, during one of his travels, he saw in what terrible conditions people of small stature live. Pictured: Yi Chi Sha goes to her cabin to change after her performance on the show.

9. Park residents are paid a salary and free English lessons are provided. Woo Ji Mi is having fun during his break time between performances with his friends.

10. Many of the dwarf actors already had performance experience before they moved to the park. They entertained the public in the bars of large cities, receiving change and various handouts for their work. Pictured: 40-year-old dwarf Wu Ji Mi chats with friends between performances at Dwarf Kingdom Park.

11. Residents of the park have fun playing poker and badminton, keep home. Pictured: Ai Wen walking his dog.

12. There is everything for the convenience of people of Lilliputian growth, even tiny plumbing and furniture. In the photo: Lu Ping, 33, plays online games for free on his mobile phone between performances, lounging on a high chair.

13. In the kingdom of dwarfs, tourists can be offered a cup of coffee, noodles and pizza, and even treat themselves to a hookah in miniature houses. Gong Hai Yuan Yuan is sitting next to a coffee shop chatting with friends.

14. In the souvenir shop you can buy souvenirs made by Lilliputians and artificial flowers, which are usually thrown onto the stage after the performance of the “Kingdom of Dwarfs”. In the photo: Guan Shi Nin in a souvenir shop.

15. For their performances, dwarfs use a wide variety of costumes: business suits, angels with wings, Tibetan monks, Roman centurions, world pop stars and do their best to create a holiday atmosphere for tourists. In the photo: Yi Jie Tun walks to the main square after performing in the show "Kingdom of the Dwarfs".

Nature, which created people, sometimes plays cruel jokes with them. Various pathologies and physical defects prevent unfortunate people from living a full life. For example, midgets and dwarfs. The difference between them and ordinary people is significant. Small stature, not too attractive appearance interfere with a normal life! It is very difficult for such people to get a job.

Find differences

What is the difference between a dwarf and a midget? Many want an answer to this question. Indeed, according to external data, it is impossible for people who do not know the details to distinguish them from each other. They are small, compact, with enlarged heads and short legs. Usually the mental abilities of these people are no worse than those of normal people. There are times when these little people have a very high level of intelligence and occupy high positions. Among these "crumbs" there are talented actors and experienced doctors. The profession of a pediatrician is especially good for them. Children easily make contact with a doctor who is no different from them.


In people who have had serious illnesses in childhood, the hormonal background is disturbed, and growth stops. Functional disorders of the pituitary gland lead to growth arrest, such people are called dystrophic dwarfs. These people are mentally developed, the physique is harmonious, but, unfortunately, they have sexual underdevelopment.

If there is insufficient secretion of thyroid hormones in the body of a dwarf, their appearance leaves much to be desired. In this case, the differences between a dwarf and a midget are obvious. This category suffers from kidney failure, rickets and other serious diseases. Violation of the thyroid gland leads to a halt in mental and physical development. It is the hardest thing for such people to live in the world, as well as for their relatives. They are practically incompetent, there can be no talk of work and study.

Achondroplasia is often found in nature. Patients with this disease are very different from normal people. In this case, with the naked eye you can see how the dwarf differs from the midget. The head is huge, as are the genitals. Their torso is massive, but the limbs are like those of a three-year-old child! A spectacle that evokes pity and compassion. Therefore, such patients rarely leave the house, are unsociable and lonely.


Are midgets and dwarfs different from each other? The difference between them is significant. If dwarfs acquired their disease in childhood, then midgets were born that way. This pathology in the form of pituitary insufficiency was inherited from the ancestors. No one is immune from this! If there have ever been Lilliputians in the family, there is a chance to give birth to such a little man.

Of course, midgets are a rarity on our planet. According to statistics, there are only eight hundred of them on the entire globe. They lead the life of normal people. In nothing but their tiny stature, they are not inferior to their healthy peers. With brain activity they are all right. Their disease is called pituitary dwarfism - a congenital deficiency of growth hormone. Fate can play such a cruel joke with any person.

Excellent circus performers are midgets and dwarfs. between them is insignificant. Lilliputians reach a height of 90 cm and weigh about 15 kilograms.

This is how dwarfs differ from midgets. The difference is mainly in the physique.

Proper upbringing

Upbringing plays a big role in the future life of a little man. As parents present him with his destiny, so he will bear his cross. It is necessary to try to explain to a sick child that he is no worse than others, and to kill his complexes in the bud. The task is very difficult, because, looking at his peers, he understands that he is not like everyone else.

Lilliputians and dwarfs are not to blame for their fate. The difference between them and normal people is huge. Yet there are millions of talents among such people. Performing in the circus and at fairs, they show wonderful numbers. Many of them are developed physically much better than healthy people. They perform acrobatic stunts and can any athlete.

Unfortunately, there are many cases when sick children are brought up in an orphanage. Parents do not want to take on such responsibility. Most of them grow up worthy people in defiance of fate!

It is not so easy for midgets and dwarfs to walk through life with short legs, the difference in their physiques is immediately visible. Lilliputians are more harmoniously built, their figures resemble those of children.

Explain to your kids from childhood that you can’t laugh at these people. After all, their fault is not in the vagaries of nature!

If two people of small stature came to your reception, you will definitely think: who are they - dwarfs or midgets? What questions should be asked to these people in order to determine who they really are? Today we will try to figure out the difference between a dwarf and a midget.

Dwarf- This is a person of short stature who has stopped growing as a result of some disease. The most common are dystrophic dwarfs, in the body of which there is a deficiency of growth hormone due to functional disorders of the pituitary gland (pituitary dwarfism). Such people, as a rule, are always proportionally built, look good and mentally developed, but may have sexual underdevelopment. There are dwarfs with a disproportionate physique. Very often they have a deficiency in the secretion of thyroid hormones, which is expressed in the form of a delay in mental and physical development, and also predisposes to various chronic diseases, in particular, to rickets, kidney failure, malabsorption of food in the intestines. Today, a disease such as dwarf ochondroplasia is often found in nature. At the same time, patients have a disproportionate structure: massive head and torso, large genitals and underdeveloped limbs.
Lilliput is a person who inherited pituitary insufficiency from ancestors as a pathology. The growth of a midget is 40-90 centimeters, and its weight ranges from five to fifteen kilograms. According to statistics, today about eight hundred Lilliputians live on our planet, most often they work in traditional circuses and at fairs. Unlike dwarfs, midgets are built quite harmoniously. Even as adults, they have excellent proportions and look a bit like children. It is worth noting that midgets are people suffering from pathology of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of growth hormone. That is why this disease is called pituitary dwarfism.

TheDifference.ru determined that the difference between a dwarf and a midget is as follows:

A dwarf is a person with an acquired disease of the pituitary gland, a midget receives pituitary insufficiency by inheritance.
Dwarfs have a disproportionate physique: a large torso and small limbs. Lilliputians are proportionately built and look a bit like children.

If two people of small stature came to your reception, you will definitely think: who are they - dwarfs or midgets? What questions should be asked to these people in order to determine who they really are? Today we will try to figure out the difference between a dwarf and a midget.


Dwarf- This is a person of short stature who has stopped growing as a result of some disease. The most common are dystrophic dwarfs, in the body of which there is a deficiency of growth hormone due to functional disorders of the pituitary gland (pituitary dwarfism). Such people, as a rule, are always proportionally built, look good and mentally developed, but may have sexual underdevelopment. There are dwarfs with a disproportionate physique. Very often they have a deficiency in the secretion of thyroid hormones, which is expressed in the form of a delay in mental and physical development, and also predisposes to various chronic diseases, in particular, to rickets, kidney failure, malabsorption of food in the intestines. Today, a disease such as dwarf ochondroplasia is often found in nature. At the same time, patients have a disproportionate structure: massive head and torso, large genitals and underdeveloped limbs.

Lilliput is a person who inherited pituitary insufficiency from ancestors as a pathology. The growth of a midget is 40-90 centimeters, and its weight ranges from five to fifteen kilograms. According to statistics, today about eight hundred Lilliputians live on our planet, most often they work in traditional circuses and at fairs. Unlike dwarfs, midgets are built quite harmoniously. Even as adults, they have excellent proportions and look a bit like children. It is worth noting that midgets are people suffering from pathology of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of growth hormone. That is why this disease is called pituitary dwarfism.

Findings site

  1. A dwarf is a person with an acquired disease of the pituitary gland, a midget receives pituitary insufficiency by inheritance.
  2. Dwarfs have a disproportionate physique: a large torso and small limbs. Lilliputians are proportionately built and look a bit like children.

An adult height of less than 130 cm for men and less than 120 cm for women is considered a pathological variant. Such people are called dwarfs, and their condition is called nanism, from the Greek word "nanos" - "".

Causes of nanism

Dwarf - who stopped growing due to any disease. Depending on the reasons that led to this condition, the accompanying symptoms also differ.

Growth arrest can occur due to a lack of somatotropin, a growth hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. In some patients, somatotropin is secreted in sufficient quantities, but the tissues of the body do not respond to its effects. The cause of pituitary dwarfism can be a tumor of the pituitary system or other parts of the brain, birth trauma, bacterial and viral infections that affect the nervous system, and radiation exposure.

The physique of such a person may be proportional, but not always. There are dwarfs with a disproportionately large head, short limbs. In most cases, dwarfism is accompanied by sexual underdevelopment.

In some cases, pituitary insufficiency is accompanied by a lack of thyroid hormones, then dwarfism is combined with mental retardation, a predisposition to rickets and kidney failure.


Lilliputians should not be confused with dwarfs. These are also people of very small stature - no more than 90 cm, but in them this pathology is due not to acquired, but to congenital causes. In particular, their pituitary insufficiency is explained by a genetic mutation. Lilliputians are more likely than dwarfs to be proportionately built. In their physique, they resemble five-year-old children.

Both dwarfs and midgets do not like to be called by such terms, preferring the phrase "little people". Living with such patients is not easy, because their difference from ordinary people can cause unhealthy curiosity among others.

And yet little people often find themselves in circus art, theater or cinema. For example, the dwarf actor Vladimir Fedorov was remembered by the audience for the role of Chernomor in the film adaptation of A. Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", the dictator Turanchoks in the science fiction film "Through Thorns to the Stars" and many other roles in dramas and fairy tales. Warwick actor Ashley Davis, whose height is 107 cm, made a brilliant career in Hollywood. Davis's most famous roles are Leprechaun in the horror film of the same name, Professor Flitwick and the goblin Griphook in the Harry Potter films and the dwarf Nikabrik in the film "Prince Caspian" from the Chronicles series Narnia."

To become great, it is not necessary to have impressive dimensions. Small stature is not a hindrance to reaching the highest peaks. Many celebrities are about one and a half meters tall and do not suffer from this at all.

Danica Patrick - small and fast

Danica is with a profession. The passion of this fragile person is car racing. Patrick develops inconceivable speed on his car, and at the World Championships in India, she came fourth. A good result for weighing half or even three times less than its competitors. The growth of this unusual young lady is only 150 cm, but this does not prevent her from being a successful fashion model posing for men's magazines.

Nikolai Rastorguev - small and bold

The famous "father", singing about Russian romance, front-line everyday life and love for the Motherland, on TV is a sort of personification of Russian power - broad-shouldered, strong and, probably, tall. However, the real truth is harsh - Rastorguev's height is only 158 cm. Looking closely, you can see that at concerts the singer never stands close to the members of his ensemble. The musicians are always located at the back of the stage, and Rastorguev sings almost at the edge. This creates a believable illusion.

Madonna is the queen of foreign pop music

World celebrity, legend and just Madonna is not known only to infants. And then - for the time being. A girl from a tiny American town managed to break through to the very heights, conquering New York, and then the rest of the world. Madonna with her images, outfits and outrageous performances, as well as incredible perseverance and hard work. One has only to guess where all this comes from, because the figure of the Madonna is miniature, and her height is only 158 cm.
As a child, Madonna attended a Catholic school. From there, hatred for all sorts of rules, restrictions and exemplary behavior did not endure.

Danny DeVito - master of comedy

Where could a funny chubby little man go - only 152 cm? Of course, comedians. Danny DeVito as unlucky thieves and gangsters, cheerful companions of the protagonist and simply cheerful little people. Despite the rather ridiculous appearance, De Vito has a serious track record, and has repeatedly tried himself as not only an actor, but also a director and producer.
De Vito is a great polyglot and sometimes voices films in several languages ​​at once.

He Pingping - the smallest man in the world

Perhaps the most famous man of short stature is the Chinese He Pingping. He was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest representative of our kind. His height was only 74 cm. Pinpin was born so small that he could fit in the palms of his parents, he also grew very slowly. Doctors concluded that He suffered from a genetic disease that prevented the skeleton from growing. By the way, both parents of Pinpin and his two were quite normal people. Pingping quickly gained fame in his native China and beyond, being invited to appear in magazines and TV shows. However, at the age of 22, the record holder died suddenly. Perhaps the fault was the genetic mutations of his body, or perhaps the frequent smoking, to which Pinpin was addicted since childhood.


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