How to treat salmonellosis in children. Salmonellosis in children is the most dangerous summer disease

A feature of the development of the child's body is the imperfection of immunity. Therefore, susceptibility to intestinal infections, including salmonellosis, is increased in them. The disease is accompanied by severe poisoning and dehydration. It is especially difficult in infants. Parents need to know what can be done to reduce the risk of infection, how to alleviate the condition of a sick baby. It is important to distinguish this disease from the usual bowel disorder caused by overeating or eating a new product.


The action of the causative agent of salmonellosis in the body

Salmonellosis is caused by Salmonella bacteria. In the human body, they multiply in the small intestine. In the process of their vital activity, toxins are released, poisoning with which leads to the appearance of such symptoms in the patient as severe vomiting and frequent diarrhea. Dehydration of the body occurs, which leads to a violation of the water-salt balance. There is a lack of the most important elements necessary for the functioning of the heart, kidneys, brain and other organs.

As a result, with salmonellosis, a violation of the heart rhythm, loss of consciousness and the occurrence of other dangerous conditions are possible. In children, metabolic processes in the body are more intense than in adults, so dehydration occurs very quickly.

Salmonella is resistant to low temperatures. Bacteria can live in frozen meat for six months. Once in the soil, they remain viable for 1.5 years. These microorganisms are not sensitive to the action of many antibiotics. Many disinfectants are ineffective against them.

Salmonella quickly die in boiling water.

Causes and ways of infection of children with salmonella

Salmonella can multiply in the body of not only humans, but also animals. Therefore, products of animal origin must be subjected to thorough heat treatment. Bacteria can be found on surrounding objects, in poorly treated drinking water. The main routes of entry of Salmonella into the body are food, contact, and transplacental.

Food. Salmonella can be found in undercooked meat, raw milk, eggs, butter, cottage cheese. The meat of sick cows, pigs, as well as birds (chickens, ducks, geese) can be contagious. Salmonellosis bacteria get into semi-finished products during the joint cutting of meat from sick and healthy animals.

You can become infected with salmonellosis by eating, for example, cream cakes (especially with raw beaten eggs, cream), if sanitary control over their production and product quality is poor. The cause of infection can also be the use of soft-boiled eggs, fried eggs, salads containing boiled eggs, meat components seasoned with sour cream, mayonnaise.

Contact household. Infection of children with salmonellosis is possible through contact with sick people, personnel of medical institutions, workers in food enterprises or people caring for animals. Bacteria infect toys, clothes, towels and other items touched by a sick person. This route of infection is the main one for infants.

Transplacental. Intrauterine infection of the fetus with salmonellosis is possible if the pregnant woman is a carrier.

Addition: The child acquires this infection by playing with pets, inhaling dust containing bacteria. Infection with salmonellosis can also occur while swimming in a pond, if livestock or birds enter the water.

Video: Ways of salmonella infection

Types of salmonellosis, characteristic symptoms in children

Depending on the manifestations and localization of bacteria in the body, gastrointestinal and generalized salmonellosis are distinguished. After recovery, the stage of bacterial excretion begins.

Gastrointestinal salmonellosis, its varieties and forms

In children older than 2 years, this type of disease manifests itself in the form of gastritis, gastroenteritis or colitis. In infants, the disease manifests itself mainly in the form of gastroenteritis.

Gastritis salmonellosis. There are symptoms of gastritis: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. There is no diarrhea.

Gastroenteric. There are symptoms of acute inflammation of the intestine and intoxication of the body:

  • yellow-brown or dark green stools with a strong smell, looking like rice water, with particles of undigested food;
  • nausea;
  • severe vomiting;
  • pain in the navel and above;
  • bloating, rumbling;

Gastroenterocolitic. There is a liquid plentiful chair with frequent desires. Sometimes the calls are false. Pain occurs in the area of ​​the large intestine. The stool is green, streaked with blood and mucus.

Gastrointestinal salmonellosis can occur both in a mild (erased) form and in a severe one. When it occurs in a mild form, vomiting occurs only at the initial moment, the temperature rises slightly, loose stools occur 3 times a day for 1-2 days. On the 3rd day the child recovers. In an erased form, the disease most often occurs in older children.

In a severe form of salmonellosis, the child has loose stools up to 20 times a day, frequent vomiting. There is weakness, a drop in blood pressure. High temperature with chills lasts 3-5 days. Diarrhea is observed within 4-5 days, resulting in dehydration of the body. Full recovery occurs in about 2 weeks.

Generalized salmonellosis

Salmonella affects various organs (pancreas, liver, cardiovascular system, kidneys). There are 2 forms of the course of the disease:

  1. Typhoid (manifested by flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, rashes on the skin of the abdomen, enlargement of the liver and spleen).
  2. Septic. It occurs more often in infants. There are symptoms of dyspepsia (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting), as well as sepsis (high temperature, profuse sweating and chills, drop in blood pressure, rapid pulse). The liver, spleen enlarge, jaundice appears. With this form of the disease, death can occur.


After recovery, the child continues to be a carrier of bacteria. The acute period of bacterial excretion lasts 3 months. If salmonella remain in the body for more than 3 months, then they talk about chronic bacteriocarrier.

How the disease progresses in children

Symptoms of salmonellosis in children do not begin to appear immediately. The incubation period can last from 5 hours to 5 days. Characteristic signs are a feverish state (observed within 5-20 days), fetid stools (may last up to 10 days), dehydration.

After recovery, children remain immune to this disease for 12 months.

Features of the manifestation of salmonellosis in infants

In babies of the first year of life, the disease is manifested primarily by severe intoxication of the body. At the same time, they often regurgitate, lose weight. There is bloating. The child does not sleep well, becomes capricious, restless. Body temperature may be normal. Hands and feet stay cold. Dehydration of the body can be seen by the retraction of the fontanel.

Diarrhea and vomiting do not appear immediately, but for 3-4 days. The stool is green, liquid, like water, contains streaks of blood. At this stage, urgent treatment is required, since a rapid onset of death is possible.

Warning: The disease in infants develops rapidly, therefore, when the first signs of poisoning, unusual diarrhea appear, it is urgent to seek help from a pediatrician.

Why is salmonellosis dangerous for children?

The younger the child, the more severe the disease usually is. If he is physically strong, therapy is carried out in a timely manner, then complications, as a rule, do not happen. If the baby is weakened, the disease is severe, then dangerous complications can occur. The consequence of prolonged dehydration is a violation of the kidneys, the cardiovascular system. Possible cerebral edema.

If bacterial excretion lasts more than 3 months, this indicates the transition of the disease to a chronic form, the risk of relapse. Since salmonella with blood flow can enter other organs, inflammatory processes may appear in them.

Note: If salmonellosis becomes chronic, then the child is prohibited from attending kindergarten or school, as he is a spreader of the infection and can infect other people. This leads to additional stress.

Diagnosis of salmonellosis

In its manifestations, salmonellosis is similar to other infectious intestinal diseases (dysentery, rotavirus, enterovirus). For an accurate diagnosis, a study of blood, feces and vomit is carried out. The examination is repeated during and after treatment in order to monitor the healing process.

Bacterial culture

Examine feces and vomit for the detection of salmonella. If there is a suspicion that the infection has spread to other organs, then urine, bile, washings of the stomach and intestines are additionally cultured. The sensitivity of bacteria to various antibiotics is determined. However, such a study takes up to 10 days, while the child sometimes needs urgent assistance in order to prevent serious complications.

Express Diagnostics

For this purpose, methods of immunochemical analysis (ELISA, RIA and others) are used for the presence of antibodies to Salmonella in the blood. With the help of special rapid tests, you can check for the presence of these bacteria in food.

Fecal analysis for dysbacteriosis, coprogram

A study of the bacteriological composition of the intestinal contents is being carried out. With the help of the coprogram, the acidity of the intestinal environment, the activity of enzymes are assessed.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky on the occurrence and treatment of salmonellosis in children


Therapy of salmonellosis in infants is carried out only in a hospital setting.

If salmonellosis occurs in a mild form, then the treatment of children older than 1 year is carried out at home. In a severe form of the disease, a child of any age is hospitalized.

The main areas of treatment are antibiotic therapy, combating the effects of dehydration and cleansing it of toxins.

Antibiotic therapy

Antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor for severe forms of salmonellosis only after an accurate diagnosis. Levomycetin, doxycycline, ampicillin are used.

Warning: Self-treatment of a child with any antibacterial drugs or other means is unacceptable. This can dramatically aggravate the symptoms, cause a serious exacerbation of the disease.

Elimination of the consequences of dehydration and intoxication in a child

To restore the acid-base balance, drugs such as oralit, rehydron, glucosolan are used. They are used for frequent fractional drinking. If the baby fails to drink these drugs, then glucose and saline are injected intravenously.

For detoxification of the body, enterosorbents are prescribed: smecta, enterosgel.

To eliminate intestinal dysbacteriosis, enzymes are used: enzistal, festal.

If prolonged bacterial excretion is observed, then immunomodulators are used (Viferon - from 1 year, Immunal - from 4 years).

Bacteriophages are prescribed (drugs containing viruses that destroy bacteria), as well as agents that normalize the intestinal microflora (bifidumbacterin and others).

Diet for salmonellosis

Food should be light, not irritating to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Products must be boiled well, they should be given in a pureed form. At the same time, butter and other animal fats are completely excluded from the diet. You can not give your baby whole milk, sour-milk products (they increase spasms in the intestines), sweet and salty foods, raw vegetables and fruits, carbonated drinks, juices, dishes from cabbage and legumes.

It is recommended to give cereals (rice, oatmeal) boiled in water or potato broth. Fish should be given only boiled, cutlets should be steamed. You can give low-fat cottage cheese or cheese, as well as fruit jelly, baked apples.

The diet must be followed for at least 1 month.

First aid measures

If a child develops severe diarrhea, vomiting, fever, it is urgent to call an ambulance. To prevent dehydration, before the arrival of a doctor, the patient should be given salted boiled warm water, mineral water without gas, weak sweetened tea. You can give a decoction of chamomile or mint. Drinking plenty of fluids helps flush out toxins from the body.

It is necessary to give the child a solution of rehydron every 5-10 minutes. 1 sachet of powder is diluted in 1 liter of water. The baby is given 1 tsp each time. medicines.

You can prepare a remedy for restoring the salt balance yourself. In 1 liter of warm boiled water pour 1 tbsp. l. salt, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, add juice squeezed from ½ lemon or 3 tbsp. l. cranberry juice.


In order not to put the child at risk of contracting salmonellosis, you can not give him meat, eggs, fish without a long heat treatment. The kid should not drink raw water and milk, eat poorly washed vegetables and fruits.

Children should not be allowed to swim in stagnant water. It is recommended to avoid contact with poultry and livestock. It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the home, teach kids to follow the rules of hygiene.

Video: What foods can contain salmonella. Prevention measures

Intestinal infections are very common among children. This is not surprising, because kids try to taste the world around them from a very early age.

Among intestinal ailments, one of the leading places belongs to salmonellosis. We will talk about how this disease occurs in children, and how to treat a child, in this article.

What it is

An acute intestinal infection called salmonellosis affects both humans and animals equally. Moreover, among the total mass of cases, most of them are children of preschool and school age. However, the disease can be diagnosed in both newborns and infants. No one is immune from infection.

The disease is quite difficult, especially in children. Like most intestinal infections, salmonellosis is more common in summer when it is hot, because in hot weather it is much more difficult to comply with all the rules for storing food.

When salmonellosis occurs, the child must be provided with correct and timely assistance, and a lot of this depends on the parents, on how quickly they can recognize the first signs of bacterial infection.

The reasons

The causative agent of the disease is salmonella - a bacterium in the form of a stick. The microbe is quite common, but it cannot boast of excellent health and endurance.

salmonella fast dies when heated to 50-55 degrees, but survives well when frozen. Dislikes wand and sunlight.

Ideal conditions for bacterial growth are the intestines of humans and animals. At a temperature of about 37 degrees, microbes feel great and are able to reproduce. When it enters the body of a child, salmonella behaves quite aggressively, and not only in relation to its carrier, but also to its other brethren.

If the bacterium is fixed on the intestinal wall, it begins to produce a strong toxin that destroys some of the other Salmonella that are competitors for it in the redistribution of the habitat.

The toxin affects the child's body, causing symptoms of intoxication, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. This toxin also has one more unpleasant property - the body under its action begins to rapidly lose water through the intestines. For a child, this is fraught with rapid dehydration.

More than 1600 serotypes of Salmonella are known to science. Not everyone causes salmonellosis, there are microbes that cause typhoid fever, including typhoid fever.

Ways of infection

A child can become infected with salmonella in different ways:

  • Food way. Infection occurs when eating animal products that contain the bacterium. Usually it is chicken, fish, meat, milk, eggs that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment (the microbe dies when heated).
  • contact path. In this case, infection occurs from child to child with common toys, a pacifier. Adults who care for him can infect a child. The microbe first enters the skin or mucous membranes and is gradually transferred by the child into the mouth.

  • vertical path. This is the transmission of salmonella from mother to child during pregnancy.
  • Air way. Such infection occurs infrequently, but it is not excluded. The child inhales bacteria with dust, air in the focus of infection. For example, a kindergarten can become such a hotbed if several children have already fallen ill in it, or a school class.
  • Waterway. The microbe enters the child's body with water

Quite often, a child becomes infected after contact with homeless animals. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully before allowing the baby to stroke a stray cat or dog.

Danger and Consequences

Salmonellosis is dangerous, especially for newborns and children under one year old. A specific microbial toxin causes rapid dehydration, which can lead to death, as well as cause severe complications from a variety of organs and systems, most often from the nervous system.

If the immune system is strong enough, then the disease will affect only the intestinal walls, the effect of the toxin on other parts of the body will be minimal. But children usually cannot boast of strong immunity, the body's natural defenses are just being formed. That's why in the risk group - all babies without exception.

Salmonellosis can be especially severe in premature babies, in babies who often get sick, in children with existing chronic diseases, immunodeficiency.

A sick child is also a danger to other children - with a mild form of the disease, bacteria continue to be released into the environment from 2 to 4 weeks, with a severe form - up to 3 months or even longer. That is how long the baby is contagious.

Immunity to the bacterium is not produced, and re-infection occurs relapse.

The danger of the disease also lies in the likelihood of its chronicity: if the treatment is not done correctly, chronic salmonellosis will make the child not just a carrier of the bacterium - from time to time unpleasant and dangerous relapses will occur.

The mortality rate for salmonellosis in children is estimated at 0.2-0.5%. In most cases, it is possible to do without complications.

Incubation period

The duration of the incubation period for different children varies quite a lot - in some babies, only 6 hours pass between infection and the appearance of the first signs, while in others it takes three days. But most often the incubation period is from 12 to 24 hours.

If after that pronounced intestinal infectious symptoms make themselves felt, then they speak of an acute course of the disease. In some cases, the symptoms are erased or do not appear at all. Such children become carriers of the bacteria. They themselves do not suffer from the disease when they are carriers, but actively infect others, without suspecting it themselves.

The incubation period in newborns is usually shorter than in older children. In most cases it is only 2-4 days, and sometimes the disease develops in 3-5 hours.


The first signs of the disease usually appear immediately after the end of the incubation period. These are the classic symptoms of an intestinal infection:

  • Temperature rise. The fever can be high, up to 38.5-39.0 degrees, but more often there is a rise in temperature at the level of 37.5-38.0 degrees.
  • Weakness. A child under the action of a toxin on the nervous system becomes depressed, drowsy, capricious, he has a headache.
  • Digestive disorders. With salmonellosis, frequent loose stools are observed. Feces are watery, frothy, with a sharp unpleasant odor. Vomiting is pronounced, frequent.
  • Abdominal pain. Pain in the abdomen may be accompanied by increased gas formation, a feeling of fullness, heaviness.

Depending on which serotype of the bacterium caused the disease, the course of the disease can be not only intestinal, but also generalized, when other organs and systems are involved in the pathogenic process.

Most often, the nervous system suffers, the spleen and liver may increase in size, and in a severe form of the disease the development of renal failure against the background of severe dehydration is not excluded.

Quite often in children, salmonellosis is manifested by unpleasant symptoms from the cardiovascular system. The blood pressure drops, the heart rhythm is disturbed, the pulse accelerates.

Sometimes the generalized form of the disease occurs 2-3 days after acute intestinal in the absence of assistance and appropriate treatment. Symptoms in this case may be similar to typhus. To all of the above, the appearance on the skin of a small dotted rash of the type of hemorrhagic is added.

The symptoms of salmonellosis in children of the first year of life and newborns have their own characteristics. Such small patients usually have the following "set" of symptoms:

  • Copious frequent regurgitation. It will differ from the physiological one in frequency and volume, as well as in the sour smell of the rejected masses.
  • Severe restlessness and sleep disturbances. This is the action of Salmonella toxin, which causes overexcitation. Toddlers are more susceptible to poison than older children.
  • Bloating. The baby's tummy looks bloated, like a frog's, loose stools with mucous impurities, colic are possible.

  • Signs of dehydration. Such signs include crying without tears, cold extremities, cyanosis under the eyes, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, dry skin.
  • Falling fontanel. The fontanel looks somewhat concave inward.

But the baby's temperature can rise only after a few days after the onset of the disease.


Distinguishing salmonellosis from other types of intestinal viral and bacterial infections is quite difficult, since the symptoms are very similar. Laboratory diagnostics, which is always carried out at the slightest suspicion of Salmonella infection, will help establish the truth.

If a child is suspected of having this disease, they try to hospitalize him in a specialized infectious diseases hospital, and All studies are carried out on the basis of a medical institution.

To date, bakposev is considered the most reliable and accurate. For analysis, feces and vomit samples are taken.

Microorganisms are grown on a nutrient medium in laboratory conditions. The resulting microbes are identified by type, family, serotype, and also set to which antibiotics they are sensitive. This makes it possible to choose the right drug for treatment.

The disadvantage of bacteriological analysis is that the growing process sometimes takes several days, and sometimes even drags on for a week and a half.

Naturally, the child cannot not receive treatment all this time. That is why materials are sent for bakposev to make sure that the doctors' versions were correct, but they quickly resort to other diagnostics.

Express analysis is based on the use of special test systems that detect antibodies to Salmonella by immunofluorescence. Such a test, conducted by an experienced laboratory assistant, will allow in a few minutes to answer the question of whether there is salmonella in the body, but, alas, will not be able to tell what type of bacteria caused the infection.

In the process of treatment, the child will take blood several times for a serological analysis, which will make it possible to judge how effective the therapy is. In the laboratory, antibodies and their number will be determined, as well as the dynamics - growth and decline - will be assessed.


Salmonella have been around humans for so long that they have developed sufficient protection against many types of antibiotics. So, they are almost impossible to destroy with the help of tetracyclines and aminoglycosides. But antimicrobials of the penicillin group and fluoroquinolone antibiotics can be quite effective.

With a mild course of the disease, they try not to prescribe antibiotic therapy to the child. The main indication for the use of such drugs is such a clinical sign as the presence of blood in the stool. If there is no blood, then in mild cases, antibiotics are not required at all.

Mild degrees of the disease can be treated at home. Naturally, parents will have to carefully follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

In the first day or two, it is advisable for a child with confirmed salmonellosis to perform a gastric lavage and an enema. If the baby has frequent loose stools, after washing, he is prescribed calcium preparations in an age dosage.

And after repeated vomiting, and after prolonged diarrhea, it is mandatory to take oral rehydration agents - "Smekty", "Regidron", "Humana Electrolyte" and others.

The child should be given such solutions often and in large quantities.

If the baby refuses to drink on his own, use a syringe without a needle, pouring in solutions so that the liquid passes along the inside of the cheek. So the baby will be less likely to immediately spit everything back.

These solutions contribute to the restoration of mineral salts, water balance, which will prevent the development of dehydration. In addition to these solutions, should be allowed to drink ordinary warm water, dried fruit compote without sugar, weak tea.

If you can’t get the baby to drink in any way, then you should return to the hospital, where the child, under the supervision of doctors, will be given electrolytes intravenously so that dehydration does not occur.

The child is on a strict diet. While the acute stage is in full swing, you do not need to feed the baby at all, it will be enough to drink plenty of water. On the second or third day, if the child himself asks for food, they begin to give light meals that will not additionally irritate the intestines and stomach.

Completely prohibited:

  • milk and dairy products;
  • products containing animal fats;
  • chocolate;
  • sour fruits and berries;

  • seasonings and spices;
  • smoked products;
  • sparkling water;
  • pickled food;
  • fried food.

You can feed your child with foods and dishes from the following list:

  • porridge-smear without milk and butter;
  • soup with vegetable broth;
  • boiled fish;
  • steam cutlets from lean meat;
  • jelly.

Food should not be served hot: everything that is prepared for the child is pre-cooled to room temperature.

Overeating is not allowed. The volume of food is increased gradually as you recover, starting with a small amount of broth or porridge and leading to a full serving by the end of the course of treatment.

The most commonly prescribed antibiotics Suprax, Cefixime, with diarrhea - "Enterofuril" in capsules, which, although it is an antimicrobial agent, is not considered an antibiotic in the full sense of the word.

With a generalized infection, antibiotics of the penicillin group are prescribed for intramuscular administration.

In most cases of mild and moderate illness, the most effective is to take a special salmonella bacteriophage - a virus that is grown artificially and which feeds on salmonella.

A drug "Salmonella bacteriophage" exists in liquid form and in the form of tablets.

You can even give the remedy to newborns, however, in a strict age dosage. The medicine can be drunk, or it can be administered as an enema into the intestines.

Additionally, children are prescribed vitamins, potassium preparations, antipyretics if the temperature rises above 38.0 degrees, as well as prebiotics and probiotics at the final stage of treatment.

Children's salmonellosis - features

In infants and newborns, a special form of salmonellosis is often diagnosed, in which infection occurs with a hospital bacillus, a hospital infection that is resistant to almost all types of antiseptics and antibiotics.

Usually it is introduced into the body of the crumbs in the maternity home or in the hospital of the children's hospital. It is difficult and time consuming to treat. Do not self-medicate.

Quite often, after a salmonella infection suffered at a very early age, a child prone to allergies begins to suffer from persistent allergic manifestations to certain types of food - chicken eggs, milk.

The older the child, the less likely the development of negative consequences of the disease for his body.


Prevention of salmonellosis is carried out in Russia at two levels - at the national level and at the household level. Only a combination of both sets of measures can protect children from a dangerous and unpleasant disease.

At the state level, all sanitary and veterinary services are required to conduct studies to identify salmonella in poultry, cattle, as well as in finished agricultural products.

Kindergartens and schools have special requirements for the temperature treatment of food to prevent children from getting food containing salmonella on the table.

Every year, all workers in the food industry, catering, as well as medical workers and teachers are examined for carriage of bacteria. If an asymptomatic carrier is detected, it is isolated and treated, and the focus of infection is treated repeatedly with disinfectant solutions, after which control “washes” are taken to detect bacteria

There is no specific vaccination against salmonella. but every parent can and should take maximum measures to protect their child from infection. To do this, it is important not to buy meat, milk and chicken in dubious places, in spontaneous markets, where the availability of safety certificates for products raises big questions.

All products must be thoroughly washed and given to the child only after proper heat treatment - baked meat should not have a damp middle, and steaks with blood are generally not a child's dish, like sushi with raw fish and raw chicken eggs.

It is important to introduce the child as early as possible to the basic hygiene rules- you need to wash your hands not only before eating, but also after returning from a walk, as well as after communicating with animals, including pets, because a cat or dog may have an asymptomatic carrier of bacteria.

Do not allow your child to play with common toys on the street, in the yard, and even more so, you should not take them in your mouth. Do not allow your child to drink from unfamiliar sources, especially natural sources - springs and springs.

Store food in the refrigerator in compliance with the rules of storage and commodity neighborhood. Regularly check the expiration date of the products and ruthlessly dispose of anything that is already past the expiration date.

If the baby is still infected, you should not visit shops and pharmacies with him during treatment, walk in the yard in the company of other children. The tests will show, and the doctor will tell you exactly when the baby will cease to be contagious, and will be able to visit his kindergarten, chat with friends on the street and walk in crowded places.

For more information on the dangers of salmonellosis, see the following video.

  • The main causes of infection
  • Diagnostic methods
  • Treatment
  • Prevention

Almost every second child spends the lion's share of his free time on the street. Here he plays with stray animals and other people's toys, eats food shared with him by friends with dirty hands, and does many other things that are harmful to his fragile immunity.

Therefore, it is not surprising that salmonellosis is much more common in children than in adults, and knowing how to deal with this infection is the responsibility of every good parent.

The main causes of infection

The first thing that needs to be clarified before talking about how to cure salmonellosis in a child is the causes of the disease. This knowledge will not only help protect the baby from re-infection, but also help in its treatment.

The source of infection are:

  1. Food products, the process of storage and / or heat treatment of which has been violated.
  2. Houseware. For example, dirty toys or things.
  3. Contacts with raw water. Equally dangerous is its consumption inside and bathing in untested reservoirs.
  4. Livestock and wild animals in which the carriage of salmonellosis is not even accompanied by the disease itself.

Some parents, paying too much attention to the child, forget that they themselves can become a carrier of infection. A vivid example of this is newborns, who often come into contact with the pathogen transplacentally (that is, while still in the womb).

In the first months of life, babies have no contact with almost any of what is described above. However, since infants' immunity is still rather weak, salmonellosis can provoke even the slightest contact with an infected person, whose illness can also occur in an asymptomatic form.

Good to know. Salmonella is an extremely hardy bacterium. So, once in the soil, it remains active for up to 1.5 years, and in raw water - up to 5 months. In cheeses, it "lives" up to a year, in milk - no more than a month, in kefir - up to two months, and in butter - up to four. As for meat and sausage products, here the average value is 2-4 months, for frozen meat - half a year, for poultry - more than a year.

Types of salmonellosis and their symptoms

Having learned how salmonellosis is transmitted, you can go directly to its symptoms. The disease can proceed in different ways, so it is customary to distinguish three forms of its manifestation.

1. Gastrointestinal (localized) form

In children, this type of salmonellosis is most common. Its severity directly depends on the scale of intoxication and water and electrolyte losses (dehydration).

Common symptoms include a sharp rise in temperature to at least 37.5 ° C, mild fever, chills, headaches and body aches, and “brokenness” of the body as a whole.

This form corresponds to 3 varieties of the disease, differing in the severity of their course:

Gastroenteric salmonellosis

It appears after a couple of hours from the moment of infection and proceeds quite sharply. In addition to the above symptoms, the patient also has:

  • spastic pains in the abdomen (in the area of ​​the epigastric and umbilical regions);
  • repeated nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea, during which the feces acquire a greenish tint and a watery, frothy texture.

The temperature in this form rises quickly, but not significantly. Almost immediately, the patient develops bloating, accompanied by rumbling in the intestines. In especially acute cases, cyanosis (cyanosis of the skin and / or mucous membranes) and the occurrence of clonic convulsions in the region of the lower extremities are observed.

Gastroenterocolitic salmonellosis

At the initial stage, this type of disease proceeds in exactly the same way as the previous one. Differences appear approximately 2-3 days after infection.

In a child, the volume of bowel movements is significantly reduced, and mucus (sometimes blood) appears in the feces. The very act of defecation is increasingly accompanied by tenesmus (painful false urges). On palpation, a spasm of the large intestine and its general painful condition are clearly felt.

Often, gastroenterocolitic salmonellosis is confused with dysentery, which occurs in an acute form.

Gastritis salmonellosis

It is difficult to say exactly how much this form is being treated (because the nature of the course of the disease manifests itself individually), while listing its characteristic features is much easier. These include:

  • no diarrhea;
  • abrupt and acute onset of the process;
  • insignificance of intoxication;
  • pain localized in the epigastric region;
  • recurring vomiting.

This type of salmonellosis in children is rare, but they fight it mostly successfully.

2. Generalized form

In many cases, the flow of the disease into this form is facilitated by insufficiently effective treatment of salmonellosis in children in the gastroenteric stage. It takes quite a long time and is problematic.

The main feature of the generalized form is the occurrence of purulent foci in the lungs (which contributes to the development of pleurisy and pneumonia), heart (the first step to endocarditis), kidneys (which subsequently affect pyelitis or cystitis) and muscles (where phlegmon and abscesses are threatened).

It is divided into 2 varieties:

Typhoid-like salmonellosis

This type of disease can occur without the symptoms characteristic of gastroenteritis. In other words, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea appear only for the first few days, and then completely disappear.

At the same time, the child is noted:

  • undulating temperature drops;
  • regular headaches;
  • interruptions in sleep and, as a result, lethargy and weakness;
  • hepatolienal syndrome (enlargement of the spleen and liver);
  • general intoxication of the body and the manifestation of a hemorrhagic rash.

The complexity of treatment is due to the difficulties of diagnosis. The clinical picture is in many ways similar to the course of typhoid fever, and therefore there is a high risk of prescribing the wrong treatment. Only additional diagnostics can help in this situation, which often takes time, which the child no longer has.

Septic salmonellosis

It is characteristic mainly for infants and newborns. At the initial stage, symptoms characteristic of gastroenteritis are clearly visible, which are replaced by remitting fever (temperature changes that constantly fluctuate between 1-2.5 degrees).

Also, the baby has tachycardia, sweating increases, myalgia begins (muscle pain associated with the fact that the cells are constantly in good shape). There are cases when hepatosplenomegaly is diagnosed (a one-time, significant increase in the liver and spleen).

3. Bacterial excretory form

This form of the disease is remarkable in that during its course, the patient has no clinical symptoms. It is detected only by diagnostics and is divided into:

  • acute

Isolation of salmonella in convalescents (recovered children) lasts 15-90 days.

  • Transient

Isolation of Salmonella is present, however, at the time of the examination, and for 3 months before it, it was noted no more than 1-2 times. And serological tests also showed a negative result.

  • Chronic

Carrier status is confirmed for more than 3 months.

Features of symptoms in newborns

In children under one year old, the symptoms of salmonellosis manifest themselves somewhat differently than in the rest. Here, the signs of intoxication come to the fore:

  • excessive anxiety and sleep disturbance;
  • frequent regurgitation and bloating;
  • dehydration and causeless cooling of the limbs;
  • hypotrophy and retraction of the fontanel.

At the same time, the baby's body temperature can remain within the normal range for up to several days (although sometimes it rises to 39 ° C almost immediately).

Vomiting, diarrhea and the rest of the symptoms described above also do not immediately make themselves felt. Diarrhea manifests itself in all its glory for 3-4 days from the moment of infection. The stools are watery and greenish in color. On the seventh day, blood streaks are found in the feces. Left untreated at this stage, it is predominantly fatal.

Good to know. The incubation period of the disease in newborns ranges from a couple of hours to 2-4 days. Therefore, so that the child does not later suffer from complications, it is worth showing it to the doctor at the slightest suspicion of infection.

Diagnostic methods

In a number of ways, salmonellosis is similar to a number of other acute intestinal infections. Therefore, the first thing to do in order for the treatment to be effective is to make sure the accuracy of the proposed diagnosis. After all, while you do not know, but only assume what your child is sick with. The main assistant in this matter is the diagnostics prescribed by the attending physician at the first appointment.

Depending on the type of disease, as well as on the stage of its course, it is possible to distinguish different types of how children are tested for salmonellosis:

  • Bacterial culture of feces and vomit

If there are suspicions that the disease has passed into a generalized form, urine, bile, washings of the stomach and intestines are also used. Among the strengths of the analysis is its high sensitivity. It allows not only to identify infectious agents, but also to assess their number, activity and resistance to various antibiotics. The main disadvantage of the method is its duration (up to 10 days), while any delay can cause irreversible complications in the child's body.

  • Express Diagnostics

Immunofluorescence kits and latex agglutination kits are commercially available today. And therefore, having found signs of salmonellosis in a child, before going to the doctor, you can independently check it for the reliability of the diagnosis. In the medical environment for express diagnostics, a test for ELISA, RIA, RKA, RLA is used.

  • Serological blood test for the presence of antibodies

This study is carried out when it is already known for sure that the child is infected in order to determine the success of the prescribed course of treatment. For the first time, blood sampling is performed a week after the diagnosis of salmonellosis and 10 days later. The procedure is repeated at the end of inpatient treatment. Doctors are interested in the growth of antibody titer, the minimum diagnostic value of which is 1:200.

Depending on the type of disease and the stage of its course, tests are prescribed for children on an individual basis. However, if all the symptoms of an epidemiological outbreak of salmonellosis are present, in addition to them, a bacteriological analysis of the remains of contaminated food and washings from the dishes in which it was located is also carried out.

Good to know. More often than others, children under the age of 2 years are susceptible to salmonellosis, and the bulk of outbreaks of the disease occur in the summer-autumn season.


Now that we know both how salmonellosis manifests itself and how it is diagnosed, it's time to talk about treatment. If in adults it (in the majority of cases) does not require specific actions and is limited only to taking drugs, then in the case of children, such a number will not work.

So, the treatment of infants should be carried out strictly within the framework of hospitalization. Otherwise, without timely medical care, the baby risks developing cerebral edema and dying.

Medical therapy

By nature, salmonella is a bacteria. Therefore, it would be logical to assume that it should be treated with various antibacterial drugs, right?

Arguing in this way, you risk not only not curing your child, but also causing much more significant harm to him. The fact is that the symptoms of salmonellosis, typhoid fever and a number of other infections are very similar. And medicines for salmonellosis for children are quite different from the same remedies for dysentery.

Even doctors will be able to unequivocally determine what kind of ailment struck your crumbs only after a thorough diagnosis. And improperly prescribed treatment will only provoke an exacerbation.

Remember, only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics for salmonellosis! You only need to deliver the baby to the pediatrician as quickly as possible or call him at home.

Independent measures in the fight against the disease

As already mentioned, the causative agent of salmonellosis is extremely specific and is characterized by increased resistance to cold and a number of antibiotics. Therefore, even drugs such as Enterofuril cannot always help. However, this does not mean at all that you need to be inactive until the doctor arrives.

In some cases, the infection manifests itself in just a couple of hours, and rapid dehydration of the body can cause irreparable harm to the child. As we have already found out, we cannot stuff him with antibiotics, however, it is quite possible to alleviate the condition of the baby by preventing his dehydration.

This can be done either with the help of specialized oral rehydration powders, which can be easily found in every pharmacy, or using the following recipe:

  • in clean still water (1 l), dissolve baking soda (1 tsp), then sugar (2 tsp), and then salt (1 tsp). Mix the resulting saline solution thoroughly and solder the child to them until the ambulance arrives.

This drink does not taste very pleasant, so if your baby flatly refuses to drink it, offer him any other drink, be it water, tea or compote. From liquids containing various dyes and chemicals (from the same soda) should be.

If it is not possible to give a child a drink in the traditional way, for example, if dehydration has overcome a monthly baby, an ordinary syringe will come to the rescue (of course, without a needle!). Fill it with the solution described above and, before the ambulance arrives, carefully pour it into the corner of the baby's mouth. Be sure to keep your head down so it doesn't choke.

Nuances of nutrition during and after treatment

What can a child eat with salmonellosis? This issue is no less important than the others discussed in this article. Proper nutrition correction contributes not only to a speedy recovery, but also to the restoration of undermined immunity.

The optimal product for children in their first year of life has been and remains unpasteurized breast milk. It not only easily fills the need of a weakened body for trace elements and vitamins, but also provides it with proteins, carbohydrates, fats and a number of protective, biologically active substances.

If the age of the little one has already exceeded the mark of 4 months, and he himself feeds by artificial feeding, then for the first 1-2 weeks his menu includes:

  • fermented milk mixtures;
  • 10% rice and / or buckwheat porridge brewed in water;
  • vegetable puree.

In the future, the doctor analyzes the combined results of treatment and diet, after which he makes a verdict on how effective the diet is and adjusts the course (as a rule, in the direction of expanding the range of dishes allowed for consumption).

The diet of older children who fell ill just the other day is carefully mashed, easily digestible food that has undergone mandatory heat treatment. These can be soups, and diverse vegetable dishes, and boiled rice, etc. It is allowed to include meat and fish in the menu, but only on condition that they were steamed.

The following fall under the ban:

  • fermented milk products that enhance peristalsis (wave-like contraction of the walls) of the intestine;
  • flour products made from rye;
  • any sweets and pickles;
  • vegetables and fruits served raw;
  • berries and various spices.

The duration of the course is 27-30 days from the date of diagnosis of the disease. However, depending on the complexity of its course to restore the child's strength, nutritional adjustments can continue after his recovery.

Since the disease is quite specific, the diet after salmonellosis is prescribed individually by the attending doctor. However, in general terms:

  • exclusion from the diet for a certain period are subject to: dairy products, fatty and spicy foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, sweets, some types of legumes, cabbage and juices;
  • the basis of the menu for this time should be: dairy-free cereals, soups with meat, but not cooked on meat broth (i.e., the meat is cooked separately and then added to the already prepared soup), soufflé from low-fat varieties of poultry and meat, baked fruits ( like baked apples or bananas).

If, among other things, the child suffers from food allergies, fermentopathy or dysbacteriosis, his diet for salmonellosis should be adjusted for these diseases. All foods with a high content of allergens are added to the list of prohibited foods, and the list of mandatory dishes is supplemented by various decoctions, vitamins and other means used in phage and immunotherapy.

Good to know. The previously popular "water-tea", starvation diet is now recognized as ineffective. However, in the first five days, doctors advise reducing food intake by 5-15%.

Consequences and threats to the health of the child

Why is salmonellosis dangerous in children? It is this question that first arises in parents whose baby is faced with this disease. As a rule, if the appeal to the doctor was timely, the disease does not cause any complications. However, if a baby had a chance to encounter it, whose immunity is not strong enough (for example, a baby), or the treatment was not prompt enough, the consequences can be serious.

We have already mentioned that the course of the disease is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and other unpleasant symptoms. However, even after recovery, the child faces a number of complications.

  1. Prolonged dehydration leads to interruptions in the functioning of the renal channels (renal failure) and contributes to the accumulation of nitrogenous waste in the patient's blood.
  2. Bacterial excretion lasting over 3 months after recovery is a clear sign that the disease has had too much effect on the body, and the child now needs treatment for chronic salmonellosis.
  3. Prolonged intoxication negatively affects the work of the cardiovascular system. In especially advanced cases, it causes cerebral edema.
  4. The consequences of salmonellosis can also be expressed in inflammation of various internal organs, since salmonella spreads throughout the body through the bloodstream.
  5. In young patients suffering from chronic diseases, relapses provoked by immunodeficiency are not uncommon.

However, do not forget that in addition to them, the disease also has social consequences.

For example, if there is a suspicion that a child is a carrier of bacteria, the entrance to public places is closed for him. And if in the case of an amusement park or a swimming pool this will not be much of a problem, then a ban on attending a school or kindergarten can serve as a reason for lagging behind the program and biased attitude.


Everyone knows that avoiding the disease is much better than dealing with all sorts of its consequences. It is not difficult to prevent the first entry of salmonella into the body or the recurrence of salmonellosis.

For many, especially young and always busy parents, the question is different, are you ready to devote enough time to your child in order to protect him from this and a number of other unpleasant diseases? After all, then you have to:

  • Regularly organize wet cleaning in the house and clean not only the rooms themselves, but also the children's toys in them.
  • Refuse to visit prohibited water bodies and places with a high content of dust.
  • Carefully iron not only the things of the baby, but also your clothes with which he can come into contact.
  • Until the baby realizes the importance and significance of personal hygiene, do not let him out of sight. And also to control everything that he pulls into his mouth.
  • Minimize contact of the child with farm and wild animals (goats, pigeons, pigs and other potential carriers of Salmonella).
  • Store products of animal origin separately from the rest and feed them to children only after thorough heat treatment.
  • Refuse fast food and snacks that are harmful to the young body and for a number of other reasons.
  • Cut meat on a separate board and wash your hands thoroughly before touching other ingredients of the dish at the end of cutting.
  • Purchase products only from certified outlets. Store eggs for no more than 20 days, and homemade mayonnaise for no more than a day and in a tightly closed container.
  • Teach the little one to hygiene from an early age and follow its rules yourself. Wash your hands not only exclusively before eating, but also at the end of the meal, after a walk, clean not only clothes, but also toys, do not pick up food from the floor, etc.

It must be understood that salmonellosis in a child can manifest itself even if all of the above rules are observed. Prevention only reduces the likelihood of the disease, and is not a panacea for it. However, sticking to it is much better than fighting the disease for a long time, and then also improving the work of the body depleted by it after recovery.

Do you have any questions? Want to learn more about how to treat salmonellosis in children? Leave comments, let's discuss.

Salmonellosis in children is a disease of the digestive system, the development of which is associated with infection of the body with Salmonella bacteria. The pathology proceeds acutely with severe intoxication and dehydration. Cases of contacting a doctor with salmonellosis become more frequent in the warm months of the year. They are explained by eating foods that have expired. The most sensitive patients are children under 2 years of age.

Why does salmonellosis develop?

For the development of salmonellosis in the body, there must be certain conditions. These are:

  • the child's tendency to allergies;
  • frequent morbidity;
  • weak immunity at an early age;
  • damage to the gastrointestinal tract by microbes that came with poor-quality food.

The causes of diseases are salmonella - gram-negative mobile microbes that are resistant to various physico-chemical factors. The strains tolerate frost and drought well, persist in dust and feces. They exist for a long time in the soil and water bodies and take root in meat and dairy products.

Animals, waterfowl and sick people become sources of infection for a child. The pathogen is transmitted in several ways.

  1. Air-dust - by inhalation of contaminated dust.
  2. Food, if the baby consumes milk, meat or eggs without proper heat treatment or raw water.
  3. Contact household. This type of infection often develops in infants when parents or medical staff care for them with unwashed hands. Germs can be found on pacifiers, toys, and other accessories.
  4. Transplacental. Infection of the child occurs in utero if the pregnant woman is sick with salmonellosis.

Clinical features of salmonellosis

Symptoms of salmonellosis in children do not immediately become pronounced. Many factors influence the incubation period, therefore, parents can notice a significant deterioration in the health of the baby only after 3 days from the moment of infection. What signs the disease will manifest depends on the general condition of the child, his age and the stage of salmonellosis.

  • Newborns. In the first month of life, there is no clear evidence of gastrointestinal damage, temperature indicators remain normal. Mothers note the refusal of the baby to eat and the lack of weight. The skin turns pale, the tummy swells, belching comes out of the mouth. The baby is constantly worried.
  • Babies. Early symptoms of salmonellosis infection in children under one year old include vomiting and increased stools up to 7 r. per day, poor appetite and a jump in temperature to high levels. If left untreated, diarrhea worsens and causes dehydration.
  • Preschoolers and older children. Salmonellosis develops acutely with a sharp increase in body temperature (38 - 38.5 ° C), abdominal pain, repeated vomiting and diarrhea. Children complain of decreased appetite and general weakness. Delayed or inadequate therapy leads to dehydration, acute renal failure and toxic shock.

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to the external manifestations of salmonellosis. The condition of children deteriorates sharply, the body reacts to microbes with severe intoxication. If you suspect that the baby has become a victim of salmonella, urgently go to the clinic or call an ambulance.

Methods for diagnosing salmonellosis

The primary diagnosis after a general examination is an acute intestinal infection. The final verdict is made by the infectious disease specialist or gastroenterologist based on the results of blood and urine tests and bacteriological culture of feces. The tasks of diagnostic measures include the isolation of the pathogen with the definition of its type and the examination of all persons in contact with the child.

Making an incorrect diagnosis and neglecting the child's condition give quite serious complications:

  1. reactive arthritis;
  2. convulsive syndrome;
  3. kidney failure;
  4. infectious-toxic shock;
  5. swelling of the lungs or brain.

How to treat children with salmonellosis

Drug treatment of salmonellosis in children is prescribed strictly individually and without the involvement of folk methods. With a disease of moderate and high severity, the patient is placed in a hospital. In mild forms of salmonellosis, therapy is carried out at home.

With food contamination, treatment begins with gastric lavage. Sodium bicarbonate solution contributes to the partial elimination of toxins from the body and the elimination of intoxication. A 2% concentrate of the substance is diluted with 2-3 liters of water at a temperature of 18-20°C. Hemosorption, or blood purification, is carried out using the drugs Sorbilact, Reosorbilact, Reopoliglyukin.

The state of dehydration is eliminated by the use of rehydration solutions:

  • Oralite;
  • Regidron;
  • Glucosolan.

The child is drunk with solutions at the rate of 40 - 70 ml of the product for each kilogram of body weight. With severe intoxication without dehydration, the dose is reduced to 30-40 ml.

The use of antibiotics for the treatment of children from salmonellosis is resorted to only in severe cases. First determine the sensitivity of the detected Salmonella. Based on the data obtained, a suitable drug is selected. Usually this is a group of cephalosporins that stop repeated vomiting. Of the intestinal antiseptics, small patients are prescribed Enterofuril or Ersefuril.

Carriers of salmonella and older children are prescribed:

  1. probiotics;
  2. immune lactoglobulins;
  3. bacteriophages are specific anti-salmonella agents.

With salmonellosis, baby food should be sparing, protecting the intestinal mucosa from strong mechanical and chemical effects. Complete exclusion from the diet are subject to:

  • whole milk;
  • coarse fiber vegetables;
  • animal fats;
  • marinades, spices, smoked meats, seasonings.

Useful for a child affected by salmonella will be:

  • cottage cheese;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • boiled fish;
  • fruit jelly;
  • steam cutlets and meatballs;
  • oatmeal and rice porridge on water and vegetable broths.

The dietary diet must be followed for 4 weeks from the onset of the disease.

Our expert comments

  1. Remember that the consequences of salmonellosis undermine the immune system, attracting secondary infection or exacerbation of chronic pathologies. Salmonella remaining in the intestines spread throughout the body and form local foci of inflammation. A sick child can subsequently suffer from angina, otitis or pneumonia for a long time.
  2. Observe the rules of personal hygiene and do not violate the technology of cooking. High-temperature processing of animal products. Do not give your child raw eggs, and wash the shell thoroughly before preparing omelettes and scrambled eggs.
  3. To prevent salmonellosis infection, store meat in the freezer. Get a separate board for cutting game and chickens.

With a timely visit to the doctor, the prognosis for the treatment of salmonellosis is favorable. Therapy takes place in 5 - 10 days, but immunity against salmonella is not developed. Therefore, the child can get sick again.

Doctor talks about the danger of salmonellosis for a child

Salmonellosis in children is an acute infectious disease of the digestive system that occurs as a result of infection with Salmonella bacteria. The disease is accompanied by dehydration and severe intoxication, sometimes occurs with septicemia (in infants) or typhoid (in older children).

Salmonellosis develops in the form of isolated cases or outbreaks. Most often, cases of salmonellosis are recorded in the summer due to frequent violations of food storage conditions. Read more about what salmonellosis is, what are its causes, how to treat it and how to cure it, read our article.

Causes of the disease and ways of transmission of the pathogen

The causative agent of the disease - salmonella, affects not only people, but also animals. It is stable in the external environment, tolerates low temperatures and the action of many antibacterial drugs, but quickly dies when boiled and disinfectants are used. Salmonella actively multiply in animal products - milk, meat, butter, eggs.

The source of infection for a child is mainly animals, less often infection occurs from a sick person. Waterfowl are the most dangerous.

The main ways of transmission of the pathogen:

  1. Food - when eating dishes from eggs, milk, meat, which are not thermally processed immediately before use (soufflé, cakes, salads). There is also a risk of infection when drinking unboiled contaminated water.
  2. Contact-household - the main route of transmission of salmonellosis in infancy. A child can become infected through the dirty hands of parents or medical personnel, changing tables, care items, nipples, toys, towels.
  3. By inhalation of contaminated dust.
  4. Transplacental - the pathogen is transmitted in utero from mother to child.

Children under 2 years of age are most susceptible to salmonellosis.

The place of initial localization of salmonella is the small intestine. During the incubation period, the bacterium multiplies and spreads to the lymph nodes and bloodstream.

Types and forms of the disease

Depending on the clinical picture and localization of the pathogen, salmonellosis is divided into:

  1. Gastrointestinal:
  • gastric;
  • gastroenterocolitic;
  • gastroenteric.
  1. Generalized:
  • typhoid;
  • septic.
  1. Bacterioexcretion:
  • acute;
  • transient;
  • chronic.

Symptoms of the disease in children

The incubation period for salmonellosis ranges from several hours to 5 days. Symptoms vary depending on the clinical form of the disease. The main signs of any form of salmonellosis are:

  • acute onset with fever (lasting from 5-7 days to 2-3 weeks);
  • frequent fetid stools (normalizes after 7-10 days);
  • signs of dehydration (dry mucous membranes and skin).

Features of the clinical picture in infants and newborns

In young children, symptoms of general intoxication predominate over the symptoms of intestinal disorders.

Body temperature may remain normal. Hypotrophy is observed in children, they do not gain weight well.

Babies are restless, often spit up, the stomach is swollen, the extremities are cold.

Dehydration is manifested by dry skin, mucous membranes, tongue, oliguria, retraction of the fontanel.

Gastrointestinal form

Most common among children. In children older than 2 years, it occurs in the form of gastritis or gastroenteritis. Symptoms:

  • epigastric pain;
  • heat;
  • general malaise, weakness;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • frequent profuse diarrhea with particles of undigested food;
  • tongue dry, coated with thick coating;
  • slight flatulence.

The gastrointestinal form in infants occurs in the form of enteritis. Signs:

  • stomach ache;
  • episodic vomiting, nausea;
  • diarrhea up to 5 - 10 times a day; stools are mushy or liquid, continuous, with an admixture of mucus, greenery, white lumps with a sharp sour smell;
  • bloating and rumbling in the abdomen;
  • subfebrile body temperature.

The colitis form in children is rarely recorded and has a clinical picture of colitis. Main features:

  • acute onset with symptoms of intoxication;
  • pain in the large intestine;
  • liquid green stools streaked with blood and mucus.

typhoid form

Characteristic signs:

  • dyspeptic symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence);
  • persistent or fluctuating fever;
  • symptoms of general intoxication (malaise, headache, weakness);
  • hemorrhagic rash on the skin;
  • hepatosplenomegaly.

septic form

More common in newborns and infants. Symptoms:

  • dyspeptic phenomena;
  • fever with severe chills and profuse sweating;
  • hepatolienal syndrome;
  • tachycardia.

After salmonellosis, some children continue to release the pathogen into the environment for a month. If bacterial excretion lasts more than 3 months, it is considered chronic.

The danger of salmonellosis in childhood

The disease can have serious complications with a high probability of death:

  1. infectious-toxic shock;
  2. cerebral edema;
  3. pulmonary edema;
  4. kidney failure;
  5. convulsive syndrome;
  6. reactive arthritis;
  7. purulent complications.

Diagnosis of salmonellosis

When the first signs of salmonellosis are detected, parents should contact an infectious disease specialist or gastroenterologist to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor uses the following examination methods:

  • inspection;
  • bacteriological culture of vomit, feces, intestinal and stomach washings;
  • analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis;
  • coprogram;
  • general blood analysis;
  • RNGA of blood - detection of antibodies to salmonella.

Treatment of salmonellosis in children

Therapy for a mild form of salmonellosis is carried out at home. Children with a severe course of the disease and infants are subject to hospitalization.

Treatment of the disease includes diet therapy, measures aimed at correcting dehydration and cleansing the body of toxins.

The child's nutrition should consist of mashed and boiled foods (diet No. 4). Exclude from the diet:

  • animal fats;
  • whole milk;
  • vegetables with coarse fiber.

The baby can be fed:

  • oatmeal or rice porridge in water or vegetable broth;
  • boiled fish;
  • steam cutlets, meatballs;
  • fruit jelly;
  • cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses.

The diet continues 28 - 30 days from the onset of the disease.

Removal of toxins from the body

In order to cleanse the body, apply:

  1. Gastric lavage with water or sodium bicarbonate solution.
  2. Hemosorption with drugs Rheosorbilact, Sorbilact, Reopoliglyukin. The drugs are administered intravenously-drip after correction of dehydration.

Dehydration Correction

  1. Regidron, Glucosolan, Oralit are administered orally at the rate of 40-70 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day (depending on the degree of dehydration). The solution is given in fractional portions (1 tsp every 5 minutes) during the day.
  2. Intravenous administration of glucose solution, physiological saline - if oral rehydration is not possible.

With a generalized form, antibiotics are additionally prescribed - Levomycetin, Doxycycline.

With the gastrointestinal form, children are shown taking enzymes - Enzistal, Festal.

With prolonged bacterial carriage, the following is prescribed:

  1. means to increase immunity;
  2. bacteriophages;
  3. probiotics - Bifikol, Bifidumbacterin.

Treatment prognosis

With timely treatment to the doctor, the prognosis for recovery is favorable. Most children tolerate salmonellosis without consequences or complications. A dangerous disease can be for infants and debilitated children.

How to prevent salmonellosis

Measures to prevent salmonellosis:

  1. Eat only well-thermally processed foods (meat, eggs).
  2. If there is a patient with salmonellosis at home, provide him with individual hygiene and tableware.
  3. During wet cleaning, it is also necessary to wash children's toys.
  4. Make sure that the baby does not take various objects from the floor into his mouth.
  5. Do not swim in prohibited waters.
  6. Limit or exclude contact of the child with pigeons, chickens and other farm animals.

Expert advice

  1. Gastric lavage in a child can be done in this way: offer to drink a glass of liquid, then press your finger on the tip of the tongue, causing vomiting. The rinsing continues until the rinsing waters are clear. Remember that gastric lavage on your own at home should not be done for children under 3 years old! It is undesirable to use a spoon to induce a gag reflex, since metal can damage the soft tissues of the oral cavity.
  2. Self-medication and treatment with folk methods for salmonellosis is unacceptable.
  3. For prophylactic purposes, a salmonella bacteriophage can be prescribed to family members of a sick child.
  4. After the illness, the child develops immunity, which lasts up to 12 months.
  5. Food prepared for a child should not be stored. Otherwise, it must be reheated to a temperature of 70 C.

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Salmonellosis symptoms in children

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One of the most common dangerous intestinal diseases is salmonellosis. Symptoms and treatment in adult patients are practically no different from the signs and treatment of the disease in children. But still, the course of the disease may have its own characteristics depending on the age of the patient.

What is salmonellosis?

How to treat salmonellosis, it is important to know even for those who have never encountered such a problem. After all, the disease has become so "famous" throughout the globe that every year the number of people who have been infected is steadily increasing. To understand the nuances of treating a disease, you need to know what kind of pathology it is, how it manifests itself and what consequences it is fraught with.

Salmonellosis belongs to the class of acute infectious diseases provoked by pathogenic microorganisms. In particular, the causative agent of this disease is salmonella. In most cases, with timely diagnosis and timely therapy, the prognosis for recovery is quite favorable.

How does infection occur?

Salmonellosis in children, the symptoms and treatment of which raise a lot of questions from parents, proceeds in the form of dysfunction of the digestive tract. The most common manifestations are gastroenteritis and colitis. It is not difficult to become infected with this disease, especially since the source of infection is often the people themselves, as well as birds and animals. Signs of salmonellosis in humans (how to treat the disease - only a doctor will answer this question, self-medication can be dangerous) most often appear in the hot summer season.

In addition, salmonella often settles in the human body after eating contaminated foods. The harmful microorganism can be found in meat, milk, butter or dirty untreated water. With insufficient heat treatment, bacteria remain in the product, entering the gastrointestinal tract. It is almost impossible to discern the presence of salmonella, for example, in a piece of meat: it does not have the slightest effect on the taste of contaminated products or their appearance.

Who is at risk?

In order for a pathogenic bacterium to enter the body through the oral-fecal route, it is enough simply not to wash your hands once after using the toilet or upon returning home from the street. It is not surprising that the question of how to treat salmonellosis is of most concern to parents. Children under the age of 12 are the main risk group for infection, since they most often do not follow the basic rules of personal hygiene. Infant infections are most malleable, since babies do not yet have time to develop strong immunity.

Incubation period and manifestations of salmonellosis

4 days after infection, salmonellosis will begin to manifest itself. Symptoms and treatment in adults are usually determined by the presence of an incubation period during which certain signs of the disease may occur. The absence of pronounced symptoms can be called one of the main reasons for the impossibility of timely early therapy.

Meanwhile, after a 4-day latent phase of an infectious disease, patients at any age begin to be disturbed by painful unpleasant manifestations similar to signs of food poisoning, including:

  • pain and pain in the abdomen;
  • flatulence, constant feeling of bloating;
  • prolonged diarrhea accompanied by a fetid odor;
  • the possible presence of blood or mucus in the feces;
  • persistent vomiting, nausea;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • refusal to eat due to lack of appetite;
  • high body temperature;
  • feeling of ache in muscles and bones;
  • mild neurological symptoms.

The last group of signs of infection include dizziness, migraine and sleep disturbances. If any of the above symptoms appear, it is important to isolate the patient from other family members as soon as possible. The predominant part of intestinal infections is characterized by a high degree of spread of the disease.

Features of children's symptoms

Salmonellosis in children has a distinctive feature. Symptoms and treatment largely depend on dehydration. In childhood, this sign of infection is considered the most dangerous. In babies under 1 year old, dehydration from salmonellosis can develop in a matter of hours. In this case, a group of additional symptoms appears:

  • dryness in the mouth;
  • lack of tears during crying;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • cold extremities;
  • drowsiness.

Hospitalization and diagnosis

For adults, the state of dehydration is also a danger. In severe cases, with a complicated course of the disease, the patient may even fall into a coma, therefore, at the first sign of a significant loss of fluid, urgent hospitalization is necessary, especially for pregnant women and the elderly.

Before treating salmonellosis, it is important to do all the necessary laboratory tests. The doctor will give the patient a referral for a stool test, a biochemical and a clinical blood test. Further actions are possible only after the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and confirms salmonellosis. From what the infection occurred, it can also matter for a specialist, therefore, often with this infection, the remains of undigested foods in the esophagus are taken for research.

Drinking plenty of salmonella

Before starting a serious drug therapy aimed at the maximum elimination of pathogenic bacteria in the patient's body, it is necessary to adjust the diet and drinking regimen. The primary task of doctors in inpatient facilities where salmonellosis is treated is to restore the patient's fluid and electrolyte balance. Dehydration can be cured by drinking plenty of fluids on a regular basis. As a rule, doctors recommend:

  • weak tea (black or green) without sugar;
  • mineral water in small sips;
  • saline solution.

Diet for intestinal infections

Dieting is an equally important fundamental step in the treatment of salmonellosis. The task of a limited diet is to restore the full functioning of the digestive organs. Therefore, any products that can irritate the patient's gastrointestinal tract are completely excluded from the daily menu until complete recovery. Among them:

  • raw vegetables and fruits (you can only eat boiled, steamed, stewed and baked);
  • any bread (white and black);
  • mushrooms:
  • whole milk;
  • animal fats;
  • seafood;
  • sausages, semi-finished products, fast food;
  • confectionery;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol.

Drug therapy for adults

Since it is impossible to treat salmonellosis without drugs, it is worth considering in detail the list of drugs prescribed to patients. On average, drug therapy for an intestinal infection caused by salmonella rarely lasts more than 10 days. Meanwhile, how much salmonellosis is treated depends largely on the patient's condition.

As already mentioned, at the beginning of treatment it is extremely important to eliminate dehydration, which occurs due to intense vomiting and diarrhea. A drug such as Loperamide will help slow down the activity of the intestines. Manufacturers do not recommend taking it for more than 5 days.

An antibiotic for salmonellosis is prescribed in the case when the disease is severe. The drug is first administered to the patient intravenously. After relief, they switch to oral administration or intramuscular injections. The most common antibacterial drugs are:

  • "Azithromycin".
  • "Ciprofloxacin".
  • "Cefotaxime".
  • "Ceftriaxone".

Cleansing the body of bacteria

For headaches and high fever, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol are prescribed. Cleansing the intestines with an enema is considered effective and useful for salmonellosis. In addition, sorbents, which are considered indispensable for intestinal infections, will help remove all toxins from the body. The most famous drugs can be called Enterosgel, Smecta, activated carbon.

For the subsequent normalization of the activity of the organs of the digestive system, the doctor prescribes enzyme-containing preparations (Festal, Mezim, Creon). After undergoing antibiotic treatment, it is imperative to drink a course of probiotics, which will help restore the disturbed microflora in the intestine. It is necessary to take such medicines for a long time, at least 2-3 weeks. Effective means, which include live bacteria, are Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Acipol.

The nuances of treating children from salmonellosis

As such, there is no cure for salmonellosis for the treatment of children. The same drugs are used as for adult patients, but in a different dosage. First of all, it is necessary to solder the sick child. To remove all kinds of toxins from the body, it is advisable to give a teaspoon of water or other drink every 5 minutes. In cases of severe dehydration, doctors may prescribe glucose drips.

Antibiotics and antipyretics for a child can only be prescribed by the attending doctor. In no case should you self-medicate. The restrictions that apply to adult patients fully apply to children. It is necessary for a child to adhere to a diet for as long as possible, since it will be difficult for a weakened baby's body to cope with a sharp load on the digestive system.

Folk recipes for intestinal infections

Folk remedies for salmonellosis, unfortunately, do not guarantee a 100% positive result. Meanwhile, in combination with drug therapy and diet, homemade recipes for getting rid of an intestinal infection can be an additional option that speeds up treatment. However, it is advisable to approach the use of agents that are absolutely safe at first glance with caution. It is advisable to use at least one of the following recipes only after consulting a doctor.

  1. Plantain infusion. You can cure salmonellosis with herbal medicine if you prepare it at the rate of: 1 tbsp. l. crushed leaves a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to infuse such an infusion for 10-15 minutes, after which you should drink homemade medicine in small sips.
  2. Walnut tincture is considered effective against intestinal infection. To prepare it, you will need to take a glass of peeled fruits and 2 glasses of vodka. Put the medicine in a dark place for 3-4 days. It is necessary to use the resulting remedy every 2 hours, 5 drops for children (diluted in 1 tablespoon of boiled water) and 10 drops for adults.
  3. To maintain the overall resistance of the body, the most effective remedy is an infusion of chamomile officinalis. For 1 st. l. collection requires 1 cup of boiling water. In a metal container, put the medicine on a slow fire and cook for about 5 minutes. When the broth has cooled and infused, you can use it. For an adult patient, the medicine should be taken at least 4 times a day, 2 tbsp. l. after meal.
  4. Essential peppermint oil will help eliminate stomach pain with salmonellosis. It is applied externally, a few drops are enough, after which the product is rubbed into the skin with gentle circular movements. Such a massage can also be done to improve intestinal motility.

Possible complications of salmonellosis

The symptoms of the disease cannot be ignored. Any intestinal infection provoked by a pathogenic microorganism is dangerous to the health and life of the patient. Untimely belated therapy to eliminate bacteria in the body is fraught with negative dangerous consequences, including:

  • heart and kidney failure;
  • sharp jumps in blood pressure;
  • respiratory arrest, collapse.

In addition, purulent complications can occur from all internal organs and systems. With salmonellosis, these are often:

  • peritonitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • arthritis.

At an advanced stage of the disease, bacteria, reaching the meninges through the bloodstream, can provoke inflammation and encephalopathy. Infectious-toxic shock, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases (pancreatitis, cholecystitis) are rare in patients, but such complications in most cases can end in failure. Rarely, salmonella causes problems with blood clotting.

The children's body is most susceptible to various infections and the effects of negative factors. This is due to the immune system, which has a weak resistance and protection. Often in childhood there is such an unpleasant infectious disease as salmonellosis. And this is not surprising. Children often play in the street, pick up homeless animals, put dirty toys in their mouths, all this leads to various infectious infections, including salmonellosis. But if the treatment of this disease is not started in time, serious consequences can occur. Therefore, you need to know the main signs of salmonellosis in children, which will help you quickly determine the presence of this disease and conduct timely treatment.

What is salmonellosis

Salmonellosis in children is one of the most severe and common intestinal infections. which causes dehydration and weakening of the whole organism. Salmonella bacteria are the main source of infection.

Often there is salmonellosis in children under one year old. Children at this age are 5-6 times more likely to be affected by this disease. The main outbreaks of the disease occur in summer and autumn, when it is hot outside.

Factors of occurrence and ways of infection

Salmonellosis can develop not only in the human body, but the disease is often found in pets. There are about 700 types of pathogens that can provoke this disease in humans. These bacteria are quite resistant to the environment, but they can die at elevated temperatures.. The active development of bacteria occurs in eggs, in meat and dairy products, in oil. Harmful substances that bacteria secrete have a destructive effect on the intestinal mucosa, and also increase the secretion of fluids and salts.

How is salmonellosis transmitted? What are the ways of getting this infection? A newborn and an older child can become infected from pets; in rare situations, infection can occur from adults.

Identify the main sources of infection:

  • food type. The pathogen enters the gastrointestinal tract of the child during the consumption of contaminated food. This is usually due to the low heat treatment of food. Also, infection can occur during the use of untreated water.
  • Contact household. Usually this route of infection occurs in infants. Infection can occur through the unclean hands of medical staff or parents, through toys, pacifiers, various care products, as well as through the inhalation of dust particles.
  • Transplacental. This type of infection involves the infection of a pregnant or lactating woman and, as a result, an unborn child. Pathogens can enter the fetus in utero or through the mother's breast milk.

The highest sensitivity to salmonellosis in children aged 3 months to 2-3 years. The main localization of the pathogen is the region of the rectum. During their reproduction, bacteria enter the bloodstream and lymph flow.

Common symptoms of salmonellosis

Salmonellosis in a child can be manifested by a group of infections that have different signs of manifestation and severity of the course. It all depends on the form of the disease.

There are usually two forms of salmonellosis:

  1. Typical shape. It is divided into subspecies of infection - gastrointestinal, septic, typhoid;
  2. atypical form. Subspecies of infection - erased, subclinical, bacteriocarrier.

The incubation period for salmonellosis in children can last from 2 hours to a week.. The duration of the incubation period depends on the level of damage, on the form of the disease and the number of bacteria that have entered the body.

For any form of the disease, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  1. Acute start.
  2. Fever state.
  3. Frequent stools accompanied by a fetid odor.
  4. Dehydration. Usually, in this condition, dry mucous membranes and skin are observed.

If this lesion occurs in an infant, then the newborn may experience pain in the tummy due to indigestion. Failure of the gastrointestinal tract of infants occurs due to general intoxication. Wherein body temperature may be within acceptable limits. In children, there is a slow weight gain, they become restless, there may be constant regurgitation, and the fontanel may also sink from dehydration.

Symptoms depending on the form of the disease

The symptoms of salmonellosis in children can vary. Usually, the signs of this infectious lesion depend on the type and extent of the lesion. Each variety of forms of this pathology proceeds differently and may have certain characteristic features.

Gastrointestinal toxic infection

In most cases, gastrointestinal salmonellosis occurs in infants and children under 1 year of age.. With this type of pathology, the internal organs of the digestive system are damaged. Manifested in the form of gastritis, enterocolitis, gastroenteritis.

The first signs of this type of lesion may be as follows:

  • an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees or it can go into a subfebrile form;
  • the occurrence of vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • there may be abundant liquid stools, in which the presence of particles of undigested food is possible. The structure of the chair has a greenish tint, accompanied by a sour smell;
  • bloating;
  • a state of dehydration due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea.

Besides, Escherichia coli salmonella in children causes general intoxication, palpitations. Sometimes there may be convulsions and cold sweats. The state of asthenia and low blood pressure may persist for a long time after the acute symptoms have completely disappeared.

typhoid type

With this type of disease a child from one year to 3 years may have fever and stupefaction. This condition may take up to 14 days to appear. Seizures can come and go.

Signs accompanying this condition:

  1. Loose stools with a watery structure, which can occur 3-5 times a day.
  2. Flatulence.
  3. Intoxication with malaise, state of weakness and headaches.
  4. Dryness appears in the mouth, and a thickening of the tongue may also occur.
  5. Rashes with hemorrhagic character appear on the skin.
  6. The liver is enlarged.

septic form

This form is quite rare, mainly salmonellosis in infants occurs in a septic form.

What are the symptoms of septicemia?

  • An increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees and above.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea, loose stools may be with mucus and blood clots.
  • Damage to the brain and its membranes.
  • Fever and excessive sweating often occur;
  • Increased heart rate.

After a complete recovery, children can shed infection bacteria for a month. If such carriage is observed for more than three months, then the consequences of salmonellosis in children become chronic.

What are the possible complications

Is salmonellosis dangerous? The main danger of this disease is that pathogenic organisms can spread throughout the body and cause the formation of local foci of infectious lesions on the internal organs. This disease causes a decrease in the immune system, in addition, with this disease, an exacerbation of chronic pathologies and a layering of new ones occur.

So why is salmonellosis dangerous? With this disease, the following complications may occur:

  1. Edema of the brain and lungs.
  2. Renal failure.
  3. Peritonitis.
  4. Abscess of internal organs.

Features of diagnostics

At the first symptoms of salmonellosis in a child, it is recommended to show it to an infectious disease specialist or a gastroenterologist. It is important that the diagnosis is carried out as early as possible, this will help to identify the disease in a timely manner and carry out the necessary treatment.

In order to make a diagnosis, the doctor conducts the following types of examinations:

  • Analysis of feces, which determines the presence of dysbacteriosis.
  • General blood analysis.
  • Bakposev of vomit.
  • Coprogram.
  • RNHA - examination of the reaction of indirect hemagglutination of blood.


After a child has been diagnosed with salmonellosis, treatment should be started, it is not easy to cure salmonellosis in a child, but it is necessary, since this disease can cause serious consequences or become chronic.

It is important that therapeutic therapy for each patient is carried out individually, because this disease occurs differently for everyone and has some distinctive features depending on the form of the disease. In addition, many types of pathogens have increased resistance to antibiotics, so they are prescribed only in exceptional cases. The main treatment should be directed to proper and healthy nutrition, as well as to the elimination of dehydration. If there are mild signs of infection, then treatment can be carried out at home. If there are complications, then hospitalization of the patient is indicated, followed by treatment in a hospital.

How to treat a child with nutrition? Children who are 2-3 years old and younger should be fed only natural foods. From the first days of the disease, it is recommended to follow the diet of table number 4. Be sure the food should be in a pureed and boiled form.

Permitted products include the following:

  1. Oatmeal or boiled rice. They should be cooked in water.
  2. Boiled fish.
  3. Steamed meatballs.
  4. Kissels on a fruit basis.
  5. Meatballs.
  6. Cottage cheese.
  7. Hard cheese with a fat content of 0%.

It is forbidden to consume fats of animal origin, milk, coarse fiber.

The diet should be followed for 30 days. Food should be expanded gradually, it is allowed to add some products. After a month, you can switch to your usual diet, but on condition that all signs of infection have completely disappeared.

How to remove toxins

A person with salmonellosis should be given first aid - gastric lavage
. This procedure will alleviate the condition, as well as remove toxic elements from the body that have a toxic effect. Self-washing can be done by children over 3 years old.

Features of home cleaning:

  1. For cleansing, you will need a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution or water (2-3 liters).
  2. The liquid for cleansing should be warm, its temperature should be about 20 degrees Celsius.
  3. Next, you need to give the child a glass of water so that he drinks it.
  4. You can induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue.
  5. Flushing is carried out until the water is completely clear..

How to correct dehydration

Oral rehydration after gastric lavage. Drinking solutions are made for the rehydration procedure, it is possible to use the following preparations:

  • "Oralit";
  • "Rehydron";
  • Glucosolan.

Features of the use of these solutions:

  1. It is usually recommended to give the child half or a full teaspoon of the solution every 5 minutes.
  2. During a mild form of the disease, it is necessary to take about 30-40 ml of solution per 1 kilogram of weight per day.
  3. In severe form, it is indicated to take 70 ml per 1 kilogram of weight.
  4. Replenishment of water-salt reserves is carried out within 2-3 days until the complete disappearance of all symptoms of intoxication.

If salmonellosis is accompanied by frequent vomiting, which makes it impossible to drink these solutions, then in these cases rehydration is carried out intravenously. For intravenous administration, glucose is used.

Medical treatment

If the infectious lesion is severe, and if Salmonella hypersensitivity to drugs is detected, then antibiotics for salmonellosis in children are the priority choice of therapy. Antibiotic agents of different groups are prescribed:

  • penicillins - amoxiclav, ampicillin, flemoxin, etc.;
  • cephalosporins - cefix, ceftriaxone;
  • aminoglycosides - netilmicin;
  • carbapenems - meropenem.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe the use of enterosorbents - smecta, atoxyl, polysorb.

Since antibiotics can cause various digestive disorders, prebiotics must be prescribed to normalize the state of the intestinal microflora. The most effective peribotics include duphalac, linex, bifikol.

The treatment should be entrusted to the attending physician, who will optimally select the medicines, including during the recovery period, and also prescribe free prescription drugs for children.

Further observation

Be sure to monitor the patient's condition for three months after a full course of treatment. Every month it is necessary to carry out bakposev. If a negative result for salmonella is detected, then the child is removed from the register.

It is necessary to check people who have been in contact with the patient, they are monitored for 7 days. Bacteriological analysis of feces is taken from people who have been in contact with the patient. If the results are negative, then the person is considered healthy.

How to treat at home

Treatment of salmonellosis in children at home is carried out only in cases where the disease is mild
. However, it is still recommended to consult with your doctor first. How is salmonellosis treated at home? In addition to antibiotics and drugs, folk remedies can be used at home.

An effective remedy is considered to be a tincture based on chamomile flowers, which is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. Pour 50 grams of dried chamomile flowers into the pan.
  2. Pour chamomile with a glass of hot water.
  3. We put on fire, boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Then everything is infused for 4 hours.
  5. After that, the broth is filtered.

Ready tincture should be given to the child 100 ml several times a day.


Prevention of salmonellosis in children will help to avoid the appearance of this disease:

  • All food must be thoroughly cooked during cooking, especially animal products.
  • If there is a carrier of infection in the house, then separate hygiene products and utensils should be allocated for it.
  • In no case should the child take dirty toys, objects from the floor into his mouth.
  • All toys must be washed with soap.
  • Do not swim in dirty waters.
  • It is necessary to limit the contact of children with poultry - chickens, ducks, geese.

If you follow all the recommendations, you can avoid contracting this infection. It should be borne in mind that salmonellosis is a dangerous infectious disease that can cause serious complications in children, so it is important to start treating this disease as early as possible.

Caused by Salmonella bacteria. Recently, doctors have noted an increase in the disease in children of different ages, especially in the summer.

In this material, we will talk about how to help the crumbs with, and in the future protect him from a dangerous illness.

The insidiousness of salmonellosis is obvious. He rapidly developing in a child's fragile body and with untimely diagnosis can cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby.

Salmonellosis is the second most common intestinal infection after dysentery. children under 2 years old. At an older age, the disease is less common.

The disease caused by salmonella requires mandatory prompt treatment. How to treat a child at home, the doctor will tell if he considers this form of medical care acceptable. As a rule, this is possible if the disease is mild. However, parents should understand all the risks associated with home treatment. According to medical and epidemiological rules, absolutely any child should be hospitalized. Only under the supervision of a doctor will he be provided with appropriate treatment.

Absolute indications for hospitalization in the hospital are:

  1. Children of the first year of life at any stage of the disease.
  2. The presence of an acute phase of the disease in children older than 2 years.
  3. The presence of a severe form of salmonellosis in children of all ages.

Treatment of children older than 1 year

Regardless of age salmonellosis treatment involves three main actions:

  • prevent dehydration;
  • provide the patient with a special therapeutic diet;
  • cleanse the body of toxic substances.

Children over 2 years old receive, as a rule, the following treatment:

  1. Hospitalization in case of severe disease. Calling a pediatrician at home is required. Self-medication in this situation is unacceptable.
  2. Bed rest. In mild cases - 1 week, in moderate and severe cases - bed rest can last several weeks.
  3. Gastric lavage with glucose-salt solution.
  4. Droppers with sorbents after restoration of water-salt balance.
  5. Therapeutic diet - portions will be reduced by almost half, and in time it will last longer than in children under one year old.
  6. enzymatic treatment.
  7. Prescribing immunosuppressive drugs.
  8. In difficult cases, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
  9. If the disease is accompanied by prolonged diarrhea, antidiarrheal drugs are prescribed.
  10. As a concomitant remedy, children after 3 years of age are allowed to use decoctions of herbs (mint, St. John's wort). They are designed to improve bowel function after the acute phase of the disease.
  11. Bacteriophages and probiotics.

Treatment of children under 1 year

At the slightest suspected salmonellosis in infants requires urgent hospitalization.

Treatment of such babies includes almost the same actions as older children. At the same time, there are also features of medical care for children up to 1 year:

  • antibiotics are prescribed more sparingly and in smaller doses,
  • all medicines are prescribed in a smaller volume,
  • therapeutic diet is softer,
  • if salmonellosis occurs with fever, symptomatic treatment is prescribed in the form of antipyretics.

It is possible to see the results of therapy only with the complex treatment of this intestinal infection.


The main list of drugs prescribed for salmonellosis. Table

Loperamide is an antidiarrheal agent.Allowed children from 4 years old in tablets

From 6 years old- in capsules

Take 1 capsule or tablet after each trip to the toilet. Take until diarrhea stops.

lactase deficiency

Bowel obstruction

Children under 4 years old

Treatment of diarrhea of ​​various origins: infectious, allergic, medicinal.
IbuprofenSuspension is used to reduce the temperature in children.

6-12 months– 50 mg 3-4 times a day

1–3 years– 100 mg 3 times a day

4-6 years old– 150 mg 3 times a day

7-9 years old– 200 mg 3 times a day

10-12 years old– 300 mg 3 times a day

peptic ulcer

Diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart

Antipyretic and analgesic.

High body temperature

Headache, toothache

Enterosgelchildren up to a year– 6 times a day before each feeding ½ teaspoon

3-5 years- ½ teaspoon 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals. This pause must be observed until the next meal.

5-14 years old- 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day

Acute intestinal obstruction

Sweet enterosgel is contraindicated:

Children up to a year. Admission is possible only by appointment of a doctor under the strict supervision of medical personnel

Diarrhea of ​​any nature

Intestinal disorders, including those caused by intestinal infections

Body intoxication


Smectachildren older than 4 weeks

Children up to a year- 1 sachet diluted with 100 ml of liquid. For infants, the drug is dissolved in 50 ml of expressed breast milk or in a mixture

Children from 1 year to 2 years- 2 sachets of 200 ml per day. The drug dissolves in any liquid, the temperature of which will be slightly above room temperature.

Children over 2 years old– 3 bags for 300 ml of liquid

Bowel obstruction

Individual intolerance to the components of the drug

Intestinal absorption disorder

Chronic constipation

Diarrhea of ​​medicinal or allergic origin

Infectious diarrhea

Discomfort in the intestines

irritable bowel syndrome

Festal (as an option, taking Mezim or Creon is possible)Not applicable to children under 3 years of age.

The dose is prescribed individually by the attending physician. The drug can be pre-diluted in liquid

The use of Mezim is possible from a year.



Bowel obstruction



Elevated bilirubin

It is an enzymatic preparation for any digestive problems



Congestion in the intestines

Linex (analogues of the drug Oactobacterin, Acipol)Children 0 to 2 years- 1 capsule 3 times a day. The contents of the capsule are diluted in any liquid

Children from 2 to 12 years- 2 capsules 3 times a day

Individual intolerance to the components

Dairy intolerance

Children should only be prescribed by a doctor


Nausea, vomiting

Recovery of the digestive tract after taking antibiotics

Regidron (as an option it is possible to use Oralit)Infants and children up to 6-7 years old the solution is given every 7-10 minutes, 5-10 ml. The solution is best given chilled.Children in an unconscious state

Intestinal obstruction

kidney failure

Nausea combined with vomiting and diarrhea

You need to be especially careful with antibiotics when it comes to children under 3 years old. Only a doctor can prescribe an antibacterial drug in the dose that is necessary for a small patient in each case.

Antibiotics are usually prescribed in the treatment of children in the first two to three months of life, or if the Salmonella bacterium has spread beyond the intestines.

Most often used to treat salmonellosis:

  • "Amoxicillin"
  • "Amoxiclav",
  • "Lysozyme",
  • "Rifampicin".

What does Komarovsky say about the treatment of salmonellosis

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky says that the treatment of salmonellosis with antibiotics is "one big headache." As evidence, he cites data from the World Health Organization, which proved that the use of antibiotics in the fight against salmonella only prolongs the healing process.

The pediatrician claims that the disease goes away on its own when the body begins produce antibodies to the toxin that caused a nasty ailment. To help the child's body as much as possible, you must:

  1. Prevent dehydration. For this, special tools are used that will maintain the water-salt balance. In case of refusal to drink, a dropper will be placed already in the hospital.
  2. Monitor body temperature baby and take antipyretic drugs at high temperatures.
  3. Follow a diet.
  4. Take lactobacilli.


Usually, for serious intestinal infections such as salmonellosis, children are prescribed diet number 4. Its main task is to prevent irritation of the walls of the stomach.

What is allowed and what is prohibited in diet number 4. Table

It is very important that all the food that is offered to a sick baby is carefully crushed.

This diet should stick around for a month even after recovery. Then, little by little, you can return to your usual diet, introducing eggs, milk, and vegetables into the diet.

Prevention of salmonellosis

Prevention of salmonellosis is based on two basic rules: careful attention to the products used and personal hygiene by all family members. Hence and two simple prevention tips:

  • buy meat and eggs only in specialized outlets. After purchase, the product must undergo a thorough heat treatment;
  • teach children to follow simple rules of hygiene(introduce the rule to always wash your hands after the street, the toilet and before eating).

Dr. Komarovsky also speaks about prevention, since only with the help of the simple actions described above can one be protected from "the disease of dirty hands and low-quality products."

Useful video

Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of salmonellosis:

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