White dot on the iris of a child. Pigmented spots on the iris

Vision is an indispensable possibility of communication with the outside world. Therefore, we must protect the organ responsible for it, sensitively reacting to changes in its state of health or appearance. The eye is an extension of the nervous system, it contains many nerve endings, blood vessels and tissues associated with other organs of the body. Sometimes spots and dots appear on the iris of the eye.

Dot on the iris

Photo 1: The science of iridology believes that the eye is a miniature screen on which you can see the state of all organs of the body. Small dark spots are indicators of toxins in the tissues of various organs. They get there as a result of taking medications, or the negative impact of the environment. Source: flickr (Isabelle Puaut).

Detox measures and moderate work and rest regimen are able to remove toxic substances from the body, then the spots will become less noticeable or disappear altogether.

In order to avoid mistakes in diagnosing, you need to contact a specialist, because spots on the iris can be caused by other reasons.

Causes of the appearance of a dark dot on the iris of the eye

Dark red spots - small hematomas on the iris - a sign of sudden pressure drops. They are not treated and may soon go away on their own., but their appearance is an occasion to monitor your pressure. Microtraumas that occur when pressure increases during childbirth have similar manifestations.. This situation is usually temporary. After some time, the spots disappear on their own.

An increase in eye pressure also leads to the appearance of dark dots on the iris. Seek medical attention if spots appear. The optometrist will make a diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Floating dots on the shell of the eyeball- a sign of the onset of retinal detachment. Sometimes they are felt as discomfort from a speck that has fallen into the eye. The diagnosis, in this case, will be made by an ophthalmologist. If the retinal detachment is confirmed, you will have to resort to laser correction.

H evus - benign pigmented neoplasm in the eye, a relative of a freckle or mole. A nevus can appear at any age. Most often seen in fair-skinned people. The point can be flat or convex, have a size of 1-2 mm in diameter. The danger of a nevus is that it can deform the pupil.

Why do dark spots appear

Factors contributing to their formation: accumulation of melanin, changes in hormonal levels (for example, in adolescents and pregnant women, women during menopause and taking hormonal contraceptives).

May cause excessive pigmentation stress and infection.

Nevi may remain unchanged or progress.

Those that do not change their size are of a benign nature. progressive can impair vision and become malignant.

Attention! An immediate consultation with an ophthalmologist requires such situations: a sudden and rapidly growing nevus, a sharp change in its color, blurred vision, discomfort in the eye.

Causes of a white dot on the iris

White dots on the eye associated with changes in the lens, and may indicate leukoma and cataracts.

If the problem is in the cornea is a leukoma if the lens becomes cloudy- cataract.

Photo 2: You can notice the spots on the eye with the naked eye, it looks like a white spot or dot. Source: flickr (National Eye Institute).

Leukoma appears as a result of inflammatory processes, injuries, unsuccessful surgical interventions. Leukoma is also called thorn. It can be congenital or acquired. Today laser technology, surgery are used to treat thorns.

It is important! Chemical burns also lead to the appearance of white dots, often leading to a significant deterioration in vision.

Cataract - clouding of the lens. It may be complete or appear as white dots. The disease is congenital and acquired. Most often occurs due to age-related degeneration of the lens. Treatment is aimed at normalizing metabolic processes, improving tissue nutrition.

What measures need to be taken

Prevention is aimed at strengthening the tissues of the eye. Useful for the retina vitamin A, blueberry extract, gymnastics for the eyes, the abolition of excessive stress.

To understand whether a dark spot is dangerous, you need to determine how long ago it appeared. Old close-up photos are a good help in determining the timing of the dots.

If the spot appeared on the eye in childhood, it can be a common mole, if recently- can be a sign of a dangerous disease.

Homeopathic treatment of points on the iris

Important! With the help of homeopathic preparations, you can get rid of cosmetic defects, preserve vision.
With the appearance of a walleye, inflammation.

With intoxication, cysts and neoplasms.

Relaxes the nervous system, helps with stress, spasms, neoplasms.

Appearances before the eyes and in the structures of the eyes of white spots, dots, "midges" are often symptoms of serious diseases. Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment are extremely important.

"Flies" before the eyes

There are several reasons for the appearance of "flies":

  1. Changes in the vitreous body. The leading reason why white spots appear in the eyes, "flying flies" are destructive changes in the vitreous body. This substance has a homogeneous gel-like transparent consistency. It occupies the entire cavity of the eye, is responsible for its tone and maintaining a spherical shape. Gradually, on average, by the age of 40, its age-related changes begin. In the presence of concomitant vascular pathologies, they are aggravated. Gradually, the vitreous body ceases to be transparent, connective tissue fibers form in it. They cast a shadow on the retina, which is perceived as a spot. In this case, as a rule, visual acuity does not suffer. Spots or white flies before the eyes become visible to the patient when looking at a uniform light-colored surface. They move with the eyeball.
  2. Vascular disorders. If the vessels of the brain, namely the blood-supplying structures of the eye, already have any disorders due to, for example, osteochondrosis of the cervical region, atherosclerosis, hypertension, then physical activity (weight lifting, exercise, a sharp change in body position) can cause, through which the blood supply to the eye will suffer. Provoke vascular pathologies in the structures of the eye:
  • retinal disinsertion;
  • avitaminosis;
  • hemorrhage in the substance of the vitreous body;
  • eye injury or

More often, older people complain of white flies before their eyes, the reasons for this being a greater tendency to vascular disorders in the elderly.

White spots

White dots in the eyes, spots, opacities can be a primary disease, or they can be a symptom of pathological changes in different structures of the eye: lens, cornea, retina.

Lens changes

The pathology of the lens, the main manifestation of which is white spots on the eyes, is a cataract. It is manifested by its turbidity of varying degrees. It looks like a white grayish spot on the pupil. Cataract can be congenital or acquired pathology.

The mechanism of cataract development consists in degenerative changes in the substance of the lens itself. This explains the fact that this pathology affects mainly the elderly.

Cataract treatment can be conservative. It is used in the initial stages and consists in the use of drugs aimed at improving metabolic processes in the structures of the eye. In the later stages, an operation is performed, which consists in removing the affected lens and replacing it with an intraocular lens.

Corneal changes

Turbidity on the cornea, which manifests itself as white spots, is called a walleye (leukoma). The functional transparency of the cornea is replaced by its opacity. It can be total or involve only part of the cornea. Over time, it acquires a denser yellowish tint. White dots that appear before the eyes, spots can be of different sizes: microscopic or visible to the naked eye spots. Blurring may not cause visual impairment, and may result in blindness.

Blurring occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Keratitis that occurs with tuberculosis, syphilis or other infectious pathology. At the same time, after inflammatory phenomena, cicatricial changes remain on the cornea. They are the source of leukas.
  2. Eye contact with toxic substances.
  3. Due to injury.

Treatment of the disease is operative. But first it is necessary to cure the pathology that led to the clouding of the cornea, and only then the affected cornea is removed with its subsequent plastic surgery.

retinal changes

Spots on the eyes with pathologies of the retina occur when its normal blood supply is insufficient. Retinal angiopathy is a manifestation of various pathologies (hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis, hypotension, toxic effects of trauma). Suffering from malnutrition, the retina becomes thinner and weaker. This leads to its depletion, rupture, exfoliation.

Retinal angiopathy as a primary disease occurs in newborns due to their trauma during childbirth, hypoxia. In adults, it is caused by a violation of vascular tone, including VVD.

Secondary angiopathy, which is a symptom of other diseases, is characteristic of diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and hypertension. It also occurs with violations of protein metabolism in the vessels. This is the so-called angiopathy of Morel. It is diagnosed in the elderly with. There is also juvenile retinal angiopathy (Eales' disease). Its cause has not been reliably established. Contribute to the formation of angiopathy of retinal vessels:

  • age;
  • toxic effects;
  • smoking;
  • scoliosis and osteochondrosis;
  • vascular anomalies.

Manifestations of angiopathy of the retina are the appearance of flies, dark dots, spots before the eyes. Pain is possible. Visual acuity is also impaired. Over time and in the absence of treatment, there is a loss of visual acuity until its complete loss.

Other reasons

Spots before the eyes can be a symptom with visual aura. The appearance of white spots before the eyes can also be explained by visual overload on the eyes. Sometimes it is enough to postpone reading, working with documents, both on paper and on the monitor screen. And then the white dots before the eyes turn pale and soon disappear altogether.

Thus, if white dots appear under the eyes, the reasons for this may be different. In any case, the visit to the ophthalmologist should not be delayed, since delay in some cases threatens with loss of vision.

Attention! The eyes of a premature baby require special attention. He is at risk for a dangerous eye disease - retinopathy of prematurity. Recommended for parents of premature babies necessarily read information about this disease, .

Examining the eyes of a newborn on the 1st day of his life is quite difficult - they are closed. Due to the fact that the baby tightly squeezed the eyelids during childbirth, they are slightly swollen and redden.

In a healthy full-term baby, the eyes are clear, the cornea is transparent, the pupils are round, with a diameter of about 3 mm. The whites of the eyes are bluer than in older children. Conjunctiva smooth, shiny, pink. The baby reacts vividly to light.

In very premature babies, the pupil is, as it were, covered with a “fleur” - the pupillary membrane.

The lacrimal glands are still underdeveloped by the time the baby is born, and therefore, in the first days of life, your baby screams and cries without tears. Only when the conjunctiva is irritated with eye drops, a secret similar to tears is formed. Real tears appear in a newborn only by 3 weeks of age.

In the first days after birth, the child may experience conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyelids and eyeballs. It is a reaction to the instillation of silver nitrate into the eyes of a newborn for prophylactic purposes (against blenorrhoea caused by gonococcus). However, conjunctivitis can also have an infectious origin. The mucous membrane of the eye and conjunctiva turns red in a child, tears flow, pus is released, crusts and films form along the edges of the eyelids. Follicles and hemorrhages can be seen on the mucous membrane. With these symptoms, you need to see a doctor. Before his arrival, wipe the child's eyes with cotton balls dipped in a weak (pale pink) solution of potassium permanganate. If conjunctivitis is not treated in time, it can lead to complications leading to loss of visual acuity.

Sometimes newborns have abnormal pupils and iris. Different sizes of the pupils of the left and right eyes, their non-circular shape, offset from the center of the iris, the absence of the latter - a solid pupil, different colors of the iris of the right and left eyes, as well as areas of the iris of different colors (two-color iris) - All these are reasons for a mandatory visit to an ophthalmologist..

A healthy child has a black pupil. But sometimes in a newborn, white or yellow stripes can be found on the pupil, which sometimes completely cover it. Small clouding of the lens is a variant of the norm and does not affect vision. In particular, they are often found in premature babies and usually disappear without a trace.

The white color of the pupil may be due to clouding of the lens - a cataract. By itself, it requires surgical treatment at an early age in order to prevent the development of blindness. Such a defect in infants greatly affects their mental development. At the same time, cataracts can be the result of other diseases, such as phenylketonuria or galactosemia. Therefore, a child with symptoms of cataracts should be examined.

Be sure to examine the eyes of a newborn even if a white spot is found in the depth of the pupil.

Occur in newborns and malformations of the eyes. For example, with a congenital violation of the outflow of intraocular fluid, the pressure in the eye rises, glaucoma occurs. Outwardly, this is expressed in an increase in the size of the eyeball, pupil dilation, and a bluish color of the sclera. The child may be afraid of the light, close his eyes. Tears are flowing, the baby is crying. Often there is swelling of the cornea. Congenital glaucoma is a serious disease that causes vision loss if left untreated..

If a child has a drooping eyelid (ptosis), you should definitely contact a neurologist. The eyelid may be completely or partially lowered, in one or both eyes. The reasons for this violation are various.

Sometimes in children the eyelids do not close completely (lagophthalmos). The consequence of this may be dryness and degeneration of the cornea, its ulceration. The causes of this pathology are also different. You need to consult an ophthalmologist and a pediatric neurologist.

The inner corner of the eye in a child may be covered by a crescent-shaped fold of skin called the epicanthus. For children of the Mongoloid race, this is a variant of the norm. But in Europeans, epicanthus may be a sign of a violation of intrauterine development. It also occurs in chromosomal diseases. Minor epicanthus disappears spontaneously.

Like the eyes of an adult, the organ of vision in a newborn is a complex optical system consisting of several parts. One part is responsible for conducting light, it is represented by and. After passing through the refractive medium, the light is on a special light-sensitive film of many nerve cells. Visual information through nerve fibers enters the brain, here it is perceived and analyzed.

The vision of a newborn child has its own characteristics: the eye of a child of the first year of life is not yet able to work in the same way as in an adult. Starting from the moment of conception and until about the seventh year of life, the visual system of the child develops and improves. A newly born child is not able to see the world (in the understanding of an adult), since his vision is imperfect. of a newborn is negligible, it is at the level of perception of light and shadow, but not visual images. With each week of life, a child's vision improves, and by about 12 months, a child's eye perceives about a third or half of what an adult's eye can see. The most rapid vision in children develops within a few months after birth, and it is during this period that it is important to pay attention to the slightest changes that occur with the eyes. The development of the organ of vision in a child directly depends on regular visual stimulation: an image focusing on contributes to the formation of a visual center in the cerebral cortex. Any abnormalities that occur in utero or in the first days after birth (violation of the transparency of optical media, changes in the retina or) may delay the development of the visual analyzer.

The vision of a newborn child has its own characteristics: the eye of a child of the first year of life is not yet able to work in the same way as in an adult. Starting from the moment of conception and until about the seventh year of life, the visual system of the child develops and improves.

Visual acuity of the newborn

As already mentioned, shortly after birth and for another month or two, the visual acuity of a child is about a thousandth of that of an adult. In addition, the eye of the newborn is flattened in the anteroposterior dimension, its visual axis is shorter by about 6 mm. As a result, the infant is normally far-sighted, and simultaneously with the growth of the eyeball, its degree is constantly decreasing.

Assessment of vision in newborns

In order to identify deviations in the development of the organ of vision in a newborn in time, it is necessary to show the child to a specialist in time. The first examination of the organ of vision usually takes place even in the maternity hospital, planned visits to the ophthalmologist in the absence of obvious deviations must be completed in a month, six months and a year. The specialist examines the child's fundus, examines the size and symmetry of the pupils, as well as the reaction of the pupil to light irritation, assesses the state of visual function, lacrimal ducts.

What can parents do

First, pay attention to the size of your child's eyeballs. The eyes are normally almost the same size, they should not be too enlarged or reduced. If the eyeballs of a child at the age of one month are slightly protruding and enlarged, this is a signal for an urgent consultation with an ophthalmologist. The cause of eye enlargement at this age may be congenital (increased intraocular pressure), which can lead to an irreversible decrease in vision up to complete.

Second, look at the pupils of the child. Normally, the shape of the pupils is round, both pupils are equal in diameter, narrowing under the influence of light. If, when examining the pupils, you are not sure of your conclusions, this is also an occasion to consult an ophthalmologist unscheduled.

Pay attention to the color of the eyes. Usually both eyes have the same color, it will become final by about three months of age.

See if your child is able to fix his gaze on any nearby object (starting from the age of two months), whether he can actively follow a moving object (from the third month of life). At the age of six months or a little older, the child is able to distinguish between simple figures; at the age of one, he already sees drawings.

How is the eye of a newborn?

However, the visual system of a newborn is not similar to the visual system of an adult. The anatomical structure of the organs of vision, which provides visual functions, undergoes significant changes in the process of maturation of the body. The visual system of the newborn is still imperfect, and it has to develop rapidly.

During the growth of the baby, the eyeball changes very slowly. Its strongest development occurs in the first year of life. The eyeball of a newborn is shorter than the eye of an adult by 6 mm (i.e., it has a shortened anteroposterior axis). This circumstance is the reason that the eye of a recently born child has farsightedness, that is, the baby does not see close objects well. Both the optic nerve and the muscles that move the eyeball are not fully formed in the newborn. Such immaturity of the oculomotor muscles forms the physiological, i.e. perfectly normal for the neonatal period strabismus.

The size of the cornea also increases very slowly. The cornea is the anterior part of the fibrous membrane of the eyeball, which determines the shape of the eye, performs a protective function and is the refractive medium of the eye, which provides vision. In newborns, it has a relatively greater thickness than in an adult, is sharply delimited from the protein shell and protrudes strongly forward in the form of a roller. The absence of blood vessels in the cornea of ​​the eye explains its transparency. However, in children of the first week of life, the cornea may not be completely transparent due to temporary swelling - this is normal, but if it persists after 7 days of life, then this should be alarming.

The lens is a lens that is able to compress and expand, focusing our gaze at different distances near and far. The lens has no blood vessels or nerves. In children and adults up to 25-30 years old, the lens is elastic and is a transparent mass of semi-liquid consistency, enclosed in a capsule. In newborns, the lens has a number of characteristic features: it is almost round in shape, the radii of curvature of the anterior and its surfaces are almost the same. With age, the lens becomes denser, stretches in length, takes the form of a lentil grain. It grows especially strongly during the first year of life (the diameter of the lens of the eye of a child at the age of 0-7 days is 6.0 mm, and at the age of 1 year it is 7.1 mm).

The iris has the shape of a disk, in the center of which there is a hole (pupil). The function of the iris is to participate in the light and dark adaptation of the eye. In bright light, the pupil constricts; in low light, the pupil dilates. The iris is colored and shows through the cornea. The color of the iris depends on the amount of pigment. When there is a lot of it, the eyes are dark or light brown, and when there is little, they are gray, greenish or blue. The iris in newborns contains little pigment (eye color is usually blue), convex and funnel-shaped. With age, the iris becomes thicker, richer in pigment and loses its original funnel shape.

The retina is the most complex shell in terms of structure and functions. It lines the walls of the eye cavity with a thin film. The retina is made up of various types of cells, the main ones being rods, cones and nerve cells. Rods and cones, under the influence of light, form electrical impulses that are transmitted to nerve cells. The rods are responsible for black-and-white or twilight vision, and also help control the peripheral space relative to the fixation point of the eye. Cones determine color vision, and due to the fact that their maximum number is located in the central part of the retina (yellow spot), where the rays focused by all the lenses of the eye come, they play an exceptional role in the perception of objects located at the fixation point.

Nerve fibers depart from the rods and cones, forming the optic nerve, which emerges from the eyeball and goes to the brain. The retina of newborns shows signs of incomplete development. The features and development of color vision in children will be discussed later.

The specificity of the vision of a newborn is a blinking reflex. Its essence lies in the fact that no matter how much you wave objects near the eyes, the baby does not blink, but he reacts to a bright and sudden beam of light. This is explained by the fact that at birth the child's visual analyzer is still at the very beginning of its development. The vision of the newborn is assessed at the level of sensation of light. That is, the baby is able to perceive only the light itself without perceiving the structure of the image.

Baby vision development

The intrauterine vision of a child has been studied very little, but it is known that even a baby born at the 28th week of pregnancy reacts to bright light. A baby born at the 32nd week of pregnancy closes its eyes to the light, and a baby born at term (on the 37th-40th week) turns its eyes, and a little later, the head towards the light source and moving objects.

The process of improving vision begins immediately after birth. During the first year, areas of the cerebral cortex are actively developing, in which the centers of vision are located (they are located in the back of the head), receiving information about the world around them. The friendly (simultaneous) eye movement is “honed”, the experience of visual perception is gained, and the “library” of visual images is replenished. The vision of the newborn is assessed at the level of sensation of light. Babies who are a few days old see, instead of faces, blurry silhouettes and blurry contours with spots where the eyes and mouth should be. In the future, visual acuity grows, increasing hundreds of times, and by the end of the first year of life it is 1/3-1/2 of the adult norm. The most rapid development of the visual system occurs in the first months of a baby's life. At the same time, the very act of seeing stimulates its development. Only the eye, on the retina of which the surrounding world is constantly projected, is able to develop normally.

First and second weeks of life. Newborns practically do not respond to visual stimuli: under the influence of bright light, their pupils constrict, their eyelids close, and their eyes wander aimlessly. However, it has been observed that from the first days of the newborn, the oval shape and moving objects with shiny spots are attracted. This is not a puzzle at all, just such an oval corresponds to a human face. The child can follow the movements of such a “face”, and if at the same time they are talking to him, he blinks. But although the child pays attention to the shape that looks like a human face, this does not mean that he recognizes one of the people around him. It will take him a long time to do so. In the first or second week of life, the baby's vision is still weakly connected with consciousness. It is known that visual acuity in a newborn is much weaker than in an adult. Such poor vision is explained by the fact that the retina is still being formed, and the macula lutea (that part of the retina where vision of 1.0 is achieved - i.e. 100%) has not even formed yet. If such vision were observed in an adult, he would experience serious difficulties, but for a newborn, the most important thing is what is large and close: mother's face and chest. The field of view of the baby is sharply narrowed, so a person standing on the side of the child or behind the mother is not perceived by the child.

Second to fifth weeks of life. The baby can fix his gaze on any light source. Around the fifth week of life, coordinated eye movements appear in the horizontal direction. However, these movements are not yet perfect - lowering and raising the eyes begins later. The baby is only able to fix a slowly moving object with his eyes for a short time and follow its movement. The field of view of a child at the age of about a month is still sharply narrowed, the baby reacts only to those objects that are at a close distance from him and within only 20-30 °. In addition, visual acuity is still very weak.

First month. The kid is able to steadily fix his gaze on the eyes of an adult. However the vision of a child until the fourth month of life is still considered underdeveloped.

Second month. The child begins to explore the near space. He focuses on the toys. At the same time, vision, hearing and touch are involved, which mutually complement and control each other. The child develops the first ideas about the volume of the subject. If colorful toys “float” past him, he will follow them with his eyes and in all directions: up, down, left, right. During this period, there is a preference to look at contrasting simple figures (black and white stripes, circles and rings, etc.), moving contrasting objects, and generally new objects. The child begins to consider the details of an adult's face, objects, patterns.

Thus, one of the most important achievements of the first two or three months will be the gradual development of the ability to smoothly follow an object moving in different directions and at different speeds.

Third or fourth month. The level of development of eye movements in a child is already quite good. However, it is still difficult for him to smoothly follow an object moving in a circle or describing a “figure eight” in the air. Visual acuity continues to improve.

By three months, babies begin to really enjoy bright colors and movable toys like hanging rattles. These toys are great for developing your child's vision. From this period, the baby is able to smile when he sees something familiar. He follows the face of an adult moving in all directions or an object at a distance of 20 to 80 cm, and also looks at his hand and the object that he holds in it.

When a child reaches for an object, he, as a rule, incorrectly estimates the distance to it, in addition, the baby often makes mistakes in determining the volume of objects. He tries to "take" a flower from his mother's dress, not realizing that this flower is part of a flat drawing. This is explained by the fact that until the end of the fourth month of life, the world reflected on the retina of the eye still remains two-dimensional. When the baby discovers the third dimension and can estimate the distance to his favorite rattle, he will learn to make an aimed grasp. By analyzing the slightest discrepancies between the visual images of both eyes, the brain gets an idea of ​​the depth of space. In newborns, signals enter the brain in a mixed form. But gradually, the nerve cells that perceive the picture are demarcated, and the signals become clear. The perception of volume in children develops when they begin to move around in space.

At the age of four months, the child is able to predict the events that should happen. Just a few weeks ago, he kept screaming with hunger until the nipple entered his mouth. Now, when he sees his mother, he immediately reacts in one way or another. He can either shut up or start screaming even louder. Obviously, a connection is established in the child's mind based on a certain stereotype. Thus, one can notice the establishment of a connection between visual abilities and consciousness. Along with the fact that the child begins to realize the functions of the surrounding objects (what these objects are intended for), he acquires the ability to respond to their disappearance. The baby will follow the moving rattle and stare at the place where he last saw her. The child is trying to restore in memory the trajectory of the rattle.

Somewhere between three and six months of a child's life, the retina of his eyes develops so much that he can distinguish small details of objects. The kid is already able to look from a close object to a distant one and vice versa, without losing sight of it. From this period, the baby develops the following reactions: blinking at the rapid approach of an object, looking at oneself in the reflection of a mirror, recognizing the chest.

Sixth month. The child actively examines and examines his immediate environment. He may be frightened when he is in a new place. Now the visual images that he encounters are especially important for the child. Prior to this, the baby, playing with his favorite toy, hit the object in search of interesting sensations, then grabbed it to put it in his mouth. A six-month-old baby is already picking up objects to examine them. Grasping becomes more and more precise. Based on this, a visual representation of the distance is formed, which, in turn, develops a three-dimensional perception in the baby. A child is able to choose his favorite toy with a glance. He already manages to focus his eyes on an object that is at a distance of 7-8 cm from his nose.

Seventh month. One of the most characteristic features of a child during this period is the ability to notice the smallest details of the environment. The kid immediately discovers the pattern on the new sheet. In addition, he begins to be interested in the relationship of surrounding objects.

eighth to twelfth months. During this period, the child perceives the object not only as a whole, but also in its parts. He actively begins to look for objects that suddenly disappear from his field of vision, because. understands that the object has not ceased to exist, but is located in another place. The facial expression of the baby changes depending on the facial expression of the adult. He is able to distinguish "us" from "strangers". Visual acuity is still increasing.

From a year to 2 years. Almost complete coordination of eye and hand movements is achieved. The child observes how an adult writes or draws with a pencil. He is able to understand 2-3 gestures (“bye”, “no”, etc.)

Between the ages of 3 and 4, a child's vision becomes almost the same as that of an adult.

Newborns do not distinguish colors, since their visual analyzer is not yet fully developed. The ability to differentiate colors appears in babies between six weeks and two months. It is noted that the difference in colors begins, first of all, with the perception of yellow and red colors, and the ability to recognize blue and green colors occurs later. Usually the formation of color vision ends by 4-5 years.



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