Blood test HDL cholesterol decoding. Lowering HDL Cholesterol - Causes and Risks

In the human body, cholesterol (aka cholesterol) plays an important role in metabolism, is part of the structure of many body cells. However, there are “good” and “bad” fractions of this element, which affect human health in different ways. With an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood, the risk of heart attack and stroke increases.

What are high density lipoproteins

Most of the substance is produced by the body in the liver (about 80%), the remaining share falls on its intake with food. Cholesterol takes part in the formation of hormones, bile acids, cell membranes. The element itself is poorly soluble in liquid, therefore, for transportation, a protein shell is formed around it, which consists of apolipoproteins (a special protein).

This compound is called lipoprotein. Several of its species circulate through the vessels of a person, which turned out to be different due to the different proportions of the elements that make up the composition:

  • VLDL - very low lipoprotein density;
  • LDL - low density lipoproteins;
  • HDL stands for high density lipoprotein.

The latter contain little cholesterol, consist almost of the protein part. The main function of HDL cholesterol is to transport excess cholesterol to the liver for processing. This type of substance is called good, it accounts for 30% of blood cholesterol. The excess of low-density lipoproteins over high-density lipoproteins provokes the formation of cholesterol plaques, which, when accumulated in the arteries and veins, lead to a heart attack, stroke.

Blood test for cholesterol

To determine the level of cholesterol, it is necessary to pass a biochemical blood test that determines the content of HDL and LDL. Research is assigned as part of a lipogram. It is recommended to do it to all people over 20 years of age at least once every 5 years. If the patient is prescribed a low-fat diet, medications, blood tests should be done more often to monitor the effectiveness of therapy.

How to take

A blood test for total cholesterol requires some preparation before delivery. To get the correct indicators, you must follow these rules:

  • sampling should be done in the morning;
  • limit fatty foods for 2-3 days before the procedure;
  • the last meal should be 8 hours before the test;
  • avoid physical exertion, emotional overstrain;
  • stop smoking at least 30 minutes before the test.


The results of the analyzes show the total amount of cholesterol in the blood, the content of triglycerides, which affect lipid processes, and HDL, LDL. We can say that the ratio of bad and good cholesterol determines the likelihood of developing vascular disease. This value is called the atherogenic index or coefficient. Otherwise, there is a specific list of indicators of the level of LDL and HDL in the blood of women, men of different ages:

LDL cholesterol, mmol/l

HDL cholesterol, mmol/l

The coefficient of atherogenicity is increased

Such a conclusion, when deciphered, indicates the likelihood of developing heart disease, cholesterol plaques, narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, which leads to stroke, heart attack. In this case, "bad" cholesterol prevails over "good". To calculate the atherogenic coefficient, you need to subtract HDL cholesterol from the total amount of HDL cholesterol and divide the result once again by the HDL level. The reason for the development of an increased indicator is:

  • severe liver disease;
  • heredity;
  • renal failure (chronic);
  • untreated diabetes mellitus;
  • cholestasis;
  • inflammation of the kidneys in a chronic form, which leads to nephrotic syndrome.

The coefficient of atherogenicity is lowered

This is good news, in this case the risk of developing cholesterol plaques, blockages, heart attack or stroke is extremely small. This fact does not carry any diagnostic value and means that there is elevated HDL cholesterol, which does not pose any danger to human health. During treatment, they always try to bring the atherogenic index to normal or lower it.

Norm HDL

Normal in relation to good cholesterol is not the correct wording. The acceptable level of this fraction varies from case to case and is determined individually for a person. The likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system is influenced by many factors that should be studied individually for each patient. Low HDL cholesterol levels definitely cause the risk of atherosclerosis. According to general statistics, it is possible to assess the risk of development in adults according to the following indicators:

  1. A high probability of developing atherosclerosis in men at 10 mmol/l, in women - 1.3 mmol/l, without taking into account concomitant factors.
  2. The average probability of atherosclerosis will be 1.0-1.3 mmol/l in men and 1.3-1.5 mmol/l in women.
  3. A low probability of atherosclerosis in humans will be at 1.55 mmol / l.

How to increase good cholesterol if HDL is low

At different periods, a person may have a different percentage of HDL cholesterol. Therefore, a single blood test is not an indicator of the "usual" amount of cholesterol. This suggests the need to check the level of the substance regularly in case of fear of an increase. Changes can occur over a short period of time, this is called fluctuations in cholesterol metabolism. To increase HDL, you should:

  • exclude corticosteroids, anabolic steroids, androgens;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • take statins, fibrates, cholestyramine, phenobarbital, insulin, estrogen.

Learn more about how to take an analysis.

Video about bad and good cholesterol

In the human body, cholesterol, also called cholesterol, takes an active part in metabolic processes. This compound is found in many cells. But this element can be both good - having a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs and tissues - and bad - negatively affecting the functioning of the body and the general condition of a person.

A significant increase in cholesterol levels is fraught with an increased risk of developing diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in particular heart attacks and strokes. Sometimes people who take tests find it difficult to understand the results. And therefore, many are wondering: “HDL is lowered: what does this mean?”

Definition of HDL

Approximately 80% of cholesterol is produced in the body, namely in the liver. The remaining 20% ​​enter the body with food. This substance is involved in the production of hormones, the formation of cell membranes and bile acids. Cholesterol is a substance that is poorly soluble in liquids. Its transportation is facilitated by the resulting shell, consisting of special proteins - apolipoproteins.

This compound - proteins with cholesterol - is called lipoprotein. Different types of this substance circulate through the vessels, which are formed from the same substances (protein and cholesterol). Only the proportions of the components are different.

There are lipoproteins:

  • very low density (VLDL);
  • low density (LDL);
  • high density (HDL).

The first two types contain little cholesterol, they are almost entirely composed of proteins. What does it mean if HDL is lowered, you can check with your doctor. Since the volume of protein compounds significantly exceeds the volume of cholesterol, then HDL means “good cholesterol”.

The main task of HDL is to transport excess lipids to the liver for further processing. This type of compound is called good, it accounts for 30% of blood cholesterol. If, for some reason, LDL exceeds HDL, then this is fraught with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, which, when accumulated in the vessels, can cause dangerous pathologies of the SS system, in particular heart attack and stroke.

Norm indicators

Good cholesterol levels can fluctuate due to various reasons. Acceptable HDL is individual in each individual case. If HDL is lowered, this means that the risk of a pathology such as atherosclerosis is very high.

According to the following statistics, you can determine the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases:

  1. An HDL value of 1.0 mmol/l in an adult male and 1.3 mmol/l in a woman signals a high risk of atherosclerosis.
  2. Indicators of 1.0-1.3 in representatives of the strong half of society and 1.3-1.5 mmol / l in women also indicate an average probability of the onset of pathology.
  3. An indicator of 1.55 mmol / l indicates a low probability of the onset of the disease.

Acceptable indicators of LDL cholesterol for a child under 14 years old are 0.78-1.68 mmol / l, for a girl 15-19 years old - 0.78-1.81 mmol / l, for a young man - 0.78-1.68, for a woman under 30 years old - 0.78-1.94 mmol / l , for a man of the same age category - 0.78-1.81 mmol / l, women 30-40 years old - 0.78-2.07 mmol / l, men - 0.78-1.81 mmol / l, women over 40 - 0.78-2.20, men - 0.78-1.81 .

High Density Cholesterol: Reasons for Decreasing and Ways to Normalize HDL Levels

There are many reasons why high density lipoprotein in the body can be reduced. How to raise high-density cholesterol (good cholesterol, which helps in removing bad cholesterol from the blood to the liver), you can check with your doctor.

Lowering the level of high-density cholesterol can be triggered by the following reasons:

  1. Being overweight or obese. This pathology is accompanied by a significant decrease in HDL levels due to changes that occur in lipid metabolism.
  2. Poor diet and inactive lifestyle. Abuse of fried and fatty foods, lack of a diet, eating on the run, eating fast food and semi-finished products, all this sooner or later causes cholesterol plaques to appear in the vessels and lower their excretion from the body. An inactive lifestyle contributes to an increase in the content of total cholesterol in the blood.
  3. The presence of pathologies occurring in a chronic form. Some pathologies can significantly lower the level of good high-density cholesterol. Due to pathological processes, the appearance of failures in metabolic processes is noted. A decrease in the concentration of a substance may be due to hepatitis, oncological pathologies, thyroid diseases, cirrhosis of the liver.
  4. Having bad habits. It has been proven that alcohol abuse, like smoking, provokes a decrease in the level of good cholesterol in the blood.
  5. Taking medications. People with chronic ailments have to drink various medications throughout their lives in order to maintain health and prevent exacerbation of diseases. Most modern drugs have the most negative effect on fat metabolism and provoke the occurrence of failures. A decrease in the concentration of good cholesterol is usually due to the intake of diuretics, anabolic steroids, beta-blockers.
  6. Hormonal imbalance. Hormonal disturbances during gestation lead to a decrease in the concentration of HDL. Normalization of hormonal levels occurs a year or two after childbirth. Menopause is accompanied by a decrease in estrogen levels. The concentration of HDL is directly dependent on estrogen, since this hormone is involved in the synthesis of good cholesterol. The doctor may prescribe hormonal therapy, in particular, taking Climodien.
  7. The presence of pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system, liver ailments, alcoholism, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases.


Deviations from the norm of good cholesterol do not go unnoticed. If high-density cholesterol is lowered, then this signals a malfunction in metabolic processes, especially fat metabolism.

The disease is accompanied by such manifestations:

  • the appearance of xanthomas (yellowish-pink fatty deposits on the skin);
  • decrease in concentration;
  • memory impairment;
  • swelling of the fingers of the upper and lower extremities;
  • arrhythmia (heart rhythm disturbance and palpitations);
  • shortness of breath (occurs both after exertion and after stress).

The appearance of all these symptoms is due to the narrowing of the vascular lumen due to the formation of cholesterol plaques in it.

Ways to normalize HDL levels and therapy

In order to normalize the concentration of good lipids in the body, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Cholesterol absorption inhibitors: Ezetrol. Helps prevent the absorption of fats in the intestines.
  • Bile acid sequestrants: Cholestyramine, Colestipol. Medicines of this group contribute to increased synthesis of bile acids by the liver.
  • Fibratov: Clofibrate, Fenofibrate and Gemfibrozil.
  • statins: Cerivastatin, Lovastatin, Fluvastatin. Contribute to the inhibition of HDL synthesis and blocking of the corresponding enzymes in the liver.

It should be understood that in order to normalize the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, taking medications alone.

People who are faced with a problem first of all need to change their lifestyle:

  • Go in for sports or at least exercise. Aerobics, jogging, swimming, walking or cycling will all help in improving overall health and wellness and increasing HDL.
  • A proper and balanced diet contributes to the normalization of blood cholesterol levels. It is recommended to exclude fatty, fried, salty, spicy foods, snacks, semi-finished products, and alcoholic beverages from the diet. Enriching the diet with foods rich in plant fibers - whole grains, vegetables and fruits will help not only in weight correction, but also increase HDL levels.
  • Doctors and nutritionists strongly recommend limiting your intake of foods rich in saturated fats, trans fats, and carbohydrates. Such food harms the body, especially if consumed in unmeasured quantities.
  • Give up smoking and alcohol. The exclusion of addictions contributes to the normalization of the concentration of good cholesterol.


It is easier to prevent the occurrence of health problems, in particular a decrease in HDL levels, than to treat them later. In order to prevent the onset of the disease, it is recommended to eat right, give up bad habits, and play sports.

People who already have failures in fat metabolism are recommended:

  • treat hypertension, take the drugs prescribed by the doctor in a timely manner;
  • regularly drink antiplatelet agents, for example, acetylsalicylic acid;
  • treat chronic ailments;
  • systematically take tests for cholesterol;
  • apply nicotinic acid;
  • lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle.

A blood test for cholesterol and LDL allows you to determine if their levels have deviated from the norm. If this happened in a big way, it means that atherosclerosis develops in the body, which reduces the elasticity of blood vessels, is the cause of increased thrombus formation, blockage of an artery or vein by a thrombus. Low cholesterol is also dangerous, because without it, many processes in the body cannot occur.

Cholesterol is a fatty natural alcohol, most of which is synthesized by the liver, the rest comes into the body from food. With the help of this substance, the shells of all cells of the body are formed. Also, on its basis, steroids are synthesized, including sex hormones. In addition, cholesterol has a positive effect on strengthening bones, is involved in the functioning of the immune, nervous, digestive systems, and performs a number of other very important functions.

But if the amount of cholesterol exceeds the norm, it begins to fall on the walls of blood vessels and form growths, reducing the elasticity of arteries and veins. This is the cause of impaired blood flow and can provoke blockage of the vessel by a thrombus. This problem is explained by the fact that cholesterol is not able to dissolve in water. To get to the cells, it forms compounds with lipoproteins of different density - medium, low and high. So called compounds that consist of lipids and proteins.

Low and medium density lipids (LDL or LDL) are responsible for the transport of cholesterol through the blood to the cells. After the cells take the amount of cholesterol they need, the remains are picked up by high-density lipoproteins (HDL or HDL) and taken to the liver for processing.

You should also be aware that LDL does not dissolve very well either. Therefore, along the way, cholesterol precipitates on the walls of blood vessels. In a healthy person, enzymes are located near the vascular walls, which the sediment destroys. But with age, these components become less and less, and the cholesterol sediment is gradually fixed on the vascular walls. Especially if HDL in the body is below normal, while the amount of LDL is increased.

First, the growth that settles on the vascular walls is characterized by a loose consistency. At this stage, it can still be dissolved. But there is also a danger here: at any moment a small part can come off the plaque and clog the vessel. This means that the tissues it serves will be deprived of nutrition, which will lead to their death. That is why atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain or heart is the cause of heart attacks, which often end in death.

As the plaque forms, it becomes hard and replaces the vascular wall. As the walls are destroyed, they bleed, which leads to increased formation of blood clots: this is how the body tries to cure the vessels. After some time, the vascular walls lose their elasticity, become brittle, as a result of which hemorrhage can occur at any time.

How to decipher the results

You can suspect the development of atherosclerosis if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, is obese, prefers food with a high level of animal fats. At risk are diabetics, as well as those people who have problems with the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys.

You should also know that the level of cholesterol, LDL in men begins to rise, while HDL levels fall after the age of twenty, in women after menopause. Constant stress, smoking, alcohol are also the cause of high cholesterol and LDL, as well as low HDL.

Doctors recommend that women and men do a lipid profile at least once a year. Since atherosclerosis does not manifest itself in the initial stages, this will allow you to timely notice the deviation of cholesterol, HDL, LDL from the norm, and prevent the development of a heart attack, stroke or other serious problems.

Lipidogram is a study that allows you to determine the level of cholesterol, LDL, HDL in the blood, as well as to understand the state of fat metabolism in the body. It is carried out using a biochemical blood test.

First, the level of total cholesterol is determined in the blood of women and men. Norms in different laboratories may differ. Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to the indicated figures, which are next to the decoding of personal data: these are the norms adopted in the laboratory where the analysis was carried out.

It is believed that the norm of total cholesterol in the blood of women and men should be:

In order for the doctor to be able to get a clear idea of ​​the state of lipid metabolism, knowledge of the level of total cholesterol alone is not enough. You also need to know the concentration in the blood of HDL and LDL. Therefore, he appoints to examine the blood for the number of lipoproteins of different densities.

The following LDL values ​​indicate the following conditions:

  • up to 2.5 mmol / l (low probability of myocardial infarction);
  • 2.6 - 3.3 mmol / l - optimal performance;
  • 3.4 - 4.1 mmol / l - increased values;
  • 4.1 - 4.9 mmol / l - high concentration;
  • more than 4.9 mmol / l - a very high risk of heart attack.

Also, the doctor should know how much high-density lipoprotein is contained in a person's blood. The amount of HDL in a healthy woman's body should be above 1.68 mmol / l. In a man, the HDL indicator in the blood, the norm exceeds 1.45 mol / l.

Reasons for deviations

An increased amount of cholesterol and LDL, as well as a low amount of HDL in women and men, can be triggered by the following reasons:

  • malnutrition, when food contains a high level of carbohydrates, trans fats, as well as very little fiber, pectins, vitamins, minerals, vegetable fats;
  • obesity, overeating;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • bile stasis and other liver problems;
  • kidney disease;
  • some medicines;
  • problems with the pancreas, thyroid gland;
  • increased production of hormones that the adrenal cortex synthesizes;
  • some viral infections;
  • in women - pregnancy.

Low cholesterol in women and men is also dangerous, as it indicates the development of serious diseases. Such values ​​are observed after prolonged hunger strikes, due to serious burns. It happens when the body is unable to properly absorb fats, which indicates a serious metabolic disorder and requires medical attention.

Cholesterol can be lowered with tuberculosis, chronic heart failure, acute infectious diseases, blood poisoning, cirrhosis, and oncology. In this case, the person needs urgent medical attention. Otherwise, there will be a lethal outcome.

Biochemical analysis shows low cholesterol in vegetarians. This is due to the fact that there are no animal fats in their food. Therefore, vegetarians should take care of the presence in the diet of foods rich in cholesterol.

The decoding of the analysis can show a deviation from the norm if the person used any medications (including contraceptives) before the analysis. Also, you can not expose the body to physical exertion before donating blood.

After the doctor receives a transcript of the biochemical analysis, if the results are unsatisfactory, he will prescribe treatment based on the individual characteristics of the organism. In addition to taking medication, the patient must follow a diet that will reduce or increase the level of natural fatty alcohol in the body (depending on the nature of the disease). If it is not adhered to, treatment with medications alone may be ineffective.

Cholesterol is one of the most important substances for any living being belonging to the animal kingdom. This fatty monohydric alcohol is one of the natural intermediate products of metabolic processes.

At the same time, it is cholesterol that is considered one of the "culprits" of atherosclerosis and some other diseases. After the discovery of the role of this substance in pathophysiological processes, cardiologists, nutritionists, and doctors of some other specialties took up arms against him. In fact, everything is not so simple and unambiguous, the trouble is not in cholesterol, as such, but in its quantity and the body's ability to absorb this substance properly.

About 80% of the need for this substance is provided by the body on its own, cholesterol is synthesized in the liver. The rest of the body receives from food of animal origin. It enters the blood in the form of complex complex compounds and is included in a number of processes, in particular:

  • Growth and reproduction of cells, as one of the components of cell membranes and intracellular structures;
  • Synthesis of hormones;
  • Transportation of substances with antioxidant activity and fat-soluble vitamins;
  • Synthesis of bile acids.

What is "bad" and "good" cholesterol

Cholesterol is insoluble in water, therefore, for transportation to target organs, it forms complex lipoprotein complexes. The complex has a spherical shape and consists of cholesterol esters and triglycerides coated with protein molecules.

There are several types of lipoprotein complexes in the blood, differing in composition and other physicochemical properties. One of the key characteristics of the lipoprotein complex is density. On this basis, the complexes are just divided into “bad” and “good” cholesterol.

Low-density lipoprotein complexes are abbreviated as LDL and conventionally called "bad" cholesterol. High-density lipoproteins or HDL are called "good".

In fact, both LDL and HDL cholesterol are vital to keep the body functioning.

"Bad" cholesterol

As part of LDL, this compound comes from the liver to target organs, where it is included in the synthesis processes. LDL are the precursors of many hormones, including sex hormones. The body's need for readily available cholesterol is higher, so LDL accounts for over 60% of all cholesterol present in the blood. The content of cholesterol derivatives in them reaches 50%. When moving in the bloodstream, loose complexes can be damaged and cholesterol esters, which are outside the protein coat, settle on the walls of blood vessels.

With excessive intake of LDL into the blood, the cells do not have time to absorb it completely, and the process of deposit formation on the walls of blood vessels accelerates. Atherosclerotic plaques form. The narrowing of the lumen of the vessels over time is manifested by vascular insufficiency, ischemia in the affected area. With the destruction of the plaque, a complete overlap of the lumen of the vessel is possible - thrombosis or thromboembolism.

"Good" cholesterol

“Good” is popularly called high-density cholesterol complexes, HDL. These compounds transport cholesterol to the liver, where it is used to synthesize bile acids and excreted from the body. The content of cholesterol in the complexes is up to 30%. In people with a normal content of this fraction of lipids in the blood, the risk of myocardial infarction is reduced to almost zero. When moving through the bloodstream, HDL captures excess cholesterol from the walls, according to some reports, even from plaques formed. If HDL cholesterol is lowered, the body cannot cope with the cleansing of the walls of blood vessels, cholesterol continues to accumulate and atherosclerosis develops.

At the same time, it should be understood that the names "bad" and "good" cholesterol are more than arbitrary. What is HDL cholesterol? In fact, it is one of the final stages of lipid metabolism, “construction debris”, which, before being disposed of, should serve the body in good stead. Replacing all the "bad" cholesterol with good is impossible and unsafe. The main thing is not so much the absolute indicators of LDL and HDL cholesterol, but their balance.

Norm of cholesterol in the blood

“Bad” and “good” cholesterol are not interchangeable compounds, they must always be present in the body, simultaneously and in a certain ratio. A deviation from the norm in the direction of increasing or decreasing the content of any of the fractions of cholesterol or any of its fractions indicates the presence of serious problems in the body or the potential threat of their occurrence in the foreseeable future.

Approximate levels of cholesterol:

  • General - less than 5.2 mmol / l
  • Triglycerides - no more than 2 mmol / l;
  • LDL - up to 3.5 mmol / l
  • HDL - more than 1.0 mmol / l

The concept of a norm is rather conditional. The level of cholesterol depends on gender, age, the presence of endocrine and other chronic diseases, hereditary characteristics of lipid metabolism. This indicator is influenced by stress, physiological changes of a seasonal nature. The individual norm may differ slightly from the average values; in the presence of certain diseases and other risk factors, it is necessary to control cholesterol levels more strictly.

The attending physician will tell about the individual norm and permissible limits for each patient. He will give recommendations for effective lowering of cholesterol levels and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

How to normalize cholesterol

First of all, doctors recommend sticking to a special diet. Foods containing trans fats are excluded from the diet, the consumption of animal fats and sweets is limited. It is better to replace fatty meat with fatty sea fish, which contains omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe medication. The course of treatment includes:

  • statins;
  • Bile acid binders;
  • Fibric acids;
  • B vitamins, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid.

It is known that a sufficient level of HDL is necessary for the normal function of the cardiovascular system. There are circumstances when “good” cholesterol rises against the background of dangerous diseases.

The treatment of almost all cardiovascular pathological conditions is not complete without an assessment of the concentration of various cholesterol fractions. Sometimes an analysis of blood lipid parameters shows: What does it mean?

A substantiated fact is that high density lipoproteins prevent the development of atherosclerosis. But the predominance increases the likelihood of heart attacks, strokes, disrupts the function of the nervous system. At the same time, a change in HDL levels above normal can indicate serious health problems.

Cholesterol is known to play a number of important roles in the body. Without this substance, the function of any living cell is impossible. Cholesterol is involved in the synthesis of certain hormones (testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, cortisol), ergocalciferol (vitamin D), and bile acids. At the same time, there is a lot of data on the negative effects of cholesterol on the body.

The reasons for the negative effect of cholesterol lie in its structure and concentration in the blood. The substance is not homogeneous in composition, but includes high density lipoproteins, low and very low density lipoproteins. In addition, triglycerides and cholesterol oxidation products, oxysterols, can circulate in the blood. It has been established that LDL, oxysterols and triglycerides are active participants in the formation of atheromatous plaques.

"Good" and "bad" cholesterol

High-density lipoproteins carry cholesterol to the liver for further processing and excretion from the body. The higher the level of HDL, the more effectively they perform their function, preventing the deposition of atheromatous plaques inside the vessels. This means that "good" cholesterol prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

The situation is different with low-density lipoproteins. Their structures transport cholesterol to cells and vessels. LDL is also the starting material for the synthesis of hormones, vitamin D. If the level of low-density lipoprotein becomes higher than normal, excess cholesterol particles begin to invade the arterial walls, forming atherosclerotic plaques. This circumstance leads to a decrease in the lumen of the vessels and the development of ischemic pathologies (heart attack, stroke).

"Good" and "bad" cholesterol in the body are closely related to each other. High molecular weight lipoproteins carry out the capture and excretion of cholesterol derived from LDL. If the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood becomes below normal, it ceases to be supplied with food, and the liver begins to actively synthesize it. A decrease in the concentration of HDL in such a situation leads to the development of atherosclerosis.

Role of triglycerides

Triglycerides, being a source of energy in the body, along with low density lipoproteins, can influence the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. This circumstance occurs when the concentration of fats in the blood is higher than normal, and the “good” cholesterol, due to its low content, ceases to perform the function of transporting LDL.

An increase in the amount of triglycerides occurs with excessive consumption of foods rich in animal fats. The use of drugs containing hormonal agents, as well as large amounts of ascorbic acid, increases the level of triglycerides in the blood, provoking the development of thrombosis, atherosclerosis.

The danger of oxysterols

Oxysterols are intermediate structures that are formed during the synthesis of bile acids, steroid hormones. However, oxysterols, which enter the body with food, are of particular danger to blood vessels. These compounds are capable of triggering the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Oxysterols are present in large quantities in egg yolks, frozen meat, fish, as well as milk powder, melted butter.

Research procedure

Usually, a blood test for cholesterol fractions and triglycerides is prescribed by a doctor to find out the cause of high blood pressure, with cardiovascular, endocrine pathologies, during the use of hormonal drugs. It would be useful to have a cholesterol test for men over the age of 35, and for women over 40.

Before the study, it is not recommended to eat foods rich in fats for several days. The analysis is carried out on an empty stomach. Physical activity, stress and smoking before taking blood for cholesterol distorts the results of the study.

Substance concentration assessment

To determine how much cholesterol levels negatively affect a person's health, it is necessary to analyze several parameters. This is the level of total cholesterol, triglycerides, as well as the concentration of HDL and LDL in the blood. For men and women of different age groups, the norms of indicators will differ.

The interpretation and evaluation of data obtained from a blood test for various lipid fractions is carried out by a doctor, taking into account the age and gender of the person. There are certain norms for the content of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides for women and men. Also, the decoding of the analysis should include an atherogenic index. This indicator means what is the ratio between high and low density lipoproteins. In other words, how much "good" cholesterol prevails over "bad".

Sometimes, lipidogram indicators (blood test for various fat fractions) change for the worse under the influence of physiological factors. In men, cholesterol and triglyceride levels are more affected by age. In women, indicators of "bad" cholesterol and lipids are increased during pregnancy, after the onset of menopause. Low-density lipoproteins and triglycerides are higher than normal in stressful situations, increased physical activity.

total cholesterol

The analysis of blood lipids must necessarily include information on total cholesterol. The norms of this indicator vary depending on the age and gender of the person. usually elevated in the elderly and can reach 6.5-7 mmol/liter. Women tend to have higher cholesterol levels than the opposite sex. A sharp decrease in cholesterol concentration is observed in the postoperative period, with myocardial infarction, severe bacterial infections.

LDL indicators

The next integral indicator, which includes the decoding of the lipid profile, is low-density lipoproteins. With an increased concentration of LDL, the risk of developing severe vascular pathologies, ischemia and atherosclerosis increases.

In men, the norms for the content of low-density lipoproteins up to the age of thirty are lowered in comparison with the data of their peers of the opposite sex. This indicator ranges from 1.6 mmol / liter in boys 5-10 years of age to 4.27 mmol / liter in thirty-year-old men. In women, LDL levels gradually increase from 1.8 mmol / liter at the age of five to 4.25 mmol / liter at 30 years of age.

Then, up to the age of fifty, the LDL level is slightly higher in men than in women of the same period of life and reaches 5.2 mmol / liter. The maximum concentrations of "bad" and are considered within the normal range up to 5.7 mmol / liter at the age of seventy.

HDL concentration

In the blood test for cholesterol, an indicator of the level of high density lipoprotein should be reflected. As a rule, the concentration of HDL is relatively low and should be in the range of 0.7-1.94 mmol / liter for men or women of various ages. A low level of lipoproteins almost always means that the risk of developing pathologies of the heart and blood vessels is increased.

It is believed that the higher the high-density lipoprotein index, the better it will reflect on the state of human health. Indeed, high HDL levels prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. However, high-density lipoprotein data may indicate serious diseases.

It is known that hepatitis in the chronic stage, biliary cirrhosis, prolonged intoxication, prolonged alcohol intake can increase the concentration of high density lipoproteins. That is why, when deciphering the lipid profile, it is important to pay attention to the limiting values ​​of HDL.

Atherogenic coefficient

According to atherogenicity, it is possible to assess the real risks of atherosclerosis. The atherogenic coefficient is defined as the difference between total cholesterol and HDL concentration divided by the amount of high density lipoprotein. The higher the atherogenicity, the greater the likelihood of a person developing vascular damage, heart attacks, strokes, and hypertension.

Permissible limits of atherogenicity for young people range from 3. After thirty years, atherogenicity can reach 3.5, and at an older age - 7.0.


Vessels are at serious risk of developing atherosclerosis if the level of triglyceride concentration in the blood is elevated. In women, this indicator normally varies from 0.4 to 1.6 mmol / liter, and in men it should be in the range of 0.5-2.8 mmol / liter. The level of triglycerides is lowered in violation of the liver, pulmonological diseases, malnutrition. The reasons for the increased concentration of triglycerides may be associated with diabetes mellitus, viral or alcoholic liver damage.

How to improve your lipid profile

Evaluation of indicators of various cholesterol fractions allows the doctor to prevent the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, prevent the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes. There are several ways to improve lipid profile data. First of all, you should give up nicotine addiction, do not abuse alcoholic beverages, and reasonably approach physical activity. It is important to eat large amounts of pectins, a minimum of fats and carbohydrates.

To reduce atherogenicity, a doctor may prescribe special medications: statins, fibrates, antioxidants, as well as agents to normalize liver function. Sometimes, in order to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, it is necessary to stop taking medications containing hormones. Normalization of the psycho-emotional state also contributes to the improvement of the lipid profile. It is important to be responsible for your health and periodically, together with your doctor, conduct a concentration assessment.



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