The woman with the longest legs. The longest legs on the planet

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity would like to have long legs. Nature rewarded some women with this wealth, so generously that they entered the Guinness Book of Records.

The longest female legs

The competition "The Longest Legs" is held annually, according to the results of which the top 10 long-legged ones are compiled. To date, the titles are distributed as follows:

  • 10th place is occupied by the most beautiful American actress, the owner of the "best body in the history of cinema" Daryl Hannah(height 178 cm, leg length 106 cm), who is known for her role as a hitman in the movie Kill Bill;
  • in 9th place is the beloved actress, who has not only long legs - 108 cm with a height of 180 cm, but also 41 foot sizes, which, in fact, did not stop her from captivating Tarantino himself;
  • 8th place deserved Eva Herzigova- Czech model, "growing" legs 112 cm long with a height of 180 cm;
  • 7th place can be proud of the ex-first racket of the world, the most charming athlete in the world Maria Sharapova- with a height of 188 cm, she has 121-centimeter legs;
  • 6th place given Adriana Sklenarikova- a Slovak model who has collaborated in her career with many well-known fashion designers, she, with a height of 178 cm, has legs 121.5 cm long;
  • was in 5th place Nadia Auermann- German model and actress who visited the Guinness Book of Records in the late 90s with a height of 180 cm and a leg length of 122 cm;
  • 4th place for the current Russian model Nina Pylskaya, her height is 193 cm, leg length is 123.5 cm;
  • 3rd place was awarded to one of the most attractive girls in the world - the model with the longest legs and "Miss Body", as she is also called, has a height of 185 cm, leg length is 123.5 cm;
  • 2nd place went to an Englishwoman Sam Stacey, woman's height - 180 cm, leg length 127.6 cm;
  • The winner of the contest for the longest legs in the world is a Russian woman Svetlana Pankratova, today in the Guinness Book of Records she is listed with a height of 196 cm and a leg length of 132.2 cm.

Svetlana Pankratova - the owner of the longest legs

Surely, not many people know that the woman with the longest legs on earth was born in Russia. Svetlana Pankratova was born in 1971 in the city of Volgograd. The girl was distinguished by her height in kindergarten, she was at least a head taller than her peers. Parents even turned to doctors, wanting to exclude the mutation, but they assured that it was just a matter of heredity - the height of the girl's father is 190 cm.

As a teenager, Svetlana did not like her legs - she was teased by her peers, in addition, it was difficult to find clothes, the situation was especially bad with tights and trousers.

The career of the girl with the longest legs began with swimming, but, of course, she could not go unnoticed by basketball coaches. Indeed, she excelled in this sport, traveled to many countries with her team, played in the American basketball team.

Her friend thought about the fact that Svetlana may have the longest legs in the world among women. The assumption was confirmed in 2008 and has been documented. Svetlana Pankratova ousted former Guinness World Record holder Nadya Aurmann.

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Now Svetlana lives in Spain with her husband Jack Rosnell, sells real estate, coaches a basketball team and periodically shoots for magazines. For example, her photos are known with the smallest man in the world, whose height is 74 cm. It is worth noting that Svetlana does not hold the title of the tallest woman in the world. The upper part of the girl’s body is quite ordinary, only the “legs from the ears” and the foot turned out to be under close attention - the basketball player wears shoe size 46, which is characteristic of few women.

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The beauty and slenderness of women's legs cannot be measured in centimeters, but their length is as easy as shelling pears. What they do from year to year, when the competition "The Longest Legs" is held. And the prestigious title passes at least once every few years from one beauty to another. However, the list also includes irresistible girls and those whom not everyone considers pretty.

The longest legs in Russia

Svetlana Pankratova is officially recognized as the longest-legged girl in Russia. The record was awarded to her in the summer of 2008. Her legs have grown to 132 centimeters in length.

The list of girls with "legs from the ears" included a student of Kostanay University named Nina Pylskaya. She often participates in Moscow beauty contests. Only about 10 centimeters separate her from the previous record holder. Nina's legs grew from the ground by 123 centimeters. Now the girl is working as a fashion model, and her unusual legs brought her more than one record and title. For example, Pylskaya was recognized as the highest professional model on the planet. The height of the girl is 193 centimeters.

Miss Longest Legs

By the way, in order to wear the proud title of a long-legged girl, it is absolutely not necessary to be two meters tall. The best legs, striking in their length and beauty, can be if their length is more than half of the female height by 4-7 centimeters. Only in this case, the girl seems long-legged and unusually attractive to men. The effect is enhanced if the beauty wears heels.

The longest legs in Russia

And it is worth noting that the girl with the longest legs seems irresistible to men, not only in terms of aesthetics. A strong half of humanity, seeing a narrow and high shin, subconsciously understands that a woman is mobile and hardy, respectively, she can bear healthy offspring.

So, which of the celebrities boasts the longest legs? On the honor roll is Daryl Hannah. This is an American actress, recognized by many authoritative publications as perhaps the most beautiful actress, and besides, she also has the best body in the history of cinema. And the most spectacular and memorable role of Daryl is the killer in the film "Kill Bill". Hannah's height is 178 centimeters, and her legs are exactly 106 centimeters long.

The sexiest legs are undoubtedly worn by Czech actress and top model Eva Hercinova. Her height is 180 centimeters, the length of her legs is 112 centimeters. By the way, Eve got into the modeling business quite by accident. At the age of 16, the girl came to Prague for a vacation. And in the Czech capital, on the advice of a friend, she went to a casting, where she was noticed.

The ex-first racket of the world, the only Russian girl who has played five times in the finals of the famous Grand Slam tournament. Three times from there she emerged victorious. This is Maria Sharapova, Miss Slimmest Legs. By the way, they have grown to a length of 121 centimeters, while Masha's height is 188 centimeters. Sharapova, by the way, was recognized as the most beautiful athlete on the planet in 2006. Thanks to this, she became the face of more than one world-famous company.

A place of honor in the list can be given to the Slovak supermodel Adriana Sklenarikova. At the beginning of the 2000s, it was she who was recognized as the longest-legged model with a leg length of 121.5 centimeters (with a height of 178 centimeters). By the way, Adriana's legs brought glory three times. Thanks to them, she was able to make a dizzying career with money contracts, for quite a long time she was called the owner of the longest legs in the world (this, by the way, is even recorded in the Guinness Book of Records), and, most importantly, her legs helped Adriana arrange her personal life. The model married football player Christian Karembo, who was literally killed by the beauty of the Slovak girl.

German actress and model Nadia Auermann has slightly longer legs. With a height of 180 centimeters, she has a leg length of 122 centimeters. And in the late 90s of the last century, she occupied a line in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest legs.

Longest legs - video

Bypassed Nadia in the length of the legs, a model named Elle MacPherson. She "grew" her legs to a length of 123.5 centimeters, and her height is 185 centimeters. Moreover, at 22, Elle was named one of the most beautiful women on the planet, and later, the most slender legs brought her the nickname "Miss Body". By the way, MacPherson has not only the length of the legs, but also the size - 42.5.

In 2001, the most slender legs of Sam Stacy were recognized as the longest. Their length is 127.6 centimeters. The 180-centimeter Englishwoman was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

longest legs in hollywood

The longest legs among the representatives of Hollywood and, undoubtedly, the most beautiful legs of the planet have the famous actress Uma Thurman. The beauty was named after the Hindu goddess. The name translates literally as "Giver of bliss." And she gave such pleasure, in particular, to the legendary Quentin Tarantino. The actress conquered him with her 41st foot size. And these are some of the biggest legs in the world for famous women.

Quentin, by the way, made Uma his talisman. The height of the actress is 180 centimeters, and the length of the legs is 108 centimeters.

The longest legs in the world

Svetlana Pankratova strikes with the length of her legs today. She not only has the longest legs in Russia, but also the longest legs in the world - 132.2 centimeters. With the growth of a girl in 196 centimeters.

Svetlana found a use for her height and legs, she was a professional basketball player. She began her career in Russia and continued in America. Well, now the record holder lives and works in Spain. She works for a real estate agency.

Svetlana Pankratova was born in Volgograd on April 29, 1971. And with her growth she began to stand out already in kindergarten. The little girl was the tallest among the pupils. And the long legs brought the girl a lot of grief, because her peers often teased her. And it was always difficult for Sveta's mother to find the right size clothes for her daughter.

The long-legged girl began her career by swimming, later basketball coaches noticed her and offered to enroll in the section. In 2002, a friend of the athlete drew attention to the fact that Svetlana may have the longest legs in the world. Six years later, this assumption was documented, and the name of Svetlana Pankratova was entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

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The longest legs in the world - isn't this the dream of every girl? And if their beauty is a purely subjective matter, then the length of the lower limbs can be easily measured, which, in fact, is what the jury members of the competition for determining the longest legs do. And every year this title passes to different girls.

The longest legs of Russia

The owner of the longest legs in Russia today is Svetlana Pankratieva. Their length is as much as 132.2 cm. This record was recorded in 2008. Among her closest competitors is a student from the city of Kustanai Nina Pylskaya. Her legs are shorter by as much as 10 cm. The girl works as a model and regularly takes part in various beauty contests. At the moment, Pylskaya is the tallest model in the world with a height of 193 cm.

Many people think that only tall beauties can have long legs. But everything turns out to be completely wrong. The legs, which can amaze with their length, just have to be 4-7 cm more than ½ of the girl's height. In this case, their owner attracts attention. At the same time, high-heeled shoes can enhance the effect.

Why do men like girls like this? Scientists argue that seeing a high and at the same time narrow shin in front of them, representatives of the strong half of humanity on a subconscious level understand that this woman is hardy and mobile, therefore she is able to bear and give birth to healthy offspring. Therefore, there is a belief that such women are more likely to become famous.

Which celebrity has the longest female legs?

Daryl Hannah, best known for Kill Bill. The famous actress has been repeatedly recognized by various authoritative publications as the most beautiful of actresses and the owner of a perfect body. Her height is 178 cm, while her legs are 106 cm long.

Anastasia Strashevskaya

The legs of Anastasia Strashevskaya are slightly longer - 106.68 cm. After winning the Russian competition of long-legged beauties, various modeling agencies bombarded the girl with job offers. Despite this, the girl continued her studies at the university and nevertheless became a lawyer, which she had dreamed of since childhood.

Following the Russian woman in the list is the Englishwoman Samantha Lawrence with legs of 111.76 cm. Before she decided to take part in the competition for the longest legs, the woman worked in a regular school as a mathematics teacher. Despite the popularity that has fallen on her, Samantha is not always happy with what nature has awarded her. She herself often admits that she often encounters difficulty in choosing clothes suitable for her height (185 cm) and legs.

Eva Gertsinova

Long and sexy legs of the model and actress from the Czech Republic Eva Hertsinova. With a height of 180 cm, the length of her legs is 112 cm. It was these parameters that allowed her to go into the modeling business. When she was 16 years old, she was vacationing in Prague and, together with her friend, accidentally got to the casting held here, where the producers noticed her.

Chinese woman Dong Li is professionally engaged in the modeling business. And this is not surprising, because she is the longest-legged in her country. And her legs are 114.3 cm long with a height of 180 cm. She became popular after she agreed to an offer to take part in the popular Chinese show "Supermodel". The girl dreamed of a modeling career since childhood, but her parents convinced her to go to study as a teacher. Dong could not disobey her parents, but as soon as she graduated from the university, she took part in the Beijing modeling competition, where she won the first victory in her life. After that, her career quickly took off. And the legs played an important role in this.

In the photo, Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova, who played at the Grand Slam tournament 5 times and won it three times. But that's not the only thing she's famous for. With the growth of Masha at 188 cm, her legs grew to 121 cm in length. Perhaps that is why, in 2006, Sharapova was recognized as the most beautiful of all the athletes on the planet. Many well-known companies consider it an honor to invite a tennis player to appear in advertising for their products.

Monica Viktorovich from Scotland, under the age of 20, simply hated her 116 cm legs. She was especially upset by going to the store, where it was very difficult for her to choose an outfit. But later she became proud of what nature endowed her with.

Ana Hickman, with 118 cm legs, admitted that she used to feel embarrassed when others turned around to look at her. But after she became a model, all the complexes disappeared by themselves. Today, many glossy publications are fighting for the right to place her photo on their cover. In addition to the modeling business, the girl creates clothes.

British model with a height of 185 cm and a leg length of 119 cm. After graduation, the girl went to study acting. At the same time, she was invited to work as a model. Many beauties with long legs complain that their dignity prevents them from building relationships with men. But Alexandra was lucky in this regard. Although her boyfriend is 2 cm shorter than her, the young people are very happy together.

Model Brooke Banker from New York used to play volleyball. But after they noticed her 119 cm legs, she received an offer to become a model and just fell in love with this profession. In addition, she is mastering the profession of a TV presenter. As a child, Brooke suffered from being always taller than her peers, but over time, she learned to use this to her advantage.

Slightly longer are the legs of Adriana Sklenarikova, a model from Slovakia. Her height is 178 cm, while her legs are as much as 121.5 cm. This allowed her to become the owner of the title of model with the longest legs at the beginning of the 2000s. In addition, it is to this part of her body that she owes her career and personal life. After all, it was to them that Adriana's husband, football player Christian Karembo, immediately drew his attention.

They are quite a bit longer for Nadia Auerman. The growth of the famous model and actress is 180 cm, and the legs have grown to as much as 122 cm. It was she who in the 90s of the last century bore the title "The longest legs in the world for women." And her name was even inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Model Elle MacPherson with her 123.5 cm legs and a height of 185 cm was able to bypass the record holder. Her record was recorded when El was 22 years old and she received the title of the most beautiful woman on the planet. By the way, she has not only the longest, but also the biggest legs. The girl wears shoes size 42.5.

The celebrity record holder can be considered Sam Stacy. Her record was recorded in 2001. Measurements showed that with a height of 180 cm, she has legs 127.6 cm long.

Chase Kennedy's record with legs of 130 cm was set recently. The girl tried to go into the modeling business, but her too large growth became an obstacle. So Chase found herself in the travel business.

Australian Carolina Arthur just a little bit did not reach the world record. Her legs grew to as much as 130.8 cm. The notorious George Harrison even paid attention to them.

longest Hollywood legs

If we consider Hollywood beauties, then Uma Thurman stands out favorably among all of them. The parents named the girl after one of the Hindu goddesses. In translation, it means "one that gives bliss." And she gives such bliss to millions of viewers who watch her films. And the famous director Quentin Tarantino even made Uma his talisman. Thurman's legs are 108 cm long and 180 cm tall.

The longest-legged beauty in the world

Svetlana Pankratova from Russia turned out to be the owner of the longest legs not only in her homeland, but throughout the world. The girl was a professional basketball player. And today she lives in Italy and works as a real estate agent.

Svetlana was born in 1971 in Volgograd, and already in kindergarten it was clear that the girl would grow up tall. At school, she was also significantly taller than her classmates, which often caused her problems, as her peers constantly teased Sveta. Well, it was always not easy for the girl’s parents to choose the right clothes for her, so they had to sew a lot on their own.

As a child, Pankratieva began swimming. But one day she was seen by a basketball coach, who could not help but pay attention to her incredible legs. It happened in 2002, and already 6 years later, her name was entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest legs on the entire planet.

Some characterize tall beauties with the phrase "Legs from the ears." Some make them their highlight, trying to emphasize it as well as possible, and someone hides them behind maxi outfits. "The longest legs in the world" is one of the sections of the Book of Achievements. Many consider their owners to be the personification of femininity, while someone has a completely different opinion, trying to bypass such young ladies.

The longest legs in the world - Guinness record

Long-legged Sveta Pankratova was always noticed: with a height of almost two meters (196 cm), the figure from hips to toes is 133 cm. So, the owner of the longest legs in the world is a native of the Volgograd region. 8 years ago her name was documented in the Guinness Book. In 2008, Svetlana posed for cameras with the dwarf He Pingping. He is only 75 cm tall. He died six years ago.

Svetlana Pankratova - the longest legs

Since childhood, she had a distinctive feature. As a teenager, she took up swimming. Her friend helped her look at her appearance from a different perspective. That, because of which the girl was so often offended, teased at school, became her chip. The 17-year-old girl with the longest legs in the world moved overseas and became a professional basketball player. 2013 was marked for her by her wedding to American Jack Gosnel. Today she coaches the George Mason High girl's basketball team.

What part of the female body do men immediately pay attention to? First of all, of course, on your feet. This ranking presents the longest-legged famous women in the world. The longest legs are more than 1.3 meters long, which is more than my height in the third grade.
10th place. Daryl Hanna. Height 178 cm, leg length 106 cm
Daryl Hannah is an American actress who has been recognized by many authoritative publications as one of the most beautiful actresses, the owner of "the best body in the history of cinema." Her most memorable role is as a hitman in Kill Bill.

9th place. Uma Thurman. Height 180 cm. Leg length 108 cm
Uma was named after a Hindu goddess. Her name translates as "giving bliss." With her 41 foot size, the actress conquered the legendary Quentin Tarantino, who made her his talisman.

8th place. Eva Herzigova. Height 180 cm. Leg length 112 cm
Czech top model and actress. Eva got into the modeling business by accident: at the age of 16 she went to Prague for the holidays, where, on the advice of a friend, she went to a casting, where she was noticed.

7th place. Maria Sharapova. Height 188 cm, leg length 121 cm
Maria is the ex-first racket of the world, the only Russian woman who has played 5 times in the finals of the Grand Slam tournaments, and three times she came out as the winner. She is the face of Sony Ericsson, as well as Cannon, Palmolive and Colgate. In 2006, Maria Sharapova was recognized as the most beautiful athlete in the world.

6th place. Adriana Sklenarikova. Height 178 cm, leg length 121.5 cm
Slovak supermodel who has worked with the most famous fashion designers, including Vivienne Westwood. At the beginning of the 2000s, she was recognized as the longest-legged model.

5th place. Nadia Auermann. Height 180 cm, leg length 122 cm
German model and actress. In the late 90s. was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest legs.

4th place. Nina Pylskaya. Height 193 cm, leg length 123.5 cm
First Kazakh, then Russian model. Since childhood, Nina dreamed of modeling business, for which she attended Vyacheslav Zaitsev's courses in Moscow.

3rd place. El MacPherson. Height 185 cm, leg length 123.5 cm
At the age of 22, she was recognized as one of the most beautiful women in the world, later she received the nickname "Miss Body". Outstanding in the model is not only the length, but also the size of the legs - 42.5.



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