Cold-salted volnushki - step-by-step recipe with photos of preparing salted mushrooms. How to salt volushki at home: recipes

1. Place the mushrooms on a flat surface so that they do not start to spoil in the basket due to cramped conditions.
2. Go through the volcanoes, removing forest debris and pine needles from each, and removing the remnants of the roots.
3. Fill the waves with cold water so that the water covers them.
4. Cover the pan with the mushrooms and put the mushrooms in the refrigerator for 2 days, changing the water to fresh water every day (or 2 times a day).
5. Pass the mushrooms through a colander and place in a saucepan.
6. Pour fresh water over the mushrooms until the water covers the mushrooms.
7. Place the pan with the fried mushrooms on high heat, wait until it boils and reduce the heat.
8. Salt the mushrooms - for every liter of water, 1 teaspoon of salt.
9. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the volushki for 20 minutes with the water bubbling gently.
10. Place the boiled volushki in a colander and use as intended.


- Volnushki are lamellar mushrooms, and therefore they are especially fragile and delicate. Volnushki needs to be processed immediately after collection and this should be done very carefully.

Volnushki bitter because of the milky juice - and so that they do not become bitter in the finished dish, they are soaked in water.

Volnushki use for salting or marinating. Due to the rigid structure of mushrooms, they are not used as a side dish or as an ingredient for preparing salads and soups.

Volnushki grow among birches and in mixed forests, wave season from mid-July to mid-September.

Waves are possible distinguish by the pinkish color of the cap and the circles extending from the center of the cap. From these waves the name of the mushroom is called “volnushka”.

- Calorie content volushki - 35 kcal/100 grams.

Mushrooms are an amazing creation of nature. Scientists still cannot say whether they are plants or animals. But all researchers clearly speak out about their benefits.

Mushrooms contain sufficient quantities of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, amino acids and microelements. Thanks to this, they are the most valuable nutritious product. But you need to keep in mind that mushrooms are heavy food. That is why they are contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers, as well as small children. Healthy people can eat no more than one hundred grams per day.

Naturally, this will depend on the method. Let's take a closer look at how to pickle volushki in different ways. The fact is that this mushroom is conditionally edible, so you need to be very careful about the preparation process.

How to use the hot method?

Mushrooms are cleaned of soil and grass, washed several times and cut into pieces. Next, boil them by putting them in a large amount of water, adding spices and salt. The best option would be to add dill umbrellas, bay leaves, peppercorns, cloves and cinnamon. There should be at least half a large spoon of salt per liter of water.

After the mushrooms sink to the bottom, they need to be pulled out using a colander and placed in a large bowl. Next, you need to let the volnushkas cool, put them in clean jars and pour in the brine. To prepare it you will need a large spoon filled with salt per liter of water. If you want to make saltier volushki, you can add two tablespoons of salt. Bring the brine to a boil, pour it into jars and cover the top with horseradish leaves. We seal the containers and send them to a cool place. Serve the preparation by adding vinegar, crushed cloves of garlic and pouring oil on it.

How to pickle volushki coldly in a saucepan?

Place a small amount of various spices on the bottom. You need to proceed from the following ratio: for ten kilograms of mushrooms you will need a pack of peppercorns, two bay leaves, sprigs of dill and black currants, a little horseradish, pepper and cloves.

For pickling, you need to select strong and whole mushrooms, which must be thoroughly cleaned and processed. Place them on top of the spices, caps down. Each layer must be at least eight centimeters. Next, you need to sprinkle it with salt, based on the ratio of sixty grams per kilogram of mushrooms. The container filled with mushrooms should be sprinkled with various spices, covered with a napkin, then put a circle and press down with a weight. Place the pan in the refrigerator. After some time, the mushrooms will gradually settle. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly replenish the container with a fresh layer, always adding spices and salt. Salted volnushki will be ready only after forty days; before that it is forbidden to consume them.

But there are often situations when you really want to. Therefore, let’s dwell on how to pickle “Quick” tremors. To do this, sort out the mushrooms, wash them thoroughly and cut into small pieces. Place in cold water overnight. In the morning, rinse and boil for an hour. Next, place the volnushki in a colander to drain excess liquid and rinse them with cold water. Place the mushrooms in the prepared bowl in layers, sprinkling each with salt and aromatic seasonings. With this method, salted volushki will be ready in three days. It is recommended to store them in glass or ceramic containers.

The result is a very tasty dish that can be served as a unique snack and addition to any side dish, especially potatoes.

Bon appetit!

Volnushki (volnushki, volnyanka, volvenki) are conditionally edible mushrooms, but when cooked correctly they become a delicacy, outshining foreign pickles on the festive table. And if you are lucky enough to pick up a bucket of these pink mushrooms with shaggy caps in a birch forest in early autumn, be sure to pickle them cold, providing yourself with an excellent snack.

How to salt volushki in a cold way - preparation

It’s quite simple to prepare volnushki at home, the main thing is to do it according to the rules.

  • Sort through the mushrooms, clearing them of twigs, sand, and debris.
  • Rinse each one in running water and clean with a toothbrush or nylon sponge.
  • Place clean wolves into a pouring pan or basin and fill with cold water, taking 0.5 tbsp per 1 liter of water. l. salt. The solution should cover the mushrooms completely.

Soak the Volzhanka for two days, changing the water every six hours. After the time has passed, rinse the mucus off the mushrooms individually under the tap.

How to cold-salt volushki in a barrel

It is better to salt mushrooms in small oak tubs or barrels, since tannin, a natural antibacterial substance contained in oak, will prevent mold from forming. Steam a barrel with juniper branches for an hour - and you can add salt. This option is suitable for a country house when the workpieces are stored in the cellar.

For 1 kg of mushrooms you will need - 2 tbsp. l. coarse salt. Spices - 10 black peppercorns, dill, oak leaves, cherries, currants - a handful each.

  • Place the volcanoes, caps down, in a tub in layers. Sprinkle each layer with spices and salt. Do this until the top of the container.
  • After salting, cover the mushrooms with horseradish leaves, then with a piece of linen cloth, tucking it tightly along the walls of the tub. Place a wooden circle and a weight. For oppression, take a washed pebble or a three-liter jar of water. Cover this structure with gauze on top and place it in a cool place.
  • After two days, check - the mushrooms should give juice and settle. Remove the load. To avoid mold, remove, rinse in water, put a rag on again and put pressure on it.

After a month and a half, the pickle is ready. Serve it with meat dishes, boiled pasta, and use it as a filling for dumplings and potato casseroles.

How to salt volushki coldly in jars

If you live in the city, then pickle the soaked Volzhanka in a saucepan, and then preserve them in jars and store them on the balcony or in the refrigerator.

You need: a pan of salted volushki, half-liter clean, dry jars, spices, iron lids.

  • Place three allspice into each jar filled with volvenka.
  • Boil the mushroom brine and pour it over the mushrooms, add 0.5 tsp. vinegar.
  • Cover the jars with metal lids, place in a container with water, and sterilize for a quarter of an hour. Then remove, seal, turn over and leave to cool.

These mushrooms are delicious in beef broth soup, vegetable salad, solyanka, or simply fried in vegetable oil.

How to salt volushki in a cold way - an alternative option

Volnushki are very tasty when salted and pickled, but after undergoing such processing they turn gray. When canning mushrooms, add carrots, bell peppers, and red onions, and these bright inclusions will give the delicious mushrooms an appetizing color.

For 1 kg of volushki – 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. salt. Carrots, onions, peppers - one each. Seasonings - cloves, pepper, garlic - to taste. Let’s make it clear right away that we are preparing soaked Volzhanka.

Pour water into the pan, add salt and spices, and boil for three minutes. Add chopped vegetables and fritters. Cook for 15 minutes over low heat, add vinegar. Remove, place the mushrooms along with the liquid into hanger-deep jars, and seal tightly. After 30 days, take a sample.

Prepare little mushrooms for the winter - and you won’t be afraid of unexpected guests, you just have to open a jar of mushrooms, put them in a bright bowl, pour over oil - and the appetizer is ready.

During the mass harvest season, many mushroom pickers are wondering how to prepare mushrooms for the winter. There are many options for preparing this product. Mushrooms can be fried and boiled. But some types are only suitable for a certain harvesting method. These include waves. They contain milky juice, which gives them bitterness and can cause poisoning if processed incorrectly. Therefore, let's talk about how to salt tremors.

They are usually cold-salted or pickled. The cooking process takes a little longer than some other types of mushrooms. However, the result is worth the wait.

Volnushki should be carefully sorted, removing old and damaged specimens. They are then washed using running water. After this, the mushrooms are soaked in slightly salted water. This process lasts about 3-5 days. To soak them, you need to take an enamel bowl or place the mushrooms in a prepared container and put a weight on top to prevent them from floating. During the soaking period, you should change the water at least twice a day. Keep the container with mushrooms in a cool place.

After soaking in volnushki, the bitterness disappears, and the cap becomes soft and not brittle. Therefore, this process must be carried out before salting the tremors.

Cold salting is the most optimal method for preparing tremors. The soaked mushrooms are placed in a prepared container (except for aluminum) with their caps down, forming layers. Every two layers should be sprinkled with salt and spices. They need to be prepared before salting the trumpets. Usually they take black peppercorns, dill (goes very well with mushrooms), bay leaves and leaves of some plants as desired (currants, cherries, etc.)

For one kilogram of mushrooms we take about 50 grams of salt.

When all the mushrooms are laid, they should be covered on top with clean gauze (in several layers) or a cloth. Then we lay a wooden circle and put a small weight on top. We leave the waves for several days. Usually after 5-6 days the brine appears. The mushrooms become dense. If this does not happen, then the weight of the load should be increased and the container should be covered with film. Mushrooms should be kept in a cool place.

During the salting process, mold may form on top. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the wooden circle and change the rag. You can remove the top layer of mushrooms on which mold has formed. As the mushrooms are salted, they will decrease in volume. You can add new layers, also sprinkling them with salt and adding spices.

After 1.5-2 months you can eat without much hassle.

You can also preserve salted mushrooms. To do this, take clean glass jars with a volume of 0.5 liters and put several peppercorns (allspice) and one bay leaf into each of them. Place the mushrooms in a colander and wash them. Place them in jars.

Next, you need to boil the brine in which the tremors were salted and strain. Pour two tablespoons of vinegar (5%) into jars with mushrooms. Then add brine to them. If there is not enough brine, then replace it with freshly prepared one. To do this, dilute 20 grams of salt in hot boiled water (1 liter).

After this, you should cover the jars with metal lids (but do not roll them up!) and sterilize them for about 40 minutes. Next, seal the lids hermetically and leave the jars until they cool completely. Here's how to cold-salt volushki and preserve them for a long time.

Can be served as a snack with any dishes and side dishes.


Cold-salted volnushki– a wonderful appetizer dish of Russian cuisine. True, the peculiarity of volnushki is that they are somewhat bitter, but this problem can be dealt with by regular soaking. Gradually, the milky juice will come out of the mushrooms, and they will stop being bitter. And soaked waves are much easier to clean.

We will salt the mushrooms in a cold way, that is, without boiling, in order to preserve the maximum of nutrients and vitamins in them. After all, volnushki are a very useful mushroom. Their beneficial effect, first of all, affects the cardiovascular system, since the microelements contained in volnushki strengthen blood vessels and prevent the deposition of cholesterol. So pampering yourself with these wonderful mushrooms is not only tasty, but also healthy for the body.

Our step-by-step recipe with photos will help you prepare cold-salted volushki at home. The dish is not difficult to prepare, but it takes a long time, because in order To properly salt the mushrooms, it takes at least a month. But then you can fully enjoy a wonderful snack. By the way, if you decide to pickle saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms, and scallops in the same way, it will turn out no worse.


  • (250 g)

  • (2 tsp)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (1-2 stems)

  • (1-2 cloves)

  • (5 pieces.)

  • (2 pcs.)

Cooking steps

    Soak the waves in cold water for 12 hours. We change the water every 2 hours to remove impurities and milky juice, which gives the mushrooms bitterness.

    Now that the mushrooms have been cleaned, put on the table all the ingredients necessary for pickling them.

    We cut off the stems of the mushrooms right down to the cap.

    Cut the garlic cloves/teeth into slices.

    We take a container for pickling (even an ordinary glass jar will do), sprinkle its bottom with coarse salt and lay out some of the leaves of horseradish, cherries and currants, as well as dill stems. Place half the mushrooms on top. Salt and pepper them to taste, add garlic and bay leaf. Then – the remaining mushrooms and spices.

    At the very top we cover everything with currant, cherry, horseradish, and dill leaves.

    After this, we put the mushroom pickling under pressure. For this purpose we use a glass jar of water, but you can use something of your own, but just don’t take metal, because under the influence of brine it will oxidize and ruin everything for you.

    Within two or three days, the volushki will release juice and settle. After this, they should be placed in the refrigerator for a month (preferably along with oppression). If mold appears on top during salting, do not worry and do not remove it, because the leaves on top of the mushrooms are excellent protection.

    In a month, the cold-salted volushki will be completely ready. They have a dense texture, but at the same time they literally melt in your mouth.

    Bon appetit!



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