Comparison of games on ps3 and ps4. Which game console is better to choose: PS3 or PS4

The Sony Playstation 3 game console was released back in 2006 and even then amazed users with its versatility. In fact, Sony has released a whole multimedia center that allows you not only to play video games, but also watch HD and 3D movies due to the built-in Bly-Ray drive. However, the game console had one drawback - it was a rather high cost.

After the release of the PS4, the situation changed dramatically - the prices of the previous generation game console crept down sharply. While the cost of the PS4 has been at a high level since the start of sales, and you should not expect a significant reduction in prices for it in the near future. In addition, the Sony Playstation 4 is designed primarily for games and does not require a large number of different media services.


Over the 8 years of its existence, the PS3 game console has collected a huge library of games, including both exclusive and multi-platform projects, so even the most fastidious gamer can easily find something suitable for themselves. Beyond: Two Souls, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Battlefield, Heavy Rain, God of War, Call of Duty, Gran Turismo, Mortal Kombat, GTA V, Need for Speed, FIFA – the list is endless. Dozens of first-class projects of absolutely all genres have already been released for the Sony Playstation 3 game console, and new games will be released for at least another 2-3 years. Of course, after the release of PS4, Sony is unlikely to support the previous version with the release of exclusive hits, but multiplatform games will come out exactly the same as before (such novelties as The Sims 4, FIFA 15, NHL 15, Watch Dogs and others).

Although Sony plans to launch a cloud service called Gaikai soon, which allows you to use games from PS3 on PS4, it is unlikely to be free, and the re-release of all your favorite projects can cost the user a large amount.

Game cost

The cost of licensed games for Sony Playstation 4 is almost 30% more expensive than analogues for the previous generation console. In addition, many hits on PS3 now cost much less than before the release of PS4, for example, the entire Uncharted series of exclusive games can be purchased for as little as 800 rubles.

Main advantages of PS4

  • clearer and more realistic graphics;
  • gamepad with touchpad and built-in gyroscope;
  • new interesting games;
  • the ability to stream gameplay;
  • Bluetooth® 2.1 (EDR);
  • Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g/n.

Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, the choice of a particular game console depends only on the desire and goals of the buyer. For those who like to play various games, but do not have enough funds to constantly replenish their game library, it is better to opt for the PS3 game console. If you want to be among the pioneers of all the possibilities of a new generation of consoles, and the price does not matter much to you, then in this case the PS4 will be an ideal option.

When you think about the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, looking at everything from the outside, you can not understand much of the difference. Of course, the external structure is not the same, but you can still say that these are consoles from the same line, right?

In this article, we are going to give you a detailed rundown of all the differences between the two consoles and transform it all in a way that any gamer can understand.

Let's start.

PS3 and PS4, what's inside these two boxes?
PS3 processor and PS4 processor.

There has been a huge leap forward. The PS3 launched with a clunky IBM processor. The PS4 processor is a 64-bit AMD Jaguar. It has a frequency of 2GHz and 8 cores. Let's just say it's MUCH faster than the PS3 processor, roughly 9 times faster. This will allow game developers to also take a step forward and provide players with games that they have never seen before.

PS3 and PS4 memory.

The PlayStation 3 did not have memory, but some kind of joke. I wonder how game developers can get this far with this number. There was only 256 megabytes of memory, which is almost nothing (you may be surprised that most likely many times more on your smartphone!). Each PS4 will have 8GB of GDDR5 and will be able to pass through 176GB/s which is a very large amount. PS4 has 32 times more memory than PS3. It's absolutely amazing. You will definitely notice that the new console runs much faster and smoother. The download time will be extremely fast.

PS3 video card and PS4 video card.

The PS3 had a pretty good graphics card for its time. When it came out, the video card was one of the best. The PlayStation ran NVIDIA 7800 and had 256MB of memory. In addition, there was a theoretical performance of 400GFlops, which was also exceptional at the time of release. PS4 is so many times more powerful that it will run on Radeon DirectX11 with 1Gb of memory. To all this, there are 1.84 teraflops, which exceeds the previous figure by 5 times. All this will allow the graphics in games to be absolutely incredible in the coming years. I'm very excited to see that game developers will be able to "frolic" with additional video memory.

Media PS3 vs PS4.

The changes are not so significant, but still they are strong. The Bluray drive and hard drive still make up the kit, but the Bluray drive will now be 6 times faster. This will allow it to support better video quality and larger volume bluray discs, which we will certainly get in large numbers in the coming years.

Wireless PS3 and Wireless PS4.

The PS3 had built-in Wi-Fi, which was amazing in its day, but the PS4 will also come with Bluetooth for iPhones and iPads. All this you can easily use both for managing your system and for new gaming features (like, for example, the Commander App for Battlefield 4).

PS3 and PS4 downloadable content.

With PlayStation 4, you can always download content in the background. This feature was not available on PS3. For example, you would like to play your favorite game, and in the background you could download something without affecting your gameplay. Not bad, isn't it?


You can check all of the above in the infographic below, in which the consoles are presented face to face.

In custody.

As you can see above, PS3 and PS4 are completely different systems. The PlayStation 4 will take gaming to a whole new level with its amazing features. You can expect game developers to use every feature of the console to provide you, the players, with new and unforgettable games!

If you are just planning to buy a game console from Sony, but have not yet decided which one: PS4 or PS3 please read this article to the end.

Most often, those whose gaming budget strictly limited.

The choice of such a set-top box is also relevant if you are not used to spending large amounts of money on various gadgets, games, etc.

Many people ask What is the difference between PS4 and PS3. Of course, there is a difference and it would be foolish to deny it, but before starting to compare, I would like to focus on the relevance of buying an old console.

When answering the question of what to buy - PS4 or PS3 - we will not talk about hardware: where is it more powerful, where is it better, etc., because this makes no sense. We talk about practicality from the point of view of a normal user.

Price PS4 vs PS3

Comparison of PS4 and PS3 Let's start with the most important thing - the cost of the console and games.

First version PS3-Fat, was released back in 2006 in Japan, and in Europe it appeared a year later. 12 years have passed since that time, but it is impossible to say that it has completely lost its relevance.

PS4 is definitely better than all 7th generation consoles, which is why they have become less interesting against its background, but this doesn't mean they got worse.

Considering the cost difference between ps4 and ps3 Pretty big. Obviously, with the advent of a new set-top box, the old one will become cheaper, as any other technique becomes cheaper when a more powerful analogue appears.

PS4 comes in 3 variants: Fat, Slim, Pro. The price for the Fat version is 14-18 thousand rubles, for the Pro - 25-30 rubles, which, of course, is more expensive. However don't forget performance that we get for this money.

Going to any auction where ads for the sale of both used and new equipment are published, you will see that PS3 price does not even reach 8-10 thousand rubles. It turns out that the console can be purchased at the price of several PS4 games.

Speaking of games, PS3 discs are several times cheaper than PS4 discs. At the same auctions, you can buy a game for 200-500 rubles, or even cheaper. Games on the new console are worth more than 1-2 thousand rubles when it comes to used wheels.

When buying a disc, check that it is in the "native" box. It can be determined comparing numbers printed on disc and packaging.


There are hundreds of videos on YouTube comparing PS4 and PS3 graphics, where the difference in resolution, pixels, etc. is clearly visible. deny that PS4 graphics are much better than its predecessor, of course, is impossible. Especially considering that at the moment there is a PS4 Pro, where the picture is minimally different from the one that you can get by buying a gaming PC for about 80-100 thousand rubles.

If you have not played GTA V, Battlefield 4, Uncharted 3, Red Dead Redemption and other sensational projects, and your budget is strictly limited, then buying a PS3 is fully justified. You can hardly find a 2006 PC that can run the same GTA V.

Some popular projects are still appearing on PS3. Albeit with truncated graphics, but they are. However, one should not hope that this will always be the case. Hardware of the old console Designed for previous generation games. New projects are focused on new consoles, they are very demanding on performance. No matter how hard the developers try, they will not be able to transfer the super-demanding game in full.


Once again, we will return to the issues of price, since the essence of our article lies precisely in it. You can play with the firmware for free, so in a situation where there is not much money, this is just right.

Exactly the presence of firmware, this is the main difference between PS4 and PS3 in terms of savings.

At the moment there is 3 PS3 versions: Fat (CECH-L00), Slim (CECH-2000) and Super Slim (CECH-4000).

Buying the Fat version is pointless for a number of reasons. First, since this first console revision, it is not without technical problems and breaks down more often than others. Secondly, it came out a long time ago, so it was used longer, which means that the level of wear of the gamepad and the console itself will be higher.

Super Slim is not flashed, so you can't play for free.

Firmware can be checked in system settings. The normal version of the software will be prefixed with the name of the assembly - for example, "Rogero" or "CFW".

The flashed console can install games, downloaded from torrents. All that is required of you is to go online, download the image, put it on a USB flash drive and enjoy the game.

Does it make sense to buy a PS3 in 2018?

To understand which is better: ps4 or ps3, - you need to think about how long you can use each of these consoles. Buying a PS3 can be justified if you don’t have the opportunity to purchase a PS4 at all or you don’t want to pay 2-4 thousand rubles for games.

The PS3's life cycle is coming to an end and it's worth considering. Sooner or later on this console no new games, so when you go through all the available games, you still have to think about the next update. From experience, we can say that this console will be of interest to you for about a year, maybe a little more, so you should not think that it is a complete alternative to the PS4.

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The PlayStation 4 is still one of the best consoles out there. Differences between PS4 and PS3 are that it is PS4 and Xbox One that all developers are guided by when it comes to creating new console or multiplatform projects.

What can be the conclusion? By purchasing a PS3, you can flash and play for free until you have completed all the games you are interested in that are available on this console.

PS4 will be relevant for at least 5-7 years, or even more. That's why, looking at the future, then the purchase will be more profitable.

There are many game consoles. Opinions about them too. But two models are especially popular: the Xbox 360 and the Sony PlayStation 3. Since they appeared, gamers have been divided into two camps: those who passionately love the first, and those who prefer the second. The debate about which is better - PS3 or Xbox 360 - does not subside. What is really the difference between them?


Both models have oppositely different gamepads. It is impossible to say unequivocally which is better - Xbox 360 or PS3 - according to this criterion. The Microsoft gamepad is definitely more comfortable in the hand than the Sony one. But, according to gamers, there are games that are more convenient to play with a Sony joystick. For example, these are genres such as shooters and fights. Control D-pad on the controller from the PlayStation 3 is more convenient and familiar. On the other hand, it's just a matter of habit. Many gamers note that after the Xbox 360 joystick, others seem miserable and uncomfortable. Both models make it possible to play games both with wires and without them. Gamepad models from opposing firms have the same Bluetooth scrolling range and the same wire length. In this, the selection criterion in favor of one of the prefixes is not considered at all.


PS3 or Xbox 360 console? Outwardly, they differ slightly. If at the time of their appearance the design varied, now there are a lot of models that are similar to each other. Slim consoles from both manufacturers give a positive impression. Which is better - PS3 or Xbox 360? It's hard to tell from the outside, it's a matter of taste. The ports and outputs are the same, but the model from Microsoft, for example, has a special cover for the USB outputs. This is convenient because excess dust and small particles do not clog there. Disks, by the way, are also inserted in different ways. The model from Sony is equipped with a special mechanism that captures them on its own. That is, the hole under them is a simple slot where they are inserted. In the Microsoft model, everything is traditional: the drive leaves and the disk is put there. No magic or magic. What is more convenient? A matter of taste.

Network access

Which is better - PS3 or Xbox 360 to access the Web, pay and download games? Here, undoubtedly, Sony wins. The thing is that the account for payment supports the country of the Russian Federation. There is no such thing on Xbox. There, you need to pay and buy everything through third-party countries and currencies. Not very convenient, but, again, a matter of habit. For those who have mastered the console from Microsoft, this is not even a drawback, but a minor quibble.


Which is better - PS3 or Xbox 360 in terms of hard drive capacity? The answer is ambiguous. Both manufacturers created consoles with different amounts of memory. Depends on which one to choose. But definitely, the more memory, the more convenient. In this criterion, the prefixes have a "draw".


These game consoles are in the same price range. It all depends on which package is selected. Even if you choose the most complete, the price will differ by a maximum of 500-700 rubles. What to choose is up to you. Games are released on both consoles at the same time, the price for them is not too different. So, according to this criterion, the consoles are absolutely equivalent and equal.

Instead of output

Whatever you choose, the main thing is that the console brings you pleasure during operation. Do not forget, virtual games will not replace the real world. Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 are good consoles, but they only immerse you for a while in a fictional space. Live in realities.

The world of technology is steadily moving forward. The development of the gaming industry is also making strides. And no matter how many there are supporters of the fact that the PC is the most versatile platform for video games, however, there are a huge number of those who remain faithful to various consoles, such as PS3 and the like. Of course, the computer is universal, but the set-top box has many of its advantages, which are doubtful for a PC - playing on a large screen, mobility, complete immersion and more. And if you decide to purchase a quality console, then your choice may be between ps3 and ps3 slim. What is their difference? And how are they similar? What to choose in the end? More on that below.

Sony PlayStation 3 gaming platform

The well-known company Sony has long been a success among avid gamers who choose high-quality game consoles around the world. Their Sony PlayStation 3 was once the undisputed bestseller and was a resounding success. Let's try to figure out why the Sony PlayStation 3 has become such a favorite console for many people.

The game station is a flashy black Sony-style box that weighs 5kg. Such a thing will not be so easy to throw off the table if someone accidentally pulls the power cord or joystick. The length of this unit 98 mm, and the width is 325 mm. All this is done in a beautiful black gloss, which looks beautiful, although a little pretentious. The main thing is not to carry it with greasy fingers - there will be ugly prints on the case.

The case of the console stands perfectly on its own: stable and confident. A special stand is not needed, unlike its follower Sony PlayStation 3 SLIM. But about the latter a little further.

There are several versions with different hard drives. Can be ordered in 160, 80 or 40 GB. Of course the price will vary. SATA hard disk system, so if you want and a little skill, you can increase the volume using a screwdriver.

The central processing unit of the Sony PlayStation 3 consumes enough power. This can be judged by the impressive power supply, whose power is 280 watts. However, overheating of the set-top box is more an exception than a permanent minus.

Also, the console does not support games from the Sony PlayStation 2 and does not accept the Card Reader. Unfortunately, the developers did not fix these options in the next model either.

A good bonus of the Sony PlayStation 3 is the ability to install other operating systems (Linux for example). Therefore, the variations of gaming products are slightly wider, depending on the installed system.

Sony PlayStation 3 SLIM gaming platform

To replace the Sony PlayStation 3, the company introduced its new brainchild - the Sony PlayStation 3 SLIM. If you do not delve into the nuances and test in haste, then the average user will not notice any special changes. However, there are differences from the predecessor Sony PlayStation 3. We will describe them.

You can immediately see the visual difference in the exterior design. The color remained classic black, but the gloss disappeared. It was replaced by a matte tone. Of course, this did not affect the gameplay, but there is already a variety. At a minimum, there will be no fingerprints from greasy fingers on the case.

The station itself has also become lighter. Its weight is 3.2 kg, which significantly increases the mobile properties of the device. Along with the weight, the dimensions of the console also decreased. Its length is 65 mm, and the width is 290 mm. In terms of mobility, this is a good help - because now you can take your favorite console to a friend who has a large plasma. It takes up less space in the backpack, and it has become lighter in weight.

A small disappointment was the fact of the instability of the new model - the Sony PlayStation 3 SLIM itself cannot stand. To do this, you need to purchase a special stand for it or already order it in the kit.

Pleasantly pleased with the hard drive. He became larger. The Sony PlayStation 3 SLIM comes with a 250 or 120 GB hard drive. Although the drives are also SATA, therefore, by unscrewing a couple of screws, you can easily put the volume that you yourself want.

The processor on the Sony PlayStation 3 SLIM, the company put more nimble, but which consumes less energy. Here the power supply has a power of 250 W, half of which is used by the set-top box processor. This is naturally a plus, because you can not think about overheating at all. True, the difference in speed can only be detected by running the latest games and testing both models. On classic games that have proven themselves in the gaming world, the difference was not tangible.

The weak point was the lack of perception by the Card Reader console and the inability to run games from the Sony PlayStation 2. Also, the developers in the model removed support for other operating systems - now it will not work to rearrange another system to the console.

Summing up

To summarize a little, the differences between consoles can be reduced to the following:

  1. Visual changes. Here the glossy color changed to matte, although it remained black.
  2. Dimensions. The SLIM console itself has become slightly smaller and lighter in weight. 3.2kg vs 5kg Sony PlayStation 3.
  3. Sony PlayStation 3 could stand on its own, in Sony PlayStation SLIM you need to get a special stand for stability.
  4. Both consoles have SATA hard drives, but the SLIM version has increased to 250 GB. Although, if desired, you can independently increase the hard drive in both options.
  5. The Sony PlayStation 3 is more prone to overheating due to its weaker but power-hungry processor. Its block has a power of 280 watts, and in SLIM - 250 watts, of which the latter consumes only half the power. True, the difference in performance can be felt only in very demanding games.
  6. Both consoles do not support Sony PlayStation 2 games and do not see the Card Reader, but Sony PlayStation SLIM is also deprived of the ability to install another operating system on its platform. The Sony PlayStation 3 is more versatile in this regard and supports other operating systems.

Here, perhaps, are all the most important differences. Happy shopping and winning games.



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