Methods for the treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth. How to treat and how to get rid of hemorrhoids after childbirth

Hemorrhoids in women after childbirth is an acute problem of modern society. Young mothers, not observing the elementary rules of hygiene and prevention, often doom themselves to trials and the fight against an insidious disease.

Proctological problems occur in every third woman before or after childbirth

Studies conducted by leading proctology centers in Russia have shown that the use of phlebotropic drugs in combination with ointments, gels, creams is the safest and most effective way to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth and during pregnancy.

Features of the pathology
The reasons Constipation, fetal growth, difficult labor, sedentary behavior during pregnancy.
Complication If the disease bothered before childbirth, then even the most successful birth act will still cause a complication of the pathology. In most patients who develop the disease during pregnancy, the symptoms worsen after childbirth.
Development In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the disease is diagnosed in 33%,
in the 2nd trimester - in 35%,
in the 3rd trimester - in 42%,
after delivery - in 41%.
Who to contact A proctologist or surgeon should help.
Treatment Minimally invasive techniques, prenatal conservative drug prevention of acute hemorrhoidal thrombosis in the first weeks of pregnancy, drug therapy immediately after childbirth before lactation or after it.
According to the latest data, more than 50% of pregnant girls suffer from this pathology! In the postpartum period, their number increases to 80%.

What is known about pathology? Hemorrhoids is a disease associated with blockage of the venous plexuses, which are located at the anus. Distinguish between internal and external types of disease. The stage of development of internal hemorrhoids is characterized by the location of hemorrhoids directly in the rectum, bleeding and pain during defecation.

If you do not take action, the disease goes into the external stage. Hemorrhoids fall out, they can be felt by hand near the anus. They cause pain not only when performing an act of defecation, but also when sitting on a chair or armchair and walking.

Hemorrhoids in pregnant women are dangerous for the development of bleeding during childbirth!

Therefore, it is better to solve the problem before planning a child or immediately after childbirth.

There are many reasons for the development of pathology. Among them, the most common are a sedentary lifestyle, lack of sports, obesity, eating spicy and salty foods, and heredity.

Symptoms of manifestation

Symptoms of hemorrhoids are an important signal for a woman to immediately contact her doctor.

As a rule, the disease develops in stages. Initially, itching appears at the anus.

What does a hemorrhoid look like? Most often, a compacted bump appears in the anal area, which hurts and bleeds.

In the case of hemorrhoids, itching increases after playing sports, walking for a long time or eating spicy food. Then pain appears. They gradually increase, and hemorrhoids fall out. Often this process is accompanied by bleeding after defecation. There will be a trace of scarlet blood on the toilet paper, and clots may appear on it.

If these manifestations are not enough to call a doctor, the disease will continue to progress. Bleeding will occur not only during the act of defecation, but also after lifting weights, during sports and even when sneezing. The tissue that has fallen out will slowly die, causing acute pain.

The classification of the disease distinguishes 4 stages of the development of pathology

There are two forms of hemorrhoids: acute and chronic. We have described the acute one above. Chronic is less painful for a person. Pain occurs intermittently and passes quickly.

Causes and risk factors

Pregnancy is not a pathology, but a special state of the body. For 9 months, it does everything possible to protect the baby from external and internal influences.

A sedentary image provokes the development of pathology

Why does the disease occur? Pregnant women often experience constipation, which leads to the formation of hemorrhoids. At this time, the body of the expectant mother actively produces hormones that help relax the muscles. This protects the baby from premature birth, preventing uterine contractions. As a result, the intestinal musculature works much less intensively.

The second cause of constipation is the growth of the uterus. It moves the internal organs and puts pressure on the intestines, preventing food from passing through it. At the same time, the growing uterus can compress the veins and blood vessels, which can also lead to the formation of hemorrhoids.

Women who have already given birth and women over 30 years of age are at risk. They have a higher risk of developing hemorrhoids than those who gave birth for the first time. If the pathology was observed in a woman before pregnancy, then it may be exacerbated during this period. And although the presence or absence of this disease will not be a determining factor in choosing a method of delivery, hemorrhoids can complicate the life of a young mother.

Diagnosis of the disease

You can independently suspect the development of the disease, however, the final diagnosis should be made by a proctologist.

Signs of rectal disease:

  1. You feel itching around the anus. It is aggravated by walking, playing sports, lifting weights;
  2. You regularly experience constipation, for a complete bowel movement you need at least 5 minutes;
  3. On toilet paper, you notice blood with clots after a bowel movement. You often feel pain or discomfort during the process;
  4. You felt a seal in the form of a ball near your anus;
  5. Sometimes there is a burning sensation in the anus. There is a tendency to varicose veins, thrombosis, blockage of blood vessels;
  6. There is discomfort in the anus. At the same time, you prefer to spend your days lying on the couch. You have a sedentary job in the office or as a driver in transport. Or spend all day on your feet;
  7. Sometimes it seems that the rectum is full, even after emptying.

In the event that you nodded at at least one statement from the list, this is a reason to see a doctor. There is nothing shameful or humiliating in this. From a medical point of view, the rectum is the same organ as the lungs or stomach.

When diagnosing, the doctor carefully conducts an examination and digital examination. In addition, the doctor may prescribe additional tests and diagnostic methods.

How to Prepare for a Proctologist Appointment

Help and treatment

What is the safest treatment for hemorrhoids after childbirth? During gestation, therapy should be limited to topical preparations based on natural herbs. These are rectal creams, ointments and anti-inflammatory suppositories. After the lactation period, therapy can turn into effective minimally invasive procedures (excision of nodes or sclerotherapy).

Important! If hemorrhoids were diagnosed, then the treatment should be carried out by a proctologist. During lactation, independent attempts to cope with the disease can harm the baby when eating.

Therapy of the disease at home implies a whole range of actions to eliminate the inflammatory process. If hemorrhoids are diagnosed, therapy depends on the stage of development of the disease. For example, women in whom an ailment is detected by chance during a diagnostic study are prescribed only preventive treatment regimens. This is a diet, hygiene, a set of exercises, herbal baths.

In order not to harm the fetus, treatment should be prescribed by the attending physician

Girls who complain of pain, burning and bleeding are prescribed oral medications, rectal suppositories, herbal baths, herbal infusions, ointments, creams and gels, cleansing enemas.

If hemorrhoids have passed into the acute phase, when nodes fall out and bleeding is a frequent occurrence, surgical treatment is recommended for such patients.

Namely, the excision of nodes. In some cases, minimally invasive methods can be dispensed with: sclerotherapy, photocoagulation, laser treatment, ligation with a latex ring.


All patients are prescribed local treatment for hemorrhoids.

Therapy consists of healing, antibacterial, vasoconstrictor agents and agents that reduce pain and itching. Medicines are prescribed in a strict order before or after lactation.

Vasoconstrictor suppositories contain tribenoside (Procto-glivenol) or phenylephrine hydrochloride (Relief). Their action is complemented by lidocaine and various oils (sea buckthorn, shark liver, etc.). They help to quickly and reliably get rid of the bumps.

Antibacterial ointments complement vasoconstrictive therapy. As a rule, ointments based on methyluracil and chloramphenicol (Levomekol) are prescribed. It is applied externally to the affected area, preventing infections from entering the wounds. In case of vein thrombosis and incipient necrosis, gels with heparin are prescribed, which dissolves them. In case of severe pain and itching, painkillers and antipruritic ointments and suppositories are additionally prescribed.

The duration of the treatment should be determined by the doctor so that the disease does not appear immediately after the cessation of therapy. The basic principle that all physicians must follow when prescribing treatment is to do no harm. You should be guided by the same principle if you decide to treat hemorrhoids on your own with folk remedies.

Folk remedies

How to treat without pills? Bearing a fetus is the case when folk remedies can harm the child. This also applies to cases of lactation when the mother is breastfeeding. Any medicinal herbs or tinctures should be agreed with the doctor before use.

It should also be taken into account that the treatment of folk methods is based on the use of natural herbs and components. They contain many different substances, in addition to those required for treatment. Any of them can cause an allergy, even if it did not occur before. Simply because pregnancy is a special state of the body, during which the hormonal background changes significantly.

Baths with a decoction of calendula, chamomile, onion peel or just warm salt water will help relieve itching and relieve pain. Sea buckthorn, sunflower, olive or linseed oils will soften the skin and heal wounds.

You can make rectal suppositories at home. They can be prepared from beeswax by adding aloe or Kalanchoe juice, or propolis to it. Propolis contains many useful substances for the body, so it will not only help to cope with hemorrhoids, but also improve overall well-being.

Many advise to regularly make a remedy from a compress of honey, crushed aloe leaves, aspen or boiled wood lice. Additionally, you can make enemas based on a decoction of sage with honey (40 ml of decoction + 1 tablespoon of honey). The urge to go to the toilet must be endured to the last in order to achieve a therapeutic effect from the procedure. But no means, neither pharmacy nor home, will help if you do not follow a diet and lead a moderately active and healthy lifestyle. It would be great if you quit smoking.

The human body uses vitamin C to process toxins from cigarettes. Therefore, he lacks it to maintain blood vessels in the required tone. Because of this, hemorrhoids come back. Also, if a woman is expecting a child, smoking can adversely affect his health and intrauterine development.

Expert opinion: Alexander Petrov, proctologist:“Most often, hemorrhoids begin to develop after 4-5 months of pregnancy and progress after childbirth. Women who have given birth earlier and have a second pregnancy are many times more likely to develop the disease than women who are in a position for the first time.
It is also important to note the age. Young girls are less prone to varicose veins and hemorrhoidal disease during pregnancy than older women.

Why are hemorrhoids dangerous? Many girls after childbirth do not go to the doctor for help, but try to cope with the problem on their own by buying a bunch of creams at the pharmacy. In the meantime, the disease can go into a chronic stage. An advanced form of hemorrhoids can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin, vein thrombosis, and diseases of the genitourinary system. During contractions, hemorrhoids can come out, which often provokes bleeding.

It is important to consult a doctor in the early stages of the development of pathology. A well-chosen treatment regimen can minimize the problem.”

Disease prevention

Like any disease, hemorrhoids are better prevented than treated. And to prevent it, you need to avoid constipation and improve blood flow in the vessels.

You can avoid constipation by adjusting your diet. It is necessary to include more fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs in it, consume sour-milk products, make compotes from dried fruits and prunes. It is not recommended to use strengthening products during this period. For example, rice, white bread, buns. Be sure to drink clean water. It not only improves digestion, but also prevents constipation.

Berries, fruits and raw vegetables will help strengthen blood vessels

Vegetable oils are good at helping to cope with constipation, so give preference to oil for salad dressing. It is better to refuse mayonnaise during this period. This will be better for your health and for the future baby.

Many doctors advise lying on the left side for at least 20-30 minutes every five hours, thereby reducing venous pressure in the pelvic organs.

For prevention, women are not recommended to push during bowel movements. This can lead not only to the formation of hemorrhoids, but also to contraction of the muscles of the pelvic organs. Preterm labor may begin. If it doesn’t work without straining, glycerin suppositories will help. They are harmless and safe, the effect of them will be noticeable after 10 minutes.

Therapeutic exercise is the best complex to combat hemorrhoids. After exercise, blood circulation improves, increases vascular tone, and the muscles of the anal region are strengthened.

It is very useful to do gymnastic exercises while lying on your back. For example, the exercise "Bicycle", twisting imaginary pedals with your feet.

You can simply lie more often with a raised pelvis or legs.

You can improve blood flow simply by taking walks in the fresh air, doing simple housework and just moving around. The most important thing is not to lead a passively recumbent lifestyle. But it is also not recommended to lead an overly active lifestyle throughout the day. A heavy uterus with a baby presses down and compresses the veins. It is optimal to alternate periods of rest and movement.

If a woman has hemorrhoids after childbirth, then this means that he was before. Approximately half of pregnant women have this trouble by the end of the term. Another thing is that it is often asymptomatic.

Development Complicated degree
Problems Consult For Therapy
hemorrhoids Ointment levomekol

How the disease develops

The mechanism of the appearance of the disease is the expansion and subsequent bulging under the mucous veins, in which blood stagnates. This process is called varicose veins, it seems to take place on the legs.

The development of hemorrhoids does not begin after childbirth, but even during pregnancy. This is due to the ongoing physiological changes. A predisposing factor is an increase in blood volume. In the third trimester, it becomes about a third more.

Of course, the vascular system has to work in an enhanced mode. The reasons why hemorrhoids occur after childbirth are as follows:

  • during pregnancy, hormones lower the tone of the vascular walls, worsening blood circulation;
  • increased pressure on the veins, which is exerted by the uterus with the fetus, resulting in blood stasis;
  • constipation or diarrhea cause increased tension in the vessels of the hemorrhoidal plexus when trying to defecate or defecate;
  • hemorrhoids become aggravated, the treatment of which will be required after childbirth, precisely with attempts, when the tension in the pelvic region is super strong, plus the pressure of the baby's head is added.

Development occurs during pregnancy

Other reasons specific to ordinary people also play a role. For example, looking for a way to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth, you often have to:

  • gaining excessive weight;
  • leading a "sedentary-lying" lifestyle.

As a result, a young mother, in addition to all the joys and difficulties, finds unpleasant and sometimes frightening signs in herself. Symptoms of hemorrhoids after the completion of childbirth do not differ from its usual manifestations:

  • unusual, uncomfortable sensations in the anus - as if something is interfering, heaviness, itching, burning;
  • pain during movement, sitting, during bowel movements;
  • secretion of mucus;
  • the release of red blood during bowel movements, with loads in different quantities;
  • the appearance of "bumps" that fall out of the anus, which can disappear and appear or be located there permanently.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth usually develop slowly. Its sudden exacerbation is due to the presence of the disease earlier. Symptoms usually appear one or two at a time. Which of them, how pronounced - is determined by the form and stage of the disease.

existing forms.

  1. Internal - the vessels increase inside the rectum, without leaving through the anus.
  2. External - "bumps" are formed under the skin from the outside, skin folds remain.
  3. Combined - with this form, hemorrhoids after childbirth combine the signs of the first and second forms.

Disease stages.

  1. Blood discharge, pain and other symptoms are possible. Vascular plexuses (hemorrhoids) stretched with blood do not come out (do not fall out). Often there are no symptoms.
  2. Knots can fall out during straining, physical exertion. Then they go inside on their own.
  3. At this stage, hemorrhoids have to be removed manually.
  4. Knots fall out at minimal loads, they cannot be set. Bleeding is profuse, thrombosis develops.

Medical tactics of treatment

The statistics show the following:

  • 3/4 of people will sooner or later discover that they have a disease;
  • every second pregnant woman has hemorrhoids, but does not manifest itself in any way, and after childbirth, most do not have to decide what to do, since the disease goes away by itself;
  • only 4% of patients seek medical help;
  • Correctly selected treatment allows you to recover in 90% of cases, the rest require surgical intervention.

It follows from this that it is necessary to contact a proctologist (colonoproctologist), and as soon as possible. He will tell you how to cure hemorrhoids, which worsened after childbirth.

A complex degree is treated by a proctologist

Nursing mothers should not take many medicines. This applies not only to tablets, but also to local preparations. However, there are many safe treatments available.

  1. Tablets allowed during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Ointments, gels for local use.
  3. Rectal suppositories.
  4. Cleansing, healing enemas.
  5. Folk remedies for hemorrhoids, which are acceptable after childbirth, are decoctions, warm baths.

Even if the instructions for the drug indicate that it is allowed for nursing, you can not take it on your own. Each organism is individual, only a doctor can make the right decision on the appointment of a course of treatment.

The first stage of the disease usually does not require the use of medications. Doctor's prescriptions are reduced to recommendations for nutrition, sufficient physical activity, personal hygiene.

More complex cases of hemorrhoids, the consequences of which can be seen in the photo on the Internet, are treated both locally and systemically. The drugs used constrict blood vessels, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain.

From tablets apply:

  • Curantyl;
  • Duphalac;
  • Troxerutin and others.

Locally prescribed suppositories for hemorrhoids after childbirth:

  • Natalsid - made from plant extracts, act both on nodes and as a mild laxative;
  • Relief - relieve pain, inflammatory reactions, promote healing;
  • Proctoglivenol - tone blood vessels, relieve pain and inflammation.

The treatment prescribed by the doctor must be strictly followed, even if there are no visible results. In this case, the nursing mother needs to come for a follow-up examination, where the doctor will determine how to continue treating hemorrhoids, that is, he will adjust the course of treatment after childbirth.

If such treatment does not bring the expected results, and the disease causes a lot of trouble for a young mother, it is possible to have an operation. It consists in removing nodes by different methods.

Hemorrhoids can be treated by such a method as mini-operations after childbirth. You don't need to go to the hospital to do them. Difficult cases, frequent relapses require a more serious approach.

  1. latex doping. The mini-operation consists in the imposition of rubber rings on the knot. It dies within a week. As a result, there is a slight bleeding on about the third day.
  2. Sclerotherapy. The most painless, but less effective procedure for getting rid of hemorrhoids after childbirth. This is an injection of a special substance into the node, leading to its scarring.
  3. Laser infrared coagulation. Laser irradiation cauterizes the node with the formation of a scar. There are practically no complications, but the likelihood of relapses is increased.
  4. Hemorrhoidectomy operations by various methods are performed under anesthesia. For their implementation, you will have to go to the hospital. There are different methods, but they all boil down to the fact that the surgeon cuts off the nodes, suturing the incision formed on the mucosa.

Folk methods of getting rid of the disease

Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth with folk recipes has shown good results, many recipes can be used with breastfeeding. Moreover, they are often prescribed by proctologists themselves as maintenance therapy. And it is with the permission of the attending physician that they can be used.

To relieve inflammation, strengthen blood vessels, reduce swelling, stimulate regeneration, you will need:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • bandage.

How to use

  1. Moisten a small piece of bandage with oil.
  2. Attach outside to the anus, secure with a bandage for the night.

This recipe after childbirth can be used for hemorrhoids instead of sea buckthorn suppositories.

Application of the drug

Chamomile decoction is prepared from:

  • two tablespoons of flowers;
  • one glass of water.

Application methods.

  1. Pour the flowers with water, keep in a steam bath for 20 minutes, when it cools down, drain.
  2. Use for washing.
  3. Make nightly poultices.
  4. Prepare 2-3 liters of decoction, pour it warm into a basin, take a sitz bath for a quarter of an hour. Do daily for up to 10 days in a row.

After childbirth, you can prepare a homemade ointment for hemorrhoids. For her you will need:

  • fat - 100 g;
  • propolis - 10 g.

Preparation and application.

  1. Melt fat, boil, add propolis, cool.
  2. Lubricate the nodes before going to bed and in the morning, after defecation.

Such an ointment for hemorrhoids after childbirth will prevent infection, help improve blood flow, and eliminate itching and soreness.

Effective herbal decoction for baths. Ingredients:

  • water - two liters;
  • leaves, branches of a walnut;
  • three handfuls of yarrow herb or hop cones.


  1. Pour herbs into boiling water, boil for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Cool until warm.
  3. Take baths for half an hour for two to three days.

After childbirth, simple home remedies can be used to treat hemorrhoids during lactation. They will speed up recovery, can become measures to prevent relapse.

  1. Take warm baths three times a day.
  2. Keep the anus clean.
  3. Don't use toilet paper, wash your face or buy non-alcohol wet wipes instead.
  4. Follow a proper diet, including soups, high-fiber foods.
  5. Drink at least two liters of water daily.

Getting hemorrhoids after childbirth is not as scary as it might seem. Timely receipt of medical care, the implementation of the prescribed procedures will restore health very quickly.

Childbirth is a big burden on the body. Physiological changes are aimed at maintaining pregnancy and providing the fetus with all the necessary substances. This is not always beneficial for the expectant mother. The increase in the size of the child and the growing uterus, not only displace many organs, but can also squeeze them, disrupt blood flow. The venous system suffers to a greater extent.

Many conditions go away after the baby is born, and some require treatment. Often the signs of developed hemorrhoids after childbirth do not go anywhere, but may intensify. The very delivery through natural ways leads to this. What to do if such a problem arises, because many medicines are prohibited for nursing mothers?

What is the nature of the disease

Hemorrhoids is a pathology of veins - this is a varicose veins that provide outflow of blood from the rectum. The veins in the lower part of the intestine undergo changes. The disease can occur in acute and chronic form. The localization of the nodes determines the type of hemorrhoids:

  • interior;
  • outer;
  • combined.

Each of the forms has its own stages or classification. Chronic hemorrhoids proceeds through the following stages:

  • Stage 1 - there is bleeding, but the nodes do not fall out;
  • Stage 2 - when straining, knots appear from the anus, but independently set back;
  • Stage 3 - the dropped nodes are set manually, that is, manually;
  • Stage 4 - it is impossible to set the dropped nodes, or after the reduction they immediately fall out five.

The acute form is characterized by the addition of additional complications:

  1. Thrombosis of nodes without inflammation.
  2. Thrombosis is combined with an inflammatory reaction in the nodes.
  3. Thrombosis with inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, swelling of the area around the anus, necrosis of the surface of the nodes.

The acute phase is characteristic of the third chronic stage of the disease. In this case, surgical treatment is required.

It all starts during pregnancy

According to studies, 33% of women suffer from hemorrhoids in the first trimester of pregnancy, 35% in the second, 42% in the third. In the postpartum period, this problem worries 41% of puerperas. It occurs with the same frequency during the first and second pregnancy.

It depends on the course of the gestational period why later, after childbirth, hemorrhoids develop. And some women have prerequisites even before conception. You just need to remember how regularly bowel movements occur, whether there is a tendency to constipation, what kind of lifestyle the expectant mother leads.

During pregnancy, the development of the disease is influenced by several factors.

Elevated progesterone levels

The action of the hormone is aimed at maintaining gestation. It reduces the tone of smooth muscles, which means it slows down intestinal motility. This leads to a pronounced violation of the chair - many pregnant women complain of irregularity, the appearance of constipation.

How does hemorrhoids appear after childbirth

External hemorrhoids

It proceeds softer than the internal one and is rarely accompanied by complications. The first signs that a woman may notice are a slight itching in the anus or other discomfort. Often they occur after a bowel movement, especially against the background of constipation. To the touch, you can independently determine soft or compacted folded formations, often resembling warts. When pressed in volume does not decrease. Bleeding with the external form is rare.

Sometimes external nodes can become infected. Against the background of infection, there is a risk of developing thrombophlebitis. In this case, the nodes become dense, very painful. Sharp pain appears during bowel movements.

internal hemorrhoids

It has a characteristic arrangement of nodes. They are found in the folds of the rectal mucosa. The number and location can vary greatly from patient to patient. These are single nodules, and entire groups that resemble a corolla. They are characterized by the following features:

  • have a wide base;
  • if pressed, they subside;
  • when straining or coughing, they begin to swell or become tense;
  • accompanied by pain.

Mucus flows from such nodes, which irritates the skin around the anus. There is redness, discomfort or itching.

At a certain stage, nodes fall out. At the same time, their surface becomes bluish-purple. With the development of infringement, the pain becomes sharp. The nutrition of the mucous membrane is disturbed, areas of necrosis appear, which is accompanied by the appearance of symptoms of intoxication:

  • rise in temperature;
  • violation of well-being;
  • lack of appetite;
  • skin itching;
  • headache.

If the condition progresses, thrombophlebitis of the rectal veins joins it.

But more often a woman may notice the appearance of scarlet blood. The hemorrhoid begins to bleed during a bowel movement. At the same time, blood appears on the surface of the feces, or it flows out in a thin stream during straining.

These manifestations are more characteristic of acute hemorrhoids. If, after childbirth, he passed into a chronic form, then the pain syndrome ceases to be characteristic. Pain appears only with the development of complications in the form of infection, thrombophlebitis or infringement.

If you experience severe pain, you should consult a doctor. After the examination, it will be established what the condition threatens and how to deal with it.

Which doctor to contact

To get rid of hemorrhoids, after childbirth you need to visit a doctor. It is impossible to independently determine how to treat this stage of the disease. Initially, the doctor who will deal with this problem will be the surgeon. If there are external nodes that cause a little discomfort, this will be enough. With a large number of nodes, internal localization, as well as the development of complications, a coloproctologist should deal with the problem.

The doctor will definitely check it out. The list of required methods includes:

  • anoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • irrigoscopy.

The anal reflex is also checked, according to the indications, sphincterometry is performed, electromyography is performed to assess the obturator apparatus of the rectum.

To diagnose the general condition of a woman, routine blood and urine tests are prescribed.

What can be treated

Treatment of hemorrhoids during breastfeeding is carried out in three directions:

  • diet correction;
  • drug therapy;
  • surgery.

The first two methods are necessary in case of a mild course of the disease. If complications join, as well as the pathology progresses, an operation will be required.

diet therapy

Changing the nature of nutrition can serve as both a prevention of complications and a treatment for hemorrhoids. The menu should be built in such a way as to exclude the development of constipation and soften the stool, make the stool regular. The following foods are allowed in the diet:

  • lean meat;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetable oils;
  • fiber-rich vegetables: cabbage, beets, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes;
  • fruits: apricots, melons, plums or dried versions thereof;
  • berries: gooseberries, blueberries, lingonberries;
  • eggs;
  • herbs (celery, dill, parsley);
  • porridge on the water;
  • weak soups in vegetable broth.

Be sure to drink enough water during the day - 30 minutes before meals or 1.5-2 hours after.

It is forbidden to eat foods that can hold the stool together:

  • fresh bread, any rich pastries and flour;
  • fatty foods and dishes, including meat;
  • cream confectionery;
  • legumes, mushrooms;
  • viscous cereals - rice and semolina;
  • soups with strong broth;
  • vegetables that cause fermentation: radishes, onions, garlic;
  • astringent fruits: pear, quince, and also grapes, which leads to fermentation.
  • alcohol, coffee, strong tea.

Spicy seasonings and dishes, smoked meats, marinades, salty, canned food, sauces in the form of mayonnaise are also prohibited.

Medical therapy

How and how to treat hemorrhoids that developed after childbirth should be determined by the doctor, self-medication is unacceptable and can aggravate the situation. For each stage of the disease, a combination of drugs is selected. It is also necessary to determine how severe the complications are and whether there is a need for an operation.

For safety reasons for the child, the treatment of hemorrhoids in a nursing mother is carried out with local preparations. To do this, use candles, cream. Suppositories have different effects depending on the composition, therefore, the purposes of their use and the situations in which they are shown also differ.

What kind of candles are better to use? It is necessary to focus on the composition and symptoms. The main drugs that are allowed for use during lactation are the following.


It contains shark biscuit oil. It is able to heal wounds, correct immunity, relieve inflammation and stop bleeding. Relief-Advance is also produced, which will help both to anesthetize hemorrhoids and to carry out treatment.

Candles Relief can be used for external and internal hemorrhoids, the appearance of rectal fissures and anal itching. But with thromboembolic disease and individual hypersensitivity, it is better not to use them. Suppositories are introduced into the rectum in the morning and evening after hygiene procedures. If during the day there was a bowel movement, then you need to apply the candles again. In total, up to 4 times a day is allowed.

In addition to candles, an ointment with the same name is used. Its principle of action is the same as that of Relief suppositories. The ointment is applied first to the applicator, and then gently rub the anal area.

Glycerin suppositories

Used by both pregnant and lactating mothers. They have long shown their safety. Glycerin in the composition of suppositories has an antibacterial effect. It may have a slight antiseptic effect and prevent infection. Candles based on it can eliminate constipation, as well as soften and moisturize the mucous membrane of the rectum, relieve irritation. But with acute inflammation, as well as the development of bleeding, they cannot be used.


These are candles with anesthetic properties. If hemorrhoids hurt, you need to choose suppositories with analgesic properties. Natalsid acts only locally, therefore it is not contraindicated during pregnancy and after childbirth during lactation. It can be used for anal fissures, chronic hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by bleeding. The suppository is inserted into the anus daily after a bowel movement. It is optimal to do this 2 times a day. Treatment can last 7-14 days.


Candles that are used for thrombosis of external or internal nodes. The drug contains heparin, which is necessary for the treatment of thrombophlebitis. Thanks to benzocaine, there is a pronounced analgesic effect. Candles also reduce the severity of inflammation. The indication for the use of Nigepan is thrombosis of external or internal nodes. It is necessary to use the remedy only after emptying the intestines.


Combined preparation, which is available in the form of suppositories or ointments. It consists of three active ingredients: heparin, prednisone and lauromacrogol, which provides a complex effect and helps to remove the symptoms of hemorrhoids. The action of heparin is aimed at preventing the formation of blood clots, as well as eliminating inflammation and swelling. Prednisolone is a glucocorticoid hormone that relieves itching, swelling, and inflammation. Lauromacrogol is a sclerosing component. It causes adhesion of the walls of the node, anesthetizes.

The medicine in the form of an ointment is applied to the area of ​​​​the nodes 2-4 times a day or injected into the rectum. Candles are used rectally. Indications for the drug are all types of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, fistulas, as well as in preparation for surgery and in the postoperative period.

Heparin ointment

It has a similar effect - reduces the risk of blood clots. But it is not recommended to use it for a long time. And on the first day of admission, there may be an increase in bleeding due to the specific action of the drug.

Candles Proctosan

They have a complex composition, are allowed for use after childbirth (only after consulting a doctor) and allow you to treat hemorrhoids at home. They are used for hemorrhoids of 1-2 degrees, anal fissures and anal itching. The composition includes the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug bufexamak. It eliminates pain, reduces inflammation, swelling. Bismuth subgalactic and titanium dioxide have astringent properties, accelerate wound healing, and reduce the likelihood of bleeding. The last component - lidocaine - is a local anesthetic, it is used with caution during lactation.

Ointment Levomekol

In the treatment of hemorrhoids during lactation, it is rarely used because of the possible penetration into breast milk of its components - the antibiotic chloramphenicol, which is contraindicated in childhood due to toxicity.

Ointment Bepanten

Contains the active ingredient dexpanthenol. In the body, it is converted to pantothenic acid, which acts as a vitamin. It is involved in the regeneration of epithelial cells, therefore it is used for any damage. Including anal fissures or at the stage of healing of hemorrhoids. For pregnant and lactating women, this drug is completely safe and does not require stopping breastfeeding.

For treatment, the protocols indicate such groups of drugs as phlebotonics (Phlebodia, Detrolex), angioprotectors (Troxyvenol), drugs for sclerotherapy (Sclerovar). But all of them are able to penetrate into breast milk and are contraindicated for nursing mothers.

How long do hemorrhoids last?

It depends on the individual characteristics, the correctly chosen method of treatment and following the recommendations of the doctor. But on average it takes 10-14 days. If conservative therapy has not shown its effectiveness, with hemorrhoids of 2-3 degrees, minimally invasive operations are performed:

  • sclerotherapy;
  • ligation with latex rings;
  • proximal ligation;
  • infrared or radiofrequency photocoagulation.

If the treatment of hemorrhoids does not go away, at 1-4 degrees, a radical operation of Milligan-Morgan, Ferguson can be performed.

When to think about prevention

Prevention of the appearance of hemorrhoids after childbirth should begin even before pregnancy. In case of violations of the stool, a tendency to constipation, you need to take care of your diet in advance. It is adjusted to such an extent that bowel movements occur daily. If the diet is not enough, even during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, you can use mild laxatives based on lactulose - Dufalac. They do not cause increased peristalsis and diarrhea, but slightly soften the stool.

Lactulose is a nutrient medium for the intestinal flora. Therefore, if constipation is caused by dysbacteriosis, then treatment with bifidobacteria preparations (Lineks, Bioflor) can be supplemented.

To avoid hemorrhoids will help the daily implementation of elementary physical exercises. They will be useful both for pregnant women and in the postpartum period.

You also need to be aware of the risk of developing anemia as a result of chronic blood loss. After childbirth, most women have a decrease in hemoglobin levels. And the pathology of the veins of the rectum, accompanied by bleeding, can increase unpleasant symptoms. For a nursing mother, this is unacceptable. Therefore, treatment is supplemented with iron preparations to prevent or treat anemia.

Childbirth is a serious test for the female body. The strongest load falls on the pelvic area. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing surprising in the fact that after childbirth, an exhausted woman has unexpected problems, including hemorrhoids. And even if the hemorrhoidal node did not come out immediately after the birth, then due to the problems with the stool traditional in this period, it can appear in the first weeks (and even days) after discharge from the maternity ward. Almost every second woman has to deal with hemorrhoids after childbirth.

Why do knots appear after childbirth

During pregnancy, stagnation of blood in the pelvis often occurs. The main reason for this is the rapid growth of the fetus and the growing uterus, which put pressure on the veins, reducing blood flow. The higher the gestational age, the more the risk of such stagnation increases.

If hemorrhoids did not immediately come out after childbirth, then in the first weeks after discharge from the maternity ward, it may appear.

The situation is aggravated if a woman gains extra pounds during pregnancy. Excess body weight contributes to even more pressure on the pelvic organs, which leads to the development of hemorrhoids. In the presence of constipation and lack of physical activity, hemorrhoids in women after childbirth are provided.

A pregnant woman undergoes serious changes in the hormonal background, one of the echoes of which is the expansion of hemorrhoidal vessels and the weakening of the venous walls. That is, the veins during pregnancy become one of the most vulnerable places in the female body. The presence of any provoking factors (excess weight, constipation, etc.) leads to the fact that hemorrhoids come out after childbirth. Even the attempts themselves during childbirth are a serious burden on the veins, which can lead to hemorrhoids with all the ensuing consequences.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids

Usually, the signs of hemorrhoids in women after childbirth do not differ from the symptoms of the disease that occurred under other conditions:

  1. Discomfort and pain during bowel movements;
  2. Blood discharge;
  3. Discomfort and heaviness in the intestines;
  4. Discomfort when sitting for a long time;
  5. Irritation, itching and burning around the anus;
  6. Swelling of the anus, induration around the anus.

If preventive measures did not help and the nodes nevertheless got out, then a logical question arises: how to cure hemorrhoids after childbirth? The most important thing is, despite the incredible lack of time due to the baby, to find a couple of hours to go to the proctologist. The sooner you start therapy, the faster the result will come and it will be more effective.


Running hemorrhoids with inflamed nodes and constant bleeding can negatively affect not only the health of the mother, but also the baby.

Treatments for advanced hemorrhoids may not be compatible with breastfeeding.

Hemorrhoids and lactation

If a woman has discovered hemorrhoids after childbirth, the symptoms of the disease cannot be in doubt, then the first thing to worry about is the preservation of breastfeeding. It is impossible to try to solve the problem on your own, since during lactation it is forbidden to take many seemingly effective drugs. Nevertheless, safe methods of treatment exist, suitable medicines will help you choose a specialist proctologist.

What is the treatment for hemorrhoids after childbirth

Safe medicines

It is better that drugs during lactation are local, since the risk of their components passing into breast milk is much lower. Usually, when hemorrhoids occur after childbirth, treatment occurs with the help of ointments and rectal suppositories. They will help relieve pain and swelling, stop bleeding, remove inflammation and improve blood microcirculation in the veins.

Ointments and gels are effective for treating external bumps, and suppositories for hemorrhoids after childbirth will help to cope with internal nodes. Which drug is best suited in your case, the attending physician will tell you. Now, not only the woman's health is taken into account, but also the baby's condition (the presence of congenital diseases, allergic reactions, weight gain, etc.). Approved for use during lactation Anestezin, Neflubin, Bupivacaine. They will help stop bleeding and increase the tone of the veins Vikasol, Glivenol, Endotenol.

The doctor will always be able to choose drugs for hemorrhoids that are allowed when breastfeeding and will not harm the baby. Therefore, it is not advisable to postpone treatment until the end of the lactation period. So you can bring yourself to a stage where only surgery can help. Modern medicine has a sufficient set of methods for getting rid of hemorrhoids during breastfeeding, which will help you fully enjoy the joy of motherhood. Do not panic if you find hemorrhoids after childbirth, modern doctors know well how to treat the problem.

Alternative treatment

During pregnancy and lactation, any treatment should be treated with great caution. Medicinal herbs are no exception, since their impact on the body of the mother and child is not always beneficial. Penetrating into breast milk, decoctions and lotions that are harmless to an adult can harm the baby. Of course, during lactation, it is preferable to choose herbal-based drugs, but only a doctor can make this choice. To get rid of hemorrhoids after childbirth, folk remedies are good, but only after consulting a doctor. It is dangerous to use the advice of grandmothers and acquaintances without medical permission.

The most popular folk recipes are as follows:

  1. - Three times a day, drink fresh rowan juice diluted with clean water;
  2. - Wash the anus area daily with a chilled decoction of wild strawberries;
  3. - Lubricate the outer bumps with celandine juice, insert a cotton swab with celandine juice into the anus at night;
  4. - Apply lotions with a decoction of sloe leaves or horsetail to the hemorrhoids.

How should a nursing mother eat with hemorrhoids

It must be understood that the effect of the drug for hemorrhoids after childbirth will be temporary. After a few months, hemorrhoidal bumps may reappear. In order to get rid of hemorrhoids forever, it is necessary to correct a lot in the usual way of life. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, the most important role is played by proper nutrition and drinking regimen.

When compiling your menu for the day, you need, first of all, to make sure that there is no constipation the next day. Fermented milk products, cereals (especially buckwheat and oatmeal), bran bread, fresh and thermally processed fruits and vegetables improve intestinal motility. A good remedy for constipation is the daily use of vegetable oil, olive oil is best.

The main difficulty for a nursing mother is that the products should not cause an undesirable reaction in the child. Citrus fruits and red berries are considered strong allergens. Fresh apples, dishes with cabbage and peas can bring tummy discomfort to the baby. Plums are prohibited. Watermelons and melons should be introduced into your diet very carefully.

To prevent constipation, an adult should drink at least two liters of fluid every day. A nursing woman loses a lot of fluid with milk (up to 1 liter), so you need to carefully monitor the maintenance of the body's water balance.


It is best to drink clean water and natural compotes (dried fruits in winter).

There is one proven and safe way to make the intestines work hard in the morning. It is necessary immediately after waking up to drink one glass of water on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before breakfast. In the water, in the absence of allergies in the baby, it is advisable to add a few drops of lemon juice.

Following a diet by a mother during lactation will help her quickly regain strength after childbirth, and the baby will get stronger. To do this, you will have to greatly limit yourself in sweets and pastries, spicy and spicy foods, and smoked products. Completely avoid sugary carbonated drinks and alcohol.

In order not to find out what hemorrhoids look like after childbirth, you need to start following the listed nutritional rules from the first weeks of pregnancy. It's no secret that a mother's diet most directly affects the health of the baby. Rational nutrition will help to avoid many problems during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Exercise for hemorrhoids

In the postpartum period, a young mother thinks least of all about sports. But it is during this period that moderate physical activity is extremely important. After childbirth, it is important to strengthen the pelvic muscles as early as possible. Special gymnastics will also help increase vascular tone, improve blood circulation and stimulate peristalsis.

Regular physical activity on the pelvic area will help not only restore the muscles to their former elasticity. Special medical gymnastics is a powerful prevention for the development of hemorrhoids. You need to start doing a little exercise even during the period of bearing a baby, then after childbirth hemorrhoids will not overshadow the joy of motherhood. The set of exercises is simple and can be performed even at home.

The undoubted benefit will bring daily walks in the fresh air, which are so nice to do with a baby in a stroller. Just make sure that you do not have to lift a heavy stroller, entrust it to men. Walking will not only strengthen the necessary muscles, but also enrich the blood with oxygen.

Hygiene for hemorrhoids in the postpartum period

In the presence of hemorrhoids, you will have to observe some features of personal hygiene. After a bowel movement, you can no longer use the usual toilet paper, replace it with wet wipes. Better yet, wash your anus with cold water after every bowel movement. This will not only prevent the spread of infection, but also strengthen the walls of blood vessels. After washing, you need to apply an ointment for hemorrhoids after childbirth, which the doctor prescribed. If you were a fan of baths and saunas, they will need to be abandoned for the duration of treatment for hemorrhoids.

Strict adherence to the doctor's instructions, along with proper nutrition, daily physical education and careful hygiene will help mom get rid of hemorrhoids once and for all. A healthy and happy mother is a strong and calm baby. And remember that breastfeeding is not an obstacle to the treatment of such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids.

More than 80% of women acquire hemorrhoids after carrying and giving birth to a child. I wonder how many young mothers cannot talk about a delicate problem that has arisen, even with their closest friends? Feeling uncomfortable and in pain, are you embarrassed to see a doctor? But external hemorrhoids after childbirth is a disease that is successfully treated.

What are the most effective and safest means of treating the disease for the health of mom and baby??

There is nothing shameful in being sick. This is the same varicose veins, only located in the rectum. Hemorrhoids can be internal, hidden inside the rectum, and external, when hemorrhoids occur on the sphincter.

For veins, pregnancy and childbirth become a real test. There are several reasons for this:

  • An enlarged uterus that presses on the veins of the rectum;
  • Constipation, forcing to strain during bowel movements;
  • Low physical activity of women during and after pregnancy;
  • Increased contractions during childbirth.

Hemorrhoids cannot be avoided if the venous walls are weak from birth.


The disease develops gradually. First, itching and discomfort appear in the anus, hemorrhoids develop and become inflamed. Unpleasant sensations are replaced by painful, bleeding appears. The knots swell to such an extent that they fall out. If at first it is easy to straighten them on your own, then later it becomes impossible to do it yourself.


How to treat external hemorrhoids after childbirth? This is a set of measures that requires a woman not only to be examined and regularly take medications, but also to be active and attentive to her health.

What will the doctor prescribe?

Self-treatment of hemorrhoids is fraught with serious complications, and especially during breastfeeding. It is important to decide on an examination by a proctologist. Only a doctor should prescribe how to treat external hemorrhoids after childbirth. Since the woman feeds the baby after childbirth, you need to choose safe medicines.

Usually these are rectal suppositories and ointments that have a local effect. But even among the rich pharmacological diversity, you need to choose a safe, but no less effective drug. For young mothers, these may be the following suppositories:

Almost all rectal suppositories have an analogue in the form of an ointment or gel. Heparin and ichthyol ointments are also successfully used. The drugs successfully fight inflammation and bleeding, relieve pain and itching, prevent the growth of microbes and heal wounds on the rectal mucosa.

What dosage, how much to take - all questions should be answered by a qualified specialist.

How to fight on your own?

Medications usually remove only the result of the disease. But you need to fight the root cause - change your diet and increase physical activity. This is the only way to bring yourself back to normal, and this is within the power of any woman interested in her health and well-being.


In many ways, the diet of a woman after childbirth is determined by breastfeeding. Whatever a woman eats, everything goes into breast milk. Moms exclude such necessary fiber from the menu at this time, because they are afraid of bloating in the baby. And constipation is aggravated, even more injure the rectal mucosa and hemorrhoids. Vegetables with coarse fiber (cabbage, radish, radish) really provoke gas formation. Here, bran will come to the rescue, which cleanse the intestines, stimulate its work and do not harm the child. But gradually you need to enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits, lean meat, dairy products. It is very important to drink plenty of water - at least 1.5 - 2 liters daily.

The list of prohibited foods includes alcohol, fatty, smoked, pickled and salty foods that irritate the rectal mucosa, aggravating inflammation. Sweets create a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria, so their number decreases.

In no case should you get involved in a strict diet. After childbirth, the body is already exhausted, plus feeding the baby. Proper nutrition with reasonable restrictions is the most suitable way to normalize digestion.


Nothing helps to normalize digestion like sports. Already after a week of classes, a positive result is felt. A simple walk won't make a difference. It is necessary to perform special exercises that improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. These are squats and leg swings. Just 20-30 minutes a day will bring you back to your pre-partum weight and relieve constipation.


So that the disease does not worsen, personal hygiene must be observed. Help will be provided by soft toilet paper or wet wipes.

It is better to wash with warm, but not hot water. Bath and sauna with an exacerbated form of hemorrhoids are prohibited.


Homemade recipes, which are based only on natural ingredients, carefully restore a woman's health after childbirth. But here, too, you need to be careful and very selective about the choice of ingredients - the body can respond to some of them with allergic reactions. During lactation, you can safely use the following medical recipes:

  1. Baths with chamomile. Brew 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes and dilute with 5 liters of cool (not cold) water. You need to sit in this solution for 5 minutes after defecation.
  2. Warm baths. To prepare such baths, you can brew onion peel or oak bark. The components brewed with boiling water should be infused for an hour. Also for these purposes, chopped garlic head is used. Next, dilute the medicinal components with warm water and sit in the solution with the perineum for 15 minutes.
  3. Gadgets. Moisten a gauze napkin in a decoction of oak bark or apply sea buckthorn oil and apply to a sore spot.
  4. Potato candles. Potato juice effectively relieves inflammation, so you can make a candle out of it by cutting it out as thick as a finger. You need to enter it into the anus for several hours.
  5. Ointment. The basis of homemade ointment is melted lard, to which a decoction of oak bark and flax flowers is added. Lubricate the swab with the finished ointment and insert into the anus for 4 hours.
  6. Enema. Cleansing enemas are effective in treating hemorrhoids. You can use for their holding an infusion of strawberry leaves.


During pregnancy, you can minimize the risk of developing hemorrhoids. To do this, you need to reconsider the stereotype that pregnancy is a disease, what you need to eat for two and limit physical activity as much as possible. What can be opposed to the prevailing opinion?

  • Food Quality vs. Quantity: Being overweight isn't just bad for your rectum;
  • Special gymnastics, including squats, against lying on the couch: will help strengthen blood vessels, tone muscles and prepare a woman for childbirth.

Taking care of your health will help new mothers take better care of their baby.


The information in the article is for informational purposes only. It is recommended to consult a specialist (doctor) before applying the tips described in the article.



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