The development of intelligence. How to develop the intelligence of a child? Exercises and games for the development of emotional, social and intelligence thinking in children

It is impossible to become smarter in an instant. Being smart is a way of life, a constant search and overcoming oneself. This is a rather difficult, but at the same time pleasant path. And you can choose how to start it.

1. Exercise Regularly

This improves blood flow and oxygenates the brain, while good physical condition contributes to good mental health. Choose a program that is comfortable for your age and physical abilities. The main thing here is regularity.

2. Make sure you get enough sleep

Numerous studies have shown that sleep deprivation reduces concentration, short-term and long-term memory, problem solving speed, visual and hearing acuity, and slows reaction times. Especially for maintaining good mental health, the right combination of deep and REM sleep is important. Here again, physical exercises from Lifehacker will help you.

3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Your brain needs a certain amount of nutrients to function optimally. Diversify your usual menu to get enough vitamins, amino acids and carbohydrates. You don't have to buy supplements for this! We wrote earlier.

4. If you smoke - stop!

5. Reduce your alcohol intake

Alcohol in small amounts, especially when combined with socializing, may be beneficial for some brain functions. But excessive use can lead to acute and chronic impairment of its activity and cause irreversible cognitive impairment.

6. Learn new things regularly

Learn something new, such as foreign languages, playing musical instruments. Learn something you've always wanted to try! This contributes to the plasticity and flexibility of the brain. Learning math is a great exercise in logic and abstract thinking, and it improves concentration, mental stamina, and is guaranteed to raise your IQ by a few points. Use to learn something new.

7. Maintain friendships with smart and educated people

Make regular meetings with them and discuss a wide range of issues - complex intellectual discussions will give you new ideas and perspectives. You will understand how smart people think and express themselves and what you might need to change about yourself.

If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.

Alexander Zhurba, businessman and venture investor

8. Read at least one serious book a week and diversify your reading.

This will improve your vocabulary and verbal intelligence, as well as increase your knowledge and conversational repertoire. Reading must be!

9. Play challenging PC games

Shooters and racing at best develop reaction speed, but do not give you mental stimulation. Choose a game that involves complex rules, strategy, and requires certain mental skills. These are, for example, puzzle games Braid and Portal.

In multiplayer online games, Eve-online has, perhaps, the highest entry threshold.

10. Let go of limiting beliefs about your own intelligence.

Many truly qualified people tend to underestimate their abilities and suffer from a lack of self-confidence. Often the opinions of parents, overly critical (or even incompetent) teachers matter more than the stubborn facts of your success. Believe in yourself and start living a full life!

Exercises for the development of intellectual abilities

The development of thinking, logic, memory, attention, observation, perception, verbal and non-verbal intelligence. Burime, limericks, riddles as a means of intellectual development. Logical tasks, questions on the development of logic are given. Exercise-warm-up in the procedure of group training. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants play the game as if they are "thoughtholics" and want to be cured of it. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants are shown a table with 25 letters for a short time, then from memory they should make words from these letters. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants find analogies in unrelated things. The exercise is aimed at developing wit and intelligence in general. The exercise will help to reveal intellectual abilities, actualize hidden potential and develop wit. Development of skills and habits to compare different kinds of objects, phenomena. The exercise will allow you to somewhat develop the intellect by increasing the objective power of thought. The exercise is intended for individual use. It will help you learn how to make a verbal portrait, quickly memorize the appearance of other people, their characteristic features. Develops visual memory. It's not easy to think without a mat. But it is necessary if you want to increase your intelligence. The procedure of group psychological training. Aimed at the disclosure of intellectual abilities. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants memorize various poses. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants come up with hieroglyphs, write down their thoughts with them. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants are looking for an extra four-digit number. The procedure of group psychological training. It is aimed at the development of observation and visual memory. The exercise will help increase your intellectual level due to the development of combinatorial abilities. It never hurts to look at the world through the eyes of a fool: on the one hand, this will increase your respect for your own intellect, for your achievements in the intellectual field, and on the other hand, it can help expand your worldview, find new, useful truths in a wide variety of fields of knowledge! The procedure of group psychological training. Participants train in abstraction-concretization. An exercise to develop observation, the ability to quickly assess the personal qualities of other people. The exercise is intended for the development of conceptual thinking and intelligence in general. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants try to remember the algorithm for performing actions with numbers. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants offer multiple interpretations of the same story. A little exercise will help to develop the flexibility of thinking very effectively. The exercise will help develop intellectual abilities through the disclosure of analytical abilities. Exercise develops observation, intellectual abilities. The procedure of group psychological training. It can be used both in intelligence trainings and as an intellectual warm-up of other trainings. Participants choose rhymes. The exercise will help develop observation, the ability to understand people, understand their problems. The procedure of group psychological training. Each participant receives a secret instruction on how to behave; others have to guess. The exercise is aimed at the development of observation. A well-known exercise aimed at developing intellectual flexibility. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants solve anagrams: not only letters are mixed up, but also words. The procedure of group psychological training. The exercise is aimed at revealing intellectual abilities, developing the ability to understand people. The procedure of group psychological training aimed at developing intellectual abilities. Develops the ability to think logically and rationally. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants come up with superpowers for themselves. The exercise is aimed at developing fluency of thinking. The procedure of group intellectual training. Participants deduce various amusing conclusions from the given axiom that "everything is relative." The procedure of group or individual intellectual training. Participants put things in order in the words of proverbs. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants compete among themselves - who will come up with the longest hiatus (a series of vowels in a meaningful sentence). The procedure of group psychological training. Participants pretend to be chess pieces. The procedure of group psychological training aimed at the development of intellectual abilities. Well suited for the emancipation of the group, getting to know the participants among themselves (to start the training). It is necessary to leave only those words that designate something similar objects, and one word "superfluous", which does not have this feature, should be excluded. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants are divided into 2-3 teams, they collectively count in their minds. Intellectual empowerment. Exercises aimed at developing memory through expanding the amount of memory, mastering special techniques for memorizing and recalling. A few exercises for the development of memory in adolescents. Development of voluntary attention, as well as individual characteristics of attention. The development of imagination, fantasy. Development of analytical and combinatorial abilities. No one will be superfluous to develop their imagination. A good imagination allows our memory to work more efficiently and effectively, and is also a reliable support for our thinking, allowing us to operate with complex images. One way to develop the imagination is through poetry. Changing habitual temporal relationships. Changing habitual spatial relationships. Changing habitual community ties. Several games for the development of visual memory. The main thing in the development of visual-figurative thinking is to teach how to create new images, to liberate imagination. This exercise, or rather a cycle of exercises, is designed to develop speed reading skills. Several games for the development of tactile memory. Several word games. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. This technique will help in the development of original ideas, unexpected solutions to the problem. It is intended for uncertain situations in which all possible ways of solving the problem are not clear. Exercises aimed at developing qualitative perception. Development of verbal intelligence. Mastering the mnemonic technique. Development of attention and memory in the process of group training. The exercise is designed to develop memory, verbal intelligence. Development of intelligence in group training. Development of verbal fluency. Formation of the ability to operate with words, accurately express thoughts. verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of associative thinking. Development of intuitive perception of the probability of events, tactical abilities. Development of verbal intelligence: restoration of word order in proverbs. The development of concentration. The development of concentration. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of logical thinking. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants come up with a verbal description of the monster. Development of concentration of attention, imagination. Development of verbal intelligence, imagination. Development of verbal fluency. It is necessary to generalize and limit concepts. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of verbal fluency. Development of critical thinking, attention, sense of language. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of attention, sense of language. The development of attention. The development of the imagination. The task is aimed at the breadth of thinking, a comprehensive analysis. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Intellectual empowerment. Development of logical thinking. Formation of installation for a comprehensive analysis of the situation. The task disciplines and deepens thinking. Development of verbal fluency.

We caught ourselves thinking that after extraordinary drunken evenings, as well as endless idleness, which is accompanied by the stupidest actions in our lives, we are frankly dumber. Seriously, they were so smart at 18, and now IQ is clearly reduced to the level of the plinth. Why is this happening? And how, finally, to grow wiser, or to return oneself to the former “sharply intellectual” state?

To be honest, we have no idea what to do with it. We're not fucking experts. But we have one pal who's into neuropsychology. Fumbling, because he himself is a neuropsychologist. And his name is Nikolai Frantsuzov. He works as an expert in the scientific department - this is a site that is designed to pump your intellectual abilities using various scientific methods. Moreover, the service is equally effective not only for you, but also for children or the elderly. With it, you can easily increase your efficiency, keep your brain in good shape throughout the day, and forget about mistakes at work.

The Wikium technique itself is aimed at increasing the number of synapses - contacts between two neurons that are responsible for the flexibility of the mind, memory, creativity, talent.

Never think you're too dumb for something

A person does not have an innate form of behavior in the environment. Its development occurs through the appropriation of historically developed forms and methods of activity. Thus, the development of generalizations is based not on communication of a linguistic type, but on the direct practical activity of the subject. As a result, throughout life, a person is capable of intellectual activity.

How often do you say to yourself something like: "I'm too stupid for this!"? It seems to us that this happens all the time, but it's not in your brain. If you are healthy, then you have exactly the same opportunities for development as other people. But it must be remembered that one cannot become intelligent or better adapted to life only through passive existence. On the contrary, you should actively dig into the learning process, constantly try something in practice, and not just in theory. If you do that, you'll be a really smart guy.

Watch your health

In our modern world, a person is under the influence of various harmful factors that have a negative impact on him. For example, harmful ecology and various diseases, reduced oxygen and insufficient physical activity, increased stress and anxiety, physical stress and disturbed sleep, monotonous activity and constant information noise. And this list goes on. All this leads to a decrease in mental and creative activity, especially in professional activities. It is known that temporary (conditional) neural connections that are formed in the cerebral cortex can be preserved for many years and decades. If they are reinforced from time to time, or renewed, these connections can be valid throughout life.

Yes, you hardly thought that you would see this advice here, but without it, nowhere. Your brain is a fucking organ that needs to be kept in order. It is connected with the whole body. Of course, if you start the body, drink wildly or get nervous, destroying your neural connections, then the brain will not work well. Have you ever seen an academic drunk? No, drunks can only be writers, and even then, this statement is a stretch. In general, do you want to catch everything on the fly? Go in for sports, eat the right food, stop worrying about little things, get rid of bad habits.

However, it is worth remembering that physical strength has little effect on the development of intelligence, despite the fact that a person’s mental abilities directly depend on physiological characteristics. E.P. Bebrish cites data that in terms of the development of physical strength, mentally retarded children are not inferior to normal schoolchildren. There are also many examples of people whose outstanding intellectual abilities have nothing to do with the presence of physical strength: Stephen Hawking, Chopin, Toulouse-Lautrec, Terence Tao, etc.

Instead of absorbing information, develop a systematic approach

Consistency, organization in memorization is the most important condition in the development of memory. It is necessary to strive for a system of knowledge, and not for a simple accumulation of facts.

Here we once again quote our expert, who detailed several simple but effective exercises for developing systems thinking. This mindset, in turn, will help you properly handle the vast amounts of information that surrounds us today.

1. “Exclude from use for a while one or more cognitive senses. Try blindfolded eating, showering with your eyes closed, or plugging your ears while doing normal activities.

Such an exclusion will contribute not only to the development of other cognitive functions and, accordingly, to the consolidation of already created working neural connections, but also to the formation of imagery of what is happening. Also, the construction of logic between these images, which in turn will favorably affect the development of visual-figurative thinking.

2. “An excellent method would be to develop ambidexterity. That is, use your non-dominant hand in various activities, such as brushing your teeth in the morning, combing your hair, or using a computer mouse. Try writing a short text with both hands at the same time, or swap the knife and fork while using them while eating. This method promotes the development of neural connections in new areas and activation of the brain, in turn, this has a positive effect on memory.”

3. “It is necessary to train observation. For example, throughout the day, pay attention only to the color green, or to a car of a certain model from the general flow, come up with a theme and focus on it. Thus, you will develop certain properties of the function of attention and memory (concentration, selectivity, distribution, switching, short-term memorization).

4. “Read and write as much as you can. After reading or learning something, try to write it down at least once if you have the time. Writing it down once is like reading it twice and organizing everything in your head.”

5. “In addition, make the material intended for memorization accessible to you, that is, if it is easier for you to memorize with the help of visual memory, then organize the necessary material in graphic form. It will be important to systematically organize all the information that you are trying to remember. Write down the necessary facts and establish semantic connections between them, remembering which you will see the whole picture.

And if you want to test your intellect before you start training it, then turn to classic puzzles like the Rubik's Cube, Tangram, etc. You can also try solving a few creative problems like the Carl Duncker or Sam Glucksberg problem. There is not only an IQ test in the world, as you already understood.

Read, read, read

When reading, we reason more in order to understand this or that idea of ​​the work, and present many details: characters, their clothes, surrounding objects. It is also necessary to remember a lot of things that are needed to understand the work. It trains memory and logic. Creative people can generate several great ideas at once. Where can they be taken from? From books.

Now do you understand why BroDude makes you read? We just want you to get smarter, friend. And we think that you need to read different literature. Not only non-fiction books pump your intellect. Fiction, especially of a high level, also helps to develop a personality. The books contain a lot of ideas that can later be brought to life - it's stupid not to use them. In addition, books help to look at the world more objectively. They help you make informed decisions.

And we have not described all the benefits. Nikolai Frantsuzov, our expert, if you forgot, says the following: “When reading direct speech, sections of the auditory cortex are activated in the brain. Connecting the auditory cortex when reading direct speech also causes its brighter effect: it is easier for the brain to imagine what is being said “in the first person”. Most likely, the same vocal areas of the auditory cortex are also involved in the work of the inner voice - say, in imaginary dialogues.

In the article you will learn:

Intelligence and 5 easy ways to increase it

Hello my readers! I am glad that you are with me again, as I will tell you now5 simple ways to increase your intelligence. Of course, we won’t become geniuses from this, but we’ll also be less “stupid”Especially, I appreciated the results in the professional field. And what can we say, we will all be old, and I personally don’t want to lose my cognitive abilities at an early age and ruin the life of my grandchildren!

Moreover, it is not necessary to practice all the methods, two or three are enough and your brain will work much better and to a ripe old age will retain reasonableness.

To not be like the cat Matroskin in the famous cartoon:“We have the funds. We are not smart enough…”

By the way, the intellect and the psyche influence each other, so another important argument for “pumping” the brain is stress prevention and harmony of life.

Why exactly him?

Yes, you ask, what is intelligence and why should it be developed? I understand it as the ability to think qualitatively. That is, not just to think, but to be able to think, perceive any information in the most effective way for you. In order to make the right decision. This is just what the doctor ordered, right? Intelligence also includes the ability to adapt to new situations and apply abstract concepts.

All in all, intelligence is

  • critical thought
  • adaptation to situations
  • learning ability
  • ability to use your knowledge
  • resource planning

By increasing your intelligence, you increase the abilities listed above.

Number one is the most important

Just think how automated our lives are! We perceive most of the information (media, official duties, everyday affairs) automatically and instantly give out the most predictable and habitual reactions. In such conditions, not only creative, but also intellectual opportunities have no place.

Therefore, the first and most important method in my guide: to be able to think - you need to think critically! That is, how can think critically more often. Yes, it's so simple, but incredibly important. For example, over a book that has been read, over an event that has occurred or a situation that has arisen in reality and on the screen. Before you say or do anything, take a special pause for analysis and only then do or answer.

You can also read some books for self-development approaching this with a critical eye.

You can't do without it

The second method is to include in the work such properties of thinking as attention, memory, perception. For example, if you have paintings, maps, and more hanging at home or at work, turn them upside down. The usual things are seen and perceived in a completely different way, right?

Following this example, try to do the ordinary differently: change the route to work, the order in which papers are stored, the structure of the report, the order of cleaning the house. Do a periodic rearrangement in the rooms, it will also refresh the bored life.

More at homegood take on this: do in the dark what you do in daylight. Have you noticed how attentive and concentrated you are when you return from the toilet to the bedroom in a dark apartment at night? Now try not only to walk around different rooms in the dark, but also, for example, clean up, change clothes, wash or even take a shower. Believe me, in addition to benefits, you will get a lot of interesting sensations!

I know what I'm talking about, because I myself periodically get up something like that. Often I write and brush my teeth with my left hand (I'm right handed), I like to take a bath or wash my face in the dark - this greatly sharpens the perception of the body. Sometimes I watch TV upside down. It all may seem strange to you, but 1) it's fun 2) increases intelligence

And to develop and work with memory, read my article "", there are links to very useful resources with memory games.

Two halves of one whole

Another excellent method of intellectual self-development, which I have already mentioned a little, is the training of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Contrary to stereotypes, both hemispheres are equally important in the formation of "quality brains." Start with the most accessible exercise - learn to write with the hand you use the least. At least a few lines a day and you will make significant progress.

This seems to be a simple tip, but it is very difficult to follow at first! I read in one article about visualization that if you want to translate the desired life scenario into reality, then write it down with your left hand (if you are right-handed) in a notebook for 21 days. Horror! These are the torments you will have to endure, how to suffer, drawing hooks and roundels like a first-grader.

Also start doing various household trifles less active hand- washing dishes, combing, fastening buttons, brushing teeth.

Right-handers it is worth taking up learning to play musical instruments, drawing, vocals or creating creative crafts, and left-handers, respectively, to practice solving logic puzzles and mathematical exercises.

We speak different languages

The next method is learning foreign languages. Despite the fact that some skeptics consider learning different languages ​​just memory training, I am convinced that this is a good technique, if not to increase, then to strengthen and train mental activity. Moreover, it has been proven that the study of languages ​​prevents senile mental illness, which means that there is a connection with intellectual potential.

Judge for yourself, in order to learn a language, you need to find patterns for applying the rules, compare various factors and concepts, analyze new words as symbols. Therefore, learn languages, and also acquire a mega-useful skill for traveling, reading foreign forums, books and watching films in the original.

I recommend reading about books that increase intelligence. So you double or even triple the effect!

Everything new is useful

The fifth method in my piggy bank of tools to increase intelligence - searching and getting new impressions. There is just an incredible variety and richness of imagination. Try rock climbing or a trip to a Harry Potter studio. Firstly, travel provides a lot of new information that will be remembered easily and will give food for thought. Study different cultures, traditions and laws, compare them with each other. Study cuisine, life and people, this is a great opportunity to train your brain.

Secondly, the right films also help to brainstorm. What films are worth watching, read in my article " Films about self-development and self-improvement". Thirdly, look for sources of knowledge in various hobbies and interesting activities. Be sure to improve your professional skills, participate in courses and trainings, or conduct your own!

Getting rid of barriers

Of course, it makes no sense to treat the disease if it provokes the onset of its symptoms. And that means everything pollutes the brain and does not allow them to rest, should be removed as garbage in your life: TV, hanging on social networks, inefficient pastime.

Also without active brain stimulation blood and provide essential nutrients, develop intellectual ability impossible. Therefore, systematically exercise, maintain your health, lead an active lifestyle and eat right.

However, do not forget about the classic ways to increase intelligence: solve puzzles, guess at puzzles and crossword puzzles, visit quest rooms. Be smart and smart!

Tell me, do you use any methods to increase intelligence? Or rely on genetics?
June was with you.

I hope we don't say goodbye. Subscribe to my blog news and tell your friends about it. Let's chat together!

  • Responsible parents always worry about what are the ways to develop children's intelligence at an early age? Cognition will help the baby develop the ability to recognize the world around him and strive for multiple discoveries.
  • The development of a child's intelligence depends on several important factors. not unimportant is heredity, as well as the environment in which he lives, is brought up and communicates
  • In addition, it is of great importance to what extent parents stimulate the child to cognitive activity, how they influenced the formation of his character and in what ways they help develop children's intelligence.
  • The interest of the child in any business is important, because if there is no interest, there is no incentive and desire for knowledge

Scientists have proven that intelligence develops in a child even when he is in prenatal age. That is why you can often hear recommendations that pregnant women need to listen to beautiful classical music, draw, sing, watch flowers and animals.

development of intelligence in children

There are several main types of intelligence in children:

  • Verbal - one that is responsible for the communication skills of the child, allowing him to find contact with other people, children, read and write at an older age, ask questions, form dialogues and lead a discussion
  • Spatial - one that is formed by observing objects, it is thanks to him that the visual perception of different images and the ability to modify them are created
  • Boolean - allowing you to immerse yourself in thinking and solve problems, calculate and calculate something
  • Physical - the ability to clearly coordinate their movements and master the motor skills of the body
  • Emotional the ability to control one's feelings, analyze them and come to conclusions about one's impressions
  • Social - the opportunity to find contact with people and build relationships with society
  • Spiritual - the ability to talk about your inner component and manage it
  • Creative — the ability to think creatively, organize and implement your ideas

types of children's intelligence

How correctly and fully the nutrition of a pregnant woman was, directly depends on how the baby will be born. You need to pay attention to the child even when he is in the womb and accompany him with this care all his life. If his mental and cognitive qualities are not formed in time, he will be inactive and not quick-witted as a teenager.

The development of intelligence in a child of preschool and school age

Intellectual development is the most important moment in the formation of the personality of your baby. Unfortunately, not every parent has certain knowledge that makes him understand how this should be done. Most often, professionals in their field will be able to suggest ways: child psychologists, educators or teachers. However, the formation of intelligence is usually broken down into several important stages.

The first stage is the development of a child of three years of age and younger:

  • It is necessary to know that at this young age the child is completely dependent and subject to his senses. This affects how he perceives the world and understands it from an early age.
  • For this reason, a baby at this age is regularly recommended to give various objects of various textures into his hands. This develops his sense of touch and helps him learn that everything in the world is different to the touch.
  • It will be good training to distinguish all sorts of tastes and aromas, which will favorably affect the mind of the baby.
  • Fairy tales are of great importance for children of three years of age, it is through them that the baby is able to develop all types of his intellect, as well as improve his psyche

preschool development

The second stage is the development of a child from three to four years of age:

  • Every parent needs to know that at this age the child is already partially aware of himself as a full-fledged personality.
  • The child has a desire to do independent actions and make decisions on his own, so you should not interfere with this at all, and vice versa, you need to try not to limit him in any way
  • It should be encouraged in every way that the initiative of the baby, which occasionally arises, so that it becomes frequent.
  • Entrust your child with “important” and responsible tasks: feed the cat, carry the bag, put napkins on the steel, etc.
  • Treating your child with all seriousness and responsibility will allow him to acquire important life skills.
  • Instill in your child a love of creativity
  • Show how much you respect the baby and how you understand his problems
  • Do not put pressure on the child, do not force him to do his unwanted work, agree in words, without raising your hand to him and not letting him know that you have superiority
  • Try to communicate with the baby "on an equal footing", this will allow him not to be afraid to communicate with other people and become a sociable person
  • Instill in your child a love of nature, watch birds and animals together, grow flowers, fruits and vegetables

development of the child's intellectual skills

The third stage is the development of the intellect of a six-year-old child (first grader)

  • At the age of five or six, the child is already beginning to actively prepare for school, which means that parents should already acquaint him with what letters and numbers are.
  • However, it is important to understand that forcing a child to read or even write is not worth it.
  • It is much more important at this age to teach a child to communicate with people and not be afraid of them, as well as to be independent in their actions.
  • The development of communication skills at this age will allow the child to quickly make friends, take part in creative tasks and competitions with pleasure, create something with their own hands and perform deliberate adult actions.
  • You should not punish your child for doing something wrong or not wanting to do something at all, he should be encouraged and praised in every way, even for the smallest and most insignificant achievements.
  • This age very often imprints memories for life, so it is important for every parent to leave only pleasant impressions and emotions in the child's head and soul.

intellectual development of the student

Development of intelligence and thinking in a child: exercises, games

Games and special exercises will help develop thinking in children of any age:

The game "Search for the treasured treasure." This game is able to develop in the child such skills as:

  • orientation in space
  • orientation in unfamiliar (familiar) terrain
  • opportunity to get help

The game involves drawing in advance with the child a plan of your housing: houses or apartments. The child should clearly explain that this picture is a top view and this kind of “map” on which a red cross shows the place where something is hidden. This map will help you find the treasure. The treasure in this case is a toy that the parents hide.

Much stronger than a child can stimulate the search for goodies: sweets or chocolates, as well as a gift. The task can be complicated by hiding the treasure in a summer cottage or in the yard.

Game for the development of thinking in the baby "Place the kitten"

The game favors the development of the most important children's skills:

  • she develops imagination
  • improves speech
  • improves memory
  • teaches how to compare things

In order to play this game, you need to ask the child to visually imagine the kitten and show him with his hands how small or large he is. Then ask him a series of questions:

  • Will the kitten fit in the box?
  • Will a kitten fit in a wallet?
  • Can a kitten fit in a wardrobe?

So you can endlessly imagine a kitten and mentally place it in different places. This will help the child develop not only thinking, but also the ability to compare objects.

development of children's thinking

Game for the development of thinking "Tree, fruit, leaf"

For such a game, you will need some paraphernalia:

  • pictures with images of different trees
  • pictures with images of different fruits of trees
  • pictures with images of different tree leaves

For the game, you should use only images that are understandable and familiar to the child. The essence of the game is that the mother offers the baby to correctly distribute the pictures, in accordance with the tree. So, the kid should attach a picture of apples and its leaf to an apple tree, and an acorn to an oak tree.

The game develops the child's logical and creative thinking, while allowing him to imagine living objects, use memory and associations.

The development of social intelligence in a child: exercises, games

Games for the development of social intelligence help the child acquire certain social and communication skills and learn to actively behave in society: not to be afraid of communication, tactile contact, not to be shy.

Game for the development of social intelligence "Sleepy Engine"

This game allows each child to plunge into the world of their feelings, to trust another person. The meaning of the game is to get from point "A" to point "B" blindfolded, completely trusting the one who will lead you. To do this, several children line up in a row and each is blindfolded, except for the first.

It is best to play this game on the playground, where there are some obstacles. The guide (the first engine) tells what to do next: bend down, raise your leg, jump, and he tells the next one. Each locomotive repeats the actions of the previous one and diligently overcomes obstacles, moving forward and holding his comrade by the shoulders.

During the game, children learn to communicate with each other, not be afraid to be deceived and learn to help each other. In addition, the lack of vision allows you to visually represent in your head the objects surrounding children.

play is the best way to develop skills

Game for the development of social intelligence "Magic Bouquet"

This game will help teach children to show interest and attention to everything that surrounds them. In addition, it favors that children establish friendly friendly relations and have only positive emotions from communication. This is done very simply - with the help of compliments and pleasant words.

The game will require mandatory paraphernalia and a calm environment:

  • a large green sheet of paper (whatman size) or green cloth - it will serve as a clearing
  • multi-colored paper and scissors - to create petals

The host invites the children to fill the meadow with colorful flowers, but in order to do this, it will be necessary to dedicate each petal to someone. Each attached petal is a pleasant compliment to any of those present.

Development of emotional intelligence in a child: exercises, games

Games for the development of emotional intelligence in children of any age are unusually simple, but at the same time deep. They allow children to feel everything that is happening inside them and draw certain conclusions: good or bad for them.

Game for the development of emotional intelligence "My joy":

  • The purpose of the game is to expand children's knowledge of what joy is and how it manifests itself in real life.
  • The host of the game should focus the attention of the kids on how they feel at the moment and ask them to explain what joy is for them.
  • In addition, the game forms positive emotions and pleasant impressions in children.
  • As an attribute, you can use any funny or joyful toy. Children pass this toy to each other, answering one important question: “Joy is ...”
  • During the game, each child plunges into his personal thoughts and tries to find the answer within himself, from planning it and subconsciously preparing for it, waiting for his turn

Game for the development of emotional intelligence "Behind the Glass":

  • This game allows the child to develop the ability to communicate with children and be able to express their emotions correctly, that is, so that others understand him.
  • Children should clearly guess by facial expression what one child is trying to convey to them.
  • This teaches the child to coordinate their movements, develop tolerance and the ability to control their feelings.
  • Children are divided into two teams. The task is to imagine that soundproof glass separates them. Each participant must portray any state or desire to the opposite team.
  • At this time, the opposite team guesses what a friend wants to tell him

It is not necessary to play such games in groups, because it is not always possible to involve several children at once. It is quite realistic to ask some family members to keep you company and try to have fun, as well as usefully spend time.

Video: " How to develop the intelligence of a child? Parenting. Mother's School"



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