Yorkie vaccinations: optimal timing, preparation, care after vaccination. When should I vaccinate my Yorkie puppy for the first time? Advice of veterinarians What time are Yorkshire Terrier vaccinations

Vaccinations can protect your pet's body from dangerous diseases. Therefore, caring owners make them throughout the life of the animal. But, before buying a vaccine, you need to familiarize yourself with its types. In veterinary pharmacies, you can find many drugs, both domestically produced and imported. Give preference to those that have proven themselves from the best side.

Yorkie puppy first vaccination

Dogs at the age of one and a half months are already subject to vaccination. The first vaccination that a puppy receives is against adenovirus, hepatitis and enteritis. Only healthy animals can be vaccinated. Therefore, two weeks or 10 days before vaccination, it is mandatory to carry out worming. To do this, they buy a special drug in the pharmacy and give it to the dog according to the instructions.

The first vaccination may not be well tolerated by the animal and cause allergic reactions. Therefore, with changes in the health and behavior of the dog, you should consult a veterinarian.

What vaccinations are given to Yorkie puppies

After the Yorkshire Terrier has received the first vaccination, the next one (against distemper) is made after 2 weeks. After another same period of time, revaccination is carried out with the drug of the same manufacturer. It is not worth it to inject the animal on your own, it is better to contact a veterinary clinic.

5 months after the birth of a Yorkie, it is imperative to vaccinate him against rabies. At six months, repeat all vaccinations made at the age of 2 and 2.5 months.

A one-year-old dog should be vaccinated according to the same scheme as up to a year old. Rabies vaccinations must be repeated annually. As for others, they are further selected by a specialist according to the individual characteristics of the animal's body.

The first thing to remember is that only a completely healthy animal can be vaccinated. In a sick dog, after vaccination, the condition may worsen significantly or be fatal. Therefore, in order for the vaccine to be well tolerated by the dog and not cause any complications, some rules must be observed:

  1. In order for the vaccine to benefit the puppy, two weeks before this serious procedure, you need to drive away the worms from him.
  2. Vaccination should be carried out under sterile conditions, preferably in a veterinary clinic.
  3. Immediately before the introduction of the drug, you need to measure the body temperature of the animal. It should be around 37-39 °C.
  4. It is necessary to check the name, the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date of the vaccine.
  5. The vaccination must be done by a veterinarian.

The immunity developed after vaccination is maintained throughout the year. Therefore, it makes sense to re-do it only after this period has elapsed.

Period after vaccination

A newly vaccinated Yorkie should not be allowed to associate with other, unvaccinated animals. For three weeks, it is advisable not to walk with your pet on the street, because during the quarantine period the risk of the animal getting sick increases. After the injection, the puppy should avoid overwork and hypothermia. It is also worth canceling water procedures so as not to cause serious complications or illnesses in this way.

Remember, the Yorkie must receive the first vaccination before the change of teeth. This condition is due to the fact that the vaccine can affect the appearance of new teeth in a dog.

Preparations for vaccination

Experienced breeders of Yorkshire terrier dogs advise using drugs from foreign manufacturers to vaccinate their pets. Usually dog ​​owners prefer vaccines with the following names:

  • Eurikan;
  • Hexadog;
  • Nobivak.

These drugs have earned their popularity due to their high quality, so they are very easily tolerated by animals.

In order for your beloved Yorkie to always be healthy, in addition to good nutrition, it is worth remembering about vaccination. Do not neglect it, get vaccinated on time and your pet will always be full of strength and energy.


Infectious diseases pose the greatest danger to the health and life of your pet, and vaccinations are the only way to prevent them. Animals vaccinated against canine distemper, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and rabies.

Ten to fourteen days before vaccination, it is necessary to drive out the worms. If this is the first, then the anthelmintic is given twice: after the first two-week break, then the medicine is given again, the prescribed ten to fourteen days are expected, and only then the puppy is vaccinated.

Vaccinations should be done at a veterinary clinic, where you will not only be vaccinated, but also make the necessary marks in your passport. If your dog is afraid of clinics, you can invite a doctor to the house, where in a calm environment your Yorkie will receive medicine. Before signing up for a vaccination, read the reviews about the clinic, make sure that they have all the necessary certificates confirming the high qualification of the staff. Find out who the supplier of the vaccine is, and also in what conditions it is stored. Due to violation of storage conditions, the vaccine may simply cease to act.

Before you go to the veterinarian, make sure that your Yorkie is doing well: he has a great appetite, he plays and frolics. Take the temperature of the animal or ask the veterinarian to do this.

Of all the animals on earth, dogs have always been and remain the most devoted and close friends of man. They bring into our lives a lot of sometimes unexpected, but at the same time such pleasant troubles and unforgettable memories.

It can be noisy from them, sometimes these “hooligans” become impossible when, at the age of a month, they rush around the rooms, scatter everything in their path or gnaw. It seems that these "antics" of theirs can no longer be tolerated. Sometimes you have to work hard, putting things in order after the games arranged by our children together with the smaller brothers: Jacks, Marquises and other four-legged brethren - small and large. But how you sometimes want to get rid of suffering, to help these tiny creatures when they suddenly fall ill!

By purchasing a Yorkie, the owners become attached to a restless barking lump, he becomes a favorite, a member of their family. How not to protect the growing baby from the lurking diseases, so formidable and dangerous? Today we will talk about the rules for vaccinating Yorkshire terriers, methods of vaccination, in particular, their protection against rabies.

What does vaccination give and why should it be carried out

You have purchased a purebred Yorkie and brought it home. A native of the county of Yorkshire and Lancashire, which is located in the north of England, where this breed came from. So small and defenseless. We must immediately take care of maintaining his health, do everything so that the body is already prepared for a meeting with a possible infection and repulsed its “attack” in time. For this baby, the Yorkie needs to be vaccinated.

When should vaccination be started? Having been born, the Yorkie still has the so-called "innate" immunity, transmitted from the mother through the umbilical cord. Further, up to two months, he receives antibodies with her milk, they protect against the effects of infectious agents from the outside and maintain the body's resistance at the proper level. As the baby begins to eat regular food, there is less and less mother's milk in his diet. Then the time comes when only vaccination of Yorkies will help protect against dangerous diseases.

A vaccine is a tool that promotes an immune response. Preparations of this group may contain live weakened microorganisms that are not capable of harming the dog, but there are “killed”, inactivated ones. Through the antigen-antibody reaction using a specially treated pathogen (for example, the rabies virus), the body of the Yorkie becomes resistant to the effects of this deadly virus. In this case, the antigen is the administered vaccine, in response to which the production of antibodies begins, providing immunity.

It is important to know! Only healthy dogs are allowed to be vaccinated.

Despite the fact that vaccination for a puppy is important and necessary, it should be noted that such injections are strictly prohibited for a sick or weak animal. In this case, his immunity is already weakened. If you apply an even greater load on the body by the introduction of this drug, then instead of benefit, we will get harm.

What diseases can vaccines protect against?

Attention! When a terrier puppy reaches two months, a veterinary passport is issued, in which marks are entered on the vaccinations performed, which begin to be done at this age.

Basic rules and deadlines

Since rabies is a fatal disease for both dogs and humans, immunization against the virus should be given special attention. Veterinarians adhere to a well-established schedule of vaccinations and give them in accordance with the following criteria.

  1. The puppy is being prepared for the injection. Before vaccination, the veterinarian examines the pet. If necessary, it is necessary to carry out insectoacaricidal treatment (in other words, remove fleas). Ten days before vaccination should be carried out, since the possible presence of worms worsens the condition and will negatively affect the effectiveness of vaccination for a puppy. This manipulation is done in the morning an hour before feeding. Of the antihelminthic drugs, it is recommended to use Drontal, Febtal, Prazicide-suspension.

Important! Before the introduction, experts recommend antihistamines, since the introduction of an inactivated or weakened, but still foreign agent can cause an allergic reaction. Suitable Suprastin, Tavegil in dosages corresponding to the mass.

  1. Optimal timing of vaccine administration. If the puppy is completely healthy, the first vaccination is given at the age of 11 - 13 weeks, provided that there is no risk of early infection. Repeat the procedure after half a month. Further, injections are given annually according to veterinary instructions, although it has been scientifically proven that immunity lasts for three years.
  2. Some features of vaccinations and possible complications. It is desirable to make an injection with a needle from an insulin syringe. Treat the injection site with an alcohol solution. Calm or distract the puppy so that he does not whine or “kick”, otherwise this will negatively affect the quality of the injection. Inject the medicine slowly. Perhaps the formation of a hematoma or bump, which will have to be treated. Revaccination is preferably carried out with the same drug that was administered for the first time. Bathing a puppy is allowed only half a month after the procedure, provided that it passed without complications.

How to protect your pet

The vaccine is injected not earlier than 3-4 months of age and not later than a year. Although, of course, it is best to carry out such manipulations within a strictly set time frame. Many prefer the drug Eurikan LR, others prefer Nobivak. Protection lasts 3 years, but it is recommended to vaccinate annually due to the special danger of the disease for animals and humans. And what drug to vaccinate an animal - the choice belongs to the owner, and recommendations should be given by a practicing veterinarian.

Vaccination timing by age

When attention is drawn to the expiration date of the drug, its labeling. It is recommended to trust your pets only to specialists of licensed clinics.

The general scheme of vaccination looks like this:

  • 8 - 10 weeks: Nobivak;
  • three weeks later - revaccination with DHPPi + Nobivak Lepto and administration (some doctors recommend revaccination after a change of teeth, but there is no fundamental difference in these approaches);
  • Subsequently, vaccinations are made once a year (sometimes they are vaccinated every three years).

Note: There are different vaccination procedures. To determine the timing for your pet, you should contact the doctor of the veterinary clinic.

Follow-up and care after vaccination

After vaccination, it is necessary to observe the baby for some time. If the first vaccination was carried out in a veterinary clinic, it is desirable to observe the puppy for the first 30-60 minutes by a specialist. If your Yorkie continues to whine for a long time, this reaction is caused by stress and is quite understandable. In this case, the baby can be given a sedative.

The injection site is allowed to be treated with an iodine solution if necessary. The first week to monitor his condition, to prevent combing and contamination. If you get an infection and suppuration, contact your veterinarian.

Nutrition is no different from that under normal conditions. Bathing is permissible no earlier than two weeks after the injection.

Yorkie feeling after the procedure

Symptoms that may be observed:

  • some increase in temperature: general and at the injection site (in adult dogs, it ranges from 37 to 39 degrees, in puppies - up to 39.5);
  • lethargy in behavior, drowsiness, loss of appetite;
  • locally there may be slight soreness and even swelling.

The above symptoms are considered quite physiological and do not require additional treatment. However, there may be more serious side effects in the form of itching, general swelling, as well as diarrhea, vomiting, and convulsions. Such phenomena require the immediate intervention of specialists.

There are situations when a long-term non-absorbable seal forms at the injection site. Sometimes it suppurates, and then an abscess forms. Such a pathology after vaccination is difficult to open on its own, it requires surgical assistance.

What should be observed and considered

If you value the health of your pet, then all medical manipulations should be carried out only in proven state-level veterinary clinics. You must have a passport with vaccination records. In addition, owners of purebred dogs, including Yorkshire Terrier breeds, should remember:

  • vaccinations are carried out in compliance with sterility, otherwise complications cannot be avoided;
  • resistance to the disease persists for a year;
  • weakened and sick individuals are not grafted;
  • if you are planning a mating, then the vaccination of your "pet" should be carried out no later than 14 - 20 days before it.


Dogs have always been close to man. They differed from us in special devotion and love for their masters. Being nearby, they are able to give joy and give people special energy. Well, we must take care of them and prevent dangerous diseases.

Having decided to buy a Yorkshire Terrier, you need to know some of the subtleties of keeping a dog of this breed.

Following the schedule of vaccinations, proper feeding and grooming of the Yorkie coat will help to grow a healthy dog ​​from the baby.
Learn how to properly care for your pet.

The right things

Puppies of small breeds are often sold at the age of two months, when they already know how to eat on their own and are strong enough to move to a new family, then you should take care of the care, maintenance, and nutrition of the pet:

  • Two bowls for water and food, it is worth taking separate metal or ceramic ones with rubber suction cups at the bottom. Dog bowls, which are one divided by a partition, are not suitable, food particles will fall into the water all the time.
  • A cozy house for a dog, a basket with a soft mattress or a foam lounger. The puppy loves to sleep on a soft and warm rug, so a personal place for him should be as comfortable as possible.
  • Tray and diaper. Breeders most often teach puppies to recover on special diapers, which can be purchased at any pet store. The owner covers the tray (this item should be large enough for an adult dog) with a diaper and drops it there after sleeping, feeding or playing. The cat tray is not suitable.
  • Toys. It can be rubber squeakers, small balls or ropes, bones and soft toys, some kids love to procrastinate old slippers or fight with a huge plush hare. There are special puzzle toys, balls or dumbbells with a funnel-shaped hole inside. Cookies or cheese are put into it, and the pet is engaged in a toy for a long time, trying to get treats.
  • Collar and leash. For a Yorkshire Terrier, it is preferable to purchase a collar rather than a harness. This is especially true of show puppies, whose coat deteriorates from contact with harness straps. The collar should be as soft as possible, the leash can be immediately taken for growth: a tape measure leash or leather, in the color of the collar.
  • Flea collar. Even pets living in an apartment are prone to attack by fleas and ticks, which can enter the apartment through the porch, balcony, or "arrive" on the shoes of the owners. It is advised to buy a collar designed specifically for babies with plant repellents.
  • Clothing can be purchased as you grow. You don’t need to buy summer things, let the baby walk freely, but in the off-season and in winter, warm overalls or waterproof blankets are necessary. Yorkies are not protected from the cold, their paws are exposed to chemicals and salt in winter, so winter boots will come in handy.
  • A hairpin or rubber band for a tuft on the head, into which wool is collected, making it difficult to look. They acquire bangs as they grow and special devices in which long hair is wrapped on the dog's body.
  • Items for grooming. The puppy has a short, soft coat, but in order for it to grow and remain beautiful and silky, the pet needs to be bathed regularly, accustomed to blow-drying and combing. Yorkie shampoo, comb and soft brush, hair dryer and towel will be needed from the first days.
  • Lotions for the treatment of ears and eyes, cotton pads - all this can be bought at a good pet store. Eyes are wiped in the morning, ears are cleaned once a week.
  • A carrying bag is a necessary thing for a pet when you need to take him for a vaccination at a clinic or an exhibition. Purchase plastic carriers with solid walls, in which nothing threatens the baby. Bags with soft, fabric sidewalls are inconvenient for the dog, there is always a risk of pressing the pet.

If you plan to leave your pet alone for a long time, then you need to purchase a special cage-aviary in which he will be when the owners are not at home. The cage is equipped with a soft sunbed, a bowl of water, a tray with a diaper and pet toys are placed in it. Therefore, the dog cage must be large enough.

When the owners are at home, the cage door should always be open, and you can periodically throw tidbits there so that the cage is associated only with pleasant surprises.

Vaccination Schedule

At two months, the puppy no longer has maternal antibodies that can protect him from the disease, so the first vaccination can be done at this age. Usually, vaccines are purchased at veterinary pharmacies, or a pet is carried to a veterinary clinic.

Experienced breeders recommend using vaccines from foreign manufacturers for immunizing a Yorkie: Nobivak or Vanguard. Domestic vaccines are sometimes ineffective and do not form an adequate immune response.

Before vaccination, be sure to give tablets for worms, then after 10 days the first vaccination is given. Usually use Nobivak DHPPI, which protects the baby from enteritis, plague, hepatitis, adenovirus and parainfluenza. This is a dry vaccine that is diluted with Diluent. Three weeks later, they are re-vaccinated with the same vaccine.

Quarantine lasts the entire period of primary vaccination, including the interval between vaccinations and two weeks after the second. Then the puppy can walk outside, attend exhibitions and play with other dogs.

After the change of teeth, at seven months the third vaccination is made with the Nobivak DHPPI vaccine, but Nobivak L is used as a solvent, which protects the dog from leptospirosis. In the year of the Yorkshire Terrier, Nobivak DHPPI + Nobivak LR is vaccinated, that is, the baby is protected not only from common infectious diseases, but also from rabies. The vaccination is repeated annually.

Rabies vaccination is recommended by the rules for all dogs from the age of three months, but the vaccine is toxic, often causes allergies and can affect the further growth and development of the pet. Vaccinate against rabies by age only those puppies that live in quarantine zones or participate in exhibitions.


Dogs of this breed suffer most often from various genetic anomalies, and injuries received when jumping or falling. Their saliva contains a large amount of a substance that forms tartar.

Brushing your teeth several times a month with a toothbrush will help prevent gum disease and other dental problems.

Genetic anomalies

  1. Necrosis of the femoral head - begins at the age of 6 months, reaches its maximum development by the year. It is characterized by lameness on one of the hind limbs, atrophy or reduction of the femoral muscle, difficulty getting up. Surgical treatment.
  2. Dislocation of the patella, characterized by walking the dog on a bent paw, lameness and the inability to straighten the paw. Surgical treatment.
  3. Instability of the first and second cervical vertebrae leads to their displacement and infringement of the spinal cord, characterized by acute pain, suffocation, paralysis of the limbs. Surgical treatment.
  4. The presence of an abnormal vessel that directs blood around the liver, which cleanses it. The symptomatology is similar to the clinic of acute poisoning or intoxication, convulsions, lethargy, depression are observed. It can manifest itself in puppyhood, and the larger the lumen of the vessel, the more difficult the condition of the dog. Surgical treatment.
  5. Deformation or collapse of the trachea, manifested by coughing and periodic attacks of suffocation. It is caused by narrowing of the lumen of the tracheal cartilage due to its sagging. Provoke the onset of the disease obesity, inflammatory diseases, progresses over time.
  6. Acute pancreatitis is the most common disease in these dogs. It starts acutely, with vomiting, abdominal pain and fever, and diarrhea. Treatment is conservative.


You need to feed a puppy at 2 months several times a day, some babies need three times, some require four meals a day. When a dog is taken from a breeder, you should definitely ask what the baby ate. Most often, breeders feed small Yorkies with dry food designed specifically for this breed.

Even if in the future it is planned to feed the dog at home only with natural products, it is necessary to transfer it to natural food a couple of weeks after the purchase. It is necessary to give the puppy time to adapt to new living conditions for him, and only then gradually transfer him to a new diet.

natural nutrition

For a two-month-old puppy, it is necessary to include in the diet daily:

  • Porridge from a mixture of cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • Raw beef meat;
  • boiled carrots;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Cottage cheese and any dairy products;
  • Sukam is milk.

Usually, porridge is boiled from cereals in water, then carrots are added to it (you can add grated raw carrots to hot porridge), vegetable oil and beef, cut into small pieces and scalded with boiling water. Porridge is given three times a day, once - dairy products. You can diversify the menu with the help of raw sea fish, give a raw chicken egg once a week. Puppies must be given vitamins containing calcium and phosphorus.

For an adult animal, the diet remains the same, an adult Yorkie is fed twice a day, with the first feeding consisting of cottage cheese or kefir. Three meals a day are necessary for up to a year, for puppies in the second month of pregnancy and lactating.

Ready feed

It is advisable to buy dry food of a super-premium class, only these foods contain the entire set of vitamins and are balanced in terms of fat content:

  • "Eukanuba Yorkshire Terrier": food granules are covered with a special film that protects the teeth from the appearance of tartar, contains all the necessary vitamins and amino acids. For an adult dog, 50 grams is enough. The price is 600 rubles per kilogram.
  • ROYALCANINYorkshire Terrier: Contains biotin and vegetable oils to enhance coat color. There is food designed for Yorkie puppies. The cost is 350 rubles per kilogram.
  • "Proplan": ideal food for small breeds, strengthens the immune system, prevents obesity. The cost is 350 rubles per kilogram.
  • Acana: Gluten-free, corn-free, very low-carb, small amounts of oats. Natural products and environmentally friendly ingredients, for dogs prone to allergies. Price: 600 rubles per kilogram.
  • Hill's: food designed not only for age groups, but also for animals on a therapeutic diet. The cost per kilogram is 380 rubles.

Prohibited Products

Both puppies and adult Yorkies should not be given the following foods:

  • Fat meat;
  • Smoked meats, boiled sausages, sausages;
  • Sugar and chocolate;
  • Any confectionery that contains margarine, sugar;
  • Chicken bones, after 4 months - any bones;
  • River fish, salted or smoked fish;
  • Any products from the table, they contain too much salt and fat.

You should not think that it is easy to feed a small dog from the table, that you do not need to buy food or cook it separately.

Everything that people eat is unhealthy for a dog, even tasty and healthy cottage cheese pancakes, scrambled eggs or chicken soup. The pancreas of the Yorkie is very vulnerable, so special attention should be paid to its nutrition.



The Yorkie's coat grows throughout his life, so a small puppy should be immediately accustomed to long and frequent procedures for washing, drying and combing. A shorn pet is washed every three weeks, a show pet with long hair - once every ten days.

To properly wash your dog, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. The dog is placed in the bath, on a towel or rubber mat, so that it does not slip. Yorkies can easily dislocate or break their paws by jerking violently on slippery surfaces.
  2. Shampoo suitable for wool is diluted in advance in an empty plastic bottle.
  3. The dog is wetted by pouring warm water from the shower, then diluted shampoo is applied twice, washing it off until it squeaks on the coat.
  4. First, they wash their head and face, making sure that the ears remain dry inside.
  5. The balm is applied last, then washed off very carefully.
  6. The dog is wrapped in a thick towel, all the water is squeezed out of the wool, then they begin to dry with a hairdryer. The room should be warm, and the air from the hair dryer should not be excessively hot.

When should the first Yorkie vaccinations be given? Pets play a big and important role in our life. With them we spend part of our time and share a house, an apartment and sometimes a bed. Therefore, the issue of vaccinating a pet is very important, but important questions arise here: when to vaccinate yorkie puppies And what vaccinations are given to Yorkies. We will discuss this in detail in this article.

Yorkshire Terriers receive the same vaccinations as other dogs. They must protect the pet's body from dangerous and contagious diseases that are transmitted in various ways and are fatal. Often they are not curable. A dog can communicate with a relative or a fox, a mouse, a cat, eat waste products or get a bite, and dangerous bacteria and a virus can already enter its body. There is also a chance to bring pathogens into the house on shoes and other things.

When are Yorkies vaccinated?

Vaccination time is determined by the age of the Yorkie. For puppies, the set and scheme is one, for adults another. However, they are made every year, even for the elderly. The widespread opinion that after 6-8 years a strong immunity to dangerous diseases is developed and vaccinations are not needed is erroneous. Many cases have been registered when, at an advanced age, a pet becomes infected with rabies, distemper, leptospirosis, etc. The region is also of great importance - in some areas there is an outbreak or regular cases of certain diseases, then additional vaccines are given.

Vaccination of the Yorkshire Terrier is carried out to prevent the following diseases:

  • rabies;
  • plague of carnivores;
  • paragripp;
  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • adenovirus;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • fungal diseases.

Yorkie vaccination schedule

A Yorkshire Terrier puppy is taken from breeders at about the age of 2-3 months. When buying, a new owner must be provided with a veterinary passport, which should contain a mark on the first vaccinations. But the new owners will have to follow the timely vaccination of the Yorkie in the future, so it is worth remembering the vaccination schedule:

1.5 months (in 6 weeks) get the first vaccination against diseases such as enteritis, hepatitis and adenovirus
2 months (at 8 weeks) vaccination against distemper, hepatitis, adenovirus and enteritis
2.5 months, that is, after 2 weeks revaccination is carried out, that is, the previous vaccination must be repeated
4-5 months yorkshire terrier needs to be vaccinated against rabies
6 months again it is necessary to revaccinate, that is, repeat the vaccinations already done at 2 and 2.5 months
1 year the pattern is also repeated

Against rabies, the dog must be vaccinated annually, and the scheme of other vaccinations for an adult Yorkie is selected individually in the clinic.

Preparing a Yorkie for Vaccination

Before vaccinating a Yorkshire Terrier, you must follow simple rules:

Before as get rid of worms in a yorkie puppy administer an anthelmintic drug to the mother. Most often this is the same suspension as for the offspring. Both procedures are carried out on the same day. Infection with worms can occur in utero and through mother's milk. For puppies, suspensions (liquid preparations) with special syringes and a sweet taste are convenient. They do not cause disgust, they are easy to measure and give by weight.

When to Vaccinate Yorkie Puppies

Puppies while breastfeeding have a fairly strong immunity, but by 1.5-2 months it is weakening. By the age of 3 months, they begin to disperse to new homes, where danger awaits them. Therefore, measures are taken in advance and the moment comes when Yorkie puppies are vaccinated. This is done in stages. There are also serums, but they act for a short time and do not contribute to the development of immunity.

Yorkie's first vaccination

A Yorkie puppy appeared in the house, when to vaccinate? The first one was supposed to be delivered by the breeder at 6-8 weeks. This can be determined by the veterinary passport, where the date and signature of the veterinarian is in the appropriate section. It is customary to stick labels from jars of vaccines nearby. This is convenient, since there are many drugs and they have different schemes.

Yorkie's second vaccination

The second vaccination according to the age of the Yorkie is done 21 days after the first. Thus, the "training" of the immunity of a small dog is consolidated. Quarantine is still in effect, which saves a vulnerable organism from infection.

Yorkie's third vaccination

The third time vaccination is prescribed at the age of 6 months. However, schemes may differ depending on the opinion of the veterinarian or the characteristics of the drugs. Also, the usual schedule will change the poor condition of the puppy. The next vaccination is at 12 months.

Rabies vaccination for Yorkshire Terrier

Rabies occupies a special place in the list of diseases of domestic animals. It is better to vaccinate against it at the state veterinary clinic, where they will definitely put a seal. In Eastern Europe, there is a very unfavorable situation for rabies and they are vaccinated against it every year. Whereas in other countries 1 time in 3 years is enough. The rule is established by law and common sense. Wild animals, and sometimes domestic animals, after infection, transmit the disease to relatives and humans, and soon die.

Yorkie Vaccination Preparations

Vaccines of foreign and domestic production have been created and are actively used. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, in choosing it is better to trust a veterinarian with a good reputation. Vaccines are monovalent - from one disease, and polyvalent - from several at once. The second option does not always suit veterinarians, some of them believe that weak immunity is being developed.

Pet vaccines usually have two components: liquid and dry. They are mixed and injected with a syringe subcutaneously (in the withers) or intramuscularly (in the thigh). The components are stored in the refrigerator, and the finished solution is not longer than 30 minutes. Bathe the Yorkie after vaccination for 3-7 days or wet the injection site. In addition, they do not allow hypothermia, long walks in cold air or under heavy precipitation. Nutrition, except for a small diet for 3 days after vaccination, should be complete. At the injection site, swelling sometimes occurs, which disappears after a few days.

For puppies, the rules are stricter: quarantine for the duration of all vaccinations. You can’t even endure walking for 5-10 minutes. It is better to leave shoes in the vestibule or wash them immediately after arrival, preventing the little Yorkie from touching them. Communication with other animals visiting the street is prohibited. Quarantine ends 2 weeks after the second injection, when you can walk with the Yorkie.

A reaction to the vaccine may be mild weakness or lethargy. York after vaccination becomes lethargic. In case of other or severe symptoms of ailments, including allergic manifestations, it is necessary to immediately consult a veterinarian.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

Question: At what age should a Yorkie puppy be vaccinated?

Answer: The first vaccination is usually given to a puppy at 6-8 weeks.

Question: How long after vaccination can I bathe a Yorkie

Answer: You can bathe a Yorkie 3-7 days after vaccination.

Question: How much does the first vaccination for a Yorkie cost?

Answer: The cost of vaccination usually depends on several factors: where to vaccinate (at home or in a veterinary clinic) and what vaccine will be used.

Approximate cost:

  • Domestic vaccine (vaccine Multakan or Biovak) - 1000 rubles and more.
  • Imported vaccine (Vangard vaccine, Nobivak) - from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

Question: When is the first shot for a Yorkie?

Answer: The first vaccination is usually given at the age of 6-8 weeks.

Question: Can I bathe or wash a Yorkie after vaccination?

Answer: You can bathe a Yorkie only 3-7 days after vaccination and it is not advisable to wet the puncture site.

Question: How many vaccinations does a Yorkie need?

Answer: As a rule, puppies are vaccinated at 1.5-2 months, after 21 days, at 6 and 12 months.
For adults: every year. It is allowed to shift the dates by a couple of months, if you do not travel outside the home region.



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