Postpartum pads. Why do you need pads after childbirth? Urological pads Seni

Pads after childbirth are an indispensable and very useful thing. However, not all maternity hospitals allow the use of such intimate hygiene products, and not all women in labor can buy them for themselves, despite the average cost.

Today, this product is designed so that it provides not only the most comfortable stay for a woman on the first day after childbirth, but also favors the healing of sutures, does not allow the appearance of allergies and irritation. How to choose pads after childbirth, and how do they differ from ordinary ones?

Read in this article

Why do we need

Every woman should be prepared for something that does not look like menstruation or some other, especially in the early days. When a baby is born and immediately after it comes the placenta with all the membranes, there are still enough mucous tissues, blood clots and similar elements in the uterine cavity. They come out gradually as the muscle layer of the organ contracts.

But in the first two hours after childbirth, bloody discharge is as abundant as possible - these are large clots, liquid dark blood, mucus, parts of membranes, etc. In obstetrics, they are called lochia. This is the most crucial period after childbirth, since at this time the development of life-threatening complications for a woman is possible. Therefore, the young mother is under the close supervision of medical personnel.

As soon as the acute period passes, the woman is transferred to the ward and is under general supervision. Gradually, the amount of bleeding decreases. But still there can be clots of different sizes. In a calm state, lying down, there are practically no lochia, but when lifting, their number increases sharply. This is due to the fact that they accumulate in the vagina and then come out under the influence of gravity.

Also, a young mother will definitely notice that during the feeding of the baby, there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, and after that quite abundant bloody discharge appears. As it should be, it's very good! The process indicates the contraction of the uterus under the action of oxytocin, which is released when a woman's nipples are stimulated.

Thus, in the first few days, spotting can sometimes appear unexpectedly for a woman. In order not to put yourself in an awkward position, you should use special sanitary pads after childbirth.

It should be borne in mind that childbirth is often accompanied by serious and surgical incisions, which are immediately sutured, but require certain hygiene measures for subsequent good healing. This will also help special pads after childbirth, which have a special surface layer, and often they are even in sterile packages.

Key differences from conventional

Despite the external similarity, special pads in the maternity hospital after childbirth have some significant differences. These include the following:

  • As a rule, there are differences in size. Special pads are longer and wider, and they have a larger adhesive surface. This provides reliable protection against leaks for a woman even in a prone position. A good fixation does not allow shifting on the linen.
  • The material from which the pads are made, for the most part, consists of an air-permeable layer. This ensures a constant supply of oxygen to the perineum, which is especially important in the presence of sutures and even small tears.
  • The composition includes a special filler, which can simultaneously absorb up to a liter of liquid and even clots. The same material is often used in urological pads, after childbirth they are also well suited.
  • On top of the products are covered with a soft and pleasant to the touch fabric, there are no synthetic meshes or other similar things. The surface of the pads does not cause allergies, does not irritate, does not contribute to excessive moisture in the crotch area. All this is extremely important in the case when the woman was stitched. Ordinary pads can cause tissues to warm up, and as a result, wounds become infected and heal poorly.
  • Often, manufacturers add some kind of antiseptic to special pads after childbirth, which helps fight pathogenic microorganisms, because for them blood is an ideal environment for life.
  • Some firms have gone as far as offering sterile products in packs, which also help fight excess pathogens after childbirth.

It is noteworthy that these products retain the usual numbering for women of the abundance of secretions - in drops. This will help you decide which ones to choose.

Watch the video about hygiene after childbirth:

Choosing the Right

In order to understand which pads are best to use after childbirth, you need to know all the possible options.


This is the most common type of pads in almost all maternity hospitals. They are represented by ordinary diapers, which are sterilized and then distributed to women. Previously, it was impossible to even use your own underwear in the maternity hospital, then such linings were simply clamped between the legs and walked around “like penguins”. Today, more and more often, there is not enough rags in public hospitals, so it is suggested that you use your own things, including pads.

Perhaps, apart from sterility and natural tissues, they have no advantages. Extremely inconvenient to use, they leak. Therefore, more and more women prefer special pads. Although many still do not understand why pads after childbirth, if there are always sterile pads.

Special hygiene products

All of their benefits have been described previously. They are comfortable and hygienic, do not create diaper rash and do not cause allergic reactions.

Special formulations help fight pathogenic flora, which actively multiplies in menstrual flow.

There is a fairly large variety of such products on the market, it remains only to decide on the price and manufacturer. "Seni" and others are often used. They also differ in the number of drops. It is more rational to take as much as possible, and a little less. And when the discharge becomes much less, it will be possible to switch to regular menstrual pads without any problems.

Postpartum pads "Seni"

Often, pharmacies may offer to use urological pads immediately after childbirth. They have a similar material of manufacture, only fillers may differ. They are also impregnated with a special composition that has a bactericidal effect, which is useful after childbirth.

Special postpartum briefs with inserts

Manufacturers produce special postpartum disposable underpants, in which pads are already sewn. Many women find them very comfortable to use. So you don't have to worry about your laundry getting dirty. But for the price they are much more expensive.

Ordinary pads

You can often hear the opinion that after childbirth it is quite enough to use ordinary pads, as with menstruation. Indeed, you can get by with the help of them, but you will have to change more often than usual, and sometimes even do it every 20-30 minutes. For 5 - 6 days after birth, such pads will be enough.

How much to buy

Choosing pads after childbirth, whatever they are, you need to think about the quantity. So, you should take at least 2 - 3 packages, taking into account the fact that they can later be brought up if necessary.

In the reverse situation, it is better to take 2 - 3 packages of special postpartum ones, and also grab 1 - 2 regular ones with the maximum number of drops. They may be needed if a woman is delayed for more than 3 to 4 days, for example, if a caesarean section was performed or there were some other complications.

But even in emergency situations, when there is no way to take something with you and foresee it in advance, each maternity hospital will provide the young mother with everything necessary at first.

Rules for using pads after childbirth

In the first day or two, a woman will not have questions about how often it is necessary to change the pads, they will quickly fill up anyway, approximately every 2 to 3 hours. After childbirth, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the products are as wide as possible, with side wings. Special pads after childbirth are exactly that.

If a woman still decides to take ordinary maxi with her, then it is better to give preference to products without additional flavors and synthetic mesh. All this can provoke an increase in tissue edema after childbirth, especially if there are stitches. In addition, the mesh can come off and stick to the injured parts of the perineum, which will additionally bring not only discomfort, but also pain to the woman.

After each visit to the toilet, rinse the vulva, dry thoroughly and change the gasket.

If possible, it is desirable to arrange “air baths”: take off your underwear and let the perineum and all the wounds on it dry. This will promote rapid healing, and will also prevent inflammation.

When choosing the best pads after childbirth, a woman should take into account all possible nuances, so it is advisable to stock up on a couple of different ones. Indeed, her health and the likelihood of complications in the form of inflammation, divergence of seams, etc. depend on how carefully a young mother will observe hygiene.

Bearing a child is an extremely difficult period, during which the work of almost all systems of the female body is rebuilt. Many expectant mothers complain that during pregnancy, the microflora of the vagina is disturbed, as a result of which abundant discharge with a strong odor appears.

Despite the fact that the process is considered natural, it gives young ladies a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Therefore, many are interested in which maternity pads have proven themselves best and how to use them correctly without disturbing the acid-base balance and without aggravating the situation.

If the question arises whether it is possible to use such hygiene products during pregnancy and whether they will harm the health of the unborn baby, then doctors assure that it is not only possible, but also necessary to use pads during pregnancy, for many women they will be a real salvation.

The best panty liners for pregnant women (and for other women too) are the ones that follow the anatomical shape.

The only thing is that in order to ensure maximum comfort for yourself, you need to be able to correctly select products. In pharmacies and specialized stores you can find the following types of products:

  • Daily. Depending on the cost, they can be made from different materials. The shape and degree of absorbency may also vary.

The highest quality products are those that have an anatomical shape and are made of completely natural materials.

  • To determine amniotic fluid. Doctors recommend wearing them already in the last term, when the birth of the baby is as close as possible.

As part of such products there is a special gel that reacts to the leakage of amniotic fluid. If a minimal amount gets on the pad, the gel will turn bright blue and alert the mother of the impending birth. But if urine or other biological fluids get on the product, the reaction will not occur.

After childbirth, it is better to use special pads - they are more absorbent
  • Also very popular are postnatal pads. After the appearance of the baby within 2-3 weeks, the newly-made mother will suffer from copious discharge.

If you use normal pads designed for critical days, they will not do the job, they will have to be changed every 2 hours.

Urological pads for pregnant women (daily): their properties

If you do not save on such personal hygiene products and buy really high-quality maternity pads, they will not only provide maximum safety, but also will help you with the following tasks:

  • minimize the inflammatory process in the genitourinary system;
  • activate the protective properties of the vaginal mucosa;
  • regulate the activity of the endocrine glands;
  • help destroy pathogenic bacteria and harmful microbes;
  • relieve itching and soothe irritated skin;
  • eliminate bad odor.

Urological maternity pads are designed to provide maximum protection for a woman's genitals.

The undoubted advantage of such gaskets is that manufacturers usually pack them hermetically, as a result of which they are completely safe and environmentally friendly.

Pads for pregnant women to determine the waters: how they work

A test pad designed to determine amniotic fluid is the best way to find out about imminent labor. If amniotic fluid enters the area in which the special gel is located, its shade begins to change. Such a reaction will be in the event that a woman is faced with diseases of the genitourinary system.

That is why, in order to maintain health for yourself and your baby, during the gestation period, every expectant mother should use such tests from time to time. In the event of a change in the shade of the gel, it is worth immediately notifying the leading gynecologist, who will prescribe the necessary studies and tests to identify pathogenic microflora.

Read the instructions carefully before using the amniotic fluid leak test.

Using these maternity pads is very simple, but to achieve the most accurate results, it is recommended that you read the attached instructions.

Before using the test for 12 hours, you must completely exclude any sexual contact, also do not use contraceptives and medications (regardless of the pharmacogroup).

The pad is carefully glued to the panties so that the area with the gel is directly opposite the vagina. It is also necessary to empty the bladder in advance and wash the genitals (it is forbidden to use soap and various gels).

Panties with glued padding must be worn for at least 12 hours, the result will be visible after the test is deleted.

It is recommended to wear such products for no more than 10-12 hours, but it all depends on how abundant the woman's discharge is. But if, a few hours after the start of wearing, the pad becomes very wet and the gel turns blue, you need to call an ambulance and urgently go for an examination. If the color has not changed, the gasket is left for up to 12 hours.

Why take special pads to the hospital

Pads after pregnancy for women are also an essential attribute of personal hygiene. Some future mothers do not know that in the first few days after the birth of the baby, specific care will be needed not only for the breasts, but also for the external genitalia.

Directly after childbirth, a woman will have profuse spotting, which in medicine is called lochia. Experts assure that the discharge can last more than a month, such a reaction of the body is natural, and there is no need to be afraid of it. The amount and shade of discharge will change every few days and will gradually fade away.

It must be borne in mind that heavy discharge can last 2-3 days, and then practically disappear, then the discharge will resume again. This is due to the fact that the uterus begins to actively cleanse itself and get rid of everything that is left inside. At the same time, a woman can see in the gasket not only liquid, but also dark lumps of torn tissues.

In the early days, it is necessary to regularly check with a gynecologist so that he monitors the state of health and excludes the possibility of uterine bleeding.

Gradually, the lochia will become less intense, their color will change to pale. After about 2 weeks, the discharge will begin to resemble normal menstruation, and will soon stop completely.

But it must be taken into account that you will have to take specialized pads with you to the maternity hospital, since ordinary hygiene products after childbirth will not help. Doctors assure that all such funds are very similar to each other and have approximately the same cost. The only difference between them is the amount of liquid they absorb.

How many pads should I take to the hospital

It is impossible to answer this question specifically, since much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Some women suffer from lochia within a month, while others experience heavy bleeding in actually 8-12 days.

In any case, it’s better to play it safe right away and take at least 2 packs of gaskets with you, otherwise you can find yourself in a rather unpleasant situation.

The most reasonable solution is to buy 2 packs of large products and 1 pack of medium absorbency.

Sanitary pads in the hospital: what to take, reviews

Pads for pregnant women after childbirth are different, such products differ in brands, are prepared from various materials and have varying degrees of absorbency. The experts assure The best personal care products should have the following characteristics:

  • made only from environmentally friendly and safe materials;
  • maternity pads should be breathable and pass air through itself, only in this case a good flow of oxygen will be ensured.

If the product is made of synthetic material, the skin under it will begin to rot, and the seams will tighten much longer. In addition, if you wear synthetic pads, they can contribute to the development of pathogenic microflora;

  • The product must contain special gel, capable of absorbing not only liquid, but also tissue clots;
  • the top layer must be made of natural soft fabric, which will minimize the likelihood of developing allergies and irritation;
  • hygiene product must be anatomically correct shape, otherwise it may be uncomfortable for a new mother to wear it.

These pads are budget, in Russia they can be purchased for about 85 rubles. (price may vary by city). Despite the fact that such pads are budget, they have proven themselves very well and almost all mothers speak only positively about them.

The basis of the products is a cellulose liner, on top they are covered with a non-quilted fabric, which ensures a high degree of protection. The only negative of the product is the rectangular shape.

These maternity pads are especially popular because they almost completely eliminate the possibility of leaks. Inside the product there is a unique absorbent, which in just a few seconds changes the structure of the released liquid and binds it together.

The undoubted advantage is that pads hide and reduce odor. The manufacturer also took care of women's health, since the top layer of the product consists entirely of hypoallergenic breathable fabric, which prevents the development of irritation.

The approximate cost of one pack containing 10 pads is 237 rubles.

Pads Anion for pregnant women

Such products are manufactured using the latest technologies and belong to the latest generation products. Experts assure that anion pads are created specifically for women's health, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

The main advantages of such products:

  • they have an antibacterial effect;
  • fight unpleasant odors;
  • minimize the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process;
  • do not have a "greenhouse effect";
  • are hypoallergenic.

The only negative is that it may not be so easy to find Anion pads, they are practically not sold in small towns. The approximate price of one package is 270 rubles.

Chinese maternity pads

In recent years, Chinese pads have begun to appear on the windows of pharmacies, which are produced using a unique technology known only to oriental sages. Experts assure that the basis of such products are various medicinal herbs collected in the mountains of the East and Asia.

Of course, you can also find ordinary cellulose in them, which provides absorbency. In most cases, women who have used such products stop only at them and do not return to similar products from other brands.

The approximate cost of Chinese gaskets is 630 rubles. Despite the fact that the price of the product is quite high, it is really worth the money.

Gaskets Naturella in the hospital

Naturella pads are also a budget option. Products are made of hypoallergenic material and are able to absorb a large amount of liquid.

The pack contains 10 pads, which are designed for an average of 3 days. You can find such gaskets in every city, even in small provincial villages. The cost of the product is about 180 rubles.

Tena pads for the maternity hospital

Usually sold in packs of 30. The approximate cost of one pack is 350 rubles. Products have an anatomical shape, a silky surface, are very well perceived by the skin and almost never cause irritation.

Such hygiene products have a high level of protection, you can buy them in any major market.

How to make homemade fabric pads for the maternity hospital

No matter how surprising it may be, but in some maternity hospitals, doctors forbid the use of factory products and advise expectant mothers to make pads on their own. It is not difficult to complete them; for this, minimal sewing skills are enough. All a woman needs is thick gauze or soft natural fabric, as well as a few packs of cotton wool.

Gaskets in the maternity hospital can be sewn independently from gauze and cotton wool

Gaskets are sewn very simply - the gauze is folded in several layers, the base is sewn from it. To ensure maximum reliability, the length of the product should be about 30 cm, the width should be at least 10 cm. 2 parts of the base are sewn together from 3 sides, after which cotton wool is stuffed into the middle (minimum layer 3 cm).

When the gasket is completely stuffed, the remaining section is sewn together. To avoid unpleasant incidents, it is recommended to sew at least 20 pieces, since postpartum discharge can be quite plentiful.

Some women prefer to use a different method - they simply buy diapers in a pharmacy, on one side of which they have a cellophane coating, cut them into several pieces, and then fold them together.

Rules of intimate hygiene during pregnancy and after childbirth

Since the work of the female body during the period of bearing a child changes dramatically, you will have to take care of yourself in a specific way. Depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, abundant discharge may begin in the 1st or 2nd trimester.

After the baby is born, it is recommended to follow these rules:

  1. During the first week, you need to wash yourself every time after using the toilet. Also, the procedure should be performed in the morning and before bedtime.
  2. To avoid the appearance of pathogenic microflora, you need to wash with ordinary warm water. Soaps and gels are not recommended. Movement should be directed from the perineum to the anus, so the risk of infection will be minimized.
  3. The water jet is also directed from front to back.
  4. The procedure is carried out with washed hands, it is forbidden to use washcloths and sponges.

The rules of intimate hygiene after the birth of a baby should be observed very carefully.

These rules cannot be ignored because neglect of personal hygiene can lead to various complications and diseases, from which then it will be necessary to be treated for a long time.

Which maternity pads to use, only the woman herself should decide. Despite the fact that the choice of products today is simply huge, experts assure that all products of this group are very similar to each other and perfectly cope with their purpose.

The only wish is you need to choose anatomically shaped pads(rather than rectangular) as they are more comfortable to wear and provide maximum protection.

What things are needed during pregnancy and after childbirth (which pads for pregnant women are better):

Rules for intimate hygiene during pregnancy and after childbirth:

During the time of bearing a child and the birth process, a woman experiences an incredible number of physiological changes that require long-term rehabilitation. The recovery process should be accompanied by a variety of stimulating and adaptive means that will help you “get back on your feet” in the shortest possible time. Considering the fact that childbirth entails the restructuring of various body systems, including excretory ones, this forces one to resort to special postpartum pads, which differ significantly from classic or everyday options.

What are postpartum pads and why are they needed?

The fact is that in the first time after pregnancy for several months, each mother is faced with such a phenomenon as abundant discharge with blood impurities, which are called lochia. In order to reduce the risk of infection in the body and feel normal, you should resort to such a hygiene product as postpartum pads. So the question of whether postpartum pads are needed or not, in itself, disappears.

Allocations remain with a woman for five to six weeks - this is all very individual. In the first days after childbirth, the discharge is abundant, and comes out in large volumes with a bright color. A week later, the nature of their course acquires less pronounced features, they are much paler and more similar to the usual menstruation. This process is characterized by the cleansing of the uterus, in which everything superfluous comes out of its cavity.

In order to understand how postpartum pads differ from conventional pads, you should pay attention to the absorbent potential of each of the products. First of all, the remedy for pregnant women is large, and secondly, it is able to absorb large amounts of secretions, which is very important in the first postpartum days. It is possible in some situations to get by with the usual version of the maxi size, but they do not protect the mother who has just given birth from infectious infections to the same extent.

Maternity pads are more comfortable and are made in such a way that they do not injure the seams and do not cause irritation or allergic reactions. Such a remedy is simply necessary for those who have gone through a caesarean section, since special pads contribute to the speedy healing of the sutures.

What are the best postpartum pads?

Today, on the shelves of pharmacies and shops you can find a huge range of pads designed for women who have already given birth. Which one is better to choose - this question arises immediately, but trying each type separately is a waste of time and money.

Disposable pads Peligrin

This variety is chosen by many women - it is affordable, of high quality and, most importantly, has excellent absorbency. "Peligrin" are sold in packs of 10 pieces.

The main feature is the absence of wings on the sides, which are customary for women; in these pads, protection against leakage is provided by special side elastic bands. The manufacturer also focuses on the content of a superabsorbent that can absorb large amounts of secretions (the product is also adapted for stress urinary incontinence). The hygienic product is made of cellulose and polyethylene. Manufacturer - Russia.

Urological – MoliMed (Molimed)

The line of urological pads Molimed is represented by several varieties. Women are offered to choose classic, ultra-thin, winged, sterile and premium options.

The most common option is the classic, there are 28 pieces in the package. Anatomical shape, non-woven material used in the manufacture. Absorption is provided by a three-layer pillow with superabsorbent. This type of hygiene products for women has an important characteristic for the postpartum state - antimicrobial effects. Many women note the main drawback of this product is the lack of wings. Fixation is carried out only due to a wide adhesive tape, which does not always provide the desired reliability, as with fixation with wings.

The Premium line is distinguished by the presence of more options for absorbency and quantity in a pack. The rest of the tools have characteristics similar to the classic version.

Canpol Babies (Kanpol Baby)

This version of the gaskets as a whole has similar characteristics. The package contains 10 pieces, the size of each is 35 by 19 centimeters. The top layer is pleasant to the touch, does not irritate the skin. The thickness is only 5 millimeters, which can be considered a feature of the product - a thin absorbent layer is more comfortable to wear. Another important characteristic is good odor neutralization. For fixing on linen, the manufacturer offers a wide self-adhesive tape. This type of feminine hygiene products belongs to the middle price category.

Sterile pads Hartmann Samu Steril

Gynecological pads brand Hartmann have all the necessary characteristics for a product in this category. They have an anatomically comfortable shape, equipped with an absorbent pad made of fluff pulp, designed for large volumes of secretions.

In addition, postpartum pads are a means of preventing infection in the most dangerous first days after childbirth. Dimensions - 32 by 12 centimeters, in one pack there are 10 pieces. We can talk about the presence of several disadvantages, namely: the lack of individual packaging for each gasket and adhesive areas for fixing.

Helen Harper (Helen Harper)

These postpartum pads are an excellent option as they have great absorbent potential. Given the fact that pads are designed for postpartum urinary incontinence, there is no doubt about their absorbent properties. For convenience, this hygiene product does not have wings, they are replaced by special fixing elastic bands, allowing them to be used comfortably.

This tool is in the middle price segment, making specific postpartum pads more affordable. It should be noted that Helen Harper products are the leader in the European market, producing the highest quality products intended for pregnant women.

How many postpartum pads should I take to the hospital

In order to pass most comfortably, you should take care of such means as specialized gaskets in advance. They must be purchased in advance and taken with you to the hospital during the collection. The answer to the question about their number cannot be given unambiguously, since it all depends on the characteristics of the body of each individual woman. It is recommended to take two or three packs with you, and which ones - Seni Lady (Seni Lady), Peligrin or Bella Mom - the woman in labor will choose, it depends only on her preferences. Too much of this remedy does not need to be purchased, because abundant discharge will last no more than eight days.

After a week, it will already be possible to use the most ordinary pads, since the need for absorption in such volumes will simply disappear. Of course, it should be noted that the postpartum option is very convenient, however, a hygiene product of such a plan largely constrains movements, since they are not designed to actively walk in them all the time.

Video about postpartum hygiene products

The video provides all the necessary information about postpartum hygiene. After watching a video consultation, you can prepare in advance for postpartum rehabilitation, and be fully equipped when you need it. A specialist doctor tells the pros and cons of postpartum pads, which allows you to make the right choice when choosing a specific personal hygiene product.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Based on the feedback from women in labor, you can decide on the best postpartum pads, which, being sterile, reduce the likelihood of complications in the form of infection. Their differences from conventional hygienic ones are a convenient anatomical shape, hypoallergenic base and high absorbent capacity. Manufacturers now offer different maternity pads, so it's worth knowing the ones that have good reviews.

What are postpartum pads

This is a special hygiene item that is used by women immediately after the birth of a baby. They are pads of large size and having a special shape, which ensures the comfort and safety of the woman in labor, even in the presence of postpartum stitches. A woman will need this accessory already in the delivery room, so you need to take care of its availability in advance.

Why do we need

After the birth of a child, the uterus of every woman needs to be cleansed. This is due to profuse bleeding, called lochia. The first 3-4 days there will be a lot of them. Over time, the number of lochia will begin to decrease, but it may take up to 30-40 days for their complete disappearance. For this reason, a woman needs to provide herself with the necessary supply of gynecological products. When bleeding, special pads are used, which:

  • provide comfort and a sense of cleanliness;
  • protect against irritation and allergies;
  • do not stick to postoperative sutures;
  • protect against pathogens.

How are they different from normal

When answering the question of which pads are best to use after childbirth, it is worth noting the differences between special and simple hygienic ones. The main one is size. Postpartum pads are wider and longer and have a larger sticky surface. This provides the woman with reliable protection against leakage even in the supine position. Other significant differences from reusable pads:

  • the surface is made of breathable material, which is important when healing sutures;
  • a special filler in the composition is able to absorb about a liter of liquid (like urological pads after childbirth);
  • the top coating is soft and pleasant to the touch, no mesh
  • on the package there is a mark "sterile", which is especially important for women in labor.

How many pads to take to the hospital

On the packages of special postpartum pads, the number of drops is also indicated, by which the degree of absorption can be determined. With a maximum rate, it is worth taking 2-3 packs. Maternity pads with a lower degree of absorption may also be required. It is worth taking them with you too, at least 1-2 packs, because sometimes women are detained for a longer period.

The best postpartum pads

When deciding which pads to take to the hospital after childbirth, it is worth studying not only their individual characteristics and differences from the usual ones, but also the rating of popular manufacturers. It is compiled on the basis of feedback from the women themselves, who used one or another means. A well-thought-out choice and purchase of this accessory will help to avoid unnecessary problems.


The products of this manufacturer are completely sterile, therefore they are a good prevention of infection in the first days after childbirth. The main material in them is fluff pulp. The top layer is a non-woven natural material. The main features of these postpartum pads:

  • manufacturer: Samu (Germany);
  • characteristics: hygienic, weight - 280 g, packed in a box in the amount of 10 pieces;
  • pluses: neutralize unpleasant odor, ultrasorption layer, soft surface;
  • cons: do not have wings, are expensive.


No less absorbent are MoliMed Premium products from Hartmann, a company that specializes in the sale of hygiene and medical products. Their peculiarity lies in a special form, as close as possible to the physiological. The presence of side cuffs provides protection against leakage. The product has 3 layers at once, which ensures maximum comfort for a woman. The main characteristics of such gaskets:

  • manufacturer: Hartmann (Germany);
  • characteristics: one piece absorbs up to 467-922 ml, has 3 layers - quickly absorbing moisture, internal gelling and absorbent pad, have three degrees of absorption - mini, midi, maxi;
  • pluses: allow the skin to breathe, prevent irritation, very soft, tested by dermatologists, normalize the pH balance, have an antibacterial effect;
  • cons: no wings.

Helen Harper

Helen Harper products are universal, as they are used not only after natural childbirth, but also as urological and postoperative ones. They have different levels of absorption of the average volume of secretions, including during menstruation or mild urinary incontinence. The content of antimicrobial components prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Characteristics of Helen Harper pads:

  • manufacturer: Helen Harper (Belgium);
  • characteristics: one piece absorbs up to 900 ml, includes 3 layers - isolating, distributing and absorbing, has three degrees of increased absorption - normal, extra, super, sold in a soft package of 10 pieces;
  • pluses: allow the skin to breathe, prevent irritation, soft surface, side elastic bands at the edges prevent side leaks;
  • cons: no wings, recommended for use with elastic mesh panties.

Seni Lady

These hygiene products belong to the urological category, therefore they are additionally used for mild urinary incontinence and heavy discharge during normal menstruation. Their main characteristics:

  • manufacturer: Seni Lady (Poland);
  • characteristics: have three degrees of absorption - normal, extra, plus, sold in soft packs of 10, 15 or 20 pieces, three-layer super absorbent pillow, non-woven fabric, spun cellulose;
  • pluses: breathable surface, breathable, wide adhesive strip, neutralizes the smell of urine, can be used with special disposable underpants, they are cheap;
  • cons: no wings.


Among the category of women's sanitary napkins, Vuokkoset can be distinguished. This manufacturer has special options designed for large discharges at night. Their difference is the presence of wings, which ensures a secure attachment to the linen. Other features of these pads:

  • manufacturer: Delipap Oy (Delipap) (Finland);
  • characteristics: surface layer of cotton, chlorine-free, breathable bottom film, sold in soft packs of 9, 12, 14 pieces, composition - superabsorbent polymer, cellulose, non-woven material;
  • pluses: breathable surface, does not contain formaldehyde, no fragrance, has wings, cheaper than others;
  • cons: absorbs less of all those on the list.

Instructions for use of postpartum pads

Even the best panty liners can be harmful if used incorrectly. They must be changed every 3 hours regularly, without touching the seams or bruising. To do this, you first need to wash your hands with soap and water, then carefully separate the absorbent surface from the tissues in the direction from the anus to the vagina. This will help prevent the entry of germs. Gaskets must be changed:

  • after waking up and before going to bed;
  • every 3 hours throughout the day;
  • after all trips to the toilet.

Price for postpartum pads

When researching how much postpartum pads cost, you will be faced with a slight difference in price depending on the manufacturer, place of purchase and the number of pieces in the package. According to the table, you can determine the approximate cost of several packs:


Quantity in a package, pcs.

Price for Moscow and St. Petersburg, rubles

Helen Harper normal

Helen Harper extra

Helen Harper

Seni Lady normal

Vuokkoset Cotton Night Wings

Vuokkoset Normal with Wings

Vuokkoset Classic

How to choose postpartum pads

It is necessary to choose certain products in advance so as not to waste time on this just before the birth. It is worth paying attention to the following criteria:

  1. Antibacterial. Sterile pads are used after childbirth to avoid infections.
  2. High absorbency. This is the main selection criterion. Although the products will have to be changed often, they should still ensure the absorption of a large amount of secretions - up to 900-1000 ml.
  3. Structure. It should be breathable to allow air to flow to the perineum.
  4. The form. It should be close to anatomical, so that the product follows the contours of the body and does not rub anywhere.

The recovery period after the birth of a baby is a long and difficult process. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes numerous changes. In the first days after childbirth, a woman has abundant blood discharge. In the language of medicine, they are called lochia. What kind of pads to take to the maternity hospital can be suggested by the attending physician - a gynecologist, or you yourself can choose them after reading this article.

Lochia is a natural process during which the uterus is completely cleansed. They will be plentiful during the first 10 days, then their intensity will decrease. The discharge will become more like normal menstruation, scanty pale shade. It takes no more than 6 weeks to restore the uterus. After this period, the allocation completely stops.

Despite the recommendations of qualified doctors, many young mothers try to save money and do not buy postpartum pads. And there are women who listen to grandmothers using old methods. Enclose natural fabrics with abundant secretions.

Such methods have not only lost their relevance, they are not safe. While using homemade pads, it will be inconvenient for a woman in labor to move. There is an increased risk of infection or damage to postpartum sutures.

Benefits of maternity pads:

  1. They have absorbent properties.
  2. The woman is provided with maximum comfort.
  3. Products completely exclude the possibility of infection with pathogenic bacteria.

A woman is maximally protected from irritation. Gaskets prevent this possibility. Stitches and wounds remain completely safe. The risk of damaging them is minimized. The same applies to hematomas in case of adhesion.

Distinctive features of postpartum pads

Products have a large shape, are able to absorb up to 600 ml of liquid. They protect the uterus of a woman after childbirth due to their sterility. During this period, the risk of infection is quite high. Especially if there were cuts or tears.

After the birth of a child, the uterus is a large wound where pathogenic bacteria can enter through the vagina. Blood secretions create a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms. They can become causative agents of the inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. Some manufacturers make special postpartum pads with germicidal ingredients added to prevent bacteria from multiplying and growing.

How to choose?

Manufacturers offer a huge selection of postpartum pads. Women don't know which one is better. Therefore, it is important to take into account the useful recommendations of specialists when choosing.

  1. Pads after a caesarean or natural childbirth should absorb any discharge well. Manufacturers note this information on the packaging of their products. The absorbency is given in drops. The more of them indicated on the pack, the more products can absorb liquids.
  2. Qualified specialists recommend making a choice in favor of anatomical products. Its advantage lies in its ease of use. Such gaskets are additionally equipped with "wings". They increase the effectiveness of protection against leaks.
  3. The surface matters a lot. It is better if it is a layer of non-woven material, on which the condition of wounds and seams depends. The sterile air-permeable surface eliminates the possibility of sticking and causing harm. Also, pads with a non-woven top layer provide maximum dryness and cleanliness with heavy discharge in the postpartum period.

Many of the fair sex choose products with flavors or special additives for daily use or during the menstrual cycle. We are talking about phytofillers of aloe or chamomile. In normal situations, such products help to avoid irritation.

In the case of the postpartum period, the situation is different. Such additives can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, qualified doctors recommend that women choose classic-type pads.

If peace and comfort are dear to a woman, she will take for herself urological products that are specially designed for the period after childbirth.

Considering the fact that after the appearance of the baby there will be even more difficulties and worries, the choice should be taken care of before his birth. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of products, taking into account the individual characteristics and wishes of each expectant mother.

How much will be needed?

The question interests many women, especially those who carry their first child under their hearts. For each case, everything is individual. There are situations that after childbirth, a woman does not have too abundant discharge. It is enough for ordinary panty liners for critical days with high absorbency.

Don't stock up on too many items. After 10 days, heavy discharge will decrease. Then it will be possible to use regular pads for menstruation. Postpartum products are comfortable, but they are more designed for a period of active movement. In most cases, women who have given birth confirm that one package is enough for the first 2 days. Provided that the young mother will change the gasket every 3 hours.

After these 2 days, you can use smaller urological or special postpartum pads with a reduced volume of fluid absorption. In some situations, the most common products used during the menstrual cycle are suitable.

There are some parameters that will help determine the required number of pads in the hospital:

  1. The baby was born without complications. The young mother withstood the process also without damage. In this case, many postpartum pads are not needed. A woman with a child is discharged home already on the 4th day after childbirth.
  2. Doctors recommend changing the gasket more often. After going to the toilet, with profuse discharge every 3 hours, in the morning after a night's rest and in the evening before going to bed.

For a woman, hygiene of the genitals after childbirth is the main task in the process of self-care. Pregnancy and childbirth have become a serious test for the body. Its resistance to various infections and pathogenic bacteria is very low. Pads do more than just help absorb heavy discharge and odor. They protect against possible infection.

If you choose the right postpartum pads and follow simple hygiene rules, you can prevent complications associated with a woman's health. This is always told by a qualified specialist who monitors the condition of the pregnant woman.



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