
What do our kidneys love?

The kidneys pass through almost everything that enters our body. But far from always we strictly monitor the diet, we cannot boast of the absence of bad habits.

human kidney

The rhythm of our life quite complicates the already difficult work of the kidneys. But the disease is always easier to prevent than to cure. What do kidneys love?

The functions of the kidneys are very diverse. Through their specific cells, nephrons, all blood plasma passes.

At the same time, it is cleared of metabolic products that are toxic to the body, the final compounds of drugs, and toxins. All this is excreted in the urine.

The kidneys also regulate the level of electrolytes - potassium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, calcium, bicarbonates. Thus, they take an active part in the regulation of acid-base balance in the body.

The role of water in our life cannot be overestimated. Its constant level is maintained by the kidneys. This ensures the stable operation of all organs and systems.

The kidneys also break down certain proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

In addition, biologically active substances are secreted there, which have a systemic effect on the entire body.

This is renin, which is involved in the regulation of blood pressure and the total volume of circulating blood. And erythropoietin, which is involved in the formation of red blood cells.

  • What is harmful?
  • What is useful?

Kidney Functions

Most of all, the kidneys do not like pathogenic bacteria. Normally, the filtration system prevents the penetration of infection.

But as soon as the body's defenses weaken, the risk of getting the causative agent of inflammation into the kidney increases. This almost always happens against the background of a weakened immune system.

A malfunction in the body's immune system can be caused by a viral disease (for example, influenza), an acute infectious process (tonsillitis, purulent pulpitis).

A persistent decrease in immunity is caused by chronic inflammatory diseases, such as tonsillitis. In this case, the bacteria with the blood flow enter the kidney and cause the onset of pyelonephritis.

This disease is treated with long-term antibiotics.

Taking antibiotics

A decrease in the protective function of the kidneys also occurs with hypothermia. Kidneys do not like cold dampness, drafts. Therefore, it is always necessary to choose clothes according to the weather, do not sit on a cold and wet surface.

Don't swim in cold water either.

It is worth remembering that the final compounds of most drugs are excreted by the kidneys. Some medications are nephrotoxic.

Therefore, the kidneys of those who like to self-medicate are often in a deplorable state. Only a doctor should deal with drug therapy of any disease.

He will select the most gentle drugs, taking into account the state of your health.

Kidneys do not like alcohol very much. After taking it, the vessels first expand, but after a while their spasm occurs. This disrupts the circulation of all organs, including the kidneys.

Harm of alcohol

In addition, alcoholic beverages act as a strong nephrotoxic poison. With regular alcohol consumption, the risk of developing acute renal failure is high.

This is a condition in which the kidney cannot cope with its main function - cleansing the blood of toxins. There is a rapid intoxication of the body. This disease is very difficult to treat.

It was mentioned above how important it is for the body to maintain a constant volume of water. The daily intake of liquid for an adult is at least two liters.

With active physical exertion, heat, specific working conditions - much more. With a lack of water, the kidneys have to work with an increased load in order to prevent its deficiency in other organs.

Those who love coffee need to know that caffeine promotes increased excretion of fluid from the body. Caffeine also has the ability to dull the feeling of thirst. Therefore, coffee must be washed down with plain water.

It is also worth mentioning the mineral water. With peptic ulcer of the stomach, gastritis and other disorders of the digestive tract, it is very useful.

But with prolonged use due to the high concentration of salts, the risk of developing urolithiasis increases. This disease occurs due to the formation of kidney stones.

Mineral water

Sometimes a person may not be aware of them. But in most cases, the stone makes itself felt with an attack of renal colic. This is a sharp unbearable pain in the lumbar region.

It occurs when there is an obstruction in the flow of urine from the kidney. Treatment of urolithiasis is carried out by medical and instrumental methods.

They do not like kidneys and hypodynamia. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of congestion. This, in turn, also leads to the formation of stones.

Improper nutrition

One of the causes of urolithiasis is a metabolic disorder. It develops with regular malnutrition.

This is especially true for those who love trendy diets with a predominance of only one product, for example, rice, buckwheat, apple, and so on. A low-protein diet also leads to serious violations.

For some diseases, a diet is required. But its composition should be controlled by a doctor.

Contrary to popular belief, the kidneys do not like salt deficiency. In some nephrological diseases, on the contrary, the administration of sodium chloride is indicated. But salt should not be abused either.

This leads to an increase in the load on the kidneys and the formation of stones.

What is useful?

First of all, it is motor activity. If it is not possible to regularly play sports in a club or at home, then long walks are necessary, you need to do at least simple exercises.

The kidneys love back stretching exercises - forward bends in a sitting or standing position, backbends.

It has already been said about the need for sufficient fluid intake. Freshly squeezed juices of vegetables and fruits, rosehip broth, cranberry juice are useful for the kidneys. The latter has excellent antibacterial properties.

kidney doctor

The kidneys are very fond of watermelon. It has a strong diuretic effect and "washes" the urinary system. However, it should be used with caution in urolithiasis.

There is a risk of a stone entering the ureter and developing an attack of renal colic.

The diet should include foods that contain vitamins A, B6 and magnesium. These are carrots, pumpkin, apricots, broccoli, fish, nuts, buckwheat, oatmeal.

Dry heat is very helpful. If there are no contraindications from the cardiovascular system, then you can regularly visit the sauna.

With a predisposition to diseases of the urinary tract, for prevention, you should regularly take decoctions or infusions of lingonberry leaves, birch, bearberry, horsetail herb, St. John's wort, cornflower flowers, chamomile, calendula, dandelion roots, marshmallow.

Some kidney diseases can be asymptomatic for a long time. Therefore, everyone should regularly undergo a general medical examination.

If it is not possible to consult a doctor, then it is necessary to take a clinical analysis of blood and urine every half a year, and an ultrasound scan every year. Such preventive measures will allow early detection of the disease and start treatment.


What is good for the kidneys?

Each organ in the human body has its own specific function and they all work in conjunction. That is, if one fails, the function and all the others will be disorganized. The kidneys act as filters, that is, they purify the blood, so it is very important to know what is good for the kidneys in order to feel good and maintain vigor and strength for a long time.

Beneficial for the kidneys

First of all, it must be said that the kidneys love heat. Even eating right and playing sports, you can suffer from diseases of this organ, regularly catching a cold. Therefore, you need to dress according to the weather, and whoever wants to be tempered should do it gradually. And at least once a week it is recommended to go to the bath or sauna. The temperature contrast activates the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, enhances the exchange of proteins, minerals and gases. The body is intensively released from decay products, lactic acid, urea and others. The benefit of the bath also lies in the fact that while salts and other unnecessary elements are excreted along with sweat, the load on the kidneys is reduced and they rest.

Since we are talking about sports, the well-known expression: “Movement is life” is perfectly applicable to the kidneys. However, this is not about hard physical labor, but about exercises that will improve blood circulation, and hence the work of the kidneys. You can dance and run, it is very useful to swim. But perhaps the greatest joy to the kidneys can bring plenty of fluids. It is water that allows this organ to cleanse the body with the greatest efficiency, relieve it of edema, high blood pressure and thickening of the blood. It is no coincidence that people with urolithiasis, pyelonephritis and other diseases are advised to drink more fluids and consume foods with a diuretic effect.

Those who are interested in what kind of tea is good for the kidneys should pay attention to weak green or hibiscus. Doctors recommend drinking natural juices - carrot, pumpkin, plum, made from black currants, apples, celery, parsley and spinach. But the first in this list is to put rosehip infusion, which has a powerful diuretic effect. It is worth mentioning cranberry juice, but for those who are interested in how it is useful for the kidneys, it is worth answering that it acts as a prevention of stone formation, has a strong bactericidal effect and has a beneficial effect on metabolism.

What foods are good for human kidneys?

These are primarily vegetables, herbs and fruits - sweet peppers, carrots, asparagus, sea buckthorn, spinach, dill, cilantro, parsley, watermelon, melon, asparagus, onion, celery. It is the most difficult for the kidneys to process protein, therefore it is worthwhile to enrich the diet with such products with caution, preferring to receive the lion's share from sour milk and milk. Avoid fatty meats and rich broths, but from those foods that are good for the kidneys, choose low-fat meat, such as beef, rabbit or veal. They are recommended to boil or bake.

But in the use of fatty fish, you can not limit yourself too much, especially red, because it has a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids. What the kidneys dislike most is salt and all kinds of brines, vinegar and similar spices. That is, those who want to ease the work of the kidneys will have to give up canned vegetables and salted fish, but natural seasonings and spices that are good for the kidneys can be used - allspice, basil, rosemary, oregano, sage, thyme, etc. Accordingly, from the diet will have to exclude vegetables rich in essential oils - onions, radishes, garlic, radishes, etc. Periodically, you can clean this organ, for example, in the spring-autumn period, drink a course of kidney collection, lingonberry leaves, half-burned grass.

All human blood in a volume approximately equal to one liter per minute. The organs act as a filter, removing all kinds of toxins, toxins, microbes from the blood, and then send the resulting solution to the bladder. By filtering the blood, they provide the body with purified blood, which enters the cells of the body.

Protein rich food

One of the most important factors that have a negative impact on the kidneys is nutrition. If you want to save them, you should not use too much, which is not so much for the body. The kidneys do not like a large amount of meat - the protein is not deposited in the body, and all its excess is removed through the kidneys, which increases the load on them. If the organs cannot cope with protein extraction, urate stones appear, which are difficult to remove.

Protein diets are a serious blow because they are not balanced enough and, if used incorrectly, can lead to kidney disease.


It is hard for the kidneys to tolerate abuse, especially low-alcohol drinks (beer, cocktails), which are very harmful in themselves. It is this organ that removes alcohol from the system. The fact that alcohol dehydrates the body makes it difficult for the kidneys - the body first gives off accumulated moisture in order to get rid of alcohol, which subsequently causes a lack of fluid - the blood becomes thicker, its filtration is much harder.

Kidney Protection

To protect the kidneys from the occurrence of various diseases, you should also drink enough liquid per day, i.e. at least 1.5 liters per day. Normally, the body should feel the need to empty the bladder 4-6 times a day. Cold, untreated diseases and hypothermia also negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys.

Watermelons and melons are also very useful.

The use of fruits, vegetables and fresh herbs has a good effect on the body. Strawberries, rosehips, cucumbers, pumpkins also help well in the prevention of kidney diseases. Kidneys especially love sea fish and foods rich in vitamin A.

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Internal organs suffer from bad eating habits: especially our liver and kidneys "get" because they become hostages to the whims of the stomach.

The kidneys are the filter of our body. This most important organ detains and removes toxins and harmful substances from the body. Unfortunately, they are the most vulnerable, as their health depends on various factors. But if you follow a diet that will protect this organ, you can maintain health and beauty, because prevention is much more effective than the most thoughtful treatment.

Foods that are bad for the kidneys

Foods high in salt. The danger to the kidneys is an excess of salt in the diet. An abundance of salty, smoked foods, processed foods and fast food (about the real salt content of which there is no detailed information) lead to the accumulation of excess sodium in the blood, as well as to the loss of such an important element as potassium. Which negatively affects the state of the body, especially the cardiovascular system, and this is reflected instantly in appearance, since salt retains water in the tissues of the body, which leads to edema.

Foods high in animal protein. The problem is that animal proteins are not "stored" and are not broken down into carbon dioxide and water, like carbohydrates and fats, and therefore they lead to the formation of toxins and toxins. Particularly harmful are meats such as old beef or pork, as well as some offal, because, in addition, they are rich in iron, the excess of which is bad for the kidneys. In order not to burden the kidneys, you can limit the use of sour-milk cheeses and cottage cheese.

Foods high in vinegar and spicy foods. Usually, in order not to cause additional trouble to the kidneys, spicy foods and foods containing vinegar should be excluded from the diet, since when removed, they can irritate the urinary tract, as well as provoke the formation of toxins.

Alcohol. Alcohol is one of the main enemies of healthy kidneys, as it destroys their cells. Sometimes alcohol abuse can lead to kidney failure. The same, however, applies to beer, which dehydrates the body and very often causes malfunctions in the kidneys.

Coffee, soda. Coffee, sweet carbonated drinks also irritate the kidneys, and mineral medicinal water without consulting a doctor can cause kidney disease and malfunction.

Greenhouse vegetables and fruits. In order not to burden the kidneys, you should exclude from your diet vegetables and fruits that were grown using chemicals and pesticides, as well as those grown in hydroponics, because when such food is consumed, toxins form in the body and toxins accumulate that are difficult for our kidneys to remove.

controversial points

Mushrooms. Doctors warn that you need to be careful with mushrooms, since poisoning with this product is fraught with the development of acute renal failure. Therefore, when picking mushrooms in the forest, you need to be careful or eat only mushrooms that have passed control, like ordinary oyster mushrooms and champignons.

Spices and spices. With regard to spices, views differ: Ayurveda claims that coriander and cardamom, on the contrary, treat inflammation in the kidneys and the genitourinary system, although in most cases, spices are excluded from the diet for kidney disease. However, healthy people should avoid only very hot spices or use them in small quantities.

Legumes (peas, lentils and beans). These foods are believed to contain substances that promote the formation of sand in the kidneys, while legumes are introduced into many Western diets for people with unhealthy kidneys.

Some doctors do not advise introducing spinach, sorrel and rose hips into the diet, this only applies to people with kidney diseases, while the rest should eat these foods in reasonable quantities, because, on the one hand, they are too acidic, which negatively affects kidney health, and on the other hand on the other hand, they have a diuretic effect and useful vitamin A.

Foods good for the kidneys

Fresh vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits with a high content of vitamin A have a positive effect on kidney health: carrots, sweet peppers, sea buckthorn, parsley, dill, onions and especially cilantro, as well as diuretic effects: pumpkin, watermelon, melon, apples and plums, cabbage. In addition, vegetables, fruits and herbs are a valuable source of vitamins, mineral salts, phytoncides, cell membranes and trace elements.

Fish and seafood. Rich in iodine and fatty acids, useful for the functioning of the kidneys and improving their excretory function, and are a source of "light" protein.

Water. For the normal functioning of the kidneys in the absence of diseases, it is necessary to drink 2 liters of pure water per day, while you can not be afraid to drink too much, because the kidneys will remove all excess. If there is not enough water consumed, then the kidneys have to retain it in the body, which leads to edema.

Healthy drinks. Mineral water (in consultation with a doctor), natural fresh juices, teas (green, black with milk, lemon), herbal decoctions and teas (from strawberry or wild strawberry leaves, linden, chamomile, etc.), fruit drinks (cranberry and etc.). These drinks prevent the formation of kidney stones.

To keep your kidneys healthy, you should not overeat - it is better to eat small portions, but more often. The absorbed large amount of food does not have time to be completely digested, which contributes to the accumulation of toxins in the body.

In order for the kidneys to be healthy, you do not need to get carried away with a variety of diets, including for weight loss: sudden weight loss leads to the fact that the kidneys drop, and a long-term salt-free diet disrupts their function and leads to kidney failure, and trendy protein diets adversely affect work this organ.

If you adhere to the correct diet for the kidneys, excess fluid will quickly be excreted from the body, and excess weight will go with it.

Long-term intake of salted food leads not only to disruption of the kidneys, but also to the appearance of deep wrinkles.

As salt substitutes, you can use mild seasonings and fresh herbs, which have a beneficial effect on kidney function. In addition, there are enough varieties of salt with a low sodium content.

In order to cleanse the kidneys, you can periodically arrange vegetarian fasting days on vegetable and fruit and berry freshly squeezed juices (about 1-3 days). Juices should be drunk in small sips at least 30 minutes before meals or between meals. At this time, 600 ml of juice per day or more is required. For such juices, you can choose gourds (watermelon, melon), apples, carrots, celery, cucumbers, cabbage, as well as all kinds of berries and herbs.

Proper nutrition is a sure way to stay not only healthy, but also beautiful, because the causes of many diseases are called the use of useless or completely harmful food, as well as improper drinking regimen.

Internal organs suffer from bad eating habits: especially our liver and kidneys "get" because they become hostages to the whims of the stomach.

The kidneys are the filter of our body. This most important organ detains and removes toxins and harmful substances from the body. Unfortunately, they are the most vulnerable, as their health depends on various factors. But if you follow a diet that will protect this organ, you can maintain health and beauty, because prevention is much more effective than the most thoughtful treatment.

Foods that are bad for the kidneys

Foods high in salt. The danger to the kidneys is an excess of salt in the diet. An abundance of salty, smoked foods, processed foods and fast food (about the real salt content of which there is no detailed information) lead to the accumulation of excess sodium in the blood, as well as to the loss of such an important element as potassium. Which negatively affects the state of the body, especially the cardiovascular system, and this is reflected instantly in appearance, since salt retains water in the tissues of the body, which leads to edema.

Foods high in animal protein. The problem is that animal proteins are not "stored" and are not broken down into carbon dioxide and water, like carbohydrates and fats, and therefore they lead to the formation of toxins and toxins. Particularly harmful are meats such as old beef or pork, as well as some offal, because, in addition, they are rich in iron, the excess of which is bad for the kidneys. In order not to burden the kidneys, you can limit the use of sour-milk cheeses and cottage cheese.

Foods high in vinegar and spicy foods. Usually, in order not to cause additional trouble to the kidneys, spicy foods and foods containing vinegar should be excluded from the diet, since when removed, they can irritate the urinary tract, as well as provoke the formation of toxins.

Alcohol. Alcohol is one of the main enemies of healthy kidneys, as it destroys their cells. Sometimes alcohol abuse can lead to kidney failure. The same, however, applies to beer, which dehydrates the body and very often causes malfunctions in the kidneys.

Coffee, soda. Coffee, sweet carbonated drinks also irritate the kidneys, and mineral medicinal water without consulting a doctor can cause kidney disease and malfunction.

Greenhouse vegetables and fruits. In order not to burden the kidneys, you should exclude from your diet vegetables and fruits that were grown using chemicals and pesticides, as well as those grown in hydroponics, because when such food is consumed, toxins form in the body and toxins accumulate that are difficult for our kidneys to remove.

controversial points

Mushrooms. Doctors warn that you need to be careful with mushrooms, since poisoning with this product is fraught with the development of acute renal failure. Therefore, when picking mushrooms in the forest, you need to be careful or eat only mushrooms that have passed control, like ordinary oyster mushrooms and champignons.

Spices and spices. With regard to spices, views differ: Ayurveda claims that coriander and cardamom, on the contrary, treat inflammation in the kidneys and the genitourinary system, although in most cases, spices are excluded from the diet for kidney disease. However, healthy people should avoid only very hot spices or use them in small quantities.

Legumes (peas, lentils and beans). These foods are believed to contain substances that promote the formation of sand in the kidneys, while legumes are introduced into many Western diets for people with unhealthy kidneys.

Some doctors do not advise introducing spinach, sorrel and rose hips into the diet, this only applies to people with kidney diseases, while the rest should eat these foods in reasonable quantities, because, on the one hand, they are too acidic, which negatively affects kidney health, and on the other hand on the other hand, they have a diuretic effect and useful vitamin A.

Foods good for the kidneys

Fresh vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits with a high content of vitamin A have a positive effect on kidney health: carrots, sweet peppers, sea buckthorn, parsley, dill, onions and especially cilantro, as well as diuretic effects: pumpkin, watermelon, melon, apples and plums, cabbage. In addition, vegetables, fruits and herbs are a valuable source of vitamins, mineral salts, phytoncides, cell membranes and trace elements.

Fish and seafood. Rich in iodine and fatty acids, useful for the functioning of the kidneys and improving their excretory function, and are a source of "light" protein.

Water. For the normal functioning of the kidneys in the absence of diseases, it is necessary to drink 2 liters of pure water per day, while you can not be afraid to drink too much, because the kidneys will remove all excess. If there is not enough water consumed, then the kidneys have to retain it in the body, which leads to edema.

Healthy drinks. Mineral water (in consultation with a doctor), natural fresh juices, teas (green, black with milk, lemon), herbal decoctions and teas (from strawberry or wild strawberry leaves, linden, chamomile, etc.), fruit drinks (cranberry and etc.). These drinks prevent the formation of kidney stones.

To keep your kidneys healthy, you should not overeat - it is better to eat small portions, but more often. The absorbed large amount of food does not have time to be completely digested, which contributes to the accumulation of toxins in the body.

In order for the kidneys to be healthy, you do not need to get carried away with a variety of diets, including for weight loss: sudden weight loss leads to the fact that the kidneys drop, and a long-term salt-free diet disrupts their function and leads to kidney failure, and trendy protein diets adversely affect work this organ.

If you adhere to the correct diet for the kidneys, excess fluid will quickly be excreted from the body, and excess weight will go with it.

Long-term intake of salted food leads not only to disruption of the kidneys, but also to the appearance of deep wrinkles.

As salt substitutes, you can use mild seasonings and fresh herbs, which have a beneficial effect on kidney function. In addition, there are enough varieties of salt with a low sodium content.

In order to cleanse the kidneys, you can periodically arrange vegetarian fasting days on vegetable and fruit and berry freshly squeezed juices (about 1-3 days). Juices should be drunk in small sips at least 30 minutes before meals or between meals. At this time, 600 ml of juice per day or more is required. For such juices, you can choose gourds (watermelon, melon), apples, carrots, celery, cucumbers, cabbage, as well as all kinds of berries and herbs.

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Kidney diseases such as pyelonephritis and urolithiasis are now widespread. Problems with this internal organ can arise not only as a result of hypothermia, but also due to malnutrition. To at least partially solve the problem, you need to carefully monitor your diet.

Suitable Foods for Kidneys

The first thing to do is to make a list of foods that harm the kidneys. Their use should be limited in order to switch to proper, healthy nutrition for the body. We are talking about sweets, carbonated drinks, salted, fatty, protein foods, smoked meats. Also, alcohol is harmful to the kidneys and liver if consumed in large quantities.

The kidneys suffer if you supplement the diet with food that contains a lot of toxins and toxins. Buy only fresh products and try to eat right

The most blood-thinning foods for the kidneys are watermelons. They saturate the body with moisture, dilute too thick blood, regulate the acid-base balance, and help normalize the functioning of the kidneys. Eating watermelons and drinking watermelon juice is recommended not only for people suffering from diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system, but also for those who simply want to maintain their health.

Pumpkin also has many useful properties, moreover, doctors recommend eating both pulp and seeds. Thanks to this product, you can improve metabolism and get rid of excess cholesterol. In addition, pumpkin-based dishes well remove salts from the body and cleanse the kidneys. Finally, they can serve as an excellent diuretic.

Doctors have even found that regular consumption of pumpkin seeds helps prevent urolithiasis.

To improve kidney function, you should include fresh cucumbers in your menu. They accelerate the removal of toxins from the body, provide a mild diuretic effect, saturate the body with moisture. In addition, they effectively help with constipation, thus preventing the entry of toxins into the blood, and therefore help reduce the burden on the kidneys.

To enhance the beneficial effect of products, use the herbs that make up the kidney tea, put parsley in dishes. A decoction of juniper berries will also help well.

Useful fluids for the kidneys. Kidney Products

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What kidneys love and what they suffer from

Kidneys do not like cheese and analgin


The kidneys are easily vulnerable: they are afraid of both cold and heat, react to any infection, and are sensitive to the change of seasons. It is especially difficult for them at the end of winter - the beginning of spring: at this time, the kidneys most of all need support and caring attitude.

Be careful with minerals

The most harmful for the kidneys are salty foods - chips, crackers, nuts, dried squid in bags and other fast food. This also includes a variety of smoked meats, canned vegetables and cheese - it also has too much salt. However, a salt-free diet is also dangerous for the kidneys, so it is better to stick to the golden mean - no more than 5 g of salt per day. Also, the kidneys do not like meat, chocolate with nuts, apple cider vinegar, sorrel, foods high in vitamin C. Analgesics can lead to kidney disease, especially in combination with antipyretic drugs.

The kidneys generally do not like sweets, especially sweet carbonated drinks - they have an irritating effect. Coffee is also unsafe: addiction to it threatens with the formation of stones. The same effect can be achieved by regularly drinking mineral water - it contains many different salts, and this is harmful to the kidneys. Finally, everyone knows that the kidneys suffer from alcohol abuse, but smoking is no less harmful to them - long-term smokers risk acquiring kidney failure.

What is good for them

For good functioning, the kidneys need magnesium (nuts, seeds) and vitamin A (carrots, sweet peppers, sea buckthorn, parsley, dill, sea fish). Also, the kidneys love beets, cucumbers, cabbage, pumpkin, apples, prunes, buckwheat and oatmeal. Beneficial for the kidneys and legumes - the substances included in their composition prevent the formation of stones.

The best dessert for the kidneys is watermelons and melons. And their favorite smell is the scent of patchouli: aromatherapists believe that inhaling patchouli essential oil helps to remove excess fluid from the body, and a light massage in the kidney area with 6-8 drops of this oil relieves inflammation.

The kidneys benefit from drinking plenty of fluids - 1.5-2.5 liters of fluid per day. It can be green tea, dried fruit compotes or infusions and decoctions of herbs (bearberry, horsetail, dog rose, corn stigmas, birch buds). The ideal option is cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, birch sap. According to some experts, wine and beer are also useful for the kidneys - in small quantities. So, scientists at Harvard University claim that a glass of beer daily reduces the risk of kidney stones by 21%, and the same amount of wine - by as much as 39%. (However, other researchers believe that beer, on the contrary, can cause kidney failure, since it does not actually quench thirst, but dehydrates the body.) However, tea also reduces the risk of kidney disease by the same 39% - 3 cups per day, and even ordinary water - 8 glasses daily.

Standing on all fours

For the kidneys, a sedentary lifestyle is harmful, they love movement. But at the same time, heavy physical exertion and weight lifting are contraindicated for them, running and jumping are dangerous. Special gymnastics will help improve kidney function (it cannot be done only during an exacerbation of kidney ailments). Before starting classes, you need to lie on your back, completely relax, take 15-20 breaths, and then perform the following exercises.

1. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms along the body. Raise your hips and bend at the thoracic spine. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Lying on your back, arms along the body. Slowly raise the right leg at an angle of 45 degrees, lower, then the left. Repeat 3-4 times.

3. Standing, arms along the body. At the expense of 1-2, inhale, at 3-4 - exhale. Repeat 6-8 times.

For those who cannot exercise regularly, doctors advise more often ... to stand on all fours with your elbows on the floor. This pose is considered the most beneficial for the kidneys - people who work in the garden on all fours are less likely to form stones.

By the way

Kidney diseases do not always declare themselves openly. One of the first symptoms of emerging problems are sometimes headaches, most often in the frontal part. Hidden kidney ailments can be indicated by chronic tonsillitis and cracked heels.

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useful article, thanks for the info

And actually interesting info. I never thought that such an amount of wine per day can reduce stones by 39%

the article is informative, I just didn’t understand about legumes, I read in other sources that legumes are just undesirable for kidney patients

Do not believe those who say that alcohol is useful in some way, but about 40 grams of good vodka and 40 grams of good unrefined vegetable oil, it is true that this method cured cancer for many people !!! and why do many doctors emphasize this method - of course !! grandmas are losing, and you don’t need to eat pills yet, if something hurts, it hurts, it means something is missing, and people just turn off this pain with pills, vitamins need to be eaten more often, i.e. fruits vegetables nuts porridge mmmmmm vodka with butter)))))) By the way, this method is called the Shevchenko method!!! Swimming is very useful for the kidneys, by the way, vitamin C is just good for the kidneys, I'm not saying that I would eat several lemons at a time , get up in the morning at 6-7 o’clock, squeeze half a lemon into a glass and add water, yes smoking is very very harmful to the kidneys, and not only to the kidneys but to the whole body, smoking inhibits the development of the body, especially destroys the skeletal system, in short if you smoke for 5 years then it could would be higher by 3-5 cm))

Irina19 November 2015, 12:25:18
e-mail: [email protected], Krasnodar city

The article is not bad, but there is a mistake. If there is a predisposition to kidney disease, legumes are STRICTLY prohibited !!!



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