Are raw peanuts healthy? Which peanut is healthier - roasted or raw

Although the peanut is called a nut, it is customary to refer to it as a legume.

This nutritious product has a high energy and biological value, therefore it is recommended for use by nutritionists.

Peanuts contain essential acids, vitamins and minerals. It is included in the diet of people with weakened immune systems. What are the benefits and harms of peanuts?

Legumes contain 53% oils. The oil is rich in glycerides of stearic, palmitic, linoleic, arachidonic, behenic acids.

  • proteins (37%),
  • globulins and glutenins (17%),
  • sugar (7%).

In 100 g of peanuts:

  • 94.5% of the daily requirement of vitamin PP,
  • 80% - biotin,
  • 60% - folic acid,
  • about 41% - vitamin B1,
  • 35% - panthenic acid,
  • 475% - vanadium,
  • 285% - boron,
  • 97% - manganese,
  • 153% - fatty acids,
  • 400% - phytosterols.

High content of fiber (32.3%), pectin (80%).

In addition, peanuts are rich in vitamins E, C, K, potassium, silicon, magnesium.

Energy indicators (per 100 g):

  • proteins - 26 g;
  • fats - 45.2;
  • carbohydrates - 9.9;
  • calorie content - 552 kcal.

Medicinal properties

Peanuts are actively used in medicine and cosmetology, due to the following properties:

  • Legumes have a high content of valuable fatty acids that slow down the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and normalize blood pressure. With regular use of peanuts, heart function improves. According to the results of numerous studies, peanuts reduce the risk of heart attacks.
  • The tryptophan contained in legumes is synthesized into serotonin, which is responsible for the state of mind. Often, one increase in the level of the hormone can bring a person out of depression and phobias.
  • Stearic acid contributes to the formation of brain cells and the development of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin PP is indicated for irritable, nervous people. It is especially useful for those who quit smoking: when the intake of nicotine from a cigarette stops, a person becomes aggressive and cannot make a decision in peace. Nicotinic acid reduces the action of stress hormones produced by the adrenal glands and strengthens the nervous system. Also, vitamin PP is necessary for the beauty of hair, skin, nails.
  • The consequences of stressful situations are also smoothed out by folic acid. It provides the transmission of impulses between nerve cells, regulates the processes of the nervous system.
  • The biotin contained in large quantities in the nut has an insulin-like effect, lowers blood sugar levels. Biotin is also called the beauty vitamin. The component is often included in the composition of restorative masks for hair and skin.
  • Peanut oil contains a high content of Omega fats, so the product is used as a massage oil, in the treatment of hair and skin, and acts as an ingredient in caring hygiene products.

In addition, peanuts are rich in phytosterols - effective antioxidants. Substances stop the growth of cancer cells, protect the brain from Alzheimer's, and prevent the absorption of cholesterol.

In addition, the amount of antioxidants increases by 4 times when boiling nuts!

Unfortunately, we don't boil peanuts like we do in the rural areas of the southeastern United States.

The benefits of peanuts for the body of men

Peanut is useful for erectile disorders and reduced potency. The high content of magnesium in peanuts strengthens stress resistance, helps to cleanse toxins resulting from smoking and drinking alcohol, fatty foods.

Legume components are indispensable for bodybuilders - arachidonic acid supports the work of muscle tissue, promotes the regeneration of muscle fibers and regulates prostaglandin synthesis. Arginine increases strength and endurance, accelerates muscle growth.

Regular use of the product in men contributes to:

  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • improving the quality of sexual life;
  • increased sperm activity and sperm formation.

Useful and harmful properties of nuts for women

Peanuts promote the production of female hormones, solve cosmetic problems: strengthen hair and nails, moisturize the skin. The depression and anxiety that modern women complain about are overcome by tryptophan, which is found in large quantities in nuts.

Separately, it is worth warning against the use of legumes during pregnancy. The nut is a strong allergen, and when a pregnant woman consumes a nut, a child may develop an individual intolerance to peanuts, milk and soy proteins.

Harmful raw nuts. It is poorly digested in the intestines, and pregnant women often complain of upset stools. The danger increases if raw peanuts were stored at high humidity - larvae and mold are bred on it.

The risk of poisoning pregnant women, the development of allergies is minimized by roasting, but not eliminated.

Contraindications and harm

The harm and benefits of peanuts are balanced. Legumes are a strong allergen along with dairy products, wheat, citrus fruits. This is due to the high protein content of peanuts. Allergy manifests itself in the form of itching, peeling and even anaphylactic shock.

In addition, the walnut contains erucic acid, which is not completely excreted, but accumulates in the body, affecting the heart and liver.

Peanuts should be carefully introduced into the diet of young children, carefully monitoring the reaction. People with reduced immunity are recommended to use only fried food. Raw nuts can cause intestinal infections. When cooking, it is important to inspect it for the presence of mold and fungi, since hazardous substances do not disappear during frying.

The benefits and harms of peanuts at the same time lies in the ability to clot blood. It is undesirable to use it for varicose veins, thickening of the blood.

The use of the product is also limited for gout, arthritis and arthrosis, and obesity. For healthy people, it is permissible to use fruits of 30 g per day, for children - 10-15 nuts.

Peanut treatment

Peanut has found its application in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Healing recipes with peanuts:

  • Husk tincture with reduced immunity.

Remove the husk from the toasted nuts, pour 1 tsp. husks ¼ cup of vodka, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take 10 drops per day.

  • Peanut milk for gastritis and stomach ulcers (without exacerbation).

2 tbsp. l. peanut flour pour a glass of boiling water. Consume 1/3 cup throughout the day.

  • Pickled Peanuts for Hypertension

400 g of raw peanuts are placed in a container of salted water and boiled for 15 minutes. To the mixture are added 5 cloves of garlic, 1 onion (rings), 1-2 chili pods, a pinch of dried marjoram and ¼ tbsp. vinegar essence. Boil the marinade for 5 minutes. After cooling, the mixture is poured into a hermetically sealed container and infused for 2 days. Consume 10 kernels in the morning and evening for 5 days.

  • Decoction for inflammatory diseases of the throat and cough

100 g of peanuts pour 300 ml of water, cook for 15 minutes. Consume the mixture on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals for a month.

  • Soothing tea for dizziness.

4 tbsp. spoons of peanut leaves are brewed in a thermos for 1 hour. The drink is consumed half an hour before bedtime, half a cup a day. You can add honey, berries to tea.

  • Dessert for general body recovery and cancer prevention.

Mix 100 g of peanuts with 100-150 g of honey, use the mixture 3 times a day for 2 tsp.

  • Night mask for hair loss.

3 art. l. peanut butter mix 2 tbsp. l. burdock, 1 egg and 2 tbsp. l. honey. The mixture is distributed over the scalp, applied to the ends of the hair. The head is wrapped in polyethylene and a towel. The mask lasts 8-10 hours and is washed off 2 times.

How to choose and store peanuts

Peanuts are sold raw, roasted, in shell. It is worth choosing it based on the goals: peeled nuts are bought for cooking, for direct consumption - in shell or salted.

When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the smell of nuts - it should not be musty. Quality peanuts are red-brown, dry, without traces of mold and fungi. A sign of spoiled grains is a dark brown color.

Nut shell without dark spots, dry and heavy. Shake it, the sound should be deaf. If a loud knock is heard, most likely the nuts are already very small due to drying during long-term storage. Wet bending shell indicates that the product was kept in a room with high humidity.

Before use, the product is washed and dried in a pan or in the oven. During heat treatment, the amount of phytosterols - strong antioxidants - increases, the benefits for the body increase, bacteria are killed.

Store peanuts in a dry, well-ventilated, cool place or in the refrigerator. Nuts previously in a sealed container. Under favorable conditions, peanuts are stored for 6-9 months. Product in thermal packaging - 1 year.

If the nuts began to taste bitter, it is better to refuse their use.

Do not buy crushed peanuts. Probably, its expiration date has expired, and sellers can mix spoiled nuts with good nuts.

When used properly, the benefits of peanuts outweigh the harms. It is better to roast and dry it, so that the taste and healing qualities of nuts increase, and harm is minimized.

Nuts are considered one of the healthiest foods, they contain a lot of protein, vitamins and fatty acids, but the usefulness of peanuts, like other nuts, depends entirely on the form and how much you eat it. What are the benefits and harms of roasted peanuts, salted nuts and peanuts with husks?

plant description

Peanuts or “peanuts” are a plant from the legume family, that is, in their composition and properties, they are more “similar” to beans or peas than to walnuts or pistachios, which can be found in an interesting article: the benefits and harms of pistachios.

This is an annual, the fruits of which are eaten raw, fried, with salt, they are added to various products, oil is squeezed out of them and actively used in skin and hair care products, as well as for medicinal purposes.

The popularity of nuts is explained not only by their pleasant taste, but also by the fact that beans contain many useful substances - from amino acids to B vitamins. But you should not use nuts as a snack, there are strict restrictions on the amount of product that can be eaten without harm for good health.

The benefits and harms of peanuts for human health are explained by the substances that make up its composition:

  • vitamins - groups B, A, E, D, PP;
  • vegetable fats;
  • amino acids - 12 essential and 8 non-essential;
  • biotin.

100 grams of the product contains 26 g of protein, which is more than meat, 45 g of fat, 10 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of fiber and about 600 kcal.

To the question: raw or roasted peanuts are healthier, nutritionists do not have a clear answer. Raw fruits are a source of all of the above, but like any beans, they are hard to digest and can cause ulcers or indigestion to flare up. In addition, raw nuts while in the ground can become infected with a fungus or become a carrier of a bacterial infection.

If there are no health problems, then you should not abuse raw fruits either - it is recommended to eat no more than the amount of nuts that can fit in a handful per day

Useful properties of peanut

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of roasted peanuts for human health.

A properly fried product - in a dry frying pan and not for long, retains all its useful properties and even acquires new ones:

  • when frying, the shell is removed, which causes allergies and makes digestion difficult;
  • after roasting, the amount of polyphenol, a natural antioxidant, increases;
  • reduces the risk of infection with mold fungi and other harmful microorganisms.

In addition, roasting improves the taste of peanuts and increases their shelf life.

Health benefits of roasted peanuts:

  • Cholesterol Reduction - Linoleic acid, which is part of nuts, helps to control the level of this substance in the blood.
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis - peanut antioxidants help cleanse blood vessels. Also, according to scientists, they have a rejuvenating effect.
  • Improve digestion - a large amount of fiber stimulates the digestive system and helps to remove toxins from the intestines.
  • A supplier of fatty acids, proteins and vitamins of various groups - they help normalize the functioning of the nervous system and stimulate the production of hormones.

What are the benefits of roasted peanuts for men, women and children?

Chinese walnut is equally useful for men and women, but it brings different benefits to their body.

The benefits of peanuts for men:

  • stimulates the production of testosterone - selenium contributes to the production of the "male" hormone;
  • normalizes hormonal balance - in addition to increased testosterone production, nuts contribute to the normalization of the secretion of various hormones.
  • maintaining the work of the heart - potassium, which is part of the nuts, is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. Nuts contain a sufficient amount of this trace element and it is easily digested.

The benefits of peanuts for women:

  • increases the production of hormones and normalizes the overall hormonal background - this improves the general condition and increases the reproductive capacity of a woman;
  • increases the production of serotonin - the hormone of "happiness" is especially important for women during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • increases hemoglobin - the iron contained in nuts helps reduce the risk of anemia, which often develops in women due to regular blood loss.

For children, peanuts are also useful, they contain a lot of protein, calcium, iron and other useful trace elements, but with regular use, its amount should not exceed 20 g per day.

What harm can the product do?

Are roasted peanuts bad? Of course, if it was fried in a lot of oil, added a lot of salt, and then made it the main snack.

Peanuts can become dangerous in several cases:

  • with individual intolerance or a tendency to develop allergic reactions - raw and roasted peanuts are the strongest allergen;
  • with varicose veins, thrombosis or experienced heart attack / stroke - nuts have the ability to "thicken" the blood and can worsen the patient's condition;
  • for patients with diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage or obesity - a high-calorie product rich in indigestible fiber can cause an exacerbation of diseases or a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Poisoning with nuts is also possible - when eating poor-quality or contaminated with microorganisms beans.

The benefits and harms of salted peanuts

One of the most popular snacks is roasted peanuts with salt, the benefits and harms of this product largely depend on the amount of seasoning. The beneficial qualities of roasted nuts are preserved when salt is added. But the harm from such a snack is much greater.

The harm and benefits of salted peanuts depend on the amount of salt and the method of preparation. You can reduce the harmfulness of this product if you cook it yourself, at home.

Cooking methods

To eat peanuts properly, they must be cooked properly.

At home, you can roast nuts in a pan, in the oven or in the microwave. Thus, the harm of roasted peanuts will be minimized.

The easiest way is a dry frying pan, washed and dried nuts. Fry them over low heat, stirring constantly for 15-20 minutes, until they begin to crackle and emit a characteristic smell.

In the oven, the washed nuts are dried at a temperature of 180 g for 25 minutes, and if you use fruits without husks, then the cooking time is 15 minutes.

Nuts can be cooked in the microwave in 5-7 minutes. The washed fruits are covered with a lid and left at the maximum temperature for 2.5 -3.5 minutes. Then mix and dry.

To make salted peanuts, the nuts are soaked in saline for 30 minutes (1 tbsp salt to 1 cup water), then dried and roasted.

Also, according to nutritionists, peanuts with husks can be eaten, but not desirable, since it is the shell of the nuts that causes severe allergies and can make it difficult for the beans to be digested in the intestines.

The consumption rate of roasted peanuts is 30-50 g per day. This dosage will allow you to get the maximum benefit from the product and not harm your health. If the amount of nuts in the daily diet is more than 100 g, it is recommended to replace 1 meal with them.

Peanuts are not only a tasty product, but also very healthy. In folk medicine, it is used to treat diseases of the throat and bronchi, relieve fever, eliminate dizziness. A decoction of peanuts is used to treat chronic lung diseases.

The chemical composition and benefits of peanuts for women and men

Despite the fact that peanuts are more like nuts, they still belong to legumes. It consists of 45% fat and 26% protein. It is not recommended to get involved in peanuts because of its high calorie content. In 100 g of the product 552 kcal.

Eating peanuts in reasonable doses is good for women's health. The fruits are rich in phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Peanuts contain mono- and disaccharides, antioxidants, saturated fatty acids.

To maintain health and well-being, it is enough to eat up to 10 pieces of roasted nuts per day or no more than 100 g of unroasted nuts. If you get carried away too much, you can seriously strain your stomach and gain weight.

So, what are the benefits of peanuts for women's health:

Expands blood vessels and helps to normalize pressure during jumps;

Accelerates cell regeneration and slows down their destruction;

Activates the work of brain neurons;

Reduces cholesterol levels;

Brings blood vessels into tone;

Regulates blood sugar;

Improves intestinal microflora, cleanses the stomach of toxins;

Strengthens bones, nails, hair, teeth;

Uplifts mood, helps fight stress and depression.

The benefits of peanuts for women's health

The benefits of this product for women should be discussed separately. Women should definitely include peanuts in their diet for a number of reasons. The first and main reason is the reduced risk of developing breast cancer. Scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health have deduced a pattern: women who regularly consume peanuts and peanut butter are much less likely to encounter benign neoplasms in the mammary glands. On the one hand, such tumors do not pose a mortal danger, but they increase the risk of developing a malignant tumor by several times.

An experiment was conducted in which several thousand girls aged 9 to 15 participated. One group regularly (at least twice a week) received peanuts and butter, the second group ate these foods from time to time or did not eat at all. A few years later, scientists concluded: the group that had peanuts in the diet had a 39% lower risk of developing breast cancer! The results are impressive and allow you to be sure that peanuts in moderation can protect women's health.

Peanuts are rich in vitamins and minerals. Manganese in its composition has a beneficial effect on the nails, skin and hair of women. They become strong and take on a healthy appearance. The manganese in peanuts is also responsible for regulating metabolism. In moderation, this product can help you shed those extra pounds.

For those who frequently color their hair and expose it to high temperatures and styling products, the good news is that peanuts contain biotin. This substance strengthens the hair at the very bulbs, making them stronger several times.

Everyone knows three periods in the life of every woman when hormones rage: adolescence, pregnancy and menopause. Substances in peanuts help to cope with these conditions and not be nervous about every occasion. Peanut strengthens the reproductive system, improves hormonal levels and prevents the female cycle from failing.

The benefits of peanuts for women's health and how to apply it

In order to maximize all the beneficial properties of peanuts, it is important to take them correctly.

Peanut tincture for raising immunity

This recipe is especially useful during periods of seasonal epidemics. To protect yourself from frequent colds, you need to take care of your immunity.

For tincture you will need:

1 tsp peanut husks;

60 ml of vodka.

How to cook:

The husk is poured with vodka, cleaned in a dark place and insisted for 2 weeks.

Then the tincture is filtered and taken. A day you need to drink no more than 7 drops of tincture. To enhance the effect of its reception, it is necessary to drink warm milk.

Peanut milk for ulcers

Success in the treatment of any disease depends both on the prescribed medications and on the use of folk methods. With diseases of the stomach and duodenum, you can take peanut milk.

What is needed for this:

Peanut kernels;

Warm boiled water.

How to cook:

First you need to turn all the kernels into flour.

Then it is mixed with warm boiled water until smooth.

The resulting milk is drunk daily. No more than 200 ml of peanut milk is allowed per day.

Important: during periods of exacerbation of these diseases, it is forbidden to use peanuts in any form!

When are peanuts bad for women and men?

First of all, you need to remember that only fresh peanuts are allowed for consumption. If there is mold on it or it smells bad, immediately throw away such a product. It may have been improperly stored or transported. Such peanuts are not only not beneficial, but can also be harmful. In such nuts, aflatoxins begin to form. Often they lead to an allergic reaction.

Peanuts are forbidden to eat with diseases such as gout, arthrosis, arthritis, varicose veins of the stomach, as well as with existing problems with the pancreas.

Excessive consumption of peanuts leads not only to obesity, but also to the development of liver diseases. Also, the bitterness from nuts, which appears due to improper storage, negatively affects the liver.

To avoid possible digestive problems, eat only shelled nuts.

The benefits of peanuts for women and how to store them properly

Even if you got a perfectly beautiful peanut, without damage and mold, with a pleasant smell, you need to know the rules for storing this product. Otherwise, you already know what it can lead to. In addition, if stored improperly, peanuts begin to release oil. It spoils not only the appearance, but also the taste of the product.

So, the rules for storing peanuts:

1. The product is stored in a container that does not allow moisture to pass through and is tightly closed. Do not store peanuts in plastic containers and plastic bags. So he will quickly lose his taste and useful qualities. If the peanuts were purchased not by weight, but in their original packaging, then they can be stored until the date indicated on it, but on condition that the integrity of the packaging is not broken.

2. To prevent mold from growing on peanuts, carefully sort and discard the debris and shells before storing them.

3. Nuts with intact shells can be stored in the freezer.

4. In crushed form, peanuts are not stored at all.

5. Do not keep peanuts in the refrigerator, as they easily absorb odors. Also, do not leave nuts on an open surface, as this will spoil the product.

6. Processed kernels are stored several times less than fresh ones in the shell.

7. Before storing peanuts, they must be heated in the oven at 50 degrees for 10 minutes. This will dry them out and eliminate possible moisture. Moreover, this must be done regardless of whether the peanuts are peeled or in shell.

The benefits of peanuts for women are enormous. However, do not get carried away with it and forget about the rules of storage. Like any other product, peanuts are useful only in moderation.

Peanuts, better known to us under the name peanuts, have long and firmly entered our lives. We eat it raw and fried, we add it to various dishes, and we don’t even know about the benefits and harms of peanuts for the human body.

In fact, peanuts belong to the legume family. The nuts themselves are in pods of 2-3 pieces each, and they really resemble beans in shape.

Peanuts are most widely used in the United States, where they are used both as animal feed and as a raw material for the production of peanut butter. It became mega popular during the Second World War, when it was quite difficult with provisions. Peanuts, on the other hand, are highly nutritious, thanks to which, with its help, it was then possible to feed the soldiers of the American army.

Today, the nutritional properties of peanuts have not lost their relevance. Of course, now no one will eat nuts alone, but nevertheless it remains one of the favorite products of the inhabitants of the most democratic continent.

What is useful peanuts for the body

Peanuts are rich in vitamins and minerals. There are both, and vitamins such as C, PP, D, E, and substances important for the construction of the cells of our body: iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, manganese, calcium, copper, sodium.

But, perhaps, the most important benefit to a person is brought by the unsaturated fatty acids contained in it, in particular, linoleic. The presence of this acid in the human body prevents the development of diseases such as sclerosis.

In addition, it is precisely a sufficient amount of unsaturated acids in the blood vessels that allows maintain a normal level, and prevents the appearance of cholesterol plaques, and as a result, blockage of blood vessels.

Peanuts contain a large amount of antioxidants - phytosterols, which have the most positive effect on the gradual reduced development of malignant tumors. In particular, its regular use can prevent the occurrence of bowel cancer.

In addition, due to the action of phytosterols, the situation with digestion gradually changes in a positive direction. It also increases the body's ability to get rid of toxins and waste products of our cells.

Peanuts are also useful for those couples who have long dreamed of giving birth to a healthy baby. And this applies equally to both men and women. An amazing useful property of peanuts is the ability normalize hormonal levels which is often the cause of infertility. And folic acid, contained in it in a significant amount, reduces the possibility of developing any pathologies in the fetus.

Are Roasted Peanuts Healthy?

Which peanut is healthier: roasted or raw? It is believed that roasted peanuts are healthier, because. when roasted, a layer is formed on the surface of the nut that protects vitamin E from destruction. The vitamin itself is preserved during processing.

In addition, the concentration of antioxidants increases.

About bad...

Peanuts (raw and fried) can bring not only benefits, but also harm to a person. For those who love it, it is important to know that in addition to its positive qualities, it can cause a severe allergic reaction. Most often, it manifests itself in the appearance of severe itching, redness of the skin, the appearance of swelling of the larynx, eczema or even allergic urticaria may occur.

In addition, raw peanuts can cause pain in the stomach, so it is better to fry the nuts a little before eating them. But even in this form, people suffering from joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, and others) are not recommended to eat it.

But all this applies only to the product that is stored according to all the rules. If the storage conditions were violated, namely, a certain level of humidity was not observed, then aphtholoxins (elements that do not affect the liver in the best way) can form in the fruits.

In addition, high humidity contributes to the formation of a fungus on the nuts, which can harm a person. Here the danger lies in the fact that without certain devices it cannot be detected. Under such circumstances, the harm done reduces the benefits of peanuts to the human body to zero.

And absolutely harmful - about genes ...

The modern agricultural commodity producer wants to see a strong crop on the field that is not affected by harmful insects. And in this endeavor, they are very actively assisted by scientists who introduce additional genes into the product.

In particular, the introduction of the petunia gene into peanuts became a salvation from pests, thanks to which insects stopped eating this crop, which directly affected the increase in yield.

But on the other hand, it negates all the benefits of peanuts, and increases the harm at times. After all, we already know enough about the effect of GM products on the human body. Despite the assurances of researchers in the safety of such food, doctors began to notice a sharp decrease in immunity among the population, which in turn led to an increase in a wide variety of diseases, including oncology.

The most unpleasant effect of GMOs is a violation of the reproductive function.

Of course, it is better to eat peanuts without foreign genes, but who can guarantee that you will buy just such?

How many peanuts can you eat per day

Peanuts: proteins - 29.2; fats - 50.2; carbohydrates - 10.8.

This product is quite satisfying and nutritious. Calorie content of peanuts per 100 g - 550 kcal. The daily average requirement is 1500 kcal. So if you are fighting for a graceful figure, you should not eat more than 50 grams of nuts, you do not only eat them. As for those who are satisfied with the figure, 100 gr is also possible, if it “fits” 🙂 In any case, like any other nuts or honey, earthen ones should not be abused either.

And of course, any flavoring additives are from the evil one.

How to choose the right peanut

Buying peanuts for a modern person is not a problem. It is sold in the markets, and in small shops, and in supermarkets. It can be sold in the shell and without it, raw or fried.

When choosing, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • the smell of nuts: it should not be rancid or musty (this is a sure sign of mold that has formed);
  • if you prefer to buy nuts in the shell (and rightly so, because it retains all the useful properties of peanuts as much as possible), carefully inspect the peel for cracks and uncharacteristic dark spots, plus the shell should be dry and heavy, and if it shake, you can hear a dull sound;
  • be sure to pay attention to the packaging. The inscription "without GMOs" - unfortunately does not guarantee that they, GMOs, are not there, but there is still a chance :)

How to store peanuts at home

Nuts will stay fresh for a long time if you put them in a hermetically sealed jar in the refrigerator. Low temperatures will keep the product for nine months. At the same time, nuts should be left unchanged - do not chop or chop.

Regardless of the beneficial properties and contraindications of peanuts, he has long become one of his favorites. Because it's delicious :)

This plant is native to South America. The climate is warm and not too spoiled by rains. Maybe this is what explains the unusual feature of fruit ripening. But about everything in order.

What does the name "peanut" mean? Indeed, this discrepancy is immediately noticeable - real nuts ripen on trees or shrubs, and not at all in the soil like tubers or root crops. In addition, from the point of view of botany, peanuts belong to the legume family, and something in common is already traced here - take at least the shape of the pods and the fruits located in them, as well as the taste of these unripe "nuts" so reminiscent of the taste of green peas. In this case, why do they form, deepening into the soil, and not under the rays of the sun, as, for example, in beans or beans? The explanation for this "behavior" can be the dry climate of the places of natural growth of peanuts, in which plants, trying to save precious moisture from the scorching heat, hide pollinated flowers to form ovaries in the soil.

If you observe the development of the plant, you will notice that the fruits are first of all tied on the flowers that are closest to the ground. Those that are taller, even if they had fertilization, but they could not “burrow” into the ground in time, inevitably die. And although peanut flowers are self-pollinating, they live only for a day, so the ovaries are far from being formed on everyone.

Peanut is a southern culture, thermophilic, but annual. This makes it possible to grow it very successfully even in our climate. Having created the necessary conditions for the growth, development and fruiting of peanuts, it will be possible not only to observe the unusual vegetation of the plant and understand for yourself whether peanuts are a nut or legumes, but also to enjoy “snacks” from your own garden.

Benefits of peanut

It is difficult to find a person who has not tried peanuts, because they are present in many foods - in confectionery, all kinds of desserts, in sauces and pastes, in pastries and bakery products. Due to its taste and low cost, it is perhaps the most used nut in the food industry. Someone is a fan of nutty sweets, someone likes to nibble them in a fried salted form, and someone likes the delicate and thick consistency of peanut butter. So what is the use of this product and is it safe to consume it in unlimited quantities?

Positive qualities of peanuts:

  • This is a very nutritious product, well absorbed by the body. Its calorie content is 658 kcal per 100 grams. Fats - 45.2 g (almost the daily norm of an adult), proteins - 26.3 g and carbohydrates - 9.9 g, while, given the plant origin of the product, you should not worry about the presence of cholesterol. Conclusion: recommended for convalescent patients (as part of dietary nutrition); people who have great physical activity (quick recovery); pregnant and lactating (providing with vitamins and increasing the calorie content of breast milk); people suffering from low weight, as well as a growing child's body (as an additional food).
  • Now about vitamins. Group B, which affects many metabolic processes in the body, the appearance and even the mood of a person, is represented almost in its entirety. A special place (half of the daily requirement in 100 g of nuts) is occupied by folic acid (B9), which is responsible for the well-being of the circulatory and immune systems in the body. Let not so much ascorbic acid, but vitamin E - the key to youth and strength - in 100 g of nuts is more than half of the daily requirement. And a real panacea for many serious ailments is vitamin PP, the necessity and importance of which is recognized by most progressive physicians. Conclusion: peanuts are included in the diet of pregnant women (reduces the risk of developing fetal pathologies); for diseases of the joints (arthritis, osteochondrosis, injuries), hypertension, gastrointestinal tract (normalizes metabolic processes, removes toxins), patients with cardiovascular diseases (prevention and recovery after heart attacks), as well as low hemoglobin and beriberi.
  • As for micro and macro elements, peanuts contain a lot of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, and there is also sodium, iron, selenium, manganese and zinc. It is difficult to overestimate such a "generosity" of peanuts, because 100 g of nuts per day can provide up to 70% of the substances necessary for the proper nutrition of the cells of our body.

But when consuming peanuts, you should remember that moderation is needed in everything!

What is the danger of peanuts?

Given the high calorie content of nuts, they should be used very limitedly by people who are overweight, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Peanuts, however, like any other product, should be carefully included in the diet of baby food. Indeed, in addition to the fact that a growing organism does not always successfully cope with a large amount of incoming fats (and there is enough of it in nuts), the possibility of allergic reactions is not excluded. Therefore, they are given to children only from the age of 3, starting with 2-3 nuts a day. If everything went well, the dosage can be gradually increased, bringing up to 10-12 pieces. Pediatricians consider this a sufficient amount, but if the child tolerates peanut treats well, then you can increase the recommended rate. If the baby has a poor appetite and does not reach his age group in weight, then a few nuts between feedings will be a healthy snack.

When using a peanut, an allergy can appear after a couple of minutes, and after 5-6 hours. The reaction is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • skin rashes, often accompanied by itching and pain;
  • swelling and redness, gradually spreading from the source of occurrence along the surface of the skin;
  • soreness of the larynx, turning into swelling of the entire oral cavity (a clear sign of anaphylactic shock);
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • acute pain in the abdomen.

If any of these symptoms appear, you should stop eating nuts and consult a doctor. Timely medical care is especially important when symptoms of anaphylactic shock are detected, in which the risk of death reaches 20%. The first thing to do is to immediately call an ambulance, and while waiting for the doctors to arrive, lay the victim on his back, turn his head to one side and ensure the maximum flow of fresh air.

Taking antihistamines improves the condition of patients, but in the future, people with allergic reactions to the consumption of peanuts should be very careful when choosing food. You should especially carefully study the composition of desserts, because often negligent manufacturers, declaring expensive nuts in the name, actually replace them with the cheapest peanuts, notifying this on the label in the smallest print.

Another danger that can be fraught with the use of peanuts is its quality. Failure to comply with the rules for storage and transportation of the product can lead to deterioration and accumulation of a toxic substance - aflatoxin (one of the most powerful and dangerous allergens). An unpleasant smell, mold on the shell, rancid taste of nuts - all this indicates their unsuitability.



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