New games like Diablo. MMORPG game in Diablo style

Only lazy people haven't played Diablo. This game was and remains very popular among many thousands of players for its simple, but at the same time very addicting gameplay and plot. In it, the character you choose needs to kill thousands of monsters and constantly click the mouse. It is not surprising that games similar to Diablo appeared, the developers of which tried (or even did not try) to make their game both similar and different from the classic version of the game. It must be said that there is even a separate hack and slash genre that characterizes such games. Below you will find our selection of interesting projects with similarities to Diablo.

This game was released in 2009 and is still very popular among gamers. The main similarity of this game is that it has 3 classes (Destroyer, Alchemist, Conqueror) and simple gameplay. Another feature that links the two legendary games is that in Torchlight you get a pet at the beginning of the game. The main responsibilities of your little friend are that you can use him as a fighting comrade, who, with proper care, will cause considerable damage. And if you need to free up your inventory, you can send your pet to the city so that he sells all unnecessary things, thus saving you from long trips back and forth.

Torchlight will allow even an inexperienced player to easily master the character leveling system and without any problems understand what skills need to be learned in order to easily complete this wonderful game. In addition to cool gear and various monsters, this game will surprise you with a wide variety of drops. And the ability to add your character to the online table will allow you to see how well you did in completing the game.

  1. Titan Quest

It came out back in 2006 and immediately gained its fans. The developers decided not to stop there and a year later released an update called “Immortal Thorne”. Almost a year later, Titan Quest was recognized as the best game in the action/rpg genre, and it stood on the same level as Diablo.

The plot of this game tells about ancient Greece and Asia. Thanks to a variety of locations, you will have the opportunity to see truly beautiful places, and the main opponents in this game are mythological animals that strive to kill you. The atmosphere in the game is very reminiscent of Diablo, so all fans will be happy. You can download Titan Quest completely free of charge, and those who doubt that this is a worthwhile game can watch an online video that will show all its advantages.

  1. Dungeon Siege 3

This game gives the player a completely new look at the action/rpg genre. Its main highlight is that you start playing as one character, and as the game progresses you will be lucky enough to find true friends who will agree to join you and help you on your journey. Thanks to them, you can feel like a strong warrior, a powerful wizard or a well-aimed archer. At any point in the game, you can change your character and evaluate the superiority of one class over another.

  1. Sacred

This game is an excellent representative of the action/rpg genre, in which you will have access to a huge game world. If you're tired of games that only require you to complete missions, you can download Sacred and enjoy the opportunity to explore the map, looking for secrets or interesting side quests. And in order not to waste a lot of time, you can buy a horse that will increase your speed and allow you to check a larger part of the map in a shorter period of time.

The game includes a wide variety of auxiliary items, equipment, and will allow you to choose one of 6 characters. If you install the update (Sacred Underworld), 2 more new classes and several impressive bosses will be added that are not so easy to kill. If you still can’t defeat these giants, you can always watch the walkthrough online.

  1. Paths of Exile

This game has the same dark and mysterious atmosphere as Diablo. It is a fantastic, colorful world that consists of randomly generated areas. As for the leveling system, there are only three stats: strength, agility and intelligence. Don’t let this scare you, because unlike stats, there are many more skills, which will allow you to primarily pay attention to skills.

In this online game you can choose any character, each with their own skills. There are only 6 heroes, but they are all different: marauder, witch, templar, shadow, ranger and duelist.

Games similar to Diablo from our database:

  • sacred
  • Dungeon siege 3

What games similar to Diablo do you know?

Blizzard is one of the few companies that DO NOT make bad games. Absolutely. Each project she has released is a whole world filled with amazing adventures, with its own exciting story and bright, often contradictory and ambiguous characters.

And yet, among these, without exaggeration, masterpieces, there is one game that is especially dear to the heart of almost every role-player. A game that even those who have a very vague understanding of video games have heard of, because it managed to take firm roots in modern popular culture.

Of course, we are talking about Diablo, whose dark setting and meaty gameplay served as a powerful source of inspiration for many game designers, screenwriters, directors, artists and even musicians!

It’s amazing how this seemingly simple toy eventually managed to become one of the most recognizable projects in the gaming industry. What is even more surprising is that, being within the framework of the unchanged concept laid down by the original back in 1996, each new part of Diablo managed to make a tangible breakthrough in the hack-and-slash genre and at the same time be completely different from its predecessor.

But what is not at all surprising is the rapid emergence of an army of “imitators”, some blindly copying the principles of gameplay, style and other distinctive elements of the series, while others tried (and often unsuccessfully) to add something of their own.

Below we provide a list of the ten most successful and interesting “Diablo-like” games on PC.

10. Torchlight

Let's start with the RPG that is more similar to Diablo 2 than any other. It would probably be more correct to talk here about how these games differ from each other, because Torchlight, by and large, is an almost exact copy of Diablo (of course, with its own setting and plot).

This similarity is not accidental: the same people who took part in the creation of the first and second parts of Diablo worked on the game.

And now about how these projects differ from each other:

  1. Fishing has been added to Torchlight.
  2. The hero (by the way, there are three classes to choose from) now has a pet that helps in collecting loot.
  3. Visually, the game has a brighter, more artsy style. If anyone has seen early concept art and screenshots of Diablo 3, they will definitely understand what we are talking about.

9. Torchlight II

A sequel that is not much different from the original, and therefore from Diablo too. An open world, an interesting plot, random generation of dungeons, funny drawn locations and characters, in a word, everything that brought success to the first part was carefully preserved and enhanced by the developers in Torchlight II. And if you liked the original, then you should definitely like the sequel.

8. Dungeon Siege Series

The first part of Dungeon Siege was released in 2002 and was warmly received by Diablo fans, who immediately noted a noticeable bias in the gameplay towards their idol, except that the plot here was more holistic and interesting (but can this be considered a drawback?). Many people still believe that Dungeon Siege is the best among games similar to Diablo.

The next two parts were not distinguished by their originality and variety of mechanics, and therefore did not have such a resounding success as their predecessor, but they earned themselves an honorable place in the top of games similar to Diablo. True, a lot of time has passed since their release, during which many other, more modern and interesting “Diablo-like” games have appeared.

7. Sacred 2

Another worthy representative of Action/RPG with an open world, a large number of game classes, hundreds of types of available equipment and unlimited possibilities for leveling up the hero.

At the same time, the game has a good plot, and the local atmosphere and game environment are somewhat subtly reminiscent of another popular series of role-playing games from German developers - Gothic.

If the game seems interesting, you can also try the first part of Sacred, but you should immediately mentally prepare for very unattractive graphics (the original was released on PC in 2006).

6.Titan Quest

Action/RPG, whose setting is rich in borrowings from ancient mythology. Moreover, the authors often gave them their own interpretation, changed beyond recognition, which is why the world of Titan Quest turned out to be very bizarre, successfully combining traditional fantasy elements and mythological ideas of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Mesopotamia.

The huge world, divided into three acts, and the epic plot telling about the confrontation of the earthly hero with the gods and titans, evokes certain associations with “Oblivion”. Even the depiction of local locations and some opponents immediately evoke certain images from the RPG loved by many. In all other respects, Titan Quest is a typical hack & slash game.

Finally, I would like to add that last year the game celebrated its tenth anniversary, in honor of which a special improved edition was released - Titan Quest Anniversary Edition. You can purchase and download it from the link below.

5. Victor Vran

A project from a new generation of “Diablo-like” games, most similar to Diablo 3.

Victor Vran does not have the usual system of character classes, but there is a huge selection of weapons, divided into seven types, and armor, which determine the style of play, giving the hero a set of unique attacks. There are also many activated abilities called "demon powers" and "destiny cards" that provide passive bonuses.

The gameplay of Victor Vran is highly dynamic: the hero can evade enemy attacks, quickly move around locations and even jump. The latter ability is useful not only in battle, but also for finding secrets and even solving some puzzles.

The rest of the game is a standard hack-and-slash with an isometric view.

4. Grim Dawn

One of the most interesting games like Diablo 3, constantly updated and improved by its creators (Crate Entertainment). It deserves attention due to its stunningly detailed open world in the style of dark fantasy, an interesting plot telling about the confrontation between a handful of surviving people and several ominous opponents, modern, stunningly beautiful graphics and special effects.

Traditionally for games like Diablo, Grim Dawn features a large selection of weapons, armor and accessories, and a variety of different enemies, including bosses and champions. The role-playing system deserves special attention, allowing you to combine any two of the classes presented here into one hybrid. In total, the developers claim more than two hundred abilities that can be improved with special items and constellations (a unique system of passive skill improvement).

There are also several factions, improving your reputation with them will give you access to useful in-game items. There is even some semblance of non-linear quest completion, although it has virtually no effect on the gameplay.

For those who find playing through the story campaign not enough, Grim Dawn has an arena mode called “The Crucible.”

3. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

A role-playing game in which the main character is the famous hunter of evil. The project has an appropriate setting: gloomy, fog-covered, mountain ranges and dark forests expanses of the fictional Borgovia, where Doctor Helsing will have to fight hordes of a variety of creatures.

At the same time, in this world, magic calmly coexists with science, which is why in Adventures of Van Helsing you constantly encounter various ingenious mechanisms driven by steam power, and even firearms.

And almost all the local dialogues and plot events are full of healthy humor and self-irony. Particularly amusing are the conversations between the braggart Helsing and his companion Katarina, imbued with cynicism and sarcasm, who is a real ghost.

Three available classes (mage, warrior and marksman), hundreds of pieces of equipment, various tasks, an accessible and understandable role-playing system and much more await players in this wonderful RPG.

2. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2 and 3

The final two parts of The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing trilogy, continuing the events of the original and opening up new corners of Borgovia for exploration with its frightening secrets and eerie technologies. Even more enemies, more quests, items, alchemical recipes and mini-games like "Tower Defense" await players here.

The basic concept has remained unchanged, so the game can be recommended to everyone who liked the adventures in the company of Doctor Helsing and his companion Katarina.

1.Path of Exile

The game that comes closest to the Diablo series in terms of atmosphere and quality of gameplay.

The world of Path of Exile is literally filled to the brim with cruelty and hopelessness. There is black magic everywhere, reviving corpses, ancient dark deities and so on. Perhaps, with just one elaboration of the game environment, this RPG could have been sent to the top.

In addition, the game offers as many as seven playable characters to choose from with a deeply developed leveling system. Each person's abilities depend on the stone inserted into their equipment, as well as on a tree of more than a thousand (!) passive skills, activated by distributing skill points. This didn't even happen in any of the three Diablo games.

For fans of this cult series, we have prepared a selection of Diablo-like games with an emphasis on action and building up the hero like in an RPG, which may be interesting to most gamers. The first version used isometric graphics, so to speak, 2.5D, and further versions and endless clones used three-dimensional graphics, which went well.

More than 20 years later, the old school still loves it, as the click & slash style is simple and addictive. Plus, everyone feels like an epic hero who will save the universe from absolute evil. In general, everything is clear with the setting and in 90% of cases it is a dark fantasy, and the good fairy tale Royal Quest stands out against this background, which in game mechanics is exactly like Diablo, but only better. And they all have one thing in common and this is the destruction of countless mobs in one unit of time, you will not have a break, you can really burn your mouse.

A selection from our reviews of free MMOs similar to Diablo

Here are Diablo-style games for PC, which most fans of the cult series know about, with which the hack`n`slash genre practically originated and gained the rank of a cult, after which there were many clones, both successful and not. In this collection we will look at and briefly describe those projects that you will like if you have played Diablo. But there is one caveat: they are not free and require a one-time fee for a license or key. Well, if you really want it, you can find it and download it for free from torrents, whatever you like.

Royal Quest – Our favorite!

The first place of Royal Quest in our list is well deserved, the graphics are amazing and very colorful, and there is more than enough action. And at the same time, the locations and setting stand out among other Diablo-like games. Because the whole ambiance and atmosphere created by the game seems to say that there is hope and evil can be defeated. The camera layout is isometric, which is clearly old school. There are few opportunities to uniquely characterize your character, so in PvP you will often see your clones, but PvE provides enormous opportunities for traveling around the universe. There are few similarities with Diabla, it’s just a high-quality MMORPG, which is made in the same style.

Neverwinter Online – Winter Is Here Forever!

This is the absolute opposite of Asian MMOs with endless grinding. NeverWinter is very similar in theme and atmosphere to Diablo, but the graphics are in third person, as befits a modern RPG these days. Here, too, universal evil is destroying the remnants of the world and this must be prevented and order and grace restored to the scorched lands. There are a lot of races, great opportunities for uniqueness of characters, and the system of professions is probably better developed than other similar projects. The developers managed to very successfully combine the Middle Ages and dark fantasy, so that the result was a gun, and not just a game.

Path of Exile

For a long time, Path of Exile was considered a worthy replacement for Diablo; many gamers really liked the extensive system of skills and abilities, in which even the devil himself would break his leg. She basically looks like our favorite devil, but she's more aggressive and more hardcore. But it was precisely its unique, non-linear method of leveling that attracted players, because thanks to this opportunity you can create your own unique style of combat. If I can characterize the game in one sentence, it is a brightness that is enchanting and depressing at the same time, where evil is very hypertrophied, as if the whole universe is hopelessness, but only with Mickey Mouse.

Titan Quest

After for a long time nothing worthwhile or worthy of replacing Diablo 2 came out, Titan Quest became a kind of salvation and a breath of fresh air in MMORPGs, although the cooperative modes with pvp were not entirely complete. The graphics and physics at that time were radically different from the usual games in this genre, and the setting was ancient, colorful with the colors of Greece with its legends and myths, which gamers really liked. And the game was elevated to the rank of cult, although not for long. The artists did their best; the villains in this universe, such as the Cyclops, the Gorgon, and the Cerberus from Hell, are especially well remembered.

Dungeon Siege

It's like Diablo, but only with a more thoughtful and full-fledged cooperative mode, where you can form a squad of up to 8 people, which will be much more fun and no monsters will be scary to you. Dungeon Siege is a series that, since 2002, has been constantly developing and transforming, adapting to fashion trends in MMORPGs and the needs of gamers. If we take into account the first and second parts of our favorite game, then this will simply be a more modernized version with better multiplayer.


This is a series of MMORPGs with hurricane action in battles, where the player is given a large number of classes to choose from, and a huge world with free movement. The atmosphere in the fight against evil is on par with Diablo, but the plot is deeper and to some extent it can resemble Gothic, which enjoyed enormous popularity almost at the same time. The first part was released in 2006 and was very reminiscent of our favorite. And in 2014 the third part was released, which blew everyone away and became a cult classic. The locations are linear, there is no open world, but you can cooperate in squads of up to four people.


This is just a cartoon Diablo with good graphics, which can be compared to WoW, but there will be more similarities with Royal Quest. And what’s remarkable in the creation of the game was the participation of developers from the first and second parts of one of the most legendary games in the world, which we love so much. There are also professions here that are not typical for hack`n`slash, since they have more arcade style, and professions are more inclined towards realism and routine. And also, as in Asian grinds, you can get a pet that will collect gold and items knocked out of mobs for you. Overall, this is a fun game very similar to Diablo, but only with an open world and features from popular MMORPGs.

Grim Dawn

This is an extraordinary gun, which came out much later than Diablo 3 and is developing by leaps and bounds and acquiring a loyal fan base, but to our deepest surprise, it is not yet possible to talk about popularity among the general public. The stylization is almost identical, even the camera position is isometric, the surroundings are pleasing, the atmosphere of dark fantasy is realized at its best, and the diverse gameplay with game mechanics perfectly complements all of the above. There are plenty of opportunities to craft your own unique weapon, thanks to which you can customize your character and stand out among other gamers. And the most important feature that Diablo-like games lack is a huge open world without any restrictions on movement.

The incredible adventures of van helsing

This is Van Helsing in Diablo style and with the appropriate atmosphere. You will be in the role of a hunter who is in constant pursuit of ghouls, undead and vampires, he is almost like the Witcher, but probably from Romania. The game stands out because very often you will have to use all your ingenuity and understand complex mechanisms in order to complete quests. At the start, you are given three classes to choose from, very familiar to all MMORPGs, namely: warrior, mage and shooter. You will also be accompanied by faithful companions as your retinue. The co-op mode is practically undeveloped here, and therefore you may feel alone, but surrounded by vampires.

In this article we will look at the most interesting games similar in style to the famous game Diablo. Many developers use the game from the Blizzard team as a basis when creating their games. Some projects are more like Diablo, others a little less, and almost all are trying to bring something new to their game. Considering the enormous popularity of Action RPGs and RPGs in the click&slash style, we decided to collect all the most successful representatives of the genre in one place.


"Roуел Quest" is an adventure multiplayer online RPG, the actions of which develop in a colorful game world called Aura. The key aspects of the game are magic, alchemy and technology. The plot is based on the fact that the threat of destruction looms over the world, since black alchemists want to obtain the very valuable elenium stone, which has unique properties, at any cost. To get rid of the invaders, the king calls on brave warriors to help, promising them enormous riches as a reward. However, those who wish to receive this award will have a very difficult path ahead. In a huge world, consisting of a large number of locations, there are a great many demons, orcs, forest dwellers, underground inhabitants and other hostile creatures. Row Quest will definitely appeal to both those players who like to act alone and various groups of players.

In many reviews, it is compared specifically with Diablo, although in fact the games have very little in common. In reality, this is a typical Asian MMORPG with all the ensuing consequences.


Paths of Exile .

"Path of Exile" is a complex and controversial game, the developers of which clearly outplayed Diablo. And although the genre of the project belongs to MMORPG, it is still more inclined towards other directions. Although there are plenty of online RPG elements in it. This MMORPG, by the way, has good graphics and has a completely normal Russian localization. It is noteworthy that the authors have created several original location options for players. And this is very interesting, because here you can find locations for both low-level characters and level caps. At the center of the plot was an exile with some abilities. In the body of this man, the player needs to find ancient artifacts and protect his planet from insidious monsters.

Players can choose from seven available classes (the last one is unlocked by completing 3 acts), each of which has one or two main characteristics.

  • Savage\Marauder (Strength)
  • Huntress\Ranger (Dexterity)
  • Witch (Intelligence)
  • Gladiator\Duelist (Strength/Dexterity)
  • Priest\Templar (Strength/Intelligence)
  • Bandit\Shadow (Dexterity/Intelligence)
  • Noblewoman\Scion (Strength/Dexterity/Intelligence)

Characters are not tied to their own basic characteristics and can develop, at the player’s discretion, in any direction.

As the gameplay progresses, the character's skills will increase in number. After a certain period of time there will be a lot of them, and they will be able to replace each other. By the way, active skills are presented in the game in the form of gems. By wandering through locations and picking them up, the user will soon be able to gradually increase the level of their experience. In turn, passive skills have a tree-like basis.

It seems that at the moment, among all the Diablo clones intended for both single-player and classic MMORPGs, Path of Exile is the most accurate copy in terms of graphics, interface, and control mechanics.

"Drakensang Online" is a browser-based fantasy online game that is an original part of the "Drakensang" saga. Go to a dangerous magical world where you meet a lot of enemies: boars, monsters, trolls, witches, undead and save the human race from all this evil! The shadows of the past again prevent the present from existing peacefully. A huge dragon has risen from sleep and now threatens all living things. Join the army of Mages or Warriors and become the legendary hero of Doria. Considering the incredibly beautiful graphics and excellent combat system, the gameplay can be called exciting. The game offers a huge number of interesting missions and tasks, a bunch of powerful weapons and armor. To become a hero of Drakensang, just register on the official website of the project.

Conclusion. Games in development.

Agree that there are not many games similar to Diablo on the mmorpg market, but in the bright future two giants are expected to enter the world market: Lost Ark and Lineage Eternal. These two games are designed to breathe new life into the genre click&slash and most fans of the genre are waiting for one of them to launch. For now, we are posting two videos from which we can judge what awaits players in these projects:

Lost Ark:

Lineage Eternal:


  • Date of issue: June 17, 2011
  • Developer: Obsidian Entertainment
  • Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Windows

The Kingdom of Eb is torn apart by a power struggle between Queen Roslyn and pretender to the throne Jane Cassynder. The main character, for many reasons, sides with the current queen and must help her retain the throne.
The game provides a choice of four characters of different classes. There is the possibility of playing together when playing online (up to 4 people), or playing with one allied character under computer control. The main advantage of the game is the ability to influence the plot by making various decisions.


  • Date of issue: March 23, 2004
  • Developer: Ascaron Entertainment
  • Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Linux

The sorcerer Shaddar, who was exiled several centuries ago, returns to the kingdom of Ancaria. With the help of magic, he subjugates goblins and orcs to his evil will, builds a fortress and plans to find a way to the kingdom of the dead in order to enter into an alliance with demons and drown Ancaria in blood.
After selecting a character belonging to one of eight classes, the player finds himself in a huge “seamless” world populated by dozens of types of monsters. Each class has a unique combo system. During the adventure, the player will have to complete many story and side quests, find a huge number of items, weapons and armor.

8 Nox

  • Date of issue: January 31, 2000
  • Developer: Westwood Studios
  • Platforms: Mac OS, Windows, DOS

Car mechanic Jack Mauer accidentally finds himself drawn into a magical portal opened by the necromancer queen Hecuba, and ends up in a world called Knox. Here he is met by a local famous warrior, under whose leadership Jack will become a real hero and save the world.
The main character can choose one of three classes. Advancement on the world map is directly related to completing story missions, which makes the game very “linear”. The game has two features that are not found in other games of this genre. The first of them is called “TrueSight” - the hero sees only those enemies who are in his field of vision (monsters can hide behind corners, boxes, etc.). The second feature is important when playing online - when casting a spell, the character pronounces it out loud, which allows opponents to react to it in advance.


  • Date of issue: July 24, 2015
  • Developer: Haemimont Games
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Windows, Nintendo Switch, Linux, Mac OS

Demon hunter Victor Vran arrives in the city of Zagoravia, filled with ghosts, skeletons and other mystical creatures. After Queen Katarina refuses to leave the besieged city, Victor decides to cleanse the city of evil spirits.
The game is distinguished from other representatives of the genre by dynamic battles. The hero can not only jump, but also push off walls while jumping and dodge attacks by rolling. There is also support for the Xbox gamepad.


  • Date of issue: May 22, 2013
  • Developer: NeocoreGames
  • Platforms: Xbox One, Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Mac OS

19th century in an alternative world of techno-fantasy. Vampire hunter Van Helsing and his faithful companion, the ghost girl Katerina, receive a letter asking for help and set off to fight against the evil spirits that have infested the country of Borgovia.
A high-quality game with good graphics, addictive gameplay and original humor. In battle, the main character is supported by a computer-controlled companion. A large number of firearms and bladed weapons are available. However, the game is quite short, and the lack of classes hurts its replayability.


  • Date of issue: August 2011
  • Developer: Bigpoint, Bigpoint Berlin GmbH
  • Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X

Long ago, dragons were driven out of Doria. Called back by the dark cult, they once again threaten humanity.
Drakesang Online has excellent graphics despite being a browser game. There are several PvP modes. The disadvantages of the project are the presence of only three character classes and the ability to purchase items that affect the balance for real money.


  • Date of issue: September 20, 2012
  • Developer: Runic Games
  • Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS

Having defeated the dragon, the Alchemist becomes obsessed with the idea of ​​destroying six powerful creatures that control the balance of the world. The main character sets off in the footsteps of the Alchemist in order to stop him.
The game is made in an eye-pleasing “cartoon” style. You can choose a character from four classes. A special feature of the project is the presence of a third type of energy, which the main character receives for non-stop destruction of monsters. The higher the indicator of this energy, the more effective the character becomes in battle.

3 Grim Dawn

  • Date of issue: February 25, 2016
  • Developer: Crate Entertainment
  • Platforms: Windows, Xbox One

The world of Cairn, destroyed by civil war, becomes the site of a battle between two powerful otherworldly forces that use people for their own purposes.
The game, made in a dark gothic style, has good graphics. There is a change of day and night. There is no division of characters into classes in the game. The player can combine the skills of two of the eight available specializations, which allows him to create many unique characters.


  • Date of issue: June 26, 2006
  • Developer: Iron Lore Entertainment
  • Platforms: Windows, iOS, Android

After defeating the Titans, Zeus imprisoned them in an underground prison. Many years later, forces awaken that want to free the titans and plunge the world into chaos.
The plot of the game is based on the myths of ancient Greece, Egypt, Persia and China. Legendary opponents and story characters. Detailed locations and a large “seamless” world. Each character has a choice of two of nine skill schools.


  • Date of issue: October 23, 2013
  • Developer: Grinding Gear Games
  • Platforms: Xbox One, Windows

The main character, convicted of crimes, is sent to an island of prisoners, overrun by monsters and demons.
A revolutionary system for developing passive skills allows you to create an absolutely unique hero. The game does not have the classic increase in difficulty after completion of this genre, so the player will not have to complete story missions twice. The "map" system, which creates random locations with monsters, makes the late stage of the game especially interesting.



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