Is it possible for a nursing mother. Persimmon for a nursing mother

Breastfeeding imposes a number of prohibitions and dietary restrictions on a nursing woman. You can diversify your diet with the help of fruits and vegetables. In the cold season, persimmon appears on store shelves. Is it safe to eat it while breastfeeding?

Eating persimmon while breastfeeding

Persimmons are orange fruits with tender flesh and an astringent taste. They are known for their rich composition and, when used in moderation, will only benefit the nursing mother and her baby.

In addition to saturating the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, persimmon has a mild diuretic effect, which improves kidney function. In addition, the fruits are useful for varicose veins. And their bitter taste makes the fruit a worthy dessert.

Persimmon ripens in late autumn or early winter

The composition and useful properties of the fruit - table

Substance Properties
IronMaintains the required level of hemoglobin in the blood.
calcium and phosphorusThey increase the strength of the bone tissue of a nursing woman, and also, penetrating through breast milk, fill the needs of the growing body of the baby, thereby contributing to its growth and development.
Magnesium and potassiumThey have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, protecting against the development of heart attacks and the formation of blood clots.
IodineProtects against the development of thyroid diseases.
Vitamin CIt has a pronounced immunomodulatory property, helps to cope with viruses and not get sick in the cold season.
Vitamin EFights the negative effects of free radicals.
Vitamin PPPrevents hair loss and improves skin condition.
CelluloseNormalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits of persimmon - video

Contraindications to the use of persimmon and possible harm to the health of the child

Despite its beneficial properties and a composition rich in vitamins and minerals, persimmons can not always be eaten by a nursing mother. This fruit is potentially allergenic, it is not safe to introduce it into the diet in the first months after childbirth: diathesis and other allergic reactions may occur in the child.

Another reason why you should be careful about persimmon during breastfeeding is the presence of tannins in its composition, the very components that give the fruit an astringent taste. They contribute to the formation of constipation in both mother and baby. In order to get rid of the fixing effect of tannins, persimmons should be frozen. After it thaws, it can be safely eaten.

Persimmon should be excluded from the diet of people who have recently undergone surgery on the abdominal organs, as well as those suffering from adhesive bowel disease and diabetes mellitus.

When can a nursing mother eat persimmons

You can start introducing persimmon into your diet after the child is three months old, until this time it is not recommended to use it. After the specified period, the baby's gastrointestinal tract has already settled with useful lactobacilli and works in a balanced way. If the crumbs have digestive problems, constipation and increased gas formation, then it is better to postpone the use of persimmons until he is six months old.

Experts advise young mothers to introduce persimmons into their diet no earlier than 3 months after childbirth.

Persimmon, like any new product, should be introduced into the diet gradually, in small portions. Supplement your breakfast with a small piece of treat to watch your child's reaction to a new product during the day. Carefully monitor the condition of the baby, see if he has any allergic rashes on his skin. If the baby feels good, you can gradually increase the amount of persimmon in your diet. However, it is not recommended to eat more than 200-250 grams of fruit daily.

Persimmon in Latin means food of the gods. This tart-sweet, bright orange fruit appears on our shelves with the advent of cold weather. Not only does it taste great, but it can compete with the health benefits of our native fruits. Persimmon is a favorite of many gourmets. However, if a woman gave birth to a child and became a nursing mother, she faces many food prohibitions, including foreign fruits. But often, when you look at a persimmon, it is difficult to resist not to feast on the tart fruit. So can a nursing mother have a persimmon? Let's figure it out!

Useful properties of persimmon during breastfeeding

  1. Due to pregnancy and childbirth, a woman's immunity is significantly weakened, and she is more susceptible to seasonal diseases - SARS and acute respiratory infections. The high content of vitamin C in persimmon will help strengthen the defenses of a nursing mother, child and resist viruses.
  2. The benefit of persimmon is that it is rich in iron. Anemia is a common problem after pregnancy and childbirth.
  3. Thanks to potassium and magnesium, as well as sugars (glucose and sucrose), persimmon during breastfeeding has a strengthening effect on the cardiovascular system of women and babies.
  4. The high content of fiber and pectin in the foreign fruit will help to improve the functioning of the intestines, both in mother and baby.
  5. In addition, the useful properties of persimmons also include a large amount of calcium, which is needed by a mother from whom this trace element was withdrawn by a child during pregnancy and feeding.
  6. Vitamin PP contained in the delicious fruit improves the condition of the hair and skin color.
  7. Thanks to magnesium, the formation of kidney stones can be reduced with frequent use of persimmons.

Persimmon harm during breastfeeding

However, for all its beneficial properties, in some cases it is not worth eating persimmon during lactation, since there are some health risks for a nursing mother and baby. Firstly, due to the high content of sugars - fructose and glucose - persimmons are not recommended for women suffering from diabetes. Secondly, the abuse of persimmon can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of stool fixation. Constipation will appear not only in a nursing mother, but also in a baby. Thirdly, with the unlimited use of persimmon, breastfeeding can become a source of severe allergies for the baby. The fact is that this orange fruit, along with citrus fruits, is a potentially strong allergen. After all, everything that a mother eats immediately gets into women's milk. Thus, persimmons for newborns eaten by mothers can cause rashes and allergic rhinitis.

Persimmon during lactation: yes or no?

In view of the possible risks, the question arises, is it still possible to feed persimmons? It is not worth giving up this tasty fruit during lactation. If you decide to eat persimmon, do it then, when the baby reaches at least 3-4 months of age. His digestive system will work more perfectly. And it is better to start eating the fetus at the time when complementary foods are introduced to the child. It is worth trying persimmon in the morning. Enjoy a very small piece in order to be able to observe the reaction of the child. In the absence of allergic manifestations, a nursing mother can increase the portion of persimmon. However, you should not eat more than 200-300 g of fruit daily.

And finally: choose a ripe persimmon and soft enough. It should be orange-red with a slightly brown skin. Since persimmons deteriorate quickly, the fruit should be stored in the refrigerator.

Persimmon is an unusual fruit, it has not only an attractive appearance, but also a bright, expressive taste corresponding to it. And these fruits appear on sale just in time - in October, when local fruits are already boring, and the citrus season has not yet arrived. At this time, persimmon can become one of the important sources of vitamins and minerals. The diet of nursing mothers is no exception - persimmon during breastfeeding is allowed in most cases. To prevent unwanted reactions in a child, you need to choose the right fruits and use them in moderation.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat persimmon

The question of whether a persimmon can be given to a nursing mother is ambiguous. On the one hand, this fruit is an excellent source of nutrients. On the other hand, the use of persimmon by a mother during breastfeeding can lead to digestive problems in a newborn in the first months of life or cause an allergic reaction in him. In this regard, the start of persimmon consumption should be postponed until the time when the child is 3-4 months old.

The first time persimmon should be tried with caution: in the morning, eat a quarter of the fruit and during the day observe the reaction of the baby, the state of his stool and skin. If everything is normal, the next day you can already eat half of the fruit, and so bring it up to 1-2 pieces per day

Most often, a small amount of persimmon eaten by the mother is normally tolerated by the baby.

Useful properties of persimmon during the GV period

One of the names of persimmon is translated from Greek as "food of the gods." And indeed, in terms of the content of useful substances, it is ahead of even such recognized leaders as figs and. Only 200 grams of persimmon, or one large fruit, provides a quarter of the daily requirement of a nursing mother for potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron and almost half of the required amount of vitamins A and C.

Thanks to such a rich composition, the use of persimmon during feeding brings undoubted benefits:

  1. Restores iron stores, which are often lacking in a woman after significant blood loss during childbirth, thereby preventing anemia and excessive fatigue, improves the condition of nails and skin.
  2. Potassium in the composition ensures the smooth functioning of the heart and muscles, maintains the water balance, which is necessary for the sufficient formation of breast milk.
  3. A large amount of calcium restores the reserves that were spent on building the baby's skeleton during its stay in the womb, reduces the risk of osteoporosis in nursing mothers and rickets in the newborn.
  4. Magnesium improves blood circulation, which stimulates lactation, positively affects the intestinal motility of the child, and acts as a sedative.
  5. Carotene in persimmon is a natural immunostimulant, in the intestines it is converted into vitamin A. Sufficient intake of this vitamin in milk during breastfeeding provides the child with healthy vision, normal growth, and good condition of the mucous membranes.
  6. Vitamin C is the most well-known antioxidant, it supports the formation of new cells and speeds up recovery after childbirth. According to one theory, this vitamin is able to prevent viral diseases.

Persimmon during lactation is a great substitute for desserts for mom. In terms of sugar content, it is not inferior to cakes and sweets, but, unlike them, it has a completely natural composition. For sweets when feeding, persimmon kinglet is especially suitable, it has a dense brown pulp with a chocolate tint of taste.

Can it harm lactation?

Persimmon does not have a direct negative effect on milk production and feeding of a newborn. In some diseases, it can indirectly harm lactation, affecting the health of a nursing mother:

  1. In diabetes mellitus, persimmon consumption should be limited, as it contains 16% sugars. Its glycemic index is medium (GI = 45), according to this indicator it is on par with grapes and grapefruits.
  2. Persimmon has a high content of coarse fibers. For a healthy digestive system, they are even useful, because when passing through the intestines, they sweep away all the lingering food debris from its walls. But for women with a risk of intestinal obstruction, coarse fibers are contraindicated; if peristalsis is disturbed, they gather in lumps and can lead to obstruction.
  3. Unripe persimmon fruits contain a large amount of astringent substances - tannins. With a tendency to constipation, they can aggravate this condition.

In these cases, only her attending physician can answer the question of whether a persimmon can be given to a mother.

When a persimmon is used by a nursing mother, an allergy often occurs in a newborn, which is expressed in a rash and redness of the skin. As a rule, it is due to the high content of carotene, which gives the fruit an orange color.

How to choose and store

You can choose a tasty, sweet persimmon by its appearance: the skin of the fruit should be bright, without damage and stains, the leaves and stalk should be dry, dark in color. When pressed, the skin of a ripe fruit is easily crushed.

Most often, ordinary persimmons and kinglets are found on sale, much less often you can find the Shakhin variety. Their differences:

  • common persimmon- rather large, with pointed tips, strongly astringent. It loses its tart taste only after full ripening. The pulp is firm at first, with an inexpressive taste, gradually becomes jelly-like and sweet;
  • kinglet- a small persimmon of a round shape. Its skin is brighter, dark red, the flesh is brownish with many dark chocolate streaks. Even if the kinglet is not fully ripe, it is tasty and sweet;
  • shahinya- the largest and brightest persimmon. The ripe fruit is covered with a thin translucent skin with dark rings on the surface, resembling cracks. The more such cracks, the riper and tastier it is.

Ripe soft persimmons are easily damaged during transportation. A torn skin is covered with mold in just a couple of days, even in the refrigerator. Therefore, unripe fruits are removed from the trees, they reach their marketable appearance already at retail outlets.

It is easy to bring persimmon to a ripe condition at home. To do this, put the fruits in one bag with apples, bananas or tomatoes and leave for a day in a warm place. A faster way is freezing in the freezer for 10 hours. During this time, the tannins are destroyed, and after thawing, the persimmon becomes soft and sweet.

In the refrigerator, persimmons are stored for up to 5 days in the fruit compartment. If the fruits are soft, they should be placed in one layer at a distance from each other. It can be kept in the freezer for up to 6 months, defrosting immediately before use.

When breastfeeding a baby, mommy should especially carefully consider her diet. You should be careful when choosing a menu: you can’t eat everything you want. Any drastic changes in nutrition can adversely affect the baby's digestion. In the first two months after giving birth, only a few types of fruits are allowed to eat. Many are interested in whether a persimmon can be given to a nursing mother.

fruit benefits

The fruits are brought to us from the tropics and subtropics, they have a slightly astringent, sweet taste. They are valued for their beneficial properties for the body - the normalization of the work of the heart and blood vessels, the replenishment of mineral reserves. Persimmon contains:

  1. Fructose, glucose, providing a sweet taste. The high level of natural sugars makes persimmon a source of energy, gives strength, improves mood. It easily replaces sweets, but does not contain harmful preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers. At the same time, it is a dietary fruit: the calorie level per 100 g does not exceed 70;
  2. Fiber, tannins. Dietary fiber improves bowel function, promotes its cleansing and has a slight laxative effect. Tannins, on the contrary, have binding properties. Their content and degree of influence depend on the individual reaction of the body and the maturity of the fruit;
  3. Vitamins. 100 g of persimmon contains half of the daily requirement of vitamin C. In combination with vitamin E, it supports the body's immune system, helping mother and baby fight viruses. The composition contains vitamin A, useful for vision, including twilight. It belongs to antioxidants and improves metabolic processes at the cellular level. Persimmon contains B vitamins, which are responsible for skin elasticity, good condition of nails, hair growth;
  4. Iron. There is more of it in persimmon than in apples - 2.5 mg versus 2 per 100 g of the product. It supports the hematopoietic system, promotes cell renewal in tissues, improves liver function;
  5. Calcium, phosphorus contribute to the formation of bone tissue, support the muscular system. A high level of calcium in an easy-to-digest form allows you to provide the baby with a trace element, contributing to prevention.
  6. Potassium, magnesium. Elements support the work of the heart, strengthen blood vessels, prevent muscle cramps.
  7. Iodine participates in the formation of thyroid hormones, strengthens the immune system.

Persimmon normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, promotes the dissolution of stones, and has a slight diuretic effect. Bactericidal properties help fight the development of Staphylococcus aureus, ensuring the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system. To decide whether it is possible for nursing mothers to persimmon, it is necessary to take into account the shortcomings of the fruit.

Possible harm

Persimmon when breastfeeding can make up for the lack of vitamins, but before buying, you need to consider possible complications that can be caused by the eaten fruit.


The orange color of the fruit indicates a possible intolerance to their body, it is better not to eat persimmon for the first 4 months. But the reaction is individual, you can find it out in a baby only empirically, by tasting a little fruit. If the mother was not allergic to it before giving birth, there is a high chance that a baby who uses breast milk will normally tolerate a change in nutrition.


The tannins contained in persimmons have binding properties that can affect the digestion of mother and child. A large amount of the substance is found in unripe fruits, in ripe ones it is significantly reduced, the fruit can have a laxative effect on the intestines. Tannins are destroyed during freezing: you can hold the persimmon in the freezer for several hours, pull it out and wait for it to thaw. The pulp becomes liquidish, so it is more convenient to eat it with a spoon. Also, when using persimmons, you need to drink more water in order to reduce the fortifying effect on the body.

Risk of bowel obstruction

Persimmon fibers are not dangerous for a healthy body, they help cleanse the intestines and improve its functioning. The risk occurs in people who have undergone stomach surgery. During the recovery period, it does not produce enough enzymes to process food, undigested fibers can form a clot that can get stuck in the intestines. In case of obstruction, urgent surgical intervention is necessary.

Excess weight

A high level of natural sugars is dangerous for diabetics - they are not recommended to use persimmons. In a healthy body, fructose and glucose do not cause increased appetite, body fat.

Lactation improves with the use of a sufficient amount of nutrients. It is necessary to make a decision whether it is possible for a nursing mother to persimmon, having assessed the health of her and her baby. If she has diabetes, indigestion, or the baby suffers from constipation, colic, allergies, the fruit should be discarded.

When can you try?

In the first and second months, the body of mother and baby recovers from postpartum stress, you need to follow a diet and do not include tropical fruits in the menu. Up to 2 months, it is not recommended to eat persimmons with HB: the digestive system of the newborn is still improving its work, many children suffer from constipation and bloating. The use of strengthening products by the mother during feeding worsens the condition of the child.

After the 2nd month of life, the digestion of the baby is gradually getting better, a woman can try the product in small quantities. In this case, you need to monitor the reaction of the baby.

Some children suffer for the first three to four months. This is due to individual characteristics, less often - with diseases. In this case, it is better to try persimmon after 4 months. By this time, the intestinal microflora of the child has already been formed, the digestive system responds better to the content of tannins in milk. From the 4th month, the baby's body begins to develop immunity on its own and better tolerates a possible allergen, before that the baby receives antibodies from mother's milk.

What persimmon to buy?

There are several varieties from which you can choose fruits with a lower viscosity.


Differs in chocolate coloring, mealy pulp with a cream consistence. It is considered the most delicious, doctors recommend using it for beriberi. The variety contains pectins that improve gastric motility, more suitable for women with HB than bright orange fruits.


The name is associated with the similarity of persimmon in shape and color with citrus. It has a sweet, slightly sugary taste, the pulp resembles jelly, which is a sign of a high content of tannins. When lactating, it is better not to eat this variety.


It is low in sugar and low in calories. If sweetness is the main reason for avoiding fruit, you can try this variety.


The result of crossing a persimmon with an apple, the fruits are firm and sweet. The level of tannins in the variety is lower, which allows persimmons to be consumed by a nursing mother.

When choosing a fruit, it is necessary to give preference to softer, ripe fruits. At the same time, they must keep their shape when trying to pick them up. The fruit should be even in color, without dark blotches.

Rules for use with HB

To get more benefit from eating fruits, not to harm the baby, you need to follow the recommendations:

  1. There is better pulp without peel, which contains more tannins. This will minimize the risk of a fixing effect;
  2. The first days you need to eat no more than one piece in the morning to follow the reaction of the baby during the day and decide whether persimmon can be breastfed;
  3. If the baby has redness, rashes, digestive disorders over the next day, the mother should exclude the fruit from the menu. After a month, you can try a small amount again;
  4. If the baby does not have allergies, you can increase the amount of consumption to 200 g per day (one medium fruit), it is better to eat persimmon a couple of times a week to avoid stress on the child's body.

Persimmon with HB reduces the likelihood of beriberi. It is a source of trace elements useful for a nursing mother, helps to maintain the health of the baby. Do not use persimmon when breastfeeding in the first months of a child's life. It is safer to eat it when the baby is 4 months old. But with allergic manifestations in infants, it is necessary to exclude fruit from the diet until the baby completely switches to normal nutrition. It is better to choose other sources of vitamins at the time of breastfeeding.

Eating persimmons has become commonplace. At the sight of a beautiful and useful orange fruit, no one is surprised anymore. However, does an exotic fruit benefit everyone? Is it possible for a nursing mother to persimmon?

Persimmon is one of the most unusual and healthy fruits. Residents of Russia met him relatively recently. A couple of decades ago, an exotic fruit was not available to those who wanted to try it. Over time, he appeared on the shelves of shops and vegetable stalls and immediately fell in love with both children and adults.

Despite the tropical origin of persimmon, it appears on sale with the onset of winter. Frost makes this delicacy only tastier and sweeter.

Due to the easy availability and wonderful taste of the fruit, many women are wondering if it can be consumed while breastfeeding.

History of persimmon

This miracle was born in China. But the name comes from Greece. The word "persimmon" means "divine fire". The color of the fruit really resembles flames. The trees on which the fruits grow are long-lived, and some of them are up to 500 years old.

At the beginning of the last century, the first tree with magical fruits was grown in Batumi. Scientists breeders doubted that the plant would take root in the climatic conditions of southern Russia. However, the royal fruits ripened successfully and soon arrived on the shelves.

Now, not a single market can do without this bright exotic delicacy.

rich composition

The fruit is not only beautiful in appearance and tasty. It also contains a lot of useful substances that adults and children need and that a nursing mother needs so much:

  • Vitamin C is the main component for which it is worth eating this fruit. In the smallest fruit of this vitamin, there is so much that 1 piece per day is enough to fully satisfy the deficiency of ascorbic acid in the diet of every adult.
  • Vitamin A - prevention of oncology and protection against viruses.
  • Vitamin PP is necessary for strengthening vision.
  • Carotene in combination with vitamin PP has a positive effect on the organs of vision and restores visual acuity.
  • Pectin is exactly the substance due to which the persimmon has a tart, astringent taste. Favorably affects the digestive organs.
  • Iodine is the trace element that is necessary for the normalization of the thyroid gland.
  • Iron - many chemical reactions in the body are impossible without the presence of this mineral.
  • Phosphorus, potassium, magnesium strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize the work of the heart muscle.
  • Calcium has a beneficial effect on the skeleton, it is necessary for strengthening bones.
  • Fiber is needed for better digestion and assimilation of food, for cleaning the body and metabolic processes.

Is persimmon good for breastfeeding mothers? Only a specialist can answer this question. However, practice shows that most often this fruit is a possible source of vitamins for children and nursing mothers.

fruit benefits

Based on the properties of this fruit listed above, we can conclude that persimmon is useful to everyone without exception and in any quantities. However, everything requires a certain measure, so if we talk about children under the age of 1 year and women who are breastfeeding, you should know certain features of this fruit before including it in your diet.

  • The astringent properties of persimmon can affect the peristalsis of both the nursing mother and the baby. Constipation is an unpleasant problem, therefore, with the slightest change in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, persimmons should be excluded from the diet.
  • Due to the fact that this fruit contains a lot of fructose and glucose, its abuse can cause rashes on the body of a newborn. It should be remembered that an allergic reaction does not appear immediately, but some time after the nursing mother has eaten an exotic fruit. Therefore, when asked whether it is possible for lactating women to persimmon, experts sometimes answer in the negative.
  • With caution, this fruit should be consumed by people with impaired pancreatic function.

However, do not immediately give up a tasty and healthy treat. The benefits of persimmons are obvious, so it is only recommended to reduce the amount of fruit consumed per day. You can observe the reaction of the baby, including one piece of persimmon per day in the diet of nursing mothers. If everything is in order with the health of the baby, persimmon can become a source of essential vitamins and minerals for both the mother and the child.

How to choose

Choosing fruits for children and women who are breastfeeding a baby should be carefully, paying attention to the condition of the fetal membrane and its maturity. Persimmon during breastfeeding is eaten only if it is soft enough and has reached a certain ripeness. The color of the peel depends on the variety of this plant.

  1. Rossiyanka - a variety that is bred in Russia and is delivered to different cities from the Crimea. Its fruits are bright orange, quite dense and very sweet.
  2. Kinglet - has a brown skin color, when the fruit is ripe enough, it becomes soft and juicy.
  3. Chocolate - the fruit is dark brown, quite sweet and fragrant.
  4. Virginia - has a red color of the fruit and becomes softer and sweeter from frost, so if the fruit is a little harsh when buying, they should be kept in the refrigerator.

Choosing a persimmon: video

Reviews about the use of persimmons during breastfeeding

I really love this fruit. As soon as it appears on sale, I can not resist - I eat it all the time. This year I happen to be breastfeeding my little son. I heard that persimmon is not very useful for babies, but I decided to eat just a little bit to see how my baby would feel, if the fruit I had eaten would cause colic in the child. Everything worked out, and the next day I ate another half of the whole fruit. The child slept well, and I did not notice signs of diathesis or any other ailment. I continue to eat my favorite fruit for food, but, of course, I do not abuse it.

Elvira, 26 years old

Unfortunately, I can’t eat persimmons while I’m breastfeeding my baby. As soon as I eat even a small piece, the child has rashes on the body. I read on the Internet that you can eat persimmons with HB. But here is our reaction.

Tatyana, 19 years old

I know that persimmon during breastfeeding is very useful, like a banana or an apple. But still be careful with fruits. I introduced them into my diet little by little and only when my daughter was 3 months old. After the banana, there was an attack of colic. I don't know if it really had anything to do with my fruit consumption, but I noted this point. I don’t want to experiment on the state of my child, so I decided to play it safe and didn’t eat anything for a couple of days, except for the usual food. And then I tried persimmon. There were no changes in the child's behavior. Periodically, I allow myself a little of this fruit and see that the child does not respond to such changes in my diet. I want my daughter to receive vitamins along with my milk.

Zoya, 28 years old

Persimmon during lactation

Is persimmon useful for lactation, and can it be used by a young mother before the first feeding? Doctors believe that this fruit does not affect lactation in any way. However, caution does not hurt, so small doses of fruit will be appropriate in the diet of a nursing mother.

Natural products are much healthier than synthetic vitamins. Therefore, it is not worth completely abandoning fruits and vegetables, even if the child periodically has an allergic reaction to a particular product.

From all of the above, we can conclude that it is possible for a nursing mother to eat persimmons, but during the period of eating any fruit, it is necessary to observe the child in order to notice the first changes in his behavior. If the baby is calm, he is not tormented by colic, his stool remains regular and the skin is clean, this fruit can be eaten. Any additional information about the proper nutrition of a young mother during breastfeeding can be given by a pediatrician.



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