International beauty contest for married women. Beauty contest as a source of inspiration

On June 11, in Moscow, at the KORSTON hotel, the final of the All-Russian contest "Mrs. Russia-Universe - 2018" was held. 30 most beautiful married girls of our country fought for the crown of the first beauty.

The main titles of the competition: Grand Prix Mrs. Russia-Universe and Mrs. Russia-Universe were awarded to beauties from Moscow and Kazan.

The winner and owner of the Grand Prix of the competition was Yulia Shkolenko, a Muscovite and mother of two sons. Now it is she who will represent Russia at the international competition "MRS Universal-2018" in the USA.

And Mrs. Russia-Universe became Muselimyan Narmina from Kazan. She will represent Russia at the international competition "MRS Top of Universe" in Cyprus.

1st Vice Mrs was Elena Kiyan (Moscow), 2nd Vice Mrs – Olga Orlova (Moscow).

The jury also chose Russia-Universe's mother of the year, Muscovite Victoria Makartsova, Russia-Universe top model Maria Filippova from Novosibirsk, and Anna Kondratieva from St. Petersburg won in the special nomination "Royal Choice".

The jury evaluated the participants of Mrs. Russia-Universe - 2018 in several parameters, attention was paid to external data, general development, and the ability to beautifully and effectively present themselves. Among the star members of the jury were Sergey Zverev, Konstantin Tszyu, Sasha Project, Brilliant and Kristina Novikova, Alexander Tolmatsky and many others.

This competition was held as part of the Universal Women international project, which, in addition to the competition, includes the Universal Women award for successful women and the Women of the World conference for women.

No sooner had the fanfare and excited sighs died down in honor than a new message ran out onto the news fields about beauty contests with a fervent hubbub - the final of the Miss Russia World - 2018 contest (or, in English letters, Missis World Russia) took place! And we, observing the traditions, will not only announce the name of the winner, but also show her in all details!

Meet Ksenia Tsaritsyna, Ulyanovsk Region! The triumph gives her the right to defend the colors of the Russian flag at the international beauty contest "Mrs. World" (in other words, "Missis World").

Ksenia has two children and a history of modeling career, but it is much more interesting who her husband is. And this is a Samara businessman Alexei Shapovalov. If you closely follow the events taking place in the expanses of our mother's Motherland, then this name should be familiar to you.

Tsaritsyna is from Omsk, Shapovalov is from Samara. The couple, Komsomolskaya Pravda, met in 2011 in Moscow at a social event. The businessman was then divorced and, according to the publication, was included in the "Top 100 richest people in Russia." In 2007 (we, alas, could not find more recent reliable data), the Russian Forbes called his fortune of $ 38 million the largest developer in the Volga region. And he made a very interesting note.

When in 2001 Alexey Shapovalov bought up a controlling stake in the largest store in Samara - TSUM, the local business community could not believe for a long time that one of the first raider seizures in the city was made by an unknown 25-year-old guy. Shapovalov took up business very early. At 18, he was already selling cigarettes at the local wholesale market. At twenty, he accidentally bought a cafe in the center of Samara, but rather quickly realized that renting a room was much easier and more profitable than pouring borscht, and opened one of the first shopping centers in the city, calling it "Centaur". After acquiring the Central Department Store, Shapovalov began to buy commercial real estate in the city already on an industrial scale - local entrepreneurs speak of him as a very successful raider. Now the Samara Business World company created by Shapovalov owns a dozen shopping centers in Samara itself, malls under construction in the capitals of neighboring regions - Saratov and Ulyanovsk, the rights to build the Beregovoi residential microdistrict in Novosibirsk and one of the largest network of slot machine halls in the Volga region "Las -Vegas. Yesterday's raider has to think about his own defense: Aleksey Shapovalov has already survived two assassination attempts.

Surely, every young girl at least once in her life dreamed of becoming a beauty queen. Contests Miss University, Miss City, Mrs City Library, etc. are held just so that as many beauties as possible have a chance to express themselves.

There are, however, competitions that are far from easy to enter. To participate, you need a solid participation experience, really outstanding external data, endurance and other talents. And let them say that everything is bought, the most prestigious beauty pageants do not lose their popularity over the years.

10. Mrs. World

This international beauty pageant has been organized for married women since 1985. In 2006, the Russian ballet dancer and actress Sofya Arzhakovskaya became the winner. The final of the next competition will be held in May 2014 in Bulgaria.

9. Mr. International

Beauty pageants aren't just for women. The most prestigious among men's competitions is Mister International, which has been held since 2006. There were no winners among the Russians, but this year Maxim Sorochinsky from Yakutsk participated in the final of the competition.

8. Miss Granny Brazil

The main condition for participation in the competition is the presence of grandchildren. Participants are typically between 40 and 60 years of age. The competition is famous for the extremely revealing bathing suits in which the beauties perform.

7. Beauty of Russia

This competition is traditionally widely covered not only by Russian, but also by foreign media. The winner of the Beauty of Russia annually represents our country at the Miss Earth contest. The age of participants varies from 14 to 25 years.

6. Miss National Prestige

The annual French national beauty pageant, which has been held since 2010. The competition is a qualifying stage for the more prestigious Miss International.

5. Miss America

One of the most famous beauty pageants. The first Miss America pageant took place in 1921. In 1951, winner Yolanda Betbese refused to pose in a swimsuit, allowing the competition to become more intellectual. In 1995, the deaf-mute Heather Whitestone became the winner. Many winners are active in charitable activities.

4. Miss International

The fourth largest international beauty pageant was first held in 1960. The competition is traditionally held in Japan and China. Russian women have never won the title of Miss International in the history of the event.

3. Miss Earth

Among international competitions, Miss Earth leads in terms of the number of participants. The last 6 years the competition has been held in the Philippines. In 2012, at the Miss Earth finals, a scandal broke out related to the Russian woman Natalia Pereverzeva. In her speech to the jury, Natalya called Russia a corrupt and impoverished country, which, however, cannot be disliked.

2. Miss World

An annual international competition that has been held since 1951. The broadcast of the final of the competition is watched on TV in more than 200 countries around the world. Because the founders of the contest come from the UK, the winner of Miss World traditionally lives in London for a year. Among the Russians, the winners of the competition were Yulia Kurochkina and Ksenia Sukhinova.

1. Miss Universe

The most prestigious beauty pageant was established in 1952. Every year the competition takes place in a new country - this year it was hosted by Moscow. Among Russians, only Oksana Fedorova, who won the contest in 2002 and refused the crown, received the title of Miss Universe.

PRETORIA, 17 December. /Corr. TASS Alexander Panov/. The next final of the contest of the most beautiful and charming married women "Mrs. World" was held on Saturday in Ekuruleni, a suburb of Johannesburg, the largest city in South Africa. Representative of Hong Kong Alice Lee Gianetta was elected as the new Queen and title holder for 2018, and Daria Reut from Belarus entered the top three.

If at the "Miss" contests the attention of the jury is focused primarily on the external data of the participants, then the selection criteria for "Mrs." also include their compliance with the status of a socially active woman who can serve as a positive example for her society. An important stage of the competition is an interview with the jury members.

“It is very important to present your role model here,” Singaporean representative Yusnima Busiges explained to TASS, who won several national and regional beauty contests for the title of “Miss” before her marriage. Third place winner Daria Reut, in addition to her work as an editor in a magazine covering the secular and cultural life of Minsk, takes part in a number of social projects, including socialization events for refugees from Ukraine and Afghanistan, and Nicole Kapper from South Africa, whose youngest daughter suffers from a rare congenital disease, is engaged in public health activities.

Tradition and modernity

In total, 40 beauties appeared on the podium that evening, first appearing to the audience in specially prepared designer dresses stylized as national costumes, then in swimsuits and, finally, in evening dresses. The "national" costume of Anna Shpikelman from Novosibirsk, which combines such rarely seen elements as a modernized kokoshnik and trousers, according to her, is the product of the collective creativity of a whole group of designers who worked on an image that expressed the fusion of Russian traditions and modernity. “We wanted to present not a historical costume, but a costume of a modern Russian woman who honors the traditions of her country, but at the same time has stamina, determination, a desire to develop and conquer peaks,” she explained.

The representative of Belarus and her team, preparing for the parade of "national" costumes, opted for an image inspired by the Dior shows - a hat and coat with elements of the national symbols of their country. “On it you can see the forests that Belarus is rich in, the animals and birds inhabiting them, and the rich blue color of the coat symbolizes our rivers and lakes,” explained Daria Reut. Perhaps it was the successful choice of a stylish original costume that ensured the jury's sympathy for the Belarusian "Mrs." who lost only to the representatives of Hong Kong and Costa Rica. However, she herself, without excessive modesty, explains her success, rather, by charm and a smile, emphasizing that "it is not the dress that makes the woman, but the woman the dress."

Daria believes that the main result of her participation in the competition is that she managed to glorify Belarus, about which the inhabitants of Africa know little. On the other hand, visiting South Africa helped her to get rid of some stereotypes about the Black Continent herself. “They told me: where are you going, it’s dangerous there!” And I imagined such, you know, a typical Africa inhabited by tribes... Arriving here, I was amazed to what extent it is a developed country, with a high standard of living and wonderful good-natured people," the participant shared her impressions of South Africa.

Beauty contest as a source of inspiration

The Russian woman who did not take a place on the podium, however, was also very pleased with her participation in the competition. “I don’t treat it like a rating, and even at the first stage I realized that the most important thing for a participant in a beauty contest, strange as it sounds, is not to wait to be appreciated,” Anna admitted to a reporter backstage after the event . The opportunity to adequately represent her city and country, set an example for her family and others, meet new people from other countries and gain new experience is much more important for her.

"The idea to participate in the competition for" Mrs. "came to me for the first time when I was sitting at home on maternity leave, and I had accumulated a lot of energy that I wanted to send somewhere in the right direction. So, to find myself and how- then to discipline, I decided to compete for the title of "Mrs. Novosibirsk", which I won, "Anna recalls the beginning of her long journey to Johannesburg. The next step was the victory at the all-Russian competition in June 2017, the main prize of which was the honorable duty to represent Russia already in the international arena.

The Russian "Mrs." speaks with confidence about the usefulness of participating in beauty contests, referring to her own experience and the changes that have happened to her over the past year. “My first motivation for participating in competitions was the desire to become an example for my son, but then I moved to a higher level and now I am engaged in social projects by establishing an organization that helps lonely elderly people,” the Russian participant proudly says. Public attention, - she emphasizes, - not only provides the winners of the competition with new opportunities, but also imposes on them additional social responsibility. “Therefore, I am convinced that such competitions are important and useful, because they help a woman not only inspire others with her example, but also inspire herself,” Anna believes.

The competition "Mrs. Russia" was held in Moscow: the most spectacular married women of the country competed in beauty and grace in front of a demanding jury. The external data of Russian mothers and mothers, whose husbands are, of course, extremely lucky, in the Planet KVN youth house were evaluated by TV presenters and singer, model Alisa Krylova, hypnotist, athlete, MMA fighter Adam Bakaev and others.

Anna Telegina, a native of the city of Kimry, Tver Region, became the beauty queen among married women - from the hands of the winner of the contest "Mrs. Russia-2017" Polina Dibrova (wife of TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov), she received a crown decorated with special Khokhloma gold and Swarovski crystals of red, amber and golden colors. The crown was created by the craftsmen of the Khokhloma Painting enterprise.

This is the first time in almost twenty years of the contest's history that a lady from the Tver Region has received the title of Mrs. Russia.

Anna is a sociologist, fashion model, travel blogger, eco-volunteer and mother of two sons, Georges and Vlad.

“I grew up in the city of Kimry and represented the city of Tver and the region at the competition. I am very happy and proud of this, since Tver took first place for the first time in the twenty-year history of the competition, ”she told TVTVER.RU after her victory.

Earlier, in March 2018, Anna Telegina already managed to become a laureate of the Mama Award - 2018 competition and receive an award in the Public Figure of the Year nomination. The award is presented annually to active mothers who direct their energy to the benefit of society. The award "Mrs. Russia-2018" she received for the fight for the preservation of the environment. Anna, an activist in the environmental movement, a member of the Greens party, a member of the Separate Collection and Eco Yard movement, advocates for separate waste collection, the opening of numerous recycling centers in Russia, and environmental education of young people.

The first vice-misses of the competition was from St. Petersburg, the second - Evgenia Burlo from Gelendzhik. In addition, winners were also chosen in special nominations, so other regions of Russia were treated kindly by the jury. Tatyana Gryaznova, who arrived from Nizhny Novgorod, received the Grand Prix, her countrywoman, 52-year-old Elena Lazarenko, who is raising eight children, became “Mom of the Year”.

The prizes also went to Kemerovo - along with the "Queen of Disco" - as well as Irkutsk, where Anna Chukavina, who won the vocal competition "Queen of Music", lives, Samara, the birthplace of "Mrs. Internet Russia" Tatyana Paladieva, Arkhangelsk, where the "Queen of Russia" 2018" Anastasia Rozanova.

This year, 30 participants competed in Moscow - they arrived after winning regional competitions. The youngest participant of "Mrs. Russia - 2018" is 23 years old: this is Anna Vasyutina from Moscow. The oldest participant is a mother of many children from Nizhny Novgorod, 52-year-old Elena Lazarenko, whose maternal feat, as we have already noted, was appreciated by the jury with a special prize. However, she was not the only one in the competition who was raising more than two children - out of 30 married beauties, 11 turned out to be mothers of many children.

The competition "Mrs. Russia" is held at the initiative of the "Planet of Women" family support fund, motherhood and childhood. It has been held since 2000. The winners receive not only the crown, but also prizes from sponsors, and after the victory, during the year they participate in social and charity events, as all beauty queens usually do.

All Russian women aged 22 to 43 can take part in the Mrs. Russia contest - however, this year Nazarenko's "Mom of the Year" successfully violated this rule. A prerequisite for participation is a stamp in the passport, giving the lady the proud right to be called "Mrs."

The holders of the title "Mrs. Russia" become participants in the international competition - this is the television contest "Mrs. Globe". In 2011, its winner - and therefore the most beautiful wife and mother of the Earth - was "Mrs. Russia - 2010" Alisa Krylova. Today she is a model, member of the jury of Mrs. Russia, mother of three daughters. She has two higher educations - she graduated with a degree in Economics and Law and the Moscow State Institute of Service with a degree in Anti-Crisis Management of the Economy. Now he is getting the third - at the Russian State University. S. A. Yesenin, she masters the specialty "Theology".



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