Material incentives and improvement of the system of labor motivation of workers at the enterprise of the construction industry. The salary of an employee is determined depending on his qualifications, personal abilities and achievements in work and includes various


1.1 Motivation. Concept and essence

1.2 Incentives as a way to manage

1.3 Main types of traditional labor incentives

1.4 Modern incentive and motivation systems

1 Evaluation of the motivation system for stimulating personnel at the enterprise DRSU (SUE)

2 Conclusions and proposals on the formation of a system of incentives and motivation of the personnel of the enterprise




The path to productive professional activity of a person lies through his understanding of motivation. Knowing what motivates a person, what motivates him to activity, what motives lie at the basis of his actions, it is possible to develop an effective system of forms and methods of managing him. To do this, it is necessary to know how certain motives appear and are caused, how and by what methods motives can be put into action, how people are motivated. To date, there are a plurality of methods for influencing the motivation of a certain person, and their range is constantly growing. And the factor that today motivates a person to work intensively, tomorrow may contribute to the “turning off” of the same person. At the moment, no one can truly say how the motivation mechanism works in detail, what strength should be, the motivating factor and when it will work and why it works.

The abundance of literature on the tasks of motivation is accompanied by a variety of points of view on their nature. Which, undoubtedly, predetermines a huge interest in the tasks of motivating and stimulating a person to activities, including professional ones.

Stimulation of labor is, first of all, an external motivation, an element of the labor situation that affects human behavior in the sphere of work, the material shell of staff motivation. At the same time, it also carries an intangible burden that allows the employee to realize himself as a person and as an employee at the same time. Stimulation performs economic, social and moral functions.

A significant task in the management of production is to significantly outpace the growth rate of wages over the growth rate of labor productivity, which leads to a decrease in the stimulating power of wages.

Considering these signs, we can conclude that the results of the work in all its aspects are closely related to motivation. Sufficiently motivated workers are productive people who want and can do what is required of them, and in such a way that the tasks in the work are performed and the results of the work are consistently improved. In order to enjoy work and, of course, satisfaction, a person needs to feel that everything he does has real value. When people are happy with their work, they do it perfectly. If colleagues are not sufficiently motivated, this can manifest itself in: an increase in the number of absenteeism from work shifts, colleagues spend a huge amount of time on their own phone calls and solving personal non-work problems, they are late for breaks, and also go out more often for personal needs.

The payment system should create a sense of confidence and a sense of security among people, include effective means of stimulation and motivation, and ensure the process of expended energy (recovery of workers).

Means of motivation are not only money, but everything that helps to strengthen the sense of self-esteem. An important condition for the success of stimulation is openness and trust in relations between superiors and employees: continuous high-quality and accurate information about the production and economic situation that is developing at the enterprise, about changes in the relevant market sectors, expected prospects, planned actions, and the success of their implementation.

The purpose of the course work is to consider the features of stimulating and motivating staff, in modern conditions, using the example of the State Unitary Enterprise "Road Repair and Construction Administration" in Belgorod.

The work tasks include:

Define the concept of motive, need and incentive.

Review the main scientific approaches to motivation and stimulation of labor activity.

To analyze the system of stimulation and motivation of labor at the enterprise. Make short summaries and suggestions based on the results of the study

The object of research is labor activity as a social phenomenon.

The subject of the research is the system of stimulation and motivation of personnel at modern enterprises.

Based on the subject, object and general purpose of the study, a system of research tasks was defined:

First: study the methodological and scientific literature;

Second: to determine the essence of the traditional system of labor incentives.

Chapter 1. Motivation and stimulation of personnel

1.1Motivation. Concept and essence

The main action of a person is work, which occupies at least a third of an adult independent life.

The results achieved by people in the process of work depend not only on the skills of knowledge and abilities, but on his needs and desires to succeed and receive recognition from other people. A productive action is permissible only if the employees have the appropriate motivation, i.e. willingness to work and receive remuneration for the work provided to them. Positive-qualitative motivation activates a person's abilities, releases his potential, while negative motivation inhibits the manifestation of abilities, hinders the achievement of the goals of activity.

Thousands of years before the word « motivation I"entered into the lexicon of superiors, it was well known that you can specifically influence people to successfully complete the work tasks of the organization. The very first of the techniques used was the method of the stick and the carrot. In ancient legends and even myths, one can find a lot of stories in which kings hold a reward in front of the eyes of a supposed hero or raise a sword over his head. However, royal daughters and treasures were only offered to a select few. The "gingerbread" offered as a reward for many deeds was hardly edible. It was primitively taken for granted that people would appreciate anything that would enable them and their families to survive. Because of the efficiency with which organizations used advances and special technologies, the lives of average people eventually began to improve. And the more it improved, the better the leaders began to understand that a primitive “carrot” does not always force a person to work harder. This fact forced experts in the field of management to look for new solutions to the problem of motivation, in the psychological aspect.

Many conflicting theories have been developed to explain why an individual acts; why he chooses exactly those actions that he performs; why some people are more motivated than others and end up succeeding where those with equal ability fail. Some psychologists prefer the role of internal mechanisms responsible for the actions of the individual; others see the cause of motivation in external stimuli coming from the environment; still others examine the question of whether motivation serves to orient the activity of an individual in order to achieve a certain goal and is a source of energy for behavioral acts determined by other factors, such as habit.

Motivation includes the internal state of a person, called need, and outside it, defined as a stimulus or task. Human behavior is determined by the need that dominates at a given time.

According to Maslow (Fig. 1), physiological demands are fundamental for a person. They demand their satisfaction first and foremost. Later satisfaction of physiological needs for

Th plan goes out of need, in safety, when a person seeks to protect himself from possible bodily harm, as well as from unfavorable economic conditions or from the ongoing threats of other people. A further need is a need for spiritual intimacy and love. Satisfying it requires a person to establish comradely relationships and determine his place in the group. Satisfaction of needs puts forward the need for respect and self-respect. Often the main things for a person are precisely these demands, he needs to feel his own importance, confirmed by the recognition of others. Maslow's hierarchy of needs ends with the needs of a person to realize himself, to put into action the reserve of his strengths and abilities and to fulfill his vocation.

Rice. 1 Maslow's pyramid of needs.

As the demands at one level are partly satisfied, the demands of the next level become dominant. At the same time, the main thing to keep in mind is that only those incentives that satisfy the main need are motivating. For example, it is considered very common to say that the main factor in effective work is money and paid holidays: the more a person receives, the better and better he works. Such a belief is not true, because if a person is dominated, for example, by the need for close relationships and love, or the need for self-realization, then he will choose a place for money where he can satisfy this need.

2 Incentives as a way to manage

Stimulation as a management method implies the need to take into account the interests of the individual, the workforce, the degree of their satisfaction, because it is the demands that are the main factor in the behavior of social systems. It should be noted that the set of needs of different individuals who are part of the social system is not identical.

True motives that force a person to give maximum effort to work are not primitively defined. They are extremely difficult. Simplistically, in management theory, the following grounds are distinguished that are necessary for a person to participate in labor activity:

1)the need to work;

2)objective (physiological) possibilities;

3)availability of professional qualifications and abilities;

)the presence of motivation.

When considering the motivation of an employee, it is assumed that he has more closely, to one degree or another, the first three conditions for participation in labor activity, because these data are difficult to initiate or manage from the outside. The administrator's task is thus to manage, to use motivations for a person, in thesis ready and able to work.

In the most general form, a person's motivation can be attributed to activity and represented as a community of internal and external forces in relation to a person, which constantly affect him, induce him to perform certain actions. At the same time, the connection between these forces and certain actions of a person is determined by a very difficult system of interactions, personal for a person, therefore, different people can react completely differently to identical influences, that is, the impact of motivation on a particular person depends on many factors.

Understanding the above, we can give a more detailed definition of motivation.

Motivation - a community of internal and external driving forces that encourage a person to activity, setting the boundaries of the form, the degree of intensity of activity, the level of effort, diligence, conscientiousness, perseverance and giving it purposefulness, orientation towards achieving certain goals.

"The essence of motivation is to give people what they want more from work. The more you can satisfy their dreams, the more likely you are to get what you need, namely efficiency and quality of service."

There are different motivation factors that determine what is especially valuable, significant for a person. As a rule, this is not one factor, but several, and together they make up a map of motivators. Motivational factors are divided into external and internal.

Internal motivation factors: Dream of self-realization, ideas, self-affirmation, confidence, health, individual growth, need for communication.

External motivators: Money, career, recognition, elite things, aesthetics of life, the likelihood of traveling.

The first are conditioned by the desire to obtain satisfaction from the object he has, consequently he wants to save, or get rid of it, which brings him dissatisfaction. External motives are aimed at obtaining the missing object or, on the contrary, avoiding it. Thus, motives also differ in their liking: they can be positive (buy, save) or negative (get rid of, avoid). So a positive external motive of behavior is a bonus that a person can receive for quality work, but a negative one. is the punishment for its non-fulfillment and de-bonding; a positive internal motive is the fascination of the business in which he is engaged, and a negative one is his routine nature, as a result of which a person, on the contrary, is burdened by getting rid of routine and not interesting work.

The study of motivation is necessary to solve many practical problems. Knowledge about the motivational process, human needs, stimulation, etc. For many years, these issues have been used in practice, first of all, these issues are of concern to administrators involved in the management of the company's personnel, who need to know the motives for the behavior of people and their groups in order to energetically apply this knowledge in everyday work to activate the activities of the company's personnel, to increase labor productivity. team.

3 Main types of traditional labor incentives

The tariff system serves to take into account the quality of labor and reflect it in wages. It is a community of standards, with the help of which differentiation and regulation of wages of different groups of workers is carried out, depending on the difficulty, working conditions in order to ensure the unity of the measure of labor and its payment.

Financial incentives are the remuneration of employees with cash payments based on the results of labor activity.

The use of material and monetary incentives allows you to regulate the behavior of control objects based on the use of various monetary payments and sanctions.

The main and main part of the income of an employee is wages, which are heterogeneous in structure. It consists of 2 parts: continuous and variable.

These parts are not always assigned the status of a strong stimulus. However, according to psychologists, the result of an increase in earnings has a positive effect within 3 months. After that, the person begins to work, in the same relaxed mode familiar to him. [10 c.27]

The improvement of labor rationing, the introduction of a scientific organization, the modernization of workplaces, the rearrangement of the workforce, and the reduction of excess personnel affect it.

It is necessary at the beginning of each half-year to review all rates subjected to inflation. This will contribute to the timely overcoming of the backlog of tariff wages from changes in gross wages, as well as retail prices, to ensure the gradual introduction of new tariffs as certain production results are achieved, and at the same time prevent the deepening of the contradiction between monetary incomes and their market commodity coverage.

The wage category should reflect the qualifications of the employee, which will contribute to growth not only vertically, but also horizontally. The transformation of the tariff into an instrument for stimulating not only possible, but also real results of labor, is an agreement between the need for a more elastic and active differentiation of wages through the basic wage.

It is known that individual separation, in conditions where the actual differences, as a result of labor, according to experts, average 29% for workers, and reach 200-300% for engineering and technical workers, are a strong factor in increasing labor activity.

Surcharges are characterized by the features of incentive forms of material incentives, the surcharge is a form of remuneration for additional results in labor, for the result obtained on a certain area. Additional payments are received only by those who participate in achieving additional results. Surcharges, unlike the tariff, are not an indispensable and continuous element of wages. The increase in the amount of additional payments depends mainly on the growth of the personal productivity of a certain employee and his contribution to collective results. With a decrease in the performance of an employee, additional payments can be not only reduced in size, but also completely canceled. Surcharges are considered as an independent element of wages, and occupies an intermediate position between the tariff rate and bonus payments.

It should be noted that one group of surcharges in its economic essence is closer to the tariff part, the other - to the premium. Surcharges of the first group are established by law, they apply to all employees and their size does not depend on the results of work, they are a measure of payment for the main factors of labor contribution. In this case, surcharges are designed to stimulate work overtime, on holidays, at night.

The second group of surcharges is characterized by the features of incentive forms of material monetary incentives, because, like the bonus, they are a form of remuneration for additional labor results. Such surcharges include bonuses to tariff rates for combining professions, an increase in the volume of work performed, professional excellence and high achievements in work. The most common of the progressive forms of incentives is a bonus to an employee's wages for combining professions and positions.

Salary supplement - cash payments in excess of salary, which stimulate the employee to improve professional qualifications, professional skills and long-term performance of combining work duties.

In general, the system of additional payments to tariff rates makes it possible to take into account and encourage a number of additional quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor not covered by the tariff system. This system creates long-term motivation. But for its effective functioning, it is necessary to have at the enterprise a constructive system of certification of employees of all categories, with the allocation of certain criteria for establishing one or another type of additional payments, with wide participation in this work of the labor collective.

Compensation - cash payments established for the purpose of reimbursement to employees of expenses related to the performance of their labor duties, or others provided for by federal law. (TK, art. 164)

The most important direction of material motivation is monetary bonuses. The bonus stimulates the improvement of labor results. It represents one of the most important combined parts of wages, and its source is the material incentive fund.

The purpose of bonuses is to improve the final results of activities, expressed in certain indicators.

The premium has an unstable character, and its value can be either greater or less, or not accrued at all. This feature is very important, and if it loses it, then the bonus, losing its meaning, turns into a simple additional payment to wages, and its role in this case is reduced to eliminating shortcomings in the tariff system.

The use of the bonus is designed to ensure a prompt response to changes in conditions and certain production tasks.

Management needs to consider some of the psychological tendencies that come with stimulation. Firstly, the probability of an employee's performance will be higher the higher the value of the remuneration and the regularity of the remuneration received as a result of such activity; secondly, with a belated reward, it will be lower than with his immediate reward; thirdly, productive labor behavior, which is not deservedly rewarded, begins to slowly weaken and lose productivity features.

Bonuses as an independent lever for solving problems has a personal mechanism of influence on the enthusiasm of employees and their ability to work. This mechanism consists of 2 parts: from the mechanism of a separate system and the interaction of all bonus systems.

The bonus mechanism is a commonality and integrity of interrelated elements. Its mandatory components are the bonus indicators, the conditions for its use, the source of the bonus and the amount of the bonus, the circle of the bonuses.

The bonus indicator is the central, pivotal element of the system, which determines labor achievements that are subject to special remuneration and should be reflected in the special part of wages - bonuses. As indicators of bonuses, there should be such indicators of production that contribute to the achievement of high final results.

Bonus conditions are provided, the number of logical conditions for human activity should not exceed four. With an increase in this number, according to psychological studies, the probability of an error and the time needed to make the right decisions sharply increase. It is necessary to decide who is really included and deserves a bonus for their work. The fact is that bonuses cover only those employees who need to be additionally encouraged for the plan they have fulfilled and overfulfilled. This need is determined by the tasks and certain conditions of work and production.

The central place in the incentive system is occupied by the size of the premium. It determines the relationship of labor results with an increase in the amount of remuneration. The employee sees the effectiveness of the applied bonus system in the amount of money received in the form of a bonus. The amount of the bonus can be set, as a percentage of salary, to the economic result, or, at a fixed rate. That is, in relative and absolute terms.

The source of payment of the bonus is the fund of material remuneration, the one that is formed at the expense of the proceeds at the enterprise, in the amount of four percent of the wage fund.

When determining the circle of bonuses, it is necessary to proceed from the targeted and targeted direction. These are bonuses for above-planned achievements, above-standard achievements for the work done, the fulfillment of significant tasks, the initiative shown that gave a certain result. Due to their purposefulness, such remunerations have a greater stimulating power and, consequently, can more effectively influence the increase in labor activity.

The second important type of stimulation is social and social, it is presented as material not monetary. The main focus is the relationship between people, expressed in the gratitude of the authorities for the merits of the employee.

This reward is material non-monetary incentives and social relations in the team.

This type of incentive has a number of features. Firstly, none of the material non-monetary incentives has such universality as the stimulus of material and monetary incentives.

Secondly, many financial and non-monetary incentives are of the nature of a one-time action. The cycle of reproduction of need is, in most cases, long. So, there are material - non-monetary benefits, the need for which is actually not satiated, because it is reproduced immediately after the act of the previous satisfaction. The need for a number of other benefits is reproduced periodically no more than once a year. The third good satisfies the needs that are reproduced over several years. The activity of an employee who has received a certain material non-monetary incentive in the future can only be supported with the help of other incentives. Otherwise, the worker's activity starts to decline.

Thirdly, financially non-monetary incentives do not have a significant property of money - divisibility. At the same time, it is difficult to systematize them in their entirety, in a single incentive function, due to their naturally different quality. The qualitative diversity of the needs satisfied with their help makes it difficult to compare them with each other and hierarchize. Theoretically, only some indirect, very approximate ordering is possible with the help of other, more multifunctional values, such as money, prestige, time.

Fourthly, financially non-monetary incentives are probably more than monetary ones adapted, for the most part, for use in a reinforcing form of incentive organization. They cannot be so easily associated with certain types of activity, because all of them have an unequal value for different people, and this variation is too great, all the more so since the value of many benefits cannot be accurately measured and unambiguously assessed.

Material non-monetary benefits can be used as incentives because the acquisition of any of them is allowed to be associated with the results of labor activity and social activity of employees. They, like any others, have a moral - elite value, in addition to a detailed value, and have the ability to single out the encouraged from the environment. It attracts the attention of everyone and is the subject of evaluation and discussion of workers.

At the same time, the general inclination is such that the rarer the object (material object, service, predominance, benefit) that performs the function of a stimulus is distributed in the environment, the higher its elite component, all other things being equal.

Most materially non-monetary goods have their own monetary authority, that is, they can be measured in rubles. In the aggregate, the corresponding needs, in the benefits of a materially non-monetary nature, are saturated, persistent and effective. The problem lies in their skillful application as a basis for stimulating labor, as well as social activity.

Another mandatory requirement for the development of labor stimulation is the manifestation of the initiative and enterprise of the bosses, each employee, in discovering the needs of the latter and building on their basis the personal logic of his stimulation. The effective application of the huge incentive potential of material non-monetary goods is literally unbelievable without an individual approach.

The use of a number of material non-monetary benefits as incentives for labor activity requires a serious moral justification and, in the future, a lot of work to restructure consciousness. It is in the interests of management to create such an atmosphere in which it is profitable for a person to work well in every sense and it is unprofitable to work not very well. This order of satisfaction of needs, which is absolutely consistent with the principle of division according to labor, seems to be more objective than the primitive order of priority.

It is necessary to immediately establish a time period after which the employee can be encouraged. It must be at least 2 months old. Exceptions can be especially active and enterprising newcomers who can offer other probabilities that give not only an increase in the quality of labor, but also the effectiveness of production. They immediately reveal and put into action their potentials, and their qualifications help to correctly express their achievements.

Moral stimulation, which is the most developed, widely used subsystem of spiritual stimulation of labor and is based on the spiritual values ​​of a person.

Moral motivators - such incentives, which are based on natural human needs, in social recognition.

The essence of moral stimulation is the transfer of information about the merits of a person, the results of his activities in the public environment. It has an informational nature, being an information process in which the source of information about the merits of employees is the subject of management; the receiver - the object of stimulation, the employee and the team, the communication channel - the means of transmitting information. Consequently, the more accurately such information is transmitted, the better the system performs its function.

In the managerial aspect, moral incentives play the role of signals from the subjects regarding the extent to which their action is in the interests of the organization in relation to management objects.

Moral incentives are a means of attracting people to work as the highest value, to recognize labor merits as the main ones. They are not limited to rewards and incentives, their use provides for the creation of such an atmosphere of social judgment, a moral and psychological microclimate in which the work collective knows perfectly well who works and how, and everyone is rewarded according to their deserts. This approach requires ensuring that conscientious work and excellent behavior is recognized and appreciated, respect and appreciation. Poor work, inactivity, irresponsibility will inevitably affect not only the reduction of remuneration, but also the employee's position and authority.

The moral stimulation of employees developed at the enterprise must meet the following requirements:

provide for remuneration for certain indicators on which employees have a direct impact and which especially fully characterizes the participation of the employee in solving the problems facing him;

establish measures of remuneration for success in work, for high achievements, use more important measures of remuneration;

to provide confidence that, subject to the fulfillment of increased obligations, participants will be rewarded in accordance with the result achieved;

increase the interest of the entire working team in the continuous improvement of production indicators;

be simple and understandable for employees;

preventing the depreciation of moral incentives.

For the effective use of moral incentives, you need:

The presence of provisions on the status of moral rewards and knowledge of them by employees;

wider use of various forms of moral reward in the interests of developing creative initiative and activity;

reinforce moral rewards with measures of material incentives, ensure the interaction of material and moral incentives, constantly improve them in accordance with new tasks, changes in the content, organization and working conditions;

it is necessary to inform the labor collective about each moral reward of the employee;

to announce thanks and present awards, in a solemn atmosphere;

encourage employees in a timely manner - immediately after achieving success in work;

to develop new forms of remuneration and establish a severe moral responsibility on each employee for the task entrusted to them;

comply with the established procedure for making entries for remuneration in the work books of employees.

One of the main conditions for the high effectiveness of moral incentives is to ensure public honesty, that is, accurate accounting and objective assessment of the labor contribution of each employee. Confidence in the fairness of labor merits, in the correctness of his remuneration raises the moral authority of the employee, elevates the personality, forms an active life position.

Of special importance is publicity moral reward, that is, broad awareness of the entire team. Comprehensive information about the results achieved by employees and a solemn atmosphere during the presentation of awards. It is necessary to notify each employee not only verbally, but also to issue a certificate for successfully completed work. And in a conspicuous place, at the enterprise, hang out a board of honor with distinguished ones,

as well as a table with the last name and points of each employee. When organizing moral incentives, the main thing is to ensure a combination of remuneration measures with increased responsibility for the results of work. What will entail an increase in responsibility in the team. An effective way to strengthen labor discipline is remuneration for conscientious work. There should be a minimum gap between formal and informal status. Formal status is the sanctioned location of a moral stimulus among other moral stimuli, its official authority, importance. Informal - this is the actual location of the incentive in the hierarchy of incentives in the environment of workers.

The single most important factor influencing the performance of moral stimulation is the frequency of its use. The more often a person shows results, the less often he will meet the remuneration due to him. The closer the score is to the mean, the more common. The number of rewards applied does not yet ensure high credibility and effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the selection of candidates. Encourage in strict accordance with the location of the statuses. Moral incentives are valid to the extent that their separation is evaluated by employees as objective. Honesty depends on the reliability with which they reflect the tier of the results of the work.

Countless sociological studies have shown that the motives of labor activity, the power of moral impulses on workers, largely depend on age, gender, qualifications, education, length of service at the enterprise, and level of consciousness. This should be considered when implementing remuneration conditions.

A distinctive feature of moral stimulation is that its function, which combines shocks with the results of activity, is expressed in a discrete form of correlation of shocks. Mutual ordering of different shocks increases their complex stimulating result. They are ranked in 2 levels: less important and more important. The achievement of a part of the encouraged workers, the 2nd stage, is recognized as higher in comparison with the achievements of the rest.

Moral impulses are distinguished by a set of elements that form the spatial and temporal certainty of evaluative information about a person and which are called elements of the stimulating mechanism. These elements fill the form and table of contents for the presentation of the award, create courage and solemn well-being.

The internal elements include: a table of contents, a text about merit and the type of carrier - a work book, certificate, certificate, form; photo; icon.

Externally: push name, formal rank, award procedure, frequency of use, aesthetic excellence. They influence authority, importance, actual rank.

1.4Modern incentive and motivation systems

Labor stimulation should be considered as a system of economic forms and ways of encouraging people to be included in the work process. The goals of incentives are to increase the labor activity of the personnel of enterprises and organizations, to increase interest in improving the final results. On the contrary, it aims to achieve growth in the company's revenue by increasing the quality and productivity of employees.

The core thesis of organizing an incentive system in business is a personal approach to determining the amount of physical remuneration of employees based on a systematic, clear justification of the criteria and procedure for assessing the results of an employee's work and the performance of his job duties. At the same time, it is significant to take into account a lot of factors: the final results of the enterprise's work in the aggregate; personal contribution of a certain employee to the achievement of the final results of the enterprise; productivity, efficiency and quality of work.

One of the founders of domestic industrial sociology and the scientific and factual school of personnel management, Gerchikov was puzzled by the question of increasing the productivity of people's work. The typological model of motivation was finally formed in the first half of the 1990s and was the result of many years of comprehension of workers at various levels of the organizational hierarchy.

The typological model of Gerchikov's motivation is the doctrine of labor motivation developed by Vladimir Isakovich Gerchikov. According to this doctrine, there are five types of labor motivation: instrumental, highly professional, mastery, patriotic and avoidant (lumpen).

It allows you to solve a whole range of utilitarian issues in the field of personnel management:

with its support, it is possible to justifiably choose the types and forms of labor stimulation that are especially effective for certain types of workers;

the ability to design labor motivation makes it possible not only to stimulate, but also to purposefully carry out the hiring, placement and intra-company movement of workers;

knowledge of the motivational structure also contributes to an adequate assessment of the career orientations of different groups of personnel, the development and organization of the implementation of individual and group career development plans in accordance with the personal intentions of employees and the goals of the company;

also, the knowledge of the peculiarities of the labor motivation of the personnel makes it possible to better highlight the topic of relationships in the team and leadership data of people who have not yet shown themselves in this regard.

A typological model of motivation is implemented in the Motype test developed by Gerchikov, the one that allows you to identify the construction of motivation both in individual employees and in any group of personnel. This test is widely used by the personnel services of Russian enterprises both when hiring and for diagnosing workers who are already working in the company. The connection between motivation and labor behavior

The typological model of motivation is built on the intersection of 2 axes - motivation and labor behavior (Fig. 2). There is a difference between achievement and avoidance motivation. Achievement motivation is perceived as the inclination to receive certain benefits as a reward for work, and avoidance motivation is the inclination to avoid punishment or other negative sanctions for failure to fulfill the tasks set, failure to achieve the intended results, or unsatisfactory performance of functions.

Fig. 2 Basic model of labor motivation

motivation incentive staff qualification

I quadrant. The growth of the organizational performance of labor activity is proportional to the degree of satisfaction of the employee's motivational expectations and is limited only by "natural" limits (the maximum allowable productivity for given organizational and technological conditions). Quadrant. The increase in labor productivity of an employee with avoidance motivation is limited by the task (normative value) and the probability of the boss to confirm the employee's guilt in case of non-fulfillment of the task. quadrant. The tier of destructive reactions of an employee is traditionally limited and more often than not, it comes down to passive labor behavior and “working according to the rules” (solid line). However, if a powerful leader arises in the group, entering into discord with the management of the organization (and it can only be a dissatisfied worker from the IV quadrant), he is much more likely to enlist employees with an avoidant type of motivation and “ignite” them to extreme forms of destructive behavior, to the point until the complete destruction of the organization (dashed line).quadrant. If the organizational data of the work and the incentive system run counter to the motivational expectations of the employee, there is a high probability of acquiring destructive labor behavior from him, and in rather steep forms.

Types of work motivation

The model identifies four basic types of achievement motivation and one type of avoidance motivation.

Instrument type. For a worker of this type, the labor action in itself is not a value and is considered only as a source of earnings and other benefits received as a reward. But it is not all money that worries him, namely earnings; consequently, he will work with maximum efficiency in any job, if his work is objectively and highly (in his understanding) paid. Consequently, an employee with an instrumental type of motivation is more likely to react positively, say, to a proposal to work in worse conditions: for him, this will serve as a basis for demanding an increase in earnings as an additional payment for unfavorable labor data.

High professional type. An employee of this type appreciates in the work its table of contents, the opportunity to prove himself and confirm (not only to others, but also to himself) that he can cope with a difficult task that not everyone can do. He chooses autonomy in work and is distinguished by developed professional excellence. More often than anyone, he treats the boss with a certain amount of irony. As usual, an employee with a professional type of motivation quickly becomes the best expert in the company for this type of work.

Patriot type. An employee of this type is concerned about participation in the implementation of the universal, hefty main thing for the organization of the business. He is convinced of his need for the organization, he is distinguished by his willingness to take on additional responsibility for the sake of achieving the results of the common cause. For him, the main social recognition of participation in universal achievements.

Master type. This type of worker voluntarily assumes full responsibility for the work performed. He will work with maximum efficiency, without insisting on special interest or high pay for his work, without requiring any additional instructions or continuous monitoring. An employee with a predominance of the master's motivation is perhaps the most productive in terms of the ratio of costs and results. But the owner is very difficult to manage - he is sovereign and not only does not need orders or punishments, but also does not tolerate them. This type of motivation is typical before everyone for people engaged in entrepreneurial activities.

Avoidant. An employee of this type has a very weak motivation for highly effective work. He has low qualifications and he does not hesitate to improve it; he is irresponsible and zealous to avoid all work connected with individual responsibility; he himself does not show any activity and has a negative attitude towards the activity of others. His main inclination is to minimize his labor efforts at the tier possible from the immediate superior. Due to these qualities, he is not highly valued as a worker, he cannot provide for himself with his work and resigned himself to this. But he is allowed to assign work to which workers of other types of motivation will not agree; he advocates equalization and agrees to a rather low salary, so long as no one else receives much more; he is exclusively dependent on the boss and takes this bondage for granted. In addition, an employee with avoidant motivation is exceptional, in relation to which the administrative genre of management can be effective, and therefore justified.

The system of personnel motivation in the current interpretation is a commonality of systems of non-material and physical incentives for employees. The personnel motivation system includes:

?direct physical motivation system (remuneration system);

?system of indirect physical motivation (system of benefits);

?system of non-material motivation.

The system of direct physical motivation is a physical reward for an employee, consisting of a base salary and bonuses. The base salary is a continuous part of the employee's salary, which is reviewed quite rarely, or changes when the employee moves to another position. Bonuses are a variable part of an employee's salary, which can be revised monthly, quarterly, etc.

An effective remuneration system (compensation system) plays a significant role in personnel management, namely, in attracting, motivating and retaining employees of appropriate qualifications in the company, encourages employees to increase labor productivity, which leads to an increase in the productivity of the use of human resources and a reduction in search costs, selection and adaptation of newly hired company personnel.

An inefficient wage system, as usual, causes an employee to be dissatisfied with the size and method of determining compensation for his work, which can lead to a decrease in the efficiency and quality of work, as well as a deterioration in labor discipline. The entire company currently uses its own remuneration system, based on the specifics of the business, the company's goals and management strategy. The system of indirect physical motivation is the so-called compensation package (social package) provided to the employee. The compensation package (social package) is the benefits provided to the employee depending on the tier of his position, professionalism, authority, etc.

Usually, many modern companies include in the benefit system:

Indispensable benefits (regulated by labor law):

?payment of sick leaves;

?annual leave pay;

?compulsory health insurance;

?deductions for mandatory pension insurance.

Voluntary benefits (not regulated by the state and applied by employers on a voluntary basis):

?voluntary medical insurance (an employee of the company is provided with a voluntary medical insurance policy for a certain amount, which he can apply for various medical services);

?medical care for employees who have retired as their full-time employees (providing them with a voluntary medical insurance policy, providing their own health center services, etc.);

?pension accumulation mechanisms (the company pays additional pensions to an employee who has worked for a certain number of years in this organization);

?payment for sick time (some companies give employees the opportunity to be absent up to a week a year due to illness, without providing them with a sick leave to the employer);

?life insurance of employees and / or members of their families (the company provides life insurance for employees and their families for a certain amount, free of charge for the employee);

?payment of additional days off (personal, children's) days (companies provide one paid day per month - the so-called individual or children's day);

?payment of additional vacation days to employees of the company;

?cellular service reimbursement;

?delivery of employees to the place of work and back by company vehicles or compensation for the cost of travel;

?payment of expenses for the improvement of employees (payment for vouchers - in whole or in part);

Payment for meals

?payment for kindergartens for the children of the company's employees;

?payment for visiting fitness clubs;

?issuance of loans and credits for the purchase of housing, a car, etc.

The system of benefits is not limited to the above list of compensations, but is adapted both for any specific company and for a specific employee.

An effective system of physical motivation should put the amount of physical payments to company employees in relation to the status of their position, authority, performance results, labor market overview and the results of achieving the company's goals.

The system of non-material motivation is a community of external shocks of a non-monetary nature, which are used in a company to reward the productive work of employees. The system of non-material incentives includes elements such as conventional and non-standard methods.

The usual ways of non-material incentives:

?ensuring the career growth of employees (moving up the career ladder, with an increase in the rank held);

?flexible working hours (project work system);

?priority when planning the vacation of company employees;

?regular "horizontal" rotation of personnel;

?mentioning the name of the employee in the product service plan implemented by him;

?providing a place to park a car;

?priorities in the acquisition of new equipment, machinery, furniture, etc.

?verbal and or written appreciation for the effective work of the implemented plan;

?holding professional competitions among employees, with awarding diplomas;

?issuance of an intra-company newspaper with a summary of the results of the work and placement in it of photographs of the best employees and informational notes about them;

?publication of booklets about the company with photos of the best employees of the company;

?rewarding departing employees with diplomas “for a contribution to the development of the company”, maintaining friendly relations after the transition of employees to another job;

?organization of corporate events.

Non-standard methods of non-material incentives (rarely used in domestic practice):

?providing employees with additional days of rest (for example, more early vacation foreword for a well-implemented plan, etc.);

?gifts to company employees for various holidays, based on their interests and preferences, etc.

The above list is not the final version of non-material incentives. The system of non-material motivation is developed individually for the entire company and is an addition to the system of remuneration and benefits (systems of direct physical and indirect physical motivation).

Chapter 2

1 Assessment of the system of motivation and incentives for personnel at the enterprise DRSU (SUE)

The State Unitary Enterprise "Road Repair and Construction Department" of Belgorod makes a thorough and current repair of roads and pavements, road construction works using modern materials and special technologies. Over the years of its existence, I bought a branched structure with most of the elements. Over the long years of the existence of the enterprise, an extensive system of ways and methods of stimulating labor has been developed, among which there are both physical and moral types. At this stage, the plant began to emerge from the economic collapse. As a result of the research, we found that the main impetus for labor activity is physical reward, and this is understandable. The company employs about 725 people. According to the data, the number of employees at the enterprise has been growing over the past 7 years, which is primarily due to the continuous growth in production volumes.

The effective use of the potential of employees includes:

design and improvement of work with personnel;

support and development of abilities and qualifications of employees.

Each company employs about 725 people, including 110 employees, 615 employees engaged in the production of the declared products.

The core task of the personnel service at the enterprise is:

pursuing an energetic personnel policy,

providing conditions for the initiative and creative activity of employees, taking into account their individual characteristics and professional skills,

development of physical and moral impulses,

narrow interaction with the trade union committee in matters of medical service, organization of social catering, public protection of certain categories of workers.

To organize this work at the enterprise, there is a position of deputy general director for personnel. Recently, the company has completely formed the backbone of engineering and technical workers with a rich, highly professional and utilitarian skill. All bosses have a higher education, many of them started working in working positions, went through all stages of growth, and now they head all the main services. Career planning and other forms of formation and realization of the abilities of employees are widely developed at the enterprise, for example, 10 bosses of 1 and 2 status are masterfully trained in the team. At meetings and planning meetings, bosses evaluate the work of different departments and groups. With positive results, gratitude is expressed to both individual employees and groups. The system of remuneration of employees of the enterprise includes moral and physical rewards.

Physical factors determine certain forms of physical stimulation:


) piece-work payment;

) piece-bonus payment;

) piecework for students acquiring a profession for the first time;

) time-bonus payment;

) payment to non-listed staff;

) for business trips to pieceworkers;

) time-based for work on festive days according to a slippery schedule;

) for the sound and timely performance of additional especially the main tasks;

) bonuses to pieceworkers;

) for long service;

) for assistance to innovators;


) additional payment to young workers of the tool shop;

) surcharge for technical deviations;

- payment for downtime;

) for qualification;

) for the master class;

) for foremanship;

) during the night;

) for combining professions;

) for combining professions of a periodic nature;

) payment of the difference in salaries for temporary replacement;

) for non-working festive days;


) under an apprenticeship agreement for persons acquiring a profession for the first time;

) for the period of study of the 2nd profession;

) for the period of increasing qualifications.

Social factors suggest an increase in the interest of workers through the provision of various social benefits, the provision of public assistance, and the participation of workers in the management of the team. The enterprise provides for payments in the amount of average earnings from the proceeds for weddings and funeral services. Payment of physical assistance to employees (up to 4,000 rubles per year). Donor payments not subject to withholding tax. Moral factors represent a set of measures, the purpose of which is to ensure the correct moral microclimate in the team, the correct selection and placement of personnel, and various forms of moral rewards. At this enterprise, physiological factors are used, including a set of measures aimed at maintaining the health and increasing the efficiency of employees. These activities are carried out in accordance with sanitary and hygienic, ergonomic and aesthetic requirements, which contain standards for equipping workplaces and establishing reasonable work and rest regimes. Physiological factors play no less significant role in increasing the effectiveness and quality of work performed than others.

In DRSU (GUP) there are departments of technical control and labor rationing, which effectively carry out their work. Also, the company regularly monitors sanitary and hygienic working conditions and labor protection in the aggregate. The demographic policy of the enterprise is aimed at rejuvenation team and exclusively staff of chiefs and experts. The company conducts systematic work with personnel, with a margin for promotion, which is based on such organizational forms as training candidates for promotion according to individual plans, training in special courses and internships in relevant positions.

The tactics of personnel management in the DRSU (SUE) reflects a smart combination of the economic goals of the enterprise, needs and interests. The work of the department of labor and wages is aimed at increasing the wages of employees in accordance with the profits and probabilities of the enterprise. Evidence is currently being developed to strike a balance between the economic and societal performance of labor sources. More closely developed at the enterprise is a system of remuneration, which is not limited by minimum and maximum sizes and depends on the results of the work of the team as a whole and of each employee in particular. Quality grades are set for individual workers and groups of workers so that workers can see what they can achieve in their work, thereby encouraging them to achieve the desired quality.

Employees are paid in full accordance with their labor contributions to the final results of the work of the team, including the increase in the quality of products. Remuneration is not limited to the funds earned by the team. Contractual salaries for supervisors and experts are reviewed during the year, i.е. may be increased or decreased. The contract system provides for remuneration for production and economic results of work based on existing arrangements.

To maintain the level of qualification of employees, dictated by production needs, an annual certification of personnel is carried out. Based on the results of certification, a plan is developed for organizing the increase in qualifications and retraining of personnel, and after that personnel regroupings are made. For the consistent increase in the qualifications of workers, the acquisition by them of the technical skills necessary for mastering advanced technology, high-performance methods for performing difficult and responsible work, charged according to higher categories of a given specialty, the following are organized:

production and technical courses;

targeted courses;

training workers in second and related professions;

The lump-sum allowance is paid:

in connection with a professional holiday;

in connection with the birthday;

upon reaching retirement age;

employees who have reached the anniversary age of 50, 55, 60 years, awarded with a diploma, according to the order;

In addition, the following payments are made:

payment for funeral services;

women at the birth of a child;

in case of death as a result of a miserable accident at work;

Priority, of course, according to the decision of the General Director is given to young, promising employees, thereby tying experts to the enterprise, giving the chance to prove themselves to the greatest extent. So, for example, scholarships are paid for the period of study in production and technical specialties (stipend for workers acquiring a profession for the first time, scholarship for the period of training of the 2nd profession, scholarship for increasing qualifications), special remuneration for young production workers of workshop No. 3, remuneration for young production workers learning the profession of working toolmakers in the tool shop. Staff satisfaction also increases by creating a healthy working atmosphere in the team, organizing technically equipped workplaces, participating in the management of changes in the organization's activities.

When evaluating and forecasting an enterprise in this area, great attention is paid to the accuracy and clarity in the actions of the administration, the productivity of collecting and exchanging information increases, the speed of results on inquiries and claims from employees is taken into account, and the results of employee training are rigorously assessed.

Thus, by implementing a well-thought-out strategy in matters of personnel management, DRSU (GUP) works successfully and achieves great results in labor productivity.

2.2 Conclusions and proposals for the formation of a system of incentives and motivation of the personnel of the enterprise

We conducted a survey, it was prepared to check the quality of the survey and acquire some idea of ​​job satisfaction at the enterprise DRSU (SUE), 172 people were interviewed. The survey was implemented through a formalized interview. The purpose of the study: to determine the indicators of job satisfaction, to what extent they contribute to an increase in satisfaction, which of them should be given special attention. The object of the research: working enterprises, which are a source of information about the factors of job satisfaction, about the preference for certain types of remuneration. Subject of research: the subject of research of this program is the satisfaction of employees with work, as well as the data and factors that have a direct or indirect power on it.

Survey tasks:

Investigate job satisfaction in the aggregate at the enterprise;

The percentage of those who do not want to move to another job can be explained further. The prevailing set of workers over 45 years old, and those who do not want to change their profession, explained this by their pre-retirement age. Young workers expressed their desire to change their profession (specialty) much more often.

Research salary satisfaction;

By asking the question: “To what extent are you satisfied with the salary?”, We received the following data:

Men aged 25 to 55

Absolutely satisfied26Partly satisfied74Not satisfied60Difficult to answer15

Women aged 22 to 50

Absolutely satisfied 13 Somewhat satisfied 6 Not satisfied 9 Difficult to answer 4

According to the expert, this division corresponds to a “healthy assessment of the employee's wages”. There are few people who would not like to receive huge for their work.

Investigate satisfaction with labor rationing;

44% of the respondents are absolutely satisfied with labor rationing, 27.91% are partially satisfied, each 10.47% are dissatisfied and 19.18% found it difficult to answer the question.

Investigate satisfaction with physical rewards for work;

Men from 25 years old to 55 years old

Absolutely satisfied 23% Somewhat satisfied 43% Not satisfied 27% Difficult to answer 7%

Women aged 22 to 50

Absolutely satisfied 19% Somewhat satisfied 35% Dissatisfied 38% Difficult to answer 8%

Our research showed that only 65% ​​of workers are satisfied with physical rewards, and the remaining 35% are not satisfied.

5.To study the socio-psychological microclimate in the team;

Now the relationship between workers and managers has become one of the key conditions of "typical work", which is associated with a steeply increased dependence of employment and earnings of workers on the foreman, the shop manager. An absolute majority of respondents rated their relationships with workmates and relationships with their immediate superiors as absolutely excellent (85.5% and 75%, respectively). Approximately a third (about 29%) described the relationship in the team as "full goodwill and mutual assistance", and the remaining two thirds (about 57.6%)

generally considered excellent. Because the socio-psychological microclimate in the aggregate at the enterprise is favorable, it cannot be considered an indicator of dissatisfaction with work.

Identify which forms of remuneration are especially important for employees. Question “Your company uses different types of rewards for triumphs in work. Please indicate which of them are especially important for members of your team? (multiple options are allowed)

Outcome options Actual number of respondents.

Men aged 25 to 55

Announcement of gratitude 7Issuance of an award92Awarding with a valuable gift49Awarding with a certificate of honor5Entering on the board of honor3Assignment of an honorary title16Recording information about remuneration in a work book3Other forms (specify which ones)0 Women aged 22 to 50

Announcement of gratitude3Issuance of a bonus14Awarding a valuable gift7Awarding a certificate of honor1Entering on the board of honor1Awarding an honorary title5Recording information about remuneration in a work book1Other forms (specify which ones)0

An early review of a number of materials on the degree of job satisfaction at the enterprise and its nature allows us to make the assumption that the core factor influencing job satisfaction is the physical reward for work. The guess was confirmed, because an absolute majority of those who are not satisfied with their work are not satisfied with the size of their wages, either in part or entirely (50% and 42.86%, respectively). The undeniable leadership among remunerations is given to physical types of labor stimulation (93.6% - the issuance of bonuses). Investigation guesses:

) It is likely that the moral reward system present at the enterprise is not a factor that greatly influences job satisfaction. As the reason for the dream to change a profession (specialty), one can also consider the dissatisfaction of the worker with moral rewards. But according to the data of 42.86% dissatisfied with wages, 50% partially satisfied, and 35.71% and 40.48%, respectively, not satisfied with moral rewards, it is possible to conclude that physical rewards are more important for the employee, although the moral factor also has a significant power.

) The existing labor protection measures at the enterprise, to ensure sanitary and hygienic working conditions, guardianship of the everyday needs of employees are also not the determining factors affecting job satisfaction.

It has been established that in the Soviet society, the indicators of dissatisfaction with sanitary and hygienic conditions occupied a stable second place, second only to dissatisfaction with the size of wages. Workers adapt to unsatisfactory working conditions and are ready to sacrifice them for a decent salary. State and administrative control over the standards of working conditions has been drastically weakened, occasionally completely absent.

In aggregate, the enterprise does not monitor dissatisfaction with sanitary and hygienic working conditions. But for those who want to change their profession, the specialty is an important indicator of job satisfaction. Workers openly express their complaints to their superiors, but at the same time put up with unsatisfactory working conditions.

Only 11.9% of those wishing to change their profession (specialty) are not satisfied with labor protection. Only 9.3% of the respondents are dissatisfied with the organization of food and 5.81% with the quality of food.

Summing up our reasoning and a utilitarian review of the system of incentives and motivation of the personnel of the enterprise, it is possible to draw the following conceptual results.

Shocks are tools that cause the action of certain motives. Some objects, actions of other people, carriers of obligations and probabilities, all that can be offered to a person as compensation for his actions, or what he would like to buy as a result of certain actions, act as pushes.

The response to different shocks varies from person to person. Aftershocks are of no absolute value if people are not able to respond to them. Thus, in conditions of powerful inflation, wages and money largely lose their role as pushers and are more limitedly used within the boundaries of managing people.

Applying a variety of pushes to motivate people provides a process of stimulation that takes many different forms. One of the most common is physical stimulation. The role of the latter in the atmosphere of the market is exceptionally significant. 4. Stimulation in the thesis is different from motivation. The difference lies in the fact that stimulation acts as a means with the support of which it is allowed to carry out motivation. The higher the tier of the formation of human relations in an organization, the less often incentives are used as a tool for managing people. Education, training as a way of motivating people determine the location when members of the organization show an interested participation in the affairs of the organization, carry out the necessary actions without waiting or even without receiving any stimulating effect.

Motivation has a huge impact on a person's performance of his work, his production duties. At the same time, there is no direct relationship between motivation and the final result of labor activity. Occasionally, a person who is focused on the good performance of the work assigned to him has the worst results than a person who is less or even poorly motivated.

The gap between motivation and the final results of work is a serious managerial snag: how to evaluate the results of the work of any employee and how to encourage him? If you reward only according to the results of work, then it is allowed to demotivate an employee who received a low result, but was zealous and expended great efforts. If, however, to stimulate an employee in direct proportion to motivation, without monitoring the real results of his work, then there is a real decrease in the results of the work of less motivated, but productive workers. As usual, the solution of a similar problem is situational. The administrator must understand that in the team he leads, this task can take place and its solution is by no means clear.

Despite the correct skill in building a system of motivation and stimulation of labor at our enterprise, it should be noted that there are actually no studies of the motivational structure of workers. In our opinion, in modern conditions, the neglect of monitoring labor motivators is unacceptable, because sooner or later the existing system may fail.

On the basis of the results of the activities of the enterprise in the aggregate, the structural unit and the entire individual employee, physical and moral incentives are provided. A worker who knows that the proposal put forward by him will bring him additional physical and moral benefits, there is a desire to think creatively. When organizing an incentive system at an enterprise, it is necessary to consider the proportions in pay between simple and difficult work, between workers of different qualifications.

When creating an incentive system in an enterprise, it is necessary to adhere to the thesis of system elasticity. Elastic incentive systems allow the entrepreneur, on the one hand, to provide the employee with certain guarantees for the acquisition of wages in accordance with his skill and professional knowledge, and on the other hand, to put the employee's remuneration in connection with his personal indicators in work and the results of the enterprise's work in the aggregate .

Objective remuneration of bosses, experts and employees should also be based on the same theses, but using indicators specific to these categories of workers, considering the difficulty of the tasks to be solved, the tier of responsibility, the number of subordinates, etc.

It is with the use of flexible wage systems, with the use of a reasonable assessment of the workplace and job responsibilities and the further participation of employees in profits and collective bonuses for reducing the share of labor costs in the cost of production, that the negative attitude of the organization's personnel to the present system of remuneration of their labor can be overcome and the amount of this payment.

The result of the incentive system at the enterprise should be an increase in the effectiveness of the enterprise, which can be achieved, in turn, by increasing the productivity and quality of work of any employee of the enterprise. At the same time, the entrepreneur must be guided by the need to attract and retain highly qualified employees for a long time, increase labor productivity and increase the quality of products, increase the return on investment in personnel, increase the interest of employees not only in personal successes, but also in the triumphs of each enterprise in the aggregate and, finally, the increase in the social rank of workers.

Consequently, both physical and non-material forms of staff incentives are used, which include wages, various profit sharing systems, collective bonus systems, individualization of wages, moral impulses, incentives for workers engaged in creative work through the use of a free work schedule, public benefits for workers.

The incentive system at the enterprise should clearly define its goals, establish the types of incentives in accordance with the results achieved, determine the evaluation system, the period and timing of remuneration payments.

All kinds of incentives must be targeted and public, since it is only possible to expect from employees to improve productivity and the quality of work performed when they know that their work is paid objectively. The incentive system should correspond to the thesis: payment should correspond to work. Speaking about the incentive system for employees, it is necessary to highlight the main requirements for it.

These may include:

) clarity and specificity of the incentive system in the aggregate, arrangements for wages and additional payments;

) a clear statement of the employee's job duties;

) creation of a system of objective assessment of employees and the exclusion of subjectivity in the assessment;

) the connection of the size of wages with the difficulty and responsibility of the work;

) the probability of an unlimited increase in wages with the growth of the individual results of the employee;

) control in remuneration of the tier of the importance of certain works for the enterprise;

) equal pay for employees with identical difficulty and responsibility of work performed in different divisions of the enterprise (refers to basic pay without controlling additional payments based on results).

Thus, when creating an incentive system, it is necessary to consider each set of issues, including state regulation of wages.


A theoretical and factual review of the task of stimulating personnel at enterprises has shown that the process of losing an employee’s interest in work, inconspicuous to an inexperienced eye, his passivity brings such negative results as staff turnover, low labor productivity, increased conflict in the team, etc. The boss suddenly discovers that he has to go into all the details of every business performed by subordinates, who, in turn, do not show the slightest initiative. The overall performance of the organization falls.

In this work, we have identified the following significant pushes and motivating criteria in professional activity:

Any stimulating actions must be scrupulously worked out, and, moreover, before each by those who demand actions from others;

It is significant for people to experience fun from work, to be responsible for the results, to be personally involved in working with people so that their actions are for someone;

All in his workplace is called upon to show what he is ready for;

Every person is burdened to express himself in labor, to know himself in its results, to receive real evidence that he is willing to do what is suitable, which should be associated with the name of his creator;

It is important to be interested in people's attitudes towards potential improvements in their working conditions;

The entire employee should be given the opportunity to assess their importance in the team;

In achieving the goal that the worker has determined for himself or in the formulation of which he took part, he will show much more energy;

Excellent workers have every right to physical and moral recognition;

Employees are required to have free, unhindered access to every information necessary for their work;

Any important decisions about changes in the work of employees must be made with their direct participation, based on their skills and habits, taking into account their position;

Self-control: must accompany any actions of the employee;

Workers should be given the opportunity to continuously acquire new knowledge and knowledge in the process of work;

Invariably, initiative should be encouraged, and not burdened with squeezing everything that they are capable of out of workers;

It is important for employees to continuously provide information about the results and quality of their professional activities;

Every worker is likely to be his own boss.

Well-designed work should create intrinsic motivation, a sense of personal contribution to the product. A person is a social being, which means that a sense of belonging can cause great psychological satisfaction in him, it also allows you to understand yourself as a figure. Despite the abundance of different theories, it is not yet possible to believe in the origin of unconditionally objective ways of assessing the performance of such a difficult object as a person.

In this paper, the skill of organizing a system of incentives and motivation of personnel at the DRSU (SUE) is analyzed. Labor motivation is carried out for each spectrum of needs of workers.

Over the long years of the existence of the enterprise, an extensive system of ways and methods of stimulating labor has been developed, among which there are both physical and moral types. As a result of the research, we found that the main impetus for labor activity is physical reward, and this is explained by the low level of life of most of the enterprise's personnel. The company employs 725 people. The number of employees at the enterprise over the past 7 years has been slowly, but growing, in fact, there is no staff turnover. This allows us to conclude that effective motivation and stimulation of labor can produce results not only in economically successful countries. Orientation to the human factor gives convincing results in the conditions of the transitional economy.

In conclusion, I want to note that the path to effective personnel management lies through awareness of its motivation. Only knowing what motivates a person, what prompts him to act, what motives underlie his behavior, it is allowed to try to develop an effective system of forms and methods of managing a person. To do this, you need to know how certain motives appear, how and by what methods, motives can be put into action, how people are motivated.

You also need to know that the main components of effective labor stimulation are the stimulation of the working person. In enterprises where people interact narrowly with each other, the application of shocks must take into account the needs and their satisfaction, the enterprise and interests of the figure, and even the temper and way of life. Then stimulation will be truly effective and personally important.

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Development of an effective mechanism for motivating personnel in construction


Leaders have always been aware that motivational aspects are becoming increasingly important in modern management. Motivation of personnel is the main means of ensuring the optimal use of resources, mobilization of existing human resources. The main goal of the motivation process is to get the maximum return from the use of available labor resources, which improves the overall performance and profitability of the enterprise.

A feature of personnel management in the transition to the market is the increasing role of the employee's personality. Accordingly, the ratio of motives and needs changes, on which the motivation system can rely. To motivate employees, companies today use both financial and non-financial methods of remuneration. Meanwhile, neither the theory of management nor the practice of personnel management gives a definite picture of the relationship between individual aspects of the motivational sphere of employees today and the most effective methods of managing them.

Relevance of the problem under consideration is due to the fact that the transition to a socially oriented market implies the need to create an adequate mechanism for motivating labor. Without this, it is impossible to consider in practice the objective prerequisites for increasing the efficiency of production - the basis for the growth of real incomes and the standard of living of the population. At the same time, the final point of the implementation of all reforms is the organization, where the labor force is directly connected with the means of production, the process of labor activity is carried out. Recognition of the determining role of the motivational mechanism in the context of the ongoing reforms makes the authors' appeal to the topic of intra-company motivation of personnel particularly relevant.

Problem motivation of staff is widely considered today in the scientific and journalistic literature. However, attempts to adapt the classical theories of motivation to the present are largely not systematized, which makes it difficult to use the technologies and methods of motivation in practice. The complexity of the practical organization of the personnel motivation system is also determined by the poor study of the characteristics of the motivation of workers employed in certain sectors of the economy and types of production. Although a number of works devoted to this topic have been published. Some assistance in studying the structure of incentives and motives of personnel can be provided to managers by ongoing sociological research on the features and trends in the development of the motivational sphere of labor activity today.

Human resource management includes many components. Among them: personnel policy, relationships in the team, socio-psychological aspects of management. The key place is occupied by the definition of ways to increase productivity, ways to increase creative initiative, as well as to stimulate and motivate employees.

1. Theories of motivation

1.1 Nature and essence of motivation

There are different opinions regarding the essence of the concept of labor motivation, since psychologists, economists, and sociologists deal with the problems of motivation, focusing their attention on various aspects of this issue.

Motivation (from the Greek motif from the Latin moveo - I move) is an external or internal motivation of an economic entity to act in order to achieve any goals, the presence of interest in such activities and the ways of its initiation, motivation.

The first stage and the driving force behind the process of labor motivation is the formation of a need. Needs are the source of human activity. They can be very diverse: the need for food; material reward; have a social status, place, role in society; the need to realize their abilities; the need for security; need for knowledge; the need to receive approval and recognition for the work performed; the need to work and so on.

Needs are as diverse as people themselves. What a person needs depends on the level of his development. Needs tend to evolve.

The form of realization of the need is interest, that is, the specific form in which the need can be expressed (money, title, approval, new position, etc.). This stage of the process of motivation coincides with the stage of psychological explanation of the process of satisfaction of needs. Interest can be material (in the form of wages, bonuses, vouchers to a sanatorium, etc.) or moral (in the form of gratitude entered in the work book, photographs on the honor roll, oral gratitude). Interest can combine elements of material and moral properties.

The next most complex and important stage of the motivation process is the formation of a motive for any activity. Interest in itself cannot be a force capable of making a person work if there is no way to realize it. An important, and sometimes key, role in the process of motivation is the incentive. The dictionary of foreign words interprets this concept as follows:

« Stimulus(lat. stimulus) - an incentive to act, a motivating reason. Thus, the stimulus is an external incentive for any activity that does not depend on the employee. The manager's task is to create such working conditions so that the incentive is directed to the emergence of a motive, i.e. internal, subjectively significant and meeting the needs of the subject of labor activity incentive.

1.2 Theorymotivation by exampleMaslow's hierarchy of needs

Maslow's well-known and accepted concept of the hierarchy of needs includes the following basic ideas and premises.

People are constantly feeling some kind of need.

People experience a certain set of strongly expressed needs, which can be combined into separate groups.

Need groups are in a hierarchical arrangement in relation to each other.

Needs, if they are not satisfied, induce a person to action. Satisfied needs do not motivate people.

If one need is satisfied, another unsatisfied need takes its place.

Usually a person feels at the same time several different needs that are in complex interaction with each other.

Maslow believed that needs can be divided into five main categories:

Physiological needs;

Needs for security and confidence in the future;

Social needs;

Esteem needs;

The need for self-expression.

According to Maslow's theory, all these needs can be arranged in a strict hierarchical structure, shown in Fig. one.

Maslow believed that human needs grow and are gradually satisfied. In other words, only after a person has done away with some basic needs, he is able to set higher goals for himself.

The most important among the basic needs are the needs that ensure the physical existence of a person: the need for food and water, warmth, rest and shelter. Consequently, workers should be able to meet these needs through their labor. They are followed by the need for safety and security, from the need to keep them safe (which is much more difficult to satisfy than it arises) to the need for health care (today, ensuring the health of workers is one of the main responsibilities of the employer).

Following this, Maslow lists "social" needs: everything that is connected with the social nature of human life and activity. The professional environment is also a social sphere - for many, most of the personal contacts take place at work. From here, the next level of the hierarchy of human needs grows - the need for recognition, which, among other things, includes recognition in the professional sphere, a sense of self-confidence, a sense of self-fulfillment and a confident look into the future - the hope of even more fully realizing the potential inherent in us by nature and therefore be happier than now.

The hierarchical structure of human needs established by this theory is important for understanding the process of motivation. She argues that motivational incentives are effective only if they correspond to the described hierarchy of needs. In other words, the stimulus will be ineffective if the person has unfulfilled needs at a lower level than the one to which this stimulus is directed. It makes no sense to convince people how honorable and responsible their work is if the wages are not enough for the necessities of life.

A. Maslow warned against the misconception that new needs arise only after the previous ones are fully satisfied. The scientist believed that the needs of normal people at the same time are partially satisfied and partially unsaturated. Thus, a more accurate description of the hierarchy is to determine the degree of satisfaction of needs at its levels.

Maslow's concept had a great influence on the development of the theory and practice of modern management.

2 . Motivation Methods

There are various methods of motivation. There are three main ones: economic, socio-psychological, organizational and administrative.

2.1 Economic methods of motivation

Prizes. In addition to wages, there should be cash payments (bonuses) based on performance or special individual rewards as recognition of the value of an employee.

The employer has the right to establish various types of bonuses, allowances and incentive payments. This procedure should take into account the opinion of the labor collective (Article 144 of the Labor Code). In addition, the employer can determine the system of material incentives in the employment contract.

However, it must be remembered that monetary motivation is by its nature "unsaturated", and a person quickly gets used to a new, higher level of payment. That level of payment, which only yesterday motivated him to a high working return, very soon becomes habitual and loses its motivating power. Therefore, it is important to use other methods of motivation.

Present. Gifts occupy a special place in the system of staff motivation. “If we give our employees the same gift that we give our customers, there will most likely be no appreciation from them,” says Elena Zhulanova, Head of Human Resources at TNT Express in Russia. “More likely, there will be a feeling that unclaimed balances are being sold.” The value of the gift should be proportional to the value of the achievement, she says, although some companies set value standards in proportion to salary. But it doesn’t always make sense to focus on the cost: the best gift is the one that draws attention to the person’s personality: a photo collage, something related to his hobby, and so on.

People need to feel that they are taken care of, then they will work more efficiently. “Therefore, the company should have a social program: vouchers to sanatoriums for employees and their children, financial assistance for treatment,” Tatyana Kostyaeva believes.

Compensation for seniority and bonuses. It is customary to talk about staff turnover as a negative phenomenon. In reality, this is not always the case. It happens that the personnel policy of an enterprise is precisely to stimulate high turnover, to ensure the retention of the best and the departure of insolvent workers. In some cases, this approach is economically justified.

However, if an enterprise is interested in keeping employees at their jobs, it is worth considering appropriate mechanisms in the compensation plan. We are talking about additional payments for seniority, as well as bonuses.

Free lunches. Free lunches can be a great way to keep employees loyal and thank them for a job well done.

Many employers agree with the popular wisdom that the way to the heart is through the stomach. Managers use culinary achievements not only to thank the staff, but also to strengthen team spirit and employee loyalty.

2.2 Socio-psychological methods of motivation

Creating a favorable psychological climate in the team. The task is not as simple as it might seem, and often, to solve it, they resort to the services of professionals - psychologists and consulting specialists.

If the size of the team allows, the leader should sometimes try to talk with subordinates on non-work topics.

Sharing success. Sharing the company's success with employees is something more. Than an expression of appreciation or even cash bonuses. When people feel like they're contributing to a company's achievement, they stay loyal to it longer and take more responsibility for their work.

Participation in innovation. Participation in innovation is like a two-way street. Employees feel trusted and valued, especially when some ideas are taken into consideration or, even better, put into practice.
Mission as a reward. For those who often travel on official business, a business trip is not a reward at all. But an employee who sits in the office all the time may enjoy the trip like winning the lottery.

Workplace. The productivity and efficiency of workers' labor are closely related to their working conditions. Everything matters: the work space, the equipment, the presence or absence of air conditioning, even the degree of comfort of the furniture.

Ergonomics - the design and use of furniture and other office devices that reduce the physical burden on workers.

The following devices significantly reduce fatigue during work:

Footrest, reducing the load on the lower back;

Headrests for those who have to conduct business negotiations for hours on the phone;

Pillows on chairs that support the lower back.

There are many devices to facilitate computer work:

Wrist rest;

Ergonomic keyboard;

ergonomic shape of the mouse;


Retractable keyboard stand.

Social package. A social package as a set of services makes sense where it is beneficial for an enterprise for employees to use them. For example, if the company's office is inconveniently located, it is better to pick up employees from the metro by your own bus. This will prevent lateness to work and partially relieve fatigue from the road.

At one of the construction enterprises, up to 60 percent of the personnel are women of working specialties with school-age children. In 2004, the management organized the social project "Children are our future". For all children of staff from six to 17 years old, a program of events was created, including sports holidays, circles and sections, hikes, summer trips out of town, etc. The company's costs for this project amounted to about 1 million rubles. As a result, staff turnover has sharply decreased (at the same time, the level of wages has remained the same). It is clear that any mother would prefer peace of mind and confidence that the child is under supervision and busy with useful work over a higher salary. At the same time, the enterprise became widely known in the city and the region as a “good employer”. The project is still running successfully.

The same amount could be spent on an increase in the wages of workers. Simple calculations show that for each employee it would increase by less than 100 rubles per month. This money, of course, would have been dissolved in the family budget and forgotten after a short time.

A party. Partying at work is as inevitable as changing seasons. If they are interesting, they serve as a great motivator, giving people the opportunity to get to know each other better and have some fun.

Whether this responds to emotional needs is debatable, but nowadays, for many, it is work that involves most of the communication. For those who love socializing, parties will always be fun and help you appreciate your work more.

2.3 Organizational and administrative methods of motivation

Career. People like to think that their career is progressing. Even a small increase in responsibility gives a positive impetus. A career is a great motivator. The more often the rungs of the career ladder are located, the more diverse the titles, the more opportunities for continuous growth. And continuous growth, in turn, helps to retain experienced staff and creates an opportunity for rewarding everyone according to their deserts. This circuit works just fine.

Work to ensure that your people always have career goals in front of them and constantly move in their direction - then employees will work at the enterprise until retirement and will work much more efficiently than those stuck in one position.

Professional growth. All existing theories of motivation speak of promotion and professional growth as two different concepts, since the first of the factors operates within the framework of one particular organization, and the second contributes to a job change. However, the factor of professional growth can be perfectly used within a large company, where there is an opportunity to move from one area of ​​activity to another.

Flexible work schedule. In recent years, there has been a growing trend associated with the desire to defuse peak hours, which has become known as flexible working hours.

Flexible work schedule - a regime that implies the obligatory presence at work for a certain period of time and working out a set number of hours per week. However, employees themselves can regulate the time of the beginning and end of the working day.

Flexible working hours are an effective means of motivating employees, as they provide the following benefits:

It makes it possible to work exactly when people have the greatest efficiency (“owls” should not come by 8:00, and “larks” can start the working day earlier);

Allows employees to manage their own time.

Creation of a team. One of the most popular motivation strategies today is team building.

Working in a team led by a leader is the right principle.

When creating a team, the following goals are pursued:

Make employees feel that their contribution is appreciated;

Recognize that no goal can be achieved without the participation of all those who work in this direction, regardless of their position in the hierarchy;

Provide more effective communication between employees.

Teams are groups of people united by a common goal, using the abilities of each team member and the capabilities of the united group to achieve it.

Separation of power.

This technique has long been used by many Western firms. The company is turned into a joint-stock company, and employees receive part of the shares. Now they are interested in its well-being and prosperity, because their income as shareholders depends on it. Accordingly, the level of employee loyalty and the quality of their work increases.

3. The main ways to increase staff motivationon the example of a construction companyOOO « Kronverk»

3.1 BriefcharacteristicOOO « Kronverk»

motivation maslow staff construction

Kronverk has been operating on the market since 1999. Over the 12 years of its development, the enterprise has become the largest developer in Saratov and the region, having built 269,510 square meters of housing in five districts of the city of Saratov, and in the center of the city of Engels. The company's share today accounts for about 35% of the province's construction market.

Today, the plant's capacities allow the simultaneous production of the entire range of large-panel housing construction products necessary for high-quality and fast construction of houses. The use of various options for completing block sections in the work allows you to significantly expand the range of apartments offered to customers. In addition, the plant produces over three hundred types of reinforced concrete products, including: piles, hollow core slabs, paving slabs, foundation blocks, curb blocks, as well as ready-mixed concrete and expanded clay.

3.2 Analysis of the level of motivation in the organization "Kronverk»

In order to develop an effective system of staff motivation, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the current level.

To do this, a secret survey was conducted at the Kronverk company. By analyzing the results obtained, certain conclusions can be drawn. Most importantly, motivation is very poorly developed. Of all the types of motivation and incentives, only bonuses and joint leisure activities are used. At such a modern enterprise, this is clearly not enough. Employees need to be fully motivated.

3.3 Development of an effective motivation system

It is very difficult for a manager to choose exactly those types of stimulation and motivation that will bring the expected result. You can not randomly use bonuses, bonuses, thanks, parties, business trips, etc., otherwise you will get the opposite effect. I want to propose a system of motivation for top managers.

Direct dependence of earnings on results

The mechanism is extremely simple. The amount of remuneration of the head directly depends on the results of the company. A top manager makes a profit if the business develops successfully (its value and profitability increase). If the company has zero profit for a certain period, the director receives a planned salary. At the same time, the manager will suffer losses in earnings if the profitability of the business has become lower (both in terms of decreasing income and increasing costs). In practice, it is possible to use quarterly salary adjustments. That is, for each top manager, you need to calculate the individual coefficient of his influence on the result of the company's work.

Transparency and control

Effective motivation provides for a certain trust of the parties and a common interest in a positive result. It is important for a top manager to understand the key parameters by which his performance will be evaluated. They can be: the fulfillment of planned indicators, an increase in the value of assets, an increase in the capitalization of a business, etc. For each enterprise, and even more so for each manager, they are individual. It is the direct participation of a top manager in business that is the apogee of recognition of his importance by colleagues and company owners. This is a much stronger motivator than traditional financial incentives.

The resulting scheme combines the comfort of working conditions, professional communication and growth.

clear contract

The main condition for the adoption of a motivation system by a top manager is the simplicity of its presentation. The contract can be either a standard regulation of motivation throughout the company or an individual contract. If everyone, reading the document, understands what he personally must do in order to receive bonus payments and all other social benefits, then most likely such a system will be adopted. Of course, the system must be not only understandable, but also fair.

System of requirements and tasks at the stage of strategic planning

The motivation system must be realistic. When implementing any program, you need to remember that once even the most attractive scheme is put into operation, the company will not be able to cancel it. That is why you need to be sure that this motivation system is necessary at a particular stage of development and that the company has a sufficient budget for its implementation. Exceptions must not be made from the scheme, otherwise top managers will not trust the enterprise. If the company is faced with some unexpected consequences, it is better to come up with another program that compensates for these moments.

Professional implementation

The system should be developed and implemented by professionals, since motivation is a subtle tool that requires careful “tuning”. Negative resonance can cause great economic and psychological damage. When preparing a motivation system, it should be remembered that a top manager is primarily interested in the content of the work. He will not perform operations that are uninteresting to him, no matter how much they are offered to pay for them. Therefore, it is important to write down and reach agreement on all the details of the strategic and operational objectives.

You can also offer incentive methods that top managers can use.

moral stimulation.

Moral stimulation can be carried out in two directions: encouragement (signs, symbols of distinction, awards, thanks in oral and written form) and censure. The effectiveness of censure depends on the individual psychological characteristics of the employee. For example, the same critical remark can give different results: a violent reaction of a choleric person, an increase in activity in a sanguine person, a loss of efficiency in a melancholic person and not have an effect on a phlegmatic person.

To use such a motivation factor as moral stimulation. You need to know the team well. This requires an individual approach to each person, as well as a wide range of various incentive measures.

As events of this kind, it is possible to propose holding competitions of professional skills on the scale of a company, city, region; to assign the title of the best accountant for the results achieved. Sales manager, etc.

A possible option for moral stimulation can be considered the involvement of employees in the involvement of organization management, planning, creating strategies and tactics.

Working conditions.

A positive psychological attitude towards work creates working conditions. When working conditions are good enough, employees do not focus on this, if they are bad, this sharply reduces motivation, i.e. the attention of workers is switched to this factor.


Giving gifts is an ancient custom common to many peoples. In some countries, for example, in Japan, this is a whole science. With the help of a gift, you can express respect, location, gratitude and approval.

The practice of motivating employees of firms with the help of gifts has become widespread, but on condition that the gifts correspond to their purpose.

Reasons for gifts

There are many reasons for giving gifts. A good incentive would be a gift dedicated to the end of work or pursuing a specific goal. A special joy can cause a gift just like that.

The employee's birthday, anniversary of his work in the company or going on vacation.

Achievement by the team of any goal or completion of the next stage of work on the project.

Every time a customer expresses satisfaction with the work of one of your employees

When an employee goes above and beyond to help a colleague.

Tips and Cautions

Be careful. Avoid giving gifts to only one employee, and not related to the result of work.

Vary. Gifts don't have to be annoying.

A gift is not a bribe. A gift should not include any reciprocal obligations. It serves only as a sign of attention.

Choose correctly. Gifts that show bad taste can create problems for you.

Do not overdo it.

Get creative.

What are the best gifts to give at work?

Notepads with the name of the employee.

Fancy business cards or pen holders.

Tickets for sporting events, movies or concerts.

It is not uncommon for employers to forget that employees have families who need support in hard work. Expressing gratitude to relatives will be very impressive.


One of the most important aspects influencing the effectiveness of the work of personnel is motivation, a certain model that exists in every enterprise or firm. It is a set of interconnected principles and factors that motivate employees to be highly productive at work, thereby ensuring the productive operation of the entire system.

Motivation is not only technologies, procedures, documents and regulations, but an art, because you have to turn to both the mind and the feelings of the employee. The experience of the best Western and domestic leaders shows that success is achieved by those who not only set tasks for subordinates and achieve them by any means, but have the ability to interest, ignite, inspire staff, unite with a common idea, form a team of like-minded people.

Organization of motivation for effective work is the most difficult task for most companies. And an experienced manager knows that the best employees are those who realistically represent the positive goals and consequences of their work. Incentives and motives are the key conditions for effective work in almost any business area. But creating them for each employee is very difficult.

It must be understood that it is impossible to create a universal motivation system, like a perpetual motion machine that works endlessly and in any market conditions. It is advisable to review incentive schemes every 6-7 months. These are the demands of today's market. Its increased dynamics periodically makes certain types of incentives to activity relevant or, conversely, obsolete. Naturally, depending on the composition and needs of people, you can bet on different types of rewards. But it is necessary to comply golden rules of motivation, valid for all its varieties:

motivation must be realistic;

the motivation scheme must be fair;

principles of motivation should be extremely clear;

motivation must meet the expectations of employees;

the motivation system should not be frozen.

Only by following these rules will it be possible to avoid the situation reflected in the well-known joke that a working day shortens an employee's life by 8 hours. On the contrary, the competent use of successful schemes of labor incentives can extend the life of working people in exactly the same way.


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The practice of economic activity of the country has developed a variety of incentive systems for use in specific production conditions, each of them individually or in combination with other systems.

For the most active use of the accumulated experience, it is necessary to group these systems according to certain characteristics. This will allow studying various options for solving the problems of stimulating employees of enterprises, developing mechanisms for managing their interest in order to reduce costs and improve labor results.

When an employee achieves noticeable labor successes, management can: 1) increase the employee's qualification level and, accordingly, the tariff rate (salary); 2) establish him an additional payment for professional skills; 3) pay a one-time remuneration; 4) use any combination of these types of incentives.

When choosing a measure of encouragement, first of all, one should take into account the specific impact of each form of encouragement on the further behavior of the employee and on the reaction of his colleagues, who, of course, will become aware of the incentive payment. It is also necessary to take into account how stable the results obtained by the employee are, whether it is possible to achieve them by other employees, and also thanks to what qualities - qualification or personal - these results became possible. Finally, you need to know what the employee himself will prefer - a large one-time payment or a smaller, but stable increase in his monthly salary.

Incentive wage systems, first of all, should be distinguished by their intended purpose, which determines the form and content of the mechanism for the relationship of incentive pay with basic earnings. From this point of view, several groups of incentive systems can be distinguished. .

Systems that link basic wages with the level of performance and overfulfillment of indicators that go beyond the basic labor norm of an employee. These include various awards for ongoing performance.

Systems that link basic wages with the personal business qualities of the employee, the level of his professional skills and individual qualities, attitude to work. These are, first of all, surcharges and bonuses of a stimulating nature for: professional skills; combination of professions (positions); expansion of norms (zones) of service; performance of the previous or greater volume of work (services) by a smaller number of employees.

Systems that link the basic salary of an employee or a group of employees with certain achievements that are not of a systematic nature, or with any general collective results of work over a certain, fairly long, calendar period (six months, a year). These are various one-time bonuses and remunerations, and today they are paid at some enterprises: for the performance of especially important production tasks, for winning a production competition, based on the results of the enterprise's activities for a year (half year, quarter), etc.

A distinctive feature of these types of promotion is their flexibility. They, as a rule, do not turn into a mechanical increase in wages. At the same time, when applying them, the employer is not bound by any obligations to employees. One-time incentives most often cause a favorable reaction from employees and, in the long run, almost always pay off (with the possible exception of the annual remuneration, which should be well thought out and organized so that the employee actively works for a high final result throughout the year) .

Additional payments and allowances related to the personal business qualities of employees by their nature cannot be of a collective nature. Since they most often have an indirect relationship between the amount of remuneration and the result of labor, the sign of proportionality, progressivity or regression of remuneration is not applicable to them. At the same time, additional payments for working conditions, on the contrary, cannot be individual: they must be assigned to all persons working in appropriate unfavorable conditions. One-time bonuses and remunerations are most often collective in nature, although in some cases they can be used to encourage only an individual employee. If we talk about the nature of the increase in remuneration (proportional, progressive or regressive), then in some cases it can be decisive for certain types of one-time incentives (for example, to encourage winners in competitions, the progressive nature of remuneration is most appropriate).

In the conditions of a planned economy, the former In the USSR, labor stimulation was carried out both in monetary and non-monetary means. The latter included, for example, awarding certificates of honor, hanging a portrait on a board of honor, conferring honorary titles, badges, taking into account the value of an employee in the distribution of housing, vouchers to vacation spots, etc. Practice has shown that such means undoubtedly give an effect, but they had little stimulating effect on a certain part of the workers, and it was very difficult to avoid the formalism of subjectivism in the use of these means. In modern conditions in Russia, the stimulation of labor is carried out, as a rule, in cash, although the opinion is expressed that the complete disregard for moral incentives, characteristic of the 90s, was an extreme, i.e. moral incentives can be quite useful in many cases. This applies especially to categories of workers in creative labor, such as, for example, scientists, inventors, and so on. In particular, the broad public movement in support of nature conservation in the 80s and early 90s was initiated by enthusiasts who did not receive any material incentives. However, the effectiveness of the wage system deserves the main attention. This is a very complex issue that has not been fully resolved either in our country or abroad. In the world construction practice, many wage systems are used, each of which has its supporters and opponents. There is no single point of view yet. Existing wage systems can be divided into three groups, shown in the figure.

The systems of the first two groups may include the payment of various premiums. In domestic practice, in the former USSR, piecework prevailed (first group). It accounted for 80 ... 85% of the funds going to wages. Almost all workers in construction and installation works were paid piecework. Engineering and technical workers and employees were paid by the time (Group II) with the payment of bonuses in special cases - for the commissioning of facilities, for the introduction of new equipment, etc. In the same way (by time) the work of designers was paid. Piecework payment is effective when performing large volumes of the same type of work. It well stimulates the growth of labor productivity due to the growth of its intensity. However, by itself, piecework does not create a material interest in the high quality of products, in the application of the most efficient work processes that reduce labor costs. In the pre-reform period, attempts were made to force builders to look for ways to reduce the labor intensity of work, influencing the earnings of workers by artificially lowering prices for inefficient work methods (manual transfer of goods, stretchers, manual excavation, etc.). However, this created a division of work into "profitable" and "unprofitable", which often gave rise to conflicts between workers. At the construction site, the situation is usually unstable, numerous unforeseen work is inevitable, and therefore the use of piecework payment in the former. The USSR created many problems. For all these reasons, back in the 1970s and 1980s, there was a tendency to move away from piecework payment towards accounting for the final result (team contract, collective contract, etc.). It should be noted that the settlements between the organizations themselves, as a rule, took place according to estimates, i.e. according to the final result, regardless of the actual costs of the contractor. Deviations from the estimate were allowed only in special cases and were strictly regulated. Time-based payment is appropriate for work, the results of which are difficult to quantify, where the efforts of the worker and the tasks that arise before him are highly dependent on random factors. First of all, this applies to works of a creative nature, where the main thing is the search for the most effective solutions, works that require special professional knowledge and practical experience. Nevertheless, time wages do not stimulate an increase in labor productivity, an increase in its intensity. Group III of payment systems - according to the final result, is the most universal, but setting the amount of payment for the expected result always requires the employer to be highly professional and correctly understand the current situation. Such payment is most effective when the intensity of labor is a desirable but not sufficient condition for obtaining the desired result, i.e. when various unforeseen situations may arise, and it is necessary to rely on the independence and professionalism of the employee. Currently, in the Russian Federation, the system of remuneration in construction has not been completely formed, but it is developing mainly in the direction of type III, i.e. payment according to the final result while maintaining a certain guaranteed minimum. This applies to both designers and surveyors. In most cases, it looks like this. An agreement (contract) is concluded, to which an estimate is attached with a breakdown of costs (including amounts related to wages, materials, machines and mechanisms, etc.). Due to the lack of prices corresponding to current prices, in the 1990s and subsequent years, prices of the 1980s (the so-called "base" prices) were used, adjusted to take into account inflationary price changes. After partial or complete receipt of money from the customer, the amount attributable to the salary is distributed among the performers in proportion to tariff rates or salaries. In some cases, amendments are made to take into account the actual participation of specific performers. In the absence of work, employees are paid only the tariff rate. At the same time, the unit (team or department) accumulates debt, which must be fully repaid in the future. In general, at present, the payment system is not rigidly established for all organizations, so there are different approaches to this issue. In particular, some organizations still prefer a piecework system of payment (according to "orders") and practice it at home. There are even cases when organizations that have been practicing the described payment according to the final result for a certain time, partially or even completely switch to a piecework system.

In foreign construction practice, piecework payment is rarely used. It is most popular in the UK, where it accounts for 14% in construction (for comparison, in the manufacturing industry 42%). In Norway, Denmark, "modified piecework" is used, which provides for a certain guaranteed minimum. Most often, payment for the final result or time is used abroad.

Pricing in construction-- this is a mechanism for the formation of the cost of services and materials in the construction market. Politics pricing in construction is part of the overall pricing policy and is based on pricing principles common to all industries

The price of building resources

The price of services and products in market conditions is one of the most important indicators that significantly affect the economic situation firms. All the main indicators of the company's production activities (the volume of capital investments, production costs, labor productivity, capital intensity, etc.) are related to prices and depend on them. The price is the basis for planning and financing capital investments, calculating the effectiveness of investment projects, organizing intra-production economic relations, evaluating the results of a company's activities, and calculating the economic effect from the introduction of new technology.

The price affects the development of construction production, increasing its efficiency through its functions. The main function of price is a quantitative expression of the value of the created building products. Thus, as a measuring tool, the price determines the costs of socially necessary labor for the organization of material processes and financial transactions. In addition, it also performs a stimulating function to reduce labor, material and monetary costs in construction and increase its efficiency. Basically, the following forms of prices are used: list wholesale prices; maximum and contractual. The list price is a price based on socially necessary labor costs and approved by the state. This is a "fixed" price, acting in the form of price lists for standard buildings and structures and for enlarged construction elements. Under the influence of scientific and technological progress and relationships in society, these prices are periodically reviewed. The maximum price is the limit estimated price of individual buildings, structures and their complexes: enterprises, arrays, villages, etc. Its level is largely determined by design organizations and approved by the ministries and departments that issued the design assignment. In the process of detailed design, limit prices are subject to reduction. The contract price is an unchangeable (stable) estimated cost of construction products during the entire construction period, set by the customer in agreement with the contractor. The basis for establishing contractual prices should be estimates or the estimated cost of construction, determined as part of a feasibility study and a feasibility study. Contractual prices for construction products are an important element in improving the economic mechanism in construction through the use of commodity-money relations.

The main tool for determining the price or cost of objects in construction is a unit price (cost) of a particular type of construction and installation work, a set of elementary technological operations or a separate element of a structure. Unit prices can be standard or individual; individual rates are applied, as a rule, on large objects constructed using non-traditional construction technologies or mechanisms, or in cases where most building materials are manufactured directly at the construction site. Unit rates include direct costs only. Accounting for planned savings, overheads and taxes is made in the estimated calculation. Normative prices are developed and established by the Federal State Institution Federal Center for Pricing in Construction and the Building Materials Industry (FTsTSS).

Factors affecting pricing

  • Costs for the manufacture and sale of products;
  • target market conditions and the ratio of supply and demand for the company's product;
  • The firm's pricing policy.

The first two factors are taken into account when pricing. The third factor is implemented depending on the pricing objectives of the company (price policy of the company).


  • Ensuring a certain amount of profit;
  • Ensuring a certain volume of sales;
  • maintaining the current position of the company;
  • exclusion of competitors;
  • introduction of new products on the market;
  • · Gain leadership in terms of quality.

Pricing steps:

  • definition of demand;
  • · assessment of costs and establishment of a lower price limit;
  • analysis of prices and characteristics of competitors' products;
  • · choice of pricing methods and evaluation of the upper price limit;
  • development of pricing policy;
  • Establishing prices for the company's products for a specific period.

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1. Theoretical foundations of the system of motivation and material incentives for personnel at the enterprise

1.1 Motivation process: methods and ways of motivating personnel in the enterprise

1.2 The essence of remuneration as a factor in motivating staff

1.3 Financial incentives as the basis of staff motivation

2. Evaluation of the organization of the system of material incentives and motivation of workers on the example of a limited liability company "Plant of large-panel housing construction"

2.1 Characteristics of the production and economic activities of the enterprise ZKPD LLC

2.2 Analysis of the labor resources of ZKPD LLC

2.3 Analysis of the composition and structure of the payroll

3 . The main directions for improving the efficiency of the system of motivation and material incentives for the personnel of the enterprise

3.1 Review of foreign experience of material incentives and staff motivation

3.2 Domestic experience of material incentives and development of recommendations for improving material incentives and the motivation system of ZKPD LLC


List of used sources and literature


Relevance of the research topic. Material incentives and motivation of workers is the most important part of the process of the market mechanism. It is difficult to overestimate the role of material incentives in increasing the labor activity of the employee, the productivity of production in a construction organization. The choice of forms and systems of remuneration is often dictated by the features of the construction industry, the economy of the industry and the country as a whole. Motivation of personnel is the main means of ensuring the optimal use of resources, mobilization of existing human resources. The main goal of the motivation process is to get the maximum return from the use of available labor resources, which improves the overall performance and profitability of the enterprise.

The abolition of restrictions on the growth of wages, the refusal of the state to interfere in its regulation in the organizations of the production sector led to a sharp differentiation in wages between categories of workers. The salaries of managers grew at a particularly high rate. The ratios in the remuneration of workers in leading professions turned out to be violated. Their level of remuneration caught up with the average earnings of less skilled workers 1, p. 174.

The current situation in the labor market requires new solutions in the organization of remuneration and labor incentives. In theoretical and practical terms, wages should stimulate the employee's interest in the final result, correspond to the prevailing economic conditions, be understandable and applicable in practice. A significant influence on the choice of the system, forms of remuneration and labor incentives was provided by the choice of goals set by the heads of enterprises, specific conditions and specialization of production. As a result, no one universal form of remuneration and motivation of workers has developed in construction. Obviously, taking into account all the variety of social, production and other conditions in the economic activities of organizations, a universal model of remuneration and labor incentives could not appear.

In this regard, there is an acute problem of the need to organize a system of material incentives and motivation of workers in the new economic conditions in order to fully satisfy the interests of commodity producers.

This list of problems requires theoretical understanding and practical solutions. In this regard, scientific and practical developments are needed that take into account specific conditions and features. From this point of view, the theme of this thesis project, which considers precisely these problems, is relevant.

State of knowledge of the problem. An important contribution to the development of the theory and practice of organizing material incentives and motivation of workers was made by such economists as Abraham Maslow, Alderfer, McClelland, F. Herzberg, V. Vroom, Adams, L. Porter, E. Lawler, E. Lock 2, with . 382.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of this thesis is to develop an organizational and economic mechanism of material incentives and improve the system of motivation of workers in the construction industry.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved in the process of research:

- to explore the theoretical essence and methodological basis of material incentives and motivation of workers in the manufacturing sector;

- to analyze the features of the development of labor potential, remuneration, material incentives and the system of labor motivation of employees of ZKPD LLC;

- to generalize foreign and domestic experience in organizing material incentives and labor motivation;

- to develop recommendations for improving the system of remuneration of workers, the system of material incentives and the system of motivation at LLC Large-Panel Housing Construction Plant.

Subject and objects of research. The subject of the study is the organization of material incentives and motivation of workers in construction. The object is the limited liability company "Plant of large-panel housing construction".

Research methodology. The study is based on the use of the achievements of domestic and foreign science, conceptual and software developments of the Government of the Russian Federation, own developments of the management company "Kamaglavstroy" and the "Large-panel housing construction plant".

Scientific and methodological basis thesis are: a systematic, integrated approach to research using economic, statistical, comparative, factorial and logical analysis of the enterprise.

Information base of the study are statistical and reporting materials of the plant, resolutions, provisions on bonuses to employees, legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, reports, and the author's own calculations.

Scope and structure of work. The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions and suggestions, a list of sources used, applications.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic, shows the degree of its study, formulates the goals and objectives of the study and the practical significance of the work.

The first chapter "Theoretical Foundations of the System of Motivation and Material Incentives for Personnel at the Enterprise" reveals the economic essence of the motivational process, explores various methods and ways of motivating personnel, the principles and features of the forms of organization of remuneration as a factor of motivation and the basis of material incentives for personnel.

In the second chapter "Assessment of the organization of the system of material incentives and motivation of workers on the example of LLC "Large-panel housing construction"", an analysis of the labor resources of the enterprise was carried out, the composition and structure of wages and material incentives for personnel were analyzed.

In the third chapter "The main directions of improving the efficiency of the system of motivation and material incentives for the personnel of the enterprise", a review of foreign and domestic experience of material incentives and the motivation system was carried out, recommendations were developed for improving the incentive and motivation system for ZKPD LLC.

1 . Theoretical foundations of SIsystems of motivation and material

incentivepersonnel management at the enterprise

1.1 Motivational proprocess:methods and methods of motivation

personnelat the enterprise

The labor activity of personnel in any organization is purposeful and motivated. Motivation in scientific and practical management is understood as the process of encouraging oneself and others to act in order to achieve their personal and general goals of the organization. The coincidence of personal and social goals serves as a scientific basis for personnel labor management at all enterprises and firms, since the choice and justification of a single production or economic goal is the first function of modern management, the main task of personnel at all levels of management.

The interaction of forms and systems of organization of labor and production in market relations is built, apparently, on the achievement of common economic goals. When planning and organizing the work of personnel, each manager determines what exactly the whole company should do, what, when and how this or that employee should do. If the choice and justification of decisions on the purpose of joint activities were made correctly and motivated, then any manager gets the opportunity to coordinate the efforts of his employees and make the best use of the potential of each employee and all staff. Thus, proper personnel management and good motivation create conditions not only for the successful achievement of the overall final goal of production, but also for the full labor productivity of all employees, the development of their creative activity and the satisfaction of both physical and spiritual needs.

The model of the production behavior of workers in the process of labor activity should take into account the impact not only of external factors on the part of one leader or the entire organizational environment, but also of many internal human motives. Involving in their work activities, each employee in any organization is interested not so much in the overall goals and results of work as in their personal needs.

Any worker in the conditions of market relations is primarily interested in many of his personal goals and objectives, costs and results: what he should do specifically and under what conditions, what physical and mental efforts will be required of him, what freedoms he should sacrifice in the name of a common cause , with what people and how he will have to interact, how his work will be evaluated and rewarded, how much he can personally receive for performing work or services, etc. Not only a person’s satisfaction with himself, his interaction with the organization, but also the motivation of his personal attitude to work, the amount of labor contribution to the overall production and financial results of the organization’s activities depend on this and a number of other factors. The combination of personal and social motives of human activity at domestic enterprises is one of the most important tasks of both personnel management and, in general, the entire production management.

Consequently, the motivation mechanism should become a central link in the system of organization and management of production at each enterprise. That is why in the domestic and foreign management of a person's motivation for work, an important place is given.

Depending on what goals motivation pursues, two types of motivation can be named: external and internal. External motivation is a kind of process of administrative influence or management: the manager entrusts the work to the performer, and he performs it. With this type of motivation, the manager needs to know what motives can induce a particular employee to do the job efficiently and on time: it can be either a normal pay or bonus, or a simple praise or other kind of moral encouragement. Internal motivation is a more complex process and involves the formation of a certain motivational structure of a person. In this case, a psychological way should be found to enhance the desirable qualities of the employee's personality and weaken negative factors, such as reducing the monotony of work, etc. This type of motivation requires much more effort, knowledge and abilities from the manager.

In production activities, both types of motivation closely interact. Intrinsic motivation is largely determined by the content or significance of the work itself. If this work interests the employee, allows him to realize his natural abilities and inclinations, then this in itself is the strongest motive for active labor activity. Along with this, a significant internal motive may be the significance of work for the development of certain qualities of a person, as well as the usefulness of this type of activity for a professional group of workers, etc.

Motivation of personnel at the enterprise is carried out by various methods: clarification, education, personal example, systems of rewards and punishments for employees, etc. Separate methods of motivation are usually called motivators (they can be applied to a person at any stage of his work activity). The degree of influence of the same motivator may vary depending on the time of its application. The impact of motivators on different categories of personnel may also be different: some people are better served by some methods, others by others. The greatest impact on all categories of personnel is provided by material incentives or incentives.

Incentives at the enterprise perform an important role as effective motivators or the main bearers of the interests of employees. Individual objects, the actions of other people, and many other values ​​that can be offered to an employee in compensation for his increased mental or physical efforts can act as incentives. Not all stimuli respond in the same way. The process of using incentives at different stages of the organization and management of production should also be different. Incentives have become most widespread in production units: those engaged in the manufacture of goods and their delivery to the market. Motivation and stimulation of personnel have a significant impact on the development of such important characteristics of their work as responsibility, diligence, diligence, perseverance, conscientiousness, etc. among employees. 5, p. 322

Consider ways to improve labor motivation. They are combined into several independent directions 6, p. 114:

a) Salary characterizing the assessment of the employee's contribution to the results of the enterprise. It should be comparable and competitive with wages at similar enterprises in the industry and the region.

The salary of an employee is determined depending on his qualifications, personal abilities and achievements in work and includes various additional payments and bonuses. Income from participation in profits and in the share capital of the enterprise is added to it.

b) Goals are the second most “powerful” means of increasing the labor motivation of an employee.


1) focus attention and efforts on certain areas;

2) can serve as a standard against which the results are compared;

3) a mechanism for justifying the cost of resources;

4) influence the structure of organizational systems;

5) reflect the deep motives of the individual and the organization.

The conducted studies revealed a number of results:

- when pursuing specific, clear and precise goals, the likelihood of strengthening the motivation to act in a given direction increases;

- when setting specific, clear and precise goals, the likelihood of strengthening the motivation to act in a given direction increases;

? difficult goals have a motivating effect in themselves, it is true that the condition must be met that the goal be accepted by the individual;

- a set of goals with a monetary reward enhances the effect.

c) Systems of intra-company benefits for employees of the enterprise:

1) subsidized and preferential meals, installation of vending machines for the sale of hot drinks and snacks at the enterprise;

2) selling the company's products to its employees at a discount (usually 10% or more);

3) full or partial payment of expenses for the employee's travel to and from the place of work;

4) providing its employees with interest-free loans or low-interest loans;

5) granting the right to use the company's transport;

6) payment of sick leaves above a certain level, health insurance of employees at the expense of the enterprise;

d) Non-material (non-economic) benefits and privileges for personnel:

1) granting the right to a flexible work schedule;

2) the provision of time off, an increase in the duration of paid leave for certain achievements and success in work;

3) earlier retirement.

e) Measures that increase the content of work, the independence and responsibility of the employee, stimulating his qualification growth.

Involving employees in the management of the enterprise also increases their motivation, since in this case the problem of their alienation from the enterprise and its managers is solved.

f) Creation of a favorable social atmosphere, elimination of status, administrative, psychological barriers between individual groups of employees, between ordinary employees and employees of the management apparatus, development of trust and mutual understanding within the team.

The formation of various informal, functional groups of workers (for example, quality circles), participation in which creates a sense of direct involvement in the affairs of their enterprise. Moral encouragement of employees.

g) Promotion of employees, planning their career, payment for training and advanced training.

In the process of labor activity of personnel, the main results of production and social and labor activity can be expressed by the volume, composition and quality of products, goods and services, working conditions, work safety and health of workers (morbidity), attitude to work, wage level, absenteeism and loss of working time, the number of conflicts, complaints, strikes and many other financial, economic and socio-labor factors and indicators. If an enterprise, organization or other system provides the expected level of such results for all its employees or members of labor collectives, then they have a motivated desire to make their personal and group professional contribution to this system at the level of their efforts and overall labor results that they consider acceptable or possible under given labor, motivational or market relations. The extent to which an organization or its subdivision motivatedly determines the functions and duties of an employee at a given wage depends on his perception of the goals of the system and the desire to provide the necessary or possible result 7, p. 402.

Thus, the theory and practice of motivation can contribute to the improvement of the organization of labor and production at domestic enterprises. Motivation serves as a solid foundation for results-based management. The transition to results-based management in the Russian economy means a large-scale process of increasing the labor productivity of all employees. The fundamental economic truth, which has remained unchanged for many centuries, is that the high personal contribution of each employee plays a crucial role in the successful operation of any organization. The foregoing means that the motivation of the labor activity of workers in modern production serves as the economic basis for the high labor efficiency of all categories of personnel 8.

1.2 The essence of remuneration as a factor in motivating staff

Money is the most obvious way an organization can reward employees. Conflicting estimates of the amount of money needed to motivate effective action date back to the dawn of human relations theory. Supporters of this theory argue that the social needs of people are of paramount importance, while supporters of the theory of scientific management argue that rewards of a material and economic nature necessarily lead to increased motivation 9, p. 223.

An inefficient remuneration system can cause dissatisfaction among employees (both in terms of the size and methods of determining and distributing remuneration), which always entails a decrease in labor productivity, a drop in quality, and a violation of discipline. Employees who are dissatisfied with compensation may enter into open conflict with the leaders of the organization, stop work, organize a strike, or leave the organization.

On the other hand, an effective compensation system stimulates the productivity of employees, directs their activities in the right direction for the organization, i.e. increases the efficiency of the use of human resources.

The stimulating role of money is especially effective when enterprises reward their employees depending on the performance of work and the achievement of specific results, and not on the time spent at the workplace 10, p. 308.

The main value of the compensation system is to stimulate the production behavior of the company's employees, directing it to achieve the strategic objectives facing it, in other words, to combine the material interests of employees with the strategic objectives of the organization.

Depending on the system of remuneration, the organization of wages at the enterprise, both the amount of wages and the assessment of the employee directly (although the latter will ultimately also be expressed in the amount of earnings) can act as a motivational stimulus. However, the assessment of the employee (the merits of the employee) with the subsequent determination of the amount of earnings is more preferable for workers than the indirect assessment (in the sequence: wages - merits of the employee). Therefore, the organization of wages with an assessment of merit plays a greater motivational role than payment without grades. Theoretically, in a private enterprise system, there should be an unambiguous relationship between what and how you do and how much you get for it. Pay and performance should be linked 11.

It must be borne in mind that the motivation of an employee, in the end, is associated with the general system of remuneration of a given organization, which can provide an almost unlimited variety of them, “connecting” to the system of labor intensification. At the same time, countless such events can occur in an organization that will “turn off” employees. In order for the activity of the organization to be highly productive, it is necessary that the degree of impact of "connecting" events be much more powerful than "disconnecting" ones.

One of the most powerful "connection" tools available to an organization is a pay and incentive program. Everyone who has worked with people knows that there are an almost unlimited number of factors and ways of influencing the motivation of a particular person. Moreover, the factor that today motivates a particular person to work intensively, tomorrow may contribute to the “switching off” of the same person. No one knows exactly how the motivation mechanism works, what strength the motivating factor should be and when it will work, not to mention why it works. All that is known is that the worker works for the sake of monetary remuneration and a set of compensatory and incentive measures. Monetary remuneration and other components of compensation provide the necessary conditions for the survival, development of the employee, spending his leisure time in the present, as well as confidence in the future, development and high quality of life in the future.

These components of compensation, of course, by no means can satisfy all the needs of the worker. At the same time, the organization provides its employees with literally hundreds of other rewards that can at times greatly enhance and complement the pay and incentive program and often meet needs that are beyond the power of this program 12.

To no lesser extent, the summary program of compensation measures of any organization can also characterize how this organization evaluates the significance of the work entrusted to this person and the results achieved by him. In this regard, it should be remembered that the value of any type of activity and the value of a person working in this position are two completely different things.

However, the current level of organization of wages does not allow us to draw conclusions about serious success in its target orientation, its use for the implementation of motivational policy.

In order for wages to meet the goals of the management strategy: the development of a sense of community among employees, their upbringing in the spirit of partnership, the rational combination of personal and public interests, a change in its motivational mechanism is required. Psychologically, and then economically, wages should aim the employee at a clear understanding of the relationship between the requirements of the enterprise, firm and his contribution to the final results, and as a result, the size of wages. Unfortunately, the economic orientation prevails in the modern organization of wages 13, p. 78.

And so, in order for wages to fulfill their motivating function, there must be a direct relationship between its level and the qualifications of the employee, the complexity of the work performed, and the degree of responsibility.

Under the system of remuneration is understood the method of calculating the amount of remuneration payable to employees of the enterprise in accordance with the labor costs they have incurred or according to the results of labor.

There are two wage systems: tariff and non-tariff 14, p. 82.

The tariff system makes it possible to measure various specific types of labor, taking into account their complexity and conditions of performance, i.e. take into account the quality of labor, and is the most common in Russian enterprises.

The most widespread in enterprises of various forms of ownership are two forms of remuneration:

1) piecework - payment for each unit of production or the amount of work performed. Piece rate wages (Rsd) is calculated by the formula (1.1):

Rsd \u003d Stch * Hvr, (1.1)

Hvr - the norm of time, h.

2) time-based - payment for hours worked, but not calendar, but normative, which is provided for by the tariff system. The time rate of wages is calculated by the formula (1.2):

Rpovr \u003d Stch * Ff, (1.2)

where Stch - hourly tariff rate;

Ff - actual hours worked.

Such forms of remuneration can be represented by systems (Figure 1).

At each specific enterprise, depending on the nature of the products manufactured, the availability of certain technological processes, the level of organization of production and labor, one or another form of wages is used. For example, piecework pay may be inefficient if only the piece-bonus or piece-progressive variant is used, but if a piece-rate system is used, efficiency increases.

Picture 1. ? Forms and systems of wages

In the conditions of remuneration according to tariffs and salaries, it is quite difficult to get rid of the leveling, to overcome the contradiction between the interests of an individual worker and the entire team. As a possible option for improving the organization and stimulating labor, we consider a tariff-free wage system, which has found application in many enterprises in the transition to market economic conditions. According to this system, the salary of all employees of the enterprise from the director to the worker is the share of the employee in the wage fund (payroll) or the entire enterprise or a separate unit. Under these conditions, the actual amount of wages of each employee depends on a number of factors:

- qualification level of the employee;

- coefficient of labor participation (KTU);

- actual hours worked.

The qualification level of an employee of an enterprise is set for all members of the labor collective and is determined as the quotient of dividing the actual salary of an employee for the past period by the minimum wage level established at the enterprise for the same period.

Then all employees of the enterprise are divided into ten qualification groups, based on the qualification level of employees and qualification requirements for employees of various professions. Each group has its own qualification level.

The system of qualification levels creates greater opportunities for material incentives for more skilled labor than the system of wage grades.

The qualification level of an employee may increase throughout his entire career. The issue of including specialists or a worker in the relevant qualification group is decided by the council of the labor collective, taking into account the individual characteristics of the worker.

The labor participation coefficient is set for all employees of the enterprise, including the director, and is approved by the council of the labor collective, which itself decides the frequency of determining the labor participation coefficient (once a month, quarterly, etc.) and the composition of indicators for calculating the labor participation coefficient.

Such a system changes the proportions of the payroll distribution at the same skill level, category. The earnings of some workers may increase, while the earnings of other workers may decrease. As a result, greater social justice is ensured in the distribution of earnings between workers, which cannot be achieved with a tariff system.

It should be noted that in a market economy, an important indicator of work is the volume of sales of products and services. Therefore, the higher the volume of sales, the more efficiently the enterprise works and wages can be adjusted depending on the volume of sales. This is especially effective for management personnel and support workers, since these two categories of employees of the enterprise are not so closely related to the volume of output 15.

The current pay-for-work systems have a number of shortcomings. The main drawback is that wages are badly, and often not at all, related to the final results of labor. The results of labor are collective, and payment is individual. To overcome this shortcoming, one of two things must be done: either individualize the results, or collectivize the wage system.

The first path is ruled out, since it is in principle impossible to separate the results from their collective nature. As, for example, enterprises that tried to split the collective interest into many private ones have lost stability and are now establishing certain forms of association. Among business executives, the understanding is being strengthened that the prospect is connected with collective systems of labor encouragement.

With regard to the remuneration system, the following shortcomings can be identified: the growth of remuneration is not associated with an increase in efficiency, the current system is not focused on cooperation, the remuneration system is not flexible.

Speaking about the fact that the current systems do not focus on collective cooperation, it implies a certain disunity of workers and, above all, those who are managed and managers.

Thus, when developing a motivation system at an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account all the variety of motivating factors, only then the personnel motivation system will be effective and contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals.

1.3 Materialstimulationhowthe foundationmotivation


motivation material incentives staff

The object of organizational behavior is the employees of organizations, represented by managers, specialists, employees of support services.

In turn, the employees of the organization are its main capital, since it is on them that the achievement of the goals of the organization depends. In order for employees to strive to achieve the goals of the organization, it is necessary that the organization, in turn, motivate them to do so. Motivation in this case refers to the process of encouraging oneself or others to act in order to achieve personal goals and (or) the goals of the organization.

One of the means by which motivation can be carried out is stimulation. Stimulation is the process of using various incentives to motivate people, where incentives act as levers of influence that cause certain motives to act.

In management practice, one of the most common forms of incentives is material incentives. The role of this form of stimulation is exceptionally great.

The essence of material incentives for employees is as follows 16:

This is the stimulation of high labor indicators of an employee;

This is the formation of a certain line of labor behavior of the employee, aimed at the prosperity of the organization;

This is the motivation of the employee to the fullest use of his physical and mental potential in the process of carrying out the duties assigned to him.

Therefore, incentives are aimed at motivating an employee to work effectively and efficiently, which not only covers the costs of the employer (entrepreneur) for organizing the production process, remuneration, but also allows you to get a certain profit. Whereas the profit received goes not only into the pocket of the employer (entrepreneur), but is used to pay taxes to the federal and local budgets, to expand production. Thus, stimulating the work of employees is not a private matter of a particular enterprise and organization, but plays an important role in the economic development of the country, in the prosperity of the national economy.

Material incentives have two main types, given the subject of need 17.

Financial incentives use cash as an incentive.

This includes payment according to tariffs and salaries, bonuses, bonus deductions, fines, etc. The object of need is money.

Material non-monetary incentives manage the object through material goods, which for some reason are difficult to purchase for money (housing, vouchers, other material goods), i.e.

The subject of need is a set of material goods vital for the object.

There are various forms of organization of material incentives.

The form of organization of incentives is understood as a way of interrelation of performance results and incentives. These forms can be distinguished according to various features. In particular:

According to the degree of awareness of the management object about the relationship between performance and incentives, there are anticipatory and reinforcing forms of stimulation;

By taking into account the result of the activity in determining the incentive: collective and individual;

By accounting for the deviation of the result of the activity from the norm: positive (only achievement or excess of the norm is evaluated) and negative (negative deviation from the norm is evaluated);

By the gap in time between the result and the receipt of the incentive: immediate (when there is no lag), current (the incentive lags behind the result by up to a year) and prospective (the incentive is given within a year from the achieved result);

According to the degree and nature of the specificity of the conditions for obtaining an incentive: general (there is no specificity in the evaluation of results), reference (an incentive is awarded for achieving a predetermined result), competitive (an incentive is awarded for a place taken).

Other principles can be singled out in the classification of incentive forms, but the ones listed are of the greatest practical importance.

Of all the listed forms of stimulation, let's focus on the first of the above - leading and reinforcing forms. Actually, all forms in their pure form are not used, but are used in a complex way. Nevertheless, certain features of each form can be distinguished. The difference between leading and reinforcing forms is the degree of awareness of the control object about the relationship between incentives and performance results. The advantage of the advanced form is: the ability to achieve a quick stimulating effect, high adaptability to encourage one-time actions of performers. Its drawback is the need to create detailed systems for measuring labor evaluation, developing incentive functions acceptable for the management object, which is practically impossible to implement for many types of activities. In addition, with this form, the object of stimulation is alienated from the activity and its results, as a result, instrumental motives for labor behavior are formed, a conflict between debt and profit is provoked (for example, a pieceworker will strive to produce only expensive parts and ignore cheap ones, etc.), deception 18, p. 103.

The reinforcing form of the organization of incentives is not capable, without the use of other levers, of giving a quick stimulating effect. It is designed for the multicyclic nature of the stimulation process, requires a higher maturity of social relations in the team, trust in the subject of control, awareness of the control object about the goals and objectives of the team, its prospects, etc.

This form of encouragement does not require the development of a special regulatory framework for incentives, makes all work equivalent, shifts the focus to the final results, the achievement of final goals. It is effective where it is impossible to express the results in formal terms (for example, in activities related to mercy).

It is the reinforcing form of incentives that is becoming predominant in modern conditions, although where it is economically justified, a leading form of incentives can also be used.

A person needs to be stimulated to high dedication. One of the tools is financial incentives.

Here the main ideological sense-forming principle is the idea of ​​justice. It signals how much the worker's labor resources are provided with psychological and material rewards. Those. the necessary prerequisites are formed for the psychological attitude of employees to work processes. The initial basis of the mood is the various options for remuneration.

There are various methods of remuneration and various models of compensation for the labor efforts of workers:

By precedent - the employer and the employer agree among themselves, using precedents of payment for the same position in other firms as an argument.

In terms of the volume of work, high wages imply increased requirements for qualifications, responsibility for the company's material assets, and even double responsibilities when combining positions. Thus, personnel services find a compromise with those applicants for positions who themselves overestimate both their real abilities and the amount of desired salaries.

According to the coefficient of utility, an employee hired for a particular position, such as a sales manager, is rated higher when he begins to expand his clientele or concludes particularly profitable deals. Remuneration, one-time and compensation payments are quite high for him and are assessed as fair.

According to the "closeness" of information - payment is determined by the extent to which the employee is in the zone of "closed" information, where trade secrets pose a danger to his life. If they threaten personal safety, then the payment increases for such risks.

On a special interest - the payment can be quite high if the employee comes from a competing company, having its own clientele or commercially valuable information.

According to dual qualifications - if an employee comes to the company with the qualifications of a lawyer and an accountant or an economist and psychologist, as well as a manager with knowledge of two or three languages, then the payment increases by a third or more.

The form of remuneration (direct, indirect, compensatory) can also be varied.

Currently, there are three forms of remuneration: piecework, time-based, mixed. Each of the forms includes several systems, which are selected in accordance with the specific conditions of production 19, p. 95.

Piecework wages are paid for the amount of output produced at established piece rates, which are determined on the basis of established hourly rates and norms of time (production). The piece-rate form of remuneration is divided into a number of systems: direct piece-rate, piece-bonus, piece-progressive, indirect, piecework.

Under the direct piecework system, labor is paid at rates per unit of output. The individual piece rate per unit of output or work is determined by multiplying the hourly wage rate established in accordance with the category of work performed by the norm of time per unit of output, or by dividing the hourly wage rate by the rate of output. products for the estimated time period.

Under the piece-bonus system, the worker is paid a bonus in addition to earnings at direct piece rates for the fulfillment and overfulfillment of previously determined specific quantitative and qualitative indicators of work. As a rule, no more than two or three main indicators and conditions for bonuses are set.

The piecework-progressive system of remuneration provides for payment at direct piece rates within the limits of the fulfillment of norms, and when working in excess of the norms, at increased rates. In this case, the payment system can be one, two or more steps.

The indirect piecework wage system is used mainly for workers employed in maintenance and auxiliary work (vehicle drivers, adjusters, repairmen, etc.). The amount of their earnings is directly dependent on the performance of the main pieceworkers served. The indirect piece rate is calculated taking into account the production rates of the workers served and their number.

Piece-rate system provides for payment of the entire scope of work. The cost of the entire work is determined based on the current norms and prices for individual elements of the work by summing them up.

Time wages are paid for the time actually worked at the tariff rate of the category assigned to the worker. Time wages are subdivided into simple time wages, time-bonus wages, and time wages with a normalized task.

With a simple time-based wage system, a worker's earnings are calculated as the product of the hourly (daily) wage rate of a worker of a certain category by the amount of time worked in hours (days).

With a time-based bonus system, the amount of the bonus is set as a percentage of the tariff rate for overfulfillment of the established indicators and bonus conditions. As conditions for bonuses, there may be defect-free manufacturing of products, savings in materials, tools, lubricants, etc.

The salary system is used mainly for managers, specialists and employees. The official salary is the absolute amount of wages and is set in accordance with the position held.

Mixed wage systems synthesize the main advantages of time and piecework wages and provide flexible linkage of the wages of the enterprise and individual workers. Such systems currently include tariff-free.

An empirical review of the forms of remuneration shows that it can be fair, based on the basic requirements for systems of material incentives, which should be simple and understandable to each employee, flexible (allowing you to immediately encourage each positive result of work), economically and psychologically justified by the size and time of payments (“more - less often” or “more often - less”), correct from the point of view of their perception by employees, increasing individual and group interest”, linked to private and general results of work. Everyone should see the “transparency” of the incentive system: what their mistakes can lead to, what successes lead to.

When creating a system of material incentives, one should proceed from the principles developed in management theory and applied in a market economy:






purposeful creativity.

Let us dwell on the essence of these principles.

The first principle is complexity. Complexity suggests that a comprehensive approach is needed, taking into account all possible factors: organizational, legal, technical, material, social, moral and sociological.

Organizational factors are the establishment of a certain order of work, the delimitation of powers, the formulation of goals and objectives. As already mentioned, the correct organization of the production process lays the foundation for further efficient and high-quality work.

Legal factors closely interact with organizational factors, which serve the purpose of ensuring the compliance of the rights and obligations of the employee in the labor process, taking into account the functions assigned to him. This is necessary for the proper organization of production and further fair incentives.

Technical factors imply the provision of personnel with modern means of production and office equipment. As well as organizational, these aspects are fundamental in the work of the enterprise.

Material factors determine specific forms of material incentives: wages, bonuses, allowances, etc. and their size.

Social factors involve increasing the interest of employees by providing them with various social benefits, providing social assistance, and participation of employees in the management of the team.

Moral factors represent a set of measures, the purpose of which is to ensure a positive moral climate in the team, the correct selection and placement of personnel, various forms of moral encouragement.

Physiological factors include a set of measures aimed at maintaining the health and improving the efficiency of employees. These activities are carried out in accordance with sanitary and hygienic, ergonomic and aesthetic requirements, which contain standards for equipping workplaces and establishing rational work and rest regimes.

All of these factors should be applied not individually, but in combination, which guarantees good results. It is then that a significant increase in efficiency and quality of work will become a reality.

The principle of complexity already in its name determines the implementation of these activities not in relation to one or several employees, but in relation to the entire team of the enterprise. This approach will have a much greater effect at the level of the entire enterprise.

The second principle is consistency. If the principle of complexity involves the creation of an incentive system, taking into account all its factors, then the principle of consistency involves the identification and elimination of contradictions between factors, their linking with each other. This makes it possible to create an incentive system that is internally balanced due to the mutual coordination of its elements and is able to work effectively for the benefit of the organization.

An example of consistency can be a system of material incentives for employees based on the results of quality control and evaluation of the employee's contribution, that is, there is a logical relationship between the quality and efficiency of work and subsequent remuneration.

The third principle is regulation. Regulation involves the establishment of a certain order in the form of instructions, rules, regulations and control over their implementation. In this regard, it is important to distinguish between those areas of activity of employees that require strict adherence to instructions and control over their implementation, from those areas in which the employee must be free in his actions and can take the initiative. When creating an incentive system, the objects of regulation should be the specific duties of an employee, the specific results of his activities, labor costs, that is, each employee must have a complete understanding of what is included in his duties and what results are expected from him.

The regulation of the content of the work performed by the employees of the enterprise should solve the following tasks 20:

Determining the work and operations that should be assigned to employees;

Providing employees with the information they need to perform the tasks assigned to them;

Distribution of work and operations between departments of the enterprise according to the principle of rationality;

Establishment of specific job responsibilities for each employee in accordance with his qualifications and level of education.

The regulation of the content of labor serves to increase the efficiency of the work performed.

Thus, we can say that regulation in matters of incentives plays a very important role, streamlining the incentive system at the enterprise.

The fourth principle is specialization. Specialization is the assignment to the divisions of the enterprise and individual employees of certain functions and works in accordance with the principle of rationalization. Specialization is an incentive to increase labor productivity, increase efficiency and improve the quality of work.

The fifth principle is stability. Stability implies the presence of an established team, the absence of staff turnover, the presence of certain tasks and functions facing the team and the order in which they are performed. Any changes occurring in the work of the enterprise must take place without disturbing the normal performance of the functions of a particular division of the enterprise or employee. Only then will there be no decrease in the efficiency and quality of the work performed.

The sixth principle is purposeful creativity. Here it is necessary to say that the system of material incentives at the enterprise should contribute to the manifestation of a creative approach by employees. This includes the creation of new, more advanced products, production technologies and designs of the equipment used or types of materials, and the search for new, more efficient solutions in the field of production organization and management.

When creating an incentive system in an enterprise, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of system flexibility. Flexible incentive systems allow the entrepreneur, on the one hand, to provide the employee with certain guarantees of receiving wages in accordance with his experience and professional knowledge, and on the other hand, to make the employee's remuneration dependent on his personal performance in work and on the results of the enterprise as a whole. .

Flexible incentive systems are now widely used in foreign countries with developed economies. Moreover, flexibility in remuneration is manifested not only in the form of additional individual supplements to wages. The range of flexible payments is quite wide. These include individual allowances for length of service, experience, level of education, etc., and collective bonus systems designed primarily for workers, and profit sharing systems designed for specialists and managers 21.

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