How to sleep after a sleepless night. How to cheer up after a sleepless night

Sleep is necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. There are situations when, after a sleepless night, you need to be "in shape" throughout the next day. It is very difficult to stay awake if you have not slept all night the night before. How to do it, what to do?

How not to fall asleep if you want to sleep?

Each organism lives according to its own biological rhythm. When the time comes for rest, sleep, unbearable fatigue rolls over, heaviness on the whole organism. At this point, it seems that there is no way to cope with drowsiness.

It turns out that such a state of a sharp decline in strength lasts an average of 20 minutes for a person, and then a surge of energy occurs.

How to survive this third of an hour - just sitting will not work. You need to do something, deceive the body, i.e. do something that is usually not done during this period.

For example, perform a few exercises, the most simple. Over the millions of years of the existence of the human body, it has been transmitted at the gene level that activity at the “inappropriate” time is a danger. All forces are mobilized, and drowsiness instantly disappears. There is a myth that coffee invigorates for a long time and keeps you awake.

This is not the case, or rather, the opposite is true. A cup of coffee will help in the first 15-20 minutes, caffeine is quickly absorbed and blood pressure rises. Further, after 40-50 minutes, you will be drawn to sleep even more strongly. This is because coffee contains substances that can lower blood pressure. In a dream will pull with renewed vigor. Although everyone is different, a cup of coffee affects each person differently.

How not to sleep a day (24 hours), two are the best ways

Instead of coffee, green tea is the most suitable invigorating drink. Both drinks contain the same amount of caffeine, but tea also contains theanine. Combined with caffeine, it gives an invigorating effect.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises borrowed from yogis. You need to take a breath and exhale sharply. Perform the exercise 10 times. These actions warm up, affect the gland that affects the circadian rhythms responsible for "sleep-wakefulness".

Turn on bright lights

You can deceive the body by turning on the light not only in the room where you are, but throughout the entire room. In this case, the brain will be deceived, because it is more difficult to fall asleep during the day. This remedy will also help you feel more energized after a sleepless night and on a cloudy day.

Cold in the room

If you did not sleep all night, how to help the body not sleep the next day - here is another recipe. A stuffy, warm room causes a feeling of drowsiness, therefore, in order to feel a surge of energy, it is necessary to ventilate the room.

Freeze the body, coolness will drive away sleep, make you do more movements - all this interferes with the sleepy state. The brain in such a situation is activated, there is a surge of energy.

Take a cool shower

A contrast shower will help to cheer up. This remedy is not recommended if alcohol was taken at night, as the vessels in this state are dilated and should not be strained. In this case, it is better to take a warm bath.

You can recharge your batteries for 3-4 hours by making a coffee scrub in the shower. The procedure will help get rid of a sleepy state - rinse your wrists with cold water or just wash your face vigorously.

Do not overeat at night. Skip sweets for a light meal

Here the advice may be different, depending on the specific organism. For some, it is better to eat nothing before a sleepless night. In any case, dinner should be light. Sweets are not recommended.

High-calorie, fatty foods are undesirable. The body spends a lot of energy on digesting food, and this causes a feeling of drowsiness. The feeling of hunger, on the contrary, invigorates.

Drink coffee and energy drinks, but in small portions

It is believed that drinking a cup will help to cheer up. But, as mentioned above, the effect will be temporary. There is a proven sleep + coffee system. After drinking a cup of drink, you should try to fall asleep immediately for a quarter of an hour. During this micro-sleep, the body is recharged with energy.

The most important thing in this system is not to oversleep longer, because after 90 minutes another stage of deep sleep will come.

Interrupting it, a person will feel even more overwhelmed. This is a controversial method, since not everyone will be able to fall asleep during this period. Experts who study human sleep at a professional level are also skeptical about such a remedy for drowsiness. Perhaps this will help someone - everyone is individual.

How can you stay awake if you haven't slept all night? try energy drinks.

In this case, you need to be careful. Be sure to read the composition of the energy. The source of energy is caffeine, which is as much in a jar as in the same volume of coffee (80-100 mg). The second component of energy is glucose and sucrose. But further, in the composition there may be additional ingredients that must be considered.

Let's consider some:

  • Taurine- the norm for a person is 400 mg per day (there can be up to 1000 mg in a jar), its harmlessness has not been proven;
  • L-carnitine and glucuronolactone- these substances in the human body are contained in the required amount and help with stress. In energy drinks, the dose of these substances is tens, and sometimes hundreds of times higher than the norm, and the consequences of such an amount have not been studied so far;
  • Ginseng extract in large quantities can cause unwanted changes in blood pressure, there is a feeling of anxiety

If you opted for an energy drink, then look at the composition and remember that you should not abuse it. And if you decide to cheer up with taurine, look in which products it is contained in order to supply the body with just them.

Strong tea

Tea also contains caffeine, in combination with thiamine, it acts softer and longer. There is more of it in green than in black. Experts do not recommend drinking tea before bedtime, as the pulse quickens, blood flows faster through the vessels and it is not easy for the body to fall asleep in this state.

Better to chew gum

To drive away sleep, you can chew chewing gum, for example, with menthol. In this case, it is important not what to chew, but the process itself. The brain prepares to digest food and the pancreas secretes insulin, the whole body is awake.

Walks and exercise

A good helper to relieve drowsiness are any simple exercises for vivacity and energy. Do the simplest ones: head turns, squats, jumps in place, etc. This will accelerate the blood, improve the flow of oxygen, the body receives additional energy.

This simple complex will help to quickly invigorate the body and mind.

Switch from the main activity to a more interesting one

If you need to work during the day, how not to sleep if you haven’t slept all night. An effective way is to periodically switch from the main type of work to doing something more interesting. It may be a hobby that will drive away sleep.

For women who work from home, cleaning is a great way to cheer up. Each person chooses for himself what kind of activity is suitable for raising energy.

Listen to loud and energetic music

In order not to fall asleep, you can turn on the music. It should not be loud and annoying. It is better that the music is not well-known, and the words are hard to make out.

Then the brain is forced to turn on and start working, because music affects certain parts of the brain.

Create an inconvenience

Work, after a sleepless night, create inconvenience for yourself. In a relaxed position, sitting comfortably, you can quickly fall asleep. It is better to sit on a hard chair, because experiencing discomfort, it is unlikely that you will be able to fall asleep.


Massaging some points will help get rid of a sleepy state. Massage: the crown, the back of the neck, the earlobe, the point between the index finger and the thumb, and the area below the knee. Massage treatments relieve tension and improve blood circulation.


If you didn’t sleep all night, and during the day you need to be in good shape, then there are many ways to not sleep. One of them is a strong smell. It can be pleasant or, on the contrary, disgusting.

Rosemary, eucalyptus, and mint oils are used in aromatherapy to calm the nervous system. You can just smell the coffee beans.

Find a thrilling experience: watching comedy or horror

One way to relieve drowsiness is to watch a comedy or some kind of video with a funny plot, or a scary movie. It is desirable to watch sitting, and not lying in bed. Perhaps this will give energy to the body and for some time it will become easier to endure the consequences of a sleepless night.


This does not mean that you should tickle yourself under the armpits. You need to do this with the tip of the tongue, along the upper palate. Oddly enough, this is an effective way to get rid of drowsiness.

Find company to stay awake

If you have to stay awake in the company, then it will be much easier to remove the sleepy state. You can chat, remember funny stories, or discuss some kind of joint event. Or you can just argue about something.

Internet disputes in social networks or forums

Social media can help relieve drowsiness when alone. You can enter into a dispute by finding a suitable topic, which on the Internet, great amount.

How to stay up all night and be awake in the morning for work

How to try not to sleep in the morning if you haven't slept all night? It is necessary to prepare for the working day in the morning. If time permits, you can sleep for an hour and a half. This will help the body relieve stress, improve physical condition. You need to get up immediately, do not let the body relax.

Aromas of juniper, citrus, coffee help to quickly cheer up.

You can put a few drops of aromatic oil on a handkerchief, and use it during the day if you suddenly begin to overcome drowsiness.

The next thing to do is recharge. It will help activate all body systems, invigorate and improve physical condition. A contrast shower will help add energy.

This little stress will help the release of adrenaline, the brain will receive an additional rush of blood, and the whole body will be filled with energy. Water procedures will finally wash away lethargy and sleepiness, and bright light will tell the body that the night is over.

How to cheer up without coffee and energy drinks

A night spent without sleep should end with breakfast. It is desirable that food energizes the body. For example, oatmeal with the addition of berries or fruits. You can include cottage cheese, hard cheese, eggs in breakfast. If you do not have time to have breakfast, then have a snack with any nuts. A good tonic effect gives green tea.

When brewing, it must be remembered that the tea leaves should not be kept for more than 2 minutes, since then tea can give the opposite calming effect. Dark chocolate and well-brewed coffee will invigorate, relieve stress, and improve your mood. Coffee should not be abused, a large amount can adversely affect the nervous system.

In public transport, a short nap will help restore strength, a run to the workplace will finally wake up the body. A night without rest reduces attention and perception of information.

By 10 o'clock in the morning the body is fully adapted and can be included in the work. By 13-14 hours, drowsiness again begins to roll over the body. You can sleep for 20 minutes during lunch, drink coffee.

If there is no way to sleep at the workplace, then the following tips will help:

  • Do some simple exercises;
  • Run up the stairs several times;
  • Wash, ventilate the room, if possible, lower the temperature in the room;
  • You can eat something light: an apple, a sandwich, chocolate;
  • Try to keep a straight posture - this allows you to maintain a cheerful state;
  • Distract yourself with something pleasant or playful.

The next stage of drowsiness occurs at 18-19 hours. If you have not slept all night, it is very difficult not to sleep during this period. How to overcome drowsiness - try to sit out this time and then the next night will become a real rest for the soul and body.

  • Get some sleep the night before;
  • Try to reduce the load, physical, including;
  • Eat a little at night, exclude high-calorie foods. You can eat a piece of chocolate, some fruit.

9 exercises to keep you energized throughout the day

Who does not know the feeling when in the morning you want to stretch and stretch the muscles that have become stiff during the night. The body needs to warm up before a full day of work. Therefore, you need to make it a rule to do exercises in the morning. In addition, such simple exercises will help relieve fatigue and drowsiness.

Benefits of exercising for alertness and energy:

Charging for vivacity and energy will help you wake up. Light intensive movements will make the heart pump blood faster, which will give a surge of vigor, and the remnants of sleep will disappear.

  1. The tone and mood will rise. Exercises should not be heavy and pleasant, then the brain will begin to produce hormones of happiness, which will immediately affect the mood. But it is so important to start the day with a smile and a positive attitude.
  2. Charging promotes weight loss by accelerating the metabolism, helping to burn more calories, which leads to the loss of excess fat.
  3. By doing exercises, willpower is trained. After all, for example, in the morning you really want to soak up a little longer in a warm bed.
  4. Charging helps to strengthen the immune system. Starting the day right helps the body fight infections and keeps the body youthful.

Having understood why warming up the body is so important, consider a few simple exercises:

Performing these simple exercises every morning or afternoon, you will feel a surge of strength and vigor for the whole day.

How to keep children awake (if necessary at night during a flight)

It is more difficult to force a child not to sleep. This happens in rare cases. For example, you will be flying for the first time with a child. If he is at the age when he is able to understand, then you can pre-prepare. To do this, you need to tell what an airplane is, how interesting it is.

It is necessary to arouse interest in the upcoming flight. In flight, so that the child does not fall asleep, you can allow him what is forbidden in ordinary life.

For example, play computer games on a tablet longer, watch cartoons. In between games, you can let the child walk around the salon (of course, when it is allowed). It is necessary to change entertainment so that the child switches from one activity to another.

How not to fall asleep while driving

Experienced truck drivers know several ways to stay awake on the road. Consider the main ones that will help those who rarely go on a long journey.

  • Conversation with a fellow traveler. It is desirable that one of the passengers should follow the driver and have conversations with him. Brain scientists claim that interesting conversation stimulates brain activity. In this situation, the main thing is not to get too carried away with the conversation, to follow the road. If suddenly a fellow traveler starts to doze off or falls asleep, it is better to transfer him to the back seat, because. the sight of a sleeping person, like a yawning one, is transmitted as a chain reaction;
  • It is recommended to listen to loud music while driving. It is believed that it should be rhythmic, invigorating. It is advisable to sing along, since at this moment more air enters, the body is saturated with oxygen. While singing, remembering the words, you make your brain work, which means you won’t be able to fall asleep;
  • Many truck drivers on the road click seeds. The process of brushing and chewing distracts from sleep. You can gnaw on a carrot or eat an apple - this is a more wholesome and healthy food. Sour lollipops have an "anti-drowsy" effect. If there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then as soon as you want to sleep, you can put a piece of lemon in your mouth or just smell it. This tool is used by many professionals. The smell of lemon stimulates the hypothalamus, which is responsible for concentration in critical situations;
  • Energetic drinks. As a liquid, everyone chooses what helps him not to fall asleep. Coffee comes first, everyone has their own dose. According to experienced drivers, caffeine lasts an hour and a half, and it is advised to add lemon to coffee. It contains glycolic acid, which has a tonic effect. You can use, with caution, such tonics: tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus and others. Some experienced drivers suggest drinking a glass of cold juice to relieve drowsiness. After all, warm liquids soothe, and cold ones activate all processes in the body;
  • You can change the position of the seat back. During the movement, try to strain and relax the muscles of the arms and legs, massage the ears, stretch the neck. It is very useful to stop once an hour and do a few simple exercises;

Useful products for energy

To relieve fatigue and get energy, the body needs, in addition to various procedures, special tonic products.


One of the causes of fatigue is dehydration. You need to drink plain cold water, especially in the morning. Black and green teas contain caffeine and thiamine, which are well toned and invigorated.

Fruit teas are enriched with vitamins. Citrus juices are rich in vitamin C, and their smell stimulates brain activity.


Various nuts will help to recharge your batteries. It is better to choose cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts. It is not recommended to abuse the amount for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Meat, eggs


For a complete energy breakfast, oatmeal with a little raisins or nuts is perfect.

apples and banana

In addition to vitamins, this fruit contains the substance quercetin or flanovol. It makes the muscles produce more energy. The banana contains a large amount of potassium, which is responsible for the nervous system. Eaten banana is able to energize the body for several hours.

Drugs from a pharmacy that promote wakefulness

At the pharmacy, you can buy adaptogens - these are herbal remedies that help counteract external influences, increase stress resistance.

In addition to vitamin complexes for vivacity and energy, of which there are many, among the safe natural adaptogens are the following herbs:

  • Ginseng root- has a stimulating effect during physical and mental stress. The effect of the drug comes immediately. Before use, you should consult your doctor about the dosage. Ginseng is available in tablets, granules, extracts and tinctures;
  • Chinese lemongrass allows you to relieve fatigue, fill the body with energy. To achieve the desired result, you must drink the full course, clearly following the instructions;
  • Eleutherococcus can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of a tincture or extract. Even after one application, the tone increases. After a full course, fatigue decreases;
  • Rhodiola Rosea also called "golden root". It is believed that this is an alternative to anabolics, for active people. Apply after studying the instructions, strictly following the recommendations

Consequences of a sleepless night

Anyone feels overwhelmed after a sleepless night. This is not surprising, because the biological rhythm is disturbed, and the following violations are also possible:

Poor memory and poor concentration

During sleep, the body is cleansed of harmful substances accumulated during the day. Therefore, due to a sleepless night, the purification process is disrupted. Scientists compare the effects of a night without sleep to a concussion. The same symptoms: tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, loss of concentration.

high stress level

After several nights without sleep, the human body is under stress. If there is no normal rest, then you can get a high level of stress. In this state, a person becomes irritable, there is a feeling of constant fatigue, sleep disappears. Such a person is deprived of pleasure, he does not even notice what is good that is happening around.

Weakened immune system

As a result of constant lack of sleep - weak immunity, a person often gets sick, there is a feeling of constant fatigue and overwork. Therefore, if you have not slept all night, it is important not only to know how not to sleep, but also how to recover from a sleepless night.

At night, the human body recovers after a hard day, cells and tissues are cleansed. Good sleep is incredibly important for the normal functioning of all human organs.

If you sometimes have to work at night, then it is important to know how to recover and not neglect the advice of medical specialists. Be aware of the negative effects of lack of sleep. You should take care of your body, because a good sleep for him is the main thing.

Useful video clips on how you can fight sleep

In life, there are situations when the daytime is completely not enough to complete an urgent matter, and in order to complete it, you have to sacrifice sleep. But, when you had to prepare a quarterly report all night, or “stay” at a party, or the child did not let you fall asleep until the morning, or just a banal thing happened, the person does not suspect what awaits him. What is the morning after a sleepless night? This is a line of empty coffee cups, a feeling of victory over oneself and the revenge of the body for disturbing the sleep and wakefulness regimen.

The state of not sleeping all night can be compared to the consequences of drinking a fair portion of alcohol. The reaction speed decreases, any incoming information is perceived with difficulty. Attention and coordination at a minimum. In a word, it is better not to deceive nature. But what if this situation has already happened? How to get through the day, how not to want to sleep after a sleepless night?

How to feel refreshed if you haven't slept all night

Consider some "experienced tips".

1. Try to make a deal with the body. Well, let it be, you did not manage to rest the time necessary for every healthy person. But you can set aside ten minutes to recuperate a little. According to scientists, such a short sleep can also be beneficial and partially restore energy. In any case, you will feel somewhat kinder than if you did not sleep at all. 2. Without getting out of bed (if you did manage to get to it), do the exercise "scissors" and "bike". This will provide a rush of blood to the limbs and it will be much easier to rise. Inhale any citrus aroma from essential oils several times (in especially severe cases - ammonia), then take a cold shower. This will speed up the metabolic processes, and you will feel a surge of energy.

3. Drink any drink that contains caffeine, whether it's regular coffee or green tea, and you need to drink small portions, but often. Thus, you will increase your own activity for 2-3 hours. And this is already a lot. Just be careful, such experiments, if carried out regularly, will adversely affect your well-being. You can use this advice only if necessary. Remember that the body needs proper rest, not its substitute. 4. Ventilate the room, turn on the air conditioner in the summer - the heat relaxes. Fresh, cool air will help you stay awake. You can wash your face with ice water or fill a towel with ice and apply it to active points (pulsating zones). 5. Turn on the lights, especially when it comes to those seasons when the sun sets early and rises late. It has been proven that a person feels more alert and cheerful when he receives enough light.

6. Eat. Now is the time to support the body and replenish its reserves with useful substances. Just do not load it with fatty and smoked foods, it is better to opt for fruits or dairy products. Remember - a sleepy body will provoke you to consume extra calories, so it is important to eat foods from the concept. 7. Stock up on fragrant plates. Chewing gum not only helps keep your breath fresh, but also keeps you awake. 8. Work. It is desirable that the activity be varied and encourage movement. Monotonous sitting in front of the monitor screen encourages sleep more than the work of a teacher working with children. If you are in a sedentary job, watch your posture and do not let your spine relax.

9. Talk. By talking with other people, you are distracted from obsessive thoughts and remain active. But it is worth suspending communication and drowsiness will again begin to insidiously envelop you. 10. Do not drive a car, ask to be driven to your destination or use public transport. Being in a state of scattered attention, you put at risk not only yourself, but also those around you. You should also not take on responsible work that requires a high concentration of attention, it is better to postpone it. Otherwise, you cannot avoid mistakes.

Using the above tips, you should know that all these methods only delay the desire to fall asleep, but do not neutralize it at all.

If you managed to cheer up and survive the day after a sleepless night, be sure to thank your body for such endurance, give it the opportunity to sleep. This will be compensation for the forced overwork. Sleep is important for the body like food and water, try not to knock down your biorhythm in the future and think over your work schedule more carefully.

Can a person go without sleep? Maybe, but not for long. It is impossible to completely get rid of this habit. Sleep is important for restoring the nervous system, a kind of "reboot" of the brain. On average, experts recommend sleeping at least 7-8 hours a day. In this mode, the body has time to recover and gain strength for a new day.

But life is life. And almost every person has situations when the cherished 7-8 hours of sleep remain an unattainable dream. And sometimes it even becomes necessary to spend the night without sleep. And here the question comes to the fore: how to cheer up after a sleepless night? And we will talk about this in more detail in our article. And I immediately want to warn readers: we are talking about a kind of extreme situation for the body, in which there is no room for experiments. If you do not know how, for example, coffee affects you, we do not recommend finding it out in such a difficult period.

How not to want to sleep after a sleepless night

So the night has passed. Morning has come. Your body is telling you it's time to rest. What to do?

The ideal option is to just go to bed. At least for half an hour. Only sleep can fully restore the body's strength and invigorate for the rest of the day. However, it is not always possible to afford such a luxury. Therefore, the task is to stimulate the body and maintain tone throughout the day. The main thing is to do it as efficiently as possible, but at the same time it is safe for health.

So, how to cheer up after a sleepless night:

  • hygiene procedures;
  • physical exercise;
  • music;
  • food and drinks;
  • aromatherapy;
  • activity during the day.

Now more about each of the methods.

Air and water

The simplest thing you can do to ward off sleep is to wash your face with cool water. Gives great energy, but the effect does not last long.

If time permits, it is better to take a shower. In this case, you can use a refreshing shower gel, for example with menthol or citrus fruits. Fortunately, their choice today is more than sufficient.

Be sure to get some fresh air. If possible, you can go outside or at least to the balcony. There is no way - just ventilate the room. Fresh air is rich in oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the brain, which eventually “agrees” to work for some more time.

If health permits and there is a positive experience, a cold or contrast shower will help well (it is better to complete it with a cold phase to consolidate the effect), wiping (including snow), dousing with cold water. These procedures arrange a kind of shake-up of the body, forcing it to use hidden reserves and not pay attention to fatigue.

Exercise stress

Exercise after a sleepless night is a good way to cheer up, spur your body to continue working as usual. The main thing here is not to overdo it. The main goal is to stimulate the body, not to set new records.

Regular morning exercises - that's what you need to do after a sleepless night in the first place. Charging perfectly kneads the muscles and increases their tone. Also, a walk in the fresh air will give strength. Better yet, go for a run.

If there is an opportunity to swim in the pool in the morning, then it is better not to put it off until later. Swimming is both a physical activity and a water procedure. And the road to the pool and back is, after all, a walk in the fresh air.

By the way, adrenaline rush relieves drowsiness well. However, we do not recommend in this state to engage in extreme sports or to tickle your nerves in any other way. Definitely for these purposes, you should not tease the neighbor's dog or aggressively drive a car.


Each of us has our own musical preferences. Some compositions invigorate and tone us, some, on the contrary, calm us down. If the previous actions are performed under groovy tracks, then the efficiency will increase several times.

By the way, when choosing music in this situation, it’s better not to experiment, discovering new performers, but to collect a playlist of proven songs that are guaranteed to make the whole body work to the beat.


Not everyone can boast of excellent appetite after a night without sleep. Usually, drowsiness, mild nausea, and the aftertaste of several cups of coffee drunk during the night do not really cause a desire to eat anything. However, breakfast is a must. To work all day in "emergency mode", the body must draw energy from somewhere.

Another question: what to eat for breakfast after a sleepless night to cheer up, and not want to sleep even more? There is a simple rule here: more protein and fruits (especially citrus fruits), less fat and sugar. Fried eggs with meat - an excellent protein breakfast. Also, fish, legumes, cereal cereals, muesli will do well as a source of protein. Fruit salad or juice is a great addition.

But fatty foods and sweets should be avoided. After these products, drowsiness will only increase, and it will be quite difficult to overcome it.


Of course, how to cheer up after a sleepless night without coffee? It is worth considering here that coffee affects all people in different ways. Someone invigorates and tones, and someone calms and relaxes. This also needs to be taken into account. By the way, the beginning of the second day without sleep is quite a good reason to increase the dose of coffee by one and a half times.

Also, do not forget that after a hard day, evening will come, promising the opportunity to go to bed earlier, so it is undesirable to drink coffee in the afternoon. Caffeine is excreted from the body for a long time, and this can provoke insomnia against the background of already accumulated fatigue. To maintain tone, you can use green tea.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to energy drinks. On the one hand, they tone up and invigorate due to the content of a large amount of caffeine and sugar. However, the same sugar can cause significant harm to the body. Therefore, we recommend avoiding them.


Aromatherapy will be a great addition to the already described methods of activating the body after a sleepless night. Mint, menthol, citrus fruits stimulate the nervous system well and set you in a working mood. Essential oils, shampoos and shower gels can also be used for this. In a pinch, lollipops or chewing gum with the appropriate flavor are also suitable.

How to stay awake during the day after a sleepless night

Fine. In the morning we cheered up. But there is still a whole day ahead, and the desire to sleep at least a little more than once will return. If it is not possible to allocate at least 15-20 minutes for a short daytime sleep, then you will have to continue to customize your body. For this, the same methods apply as in the morning. Periodic breaks for exercise, walking, washing, coffee. The same principles apply to nutrition with only one caveat: it is better to eat more often, but in small portions. Firstly, in this mode, you can protect yourself from overeating (and overeating will cause such drowsiness that it will simply be pointless to fight it). Secondly, the constant feeling of slight hunger sobers up the body and makes it work more efficiently. But is this what we need?

By the way, dedication to the work being done also well pushes back sleep and makes the body work more efficiently. It is necessary to try to find positive aspects in the process of solving the problem. It is also important not to relax during the day. You need to constantly occupy yourself with the performance of certain actions, solving problems, and so on. The active work of the brain will help drive away drowsiness.

Following our advice, you can not only understand how to cheer up after a sleepless night, but also how to maintain this state for the whole day. Of course, after such a “marathon” it is necessary to get enough sleep, because after the second such night it will be much more difficult to tone your body. In order to go to bed earlier in the evening after a hard day, you can take a soothing bath, listen to calm music, you can turn on some kind of calm movie or just TV. This will help to relax the nervous system and plunge into a sound and healthy sleep. Because there is no better way to recover from a sleepless night than to make up for lost sleep.

At the end of each month at work, you have to work hard even at night in order to receive a long-awaited bonus and submit a monthly report. Every year, night work brings more and more discomfort, and the next day I really want to sleep, but I really want to do everything, to realize my plans. Are there effective ways to cheer up if you have not slept all night, feeling great the next day? Maxim V., 27 years old

Throughout a person's life, the biological clock is constantly changing. If as a teenager it was possible to surf the Internet all night long, chat with friends until the morning, go to nightclubs and feel great the next day, then with age the body's priorities are aligned in favor of a healthy night's sleep. A person has responsibility, life plans, worldview change.

At night, the body restores strength for the next day, this is a natural feature of any person. Activity at night is an unnatural state, so the body strongly resists such wakefulness, I really want to sleep. There is nothing wrong with episodic lack of sleep, but if such a condition is frequent, the body reacts to inadequate sleep with emotional and mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system, insomnia, decreased immunity, and diseases of many internal organs and systems.

Ways to quickly cheer up

To improve performance, experts recommend resorting to the following effective methods.

shower and chill

A contrast shower helps not only to cheer up, but also to activate the nervous system, improve lymph flow, and normalize metabolic processes. The shower should start with warm water and end with cool. Showers that are too cold can lead to colds. The body must be thoroughly wiped with a towel, so blood flow normalizes. You should go out into a cool, but not cold, room that can be pre-ventilated.

yoga exercises

An exercise in hatha yoga to relieve tension and excessive sleepiness is called Kapalbhati. Sit comfortably with your back straight. Then you should inhale deeply and exhale noisily through the nasal passages. Inhalations should be done spontaneously, but exhalations should be deliberate, deep. Such breathing exercises affect a special pineal gland (pineal gland) - a segment of the brain responsible for the rhythm of wakefulness and sleep.

Bright light, uncomfortable conditions

At work, you need to choose a hard chair, turn on bright lights, and provide fresh air. In the presence of an easy chair, the temptation to sit comfortably and fall asleep will always prevail. Bright lighting will give the brain a signal about the onset of the working day, coolness will provoke the activation of blood flow, energy costs for thermoregulation.

Physical activity

Morning jogging, gymnastics, intensive exercises at home - all this allows you to disperse the blood, provide organs and tissues with the necessary nutrition, oxygen. According to some studies, 20 minutes of intensive walking gives strength to almost 2.5 hours of routine work.


In the morning, you should not remain hungry or oversaturate the body with sausages, bread, meat products. Suitable fermented baked milk, kefir, fruits, vegetables, hot. You can eat a bar of dark chocolate, hazelnut kernels or walnuts.


Mints, chewing gum, peppermint leaves are natural. The process of chewing activates the work of the brain, concentrates attention. Mint stimulates appetite, which also contributes to the vigor of the body.

morning sex

During sexual intercourse, the hormones oxytocin and serotonin are synthesized, which contribute to vigorous activity, normalize general well-being, and eliminate headaches. Such sex should be with a loved one with a short foreplay. The mood for the whole day will improve significantly.

Acupuncture massage

Acupressure on individual points will help to influence sleep and energy receptors. You can rub your ears, palms, feet, temples and nose. It is on these parts of the body that the nerve endings are located, which invigorate with impending drowsiness.


Citrus smells, mint, rosemary activate attention, cheerfulness and a sense of confidence. The aroma of bergamot essential oil provides the body with a positive charge, energy for the whole day. Citrus oils not only give good spirits, but also stabilize the nervous system.

All these methods are effective if you had to spend one sleepless night.

No methods can cheer up if a person has not slept for more than two nights in a row. Such deterioration of the body can lead to an emotional breakdown, nervous disorders, serious disorders of the epigastric organs, blood vessels and heart.

What to do if you need to drive?

If after a sleepless night there is a need to drive, it is better to call a taxi or use public transport. This will reduce the risk of accidents with the most negative consequences for the driver and others. If there are no other options, then you should know how to cheer up while driving:

    stops every 30 minutes;

    constant chewing (raisins, peanuts, peeled seeds);

    A/C on or windows open.

If it is possible to avoid self-driving, it is better to do so.

How to cheer up at work if you want to sleep?

Many mistakenly believe that coffee invigorates and normalizes the condition for the whole day. Medicine classifies such a thesis as mythical. Studies have shown that green tea is the best activator of vitality and vigor. Caffeine changes the parameters of blood pressure, pulse, and heartbeat. After green tea, effective drinks are:

    cocoa with orange juice:

    fresh juices;

    grapefruit juice with mint;

    carrot juice with cream and ginger.

It is important to choose the right teas, avoiding those that lower blood pressure too much. High-quality varieties will provide not only a boost of energy, but also give health to the body.

You can’t take energy drinks, a cocktail of cool coffee and Coca-Cola, alcohol, use drugs containing adrenaline for vigor. All these measures can dramatically worsen a person's condition, up to the most unpredictable consequences against the background of a tired body. After a day at work, it is very important to go to bed early and have a good rest.


Experience an acute shortage of time and try to solve the problem in different ways. Someone reduces the hours spent on favorite friends and hobbies, and someone is visited by the thought: "And if you don't sleep all night?" What will happen in this case, we will consider further.

Healthy sleep duration

First of all, let's remember how long healthy sleep should last. For an adult, its duration is 6-8 hours, but it all depends on the characteristics of the organism. There are also people who need a 5-hour rest. Children tend to sleep longer, but with age, its duration decreases.

Reasons for not getting enough sleep at night

1. Physiological features.

Thus, the lack of a night's rest can really become a serious problem for the body. Insomnia will definitely affect a person's health. It’s better not to test yourself for strength, not to ask yourself the question: “And if you don’t sleep all night, what will happen?” - and to allocate enough time for regular sleep at the prescribed hours.



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