How to develop and increase endurance while running, a technique of continuous improvement. Effective ways to increase the body's endurance during running and physical activity Gradual increase in mileage

We analyze the important question of how to increase endurance when running. Why this is necessary is clear to everyone. How to achieve this - there are several ways.

Physiology of endurance in a nutshell

The only universal source of energy for all body cells is the ATP molecule. These molecules are formed as a result of the breakdown of chemicals, which occurs with the participation of oxygen (aerobic decay pathway) and without it (anaerobic pathway).

During exercise, an aerobic mechanism is launched inside the muscle cell. Then, if an increase in the intensity and duration of contractions follows, an anaerobic process starts with the formation of lactic acid (you feel a burning sensation in the muscles).

All biochemical processes are highly adaptive; through systematic training, they change to provide the muscle with energy in accordance with the load received.

Another important component of the muscle cell is creatine. It is a source of energy for the muscles. It is synthesized in our body from the food we eat, on average, its amount in the human body ranges from 100-140 grams. Approximately 2 grams of creatine is consumed per day.

Without creatine, the muscle does not function, with a reduced amount of it, it quickly gets tired. With an increased level, strength, endurance and muscle size increase.

Why is all this said, what does running have to do with it? Now understand.

Sports nutrition - creatine

If you run regularly, you should take creatine. Today, creatine monohydrate is best suited - it is absorbed faster and better by the body.

As a result of taking this supplement, you will get an increase in muscle mass and a good supply of endurance. The main thing is to use creatine correctly.

Side effects of creatine have not been identified, but it is recommended, just in case, not to use it for adolescents until full puberty.

Just taking creatine will not get you off. To increase endurance, you need to train hard. This dietary supplement only works in conjunction with training, otherwise, as unnecessary, all consumed creatine will be excreted in the form of creatinine in the urine.

Different Running Strategies to Improve Endurance

Further, various author's methods will be given, invented mainly by coaches and participants in running marathons, which allowed their creators to achieve personal records. I won't name names, it's not that interesting. What matters is their experience, which they openly share with people.

Which way to improve endurance to choose - it's up to you.

So, how to develop endurance in running.

Monotonous jogging workout

The easiest way to push your physical limits is through endurance running.

Run three times a week. Determine the time after which you start to get seriously tired.

If you run for an hour and don't get tired, increase your speed by 1 km per hour every workout until you feel like you start to get tired within an hour.

Most often, things are much simpler - a person gets tired after 10 minutes. Let's consider this case.

So, you run three times a week. On your first run, you were tired in the tenth minute. No need to overcome yourself in the first workout. It was a test run to explore my limits.

The second time, add another minute of running. The third is still. Add 2 minutes of running for the second week, 3 minutes for the third, and 4 minutes for the last week. Thus, you will significantly increase the duration of your runs. Every time you need to work through “I don’t want to”, because the development of endurance happens just like that.

The next week, do not increase the running time all 3 times, let the result be fixed.

But the next month will need to be increased. Higher speed will force the muscles to work harder, and you will begin to tire more quickly.

In the first workout of the next month, run your established distance at a speed 5% faster than normal. Run the second workout at the same speed.

The third run in a week should be completed at a pace 10% faster than normal.

The second week you start with 10%, after which the second session rests on an increase of 5%.

This is an example of how you can increase the load. A trained body quickly gets used to the loads. Therefore, they need to be changed, increased.

Personally, I kept things simple: I just ran through "can't" each time as much as I could. As a result, I went from 10 minutes to several hours of mixed running.

Accelerations and intervals

A tougher way to develop endurance is this. But we are not talking about sprints, but about a slight increase in speed.

The essence of the method is this: you set yourself a target speed (the one you want to run for a long time). At this speed, run 400–800 meters, then jog for 4–5 minutes. If you can't run, then just walk fast. Then again run at the desired speed of 400-800 meters. Go and recover.

The cycle is designed for 8 weeks. Every week you add 1 interval. The first time you do 2 intervals (that is, you run twice at the selected speed of 400-800 meters). Second week - 3 intervals. Last week - 8 intervals. Then time yourself and see how much you can run at your desired speed. But do not be too hard on yourself - progress appears gradually!

Slow running

Here is another way to avoid getting tired while running. For example, you run at a speed of 12 km per hour and get tired in 20 minutes. You want to run longer at the same speed, but you are not going to break yourself and run through “I don’t want to”.

The solution is this - reduce the speed by 1.25 times and run for more time. The distance will need to be run at least 1.5 times greater than when running at the same speed.

In fact, this approach resembles the very first one (monotone running).

Keeping a training diary

To achieve any goal, it is important that this goal is documented. Therefore, I advise you to keep a training diary. In this diary, you will write down what you have done and what you plan to do next.

Set goals for yourself and complete them, reach new heights, improve yourself.

There are many more options for how to increase endurance, but they are all associated with alternating speeds and distances. All this is so individual that it must be compiled personally for each person. Or, if you have a lot of patience, you can try different schemes on yourself - only the experimental method is acceptable only for those who have at least minimal running experience, who have gone through difficulties associated with endurance.

Endurance Rules

Rule 1: PPP (Plan, program, system)

This rule contains three important points:

  1. When you set a goal, it must at least be written in a conspicuous place. If you just keep it in your head, the target will quickly run away from there, covering their tracks.
  2. To imagine the goal and see its visualization somewhere on the refrigerator is not enough. You need to make a plan for how you will achieve it.
  3. Last but not least, once you have a plan, it is not enough to reach your goal. Each item must be completed. And then, it’s not a fact that you will complete 100% of the plan and get 100% of the expected result.

In general, a plan, a program for its implementation and systematic exercises. For example, the goal is to run at a speed of 12 km per hour for a full 30 minutes without stopping. At the moment, you run like this for only 6 minutes, after which you suffocate, and your legs go numb.

Set a goal, write it down on paper and highlight it with bright colors. Write out a plan for 8 weeks ahead: how many times a week you will run, what time or distance you will run, and at what speed. Record your results each time.

Rule 2: Do no harm

The plan may not address your health concerns. Some you may not even know about. If something has surfaced, don't go forward through the pain. Find out the reason, pass the necessary examinations before proceeding.

Rule 3: Work through "I don't want" and "I can't"

Will is your friend. Only through self-overcoming will you be able to improve your results.

Tired - run. If you don't want to, force yourself to run. There is a plan, there is an action, there is a result. Everything is simple. And remember, this only applies to overcoming your laziness and weakness! If your knee hurts or your heart starts to jump out, see rule 2.

Sergey Konyakin, multiple winner and medalist of Russian races, master of sports in athletics, shared the secrets of his preparation and told how to improve his time on the “top ten”.

For the correct construction of the training process, it is necessary to take into account several key points: health status, degree of preparedness, age, gender. Long-distance running, in particular 10 km running, is a discipline that requires, first of all, the development of general and special endurance. An important point is also the technique and tactics of running.

Building Workouts

Determine the level of training

Running at an amateur level is a way to improve your health and quality of life, so before starting a full-fledged workout, you need to undergo a full examination by doctors in order to protect yourself from health troubles. Sports medicine does not stand still, and in our time of high technology there is a great opportunity to determine the degree of one's preparedness in the laboratory.

Find a coach

Having learned your level of training and having determined the zones of the pulse and (maximum oxygen consumption), you can build the training process with maximum efficiency. In order to move in the right direction from the very beginning of classes and not learn from your mistakes, I would recommend contacting a qualified trainer.

progress gradually

Many people believe that to achieve the best result, you need to run a lot and quickly. This approach leads to overtraining and injury. Bigger and faster does not mean better, in training you need to follow the principle of moderation!

I recommend performing the main running volume in: training in these zones develops general and special endurance, increases the adaptive properties of the body. The smallest part of training should be occupied by work at near-maximum and maximum heart rates.

Respect the principle of constancy

Endurance training requires a long and continuous process, so try not to take long breaks in your run (more than three days).

Alternate different types of workouts

In order to achieve the greatest success in training and in competition, it is not enough to run cross-country tracks at different intensities. It is imperative to use different types of training: interval, speed, tempo running, training to improve running technique (technical). All of them can be included in a weekly cycle: for example, on Monday we do a workout to improve speed, on Wednesday - a fartlek or tempo run, on Friday we run short intervals, and on the weekend you can run a long cross at a low heart rate.

At least once a week, you need to do exercises to develop general physical fitness (GPP), for all muscle groups with your weight. General physical training is an integral part of the training process, it allows the whole body to develop harmoniously and creates additional reserves in long-distance running.

Practice running technique

Long distances require a lot of energy, so the more economical your running technique, the better your result. Setting up the right running technique is not an easy process. Putting it on your own is unlikely to succeed, so it is better to contact a specialist. Each person is individual, there are no identical people, therefore, it is necessary to build training individually for each person, taking into account his characteristics.

Pay attention to nutrition

During training and recovery after them, a large amount of proteins, vitamins and trace elements is consumed. At present, the quality of food leaves much to be desired, it is not always possible to eat properly and rationally in the modern rhythm of life. To replenish the missing substances, it is necessary to take complexes of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids.

Race strategy and tactics

How to run a 10 km distance?

1. In long-distance running, the most effective tactic is to distribute power almost evenly over the entire distance. You need to roughly calculate how long you are ready to cover the distance, calculate the speed in minutes per kilometer and try to strictly follow the schedule.

2. A common mistake is a quick start. On emotions, under the influence of adrenaline, many begin to run at a critical speed for themselves, while the pulse goes off scale, the muscles gradually accumulate lactic acid, and as a result, the person slows down a lot or even takes a step.

3. Weather conditions must also be taken into account: if the race takes place in hot weather, drink plenty of fluids during and after the race.

4. Clothing must also correspond to weather conditions: its choice can also affect the result.

5. During the passage of the distance, it is important not to pinch, constrained movements will not allow the muscles to fully work. Every kilometer you need to mentally check your arms, legs, back, neck for tightness and, if necessary, try to relax them without slowing down.

Learn how to increase your speed, examples of exercises and training methods.

Everyone knows that running speed depends on genetic predisposition and there is some truth in this, for example, look at some people who are not fond of sports, but their powerful legs are not full, namely with a large proportion of muscle mass, but on the contrary, there are thin like matches and quickly tired from physical exertion.

But even if genetics has played into your hands, nothing will work if you do not develop your potential, because it is not for nothing that they say success is 1% of talent and 99% of labor, only after that you can achieve maximum explosive strength and frenzied acceleration.

Remember, to become faster you need to be patient and train from month to month, adding and improving every year, if you want to become, for example, a lightning-fast football player and an explosive sprinter, then plow and make training your way of life. By the way, for those who have problems with gaining muscle mass on their legs, running at short sprint distances will help wake up sleeping muscles and make them grow due to the inclusion of muscle fibers that sleep during normal strength training in the gym.

How to increase running speed

There are 3 most proven and simple ways to increase your running speed:

1) STRENGTH TRAINING - these are special exercises in the gym for, the only exception will be to work at a faster pace in the effort phase, for example, when doing a lift, you need to quickly, let the lift be outwardly slow, but the acceleration set at the beginning of the lift, the muscles and the body will feel that they will include an additional stimulation to increase strength.

2) BIOMECHANICS- it is worth improving the running technique so that the movements are more and more coordinated, coordinated, the whole body should work as a single mechanism. What happens in most cases - many run around at random, then their arms dangle, then their legs in different directions, then they generally look like drunks.

3) STRETCHING- this is a very important way that affects the strength of the legs, remember that in the process of strength training, the muscles thicken and decrease in length, the constant stretching of the legs allows you to maintain the original length of the muscle fibers, and therefore maintain a large range of motion and strength, respectively.

Even from the school bench, the formula is known:

a = v / t,

Where A- acceleration,

v- speed

t- time

To develop speed, it is necessary to use all 3 methods in a complex way to increase running speed, only a runner without strength training will always lose to someone who works according to the + scheme.

Running Speed ​​Exercises

1) MAHI HAND- a variety of hand movements develop the flexibility of the shoulder joints, which improves coordination of movements and contributes to the coordinated work of the body while running. While running, make sure that the angle in the elbows is 90 0, if it is higher, then the frequency of steps during the run decreases, which slows down the running speed.

2) MOVEMENT TECHNIQUE- it is very important that the steps are wide and frequent, which is why long-legged athletes have a head start over others. The width of the step is perfectly developed by running in the forest or on other rough terrain, where you have to jump over obstacles or, on the contrary, jump further to overcome the obstacle. Don't forget about fast runs up the slope for 20-30 meters, this perfectly stimulates the body to take a step as wide as possible in order to cover the distance faster.

3) STEPS- this exercise can be performed in any weather, which makes it very accessible and simple. The explosive power will be higher, the stronger the repulsion with the back leg will be, make sure that the leg is fully extended at the knee joint, and the arms bent at the elbows under 90 0 work in unison with the whole body.

Run up the stairs at a maximum pace of 30-35 steps, and then calmly go down with an easy jog or on foot, this will be the rest time, then immediately run up. Instead of a ladder, you can find a hill 10-15 degrees high in nature.

Do not try to quickly run down the slope, the probability of plowing the ground with your nose is very high.

Before such hard runs, remember to do a light stretch at the beginning to improve blood circulation and warm up the muscles, and then do a more complex leg cooldown to speed up the recovery of tired muscles. Also remember that they play an important role in running.

4) PARACHUTE OR TIRES- a very effective remedy, increased air resistance makes the legs work at full capacity, but if this is not possible and you live on a plain without hills, do not be discouraged - a pair of car tires attached to your belt with a cable is excellent resistance and an active load on the muscles of the legs.

Train using 4 exercises at the very beginning for two to three months doing 3 workouts weekly, then increase the number to 5 workouts per week. Follow the intensity of the work and the number of repetitions yourself, the state of the body will prompt the right decision, but each time you will be able to run faster, push harder, and the time to overcome the distance will gradually decrease.

I wish everyone good luck in developing the speed of the cheetah, the main thing is not to be lazy and the results will exceed all expectations!

With these training tips, you should be able to run your first 10 in no time.

If you are new to running, then all your efforts at the initial stage will be aimed at overcoming the first five kilometers. However, with the right organization of the training process, the day will come soon enough when you can safely run for 30 minutes without stopping.

But what to do after you have mastered the 5-kilometer distance? The next goal is to overcome ten kilometers, which can be quite a challenge.

By following these simple tips, you will significantly improve your fitness and be able to cover this distance in no time.

1. Gradual increase in mileage

Doubling the distance will take some time and will require a gradual increase in weekly mileage. If you immediately try to conquer 10 km, then this can not only shake your self-confidence, but also lead to injury, since your muscles and ligaments are not yet fully prepared for such loads. Try to increase your weekly mileage by no more than 10% each month.

2. Rest

Your training process should include 3-4 workouts per week. The rest of the time must be used for recovery.

3. Cross training

Incorporating different types of cross-training into your training - (link) is not only a great way to diversify your workouts, but also an opportunity to take a break from running without losing shape. Swimming for 30-40 minutes once a week is great for strengthening your cardiovascular system, while Pilates or yoga classes will make your muscles stronger and more elastic.

4. Stretch

Often, many runners forget to stretch after a workout. Although this is an important element of the training process and it not only increases the elasticity of the muscles, but also helps to speed up recovery and reduce the possibility of injury.

5. Long run

Try to do 1-2 long runs a week at a pace that is comfortable for you. This will increase your stamina and improve your fitness.

6. Threshold training

Using this type of training is another great way to increase your endurance. Do a threshold pace workout once a week at a near-max pace (80% of your max speed).

7. End goal

Setting an end goal is a great incentive to stick to your chosen training plan. Sign up for any race that will take place in 8-10 weeks, and this will be enough time to prepare yourself for overcoming this distance.

Based on site materials

To increase power under the same conditions and pedaling pace, shift to higher gears. Train in intervals, for example:

  • initially twist at the limit of 60 seconds (or less if you are a beginner);
  • then increase the interval to 90 seconds and so on.

Pay attention to cadence (cadence). If over time, under the same conditions, but in large gears, he “leveled out”, then you are not suffering in vain.


When going downhill, cyclists usually reduce their cadence and pedaling force. So the result is not achieved. Therefore, to increase power, it is recommended the opposite - to drive uphill. Start with a small climb, like 300 meters. Then increase the distance to 1 km.

Another good way to increase power is to do interval sprints when going up steep hills. Last no more than 60-90 seconds, then recovery, and again to work.

Against the wind

Those who have 200 kilometers to the nearest mountain can increase power in a different way. Namely: to ride against the wind. Principle of operation: as soon as you feel the oncoming air flow, screw it in with all your strength - until one of the two of you weakens. If the air stream constantly blows in the face, roll towards it with a stable cadence of at least 90 revolutions per minute.


Block training is a tough workout that lasts for several days. Include (for example):

  • 1st day - riding uphill;
  • 2nd day - interval sprints;
  • 3rd day - day off;
  • 4th day - recovery ride.

Usually such blocks are used to facilitate the process of adaptation to the training regime, and increase power. Important: after such a serious load on the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system, you need to take the recovery of the body seriously. Rest, walking, other sports, or unsportsmanlike cycling are recommended. One of these is in the following video:

Rule “75%“

According to this rule, 75% of the training time should be spent at 75% of the total body power, with a heart rate of 50-70% of the maximum. Note that the other half of this rule reads:

“25% of the training time should be spent in the zone of intensive driving at maximum heart rate“.



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