Instructions for performing rectal prostate massage, as well as indications, contraindications and technique. Description of techniques for self-massage of the prostate

Many men over 30 years old are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as problems with the prostate gland. Rectal massage will help restore normal functioning of the prostate. This procedure can be carried out independently at home. Thanks to this method, not only treatment is carried out, but also preliminary diagnosis. So, how to do a prostate massage yourself?

Proper self-massage of the prostate can achieve tangible results.

Thanks to this procedure at home, it is possible to:

  • free the organ from stagnant secretions, the appearance of which is due to prolonged abstinence;
  • rid the prostate of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as remove their waste products;
  • increase the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • achieve a more intense and prolonged orgasm;
  • increase potency.


You can perform prostate massage yourself if you have the following disorders in the body:

  • pain in the pelvic area of ​​various etiologies;
  • chronic form of prostatitis in remission;
  • impotence as a complication of prostatitis.

Do-it-yourself stimulation not only provides complete treatment, but also makes it possible to diagnose various diseases of the prostate gland. Thanks to this, it is possible to identify pathological processes at the initial stage of development and begin treatment on time.

To notice deviations in the functioning of the organ, you should pay attention to the secretion. If there are no pathological processes, it has a transparent consistency and a white tint. The yellow color of the discharge indicates the presence of pus - this indicates disturbances in the functioning of the prostate gland. In such cases, self-massage of the prostate should be stopped and immediately consult a doctor who will select an effective treatment.


It is important to consider that stimulating the gland with your own hands is not always permitted. Despite the fact that it plays an important role in the treatment of prostatitis, a relapse of this disease is considered a contraindication.

In addition, it is prohibited to massage the prostate with a finger in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • the presence of hemorrhoids or fissures in the anus;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • urinary disorders;
  • development of urethritis, tuberculosis or malignant lesions of the prostate;
  • formation of cysts or stones in the prostate;
  • advanced forms of prostate adenoma;
  • severe pain during the procedure.

It is imperative to take into account the characteristics of each person. If you massage the organ too vigorously, there is a risk of causing blood poisoning. If there are malignant tumors in the prostate, there is a risk of cancer spreading to other organs.

Therefore, direct prostate massage can only be done after consulting a doctor.

Preparation for the procedure

To do this at home, first of all you need to cut your nails short. It is advisable to drink a glass of water before the procedure. After a massage, it is very important to empty your bladder, especially if you have prostatitis.

This is due to the fact that during the procedure, the results of inflammation of the prostate gland enter the urethra. Since urine has antiseptic characteristics, it helps remove this secretion from the urethra and thereby protect it from inflammation.

The second stage of preparation for a massage at home is general relaxation. For this purpose, you can perform a general massage. A relaxing bath has a similar effect.

Self-massage technique

If you are going to massage the prostate with your finger, you need to do this procedure correctly.

To do this, you need to perform a number of actions:

  • take the correct position that facilitates access;
  • relax the muscles of the anus;
  • stimulate the prostate gland with gentle stroking;
  • it is easy to press on the organ.

So, first, a person must take a position that will allow him to massage the prostate as effectively and correctly as possible. To perform the procedure yourself, it is best to lie on your right side. In addition, before finding the prostate, it is quite possible to get on all fours.

Some men experience such discomfort during the procedure that they have to use special medications to relax. However, experts recommend trying to relax on your own, after which you can begin treatment.

Put a glove on your right hand, lubricate your index finger with Vaseline, and then insert it into the anus approximately 5 cm. During the first 2 procedures, only longitudinal stroking is allowed. In this case, it is necessary to treat the right part of the prostate from top to bottom, from the central part to the peripheral part.

If pain does not appear during the first procedures, you can apply gentle pressure. If the prostate has a soft surface, DIY stimulation can be carried out using stroking. If the organ has a hard consistency, pressure becomes necessary.

The first four procedures should last no more than 1 minute. In this case, there should be no sharp pain. Subsequently, the procedure is performed once every 2 days, and it can last 2-3 minutes. This DIY stimulation will help eliminate pain from chronic inflammatory processes and improve the absorption of medications. Such treatment of the prostate gland can last for 2 weeks.

Using a massage machine

If you do not want to self-massage the prostate with your finger, you can buy a special exercise machine. It is advisable to choose a device with vibration and batteries - it will allow you to get the desired result faster.

To treat the prostate using a simulator, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Before starting prostate massage, the stimulator should be washed well and treated with a special product.
  2. Lie on your side and carefully insert the device. If discomfort occurs, the process can be stopped and held for a while.
  3. If everything is done correctly, the device will be directly in the prostate area. In this case, its curved end should be directed downward.
  4. To warm up the machine, turn on the vibration and wait about 1 minute. Then perform point pressure, gradually changing the mode. If there is no discomfort, you can start pushing.
  5. Each movement should last about a minute. Thanks to this, complete stimulation of the prostate is carried out. During the day you need to do 2-3 approaches. The total exposure time must be at least 10 minutes.

Kegel exercises

Common types of self-prostate stimulation include Kegel exercises. They can be easily done at home.

  1. Hold the stream when urinating. The area in which tension is felt is this muscle. If it doesn’t work out right away, you need to continue training.
  2. At the moment of erection, you should tense your pelvic muscles, making upward movements with your penis.

When the desired muscle has been found, you can move on to Kegel exercises.

The complex consists of the following components:

  1. Tighten and relax the muscle, observing the rhythm. At the initial stage, you should do 15 repetitions, but gradually the number needs to be increased, bringing it to 100.
  2. Tighten the muscle and hold it for a few seconds, then relax. It is recommended to increase the delay time to 20 seconds.
  3. Increase tension without relaxation, performing small intervals. Relaxation also needs to be done gradually. It is advisable to do 2 sets of 10 exercises.

Thus, it is quite possible to perform a prostate massage on yourself at home. However, it is very important to consult a doctor before the procedure. If the prostate gland is treated incorrectly, there is a risk of seriously aggravating the situation.

Drawing conclusions

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Inflammation of the prostate gland is a fairly common disease. According to statistics, it is diagnosed in approximately one third of the adult male population.

A positive point is that with timely diagnosis, this disease can be successfully treated through massage, which has several varieties. During the procedure, a mechanical effect is applied to the prostate, which improves blood flow and activates metabolic processes.

There is no consensus among doctors about whether it brings tangible benefits. Some people believe that only stimulation performed by a specialist can have an effect. In fact, a lot depends on what type of massage is performed, because some types of this delicate procedure can be performed by yourself, since their technique is quite simple. At the same time, not every massage can be performed on oneself, if only because some types of this procedure are carried out using special tools that are only available in hospitals.

What are the benefits of prostate massage?

A high-quality procedure allows you to achieve such effects as:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • elimination of potency problems;
  • increasing the duration of remission;
  • increased effects of medications;
  • more active tissue regeneration;
  • removal of secretions from the gland.

Types of prostate stimulation at home

There are three main types of massage that can be performed at home:

  • on bougie;
  • rectal;
  • auxiliary (exercises).

Bougie massage

A bougie is a special device that a massage therapist inserts into the urethra and makes movements with it. To perform the procedure, a man lies on the couch, on his right side, and pulls his legs, bent at the knees, towards his stomach. The masseur introduces the bougie, reaches the prostate gland and makes massaging movements for 1-1.5 minutes.

Rectal massage consists of mechanical impact on the organ with the middle finger inserted into the anus. Such manipulations cannot be performed independently, so you need to invite a specialist to your home or go to a medical center or clinic yourself. As a last resort, you can ask your spouse, but first she should familiarize herself with how such stimulation should be carried out so as not to accidentally cause harm.

During the procedure, the patient must be in different positions. The first is the knee-elbow position. Second - standing, elbows resting on the table, back slightly arched. The third position is lying on a flat hard surface, for example, on a couch, turning on your right side and tucking your legs to your stomach. Manipulations are performed using medical gloves. The masseur lubricates the middle finger with Vaseline, inserts it into the anus and begins to massage the organ, which is located on the anterior wall of the rectum, at a distance of approximately 5 cm from the anus.

First, both lobes of the prostate are massaged with stroking movements, then the mechanical effect is directed to the central part of the organ. The intensity of movements should be gradually increased. The duration of the session is 5 minutes. During the massage of their gland, about 5 drops of secretory fluid are released - this is normal.

To achieve the effect, it is recommended to undergo a course of massage treatments lasting 14 days. During this time, the patient feels positive changes in well-being. If, in parallel with massage, you use other treatment methods, for example, medications, the result will be even better. Those who do not have the opportunity or desire to undergo the procedure daily can limit themselves to massage every other day. It is not recommended to conduct sessions less frequently. In any case, you should consult your doctor before deciding to undergo rectal stimulation.

Both techniques discussed are performed while the bladder is full. After finishing the massage, you should empty it and see what color the secretory fluid is. Normally, it should be transparent, with a whitish tint. A yellowish tint should alert you: this is a sign that there is pus in the secretion, which means you need to contact a urologist.

Massage is carried out provided that the patient feels well and does not experience pain. If pressing on the prostate is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, and the prostate itself is enlarged, then it is necessary to see a specialist. Delay can be dangerous!

A set of physical exercises to stimulate the prostate

Some men are embarrassed, or even consider it unacceptable for themselves to attend rectal massage sessions. Others agree, but experience psychological discomfort during the procedure. This is quite understandable from the point of view of the mentality and education of modern men. For those who do not accept such manipulations on themselves, even despite their effectiveness, doctors have developed a set of simple exercises that can act as an alternative to rectal stimulation. Exercises should be done regularly.

  1. As you inhale, pull in the muscles of the anus, and as you exhale, relax. During the day you can do 2 approaches, 20 times each.
  2. Exercise "bicycle". It can be done in a lying or sitting position. One session per day, 20 repetitions.
  3. Exercise "scissors". To perform, you need to lie on your back or stomach. In one session, it is enough to perform 20 repetitions.
  4. Walking up the stairs every 2 or 3 steps. In this case, there is an indirect effect on the prostate gland, as a result of which its general condition improves, natural blood flow is restored and metabolic processes are enhanced.

Contraindications for rectal prostate stimulation

Despite the fact that repeated studies have provided evidence of the effectiveness of massage procedures, there are conditions in which it is unacceptable.

Disorders and pathological conditions in which it is prohibited:

  • all stages of hemorrhoids;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • stones or cyst in the prostate;
  • exacerbation of chronic prostatitis;
  • elevated temperature;
  • violation of urination, if its causes are not established;
  • impotence;
  • proctitis and paraproctitis;
  • cystitis;
  • malignant prostate tumor;
  • adenoma in late stages.

Thus, before starting treatment, you should undergo a diagnosis, if it has not been done previously. This will allow you to find out an accurate diagnosis and make sure that the massage will not cause harm and can be used as a preventative or therapeutic agent.

Other types of massage

These include the following:

  • stimulation of the sacrum and lumbar region;
  • Kegel exercises;
  • hydromassage;
  • Tennis ball massage.

Self-stimulation of the sacrum and lumbar region helps normalize blood circulation. Massaging movements begin from the sacrum, gradually moving towards the coccyx. The skin is stroked in both directions from the spine, and then back. You can also make light movements with your fingertips along the spine itself.

Kegel exercises involve rhythmically tensing and relaxing the muscles of the anus. To understand how to do this, you can first practice while urinating, trying to interrupt the stream. For rhythmicity, you can tense your muscles as you inhale and relax as you exhale. You can do 5 approaches per day, first 10 contractions-relaxations per approach, then the number is increased to 30.

Tennis ball massage is performed while sitting on the floor. The ball is placed under the perineum so that there is no severe discomfort. Then you should sway, trying not to lose your balance. The duration of the exercise can be from 3 to 5 minutes. Do not be afraid of painful sensations - they will disappear over time.

Hydromassage consists of injecting warm liquid into the rectum in an amount of 200 to 300 ml. you need to try to keep it inside for 20 minutes. The method is popular and effective, but enemas should not be done too often, as they can lead to constipation due to disruption of the intestinal microflora.

It is a real lifeline not only during illness, but also for its prevention. When diagnosing the prostate, the doctor uses the DRE (digital rectal examination) method of the prostate. Using the PRI method, the specialist feels the prostate gland with the index finger through the anus. This method provides a complete picture of the patient’s general condition and an understanding of the purpose of treatment.

A specialist can easily understand:

  • gland size;
  • its structure;
  • the presence of various seals;
  • sensitivity level;
  • examine prostate juice (color, structure).

The PR method is capable of conveying specific information for diagnosis that cannot be obtained with ultrasound or MRI.

REFERENCE! Many men resort to erotic massage to enhance the sexual effect. Experts have proven that, increase sexual desire and... During the process, the actions are performed slowly and carefully, and a lubricant is used to massage the prostate.

How to massage the prostate gland better, read below.

How to massage the prostate externally?

In urology, a distinction is made between internal and. These methods are effective, have a beneficial effect and restore men's health.

There are several types of massage:

  • classical;
  • segmental;
  • vibration;
  • connective tissue.

Prostate massage: how to do it correctly? Before the session begins, the patient's skin must be clean. Typically, oils with the addition of mint or eucalyptus ester are used.

The procedure itself is simple:

  1. We start with a classic massage of the hips and lower back. We rub the skin in a circular motion, thereby increasing and improving blood circulation. The session lasts no more than 6-7 minutes.
  2. We use the connective tissue method, using the entire palm to massage the lower lumbar vertebrae. Gradually we capture the area of ​​the lower back, hips and abdomen.
  3. The segmental method does not differ from the classical and connective tissue method. The session includes: rubbing, kneading and pleasant stroking.
  4. Vibration massage is performed using a special technique. The session lasts no more than 7 minutes with constant massaging of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Read more about and also on our website.
  5. The finger method is the most common and is performed both in specialized medical institutions and at home. Massaging the prostate is performed through the anus. The session lasts no more than 3 minutes.

How to do prostate massage in pictures:

Technique and rules

Prostate massage must be carried out carefully, following all the rules and techniques. The procedure should not cause pain or discomfort in a man.

As a rule, specialists use several methods of prostate massage:

  • knee-elbow position for prostate massage;
  • lying on your side with your knees pressed together;
  • standing with his elbows on the table.

Using these prostate massage techniques you can reach the lateral and central parts of the prostate. Take a large amount of cream or ointment to massage the prostate, this will avoid discomfort during the massage process.

Prostate massage techniques are divided into:

  • trans rectal massage;
  • We'll wake up the massage.

How to do a prostate massage correctly?

Proper prostate massage with bougie consists of the following actions:

  1. The urologist inserts a bougie through the urethra; as soon as it reaches the prostate gland, massaging begins.
  2. The session lasts no more than 1.5 minutes.
  3. This method is carried out exclusively in a medical institution.

To get pleasure, how to massage the prostate correctly?

The technique of performing trans-rectal prostate massage consists of simple steps:

Read below what you need for prostate massage.


Preparation for prostate massage is a very important part of the procedure and is an integral part in the treatment of prostate diseases.

Preparation for prostate massage:

  1. To begin with, you should do a cleansing enema before massaging the prostate. You can use a ready-made 400 ml pharmaceutical bottle, or make it from chamomile infusion or boiled water.
  2. After cleansing the rectum, you need to drink 300 ml of water, this will allow you to urinate after the session.
    Urination is an important point in the massaging process, because... allows infections and bacteria to escape with gland juice into the urethra.
  3. When performing home sessions, you need to take a bath with your knees bent.
  4. The bladder should be full, this will allow the massage therapist to have closer contact while touching the gland and fingers.

Read below on how to massage the prostate correctly at home.

Procedure at home

There are several effective ways for this procedure:

  • indirect massage;
  • using a finger;
  • vibration massage.

The method of indirect massage involves constant rhythmic squeezing and unclenching of the anal sphincter and perineum. Such rhythmic actions improve blood circulation, remove swelling and increase outflow. This method does not require a specialized venue and can be used anywhere.

Finger massage is considered the most effective. Urologists advise doing it in the bath, this will relieve unnecessary pain and discomfort.

How to feel the prostate and how to massage the prostate gland correctly?

Prostate massage instructions:

  1. Spread your legs in a bath filled with water.
  2. Wear a medical glove and thoroughly lubricate your finger using Vaseline.
  3. Gently insert it into the anus.
  4. A small prostate tubercle will be felt on the anterior wall of the rectum.
  5. Start massaging the gland using pressing movements.
  6. After a prostate massage, the release of prostatic juice is one of the most important benefits.

Vibromassage is carried out using a special massager, which is inserted into the anus. Experts believe that by using a vibrating massager to massage the prostate, the sensation of pain can be avoided and the effect of treatment can be optimized. Most often, this method is used by men who are embarrassed about their problem.

IMPORTANT! Only a specialist can perform prostate massage correctly. In this case, it will be effective and efficient

How often can the procedure be done?

How often to massage the prostate for each individual man is determined individually.

Usually 10 to 15 sessions are performed every other day. If necessary, a repeat course is prescribed no less than 4 weeks later.

It is possible to conduct single massage sessions every 3 or 4 days.

For a positive result, follow simple rules:

  1. Get examined, consult a doctor, choose your treatment method.
  2. Carry out the procedures at, this will reduce pain.
  3. Refrain from performing a massage if you have tumors (or).

Self-massage of the prostate is a fairly intimate procedure, which many men are very reluctant to undergo. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid it if the disease is already becoming serious. Self-massage of the prostate allows you to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms from the body and remove the toxic products of their activity. Thanks to self-massage of the glandular organ, secretions stagnant in the ducts are released, which helps to improve the patient’s condition.

It is worth noting that before you perform prostate massage at home yourself, you should undergo a little training. It is not recommended to carry out such manipulations without preparation by people who do not have medical training. To learn how to massage the prostate yourself, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the maximum amount of available information. In the office of a urologist, the patient will be able to receive all the necessary information in order to perform a prostate massage and not harm himself.

Types of massage for prostate diseases

In urology, the following procedure techniques are distinguished: working with a bougie or transrectal massage of the prostate to oneself.

The bougie is a special expander device.

Its administration is performed through the urethra, after which it becomes possible to massage the prostate gland at home, if it is possible to invite a specialist to your home.

This technique should be trusted to professionals, but if you want to massage the prostate gland yourself, you should refuse this option.

The instrument is not particularly convenient for independent use and can injure tissue near the prostate.

You can stimulate the prostate gland, without resorting to the services of professionals, externally, transrectally - by inserting a finger into the rectum, or by performing contractions of the perineal and sphincter muscles.

After gaining experience in performing the procedure, it is possible to perform prostate stimulation with your own hands using. The device is inserted into the anus, after which a targeted physical effect on the gland begins. The types of effects on the prostate gland can be listed as follows:

  • Vibration;
  • Thermal;
  • Magnetic (field formation).

What types of massage are there?

Direct massage

Stimulation in this way helps to influence directly the nerve endings of the organ. When mechanically irritated, it releases a secretion substance that stagnates inside and becomes inflamed. Along with the outpouring of the substance, harmful microbes leave the body.

When performing a direct effect on the tissues of the organ, blood supply increases, due to which the erection significantly improves. Before carrying out the procedure, put sterile gloves on your hands and lubricate your fingers with Vaseline or other ointment. It is inserted into the rectum to a depth of 5 cm. Performing circular movements, apply pressure to the gland tissue.

Indirect types of procedure

  1. External prostate massage performed manually. The effect is carried out through the skin, using the area between the scrotum and anus. Pressure is applied to the skin of the perineum. The movements should be circular, and extreme caution must be exercised when performing them. Massage of the testicles and scrotum has a good effect on the gland.
  2. Rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the anus and perineum. When you inhale, the anal sphincter retracts, and when you exhale, the pelvic muscles unclench. 20-25 such contractions are performed at a time. To achieve a beneficial effect, such exercises should be performed in the morning and evening. The procedure has a good effect when performed in the early stages of prostate inflammation. It is also good to do these for prevention purposes.

Indications for massage

Those wondering how to safely perform prostate massage on themselves should consult with experts. Medical education is not necessary for this, but it is still worth learning. It is recommended to perform prostate massage with a finger yourself for the following problems:

  1. Chronic pain in the pelvic area;
  2. Prostatitis of a bacterial, non-bacterial nature;
  3. Problems with potency, which are caused by disturbances in the functioning of the organ, inflammatory processes;
  4. BPH;
  5. Stagnation of secretions inside the organ.

Preparing for the massage procedure

Before massaging the prostate area, care must be taken to ensure that there are no undesirable consequences. Regardless of whether prostate massage is performed independently without penetration or any other type, certain rules should be applied.

To carry out a healing procedure, you must first empty your intestines.

This can be done naturally or using an enema with an antiseptic solution.

There is no need to empty the bladder - proper prostate massage should be performed when it is full. You can drink a liter of liquid, such as water, about an hour before the procedure. You do not need to eat anything for about a couple of hours before you are going to start performing an independent massage.

Is it possible to massage the gland on your own at home?

Patients, starting to massage the prostate themselves with a finger, understand how difficult it can be to immediately hit exactly the right point. To find out how to properly massage a man’s prostate on your own, you can get expert advice or a practical lesson.

The prostate treatment can be performed either on your own using a finger or in a doctor's office. If it is not possible to visit a massage therapist in the clinic, the patient’s wife can perform the procedure. Self-massage of the organ with your finger is not particularly convenient.

Correct massage technique

To perform a prostate massage with someone's help, the following technique is recommended:

  • A patient with prostatitis lies on his back, with his legs spread wide.
  • The health worker puts sterile gloves on his hands, lubricates the patient’s anus with Vaseline, and applies ointment to his own finger.
  • A finger is inserted into the patient's rectum. With this position of the body, the prostate is located slightly above the rectum, next to the abdomen. When inserting a finger to its full length, the massage therapist will feel that the tip rests on a fibrous formation, shaped like a lump - this is it. When asked whether it is possible to massage the prostate yourself, the answer is usually that it is possible, although quite difficult.
  • Massaging should begin gradually, performing light stroking. Do the same when performing self-massage of the prostate gland at home. If the patient does not feel discomfort, light pressure is applied to the organ. Finger movements are directed from the sides of the gland to its center. Squeezing movements are performed towards the anus.
  • If you are going to massage the prostate yourself, you should be aware of when is the right time to end the procedure. Approximately 5 drops of liquid secretion should be released. The whole process will take about a minute and a half. The health of the organ can be judged by the state of the secretion. It is within normal limits if the discharge is whitish-transparent. If there are yellowish inclusions, this is purulent discharge. With an advanced inflammatory process or suppuration, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to perform a prostate massage on your own is no. You need to contact a specialist.
  • After performing a prostate massage, you need to empty your bladder in the toilet. When urinating, glandular secretions flow out, as well as microbes along with traces of their activity. After direct or indirect massage of the prostate is performed on your own or with the help of a medical specialist, this area may still be slightly irritating for some time, as if reminding you of itself. A burning sensation in the urethra and difficulty urinating may be noted. If the discomfort goes away within a short time, this condition is considered normal. If pain, cutting sensations, or discomfort persist for a long time, or even intensify, you should stop massage sessions and immediately consult a doctor.

How often can you massage the prostate?

When calculating how to do procedures for an inflamed gland at home, it is worth establishing the intensity of movements. At the very beginning of the course it should be barely noticeable, gradually the pressure should be increased. The most common operating scheme is:

  • When performing self-massage of the prostate, you should begin stroking the left and right parts of the organ;
  • We gradually move to the central part of the gland;
  • If you want to properly perform a prostate massage on yourself, increase the pressure with each subsequent procedure.

If the inflammation of the gland becomes chronic, internal or external prostate massage is carried out in courses, each of which includes 12-15 sessions.

The procedures are carried out in about a day.

It is worth emphasizing that regular daily stimulation of the organ is most effective.

Each self-administered prostate massage session takes approximately 90 seconds.

After completing the next massage course, you need to take a break for 10-14 days. Then you can continue to do self-massage of the prostate.

If the entire course of procedures is carried out correctly, the following changes may be noted in the patient’s condition:

  • A stagnant secretion will come out of the gland if the patient has abstained from sexual activity for a long time;
  • All pathogenic bacteria leave the body;
  • Potency increases, the patient is able to perform sexual intercourse for a sufficient amount of time so that sexual life becomes more vibrant.

Self-massage technique for the prostate gland

It is most convenient to properly massage the prostate yourself if the procedure is carried out in a bath filled with warm water. If you are at a loss with the question of how to massage the prostate gland yourself, because... you don't have the necessary tool, it's very simple - use your finger.

It's not difficult - lie down in the water, take a free pose with your legs spread wide. Next, you should smear your finger with Vaseline and insert it into the anus. When you manage to feel the prostate, you need to massage it, relying on your sensations. There should be no painful manifestations. The flow chart corresponds to the one given above for performing massage actions by a specialist. First, go through an examination and find out whether you can perform a prostate massage yourself, or whether this is excluded in your case.

Contraindications to the procedure

You can massage the prostate yourself if the disease is not acute. You can also list the following contraindications:

  1. Hemorrhoids, presence of anal fissures;
  2. Cancer, prostate tuberculosis, urethritis, the presence of stones and cysts;
  3. Exacerbation of inflammatory processes;
  4. Urinary disorders;
  5. Pain that occurs if you massage the prostate yourself with your finger;
  6. Prostate adenoma with advanced development.

Included in the list of mandatory prescriptions for prostatitis. This is an effective procedure for inflammatory processes in this organ. Our article will tell you how to do a prostate massage yourself.

Indications for use and possible contraindications

The main purpose of massage of the prostate gland for men is a direct effect on the organ and its nerve endings. With prostatitis and inflammatory processes, stagnation occurs. Prostate massage at home is a procedure that helps release juice that has stagnated in the organ and stimulates its secretion. At the same time, along with the secretion of the prostate gland, pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products are also released, which can cause inflammatory processes.

In addition, urologists claim that self-massage of the prostate significantly improves blood circulation in the organ. This also results in faster treatment. Improved blood flow carries the necessary medications to the organ, which are taken in parallel with the procedure, and their effect and effectiveness are significantly increased.

But, despite the positive reviews and recommendations of doctors, this procedure is prohibited if the following diseases occur:

  • prostatitis in the acute stage;
  • presence of tumors (adenoma, malignant neoplasms);
  • acute infectious diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, urethritis);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • haemorrhoids.

Stimulation of the prostate gland will be useful and effective if it is carried out correctly and used as prescribed by a doctor. This procedure has many contraindications, so before using it, you need to consult a urologist with a full examination.

He will be able to prescribe medication and explain in detail how to properly massage the prostate at home.

BPH test

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The diagnosis of “prostatic hyperplasia” frightens many men who have been diagnosed with this disease; patients often equate it with a malignant neoplasm. The disease causes a lot of inconvenience, the process of urination is disrupted - up to the complete absence of urine. The disease requires timely treatment, so identifying hyperplasia in the early stages will help avoid the development of severe complications.

The initial diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia can be done at home. All a man needs to do is get tested.

Some representatives of the stronger half of humanity who have been diagnosed with BPH do not pay attention to the disease, believing that these are age-related changes. But this pathology is fraught with serious complications. For men who have doubts about their health, self-diagnosis of BPH will be a good option to dispel all doubts.

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Time is over

    We strongly recommend that you consult a specialist!
    Your symptoms are severe. The disease is already advanced and it is necessary to urgently undergo examination by a urologist. Do not delay your visit to the urologist; the symptoms may worsen, giving rise to the development of complications.

    Everything is fine!
    Everything is fine! You have mild IPSS symptoms. Your prostate gland is doing relatively well, but you should be examined at least once a year.

  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

    Task 1 of 7

    How often during the last month have you had the sensation of not emptying your bladder completely after urinating?

  1. Task 2 of 7

    How often during the last month have you had the need to urinate more than 2 hours after your last urination?

  2. Task 3 of 7

    How often during the last month have you had intermittent urination?

  3. Task 4 of 7

    How often during the last month have you found it difficult to temporarily refrain from urinating?

  4. Task 5 of 7

    How often during the last month have you had a weak stream of urine?

  5. Task 6 of 7

    How often during the last month have you had to strain to urinate?

  6. Task 7 of 7

    How often during the last month have you had to get out of bed at night to urinate?

A massage course for prostate inflammation lasts about two weeks. Only with constant and correct implementation will stimulation of the organ give positive results.

Today, there are two main techniques for prostate massage:

  1. On bougie. This type of massage cannot be done at home, since here the massage is done using a bougie, which is inserted through the patient’s urethra. It reaches the desired area of ​​the organ and begins stimulation. The whole procedure lasts about one and a half, maximum two minutes. The patient should take a position lying on his side with his knees bent as much as possible. This position facilitates rapid penetration of the bougie to the prostate.
  2. Transrectal massage option. This is the most popular type of organ stimulation with a finger, since the patient can perform it on his own or with the help of loved ones. This self-massage of the prostate lasts no more than 1.5 minutes every day for two weeks. If it is not possible to do the procedure every day, then it is allowed to reduce its quantity to once every two days.

If the doctor has prescribed a transrectal method of massaging the prostate gland, then you need to know the intricacies of the procedure, where the organ is located, and how to massage the prostate yourself so as not to cause harm.

If a course of prostate massage has been prescribed, you should not neglect this method of treatment. The positive effect of the procedure is noticeable, so it is better to learn all the intricacies of how to massage the prostate so that the treatment result is positive.


This is one of the most important stages and the first thing a man should do before starting the procedure. The location of the prostate gland allows you to maximize the effect of the procedure with a full bladder. This can be achieved by drinking about a liter of liquid one hour before the start of stimulation.

A full bladder creates pressure on the prostate, which allows you to achieve maximum contact with the organ during massage.

It is recommended to cleanse the lower rectum with a microenema using clean boiled water. To do this, you can also take infusions of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect (chamomile).

The next rule is maintaining personal hygiene. Use a disposable latex glove to minimize possible infection.

Immediately before the procedure, toilet the perineal area using soap and water.

In order for the procedure to proceed correctly, it is very important to find the prostate and perform manipulations exactly where it is needed. It's worth noting that for most men, this process will require some flexibility. Before finding the prostate, you can take any comfortable position (standing with one leg raised, lying on your side, legs raised and bent at the knees, etc.). The procedure should not bring discomfort or acute pain, only in this case all manipulations are considered correct. Therefore, when choosing a position for groping and performing prostate massage, you should listen to your feelings.

  1. Inspection should be carried out only with latex gloves. The index finger is lubricated with Vaseline for easy penetration into the anus. It is inserted into the rectum to a depth of no more than 5 cm. This is where the fullness of the bladder plays a role. The fuller it is, the less you need to insert your finger.
  2. At this depth in the rectum, the prostate is felt. Its structure has a fibrous characteristic and is somewhat similar to a cone. These are the edges of the prostate gland.
  3. The strength with which a man will massage the prostate with his finger depends on the condition of the organ and your sensations. The normal prostate is firmer. In the presence of chronic prostatitis in acute form, it changes its structure, as a result of which it becomes softer.

After several such procedures, the patient will very quickly learn to accurately find the location of the prostate gland.

What does this give a man? Firstly, he will learn how to properly massage the organ with his own hands. And secondly, he himself will learn to recognize changes in his prostate, which will allow him to seek help from a doctor in time if there are significant changes. For example, when examining an organ with his own hands, a man can feel new scars or nodes on the gland. It can be assumed that such changes signal inflammatory processes or the formation of stones; a significant increase may indicate the development of hyperplasia (adenoma). Of course, self-examination is not a prerequisite for self-diagnosis. The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis, and only he will be able to prescribe treatment that will be correct in this situation.

Self-massage of the prostate with a finger begins from the moment of preparation for the procedure. After this, the man takes a position that is comfortable for him so that he can easily insert a finger into his rectum. We remind you that at home during self-massage, each man will have his own position. After this, the index finger of a hand in a latex glove and lubricated with Vaseline is inserted into the anus. All this is done extremely carefully and slowly. The edges of the organ are felt.

Start massaging the prostate with your finger:

  • forward movements of the finger must be careful and accurate;
  • the gland is pressed from the edge of the right and left alternately, as a result of which the secreted secretion of the organ is adjusted to the urethra;
  • the force of influence depends on the structure: if it is soft, then the pressure should be light, but if it is hard, then the pressure can be increased.
  • The prostate massage ends by running a finger through the center of the organ towards the exit.

Make sure that the effect on the prostate itself does not cause acute pain. It is this procedure that helps to release prostate secretions and stimulate the functioning of the organ. After a massage, some men may have an orgasm with the release of a few drops of fluid. This is the secret of the prostate. If this does not happen, the man needs to empty his bladder after the procedure. The secretion will come out along with the urine. It is necessary to empty the bladder after a massage, since the secretion contains a certain amount of bacteria.

As you can see, it’s not difficult to do a massage with your own hands at home. But it is important to adhere to certain rules - and then you will quickly get positive results. The prescribed treatment for inflammatory processes in the organ occurs faster.

Pay attention to the color of the secreted secretion. If the treatment is going well, it should change from yellowish to transparent white. In case of persistent yellow or purulent discharge, you should consult a doctor and stop massaging. Perhaps the prescribed treatment requires adjustment or the patient needs to be further examined.

Other ways to influence the prostate

There are other types of influence on the activities of the body. If direct rectal massage of the prostate is scary, many men recommend using hydromassage. Do this procedure an hour before bedtime every day. Preparation includes colon cleansing with an enema. The temperature of the hot tub water should not be too bitter. Choose water that is comfortable for you. Twelve such procedures can be performed.

Another way to influence the prostate gland is to massage the testicles (scrotum) with rhythmic contraction of the anus muscles. With this effect, processes are launched at the cellular level, and blood flow significantly improves. This scrotal massage can also be used to prevent other male ailments, provided there are no diseases of this organ. It's absolutely safe.

Do not self-medicate. It can even be done only after consultation and prescription by a doctor. Remember that massage has many contraindications, so prescribing and treating the gland on your own can lead to a worsening of the situation.

Test for prostatitis

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Inflammation of the prostate gland has specific symptoms. During the inflammatory process, the gland swells and increases in size, which contributes to increased urination. If a man has such signs, he should immediately undergo a test for prostatitis. Then you will be able to assess the condition of your body and visit specialists in time.

You can take a prostate test at home yourself. When the gland becomes inflamed, not only problems with the outflow of urine appear, but also erectile function deteriorates, which leads to infertility. Early diagnosis of prostatitis will help avoid the development of serious complications.

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Time is over

  • Everything is fine.

    The results of the test show that you have moderately severe signs of prostatitis. Contact a specialist and get examined. Don't forget that most health problems can be eliminated in the early stages!

    You need to see a doctor urgently!

    You have obvious symptoms of prostatitis. See your doctor as soon as possible!

  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

    Task 1 of 13

    Have you had any discomfort or pain in the perineum over the past week?

  1. Task 2 of 13

    Over the past week, have you had any discomfort or pain in your scrotum?

  2. Task 3 of 13

    Over the past week, have you had any discomfort or pain in your penis?

  3. Task 4 of 13

    Over the past week, have you had any discomfort or pain in your lower abdomen?

  4. Task 5 of 13

    Over the last week, have you had any signs of prostatitis such as pain, a burning sensation during urination?

  5. Task 6 of 13

    Over the past week, have you had any signs of prostatitis such as pain or discomfort during ejaculation?



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs