Herpes on the head in the hair treatment. The manifestation and treatment of herpes on the scalp

Herpes on the head in the hair is one of the most complex diseases provoked by the herpes virus. Because of the hair itself, the therapeutic process is difficult and the course of the pathology is aggravated. The occurrence of herpes on the head in medical practice is not recorded as often as in other areas (lips, nose, genitals). Danger, causes of development, symptoms and treatment - information that everyone should have, because no one is immune from the development of this disease.

The essence of pathology

Many people have been familiar with the herpes virus since childhood. It is at this age that infection most often occurs. According to statistics, 90% of the world's population are virus carriers. Only in 17% of those infected, the disease manifests itself immediately after infection, in the rest the pathogen “waits” for a convenient moment (years may pass before symptoms appear).

Herpes is a viral disease of infectious etiology, which is accompanied by a specific clinic. The typical course of diseases provoked by the herpes virus is characterized by the appearance at the site of the lesion (skin, mucous membranes) of bubbles with liquid.

Science knows a large number of varieties of the virus, but 8 of them can harm the human body. Each type causes certain pathologies, has a characteristic localization, and is characterized by a high degree of contagiousness. Once in the body, the virus is embedded in the genetic apparatus of nerve cells, as a result of which it is impossible to cure it forever.

Ways of transmission: airborne, household, sexual, vertical.

Interesting! Herpetic rash on the head more often worries women over the age of 65.

Herpes in the head is a manifestation of the activity of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (Herpes simplex, HSV 1) or the herpes simplex virus type 3 (Varicella Zoster). It is possible that other varieties of the pathogen can also provoke this pathology, because each disease can proceed atypically.

HSV 1 is the so-called, which is mainly manifested by a "cold" on the lips, wings of the nose, nasolabial triangle. If the integrity of the skin on the head is violated, the “transfer” of the virus from the main focus is not excluded (the patient does this himself - spreads the infection, contributes to the spread of the rash). Infection is also possible through close contact with an infected person (for example, contact sports, or going to the hairdresser).

However, the appearance of the head is a manifestation of the activity of herpes zoster. This disease, like chickenpox in children, provokes varicella zoster. Having had chickenpox in childhood, the human body develops lifelong immunity to it. But the virus remains in the body forever, and after several decades (after 50 years), the pathogen can manifest itself as lichen, which provokes the appearance of herpetic eruptions on any part of the body along the location of the nerve endings. Unilateral localization is characterized by a profuse grouped rash resembling a belt mark. Rashes on the head indicate damage to the trigeminal nerve.

Causes, clinical picture

On the head are exactly the same as on all other parts of the body. The immune system reacts to the introduction of the virus by producing specific antibodies that are able to keep its activity under control. But under some circumstances, the body is unable to cope with the activity of the pathogen. These circumstances are:

  • decreased immunity;
  • stressful situations;
  • heavy physical labor;
  • inadequate rest;
  • malnutrition;
  • pregnancy;
  • immunodeficiency states.

All herpetic diseases have a similar clinic. The incubation period lasts an average of 21 days after infection. At the initial stage, a person feels unwell, body temperature rises, nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and an increase in cervical lymph nodes are possible. The scalp turns red, itching appears, but it is possible that the patient will not notice this under the hair. Symptoms of a herpes infection are similar to a cold or poisoning.

After 1-2 days, characteristic symptoms begin to appear. A temperature jump is fixed, bubbles with liquid appear on the head. When HSV-1 is affected, the entire head can be affected, the patient feels itching, when type 3 of the virus is activated, a rash appears on one side (most often in the back of the head, temples), the affected area is very painful.

Under the influence of external factors, the bubbles open on their own, small erosions are formed. At this stage, a person is very contagious, in addition, there is a risk of introducing bacterial flora into wounds, which can lead to the development of complications. Sores are covered with crusts that fall off without leaving a trace (with HSV-1). In case of damage to varicella zoster, scars with a deepening may remain on the skin.

In a child, a rash occurs against the background of chicken pox, when herpetic lesions appear throughout the body (from head to toe). Children carry the disease much easier than adults. In two weeks there is a complete recovery.

Depending on the level of the body's defenses, symptoms can persist from 2 to 4 weeks. In the case of herpes zoster on the head, pain along the nerve endings may not pass for a long period of time (from several months to several years).

Possible Complications

Herpes of the scalp itself is not dangerous, but in the absence of adequate treatment it can provoke the development of a number of complex consequences. A rash from the head can spread to the ears and eyes, which often leads to a decrease or complete loss of hearing and vision.

The virus is able to provoke inflammatory processes in the cells of the brain, spinal cord (meningitis), and can lead to paralysis of the body. Paralysis of the respiratory muscles can be fatal.

Deep erosions formed after the opening of the vesicles contribute to the spread of the virus through the central nervous system, which provokes the development of encephalitis. With meningoencephalitic lichen in 60% of cases, a fatal outcome is recorded, the rest of the patients remain disabled. Inhalation of fluid from the bubbles is fraught with the development of herpes pneumonia - a serious pathology of the lungs.

Long-lasting pain in the affected area is called postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia - a disease that negatively affects the psycho-emotional state, human performance.

Herpes during pregnancy (primary infection or another outbreak) can provoke an arbitrary interruption at any time, the development of anomalies of internal organs, and blood poisoning. If a newborn becomes infected from an infected mother, then in most cases a weak body cannot withstand severe intoxication and the child dies.

Diagnostic and therapeutic measures

How to treat herpes on the head, only a doctor will answer. When the first symptoms appear, you should contact a therapist, virologist, neurologist or dermatologist. An experienced specialist on the basis of examining the patient, collecting an anamnesis, will be able to accurately diagnose. However, sometimes it is necessary to analyze the fluid from the vesicles for virus typing.

It is completely impossible to cure the disease. Therapeutic goals are to stop the spread of the virus, relieve symptoms, reduce the number of exacerbations, and minimize the risk of complications.

The main group of drugs used for any herpetic disease is antiviral. Tablets and capsules are most effective for herpes on the head. Local treatment with ointments, creams, gels is complicated by the presence of hair. Valaciclovir and Famciclovir are taken by adults at 500 mg three times a day for 7-10 days. In addition, taking a second drug can minimize the possibility of developing postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia. In complicated cases, intravenous and intramuscular injections are indicated.

For the treatment of babies from a year old, Acyclovir is prescribed at a dose of 100-200 mg three times a day (the course of treatment is no more than 5 days).

To increase the effectiveness of the treatment of herpes on the head in the hair, Acyclovir ointment, Fenistil Pencivir cream will help. Apply funds in a thin layer at least 5 times a day to the affected skin. To do this, you need to comb your hair well, dividing it in the parting, carefully lubricate all the bubbles. Often it is very difficult to apply ointments and creams for herpes on the head (especially if you have long thick hair), because of this, the course of the pathology is aggravated.

Ibuprofen, Paracetamol will help to anesthetize, eliminate fever, body aches. To relieve itching, burning, swelling, they drink tablets with antihistamine action Tavegil, Suprastin.

You do not need to wash your hair often, using a baby shampoo without fragrances, dyes and other harmful ingredients. After the procedure, the wounds are treated with local antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin).

At the stage of formation of ulcers, in order to prevent the ingress of bacterial microflora, Fukortsin, Brilliant Green is used.

When crusts have formed, effectively lubricate them with Erythromycin ointment - this will speed up the healing process. You can also use Levomekol, Solcoseryl.

Children and pregnant women from herpes are prescribed zinc ointment, which is the safest and no less effective.

Some patients are interested in the question - how to treat herpes on the head with the help of physiotherapy? Viral cells die under the influence of a quartz lamp, ultraviolet rays and a laser. It is these procedures that can be included in the course of herpes therapy.

To increase the body's resistance, multivitamin preparations are taken (Vitrum, Vitamineral). Injections of B vitamins, zinc and calcium preparations are useful.


Treatment of folk remedies for herpes on the head should be carried out only in parallel with the main drug regimen and after the permission of the doctor.

Chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula, peppermint, string, burdock are effective against any dermatological problems. Cold decoction of herbs wipe the affected areas.

To relieve the inflammatory process, a fresh plantain leaf or a cut of a Kalanchoe, aloe leaf is applied.

A decoction of oak bark and birch buds will help to tighten the wounds faster with a crust. Natural oils - roses, rose hips, sea buckthorn - contribute to the speedy healing. Black cumin essential oil activates local immunity, which helps the body fight the virus. In addition, it is very useful for hair (contains many vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids, phytosterols, tannins). Almond oil reduces the activity of herpesvirus.

Tinctures of Eleutherococcus, ginger root, willow bark, echinacea will help to increase immunity.

Basic Rules

The success of therapy depends on several factors, among which the main place is occupied by timely access to a doctor. The sooner treatment begins, the better for the patient and his health.

To get a positive result, you must follow some rules:

  • do not self-medicate;
  • eat right - exclude fried, fatty, salty foods, enrich the diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products;
  • prevent the spread of the virus - wash your hands thoroughly after each contact with the affected areas;
  • a high level of contagiousness necessitates isolation of the patient - personal household items, bedding and bath accessories;
  • you need to comb your hair gently with a comb with rare teeth (pre-treat with a local antiseptic), without affecting the skin;
  • strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

In addition, it is necessary to walk daily in the fresh air, and to carry out wet cleaning and airing at home.

In a typical course, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. People with extensive affected areas, pregnant women, small children, patients with serious pathologies (HIV, AIDS, oncology, hepatitis C, cirrhosis) are subject to hospitalization.


It is almost impossible to protect yourself or a child from infection. The main preventive goal is to control the virus, which is already embedded in nerve cells.

A healthy lifestyle, hardening, giving up bad habits, the right balance of work and rest, good nutrition, a stable emotional state are the points without which it is not possible to create a reliable stable immunity.

It is very important to treat all diseases in a timely manner and not to forget that many of them can be asymptomatic. In order to identify them, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations with doctors every six months.

Compliance with personal hygiene, maintaining cleanliness in the house, a serious attitude to one's health is the key to an effective increase in the body's resistance to any disease.

Herpes of the head is an insidious pathology that can provoke the development of complications that threaten health and even life. You need to treat it very responsibly, when the first symptoms appear, seek medical help. Only timely and correct treatment can remove the virus from the active stage without consequences and keep it under control.

Herpetic infection is a recurrent pathology of a chronic type caused by the herpes simplex virus, which manifests itself on the body with a blistering rash and is accompanied by itching and burning.

The disease affects not only the skin and mucous membranes: a severe form of the disease can affect the central nervous system and lead to the development of such anomalies as encephalitis and meningitis.

Most often, those prone to herpetic disease are faced with the localization of unpleasant symptoms on the lips, eyes and skin. But, in some cases, the infectious process occurs in other places, for example, on the head.

In order to recognize the disease, choose treatment and prevent the consequences, it is necessary to identify the causes of herpes and deal with the accompanying symptoms.

The pathogenesis of herpes on the head

The mechanism of development of herpes on the head is due to the viral nature of the disease, which can be transmitted in one of the following ways:

There are two ways to transfer:

  1. Airborne. Infection occurs through particles of saliva containing disease-causing agents.
  2. Air and dust. Infection becomes possible through the smallest dust particles, on which dangerous organisms and viruses settle when coughing.

After contact with the carrier, the pathogen, bypassing the tissue barriers of the body, enters the blood and lymph, and from there to other organs. The herpes virus is embedded in the genetic apparatus of neurons (nerve cells), and from that moment it is impossible to eliminate the herpes infection in the body - it remains with the carrier until the end of life.

According to statistics, most of the population is infected with the herpes virus. The infection is in the plexus of nerve cells in a dormant state and awakens during periods of low temperatures, during various diseases and with a deficiency of vitamins in the body.

Immunodeficiency and deactivation of the protective mechanisms of human organs and systems is the main reason for the manifestation of herpes on the head.

A combination of the following phenomena affects the decrease in immune functions:

Elderly people, whose immunity is at a very low level, are more susceptible to herpes on the head. This is due to the age and physiological characteristics of the organism of this category of individuals. In this case, treatment involves strengthening the protective mechanisms of the immune system with the help of vitamin therapy.

For treatment and getting rid of the body from HERPES, many of our readers actively use the well-known method based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva. We definitely recommend checking it out.

Clinical picture

The incubation period of the herpes virus on the head reaches several months from the onset of the infectious process. But it is realistic to identify the disease already at the first stage of its clinical manifestation. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

Herpes on the head in the hair goes through several stages of its development:

  1. Localization of the focus of infection. The patient may feel discomfort in this area, expressed by slight itching, tingling and pain on contact with the skin. At this stage, the skin changes its color to inflamed, red.
  2. Formation of bubbles filled with liquid. The vesicles contain active pathogens of herpetic infection, therefore, in order to avoid infection of neighboring skin areas, it is not recommended to open or comb them.
  3. Spontaneous opening of herpes vesicles. Treatment at this stage includes isolating the patient from others. This is one of the important points of this stage: any contact with an infected object is fraught with infection with the herpes virus.
  4. Scab formation- a crust that covers healing wounds and protects them from bacteria and dirt, - in place of opened vesicles.

Detection of signs of herpes at an early stage of development and timely intervention during the disease can reduce the inflammatory process to four weeks. Otherwise, the virus begins to multiply in the cells of the brain and spinal cord.

Such activity can cause such serious pathologies as deafness, blindness, abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system and paralysis of the limbs.

How and what to treat?

Treatment of herpes on the head involves the suppression of the clinical manifestations of the virus and the return of the disease to an inactive state. Herpetic infection cannot be completely eliminated and remains with the carrier until the end of life. Therefore, therapy includes the use of antiviral drugs - ointments, creams and tablets.

Medications have bactericidal properties that help neutralize the infection, and contribute to the speedy healing of the lesion.

High efficiency in the fight against the herpes virus proved:

Depending on the stage of herpes, the patient may need treatment in a hospital setting. Therapy involves the use of physiotherapy, which includes methods of irradiating the affected area of ​​the skin with a quartz lamp or laser equipment that is detrimental to the virus.

To prevent the development of herpes on the head, it is important to resort to preventive measures aimed at strengthening the body's defense mechanisms and avoiding conditions and phenomena that pose a threat to the immune system.

Do you still think that it is impossible to get rid of herpes forever?

Did you know that the entire population is potentially infected with herpes. Of the nine people examined, only two do not have the herpes virus!

  • itching, burning, tingling sensation...
  • rashes in the form of bubbles that may appear on the lips, mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, on the genitals and on the body ...
  • fatigue, drowsiness...
  • lack of interest in life, depression...
  • headache...

Are these symptoms familiar to you? And judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, the victory over HERPES is not on your side. But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the consequences, but the cause? Follow the link and find out how Elena Savelyeva got rid of herpes...

In most situations, herpes on the head is observed in females in old age. However, there is a possibility of its occurrence in older men and even in children.

The formation of a characteristic herpetic rash is often associated directly with contact with infected people, and can also be an expression of repeated manifestations of chicken pox, the relapse of which was still in childhood. When the first symptoms of herpes of the scalp are detected, it is necessary to immediately begin the correct therapy, which will make it possible to exclude the development of serious health problems.

The reasons

Herpes on the scalp can be triggered by the activation of the infection due to the influence of a number of factors, which include:

  • weak immunity;
  • stressful situations;
  • the presence of mechanical damage;
  • long stay in the cold without a hat;
  • diseases of an infectious nature;
  • age category of the patient (old age);
  • oncological diseases;
  • chemotherapy treatment;
  • inadequate diet;
  • transferred surgical operations;
  • hypodynamia and lack of sleep;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • direct contact with carriers of herpesvirus.

As already noted, in most cases, herpes in the forehead and head area occurs among women whose age is over 65 years. This disease is highly contagious. It happens that a rash appears in case of activation of a viral infection already present in the body. Also, rashes are often observed in the process of contact with carriers of the virus in violation of skin lesions on the head. Under any circumstances, it must be understood that if a person has been diagnosed with herpes on the head in the hair, the treatment will be lengthy and rather difficult, since the hair will prevent the correct implementation of the therapy.


Signs of this type of herpesvirus can manifest themselves both in combination and singly. Dermatology distinguishes 4 stages of the development of herpes on the surface of the head:

  1. Early stage. During this period, the patient feels a slight tingling sensation and a slight itching sensation in the scalp area. There may be redness on the head.
  2. At the second stage, pimples are formed on the scalp of a person, containing a specific substance inside. Along with this, the patient notes pain in the area where the bubbles are located.
  3. The third stage is considered the most dangerous. The fact is that at this stage the pimples burst. The main threat is that bacteria can penetrate into the places of wounds. In addition, at this stage, the patient is most contagious to loved ones, because the resulting substance spreads the infection.
  4. During the fourth stage, crusts appear on the areas where pimples are located. As the recovery progresses, the crust dries up, and the affected areas of the skin of the head tighten.

Some patients who are diagnosed with the above viral infection may doubt whether they really have herpes. Medical experts say that this type of infection is quite common, and in some cases the disease affects not only adults, but also children.

If a person has found at least one of the signs of herpes of the head, he should immediately consult a doctor.

Symptoms that signal the disease include:

Symptoms of herpes skin on the head, depending on the state of the protective functions of the patient's body, lasts 14-28 days. Sometimes, when the patient's immunity is significantly weakened, pain along the affected nerve endings can be observed even for several months, very rarely - for 1-2 years.

Therapy Methods

The faster the diagnosis of the disease is made, and the sooner its therapy begins, the higher the likelihood that the disease will not become severe.

The treatment of this pathology is mainly carried out by a dermatologist.

How to treat herpes localized on the head? Successful therapy is guaranteed by the correct and early use of antiviral drugs. The most effective at the moment are the drugs Famciclovir, Acyclovir and Zovirax. The affected areas of the skin should be smeared with one of the above drugs up to 6 times a day.
If the patient began to be treated in a timely manner, he has the opportunity to remove all manifestations of the disease in the neck and head during the first week. When the disease is diagnosed at the third stage of development, then drug treatment can last up to two weeks or more.

It is necessary to treat herpes not only with the help of local preparations, but also by exerting an internal effect on a viral infection. In addition to antiviral agents, you should also take one of the anti-inflammatory drugs (based on Paracetamol or Ibuprofen), as well as immunostimulants that can help in the process of activating the body's protective functions.

Do not ignore home treatments that help fight herpes head more effectively:

With an exacerbation of the disease, you should refrain from washing your hair. This will make it possible to eliminate the risk of infection spreading to healthy fragments of the skin.

It should also be remembered about preventive measures, which consist primarily in strengthening the immune system. Experts in the field of dermatology advise to normalize the diet, adhere to the daily routine, and “harden” the body.

Almost every one of us faces herpes at some point. Rashes characteristic of this condition may appear on the surface of the skin, especially with flu and colds. We can safely say that not all people know that herpes can affect the head. It is important to know that this is a relatively complex disease that, once detected, requires prompt treatment.

On the lips it takes about 7 days, while on the hair and head it can last up to a month, and the patient may be in severe pain. About the treatment of herpes on the head, how its manifestations look and how it can threaten the patient, it is advisable to find out for everyone who cares about their own health.

Varieties and causes of appearance

Herpes on the head has an atypical location. It occurs much less frequently than the well-known disease on the lips and other areas of the skin. The most common today are the three main varieties of this pathology, which appear due to various external and internal factors:

  • herpes of the first type, acquired through infection by the oral route - GT1;
  • the second type, sexually transmitted - GT2;
  • the third type (chickenpox) - GT3.

Herpes on the head in the hair, the treatment of which we will consider later, is of a viral nature, appearing as a result of the transfer of chicken pox to the victims. There are rare cases when the common cold variant of GT1 causes inflammation in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and is then transferred with infection to the scalp.

A rash in the hair appears very rarely if the infection remains on the damaged part of the skin. For example, if a patient has herpes vesicles on his lips, which are very itchy, and after scratching them, he touches the scalp. The presence of minimal trauma is enough for the virus to penetrate inside.


The main location of a herpes infection is the nerve endings. For some time, it may not manifest itself in any way, however, with a pronounced decrease in immunity, there is a risk of a relapse. If herpes enters the trigeminal nerve located on the head, the disease will manifest itself there.

Ways of infection

As noted above, herpes on the head - on the back of the head, crown or temples - can be obtained by self-infection. Yes, it doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Often, the virus of the first and third types can be transmitted quite quickly through close contact with the patient, as well as when sharing common objects with him.

Infection with the herpes virus is quite often observed in children. Agree, rarely one of them did not suffer from chicken pox - chickenpox. And if it was possible to avoid it, then, when infected, chickenpox is much more difficult for adults to tolerate.

Other ways

On the head it is possible in the following cases:

  • when the virus is transferred through touching the damaged areas of the skin with an infected hand or fingers (by getting into skin microcracks);
  • sharing the same hygiene items with an infected person, especially towels and bed linen, since the infection remains viable in these items for 5 hours;
  • during blood transfusion.

You should be careful about using shared combs, which can harbor harmful viruses and bacteria. If there is even a small scratch on the head, herpes can quickly begin to develop.

Provoking factors

The virus that affects the scalp is somewhat different from the common cold sores on the nose and lips. For its development, it will not be enough just to get sick with a cold, as is often the case with a viral infection of the skin of the face.

The main category of people who are at risk of contracting the described disease with a manifestation in the form of rashes on the head are representatives of a more mature age who have reached 65 years of age. It is noteworthy that in most cases women suffer from this type of virus, and this is associated with their changing hormonal levels.

In young people, this type of herpes rarely occurs. Most often due to a severe immunodeficiency state: the presence of HIV or AIDS. If the disease appears before the age of 40, a person needs to examine the immune system in order to identify these pathologies or refute their presence.

The impetus for GT1 can be many prerequisite factors:

  • recent illness;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • short and poor sleep;
  • frequent stressful situations, etc.

In fact, this is not a particularly dangerous condition, so herpes caused by such a virus is much easier than GT3.

Symptoms of the disease

Outwardly, the signs of herpes on the scalp practically do not differ from the symptoms of this disease on the lips. However, in the hair it is quite difficult to see the transparent bubbles familiar to herpes. The disease usually begins with a relatively elevated temperature. In case of damage to the trigeminal nerve, the entire period of the patient may be disturbed by severe pain.

The inflammatory process develops in stages, and on the head in the hair can be different.

  1. At first, it can be confused with the symptoms of a common cold. In addition to a high temperature, the patient may experience pain in the eyes and muscles, a feeling of nausea, headache, and a deterioration in general well-being. In some parts of the body, itching and even burning may appear. The skin may become edematous and hyperemic. Usually herpes of this type appears in the neck and temples.
  2. After about 10 hours, transparent bubbles form on the head, and over time they become more and more. In the absence of competent therapy, inflammation can grow to fairly large areas of the skin.
  3. If the rashes are not disturbed in any way, they will burst, forming small wounds. They can develop an infection, which often causes suppuration. It is noteworthy that the temperature may subside, the patient may feel better, but the pain will still be noticeable.
  4. Healed wounds crust over after a while. It is highly undesirable to damage them, so as not to increase the duration of the process of complete recovery. After a few days, the crusts will fall off on their own.

Often, a patient with this disease has an increase in lymph nodes. Treatment of herpes on the head in the hair in this case is required immediately.


Without proper treatment, herpes on the scalp can cause quite serious and dangerous complications. For example, it can be neuralgia, which is accompanied by debilitating pain. If immunity is significantly reduced, soreness can persist even with the disappearance of external signs.

Since the infection is quite active in the nervous system, pain may appear in the nerve endings. The affected area of ​​nerve fibers affects the localization of pain. If they are excessively inflamed, a person may develop paralysis of the facial muscles, as well as a violation of their mobility.

The danger is also that this type of herpes is located near the brain, and, penetrating inside, the virus can cause meningoencephalitis. In addition, there is a risk that the infection will spread through the eyes and ears, and once in the nose, herpes migrates directly to the lungs, causing pneumonia.

A virus of this type without urgent and adequate therapy can cause quite a lot of negative consequences, therefore, at the first manifestations of its symptoms on the head, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Only a doctor should choose a scheme for the treatment of herpes on the head in the hair. Self-treatment can cause rather sad complications.

The optimal drug is Fenistil pencivir, the price of which in local pharmacies varies from 300 to 400 rubles. Medications should be started when the first symptoms appear. This will help speed up recovery, as well as help prevent the occurrence of possible complications.

Therapy regimen

Herpes therapy is carried out according to the scheme of progressive acceptance by the patient of the medications necessary for the treatment:

  • Antiviral tablets. The dose should be determined by the patient's leading physician, who will take into account the general condition of the patient. The drug "Famciclovir" is effective, the instructions for use of which indicate that it is allowed to be used by adults from 18 years of age. In addition, doctors usually also prescribe Famvir, Zovirax, Minaker, Valvir and Valtrex. In case of infection with a baby virus, the most acceptable for children "Acyclovir" is used. Instructions for the use of this tool involves its adoption by children of different age categories.
  • Antiviral ointments. Such funds prevent the spread of herpes rash to other parts of the head. This includes "Fenistil pencivir" (its price is also approximately 300-400 rubles).
  • Immunomodulators. They make it possible to maintain the patient's natural immunity at an optimal level. There are quite a few medications that a doctor can prescribe. It is strongly not recommended to use them on your own, because if the remedy is not chosen correctly, immunomodulators can harm health.
  • Antiseptics intended for local use. This type of therapeutic effect helps to prevent the likelihood of re-infection. Inflamed areas on the head are recommended to be lubricated with "Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin" or "Fukortsin". With the formation of crusts, it is recommended to treat the skin of the head with an ointment containing erythromycin. Additionally, it will accelerate the process of tissue regeneration.
  • Calming and pain relievers. In the treatment of herpes on the head in the hair, they help to minimize the pain, allowing the patient to sleep normally. With a more severe course of the disease, it is recommended to use antidepressants.

If the patient has a high temperature, antipyretics may be prescribed. Physiotherapy has sufficient efficiency: laser treatment, irradiation with an ultraviolet or quartz lamp, UVI.

In order to prevent the appearance of herpes on the head in the future, you need to:

  • exclude all kinds of contact with sick people;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • if possible, isolate the infected;
  • harden the body;
  • regularly walk in fresh air;
  • avoid excessive physical activity;
  • eat properly;
  • observe the regime of rest and work;
  • timely treat chronic diseases, eliminate inflammatory foci.

Among other things, as mentioned earlier, at the first suspicion of chickenpox in a child, after consulting with a doctor, you should immediately start using Acyclovir for children.

Instructions for the use of "Famciclovir" also provides for an effective effect on the body infected with a herpes infection, but only in adults. By the way, these funds can be used as a preventive measure.

Herpes on the head is a rather insidious pathology that can provoke the development of certain complications. A disease of this type should be treated very responsibly and, if the first symptoms are detected, immediately seek medical help. Only correct and timely treatment will help to remove the virus from the body without consequences and various complications.

Herpes on the head is a very unpleasant and problematic disease that affects people of all ages. Pathology occurs due to the penetration of the herpes virus into the hairline. The initial infection is manifested by chicken pox, and in subsequent infections, shingles develops. To fight this disease, it is necessary to understand the etiology of its activation.

The cause of herpes on the head can be two types of herpesvirus:

  • herpes simplex virus;
  • shingles virus.

Also, under the influence of negative factors, the body weakens before the activity of the pathogen. A person undergoes a relapse of a previously penetrated virus into the body when:

  • decreased immunity;
  • stressful situations;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • malnutrition;
  • pregnancy;
  • imbalance of hormones;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • bad ecology;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body.

Herpes on the head appears as an acute or chronic relapsing disease associated with a decrease in immunity.

Herpes simplex virus. Pathology develops on the hair if the causative agent of the disease is the herpes virus type 1. Infection of the scalp occurs by airborne droplets. The development of herpes in the scalp in this case occurs only occasionally and occurs against the background of a strong decrease in immunity. The disease is manifested by a rash and microtrauma on the head. Infected people should be tested for HIV infection.

Shingles. The development of shingles on the head can be observed more often in the elderly. The disease manifests itself in the form of an exacerbation of chickenpox. Even with shingles, even with chickenpox, after treatment, the Varicella-Zotere virus is always present in the human body. It is constantly suppressed by the immune system, only when the immune system is weakened can the virus be activated.


Symptoms of the disease vary depending on which type of virus caused the activation of the disease. Herpes on the head and in the hair does not occur immediately, it is accompanied by some conditions and discomfort. Depending on the etiology of the disease, the symptoms may vary slightly.

Symptoms of the herpes simplex virus

Type 1 virus has distinctive symptoms that cannot be confused. Herpes occurs not only on the scalp, but also on the lips, on the mucous membranes. The disease is characterized by rashes in the form of small bubbles with a liquid content inside. The disease proceeds in several stages:

  1. First. At this stage, the infection manifests itself as redness and itching in places of localization. If treatment is started at the first symptoms, it is quickly eliminated and does not cause any complications.
  2. The second stage is characterized by an increase in bubbles and the appearance of a transparent liquid inside them, which becomes cloudy over time. The rash and itching persist.
  3. In the third stage, the bubbles burst and exudate is released. The fluid from the burst bubble forms an erosive surface on the skin under the hair.
  4. In the fourth stage of the course of the disease, crusts form. Their injury leads to bleeding.

The mild course of the disease does not affect the general condition of the patient, but the severe form is not limited to local manifestations on the scalp. A person experiences discomfort in the form of:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • severe pain.

Without treatment, the herpes virus on the head will not disappear; to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first symptoms and begin treatment.

Signs of herpes zoster

Shingles can occur anywhere on the body. Symptoms depend on the location of the lichen. With the development of herpes zoster on the head, the trigeminal and facial nerves are affected. These symptoms are accompanied by:

  • neuralgic disorders;
  • numbness and paralysis of the trigeminal and facial nerve for several months;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • painful sensations in the eyes and ears;
  • the development of ulcerative rashes in the oral cavity;

There are cases of damage to the nerve cells of the brain by the virus. This is a very serious complication that can lead to irreversible consequences.

Treatment Methods

The treatment of herpes on the head in the hair should be started when the first signs of the disease appear. In the fight against this infection, both drug therapy and traditional medicine can be used.

Herpes simplex treatment

The treatment of herpes on the head must be taken seriously. With timely treatment to the doctor, the disease does not cause any complications. Herpesvirus therapy is based on the use of antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs. Antiviral drugs include - "Acyclovir", "Famciclovir", "Valacyclovir". Anti-inflammatory drugs include Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

Treatment may also require:

  • subcutaneous administration of an antiherpetic vaccine (the scheme and dose are determined by the doctor);
  • take drugs that increase immunity;
  • several times a day, treat bursting bubbles with miramistin or panthenol;
  • apply erythromycin ointment, which heals sores at the stage of scab development;
  • application of ointment with analgesic effect;
  • physiotherapy - ultraviolet rays and a quartz lamp can destroy the virus.

You can get rid of herpes on the scalp if you follow all the doctor's recommendations. Only complex treatment will help stop the progression of the disease and prevent further development of complications.

Herpes zoster treatment

The patient should be hospitalized only in case of a threat of brain damage. The development of Herpes-Zoster on the head causes discomfort in an adult, so therapy is based on reducing pain and preventing secondary infection. As with herpes simplex, drugs are prescribed:

  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • enhancing immunity.

For unbearable pain, doctors prescribe the following additional measures:

  1. Blockade. Manipulation consists in the introduction of painkillers into the nearby soft tissues of the affected nerve. After the procedure, the patient feels relief for a while.
  2. Electrical nerve stimulation. The purpose of the procedure is to normalize the functional activity of nerve endings and eliminate pain.

When the virus infects the nerve branches, signs appear in the form of: constipation or diarrhea, urinary incontinence, paralysis or numbness in different parts of the body. With such complications, the doctor prescribes narcotic analgesics.

For the treatment of herpes on the head, in particular, when you can use not only medical remedies, but also folk methods. They involve the use of various tinctures that need to be taken orally and the application of compresses to the affected area, moistened in a special decoction of medicinal herbs. All actions must be discussed with your doctor. Only the right treatment can get rid of the infection.

Shingles treatment

Can you wash your hair with herpes?

Shampooing for herpes should be limited. Water procedures are forbidden to be taken at the onset of the disease. In case of urgent need, you can wash your hair with baby shampoo without the use of dyes and flavors. Rubbing the scalp is strictly prohibited. After washing, it is necessary to treat the rashes.

Possible Complications

Herpes on the head with proper treatment is not dangerous. But, when the disease is ignored, it turns into irreversible consequences:

  1. A rash from the head can spread to the ears and eyes, causing loss of hearing and vision.
  2. The infection can affect the spinal cord and brain. Against the background of such lesions, meningitis and paralysis of the body develop. With paralysis of the respiratory muscles, the patient cannot be saved.
  3. The occurrence of deep erosions causes the spread of the virus throughout the central nervous system. This can give impetus to the formation of encephalitis. Sixty percent of people with meningoencephalitic lichen die, and the rest remain disabled for life.
  4. When inhaling the liquid from the bubbles, herpes pneumonia can occur.
  5. Prolonged pain in the affected area causes trigeminal neuralgia.

If you find the first signs of damage to the scalp, you should contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. This is a serious disease that causes severe consequences. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the chance of a successful outcome of the disease. Also, proper nutrition, moderate exercise, and the rejection of bad habits can strengthen the immune system and prevent the activation of the virus.



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