If a pregnant woman has an earache. What to do if otitis media occurs in pregnant women? what to treat? Therapy of ear diseases in pregnant women should be carried out under the constant supervision of an otolaryngologist

The incidence of ear diseases during pregnancy increases by about 3 times. This is due to a decrease in the reactivity of the body against the background of hormonal disruptions, vitamin deficiency and severe intoxication. The occurrence of pain, hyperthermia and serous discharge from the ear canal signals the development of ENT diseases.

How to treat the ear during pregnancy? Most antibacterial and analgesic drugs have an ototoxic effect, so they cannot be used during the period of gestation. To eliminate the manifestations of the disease and prevent the development of complications, specialists use a limited list of medications with analgesic, antiallergic and antiphlogistic effects.

Reasons for the development of ENT diseases

In late gestation, many women experience hearing impairment, which in 90% of cases is associated with tissue edema and a change in the condition of the eardrum. Swelling of the mucous membranes is one of the key reasons for the development of infectious and inflammatory processes in the organ of hearing.

Stagnation provokes a decrease in local immunity, which increases the risk of developing pathologies.

With reduced body resistance, the occurrence of catarrhal processes in the auditory analyzer can be due to the following factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • strong pressure drops;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infection of the upper respiratory tract;
  • blockage of the ear canal with sulfuric plug;
  • allergic reaction to foods and medicines;
  • mechanical injuries of the external auditory canal.

Due to a decrease in the reactivity of the body, the clinical manifestations of ear pathologies in pregnant women are poorly expressed. The reason for contacting a specialist will be: stuffy ears and nose, dizziness, serous exudate from the ear canal.

than to treat? Therapy of ear diseases in pregnant women should be carried out under the constant supervision of an otolaryngologist. Delay in treatment can adversely affect the health of not only the expectant mother, but also the child. Against the background of severe intoxication caused by the reproduction of pathogens, pathological development of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy is not excluded.

How to treat ear pain during pregnancy? Therapy of ENT diseases begins with the use of topical drugs that stop the development of pathogens and inflammatory processes in the affected tissues. The choice of a specific method of treatment is determined by the etiological factors that provoked the onset of the disease, the trimester of pregnancy and the nature of the manifestation of symptoms. What during pregnancy?

  • vasoconstrictor drops - reduce vascular permeability, thereby eliminating puffiness;
  • analgesics - relieve pain caused by catarrhal processes in the organ of hearing;
  • antibiotics - kill pathogenic microbes, the development of which leads to the appearance of abscesses in the mucous membranes of the middle ear;
  • ear drops - relieve inflammation and swelling, resulting in improved ventilation of the ear cavity;
  • blowing - restores the patency of the Eustachian tube, due to which the pressure on the eardrum normalizes;
  • pneumomassage - helps to restore the normal blood supply to inflamed tissues, which accelerates their regeneration.

Ear pathologies in 80% of cases are the result of an infectious lesion of the nasopharynx. To prevent the development of an ENT disease, pregnant women should limit their social circle and frequency of visiting public places.

The use of boric alcohol

Is it possible to bury boric acid in the ear during pregnancy? Boric acid is an effective antiseptic that prevents the development of pathogenic flora. It is produced in the form of aqueous and alcoholic solutions (boric alcohol), which are used to disinfect the external auditory canal during the development of infectious diseases. diseases.

The components of the drug are absorbed into the blood, so during pregnancy it should be used with caution and only as directed by a specialist. How to instill during pregnancy? In order to treat ear pathologies, boric acid and alcohol are used in accordance with the following rules:

  1. before use, the medicine is heated to 38 degrees;
  2. 2% solution is instilled into the affected ear, 2 drops no more than 2 times a day;
  3. excess drug is removed with cotton swabs;
  4. the course of treatment with the drug should not exceed 5 days.

Important! You can not use boric acid and alcohol with kidney dysfunction. This will lead to intoxication of the body, which can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

It should be noted that boric acid cannot be used for perforation of the eardrum. The components of the product can provoke irritation of the mucous membrane of the ear cavity, which will lead to a difficult outflow of the transudate.

Features of drug treatment

If the ear hurts in a pregnant woman, how to treat? In the first trimester of pregnancy, experts do not recommend the use of drugs that include synthetic components. This is due to an increased risk of developing neural tube pathologies and disorders in the formation of the vital organs of the unborn child.

Starting from the 14th week of gestation, medications such as:

Vasoconstrictor drops can be used exclusively in children's dosages. An overdose of the drug can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus, which is fraught with premature birth in the last stages of gestation.


Comprehensive treatment of ENT diseases accelerates the regression of inflammatory processes and recovery. If the ear hurts during pregnancy, how to treat? According to experts, one of the safest physiotherapeutic procedures is pneumomassage of the eardrum, which improves blood microcirculation, trophism and tissue metabolism.

Important! You can not use pneumomassage in the presence of purulent foci of inflammation in the ear cavity, as well as serious barotrauma.

Pneumomassage - impact on the eardrum with air currents of high and low pressure. Vibration of the membrane and auditory ossicles leads to contraction of the muscles leading to the Eustachian tube. This contributes to the elimination of congestion, which is of paramount importance in the treatment of eustachitis, exudative and diffuse otitis at the preperforative stage.

The physiotherapy procedure prevents the development of autophony and persistent hearing loss. Intensive fluctuations of the components of the sound-conducting system contribute to the resorption of fibrous adhesions and scars. Timely passage of therapy prevents the occurrence of perforations in the eardrum and the mineralization of the auditory ossicles.

Inflammation in the ears, shooting pains, a feeling of noise and squeaking, stuffy ears are unpleasant symptoms in themselves. In most cases, this way the body signals the onset of inflammation in the outer, middle or inner ear.

However, at the time of the formation of inflammation in a pregnant woman, the listed symptoms are especially dangerous. Therefore, treatment must be immediate. But women who are expecting replenishment are banned from many drugs because of their side effects and the risk of harming the fetus. In this material, we will study in more detail the question of how to treat if a pregnant woman has an earache and what ear drops exist for pregnant women.

In the process pregnancy Numerous changes occur in a woman's body, including hormonal disruptions. Therefore, pain in the ears is not a rare case. In addition, a pregnant woman experiences many other unpleasant symptoms. However, ear pain is a clear symptom of the onset of some kind of inflammation and should not be ignored.

It can be sharp or blunt, as well as shooting or unexpected.

In this case, you need to urgently contact your doctor.

But if this is not possible at the moment, check out first aid rules.

Not always pain in the ears is caused by some kind of inflammation. Usually at a later date hearing loss and rare pain in the ears are caused by the approach of childbirth.

These changes are associated with the expansion of the Eustachian tube and the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses. When examined by an ENT doctor, you can also notice changes in the tympanic region. After the birth of the baby, hearing acuity is restored, and pain sensations pass on their own.

But in most cases, pain in the ears is provoked by the appearance of bacteria or viruses, which can adversely affect the condition of not only the mother, but also the child.

Due to respiratory failure, which is natural with colds, and the formation of a large amount of mucus in the sinuses, the health of the expectant mother is in serious danger. Since in such a flora the development of bacteria and infections takes a minimum time, it is necessary to consult your doctor as soon as possible.

In addition, it is dangerous for the expectant mother to stay in the cold or under the open sun for a long time, as well as in rooms where there is a draft or a high concentration of dust. This is dangerous by inflammation of the organ of hearing, and in the absence of proper and comprehensive treatment - the appearance of purulent discharge and severe complications.

In addition, the expectant mother may experience perforation of the tympanic region, which causes severe pain.

In addition to these reasons, the feeling of congestion is provoked by sudden changes in pressure. Pregnant women with low hemoglobin feel this especially clearly.

If the gestation period is still small
Pay attention to the state of hormones.

If your weight is skyrocketing and you are experiencing significant physiological changes, don't be afraid of feelings of congestion and dull pain.

After a short amount of time, these symptoms will go away on their own.

A common cause of a feeling of congestion and pain is the formation sulfur plug. Sulfur is usually excreted independently during the period of eating and communication.

However, in case of improper hygiene or, conversely, a violation of the rules for cleaning the ears, as well as as a result of various injuries, sulfur begins to be produced in a double volume.

It is important to understand that, regardless of the cause of inflammation, ear diseases must be treated at the first symptoms. Otherwise, a pregnant woman may get otitis media of the outer, middle or inner ear. this will lead to serious consequences and can cause deep harm to the health of the baby.

Often, otitis media goes into a chronic phase, which is especially common in pregnant women. Treatment in this case should include drug therapy and physiotherapy.

So let's recap causes of pain during pregnancy:

  1. Infectious diseases.
  2. The formation of sulfur plugs.
  3. Allergic reaction to food or medication.
  4. Not fully cured colds.
  5. Fungal infection of the external ear.
  6. The appearance of pneumococci or staphylococci.

Treatment of ear diseases in case of pregnancy

It is important to understand that the treatment of ENT inflammation during pregnancy is necessary only under the strict supervision of a physician.

Self-treatment in this case, it is unacceptable, since you can cause serious injury not only to yourself, but also to the child.

Having determined why pregnant women lay their ears, it is important to prevent possible complications.

Therefore, at the first symptoms of ear inflammation, contact your doctor to diagnose the inflammation and draw up an individual course of treatment.

To diagnose inflammation, the following are performed: procedures:

  • external examination and analysis of symptoms;
  • otoscopy and computed tomography
  • identification of the causative agent of the disease;
  • examination of the tympanic region;
  • making an accurate diagnosis.

Only after the above procedures, a specialist can prescribe an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, taking into account the interesting situation of the patient. If a pregnant woman's ear hurts, what should I do first? First, determine the root cause of the disease.

So, if the cause of pain in the ear of a young woman is the formation of a sulfur plug, remove it with specialized drops "" or " A-cerumen».

To do this, enter three drops into the ears and close the turunda for fifteen minutes.

Then rinse your ear with warm water and dry it dry.

In addition, the ears can be cleaned by washing.

If you notice that the sulfur plug has become dark in color and has a thick consistency, seek medical attention. Self-removal can lead to a violation of the integrity of the cork and the formation of serious complications.

In case of infection in the ear, the specialist prescribes medications such as vasoconstrictor drops in the nose.

It is necessary to apply them in a small amount for five days.

For treatment, choose drugs intended for the treatment of children - Nazivin for Children, Xymelin for Children, Vibrocil.

Inject them into the nose, following the dosage indicated in the instructions. Usually allowed the introduction of two drops in each nostril.

To eliminate pain and anti-inflammatory effect, instill ear drops. They are also prescribed for diseases of otitis externa or middle ear.

In this case, drops are prescribed in the ears "" or " Otinum". They belong to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which allows you to quickly remove shooting pain. However, if you have purulent discharge, the use of these drops is strictly prohibited.

In other cases, bury three drops twice a day for ten days.

Improvement will appear on the third day of using the drops, but strictly adhere to the course of treatment in order to avoid relapses.

In more severe cases, antibiotic drops are prescribed.

If the disease has become severe and antibiotics are simply necessary, purchase the drug "". Compared to others, it is considered the most gentle.

Attention: this drug is allowed to be instilled into the ears only if there are no perforations in the tympanic region. If holes appear, take medications such as "Ciprofloxacin" or "Hydrocortisone".

In the case of the formation of purulent discharge, the pregnant woman is pierced with a tympanic region and all accumulated pus is removed. This is necessary for purulent otitis media. Otherwise, the expectant mother may lose her hearing forever.

After the puncture, the ear is to be treated with medication. sodium sulfacyl.

This operation can be carried out both in the hospital and at home.

In the process of treatment, in the presence of purulent discharge, in addition to Polydex drops, the use of drugs from the penicillin group is allowed - "Flemoxin" or "Amoxicillin".

Remember that these medications should only be used if inflammation of the middle or inner ear is severe.

In case of formation of fungi, apply dressings and turundas with drops "".

They are most harmless in case of pregnancy.

It is best to prevent such complications and treat the ears at the first symptoms.

There are effective physiotherapy methods. These include ear blowing. To do this, experts introduce a special device into the ear and let air through. Only a qualified doctor can carry out this procedure!

In addition, for the treatment of otitis media in the initial stages, it is recommended pneumomassage of the tympanic membrane. After a week of such treatment, the pregnant woman recovers.

In the case of bleeding, the woman must be hospitalized urgently. In a medical institution, a thorough examination and preparation of an individual course of treatment are carried out.

However, if you are in an interesting position, take care of your health and the well-being of your baby. Avoid any drafts and hypothermia of the body, and also carefully ensure that liquid does not get into the ears.

In case of water ingress after water procedures, thoroughly dry your ear, and then carefully put a turunda soaked in olive oil into the ear canal. This is necessary for the prevention of colds.

If you still get sick see a doctor for medical help and remember that certain mother-to-be medicines are strictly contraindicated.

So, if you are prescribed toxic drugs, you need to change the doctor to a more qualified one.


In the process of bearing a child, it is especially important for the expectant mother to know the methods of prevention. So, to reduce the risk of illness, dry your ears after every bath, and do not stay in a cold place for a long time.

Remember to wear a hat during the cold season and dress appropriately for the weather. Also, stay away from crowded places. This rule must be stricter at the time of acute respiratory diseases.

Remember to clean your ears once a week, but you need to wash your ears daily. However, the use of ear sticks and other sharp objects is strictly prohibited. In the process of cleaning the ears, hygiene should be carried out only in the outer ear.

It is also important to understand that the treatment of any inflammation is necessary when the first symptoms appear. Avoid complications of the disease. Remember that any use of drugs and medications should be only after consulting a doctor.

Do not risk your health and the condition of the baby.

During pregnancy, various ENT diseases develop quite often. One of the most annoying conditions is earache. During this period, this violation can occur not only under the influence of infectious agents, but also due to changes in the hormonal background of the female body. If there is pain in the ear during pregnancy, treatment should be started immediately.

It is important to consider that the expectant mother is forbidden to use most medications. Without harm to the fetus, the disease can be cured only at an early stage of development, using local medicines and traditional medicine recipes for this purpose.

Causes of pain

In the later stages of pregnancy, a slight hearing loss may occur. During a visual examination, the doctor can detect certain changes in the eardrum - swelling of the auditory tube and nasal mucosa. After the birth of a child, the condition usually normalizes, so such a violation is physiologically normal.

However, if hearing is reduced and the ear hurts during pregnancy, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ear cavity may be the cause. The swollen mucous membrane against the background of worsening nasal breathing is a favorable environment for the spread of pathogens. As a result, the banal hypothermia of the body leads to the development of otitis media and, as a result, the occurrence of pain in the ear canal.

Sometimes the ear hurts during pregnancy due to changes in blood pressure. Against the background of a low level of hemoglobin, this phenomenon is observed especially often. In the first weeks of pregnancy, pain in the ear can occur as a result of hormonal changes. Also, if a pregnant woman’s ear hurts, a sulfur plug may be the cause, since sulfur production increases during the gestation period. In addition, pain can be a symptom of a hypersensitivity reaction that can develop in response to internal or external stimuli.

During pregnancy, the treatment of any pathologies, including ear diseases, should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

With a mild form of inflammation, it is allowed to perform therapeutic procedures at home. If there is purulent otitis, treatment is carried out only in a hospital.

If your ears hurt during pregnancy due to the presence of a sulfuric plug, self-carrying out any manipulations is also contraindicated. To prevent violation of the integrity of the eardrum, only an otolaryngologist should remove large sulfuric plugs using special equipment. If the cork is small and not attached to the membrane, it can be dissolved at home. For this purpose, the following methods are used:

  • washing the ear cavity with a weak stream of warm water, a syringe or syringe is used for the procedure;
  • treatment of the ear canal with hydrogen peroxide, this will help soften the sulfuric plug and its easy removal;
  • instillation into the ear cavity of drugs that promote the removal of sulfuric plugs, during pregnancy and lactation, it is allowed to use A-cerum, Remo-vax preparations.

If shooting in the ear during pregnancy as a result of exposure to infectious agents, the doctor may prescribe the following procedures and medicines:

In the case of severe ear diseases or the development of bleeding from the ear canal, urgent hospitalization is required. This will avoid the development of dangerous complications.

Alternative medicine

Treatment of ears during pregnancy using alternative methods can be carried out only after consultation with your doctor. Consider the most effective and safe recipes:

  • in 200 ml of water add 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar. Rinse the cavity of the affected ear with a syringe. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day.
  • warm the table salt well in a frying pan, pour it into a linen bag and apply it to the sore ear. Duration of action - 15-20 minutes, perform the procedure 2 times a day until complete recovery. At elevated temperatures and suppuration, warming up is prohibited.
  • combine garlic juice and olive oil in equal proportions, 3 times a day, drip into the ear canal, 3 drops of the resulting mixture.
  • 1 tsp chamomile inflorescences pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist for an hour. Strain the prepared infusion, use it to wash the ear cavity 4 times a day.
  • finely chop the onion and aloe leaf, squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry, moisten the gauze swab in the product and insert it into the sore ear for 1 hour. Repeat 2 times a day.

To prevent the occurrence of pathologies of the organ of hearing and the pain associated with them, the following rules of prevention must be observed:

Pregnancy is the period of bearing a child by a woman, during which significant hormonal and physiological changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. Ear pain during pregnancy is unfortunately not uncommon. It is usually accompanied by a host of unpleasant symptoms.

Let us consider in more detail how to treat this pathology, how it can be caused and which doctor should be consulted in this condition.

Causes of ear pain

Most often, during pregnancy, pain in the ears appears for the following reasons:

  • Infectious lesions of the auricle of a pregnant woman;
  • accumulation of earwax;
  • An allergic reaction that gave complications to the ears;
  • Excessive pressure on the ears;
  • Untreated influenza, sinusitis or sinusitis in a pregnant woman, which caused complications in the form of ear inflammation;
  • Damage to the ear by various bacterial microorganisms and fungi;
  • Damage to the ear of a pregnant woman with pneumococci and Haemophilus influenzae can cause purulent inflammation.
Important! Some believe that the ears hurt precisely because of pregnancy, but it is worth dispelling this myth, since the period of bearing a child cannot directly affect the development of ear diseases.

What are ear diseases?

Human ears are most susceptible to the following diseases:

Otitis media.

It is a severe infectious disease, which is accompanied by a strong inflammatory process in the auricle. This pathology can affect both women and men at any age.

Symptoms of such a disease will be acute, shooting pain in the ear, migraine, burning sensation and partial hearing loss. In more severe cases, there is a violation of the sound perception of the patient.

Acute suppurative otitis.

Develops due to infection. In this condition, a pregnant woman may experience fever, swollen lymph nodes, tinnitus, their congestion and severe weakness. Also, an integral sign of such a disease will be severe pain in the head and ears.

In the absence of timely treatment, purulent otitis media will provoke the spread of infection, and the appearance of pus from the ears. This, in turn, will lead to great intoxication of the body, which is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Exudative otitis.

This is a non-purulent form of inflammation, which is localized in the auditory tube of a sick person. In this state, there is the appearance of a special secret in the ear, its congestion and hearing loss. The pain symptom is practically absent.

Chronic form of otitis.

During pregnancy, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Such a disease develops as a consequence of untreated acute otitis media. It has an undulating course and can worsen several times a year, causing excruciating pain in a pregnant woman.

Chronic otitis is dangerous because it can irreparably injure the ear mucosa and provoke serious disorders.

Which doctor should I contact?

If a woman has an earache during the period of bearing a child, then she should immediately contact an experienced otolaryngologist. It will also not be superfluous to report your condition to the observing therapist and gynecologist.

note that if ear pain is accompanied by a cold and a runny nose, it is important first of all to eliminate problems with the nose, since it is the runny nose that most often gives complications to the ears. About how to do it right in our article.

Diagnostic methods

The traditional diagnosis of ear pain includes:

  • Initial examination and history taking;
  • Taking a smear;
  • Carrying out otoscopy;
  • Taking a culture from the ear to identify the causative agent of the infection;
  • X-ray of the temporal bone is provided for suspected chronic inflammation of the ear;

What to do to anesthetize and not harm the unborn child?

It must be said right away that self-medication during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, as this can cause significant harm to the unborn child. For this reason, in no case should you instill drops and solutions without a doctor's prescription.

For pain relief, you can use a limited number of drugs that are approved for use during pregnancy. Only the attending physician should prescribe them. As an analgesic (for pain), pregnant women are usually allowed to use the drug Tylenol.

How to treat ears before childbirth?

The treatment regimen for ear pain depends on the identified pathology, its neglect, test results and the patient's general symptoms. Classical medical therapy includes the following:

  • Prescribing ear drops to treat inflammation ( Otipax);
  • When diagnosing a purulent form of otitis media, it is recommended to use powerful antibacterial drugs to treat intoxication and suppress infection in the body. Most often, for this purpose, drugs are selected according to the type Amoxicillin or Biseptol;
  • With external otitis (if the external auricle hurts), drops containing hydrocortisone are used for treatment. They are considered safe in pregnancy;
  • Prescribing drugs to reduce swelling.

You can treat ear pain during pregnancy with the help of such harmless methods:

  • Instillation of ears with warm olive oil (2 drops each);
  • Inhaling the steam of boiled potatoes will help if the disease was caused by sinusitis or sinusitis;
  • Treat with warm (no more than 60 degrees) salt, which must be placed in a bag and applied to the sore ear. This option is contraindicated in purulent otitis media or if fever persists.

Prevention of ear pain during childbearing

To reduce the risk of ear pain, a pregnant woman should definitely follow the doctor's recommendations:

Do not allow water to enter the ears.

This is especially true when swimming in open water. In general, doctors do not advise visiting untreated reservoirs during the period of bearing a child.

Keep warm.

In windy weather, you should always wear a thick hat and scarf to protect your ears from the cold and drafts as much as possible.

Avoid visiting crowded places.

In particular, during outbreaks of acute respiratory diseases.

Consult a specialist.

When the first signs of ear pain appear, immediately consult a doctor and do not start your condition.

Timely treat viral and bacterial diseases.

Including pathologies of the respiratory system, influenza, sinusitis and others.

Proper ear hygiene.

But without fanaticism. It will be sufficient to wash the outer shell of the ear, without the use of cotton swabs or foreign sharp objects. And the video below will be extremely useful for those who are used to cleaning their ears daily.

Avoid sick people.

Do not contact people with viral diseases (this is especially true for children, since they often become the source of infection).

Strengthen your immunity.

To do this, it is important to have proper sleep and rest, take vitamins (only after a doctor's prescription) and eat right. It is especially useful to consume fresh vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices, boiled meat and lean fish.

Possible Complications

If you do not start timely treatment of ear pain, then a pregnant woman may experience the following complications in her condition:

  • The development of a brain abscess occurs with advanced purulent otitis, which began to progress and pus began to penetrate directly into the meninges of the patient;
  • The development of severe meningitis and sepsis occurs if ear pain is not treated for more than three weeks;
  • Neuritis of the facial nerve;
  • The development of chronic inflammation in the ears.

In addition, it is important to say that ear pain during pregnancy can negatively affect the overall course of the child's gestation period, the development of the baby's nervous system and subsequent childbirth. Moreover, due to severe stress and pain, a woman is at risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Immunity in pregnant women is greatly weakened and therefore women during the gestation period often suffer from acute respiratory viral infections, often with complications in the form of otitis media. Treatment of the inflammatory process in the ear with antibacterial drugs in an interesting position can lead to pathologies in the development of the fetus, so the treatment of the disease should be carried out under the supervision of an otolaryngologist. The specialist will prescribe a gentle treatment for the pregnant woman that will not harm the baby.

Possible causes of ear pain

Before figuring out how to treat otitis media in an interesting position, you should consider other possible reasons why your ear hurts during pregnancy. To cause this symptom, in addition to the presence of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the organ of hearing, the following factors can:

Pressure drops

If the ear periodically hurts during pregnancy, this may be due to changes in blood pressure. Increased blood flow, provoked by hormonal changes, affects the peripheral vessels and compresses the nerve endings that lie near these vessels. As a result, a pregnant woman periodically feels pain in the ear area.

Normally, such ear pain in pregnant women occurs only in the first trimester. Gradually, the vessels adapt to the increased volume of circulating blood, and unpleasant sensations no longer recur. If you are still concerned about pressure drops, seek the advice of a therapist. The specialist will prescribe you a course of maintenance therapy suitable for pregnant women.

Sulfur plug

The presence of a sulfur plug in the ear canal can lead to ear pain in a pregnant woman. Experts note that during the period of gestation, most women significantly increase the secretion of sulfur glands. Due to the fact that the actively produced masses do not have time to be evacuated from the ear canal in a natural way during the movement of the jaws, traffic jams occur.

If the ear of a pregnant woman hurts due to the accumulation of sulfuric masses, this condition will be accompanied by the following specific symptoms:

  • Feeling of pressure inside the ear;
  • decrease in the quality of sound perception;
  • ear congestion;
  • the appearance of subjective noise;
  • pain worse during chewing.

You can eliminate the pain in the ear during pregnancy, which arose against the background of the formation of a sulfur plug, by visiting an otolaryngologist. The specialist will examine the ear canal, if necessary, wash it with special solutions and give recommendations for further care and hygiene measures.

Features of the development of otitis media

The risk of otitis in pregnant women is very high. And it's not just about reduced immunity during the gestation period - in women in an interesting position, physiological swelling of the ENT organs occurs. The narrowed lumen of the nasal passages and the Eustachian tube prevent normal ventilation, and during a cold, this condition of the passages leads to the fact that bacteria, along with mucus, can rise up and enter the middle ear cavity.

The inflammatory process that has begun becomes an undesirable complication of a banal ARVI or flu, which occurs against the background of physiological swelling of the auditory tube and weak immunity.

The first signs of otitis media are severe shooting pains in the ear. What to do when they appear? As soon as the pregnant woman feels these symptoms, she should immediately go to the otolaryngologist. The sooner ear treatment is started, the more likely it will be possible to do without strong antibacterial drugs that can harm the unborn baby.

What can relieve pain?

But, before a visit to the doctor, you need to somehow eliminate the pain. It is not necessary to endure painful shootings, such “heroism” can lead to spasms and uterine tone. What painkillers are allowed to eliminate ear pain in a pregnant woman?

  1. A safe and effective topical pain reliever that is approved for pregnant women and children is Otinum ear drops. The agent should be drawn into a pipette, warmed a little in the hand and dripped into the patient's ear canal "along the wall".
  2. If there are no such drops at home, and the pain needs to be eliminated, you can take Paracetamol. This drug has a mild analgesic effect, but it is one of the few approved analgesics for pregnant women.
  3. To relieve swelling of the Eustachian tube and improve ventilation of the ENT system, drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nasal passages in a child's dosage.

What can not be done if a woman has earache during pregnancy?

In no case should you warm the sore ear or instill alcohol-containing preparations into the ear canal. Such actions can lead to an increase in the inflammatory process, the penetration of pathogenic flora from the tympanic cavity into the Eustachian tube or inner ear and infection of these areas of the hearing organ.

In order not to aggravate a serious condition, when going outside, wear a hat that covers your ears, and in the warm season, put a cotton ball in the ear canal.

Features of treatment

Early diagnosis of otitis media and timely started therapy will avoid taking medications that are unsafe for the fetus.

An otolaryngologist will examine the eardrum with an otoscope and determine the type and stage of otitis media in a pregnant woman. Based on the results of this diagnosis, the specialist will decide how to treat the disease and draw up a therapy program.

Mild forms of otitis media in pregnant women can be cured at home. In order to avoid complications, a woman should observe bed rest, take drugs according to the recommended scheme and do the procedures prescribed by the otolaryngologist. If a pregnant woman has purulent otitis media that requires serious antibiotic therapy, she will need to go to the hospital.

Permitted medicines

All drugs prescribed by the otolaryngologist should be used strictly in the dosage indicated by the doctor and the frequency of taking and carrying out the recommended procedures should be observed. Thus, excessive use of vasoconstrictor drugs can adversely affect the quality of placental circulation and lead to fetal hypoxia.

  1. At the preperforative stage, pregnant women with ear pain due to otitis media are allowed to instill drops of Otipax into the ear canal. This drug eliminates pain and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. To improve the patency of the Eustachian tube, experts recommend instilling children's vasoconstrictor drugs (Xymelin, Nazivin) into the nasal passages.
  3. After a rupture of the eardrum, topical antibacterial drops are used. Depending on the severity of the inflammatory process, the specialist may prescribe steroids (Hydrocartisone) or a combination drug (Ciprofloxacinc).
  4. In some cases, to speed up the treatment, physiotherapy is used - courses of blowing the auditory tube, as well as pneumomassage of the eardrum.

To completely eliminate the inflammatory process, the pregnant woman should strictly follow the recommendations of the otolaryngologist. It is impossible to complete the course of therapy immediately after the attenuation of unpleasant symptoms, since at this stage the pathogenic flora has not yet been completely eliminated. If no more shooting in the ears, treatment should be continued, which usually lasts up to 2 weeks.

After recovery, in order not to get sick again, you need to follow preventive measures: avoid hypothermia, cover your ears with a hat and avoid contact with infected people. Re-infection with SARS during a period of weakened immunity can threaten a relapse of otitis media.



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