Burning pain in left side. Aching, sharp or dull pain in the left hypochondrium, what could be the reasons? Spleen disorders

Severe pain in the left hypochondrium - its appearance is a symptom of a large number of different diseases and pathological conditions. Since the left subcostal region of the abdomen corresponds to a part of the stomach, the left side of the diaphragm, intestinal loops, the pole of the left kidney, the pancreas and the most obvious organ - the spleen, therefore, most often the causes of such pain may be a violation of the functioning of these organs.

The nature of the pain on the side under the ribs

First, it is worth deciding what the hypochondrium area means - this is the upper left quadrant, located under the ribs (see Fig.). Depending on the nature of the pain, when it appears, after what events, it is possible to determine what caused it and which doctor should be contacted for an accurate diagnosis and treatment:

Stitching pains in the left hypochondrium during exercise

If they occur only during intense physical activity, such as running, brisk walking (on a treadmill), jumping, during fitness training and other physical activities, this is not scary and happens in practically healthy people. Such pain passes quickly and speaks only of insufficient warm-up before exercise and too sharp or excessive movement.

Without a thorough warm-up (20 minutes), the body does not have time to adapt to a sharp increase in blood circulation. If the pain occurs only during exercise, there is no particular danger in this, if the person does not suffer from heart disease (cardiomyopathy, etc.). Even if you are absolutely healthy, you should not test the body - stop, relax your arms, shoulders, take a deep breath or, during a sharp exhalation, press your palm on the place where the pain is located, while sharply leaning forward with your body, so repeat 2-3 times and you can run further.

You should also ensure that breathing during exercise is deep enough, since shallow and frequent breathing is accompanied by small excursions of the diaphragm. Usually, sharp stabbing pains on the left and even on the right when running occur if the workout starts abruptly without warming up and after eating. After eating, at least 1-1.5 hours should pass, since the gastrointestinal tract is loaded with work, the body has not warmed up and rebuilt, hence the double load and double pain.

Dagger cutting acute pain syndrome

It is a completely different matter if there is a dagger cutting, sharp pain in the left side under the ribs, when it is not associated with a load and appears suddenly - this is a reason for urgent medical care. Sudden severe pain in the left hypochondrium may indicate a rupture of the renal pelvis, spleen, be the result of perforation of the loops of the small intestine or the stomach wall. And also as an abdominal variant of myocardial infarction or acute pancreatitis.

Sharp, severe pain after an injury

If pain occurs when you inhale after a fall, injury or car accident, this may be a sign, a symptom of serious damage to the internal organs that threaten life.

Dull pain in the left hypochondrium

Diffuse, dull pain under the ribs on the left, if it periodically occurs for a long time, is a cause for concern, as it can be a symptom of a sluggish chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often it is cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis and others. To confirm or exclude these pathologies, you should contact a gastroenterologist, do a series of laboratory tests, instrumental studies, ultrasound and other procedures, tests.

Splenomegaly in various blood pathologies, autoimmune or systemic diseases, sepsis, bacterial infections is a reason for dull or aching chronic pain on the left in the hypochondrium.

It's a dull pain

Constant pulling, aching pain on the left under the ribs is a symptom, a sign of sluggish colitis or duodenitis, if this symptom is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, this may be a manifestation of a stomach ulcer. Unrelated to the gastrointestinal tract, such pain may be a sign of a pre-infarction condition, coronary heart disease, or angina pectoris.

So, the pain that occurs in the left upper abdomen can be caused by the following causes, pathologies and diseases:

  • Cardiomyopathy, heart attack, heart muscle damage
  • Most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - cholecystitis, gastric ulcer, colitis, duodenitis
  • Spleen rupture (trauma) or enlargement of the spleen due to infection
  • Spleen infarction due to arterial thrombosis
  • Tumors of internal organs
  • Diaphragmatic hernia or diaphragmatic injury
  • Rheumatic manifestations
  • Left-sided pneumonia, left-sided pleurisy, which occur in the lower part of the left lung

Pain in the hypochondrium should be distinguished according to the mechanism of occurrence

All possible pains in the left side under the ribs are also divided according to the mechanism of occurrence, this can serve as an additional diagnostic feature to help determine the pathology of a particular organ or system.

Reflected pain - these pain sensations appear as radiating from fairly distant organs, such as in a heart attack, left-sided pneumonia, pleurisy or other diseases.
Visceral pain- with spasms of the intestines or impaired motility of the stomach, as well as sprains of their muscle fibers. When there may be aching and dull pain, or cramping pain - with intestinal colic, which often radiate to nearby parts of the body.
Peritoneal pain-constant and clearly localized pain, which is caused by irritation of the peritoneum, as, for example, with a perforated stomach ulcer. Such pain increases with breathing, movement, it is cutting, sharp.

When pain in the left hypochondrium in front

If such pain is localized under the ribs in front, this rather indicates diseases of the spleen or damage to the tissues of the stomach. In these cases, the differential diagnosis is carried out with myocardial infarction, colitis of the upper intestinal loops,. If the pain shifts more to the center, a combination of stomach disease with diseases of the gallbladder and duodenum is possible.

When pain is behind

Most often, when the left kidney is damaged, the pain is localized in the left hypochondrium at the back, it is strong enough, constant, to diagnose kidney diseases, an ultrasound should be done, and a general urine and blood test should be taken. In addition to the pathology of the left kidney, such pain can occur with thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis, palpation of the paravertebral processes can give this pain syndrome.

Girdle pain combined with pain on the left

If girdle pain appears in the area under the left ribs, passing from behind to the anterior abdominal wall, this may be a sign of inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. At the onset of inflammation, there is an unbearable burning girdle pain, which subsides a little when a person leans forward in a sitting position.

Diaphragm pathologies

Constant pain in this area can occur with pathologies of the diaphragm, diaphragmatic hernia. A hole in the diaphragm, necessary for the esophagus, which connects to the stomach, separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. And with the weakening of the muscle tissue that regulates this hole, the lumen expands, so the upper part of the stomach can go beyond the abdominal cavity into the chest.

In this case, the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, causing constant dull, aching pain on the left, with nausea, heartburn. Pregnancy, obesity, excessive physical activity can contribute to the development of a diaphragmatic hernia, and this pathology often occurs in older people with a general weakening of the entire muscular apparatus. Sometimes this condition is aggravated by a pinched stomach, then there are sharp, cutting, sharp pains in the left hypochondrium.

Cause - intercostal neuralgia

Various neurological diseases can cause compression or irritation of the intercostal nerves. Pain in intercostal neuralgia has a wide range of manifestations:

  • In the region of the ribs, under the ribs - shooting, piercing, sharp or aching, burning or dull pain (see also).
  • The pain may increase with sudden movements, sneezing, inhaling, coughing, even with a change in body position.
  • Attacks of intercostal neuralgia are accompanied by stitching, on the left side, manifested by muscle twitches, pallor or redness of the skin, and increased sweating.
  • When pressing on some points on the back, chest, between the ribs or along the spine, pain also appears.

With neuralgia, pain can be localized not only in the left side, but also in the lower back, under the scapula (as in heart disease). They can be at night, and in the morning, and in the afternoon, for quite a long time, sometimes a feeling of numbness appears in places of damage to the nerve pathways.

Cardiac pathologies

Aching pain in the left side in combination with shortness of breath during exertion and even at rest, nausea, palpitations, burning and heaviness in the chest occur with heart diseases, such as coronary heart disease. With the defeat of the coronary arteries, the blood supply to the heart muscle is disrupted, causing such a pathological condition as ischemia.

Also, similar pains under the ribs can occur with cardiomyopathy - these are several different diseases that lead to dysfunction of the heart muscle, while there is no pathology of the valvular apparatus, arterial hypertension, and diseases of the heart vessels. In cardiomyopathy, the heart muscle changes structurally. This is manifested by rapid fatigue, pain in the left side during physical exertion. .

Pathological conditions of the spleen

The spleen is a fragile, easily torn organ, so any of its pathological conditions is reflected in pain. Its slight increase is difficult to recognize, especially in overweight people, since it lies deep in the left hypochondrium. Enlargement of the spleen or splenomegaly occurs with some infectious diseases, such as infectious mononucleosis. However, in addition to pain in the spleen area, this disease has pronounced symptoms, such as fever, muscle pain, headache, swollen lymph nodes, general intoxication, tonsillitis, liver enlargement. The spleen performs several important functions in the body:

  • This is the thinnest blood filter
  • It is the largest lymph node
  • It is the largest conglomerate of reticuloendothelial tissue

With hypertrophy of the spleen, when it performs an immune, phagocytic and filtering function in an enhanced mode, that is, against the background of immune complex diseases, hemolytic anemia, acute severe infections, it increases in size and can cause pain on the left. Other causes of pain and enlargement of the spleen include trauma, infiltration, tumors, or defects in its development. Especially acute sharp pain in the area under the ribs occurs upon impact, trauma, leading to rupture of the spleen. In addition to pain, a sign of a rupture is the cyanosis of the skin around the navel, since a large amount of blood accumulates there, and pain radiates from the left hypochondrium to the back, if such symptoms appear, you should call an ambulance.

Diseases of the stomach, pancreas

  • Gastritis

This disease affects the majority of the population, since the current state of the food industry, aimed at creating chemicalized products, contributes to the development of functional disorders of the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract. The gastric mucosa is quite sensitive to any irritants, which are more than enough in our daily diet. Gastritis is most often manifested by belching, aching pain in the hypochondrium, nausea, pain in the epigastric region, vomiting, heartburn, heaviness, and a feeling of pressure. These symptoms appear soon after eating, and general disorders may also occur - pallor, weakness, irritability, sensory disturbances of the lower and upper extremities, signs of dyspepsia - diarrhea,.

  • Stomach ulcer

It has similar symptoms with gastritis and depends on the duration and severity of the disease, in contrast to duodenal ulcers, when pain occurs during hunger, an empty stomach, stomach ulcer pain occurs after eating. Also, this causes heartburn, nausea, vomiting, belching sour, loss of appetite and body weight. With a perforated ulcer, the main striking symptom is dagger, sudden pain, pallor, and general weakness.

  • Diseases of the pancreas

The most typical symptoms of acute pancreatitis are severe pain under the left hypochondrium, in the left side, and in the epigastric region, of a girdle character, accompanied by vomiting with bile, nausea, fever, it is also possible to stain the urine in a dark color and lighten the feces. The pain is so severe that the person is forced to sit bent over. In chronic pancreatitis, patients complain of dull aching pain, especially after a lavish feast. With oncological lesions of the pancreas, it is very difficult to establish a diagnosis, this is a very small, inaccessible organ that is difficult to diagnose and treat, and the symptoms of cancer are practically not noticeable at the onset of the disease.

  • Oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

In our time of oncological tension, any manifestations of ailments, weakness, lack of appetite, anemia, aversion to a certain food, for example, meat, rapid satiety, periodic pain in the stomach, intestines, a series of constipation with diarrhea, should alert a person, especially with age. Oncology is dangerous for its low-symptomatic course in the early stages. For any persistent pain, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause and conduct timely therapy.

The abdominal cavity contains many internal organs, the stomach, intestines, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal gland, spleen, liver, pancreas, gallbladder. Pain in the left side indicates problems with one of these organs. If the stomach on the left periodically hurts, you should consult a doctor to undergo an ultrasound scan and determine the cause of the problem.

Complex ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - 1000 rubles. , Comprehensive pelvic ultrasound - 1000 rubles.

What organs are on the left side of the abdomen

The abdominal cavity consists of 9 parts and is divided into 3 sections:

  • Epigastrium . The epigastrium itself is directly above navel. On the right is the subcostal region.
  • Mesogastrium . Consists of the umbilical region, as well as the right lateral region.
  • Hypogastrium . Includes suprapubic and right iliac region.

In connection with the different anatomical structure, the same nature and intensity of pain, localized in the same place, in men and women indicates different diseases.

The following organs are located in the region of the left hypochondrium:

  • spleen
  • left kidney (back side)
  • 3/4 stomach
  • pancreas
  • left adrenal gland
  • left ureter
  • small intestine (loops)
  • part of the large intestine
  • left half diaphragm (muscle-tendon formation separating the peritoneum and sternum).

Men and women have anatomical differences in the organs located in the left half of the small pelvis. So, in men, there is the prostate gland - a tubular-alveolar organ that produces a secret that maintains an optimal environment for the life of spermatozoa. In women, the uterus is located on the left side of the abdomen, behind it is the left ovary and next to it is the fallopian tube. Depending on the location and nature of the pain, it is possible to determine which organ is in trouble.

Sometimes pain is not associated with pathology in the development of internal organs. But in any case, the problem cannot be left unresolved. It is necessary to undergo a detailed study to confirm or rule out the presence of the disease.

Causes of pain in the right hypochondrium

Pain in the left side or lower abdomen on the left side indicates diseases of the organs and not only. In 1st place among the causes of pain -, followed by and gastroenterology. In some cases, pain is not associated with anatomical pathologies. Among the causes of pain in the left half of the body, there may be the following:

  1. Lymphocytic leukemia or myeloid leukemia . This is an accumulation of malignant atypical cells in the blood. The center of pain is located in the spleen, because. the organ produces blood cells and also stores reserve cells, including including cancer. Although lympho- and myeloid leukemia are hematopoietic diseases, the spleen suffers from them as a depot that stores a third of all platelets. Problems with this organ are well identified on .
  2. Purulent arthritis of the left hip joint . Pathogenic bacteria enter the joint cavity due to injury or damage to the walls (abscess), resulting in acute inflammation, pus accumulates inside the joint. The pain radiates (gives) to the left side of the abdomen.
  3. Inflammation of the lymph nodes of the left side of the abdomen. It is caused by streptococci and staphylococci entering the bloodstream. The source of inflammation is the internal organ (stomach, spleen, kidney), and pathogenic bacteria enter the lymph nodes through the outflow of blood. You can check your stomach .
  4. Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta. This is an atherosclerotic lesion of the vessel that supplies blood to the organs of the left half of the abdomen. Leads to rupture of the aorta and death.
  5. Acute ischemia of the mesentery . It is characterized by acute pain around the navel. Complemented by a decrease in peristalsis and a sharp increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood.
  6. Pain in the abdomen with depression. Depression is accompanied by increased anxiety and increased levels of norepinephrine and cortisol. They cause spasms of smooth muscles, including the intestines. A person feels symptoms characteristic of indigestion. And it has nothing to do with poor quality food. Pain in the abdomen is not relieved by drugs, because they are psychosomatic in nature.
  7. Severe and persistent cough also causes abdominal pain. This is due to the increased load on the abdominal press, which is not trained and strong for everyone. Frequent coughing, the patient strains the muscles, they stretch and press on the diaphragm, causing dull pain. It goes away on its own after the cough is cured.

Causes of pain in the abdomen on the left: pathologies of internal organs

Sometimes the causes of pain under the left rib are indeed diseases in various organs.

Diseases of the spleen

Heart attack (impaired circulation of blood vessels penetrating the organ); torsion of the leg (twisted a leg through which arteries and veins pass, supplying the spleen with blood, resulting in tissue necrosis and intoxication); abscess due to infection; rupture of the spleen leads to the formation of connective tissue, and in the case of its injury, peritonitis, splenomegaly occurs (enlargement of the spleen due to autoimmune and hematopoietic diseases); spleen cyst (formed upon completion of abscess); benign and malignant neoplasms.

Bowel disease

Diseases of the small intestine : malabsorption (inability of the intestinal walls to absorb some component (fructose, lactose); celiac disease (inability to tolerate gluten contained in cereals);

Diseases of the large intestine : Hirschsprung's disease (absence of nerve endings in some parts of the intestine); Crohn's disease (inflammation of the colon); ulcerative colitis (inflammation of the large intestine); irritable bowel syndrome (caused by stress, in which adrenaline is released, leading to a contraction of smooth muscles); diverticulosis - protrusion of the walls of the intestine outward; intestinal polyps that violate the absorption of water; atony (violation of intestinal motility); malignant tumors, intestinal infections. The organ can be checked .

Diseases of the left kidney

Abscess (purulent inflammation), pyelonephritis (bacterial inflammation), cysts, kidney stones, echinococcosis (presence of helminths in the kidney), hydroureteronephrosis (expansion of the renal pelvis with impaired urine outflow); tuberculosis (drying) of the kidney, a malignant tumor. If these diseases are suspected, .

Gynecological diseases

  • E (growth epithelial cells lining the inner surface of the uterus); ;
  • salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes);
  • parametritis (inflammation of the tissues of the uterus);
  • Allen-Masters syndrome (rupture of the uterine ligaments during childbirth or an accident);
  • ovarian adhesion (fusion of the ovary and fallopian tube);
  • ectopic pregnancy in the left fallopian tube;
  • cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix);
  • recto-uterine recesses (germination of endometriosis nodules into the walls of the rectum.

Pathologies are found on , and other methods.

Pathologies of the genital organs in men

Varicocele (violation of the outflow of blood in the testicles); dropsy of the ovary (accumulation of excess fluid); testicular torsion with pinched nerves and blood vessels, epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis). Here you need to pass .

What does pain in the left side of the abdomen indicate

By the nature of the pain and the localization of the source of pain, you can determine the cause of the disease even before going to the doctor.

The nature of the pain


Additional symptoms

Dull aching pain

Gynecological diseases (endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, inflammatory processes)

Increased body temperature, pain during sex, cycle disorder, spotting

Nagging pain

Pathology of the pelvic organs (inflammation of the scrotum in men, strangulation of the inguinal hernia, sprain of the inguinal ligaments)

Lymph nodes increase, diarrhea, vomiting are observed, body temperature rises

Sharp unbearable pain

Rupture of an ovary, enlargement of the bladder or renal pelvis, passage of stones in the urinary tract

Distension of the intestines, bloating, gases.

stabbing pain

Diseases of the kidneys and intestines, cyst rupture, inflammation of the ureter

Shooting pain in the lower back, increased gas formation, constipation

What tests should be taken for pain in the left side of the abdomen

When complaining of pain in the left side of the abdomen, the doctor sends the patient to undergo the most important tests, the results of which will show a complete picture of the state of the body.

General blood analysis

  • Low level hemoglobin indicates internal bleeding and malabsorption in the intestines for nutrients. Too high hemoglobin indicates intestinal obstruction, tumors in the kidneys and stomach;
  • An increase in red blood cells indicates an inflammatory process and dehydration, a decrease indicates internal bleeding;
  • A high level of leukocytes is characteristic of an infectious disease of the gastrointestinal tract, a low level - with typhoid fever;
  • An increase in platelets is typical for malignant tumors and rupture of the spleen, a decrease in infections;
  • Increased ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) observed in oncological diseases, inflammations and infections;

Blood chemistry

  • Alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), enzymes found in various organs. An increase in ALT and AST indicates the pathology of the kidneys, liver, and kidneys. - the most important method for diagnosing metabolic disorders.
  • Urea is excreted in large quantities during pyelonephritis, other pathologies of the kidneys and bladder, decrease - in violation of the liver;
  • Creatine characterizes the work of the kidneys. Typically for acute renal failure increased creatine levels;
  • Glucose increases with diabetes mellitus, from which other problems arise;
  • Total protein changes indicators in oncological diseases;
  • Albumin protein decreases with kidney disease, bowel disease, oncology.

General urine analysis


  • An increase in acidity is observed with infections of the genitourinary system, chronic renal failure, a decrease in dehydration;
  • Color change: bright orange and brown color is characteristic of kidney disease;
  • An increase in protein and glucose in the urine is typical of kidney disease;
  • A high level of leukocytes indicates inflammation (cystitis, pyelonephritis,);
  • Epithelial cells are also seen in kidney problems.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity with pain in the abdomen on the left

Very efficient and eloquent is . It reveals the following pathologies:

  • presence of free fluid in the abdominal cavity
  • mesadenitis (swollen lymph nodes)
  • aortic aneurysm dissection
  • tumor in the kidney
  • stones in the kidneys
  • kidney cyst
  • abscess, peritonitis
  • enlargement of the spleen
  • tumors.

In addition to ultrasound, endoscopic research methods are very popular in identifying the causes of pain in the left side of the abdomen. Such an examination is prescribed if the ultrasound showed a pathology and the diagnosis needs to be confirmed.

Endoscopic examination methods

These include:

  1. FGDS (fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy). In the people, this method is called "swallowing the probe." With its help, esophagitis (inflammation of the walls of the esophagus) is detected, polyps and tumors of the stomach, reflux disease (impaired passage of food), gastritis (inflammation of the walls of the stomach), duodenitis (inflammation of the intestinal walls), stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, bleeding.
  2. X-ray diagnostics. Reveals a perforated ulcer, pneumatosis (accumulation of gases), intestinal obstruction, megacolon (thickening of the intestinal walls), rupture of the spleen.
  3. Colonoscopy (examination of the rectum through the anus). Detects cancer, polyps and tumors of the intestine, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, proctitis (inflammation of the rectum).
  4. MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging). Gives a complete picture of the state of internal organs.
  5. Retrograde cholangiopancreatography - combination of fluoroscopic method with endoscopic. Used to collect material for biopsy. It helps with complicated forms of pancreatitis, in which it is difficult to examine the bile ducts due to an increase in the organ. It also detects the localization of stones in the kidneys, urinary tract.
  6. Laparotomy and laparoscopy . These are similar methods, only with laparotomy large incisions are made in the abdominal cavity, and at laparoscopy they are quite small. With the help of a laparoscope (a flexible optical tube with a camera at the end), you can see injuries to internal organs, tumors of the abdominal organs, inflammation of the lymph nodes, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and rupture of the spleen.

Where to get examined for abdominal pain on the left in St. Petersburg

If the left side hurts, you need to sign up for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity or . You can take an examination in St. Petersburg in . The examination is carried out using a modern Doppler ultrasound machine.

Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

pain in left side

Abdominal pain can be a symptom of many diseases. The abdomen is not a single organ like the heart or liver. The stomach is filled with many different organs, tissues, structures, etc. And every organ in the stomach can get sick. First of all, you should pay attention to the sudden sharp pain in the abdomen. This pain may be the first symptom for immediate medical attention. Many abdominal organs are hollow. For example, stomach, intestines, gallbladder. And if one of them fails (clogs, bursts), then your life is in danger. If a sharp sudden pain lasts more than 30 minutes, you should urgently call a doctor or go to the hospital to rule out an urgent surgical pathology.

You can fantasize about the diagnosis as much as you like, but only on the way to the hospital. Because if it is, for example, a perforation (perforation or a hole in the stomach), then it must be sewn up immediately. To figure out for yourself what abdominal pain can mean, you need to know the following. Conventionally, your stomach is divided into four quadrants (or segments) - upper right (right side from above), upper left (left side from above), lower right and lower left (right and left side from below). The localization of any symptom can now be assigned to one of the four quadrants.

What diseases cause pain in the left side:

Pain in the left side from above. The upper left quadrant of the abdomen contains the spleen, stomach, pancreas, bowel loops (as is everywhere else in the abdomen), and the left side of the diaphragm. Pain in the left upper quadrant may be associated with the spleen. The spleen lies very close to the surface of the body. The main job of the spleen is to remove red blood cells from the blood, after their normal life span of 120 days. It captures them, destroys them, after which their components pass into the bone marrow, where new blood globules are formed.

In a number of diseases, the spleen enlarges, its capsule is stretched, and this causes pain. Due to the fact that the spleen is located close to the surface of the body, it is prone to rupture. Causes of a ruptured spleen can be trauma and diseases such as infectious mononucleosis. With this disease, the spleen becomes enlarged and soft. And all this increases the likelihood of its rupture. Sometimes an enlarged spleen ruptures on its own. A signal sign of a ruptured spleen, in addition to pain and sensitivity in the corresponding area, is cyanosis of the skin around the navel (due to accumulation of blood).

Pain in the left side from above can give the stomach. Anything that irritates the stomach lining, causes gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) or functional dyspepsia, can cause pain. More often, this pain is aching in nature, often accompanied by nausea and even vomiting. Antacids prescribed by your doctor will help. In general, only a doctor can tell you exactly what you have. Pain in the stomach can be with peptic ulcer and cancer. After completing a series of laboratory tests and examinations (including endoscopic), the doctor will finally make a diagnosis for you and prescribe the treatment. Pain in the upper left quadrant may be associated with diaphragmatic hernia. In the diaphragm, which separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, there is a hole through which the esophagus passes on its way to the stomach.

When the muscles that control the size of this opening weaken, the opening enlarges, allowing the upper stomach to exit the abdominal cavity, where it should be, into the chest cavity, where it, of course, should be. This condition is called diaphragmatic hernia. More commonly seen in older people. Due to acidic stomach contents, you feel pain in the left upper quadrant. We must not forget that the pain in the left upper quadrant can give the pancreas. After all, it is stretched through the upper abdomen and when the pancreas becomes inflamed, you can feel pain on the right, in the middle and on the left side of the abdomen. Various diseases and toxins can affect the pancreas, including cancer. You should suspect that you have a pancreatic disease if the pain that occurs is very sharp, comes from the inside, is shingling, radiates to the back, is accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, and if you also belong to a high risk group for pancreatic disease, that is, you have a gallbladder disorder, you smoke a lot, drink heavily, suffer from diabetes, take diuretics or steroid hormones (the latter are mainly prescribed for asthma, arthritis, cancer, and some chronic diseases).

Pain in the left side from below can be the result of all conditions that cause pain in the right lower region, with the exception of appendicitis.

Which doctor should I contact if there is pain in the left side:

Are you experiencing pain in your left side? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, study the external signs and help identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multichannel). The secretary of the clinic will select a convenient day and hour for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the services of the clinic on her.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, be sure to take their results to a consultation with a doctor. If the studies have not been completed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Do you have pain in your left side? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the body as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register on the medical portal Eurolaboratory to be constantly up to date with the latest news and information updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by mail.

The symptom map is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

According to the anatomical structures, the lower abdomen belongs to the digestive tract and contains the organs of the genitourinary system. Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen is a very multifaceted symptom.

According to its localization and character, one can only have an assumption, but not complete certainty in the diagnosis. An additional examination, consultations of various specialists is always required. In medicine, the symptom is called pelvic pain.

Statistics confirming complex diagnostics

According to statistics, when referred to a hospital, patients are distributed according to profiles:

  • 65–90% need urological care;
  • 60–70% end up in gynecology;
  • about 60% enter the gastroenterological departments of hospitals;
  • from 7 to 15% need the help of a traumatologist.

The total amount is not 100%, because the preliminary diagnosis turns out to be incorrect and the patient has to be transferred to another department.

What organs are located in the lower left corner of the abdomen?

The organs of different systems are localized in the lower left of the abdomen. Digestion includes: the small intestine - the loops of the jejunum, part of the descending colon and the sigmoid - the large intestine. To the organs of the genitourinary system: the left half of the uterus, the left appendage with the ovary and fallopian tube in women, the ureter and part of the bladder.

We must not forget that pain on the left side of the lower abdomen can cause disturbances in the skeleton of the pelvis, the hip joint, lymph nodes, nerve bundles and blood vessels, irradiation down in diseases of the spleen, left kidney.

How is pain formed?

The causes of pain syndrome according to the mechanism of formation are different in parenchymal and hollow organs. Dense organs (spleen, uterus, kidney) are covered with a protective capsule. It contains the pain endings of the nerves that respond to any damage.

In hollow organs (intestine, ureter), pain is formed when the muscle wall is stretched, if the damage reaches the level of the submucosal and muscular layer. The mucosa itself does not have the ability to cause pain, since it is not equipped with special receptors.

Pathological processes leading to pain in the lower abdomen can be:

  • inflammation;
  • dystrophy of an organ or wall due to impaired metabolism at the cell level;
  • local obstruction of blood circulation;
  • functional or organic failures in the work of internal organs.

Necrosis (necrosis) of the intestine - an extreme degree of ischemia

Physiologists distinguish 3 stages in the development of pain syndrome:

  • I - aching sensations appear in the focus, they are not defined by the patient as painful;
  • II - the formation of reflected pain, loss of connection with the true cause is possible;
  • III - expansion and deepening of pathological disorders, increased pain impulse from the site of injury.

We will consider options for pain in the left side and lower abdomen, depending on the possible pathology of the organs.

What types of pain in the left side should be considered?

The nature of pain sensations serves as a guide in assuming the localization and type of pathology.

Aching dull pain

Often worries women with a one-sided gynecological problem. Dull pains above the pubis and on the left are possible with cycle disorders, sex, inflammation and endometriosis. Inflammation is indicated by a combination with fever, weakness.

Nagging pain

In intensity, it is significantly inferior to other species, but it exhausts a person with its constancy. In men, it occurs with inflammation of the scrotum, strangulated inguinal hernia, orchitis. Initially, a malignant tumor manifests itself in a similar way.

Sharp pain in the side

The sharp nature of the pain accompanies spasm of the intestine, flatulence, acute expansion of the bladder and pelvis of the left kidney with urinary retention, rupture of the ovary in women, the passage of stones through the ureter.

stabbing pain

Colic is called acute spasm with contraction of the intestine or ureter. Typically subsided after defecation and urination. A variation is shooting pain. It is characteristic of inflammation in the lumbar region, joints. Stitching pains can precede the rupture of an ovarian cyst.

What pains characterize diseases of the small intestine?

Diseases of the small intestine affect all departments, cause severe pain with a cutting tint, cramping type. Accompanied by impaired absorption, frequent loose stools, loss of fluid and electrolytes, vitamins, protein.


A small segment of jejunal loops lies on the left side of the abdomen. With infectious enteritis and gastroenteritis, inflammation is accompanied by complaints from patients that "the lower abdomen hurts on the left."

The symptoms of the disease cannot be separated from the signs of gastritis (inflammation of the stomach). The temperature rises, nausea appears, vomiting is possible, pain migrates from the epigastrium to the center of the abdomen. There is a lot of mucus in the stool, undigested food particles, blood impurities are possible.

Malabsorption syndrome

The essence of pathological disorders is reduced to the inability of the mucous membrane to absorb certain products (for example, fruits, milk). The main symptom is rapid loose stools with the release of fat.

The intestines are bursting with gases, so the pain in the left lower abdomen and in the side has a cramping character, is unstable, and can cause seizures. After emptying the intestines or taking drugs with an antispasmodic effect, the pain subsides. At the same time, patients complain of rumbling, bloating, taste in the mouth.

celiac disease

The disease is detected in children in the infant period during the transition to nutrient mixtures, the introduction of nutritional supplements. It turns out that the child does not tolerate gluten (vegetable protein of cereals). Clinically manifested by abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, development of rickets.

Both diseases are caused by unfavorable heredity. Malabsorption syndrome also accompanies functional disorders in other serious illnesses.

Pathology of the left side of the large intestine

The abdomen hurts below on the left side if the descending or sigmoid colon is involved in the process.

irritable bowel syndrome

The cause of the disease remains unclear. It is associated with stress, hormonal disorders. Middle-aged women are more commonly affected. It has been established that exacerbations develop against the background of menstruation.

The disease is chronic, manifested by pain in the abdomen on the left, bloating, impaired stool (constipation alternates with diarrhea). An important feature is the absence of any morphological disorders in the intestine. Acute pain in the left side is provoked by unrest, the intake of fried or smoked meat dishes.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

The disease is caused by disorders of an autoimmune nature or is inherited.

Pathological changes begin in the rectum and spread from below to the upper intestines

According to the principle of localization, nonspecific inflammation is distinguished:

  • only the rectum (proctitis);
  • sigmoid and straight (proctosigmoiditis);
  • left section (left-sided colitis);
  • with damage to the colon throughout (total colitis).

In 18–30% of patients, the process reaches the ileum and appendix (ileocolitis). The intestinal walls have morphological changes, histologically they are located only in the mucous and submucosal layers. Ulcers are more often found in the sigmoid and rectum. There is a tendency to degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.

Clinically, in patients with exacerbation, there is a sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the left, paroxysmal in nature. Associated symptoms are: joint pain, fever, diarrhea with blood and pus. Antimicrobial agents, antihistamines, corticosteroids are used in the treatment.


Diverticula are saccular formations from the intestinal wall. They protrude outward, interfere with peristaltic waves. More often observed in old age. In the presence of dense fecal stones and inflammation, the patient develops throbbing pain in the left side of the abdomen. At the same time, constipation, the release of black feces due to bleeding are disturbing. The disease is treated only by surgery.

Colon polyps

Benign formations on the mucosa (polyps) are a mechanical obstacle that disrupt the process of water absorption. Determined by constipation, signs of dehydration. The pain in the lower abdomen on the left has a pulling character.

Although benign in nature, polyps can cause intestinal obstruction.

Atonic constipation

Atony of the large intestine can be caused by chronic inflammatory processes, polyps, and neurological problems. The main violation is the lack of proper regulation of peristalsis, the loss of the ability to contract and transport the contents.

Often seen in old age. The main symptom is prolonged constipation, bloating, dull pains of a bursting nature. Fermentation processes cause increased gas formation, and the accumulation of gases in the descending intestine is manifested by constant aching pain in the left side.

Malignant neoplasms

Colorectal cancer is a malignant neoplasm of epithelial cells located in the colon and rectum. In the Russian Federation, among malignant tumors in men, it ranks third in frequency, and fourth in women.

The disease is asymptomatic for a long time. Signs begin with increased fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, bloating, sudden vomiting, taste in the mouth, belching, a feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen.

At first, it hurts only on the left, in the place where the tumor is localized. Then the intensity increases and the pain radiates throughout the abdomen. With a hardware examination of the intestine, it becomes clear why the left side and the area in the lower abdomen hurt.

Pain syndrome in tumors of the left half of the colon is more pronounced

Other causes of pain

Relatively rare diseases include - it is transmitted by heredity mainly to boys.

The essence of the pathology is the presence in the large intestine of zones without innervation. Therefore, the main violation is the absence of peristalsis in the affected areas, the accumulation of feces in them, severe constipation.

The main complaints of patients: constipation, constant bloating, pulling pains in the left side of the abdomen. The disease is treated only surgically, removing the area unsuitable for digestion.

Crohn's disease is the formation of inflammatory nodules (granulomas) in the intestines and other parts of the digestive tract. The reason is unclear. With inflammation in the descending colon, abdominal pain is localized to the lower left. Patients experience persistent fatigue, loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

The disease is diagnosed only on the basis of a biopsy of material from the focus of inflammation.

Characteristics of pain in diseases of the urinary organs

Diseases of the urinary tract occur in cases of pathology of the kidneys, bladder, ureter. The localization studied by us includes local pain in the ureter caused by its stretching and radiating pain from the left kidney.


Inflammation of internal structures (pelvis, calyces) caused by infection. It starts suddenly with high fever, vomiting, chills, lower back pain on the left, radiating to the left side of the abdomen. There is a violation of urination, cramps, urinary retention. Pulsation of pain is an unfavorable sign indicating the formation of an abscess in the kidney.

In the chronic course, exacerbations are milder, but with the same symptoms. As a result, scars appear on the site of the inflamed tissue, the kidney is deformed and loses its function. Kidney failure occurs if the second healthy kidney stops working hard, compensating for the diseased organ. The disease is treated by urologists with antibacterial agents, diuretics, if necessary, by opening suppuration or resection of part of the kidney.

Urolithiasis disease

Often accompanied by inflammation of the urinary tract, metabolic disorders. It is caused by the precipitation of a crystalline precipitate in the urine, its settling in the pelvis and gluing into stones. In terms of composition, phosphates, oxalates, and urates are most common.

The stone causes a violation of the process of outflow of urine, therefore, stagnation and bursting are formed in the higher located departments. The movement of the calculus through the ureter explains why the lower abdomen hurts. Clinically, after increased shaking, running, the patient has an attack of renal colic.

The pains are very intense in nature, cutting. Localized in the lower back or to the left of the navel. Acute urinary retention occurs. The duration of the attack is up to several hours. For emergency care, painkillers, antispasmodics are administered. Frequent repetition of seizures is an indication for prompt extraction of the stone.

Pain manifestations in gynecological pathology

Since the uterus is an unpaired organ, pain during its inflammation and endometriosis spreads from the suprapubic zone both to the left and to the right, it is possible to single out only left-sided localization for diseases of the left appendage.


Inflammation of the ovary is provoked by hypothermia, hard physical work. The reason is infection. Chronic disease is accompanied by constant aching pain in the lower abdomen on the left, fever. Increased during sexual intercourse, during menstruation. A long process leads to the formation of adhesions.

Cyst torsion

A volumetric hollow formation from the left ovary may have a narrow base (pedicle). In the presence of a cyst, women note that before an acute attack, the pain in the left side was “tolerable”. Torsion causes intense pain on the left in the iliac region, in the side. Against the background of an attack, a cyst rupture is possible with the appearance of local peritoneal symptoms. Treatment in gynecology is only surgical.

At the initial stage, the cyst of the left ovary is located inside the organ and does not cause symptoms, except for the failure of the menstruation schedule

Ectopic pregnancy

The disease is manifested by an attack of gradually increasing pain in the left side of the abdomen, below, nausea and vomiting. Preceded by a delay in menstruation. Lack of measures leads to rupture of the left tube, peritonitis and multiple adhesions. A woman becomes infertile because the egg does not pass into the uterus.

Allen-Masters Syndrome

The disease manifests itself in women in the postpartum period. It consists in rupture of the uterine ligaments during difficult childbirth. Often complicates abortion. The patient has cramping pains, they are localized in the lower abdomen, sometimes only on the left or in the anus. Strengthen when straining.

The pain is burning in nature, radiating to the left side of the abdomen. With a digital examination, the gynecologist reveals excessive mobility of the cervix, soreness with pressure on the abdominal wall.

What pain causes diseases of the left hip joint?

The hip joint is the largest in the body. Bone surfaces and cartilage, adjacent muscles, tendons, nerves and blood vessels suffer from pathology.

The most common causes of pain in the hip joint with irradiation to the lower abdomen are:

  • inflammation (arthritis) infectious and autoimmune;
  • inflammation in the periarticular bag (bursitis);
  • degenerative disorders in bone tissue osteoarthritis or coxarthrosis;
  • fractures and dislocations;
  • aseptic necrosis in the head of the femur;
  • tuberculosis.

Coxarthrosis affects the articular surfaces, limits the mobility of the femoral head

All diseases are expressed in increased pain in the joint with emphasis on the left leg, walking. The doctor will note the deformation of the articular surfaces, the shortening of the left leg. The diagnosis is confirmed by x-ray. Tomographic sections are used at different depths.

Diagnosis of pain syndrome on the left in the long-term lower abdomen is very insidious, because it is necessary to assume and exclude many diseases. Therefore, the doctor should not focus only on the clinic and the patient's complaints.

Reliable data are provided by examination, the use of laboratory and hardware techniques. Patients who feel pain in the abdomen on the left should rely only on the conclusion of a specialist and not try to get rid of them on their own.

Pain in the abdomen indicates various diseases of the organs. The stomach itself is not an organ, it is an anatomical formation, which doctors divide into departments. So, if the left side hurts, doctors distinguish three departments of pain localization and many diseases and pathologies that occur in this area in men and women.

Types and characteristics of pain in the left side

The abdomen is divided into 9 sections, 3 upper, from right to left called:

  • right hypochondrium;
  • epigastric region;
  • left hypochondrium.

Middle, from right to left called:

  • right flank (side);
  • umbilical region;
  • left flank (side).

Lower, from right to left called:

  • right iliac region;
  • suprapubic;
  • left iliac.

The left side is represented by three departments:

  • left hypochondrium from above;
  • proper left side in the middle;
  • left iliac region.

In these departments there are organs of the gastrointestinal tract, most of which are hollow, as well as pain in these departments may indicate other diseases.

All pathologies, an unpleasant pain syndrome in which is localized on the left, can be divided into:

  • diseases of the digestive system:
  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • liver;
  • small intestine;
  • gallbladder;
  • large intestine.

Pathologies of the respiratory system:

  • diaphragms;
  • lungs;
  • pleura.

Diseases of the heart, blood system;

  • diseases of the renal system;
  • pathology of the uterine appendages;
  • pathologies, injuries of the spleen;
  • abdominal hernia;
  • diseases of the PNS (nervous system);
  • diseases of the blood, connective tissue;
  • pathology of the endocrine system.

Types of pain syndrome of the left side are divided according to the mechanism of their occurrence.

  1. Visceral, which is characteristic of a violation of the motor functions of the digestive organs in spastic conditions. The nature of the pain syndrome is cramping, or dull radiating.
  2. Peritoneal syndrome is always a symptom of dangerous conditions that require immediate surgical care. Occurs by irritation of the peritoneum with broken biological substrates from the hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Reflected pain characterizes other pathologies that radiate to the left lateral region. For example, lower lobe left-sided pneumonia, pleurisy.

Pain in the left hypochondrium: characteristics, pathology, clinic

The pain syndrome that appears near the left hypochondrium in front is a sign of various pathologies:

  • stomach diseases;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • splenomegaly or rupture of the spleen;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • heart diseases;
  • rheumatic pathologies;
  • diseases of the left lung: pleurisy, pneumonia.

Pain syndrome in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Gastritis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach, caused by various negative effects on it. Pain syndrome with gastritis, aching in nature, may be accompanied by manifestations:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting.

In addition, gastritis adds local and general symptoms to its picture.

Local manifestations:

  • feeling of internal pressure, heaviness near the epigastric region after every lunch or dinner;
  • belching, burning in the epigastric region, bad taste in the mouth;
  • pelvic dysfunction (constipation, diarrhea).

General symptoms:

  • development of weakness, irritable reaction;
  • violations of the heart, its system;
  • after eating a person wants to sleep, sweats;
  • burning on the tongue, in the mouth.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach has a characteristic depending on the duration of its course, features. It starts to hurt after eating, as a rule, if the position of the ulcer falls on the left hypochondrium.

Another clinic of an ulcer is manifested by symptoms:

  • heartburn, belching with sour contents;
  • weight loss;
  • a person can feel sick, vomit after eating.

Perforation of a stomach ulcer is a complication that occurs when a small hole appears in its wall. In this condition, irritation of the peritoneum occurs, peritonitis develops. The main symptom of this process is acute pain, patients say "as if stabbed with a knife, dagger" from the side of the ulcer.

Tumors of the stomach are manifested by the appearance of pain of a constant nature not associated with the use of food, liquids. Cancer in the first clinical stages is not indicated in any way. The onset of abdominal cancer is characterized by:

  • loss of appetite;
  • sometimes incomprehensible vomiting, nausea;
  • the occurrence of a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • a person may stop liking meat;
  • there is a feeling of rapid satiety with small portions.

Soreness with splenomegaly (spleen swelling), characteristic of infectious mononucleosis. Soreness occurs due to a strong stretching of its capsule.

Rupture of the spleen typically occurs after a traumatic impact on the abdominal cavity. There is a sharp pain after a blow, in the left hypochondrium. A cyanotic tint of the skin of the left half or near the navel appears, this is due to the release of blood from the ruptured spleen, which is a hematopoietic organ, a depot of blood cells.

The pathologies of the diaphragm include a hernia that develops in this place. It occurs if the muscles of the esophagus become weaker, part of the stomach protrudes into the chest cavity. There is pain in the left hypochondrium, accompanied by a symptom of heartburn. The provocation for the occurrence of this pathology is:

  • increased nutrition, obesity;
  • the course of pregnancy;
  • old age, due to senile weakening of the diaphragm.
  • Complication: pinching of the stomach, up to a violation of its blood supply.

    Pain in the left hypochondrium in pathologies of the cardiovascular system

    With cardiomyopathies, accompanied by structural changes in the heart muscle and a violation of its function, there is an acute pain in the left side under the ribs during exercise. Characterized by rapid onset of fatigue, increased heart rate.

    Ischemic heart disease is characterized by malnutrition by the blood of the heart, the cause of this is the pathology of the coronary arteries. First, the left side will ache, later heaviness with a burning sensation inside the chest joins, shortness of breath and an increase in pulse are characteristic.

    Pain syndrome in lung diseases

    The occurrence of pain in left-sided pneumonia is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue of the lower lobes of the lung. The pain syndrome is dull in nature, not very pronounced. Cough causes a strong tingling of the left side. Pneumonia begins with symptoms:

    • dry cough;
    • pain: headache, muscle;
    • weakness, general malaise.

    Left-sided pleurisy is caused by inflammation of the lung membrane, characterized by:

    • dry form with fibrin deposition;
    • exudative form, with accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity.

    Pain syndrome in the area of ​​the left side occurs when breathing, sneezing, coughing, bending over, walking.

    Other symptoms are characterized by:

    • rise in temperature;
    • sweating;
    • rapid, shallow breathing
    • the patient predominantly takes a position on the sore side to reduce pain;
    • exudative form is characterized by the appearance of lagging of the diseased part of the chest during breathing;
    • the cervical veins swell, and the intercostal spaces protrude.

    Pain syndrome in neuralgia

    Intercostal neuralgia is caused by a syndrome of compression of the intercostal nerves. There are sharp, strong, aching, dull burning pains in the left side and ribs.

    Attacks are accompanied by muscle twitches. Increased with inhalation, coughing, sudden movements, changes in body position. The pain may radiate to the shoulder blade. The place of pathological damage to the nerve pathways is characterized by a feeling of numbness.

    Pain in rheumatism

    The pain syndrome in rheumatic lesions is due to the pathology of the connective articular tissue. Pain is caused by concomitant pathologies of the spine:

    • osteochondrosis;
    • radiculitis.

    Pain syndrome in pathologies of the pancreas

    Pancreatitis is characterized by girdle pain, capturing the right hypochondrium, accompanied by nausea, vomiting.

    Pancreatitis is characterized by loss of the normal enzymatic, secretory function of the pancreas. There are problems with the metabolism of glucose, the breakdown of nutrients.

    Ignoring the prescriptions of doctors, untimely seeking medical help will lead to the development of pancreatic necrosis, death.

    Pain in pancreatic cancer

    The occurrence of pathological neoplasms of the pancreas is characterized by a constant pain syndrome localized in the left hypochondrium, sometimes in the center of the abdomen. There is an increase in pain when the person is on his back.

    Very often, pain occurs only in the later stages of the tumor process near the pancreas. Because of this, the diagnosis of such cancer presents significant difficulties.

    Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen

    Pain syndrome, spasms of this part of the abdomen are caused by various diseases, pathologies. Pain varies with:

    • intestinal pathologies;
    • adnexitis;
    • torsion or rupture of a cyst of the left ovary;
    • ectopic pregnancy.

    Pain syndrome in diseases of the intestine

    Most often it occurs with various intestinal infections, which also manifest themselves:

    • false urge to defecate;
    • bloating;
    • diarrhea
    • feeling of rumbling in the stomach;
    • sometimes there are mucous, blood clots in the feces.

    In ulcerative colitis, an ulcerative component is attached to the inflammation of the intestinal wall.

    For infections and colitis:

    • the temperature rises;
    • the general condition suffers;
    • due to vomiting and diarrhea, an acid-base imbalance occurs;
    • dehydration sets in.

    Intestinal obstruction is initially manifested by pain in the abdomen of a cramping nature, this is due to wave-like contractions of the intestine. Pain has no connection with food. Attacks are repeated every 10-15 minutes. When the pain subsides, this is a bad sign that indicates the cessation of intestinal motility. Other signs of intestinal obstruction are:

    • prolonged stool retention;
    • bloating;
    • vomiting of intestinal and gastric contents.

    Diverticulitis, or volvulus, occurs in infants by inserting one part of the intestine into another. The beginning is unexpected, the child is restless, cries, draws his legs. The attack ends suddenly, the child calms down, after a while the pain returns. There is vomiting. Feces with an admixture of blood of the color of "crimson jelly".

    With neoplasms inside the intestine, the pain is weak, but constant, not associated with food. Noticeable signs of irregular stools. There are constipations that are not treatable. An admixture of blood appears with feces. Later, chronic intestinal obstruction occurs.

    Pain in the left iliac region with gynecological pathologies

    Many women's diseases are characterized by pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity and localization. What can hurt in the left side of the female part?

    Adnexitis is manifested by inflammation of the uterine appendages. During the acute form, pain occurs in the lower abdomen, on the left or right. There are symptoms of general intoxication, urination disorders.

    When the left side pulls in the left iliac region, this may indicate torsion of the legs of the ovarian cyst. The general condition of the body is disturbed, the pressure drops, the temperature rises, sometimes vomiting occurs. This pathology requires urgent surgical intervention.

    With an ectopic pregnancy, sharp unbearable pain occurs on the left or right. This may indicate a rupture of the fallopian tube during an ectopic pregnancy. Pathology is typical for 6-10 weeks of pregnancy.

    Pathology with ruptures can be complicated by bleeding into the abdominal cavity, which will increase the pain syndrome, with pressure, symptoms of peritoneal irritation will join. In this disease, you need to consult a doctor, followed by urgent hospitalization, the need for surgery.

    Very rarely, pain in the left iliac region occurs during menstruation. Usually with them, the pain syndrome occurs in the lower abdomen, in the groin and lower back. Stopped by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Pain in the back left side

    Such localization of pain indicates a symptom of heart disease. Similar symptoms are typical for:

    • angina attack;
    • aortic aneurysms;
    • pericarditis;
    • myocardial infarction.

    With a heart attack, very often there is an irradiation of heart pain of the type of pain on the left in the shoulder blade, arm, side, neck.

    Also, pain in the lumbar region on the left indicates kidney pathology. There is an infectious lesion - pyelonephritis. The pain is aching, stabbing and paroxysmal. It is joined by urination disorders, intoxication and general weakness. An attack of renal colic may appear, which is manifested by unbearable pain that does not pass. Requires hospitalization and assistance.

    Sometimes pain on the left rear or side occurs due to the pathology of the lumbar vertebrae. Sometimes she can give in the leg.

    Characterized by shooting pain in osteochondrosis, cold back and lumbar injuries. It can occur both at rest and during physical activity, such as running. With a systematic pain syndrome of this nature, contact an orthopedist.

    Principles of diagnosis and treatment for pain in the left side

    Pain is always a response to a pathology, it does not just happen, so together with general symptoms, it should be a reason to visit a doctor and emergency medical services.

    The treatment of each disease offers an individual integrated approach, often with emergency care and the involvement of several specialists, in order to effectively treat the disease.

    Knowing the symptoms of pathologies, you can independently differentiate the pain syndrome and make the right decision to call a doctor at home, or drink painkillers to relieve discomfort. Do not hesitate to develop severe symptoms, this can be fatal.



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