Female sex hormones in tablets.

Most people, due to the lack of knowledge in the field of medicine, consider hormonal drugs to be something terrible, bringing a huge amount (from weight gain to significant hair growth). Such fears are unfounded. An example is hormonal pills for women. These drugs are widely available and effective in their application. What hormones are, why they are drunk, and which of them are the best, is discussed in the article.

The composition of hormonal preparations includes synthetic hormones or hormonoids (substances that have similar properties). Hormones are produced by the glands of the endocrine system. Entering the bloodstream, they are carried throughout the body and reach target cells, which have a direct effect. There are specific reactions that control the vital activity of the body.

All hormonal drugs can be divided into the following types:

  • pituitary preparations - representatives are and, which is known to every woman;
  • - are used in the treatment of insufficient or excessive synthesis of hormonally active substances;
  • means of the pancreas (based on);
  • preparations of the parathyroid glands;
  • hormones of the adrenal cortex - glucocorticosteroids, which are used in most areas of medicine to relieve insufficiency, inflammatory and allergic processes;
  • preparations of sex hormones (, progestins, androgens);
  • anabolics.

What are hormones used for?

Hormonal drugs are used to treat and prevent a number of pathological conditions, namely:

  • as a contraceptive;
  • for replacement treatment during menopause and menopause, this also includes men with androgen deficiency;
  • treatment of inflammatory and allergic diseases;
  • replacement therapy for deficiency of certain hormones;
  • as a link in the complex treatment of tumor processes.

Female hormonal preparations are used for the following purposes:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • prevention and treatment of anemia;
  • the period after an ectopic pregnancy;
  • postpartum contraception (3 weeks after the end of lactation);
  • therapy of gynecological pathologies;
  • post-abortion condition.

Features of oral contraception

The history of contraception goes back to ancient times. What was not used until the structure of steroid hormonally active substances and the discovery of the overwhelming effect of high doses of sex hormones on ovulation was studied. It was interrupted sexual intercourse, various covers soaked in infusions and decoctions of herbs, fish bubbles, prolonged breastfeeding.

The use of hormones began in 1921, when the Austrian professor Haberlandt confirmed the possibility of inhibiting the process of ovulation by introducing an extract from the ovaries themselves. In 1942, it was synthesized for the first time in the USA, and used in 1954. The negative point was that the hormones in the tablets at that time contained a significant dose of the active substance (tens of times higher than what a woman is taking now), and therefore caused a mass side effects.

Modern drugs with good tolerance were synthesized in the 90s of the XX century. How effective the drug is, evaluates the Pearl index. This indicator clarifies the possibility of pregnancy within 12 months of regular use of the drug. The index of modern hormonal drugs is in the range from 0.3% to 3%.

Contraceptives based on hormones:

  • combined;
  • mini-pills (non-combined);
  • preparations for urgent contraception.

Combined hormonal agents

COCs are a group of the most popular modern contraceptives. They include estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and progestogen (norgestrel, levonorgestrel, desogestrel) - hormones similar in their action to female sex hormones.

Depending on the dosage, as well as the ratio of gestagens and estrogens, there are several groups of hormonal tablets:

  1. Monophasic - have the same dosage of active substances in each tablet of the package.
  2. Biphasic - the amount of estrogen is constant, and the dose of progestogen varies depending on the phase of the cycle.
  3. Three-phase - a variable content of hormones in the composition.

The last group is considered the most physiological. It contains three types of tablets. The amount of hormones in each type depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The first 5 tablets correspond to the follicular phase, the next 6 pieces imitate the periovulatory, the remaining 10 - the luteal phase. The amount of estrogen in each of the tablets is maximum, and the level of progestogen increases systematically, reaching the highest levels by the third phase of the cycle.

Mechanism of action

All hormone-based contraceptives are aimed at preventing the production and release of active substances, the action of which is associated with ovulation and implantation of the ovum into the uterine cavity. The gonads decrease in size, as if "falling asleep".

The drugs have the ability to make the cervical mucus thicker, which prevents the penetration of a significant amount of sperm into the uterus. In addition, there is a change in the functional state of the endometrium, it becomes thinner, its ability to attach a fetal egg to itself decreases, if conception does occur.

Reviews of women who use the funds of this group confirm the effectiveness of the application at the age of up to 35 years. The package contains 21 tablets of the same color. There may be a strict usage pattern, but it is of little value since all tablets have the same composition. The following is a list of the most popular and effective remedies.

The drug contains 30 mcg and 2 mg of dienogest. Regular reception has the following features:

  • the Pearl index does not exceed 1%;
  • has androgenic activity - taken by women with elevated levels of male hormones;
  • normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Good product made in Germany. The gestagen is represented by gestodene (75 μg). Produced in the form of a dragee. It is undesirable to use with other drugs, as the risk of uterine bleeding increases.

The tool is the most popular representative of the group. Drospirenone acts as a progestogen. Properties are similar to Jeanine. In addition to lowering cholesterol and anti-adrogenic effects, Yarina has a positive effect on skin condition. This explains why dermatologists prescribe pills in the treatment of acne and acne.

It is an analogue of Logest. Significant differences are the country of origin, the color of the shell of the tablets, and the content of estrogen in the composition is slightly higher.

The name of this representative is also constantly heard. The composition includes ethinylestradiol and cyproterone acetate. The remedy is the drug of choice for those women who have an increased level of hair growth, since the progestogen, which is part of the composition, has a powerful antiandrogenic effect.

One of the well-tolerated drugs, excluding the formation of edema, weight gain, increased appetite. Drospirenone, which is part, has the following features:

  • softens the effect of estrogen;
  • relieves manifestations of premenstrual syndrome;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Monophasic drugs do not end there. There is also a significant number of representatives:

  • minisiston;
  • Mercilon;
  • Silest;
  • Regividon;
  • Dimia;
  • Midian.

Two-phase and three-phase means

Experts prefer monophasic drugs to representatives of these groups because of fewer side effects. Biphasic drugs are rarely used, which is why among them there are tablets whose names are not familiar even to pharmacists: Femoston, Anteovin, Binovum, Neo-Eunomine, Nuvelle.

Three-phase drugs, due to their physiological composition, are more popular, however, side effects and complications when taking them are no less pronounced. The representative of the group will be called as follows: the name begins with the prefix "three". For example, Tri-regol, Tri-merci, Trister, Triziston.

Tablets are colored in different colors depending on the phase of administration. Such drugs must be taken strictly according to the scheme that is attached to the package.

Advantages and disadvantages

Modern contraceptives have a lot of positive qualities, which makes them widely used:

  • fast effect and high reliability;
  • the ability of the woman herself to control the state of her fertility;
  • knowledge of the means;
  • low frequency of side effects;
  • ease of use;
  • lack of influence on the partner;
  • reducing the possibility of developing an ectopic pregnancy;
  • a positive effect in the presence of benign tumor processes of the mammary gland;
  • prevention of tumor processes in the female reproductive system;
  • relief of manifestations of dysmenorrhea;
  • positive effect on the condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system.

The negative aspects of COCs are the need for regular use according to a certain scheme, as well as the possibility of delaying subsequent ovulation cycles after drug withdrawal.


Absolute contraindications for the appointment of COCs are the presence of pregnancy, malignant tumors of the reproductive system and mammary glands, pathology of the liver, heart and blood vessels, acute thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, as well as uterine bleeding of unknown etiology.

Pathological conditions that create problems during the period of drug use include:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • epileptic state;
  • migraine;
  • depression, psychosis;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • pathology of the liver of a chronic nature;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • porphyrin disease - a pathology of pigment metabolism, accompanied by a high level of porphyrins in the blood and their massive excretion with urine and feces;
  • benign tumors of the uterus;
  • upcoming immobilization or surgery.

There are a number of factors that reduce the effectiveness of the means used. These include dyspeptic manifestations in the form of vomiting and diarrhea, taking laxatives, antibiotics, anticonvulsant drugs. If vomiting and diarrhea occur within 3 hours of taking the last tablet, an additional tablet should be taken.

What are progestogen oral contraceptives?

These are alternative drugs (mini-pills) that contain only gestagens. Hormones from this group are needed in the following cases:

  • older women;
  • during lactation;
  • those who smoke;
  • those for whom COCs are contraindicated;
  • patients with hypertension.

Progestin contraceptives have a higher Pearl index. It can reach 4%, which is a negative point for the contraceptive process. Representatives - Levonorgestrel, Charozetta, Ovret, Micronor.

Reception scheme

Tablets must be taken once a day at the same time. If a woman missed a dose, then you need to drink hormones as soon as you remember, even if you have to take two tablets at the same time.

If a woman remembers the pill no later than 12 hours after the need to take it, the contraceptive effect is preserved, after 12 hours, additional methods of protection should be used.

Urgent funds

Emergency contraception is represented by drugs used in moments of unforeseen cases. These drugs contain significant doses of hormones that prevent the process of ovulation or change the functional state of the endometrium of the uterus. The most famous are Postinor, Escapel, Ginepriston. Cases when it becomes necessary to take such drugs should be as rare as possible, since they cause a huge hormonal surge in the body.

How to choose an oral contraceptive

The specialist evaluates the hormonal balance of the patient's body and determines what is the minimum dose of the drug that will be able to show the desired effect. The dose of estrogen should not exceed 35 mg, and gestagen (in terms of levonorgestrel) - 150 mcg. The doctor also pays attention to the constitutional type of a woman. There are three main types:

  • with a predominance of estrogens;
  • balance;
  • with a predominance of gestagens.

Representatives of the first type are suitable for those drugs that have an increased dose of gestagens, the third - with an increased level of the estrogen component. If a woman has signs of an increased amount of male sex hormones, the ideal option would be to use drugs with an enhanced antiandrogenic effect.

The gynecologist also evaluates the condition of the patient's reproductive organs. Menstruation is profuse, having a long period, an increased size of the uterus - factors in an increased level of estrogen in the body. Menstruation of a meager nature in combination with uterine hypoplasia indicates high levels of progestogen.

Currently, combined mono- and three-phase oral contraceptives are considered the most used, having a low dose of hormonally active substances that make up the composition. These funds have the same effectiveness and safety, if you follow the rules for their use. The choice between specific representatives is made on the basis of each individual clinical case. Confirmation that the contraceptive is chosen correctly is the absence of uterine bleeding or bleeding between menstruation.


  1. Obstetrics: a course of lectures. UMO certification for medical education. Strizhakov A.N., Davydov A.I., Budanov P.V., Baev O.R. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  2. Obstetrics. National leadership. UMO certification for medical education. Ailamazyan E.K., Radzinsky V.E., Kulakov V.I., Savelyeva G.M. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  3. Gestosis: theory and practice. Ailamazyan E.K., Mozgovaya E.V. 2008 Publisher: MEDpress-inform.
  4. Intrauterine infection: Management of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. UMO certification for medical education. Sidorova I.S., Makarov I.O., Matvienko N.A. 2008 Publisher: MEDpress.
  5. Clinical guidelines. Obstetrics and gynecology. Savelyeva G.M., Serov V.N., Sukhikh G.T. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.

When, over the years, fewer and fewer hormones are produced in a woman's body, female hormones in pills are often prescribed.

Such drugs eliminate many of the symptoms that accompany hormone deficiency.

Hormones are substances that are produced in almost every organ and tissue of the body, so they affect its performance and overall functioning.

The hormonal background determines the following important characteristics:

  • body weight and tendency to gain weight;
  • appetite;
  • sexual function;
  • hair color and structure;
  • skin type;
  • emotional condition;
  • behavior and thinking.

The human body produces both female and male sex hormones. Their number is determined by gender.

Most of them are produced by the endocrine system, which includes the following glands:

  • thyroid;
  • parathyroid;
  • pancreas;
  • thymus.

This system also includes the following authorities:

  • pituitary;
  • hypothalamus;
  • ovaries;
  • adrenals.

The hormones produced by these glands are delivered to various organs through the circulatory system.


Until now, up to 60 types of hormones are known, with the help of which the hormonal background is formed. Deviations from the norm of indicators of female hormones provoke serious complications.

Why Hormonal Imbalance Occurs

Preparations and products containing female hormones are prescribed mainly when in the body. It can be triggered by many negative factors, including the following:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • increased fatigue in a chronic form;
  • sleep disorders;
  • stressful situations;
  • the influence of certain medications;
  • various diseases, in particular, of a viral nature;
  • immune system failures.

This imbalance also occurs against the background of bad habits, including the following:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • the use of narcotic drugs.

Modern pharmaceutical companies offer female hormones in tablets in a wide range.

They allow you to restore balance in the body, slowing down aging and having a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

Varieties and their features

Both in the female and in the male body, 2 main types of hormones are produced - androgens and estrogens. The first type is this, and the second is female.

However, besides them, female representatives also produce other species that affect the important functions of individual systems. The features of the main ones should be considered in detail.


According to recent studies, fair-haired women have the highest content of hormones that affect reproductive function.


This is the main female hormone produced in the ovaries, affecting sexual characteristics, appearance and cell regeneration.

In this regard, its optimal content in the body ensures the elasticity of the skin and healthy hair. In addition, it protects blood vessels from plaque formation.


The ability of a pregnant woman to endure and give birth to a child depends on progesterone. A decrease in its level during early pregnancy provokes a miscarriage.


It is produced in the adrenal glands of a woman in low content. With elevated testosterone levels, the following symptoms are noted:

  • increased irritability;
  • mood swings;
  • irascibility.

First of all, testosterone affects female sexual behavior.


It is a thyroid hormone responsible for various metabolic processes. Its deficiency is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • constant fatigue;
  • skin laxity;
  • drowsiness;
  • memory impairment.

An increase in thyroxin levels leads to the following manifestations:

  • impaired concentration;
  • sleep problems;
  • angina;
  • emergence of feelings of anxiety.

Against this background, as a rule, there is also rapid weight loss and problems with thinking processes.


It is a growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It provides control over muscle tissue and ligaments. Its deficiency slows down growth, and its excess leads to its abnormal performance. Also, violations of the concentration of somatotropin lead to weakness and flabbiness of the muscle mass in a woman.

For reference!

Somatotropin has a positive effect on the female psyche. And its insufficient secretion is one of the main causes of aging.


Produced in the pancreas and normalizes blood sugar levels. It is involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates received by the body with food.

When the food contains a lot of sweets, insulin cannot cope with its processing, which provokes the accumulation of sugar. This is bad for blood vessels and provokes fullness and diabetes.

The action of hormones in tablets

Female sex hormones in tablets help eliminate various problems in the body and have the following effects:

  1. They are prolong youth by replenishing sex hormones.
  2. stop developmental processes of obesity.
  3. slow down the rate of wrinkle formation, providing skin elasticity.
  4. Normalize arterial pressure.
  5. Facilitate symptoms of menopause.
  6. Eliminate frequent urination.
  7. Apply in the treatment of chronic cystitis caused by atrophy of the bladder mucosa.

After 50 years, preparations of female sex hormones significantly reduce the risk of developing the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • osteoporosis.

Also, such drugs are widely used for the prevention of various cardiovascular pathologies and stroke.

Basic drugs

Sex hormone pills for women usually contain estrogen or progesterone, which are considered the most important female hormones.

Estrogen preparations

Estrogen tablets are most often prescribed to restore a normal menstrual cycle and blood pressure.

It is also taken to relieve such frequent manifestations in women over 40 as constant fatigue and headaches.

Indications for the use of this substance may be the following conditions:

  • lack of menstruation;
  • infertility;
  • underdevelopment of the uterus;
  • disorders after removal of the ovaries;
  • osteoporosis during menopause.

Among the hormonal pills with estrogen, the following drugs should be distinguished:

  1. Estrofem: This remedy is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of menopause. It is not intended for contraception and has a number of side effects, and therefore, with long-term use, it is necessary to undergo an examination at least once every 6 months.
  2. Premarin: this remedy is used for violation of ovarian function and bleeding in the uterus. It is also known as a drug for the normalization of hormonal levels during menopause. In the presence of diabetes, the drug is prescribed with caution.
  3. Tefestrol: indicated in the absence of secondary sexual characteristics and underdevelopment of the organs of the reproductive system.

Due to a number of contraindications and side effects that these drugs have, only a specialist should establish their choice and dosage.

For reference!

Many women tend to believe the myth that hormonal pills lead to fullness and the appearance of hair on the body and face. In fact, if all the instructions are followed and the correct doses are observed, such phenomena are not observed.

Progesterone preparations

The most popular drugs in this group are the following:

  1. Norkolut: prescribed for menstrual irregularities and endometriosis. The drug has a high activity, sometimes included in the composition of drugs for the treatment of adenomyoma.
  2. Pregnin: a remedy for infertility and ovarian failure. It is also widely used in the absence of menstruation or too little discharge.
  3. Postinor: considered one of the most. However, its effect expires 2 days after administration.

In addition to these drugs, combined drugs are often used, which are considered universal. Among them are the following drugs:

  • Ovidon;
  • Rigevidon;
  • Demoulin.

Misuse of these drugs can cause nausea, vomiting, and more serious complications.

Medicines, which include natural or artificial hormones, have to be taken for various reasons, and women are more likely to take this. We drink them when we are afraid of getting pregnant or vice versa, we really want to conceive a child, and hormones also help to cope with menopause, acne and even cancer. However, many ladies are still afraid of this terrible word, depriving themselves of many opportunities. When are hormonal pills appropriate? Let's look at the important points.

The effect of hormonal pills

The vast majority of the processes occurring in the body in one way or another involve hormones produced by the glands and are responsible both for metabolism in general and for many individual functions, such as growth, reproduction, and the processing of substances. The human body constantly monitors the presence of hormones in the blood and, if they are deficient, tries to increase production, which means a change in the function of the gland. With the help of hormonal pills, you can restore the balance in the systems.

Contraceptive drugs have an effect on the body as a whole. Long-term use of such pills reduces the risk of cancer by about 50 percent. In addition, hormones help to make the cycle in the female body more regular, and the periods themselves often become less unpleasant. Drugs also help in eliminating acne, which is often a sign of hormonal imbalance.

Indications and contraindications

Hormones are prescribed in different situations, but the main points are:

  1. Endocrine diseases.
  2. Deficiency in the production of hormones by the body (drugs are used for stimulating effects to restore the previous hormonal balance, often this is done to normalize the menstrual cycle in the body and return the opportunity to conceive a child).
  3. Problems with the female reproductive system (hormonal substances normalize the menstrual cycle, stop dysfunctional bleeding from the uterus, promote ovulation, bring the body to the hormonal balance required for conception).
  4. Mastopathy or fibroids (to reduce the rate of cell division in the mammary glands and uterus).
  5. Contraception.
  6. Acne, pimples.
  7. Menopause (to restore balance in the body and prevent the occurrence of arterial hypertension, osteoporosis and other problems).

General contraindications are also available, here they are:

  1. Smoking.
  2. Increased blood clotting.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Excess weight.
  5. Liver and kidney failure.
  6. Migraines with focal neurological symptoms.
  7. Pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  8. Increased risk of thrombosis.
  9. Hormone dependent diseases.
  10. Oncology.
  11. Vaginal bleeding.
  12. Diabetes.
  13. Pancreatitis.

Side effects

Hormones can cause side effects in the body that include unwanted hair growth, skin problems, and more. When taking birth control, they can range from unpleasant discharge and swelling of the mammary glands to allergic reactions, you can still gain weight dramatically. Stopping the drug immediately often does not have the desired effect, since the effect of hormones can be prolonged, it will take the body some time to return to normal.

Types of hormonal pills

Drugs are divided into groups of hormones:

  • glands of the adrenal cortex, which include glucocorticosteroids, used to combat allergies and inflammation, and also as painkillers.
  • thyroid gland are used if it produces them in small quantities or, conversely, too much.
  • sexual, which include androgens, estrogens, gestagens.
  • anabolic drugs.
  • pituitary, such as oxytocin and human chorionic gonadotropin.
  • pancreas, one of which is insulin.

The use of hormonal drugs

Hormonal preparations are used in cases where the human body is not able to independently provide itself with the necessary amount of hormones. Such therapy is called substitution therapy, since the patient is forced to resort to it for a long time, which can often be extended to all the remaining years. Medicines containing glucocorticoids are used to combat allergies.


Contraceptives are one of the surest ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy. The method of their action is the influence of female hormones on the reproductive system in order to prevent ovulation and conception. The choice of the drug should be carried out by a gynecologist, when using an incorrectly selected contraceptive, many health problems may occur, up to liver diseases and vein thrombosis. Let's look at which birth control pills are the most popular:

  • "Diana 35". This is an oral contraceptive, characterized by a low content of hormones. In addition to direct contraception, it is used to treat seborrhea, problems with high levels of male hormones in the female body, acne and polycystic ovary syndrome. The drug affects ovulation, protecting against unwanted pregnancy. After stopping the hormonal agent, the girl can become pregnant again.
  • Lindinet 20. A modern means of the latest generation of contraceptives. These pills contain completely insignificant hormonal doses, which negates the side effects. Already with a three-month intake of the drug, the normalization of the cycle is noted, menstruation becomes less unpleasant. Reduces the likelihood of endometriosis, cancer of the uterus or ovaries, mastopathy.
  • "Jess". Birth control pills are an effective tool in the fight against acne, oily skin, as it counteracts male sex hormones. Often, gynecologists prescribe Jess contraceptive pills to girls from the age of 14 in order to combat acne and eliminate especially painful menstruation. A feature of the hormonal drug is that it cannot affect weight in any way.
  • "Regulon". The composition of this drug includes gestagen and ethinyl estradiol, which act jointly on the pituitary gland, hormones make cervical mucus denser and more difficult to ovulate, which prevents sperm from entering the uterus and fertilization.
  • "Janine". Tablets, which are monophasic combined contraceptives, contain gestagen and ethinylestradiol, which thicken the cervical mucus, affect ovulation, preventing spermatozoa from fertilizing.
  • "Midian". It is an oral contraceptive based on drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol, which affect the endometrium. Suppresses ovulation and prevents the fertilization of the egg.


The level of estrogen hormones is significantly higher in women. There are three types:

  • estrone produced during menopause;
  • estradiol, produced by all women of reproductive age;
  • estriol produced by the placenta during pregnancy.

But sometimes the level of estrogen does not correspond to the norm, this happens due to bleeding, problems with bearing a child, infertility, the presence of tumors in the reproductive system and breasts. Estrogens include:

  • "Dermestril". Contains estradiol and is used in menopause, eliminating hot flashes, postmenopausal osteoporosis, urogenital atrophy, sleep and mood problems.
  • "Divigel". It has estradiol as the active substance. This drug is distinguished by its favorable effect on the development of specific female organs, such as the fallopian tubes, ducts of the mammary glands. It has a positive effect on the development of female secondary sexual characteristics, normalizes menstruation. In large doses, the hormone is able to reduce lactation, produce endometrial hyperplasia.

Thyroid gland

Levothyroxine sodium and triiodothyronine are thyroid hormones. If their level in the body decreases, this leads to such consequences as atherosclerosis, cognitive decline, weight gain, anemia. In the absence of diagnosis, treatment, problems with the thyroid gland can occur even in young people and result in dysfunction of other organs, apathy, loss of strength.

Thyroxine is a synthetic thyroid hormone. After passing through the kidneys and liver, it affects the growth, development of tissues in the body, as well as metabolism in general. Thyroxine affects the metabolism of fats and proteins, increases oxygen consumption, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. At higher doses and long-term use, it affects the work of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland.

How to drink hormonal pills

If the doctor has decided to prescribe hormones, do not argue, but listen. He will prescribe a course of examinations to make sure that the hormonal drug can be drunk and there will be no harm to the body, and then determine the dosage. If you are going to drink birth control, then consult a gynecologist. After making an analysis for hormones and finding out what is missing, the doctor will be able to prescribe a remedy. The gynecologist also examines the breast for the presence of oncology, since hormonal preparations for tumors are not prescribed.

How to take contraceptives? In a certain order, once a day, to facilitate the blister, the days of the week are indicated, it will be difficult to make a mistake, miss a dose. The first tablet should be taken on the 1st day of menstruation or on the 5th, if it was not possible earlier. Later, this should not be done, because there will be a risk of becoming pregnant. Do not forget and skip the daily intake. One blister is designed for a month, there are tablets with the expectation of continuous intake, there are for 21 days (with a break of a week).

For breast augmentation

It is considered undeniable that the shape and size of the female mammary glands depend on genetic factors. At the same time, we should not forget that the female hormone estrogen affects the female breast. Some hormonal pills affect its production, resulting in changes in size. This effect is exerted by prolactin, which acts on estrogen receptors in the breast, and progesterone, which promotes the growth of breast tissue.

Taking hormonal drugs requires a careful approach, only the doctor will tell you what dosage you need. So, there are hormones that you can drink 4 times a day with an interval of 4 hours. It is worth noting that it will not be superfluous to use a special cream to increase the bust, in addition, taking such drugs requires careful attention to the diet. In order not to lead to the production of testosterone, you should forget about sweet, starchy foods, reduce protein intake.

For pregnancy

To determine the hormones that can help in the conception of a child, you will have to take urine and blood tests that will allow you to understand the state of the body. The ovaries produce estradiol, which is involved in the preparation of the uterus for conception, as well as testosterone, progesterone, a follicle-stimulating hormone responsible for eggs. Male testosterone, with its elevated level in the female body, makes it difficult to conceive, interfering with the normal course of pregnancy.

Progesterone, sometimes called the maternal hormone, is essential for the development of a baby in the womb. Conception is due to the normal function of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland. The latter is responsible for prolactin, which stimulates lactation and ovulation, and for luteotropin, which controls the production of estrogen in the female body. If conception does not occur for a long time, women are sometimes prescribed Femoston: it contains estradiol and dydrogesterone, which normalize and maintain the required hormonal level. This drug is a mixture of estrogen and progesterone.

For weight gain

Taking hormonal drugs can lead to weight gain. This is used by athletes who want to build muscle by using steroids, which include corticosteroids and sex hormones. In Russia, they are banned, which forced them to look for other ways, one of which turned out to be somatostatin, a growth hormone that can increase muscle mass.

However, you should be careful: hormones for weight gain should not be used without medical supervision. The doctor prescribes them to people with anorexia, emaciated, excessively thin. The drug "Duphaston" is very common: it was created for ladies who want to get pregnant, but for those who want to gain weight, it fits perfectly. Hormonal agents are prescribed after consulting an endocrinologist, he determines the dosage of the drug.

For acne

Hormone therapy is effective for acne. The use of preparations containing hormones will prevent excessive production of sebum. However, you need to be on the lookout, because they can lead to a deterioration in mood, weight gain and headaches as a side effect. At the end of the course, acne may return, and to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to simultaneously use antibacterial drugs, and preferably not antibiotics, but natural substances.

Subcutaneous fat is formed with the participation of androgens, which are most actively produced by the female body during menstruation. This leads to the appearance of acne on the skin on such days. It is possible to eliminate this phenomenon by means of hormonal tablets containing progesterone and estrogen, which will help the body maintain a balance of androgens. For this purpose, contraceptives, such as Jess, are often prescribed: they drink them in a course, one tablet a day.

What drugs to choose

It is not uncommon for women to base their decision on choosing one of the hormonal contraceptives based on advertisements or what their girlfriends say. Such a situation is unacceptable, because only a gynecologist, after all the necessary tests, examinations of the body, can recommend any of the remedies. If you decide to choose a hormonal drug on your own, then it may not only not have the desired effect, but harm your health, even death.


In the plot of the TV show, the obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you how and at what moment hormonal contraceptives act on the body, why you should not be afraid to drink the drug. The doctor explains why contraceptives are good for acne, how they prevent uterine and ovarian cancer, and also explains the benefits of the intrauterine ring and IUD for the treatment of certain gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis.

Contraceptives for acne

The female hormonal preparation is a great discovery in the field of contraception. The intake of hormonal drugs has a blocking effect on the process of ovulation, which prevents the egg from maturing and leaving the ovary, respectively, spermatozoa cannot fertilize it, which makes pregnancy impossible. When prescribing hormonal drugs, many women are afraid to use them, fearing that they will harm the body. Is it true or not? What types of hormone-containing drugs are there? How to take preparations of female sex hormones correctly?

Harm or benefit?

You need to know that hormonal drugs are not only pills of female hormones of contraceptive action. In the human body, and the woman is no exception, there are other organs and systems, such as: endocrine glands, central nervous system, genital organs, which also produce hormones. Therefore, the appointment of hormonal drugs is carried out by a doctor in accordance with the required treatment.

If we talk about hormonal drugs that are prescribed to a woman, they contain hormones of the genital organs, and their action does not have to be with the performance of contraceptive functions. There are hormonal agents that, on the contrary, will stimulate conception, and there are those whose action is aimed at normalizing the level of hormones in a woman's body.

The fair sex is afraid to take drugs with female hormones, believing that they accumulate in the body. This is fundamentally not true, because immediately after the drug enters the body, it breaks down into compounds of chemical elements, which are subsequently excreted. So, a contraceptive pill will leave the female body within a day.

The fact that the action of hormonal drugs continues even after stopping their intake, normalizing the work of various organs and systems, does not mean that they accumulate in the body.

Women are also frightened by the fact that, taking hormonal pills, they will quickly gain weight and will not be able to get rid of it. They are also afraid of adverse reactions of the body. You need to understand that there is not a single medicine that would not have side effects. It is for this reason that the intake of any drug must be agreed with the doctor. Any drug should be prescribed after the examination and the results of the tests.

So, when you start taking hormones, there may be such changes: weight changes, swelling of the mammary glands, headache, spotting, not associated with menstruation. This is considered normal and does not require immediate discontinuation of the drug. After a few months, the body adapts to the drug and the symptoms will disappear.

Hormonal contraceptives for women are the most popular hormonal contraceptives. Today you can pick them up for any age of a woman without harm to health.

In addition to the main purpose, a drug containing female hormones makes it possible to cope with many problems, in particular, acne, hair loss, problem skin, chills and others. Preparations with hormones help to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of PMS (sharp pains in the lower abdomen, nausea, cramps, chills, etc.).

Varieties of hormonal drugs

Hormones are drugs that have different effects and have different structures. Until now, there is no single classification of hormone-containing drugs. Depending on the chemical composition, hormones are classified into the following classes:

  • protein and peptide structure;
  • amino acids;
  • steroid nature.

Classification according to the organ principle divides hormonal preparations into the following types:

  • pituitary hormones;
  • stimulating / depressing the thyroid gland;
  • parathyroid hormones;
  • pancreatic hormones and hypoglycemic synthetic components;
  • adrenal hormones and other synthetic analogues;
  • male and female sex hormones;
  • anabolic steroid.

Next, you need to focus on hormonal drugs, which are used more often than others. The leading positions are occupied by steroids (hormones of the adrenal cortex). Such drugs have proven to be highly effective in the treatment of inflammatory processes and swelling. These drugs can cure autoimmune processes and allergies. Steroids act as adjuncts to relieve swelling, redness, even for unknown reasons, they can have a temporary effect, relieving unpleasant symptoms. These drugs include Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, etc. If you stop taking steroids, the disease can progress and, as a result, the condition will worsen dramatically.

Insulin, which is also a hormone, is widely used to treat diabetes. Insulin is a powerful drug that works to lower blood sugar levels to normal levels. If the sugar level remains high, it will lead to such serious diseases as gangrene, myocardial infarction, blindness.

Hormones are also used to treat disorders in the thyroid gland. These are triiodothyronine and levothyroxine sodium. An insufficient amount of hormones in the human body threatens with atherosclerosis, anemia, decreased intelligence, and overweight. Timely treatment helps to avoid these unpleasant consequences. Under no circumstances should thyroid hormones be used uncontrollably. This can lead to serious heart problems.

Taking hormones as a remedy for unwanted pregnancy can be considered the most reliable contraception. Special complexes of female sex hormones are prescribed, which block ovulation and, as a result, conception. With self-administration of hormonal pills in a woman, such unpleasant consequences are possible: the formation of blood clots in the legs, bleeding, liver damage. If the drugs are chosen correctly, a woman can not only prevent an unwanted pregnancy, but also get rid of many problems, in particular, increased oily hair, acne, and a number of gynecological problems.

Despite such a diverse action of hormones, many people consider them far from the safest drugs, and sometimes even harmful.

When should a woman consider taking hormones?

A woman needs to think about taking hormonal drugs when:

  • regular sexual life;
  • under the age of 35;
  • the presence of a permanent sexual partner;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • painful periods, causing a lot of discomfort.

Once again, it must be emphasized that the use of any hormonal contraceptives must be agreed with the doctor. Only a doctor will be able to choose the right hormonal contraceptive, taking into account the woman's age, the presence of diseases, the characteristics of sexual life and other factors.

Rules for taking hormonal drugs

In no case should hormonal drugs be taken when and how you like. When applying, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Reception at the appointed time.
  2. Don't miss your appointment.
  3. Do not change the dosage prescribed by the doctor.
  4. Do not change the course of treatment on your own (even if the condition improves and unpleasant symptoms disappear).

If, for some reason, the dose was missed, the next time you do not need to take a double dosage. You need to act as indicated in the instructions for each specific drug. Only compliance with the rules for taking hormonal drugs can ensure successful treatment.

Recommendations for taking hormonal drugs can only be given by a doctor, but not medical articles or recommendations from friends. If you start taking hormonal drugs on your own, they can do more harm to the body than good, and the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

If a woman decides to use hormonal contraceptives to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy, it is imperative to consult a gynecologist. It is important to know that there are a number of contraindications to the use of hormonal contraceptives, namely:

  • vascular diseases;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus in a complex form;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • liver failure in severe form;
  • acute viral hepatitis.

You also need to take into account the fact that the appointment of a drug with the desired concentration of female sex hormones depends on the age of the woman, the presence of bad habits, the presence of concomitant diseases, whether or not pregnancy is planned in the future.

The selection of drugs with hormones for the treatment of the thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands must be selected by an endocrinologist. After the appointment, you must strictly follow the instructions of the doctor.

It can be concluded that the use of hormonal agents properly selected by the doctor will be effective and safe. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a doctor, because what suits one woman, another can cause irreparable harm. Preparations containing female hormones will still benefit if properly administered.

Our life is filled with hormones of happiness, pleasure, stress, fear. It is they who evoke these emotions. Hormones help us in various situations and rule our body in the most direct sense. For a long time, people have learned to use them in medicine for various pathologies and reduced activity of the endocrine glands. Only many are wary of taking such funds. Let's understand what hormonal drugs are and what they are used for.

Hormonal drugs- medicines containing hormones or their artificial substitutes. They may include:

  • natural hormones that are secreted from the endocrine glands of slaughtered cattle, blood and urine of animals and humans;
  • artificial hormonal agents and their derivatives;
  • chemical analogues of hormones, differing in their structure from natural hormones, but endowed with similar properties.

Hormone therapy is needed for:

  • prevention of unwanted pregnancy;
  • women during menopause;
  • treatment of inflammatory and allergic diseases;
  • treatment of hormonal deficiency and cancer;

There are a lot of hormonal preparations in the world. Consider hormonal contraceptives and women's health, which are widely used in gynecology. A full list of titles and prices can be seen at the end of the article.

Hormonal contraceptives are:

  • combined (estrogen-gestagenic);
  • non-combined (mini-drank);
  • emergency drugs.

Combined oral contraceptives

This group of drugs is used in gynecology to prevent unwanted pregnancy and treat a number of hormonal problems, it contains 2 types of hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Often seen as an abbreviation for COC. The effectiveness of protection is determined by the Pearl index - the lower the number, the more reliable the method. The index is less than 1.

The benefits are determined by high efficacy, excellent tolerability, rapid reversibility (pregnancy can occur in the first cycle after discontinuation of the drug) and additional non-contraceptive properties.

Depending on the dose of hormones, they are divided into: monophasic and multiphasic.

Monophasic oral contraceptives

The concentration of hormones in tablets does not change during the entire time of admission. The contraceptive effect is associated with ethinylestradiol, the dosage of which is selected purposefully to suppress ovulation.

It is important to remember that these drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor! Self-medication can lead to hormonal failure and other unpleasant consequences.

  • Jess (Dimia)

These popular hormonal pills for women contain drospirenone, which stops weight gain and edema, relieves PMS symptoms, hormonal breast engorgement, headache and muscle pain. It also helps to reduce the symptoms of acne, oily skin and hair. Dimia is an analogue of Jess, only it costs an order of magnitude cheaper.

  • Belara

The hormonal drug has a positive effect on the restoration of the cycle, reducing the severity of PMS, the incidence of anemia, pain during menstruation, cysts and malignant ovarian tumors. It has a direct effect on the condition of the skin, so it is often prescribed to girls to improve it.

  • Lindinet 20 (Logest)

When taken systematically, they have a therapeutic effect, normalizing the hormonal state and preventing the development of a number of diseases in gynecology, including reducing the risk of neoplasms.

  • Novinet (Mersilon)

Excellent hormones. They have additional positive effects: menstruation becomes poorer and less painful, the occurrence of anemia is reduced, diseases of the uterus, ovaries, and mammary glands develop less often, have a beneficial effect on the skin, remove acne and acne. Usually assigned to young girls.

Contraceptive packages may contain a different number of tablets. It depends on the reception scheme. They are of two types: 21+7 and 24+4. There is no fundamental difference.

First scheme: Active pills are taken for 21 days without a break, then a 7-day rest is made, during which withdrawal bleeding begins, then a new pack begins.

The second scheme is a set of 24 active tablets and 4 inactive pacifiers, which you can not take, they are needed for convenience, so as not to forget when the next pack should start. Although sometimes "dummies" are not dummies at all. In some drugs Yarina Plus and Jess Plus) inactive tablets contain levomefolate - the active form of folic acid, in this form it is better absorbed by the body. This is done to reduce the risk of developing neural tube defects in the fetus if a woman wants to become pregnant immediately after stopping the drug.

Multiphasic oral contraceptives

Due to the phase of the monthly cycle, the dosage of hormones in tablets changes, this ensures natural changes in the hormonal background and reduces the risk of side effects. The packages of contraceptives in this group contain 2-3 types of tablets. The dose of estrogen responsible for the contraceptive effect is maximum in each tablet, and the level of progestogen increases gradually, creating a limit by the 3rd phase of the cycle.

  • The brightest and most modern representative − claira.

In addition to the contraceptive effect, it helps to reduce the abundance and duration of menstruation, reduces the manifestations of PMS symptoms, and also relieves pain during critical days. Taking contraceptives with small dosages of hormones helps to reduce the possibility of developing a number of gynecological diseases, and also reduces the manifestations of hypertrichosis - excessive hair growth. These hormonal pills for women are considered the most physiological.

Non-combined OK

The second name of the group is "mini-drank". They contain a small dosage of the hormone progestin and are a substitute for COCs. They differ from them in their composition - they include an artificial analogue of progesterone. The content of hormones is lower than in other preparations. They do not suppress the process of ovulation.

The contraceptive effect is based on a change in the properties of the mucus lining the cervix. Due to the increase in viscosity, it becomes a barrier to the movement of the sperm to the egg. The rate of contraction of the walls of the fallopian tubes slows down, due to which the egg cannot enter the uterus. If the sperm nevertheless reaches the target, then the 2nd protective mechanism is activated: a hormonal change in the mucous membrane of the walls of the uterus does not allow the fertilized egg to attach.

The effectiveness of these funds is 95%

The main advantage of this group of hormonal pills is that the natural menstrual cycle and menstrual bleeding are preserved.

A significant drawback is that the tablets cannot be skipped. If in the case of COCs, the gap can be more than 12 hours and nothing terrible will happen, then here this interval is only 3 hours, after which hormone therapy is disrupted, i.e. contraceptive effect is reduced.

  • Charozetta (Laktinet, Modell mam).

They are best suited for use during lactation as they do not affect the production and taste of milk, as well as girls who are prohibited . The contraceptive effect of the drug is achieved by increasing the viscosity of the mucus that covers the cervix, which is an obstacle to the passage of sperm to the target.

  • Exluton

Like other OKs in this group, the use is preferable when breastfeeding, contraindications to COCs. The contraceptive effect is associated with an increase in the viscosity of the mucus, which prevents the movement of spermatozoa, violations of the contractions of the walls of the fallopian tubes (this change is reversible after discontinuation of the drug).

Emergency Medicines

Emergency (postcoital) contraception is carried out after unprotected intercourse, or if the methods of protection failed, within 1-3 days to stop an unwanted pregnancy. It is important to know that these should be used as infrequently as possible. can cause irreversible damage to the body.

  • Escapelle (postinor)

They inhibit ovulation, which stops the fertilization process. Prevent implantation, ie. penetration and fixation of the embryo in the wall of the uterus. Will not work if the implementation has already taken place. Reception should be started as early as possible (no later than 72 hours) after unprotected sex. The longer the time interval between an unprotected act and taking the drug, the higher the likelihood of pregnancy. Used at any time during the cycle.

  • Jenale

It slows down ovulation and prevents the attachment of a fertilized egg. It is used 2 hours before or 2 hours after a meal (within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse), regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Note! These hormonal pills for women should not be taken with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (painkillers, antipyretics, such as ibuprofen) for a week after taking the drug.

What is a hormonal imbalance?

Hormonal disbalance- this is a discrepancy in the ratio of estrogens and progesterone - the main assistants in the activity of the reproductive system. The work of the whole organism is connected with the hormonal status.

Failure factors:

  • dysfunction of the endocrine glands. This can occur both as a result of a disease and as a result of developmental anomalies;
  • incorrect production of hormones can be both congenital and acquired problem;
  • increased nervous excitability and prolonged stress;
  • uncontrolled use of postcoital contraception drugs provokes a sharp shift in hormones, after which the body can come back in order for years;
  • independent use of hormonal drugs;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion);
  • age-related physiological deviations. Puberty and menopause are 2 periods in a woman's life when a radical reboot of the endocrine system occurs.

Menopause is a predictable hormonal failure caused by an inevitable reduction in the work of the ovaries.

Menopause and menopause

Menopause refers to the long-term effect of the gradual withering of the female reproductive system.

The menopause period is divided into 3 phases: premenopause, menopause, postmenopause. Key hormonal surges are observed in premenopause. This phase combines the time when menstruation becomes arbitrary, ends altogether, and 2 years after that. Premenopause lasts approximately 4 years. If during the year there were no spontaneous periods, we can say that the last menstrual bleeding is menopause. It occurs between 40 and 50 years of age. The time of its onset in most cases depends on genetic characteristics.

tides- the most common nuisance that is caused by hormonal changes. During the "attacks" a woman may experience a feeling of heat, most often in the face. Reducing hot flashes during menopause will help reduce the diet of meat and protein foods, it is advisable to eat more vegetables and fruits. Other symptoms include depression, migraine headaches.

Involuntary urination also develops, unpleasant sensations appear during intercourse, and the likelihood of cystitis increases. These manifestations are associated with a decrease in the level of estrogen in the blood. Brittle nails, hair loss and coarsening of the skin are characteristic manifestations of a lack of estrogen.

Bigger problems may arise:

  • osteoporosis (increased bone fragility);
  • atherosclerosis (deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels);
  • diabetes.

To prevent all these problems, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is used. Its purpose is to compensate for the lost function of the ovaries and prolong youth. But not all women are shown it. Contraindications are quite serious:

  • thrombi of deep veins of the lower extremities;
  • intrauterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • oncological diseases;
  • liver pathology.

However, hormone therapy is not as scary as it seems. There are special hormonal 40s.

Hormonal pills for women that are used during menopause may contain:

  • estrogen;
  • a combination of estrogen with progesterone;
  • combination of estrogen, progesterone and androgen.

List of hormonal drugs for women over 40

  • Angelique

Contains both types of hormones (estrogen and progestogen), the levels of which fall during menopause. There is a replacement of hormones that are no longer produced by the ovaries.

Estradiol prevents or alleviates hot flashes, excessive sweating, sleep disturbances, depressive states, increased nervousness, dizziness and migraine headaches, as well as urinary incontinence, dryness, itching, burning sensation in the vagina, discomfort during intercourse. The inclusion of a progestogen (drospirenone) in the preparation reduces the risk of developing uterine cancer.

The drug reduces bone loss, the so-called postmenopausal osteoporosis. Drospirenone regulates the excretion of fluid and sodium ions, which reduces blood pressure numbers, weight, breast pain and other symptoms associated with tissue swelling.

  • Ladybone

Inhibits the destruction of bone mass in the postmenopausal period, smoothes symptoms such as hot flashes, increased sweating, headache. Raises libido and mood. It has a tonic effect on the vaginal mucosa, while not causing the growth of endometrial tissues (which can lead to neoplasms).

  • Cyclo-Proginova

Contains a special salt of estradiol, which in the body is converted into its own hormone. Also included in the composition is norgestrel, a derivative of progesterone. Its use for 10 days of a monthly cycle stops the excessive growth of the endometrial mucosa and stops the development of uterine cancer. Used in perimenopausal women to treat spontaneous uterine bleeding.

Estradiol compensates for the lack of estrogen in the body during the approach of menopause and creates a favorable course of therapy:

  • eliminates hot flashes;
  • excessive sweating;
  • insomnia;
  • increased nervousness and causeless irritability;
  • pain in the sternum;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine pain;
  • weakening the desire for intimacy;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • involuntary leakage of urine;
  • dryness and itching in the vagina;
  • pain during sex;
  • reduces bone wasting.

Hormonal preparations for women after 40 years of age can be taken at any time. It is important to exclude pregnancy!

Table of hormonal drugs with active ingredients and prices

The table shows the list and prices of the popular hormonal drugs that were mentioned above. It is worth noting that the mark-up for drugs in each region is different, so the cost may vary. You should be aware that all preparations containing hormones are prescription drugs.

After a slash (\) the prices of small and large packages are written.

Trade name Active ingredients and dosages price, rub.
Jess ethinylestradiol 0.02 mg; drospirenone 3 mg 1200
Belara ethinylestradiol 0.03 mg; chlormadinone 2 mg 750 \ 1900
Lindinet 20 ethinylestradiol - 0.02 mg; gestodene - 0.075 mg 500 \ 1100
Novinet ethinylestradiol - 0.02 mg, desogestrel - 0.15 mg 450 \ 1200
Midian ethinylestradiol 0.03 mg; drospirenone 3 mg, 700 \ 1900
Dimia ethinylestradiol 0.02 mg

drospirenone 3 mg,

750 \ 1800
Logest ethinylestradiol 0.02 mg; gestodene 0.075 mg 850 \ 1900
Mercilon ethinylestradiol 0.02 mg;

desogestrel 0.15 mg

claira estradiol; dienogest (the amount varies depending on the type of tablet) 1200 \ 2950
Escapelle levonorgestrel 1.5 mg 500
Jenale mifepristone 10mg 380
Postinor levonorgestrel 0.75 mg 400
Charosetta desogestrel 0.75 mg 1500 \ 3550
Lactinet®-Richter desogestrel 0.75 mg 800
Modell mom desogestrel 0.75 mg 800 \ 1700
Exluton linestrenol 0.5 mg 3 200
Angelique estradiol 1.0 mg; drospirenone 2 mg 1450
Ladybone tibolone 2.5 mg 900 \ 2400
Cyclo-progynova white dragee contains 2.0 mg of estradiol;
light brown dragee contains 2.0 mg of estradiol and 0.5 mg of norgestrel.

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